The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-02-22, Page 12An other UC unit
names Officers.
Monday evehing Unit 7 of
James Si, CC'W :elected Mrs.
Andrew Hamilton,. secretary:
Mrs. Arnold Lindenfield, treas-
urer; social functions,
more McBride; eosin tint
friendship, Mrs. Gerald God -
belt; pianist, Mrs. .Robert Alc
Donald and press, Mrs. George
Mrs. Ralph Batten is leader,
of the group and led in .the
Bible study .on the Chttren of
It VAS decided to form
groups ,with each group being
responsible for two meetings
of the year.
Names officers
in guild euchre
In spite of he inclement
weather Thursday evening 12
tables were in play at the in-
vitation Valentine Deasvrt
Euchre sponsored by the La-
dies child of Trivial, Memorial
Prize winners were: ladies'
high, Mrs. Gordon Smith;
lone hands, Mrs. Archie Ryck-
Mani eellSOlAtion, Mrs. V,
StrAtter and birthday nearest
Valentine Day, Mrs, Gerald
we nn.
Aliae Cornelia Verkerls„ Crests
Rona Miss Verne 'StihWartZen.
truber. RR 2 hunch, and Miss
Jane Syrier, Mt 1 Kirkton, of
.a group of 27 young Wanton.
who entered Stratford General.
Hospital School of Nursing last
fall, received their caps Friday
POD 'IVE17.501.1
1 pkg lemon pie fill
3 4 cup whipping cream Letter from.
Make up lemon fill. Cool,
Add whipped cream and stir
'till smooth. Fill the same as
with strawberry fill.
Chocolate filling
(Mrs, H. L. Sturgis)
3 4 cup butler
1 cup sifted icing sugar
eggs separated
4 oz. unsweetened choco-
1 tp vanilla
Cream butter. add sugar
gradually. Add egg yolks one
at a time stirring lightly: add
melted chocolate and vanilla.
Fold in egg whites. Chill and
fill same as above fillings.
The story in
V'A. plan euchre
The Ineetm; of the was
held al the home of Airs. Har-
ry Carroll with 10 members and
three visitors present, Airs.
Tom Kooy acted as president.
Wein reunion
The \Vein family get-together
met at the home of Air, Lloyd
Wein on Saturday evening,
February 17. The evening was
spent playing euchre.
Those present. were Mr, and
airs. Roy Goulding, aiarylin
and friend of London, airs.
\Ves Wein and Cameron, Mr.
and Mrs. Calvin Wein and fam-
ily and Air, Lawrence \Vein of
Exeter, Mr. and Airs. S. S.
Wuerth, Kenny and Peter
air, and airs. Emerson \Vein
and family, Mr, and Mrs. Aa-
ron Wein and Air, and Mrs. Wil-
mer Wein and Barbara of town
after which a feed of oysters
was enjoyed.
Creditors Cut-outs
The first meeting of the Cre-
ditors 4-11 Homemaking Club
for the project Separates for
Summer as held in the Com-
munity Centre with 11 mem-
bers present.
It was detided to name the
club "'Pile Crediton Cut-outs."
Correct styles and materials
to be used was discussed.
The next meeting will be
held, Saturday. Feb. 24 at the
Club leeders are Airs. Lorne
Mrs. Jack Dickens read the Hodge and Mrs. Alfred Smith.
Scripture Airs. Tom Kooy :President elected was Joan-
gave the stud' hook. A St, Pa- ne Martine, vice- president,
trick's dessert euchre was Ruth Hodge; sec etary, Jean
planned for March 1-I. Mystery England; press reporter, Ma•
prize donated by Mrs. Earl rilyn Galloway.
Atkinson was won by Airs.
Charles Weiburg.
Weekend guests with air. and
Mrs. Hilt Johnson and boys
were Mr. and. Mrs. Don Fair-
bairn. Miss Gail Fairbairn
London, and Mr. Arnold Firby:
St. Thomas.
Women all over Ontario in•
eluding this district attended
the ,651.11 .anniversary eclebett•
tips of the Federated Women's
Institutes of Ontario in Toron•
to on Monday.
"When we began to make
Plans for Hale celebration we
thought a wee party .of about.
SOO at the Park Plaza Hotel
would be fine until we hoard
many thongs, directly and Indi-
rectly, that Many would want
to attend and so we changed.
our plans more than once instal
today I welcome some 1400 la-
dies. I'm happy because it
shows you are concerned, and
i are interested n your organi-
zation" said provincial presi-
dent, Mrs. L. Cr. Lymburner as
she welcomed the ladles at a
luncheon at the Queen Elizabeth
building, CNE grounds.
Make living a good job
Quest speaker for the Occasion
was Mrs. Havers Smith of Chap,
poll, Nebraska, vice • president
of the Asseeiated Country Wo-
men of the World (A.CWW) who
many of the FW10 executive
heard at the convention in Van-
couver last year.
In her address airs. Smith
told the WI members that, no-
fetes bride
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Stire
and family spent Sunday at In-
gersoll with Mr. and Airs. Don
Bucknell. Beverly and Larry
Stire remained with their
grandmother, Mrs, Florence
Mr. and Airs. Lorne Genttner
Spell the weekend at Capreol
with the latter's sister and
family, Mr, and Mrs, George
Hair Fashions
Specializing in . . .
Open Ttles,, Wed, and Sat.
Theraday and Friday
9 • 9
Phone 235.2951
lance Weslcott, airs. Andrew Sgt. and Mrs. C. N. Durdin
Dougall, airs. Mervyn Dunn, and family of Camp Borden
Airs, Alvin .aloir. Airs, Arthur and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Manuel
Rundle, Mrs. James Drum- and family of London spent the
mond, Mrs. Stewart Pepper weekend with Mr, and Mrs.
and Airs. J. M, SouthCott, Oluf Petersen and gave them a
very enjoyable surprise birth-
day party, It was Mr, Peder•
Topics from
sen's 80th. birthday. 0th e r
guests present were Mr, and
Mrs, Milton Webb and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Messner,
and Mr. and Airs, Chris Baum-
Personal items
Mr, and airs, Gerald Ran-
rue and Joanne of Toronto arc
holidaying this week with Mr,
and Mrs, Wm, Routly. Mrs.
foully returned home after
visiting t'vo weeks with the
nannies in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Cooper
and Kathy, Mr, and Mrs, Al- Mrs. Emma Dietrich is a Pa-
yin' Cooper visited on Sunday tient in St. Joseph's Hospital,
with Mr. and Mrs, Russell London, with a fractured hip.
Morley and family of Exeter,
The YPU meeting was can-
celled on Sunday evening clue
to the roads and sternly condi-
tions in the weather.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fulton
and Larry spent the weekend
with Mr, and Mrs, Don Bell
and .family of Shakespeare,
Beauty Salon
429 MAIN ST. PH 235.1663
Haircuts • Styling
Perms Treatments
Monday to Saturday, 9-6
Tuesday & Thursday Evenings
Barbara Roth, Operator
Mart triiAr bmkiCs-,
b.5 Mate aim t4,1.0 P,14 Poo.ider P+8,
ntsta,it khk,- Off tow
tAIRY PAR Pritn9 of bANAbA;
makes luscious desserts and toppings,!
Special Savings
for ALL February
Save 210
$1.19 Size for 98c
Reg. $5.26 for $3
Save $1.49
90 Tablets for
ASA, 5•Grain Aspirin
Special 49c
Pine and Floral
Reg. $1,25 for 89c
SELTZER 2 f r 89c Save 290
Save 130
510 Pkgs. 2 for 890
Both for
BOTTLE 99c Reg. $1,25 for
SHAVE 75c Reg. 890 for .
New Carefree 45c Reg, 510 for
Tubes 99c
Giant 10•oz.
Moth Proofer
Hearing Aid Batteries
Pi 0 T ICE
Due to the fine response our sale has received
we are
Until the end of February
Get the finest dry cleaning at, 'bargain prices.
Use your window card or see ow' nearest agent.
Grand Bend Cleaners 1
We're Back('
The Latest
EXETER . 235.2992
stir. and airs, Oliver Baker
and Elton were guests at the
home of her father, Air. Herb
Beer of Munro when three
members of his family cele•
brated their birthday Saturday
Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Docking
of Dublin visited with Mr. and
Mrs, Oliver Baker Monday of
last week,
Guests with Mr, and Mrs.
Nelson. Baker on Thursday eve-
mng were Rev, and Mrs. J.
Wareham, air. and Mrs. Fred
Doupe and Mr. Chas. Brine,
Caren. society
At the request of the corn.
mother rceeived guests in a mittee $8.00 of the proceeds
was donated to the Heart Fund,
Committee for next month is
Mr. and airs. William Spence
and Mr. and Mrs. Auetin
Mr, and Mrs. Calvin Lucas
of St. ,Marys were guests with
Mr. and Mrs. David Holland.
The stork, who has a very
reside in busy schedule, look time off 10
deliver a baby girl, Janet .Dor•
een, on Thursday, Feb. 15 to
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkinson—
a sister for Brenda and Marg-
aliee Heather Danis spent Personal items
the weekend at the home of
her grandparents, Mr. and
Aire McFalls.
chopped Sue Ann and Paul Squire of
Whalen were weekend guests
Milt their aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs., Jack Dickies, re-
Drain beans and add to to. turned home on Sunday eve'
matoes. Cut bacon in small 'ling and the Dickies were
pieces and fry 'till crisp. Re- guests with. Alta and Mrs,
move and stir flour, butter taratt-en Squire.
into bacon fat.. Add milk and Jeffrey Young, Lucan, and
excess tomato juice to make 1 Michael Davis spent a toy
cup, Cook 'till t h i c k a it d days with their grandiathee,
smooth, Mr. Heber Davis. Michael was
Muriel end Wesley Abbott The dessert was an gel eak s.
spell the weekend wilh Mr. London and Air, Berton Chain , with a choice of three fillings: and -s irs. Ronald carroli. hers Of. Terento visited o n strawberry, lemon and choco- „ ' , y r I ant,. Squire, 0 Thursday with Me. and Aire,
late, with the ehole iced with "r' and 'rs' ' '''''*-'Lorne Presztator and family, whipped cream and dotted Grantor), were Thuredayguests
with red cherry pi, cinnamon wills Mr. and airs. Jackfie- Mt. Ross .Wein Of his
kills. spent the weekend with ni8 Ni- bmtg.
Airs, cart Greenlee and Miss rents. Air, and alt's. E. Wein ,,, Strawberry filling Annie Zubal were guests Sun- and family. .,
(Mrs, It C. Diaineal day evening with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. :Ferd liArbeett
1 ettp SWeeteded straw- Mrs. Don u I e h, due to or Zurich spent Sunday with
berries, fresh or I IO. blocked roads, Earl Greeniec Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Geiser,
or.. pkg. friezen straw- and Frank ZubaI walked home. s' — " " - - . ---- "''''
berries. Boyd of Management meet- attended the reception held at
1/2 'cup hot water ing will be held Friday, 1 obi the home of Mt, and Mrs,, I, pkg atrawberry 'MI6 amii y 23, at the home of Mr, Charles Cron yn, ClatidebtiM 1 ctn.) heavy cream and Mrs. Tom Kooy al 4:00' in honor of Mr. AM Alta. Pat
Thaw strawberries lo rootri p.m. Cronyn, follownt their' .wodoingo.
temperature, Add hot water CO Mr, .and Mrs, Ilitgh Davis Saturday,
Visitors on Sunday with Airs.
Margaret Clark were Mr.. and
M rs, Roy Clark and .family of
Zurich,. Mr. and airs, Bruce
Hutchinson and aBreeda of Park-
hill, Mr, and Airs. Joe McCann
of Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs.
Don Disney and • family of
Rev. A, Al. Schlenker is this
week attending the Minister's
Institute of the KGB ehurch
eonference at Hemitton Linden
Peek Church..
Mrs, Arnold f
London spent a few days with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. 'Ed
Beaver last week.
Mr, and Mesa Ilobt Whorls
And Cathy of Hanover . visited
over the weekend with Mr's,
Ezra PAiSt and Nola.
Airs, Margeurite. Chambers nl
Page 12
The Time§,A0veeate, February 2.2, 11,62
.inre4 ore',
Kirkton ceremony
with matching lace jacket and
carried a cascade of mums in
matching shAde„Margaret. Earl
was nuitor bridesmaid for her
sister wearing blue organza
Earl, daughter of Mr, and over taffeta with matching lace
Aire. Stanley Earl. Kirkton, jacket and her flower's were
and Stanley Ross Francis, arm matching mums.
of Air. and Mrs. Ross Francis. Gerald Francis was best man
RR 1 Kirkton, for his brother and ushers were
Rev, T. Elliott offitealed at Torn Earl, brother of the bride,
the ceremony and Aire. Fred and Ken Clarke, Kirkton.
Switaer furnished the wedding A reception was held in the
Mtrsie, clurreh rooms where the bride's
Given in marriage by her fa ,
ther the bride wore a gown of
Chantilly Inc. styled with hell-
,shaped skirt trimmed with sa•
tin bows, scooped neckline and
three • quarter sleeves, Her
short veil of double illusion
was held by a matching head-
dress and she carried pink ro-
Joan Francis. sister of the
groom w as bridesmaid dressed The couple will
m pink organza over taffeta. Kirkton.
By MRS, J. M. S.
On the evening of Valentine
Day members of the hospital
Auxiliary entertained the staff
of South Huron Hospital to a
buffet supper and entertain-
The casseroles. salads and
the desserts were lovely to
look at, lovelier to eat and
the secrets for making sonic
of them have been given us to
pass on ,to you.
Beet Salad
(Mrs. Ken MeLaughimi
A sparkling red salad car-
ried out the color scheme for
Valentine Day.
1 pkg lemon jello
1 cup boiling water
24 cup beet juice
:3 tbl vinegar
tbl horse radish
tp salt
2 tp onion juice or grated
3;4 cup celery diced,
1 cup beets diced
Dissolve jelly powder in hot
water. Add beet juice. vinegar
horse radish, eat', and onion
Juice. Chill and when slightly
thickened add celery and
beets. Let set in mold.
Fruit Salad
A fruit. salad by airs. A. 0.
Elliott also carried out the red
color scheme.
1 economy Si1.0 jell;
2 cups loot water
Juice from truit with
enough cold water to
make 1 le cups
I 28,oz tin fruit cocktail
Drain. the fruit well.
:Dissolve jelly powder in 2
cups hot water. To the fruit
juice add enough water to
make 1-1.3 cups and add to
jelly. Chill. When slightly
thickened add fruit cocktail.
Put in mold and chill 'till set.
Toinato and Bean Casserole
It is a little more difficult
to achieve the red color in Os-
eeroles but Airs. Ernest Cur-
son tried in her tomato and
bean dish.
2 li2 cups canned green
beans or fresh beans
2 1, 2 cups canned tomatoes
4 strips bacon
4 thl flour
t tbl butter
1 cup milk
2 Ile finely
2 tp sugar
Salt anu pepper to taste
studies Guiana
ed.13ri tit shlei Gs study .onoiL y
outh of
Mrs. C. a. Ersman conduct-
of Cavell \VMS held at the
home of Mrs, J. 0, Cochrane
Thursday afternoon
,er before have Christian She told of the „r;„„oin„ „d
women faced such respOnsibili, family "'"v" """
fftioaelisthlio-ef rIC'ehSoeFtli,Sgoie:,iciflal'Il/:th‘Frrtshi,t4y.„t,R14111$1, their ee'age:froiees'aisiceheto'r711141;41(i7PI:OQYib)elleil't'
is not the problem today crowded classrooms.
Mrs. Fmk Whitsmith and if Russia should drop froni the Mrs.Mrs. Alvin Moir conducted the picture we would still liarc our greatest enemy -- ourselves., devotional and Mrs. A. Willard
sNuervseirk.,c tibeavietkr ru \lk ti clly any frialcl'ioili:acti"witit a piano instru-
Plans were made for the said the speaker.
"All of us need to do the best World Day of Prayer to be job we can of living today ,' she held in Cam church on Fri•
tcoonlition li ctei d ftlasiitd itiorget'clhethespl‘r•Oitril clay, March 9.
neighborliness that she said
Characterized the development
of Canada and the United Sta- This week in
change the world for us. Pen- Dash wood tes -There are no supermen to
pie like you and me must do
what has to he done" Mrs.
RVIN RADEta, Smith said. M::12
Cut birthday
Nu icaka
after Zion Lutheran Ladies' Aid
noon's program was the cutting of t h e anniversary o lio wh i ch The meeting of Zion Luthe-
ran Ladies' Aid was held wed• centered the head table, by
Saudi. At each
inmee r \saaisIda n4oscir 4Y atteeill?dnaillI cge "cil tube veti?e'
Hon of cake tied in Inetittee storm. Mrs, Mi 4Ord
colors — the goodwill gesture of Presidents was In charge.
The Aid is busy quilting eve- the Department of Agriculture,
t 11;i:ot\igiehdtriensidab.);; Ninee"M bt Cars t
Thhee expenses"ojfi t 11%1 s °g u easbts ostisbeead.
ker. on display. One new member
Bringing the greetings of .joined,
Mrs. Merner read, "The re-
r i ni e Minister Diefenbaker
and the Ontario Government ripe for a good club," Due to
was lion. C. S. MacNaughton, the pastor's illness there was no
topic. Mrs, Elwin. Rader eon. minister without portfolio rep- resenting Agriculture Minister ln ducted a d Bible quiz. Lynda Ra-
tion. W. A. Stewart, who was der favored with piano setae-
ROBERT RUNDLE. unable to he present,
WOODIIAAI again wilt I take the Women Mrs. Albert Miller, .convener
Miss Margaret Knight, a Institutes for granted since 1 of the group in charge con•
bride elect of February 24 was realize what they have accost.- dueled closing devotions,
guest of honor at a ieiiseella• pushed in the last 65 years" Euchre and box social
neous shower when the coot said air. alacNaughton. The volunteer firemen of •
munity ent e r t a i n e d in the Review WI history Dashwood held a successful
church basement on Tuesday Airs. Lymburner briefly re- euchre and box social in Lorne
viewed the history of the Wo- Kleinstiver's new workshop Fri- evening•
Margaret was escorted to a men's Institutes from its small day evening.
decorated chair and presented beginning at Stony Creek on, Winners in euchre were Mrs. .
with a corsage. February 19, 1897 till today the Eisen Weigand and J1 owar
Entertaining on th e program present membership is more Klumpp; consolation winners
were Airs. Glenn Copeland, than 6,500,000 members in 26 were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Duch.
voca l so l o accom p an ied by countries. Three of the charter acme, Alvin Wolper auctioned
Jean Copeland; piano solo by members at Stoney Creek were off the boxes. Marion Thomson; Danny and unable to attend because of A hearty vote of thanks was
-Weather conditions, given Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Debra Jaques favored with a
Kleinstiver for the use of the tap dancing number; readings Many greeting and emigre- building by fire chief James by Gwen Lawson and Doris tulatory messages were re-
Mills, Janice Webb conducted ceived from the Queen and ilaYter.
several contests, prizes going from sister orga ciao flocs Personal items
to Elizabeth Thacker, Clarion around the world. A colorful. AU-. and. Mrs. Lloyd Ilowe —of
Thomson, El sie wi ttevcen , Ma- pageant presented in costume London spent the weekend with
the progress rn
and m rs. Ervin Rader and Hon Chatten and Geneva Run- depicted M I , of Wo-
en's Institutes in each prov- family..?d die. r. and Mrs, Fred Mil-
An address was 'cad by rice across the Dominion, ler and Miss Elsie Miller of
Joanne Webb and gifts were Showing the spirit of their pio- Zion were Sunday visitors.
brought in by Joanne Webb, neer ancestors the women
province braved the ri v e ladies from Dashwood
travellingt}le weather of the Car olin° across Barbara Chatten,WI attended a social evening
Herm Gwen Lawson, Doris of Hensel). WI on Feb. 14. They
At winter as bus load after bus presented 11 s, Margaret graciously presented a playlet.
thanked the ladies, load and car after ear brought
them to the Queen Elizabeth Funeral services for Mrs,
building for this his torical Emma Haugh were held Thurs.
The Black Knight Lodge event. A bus left Exeter and day, Feb. 15. Pall bearers were
held a euchre in the hall Fri- picked up ladies at Kippen, Ross, Lorne, and Robert Haugh,
day evening when Len tables .Brucefield, Seaforth and Strat- Don and Jack Geiser and Alike
were in play, ford who had reached these Burke. Rev, Merrill James was
Prizes went to; ladies high, centres from outlying points. assisted by Rev. W. J. Gets of
Airs, Junior Doupe; lone hands, Attending from South Huron Kitchener,
Airs. AL Powell; men's high, District were president Mrs. Sunday visitors with Air,B nd
Allen Berry; lone hands, Law- if. H. Strang, district secre- Mee. Lloyd Rader and family
renee Beckett; door prize, Mrs, tary Mrs. Garnet Hicks, Hu. were Mr. and Airs. Wendell
George Davis; low score, Airs. rondale president Mrs. 'Harry Gamble and family of London,
Dobbs, Dougall, Elimville president L. J. .Rader, and Miss Mari-
airs, Harold Taylor. airs, Roy- lyn Desjardine.
James St No.3
names officers
At the first meeting of thitt
3 of James St. 'GM on Thurs-
day afternoon officers were
elected with the leader. Mrs.
T. C. Coates, in the chair.
Elected secretary was Mrs.
Allan Richards; assistant, Airs.
Roes Taylor; treasurer, Mrs.
It. C. Rivers; Program con'
vener. :fits. Earl Shaplon;
visitatiOn. Airs, Arthur Iteedle:
social, Miss Verna Coates;
press, Aire, Herman Mitchell,
Jible study on the first
church was taken by Mrs.
Rundle and the devotional by
Airs . E. Stone and Mrs. Valeria
Party aids
heart fund
The Baee Line school party
for February was held in the
school Friday evening. Mr. and
Airs. Nelson Baker, Miss Nor.
een \Valkom and Mr. Howard
Rion were in charge of the eve-
ning entertainment.
Ten tables of euchre were in.
play. The prize winners for
the evening were; Ladies' high
score, Mrs. Harold O'Brien;
high for men, Mr. Tom. Cow-
ard; lone heeds, ladies, Mrs,
Jack Thompson; men, Mr.
George Wilson; consolations,
ladies, Airs. Duncan McNaugh-
ton: men, Jose Elston, Lunch
was served by the hostesses
and an enjoyable eventing spent.
A candlelight ceremune rn
Kirklon United Church on Fri-
day, February it at 8 o'clock
united in marriage Joan Marie
navy silk shantung sheath with
pink accessories and pink rose
corsage, The groom's mother
assisted in blue embossed lei,
feta with white accesories and
corsage of pink roses.
For travelling in the
the bride wore a brown
with green top coal and
ing accessories.
m a tell ,
jello and stir to dissolve. (heat
if necessary). Add strawber-
ries and 1 aup heavy cream,
Chill till partially set, Beat
over ice water 5 to 7 minutes
till mixture holds shape. Cut
angel cake in three layers.
spread mixture between ]ay-
es and chill 4 to 6 hours.
Frost top and sides with whip-
ped cream.
Lemon filling
Add onion, sugar and seas- ‘.ve,,elterld guest with MY. and
ening. Put buttered baking Aids Barr} Carroll and WaYnc.
dish. Top with buttered bread Mrs, Clarence Davis has re-
crumbs, Bake for 30 minutes turned homy (Nen hospital,
at 375 degrees in riven, This Airs. Heber Death is expected
serves 8 to 10 people, home, probably before the pa-
Deteera per is published.
10 marks
5th birthday
Sunday guests
Air. and Mrs. Lloyd. Jaques
and family with Air, and Mrs,
Dewey Mills and family of
Prospect Hill.
Mrs, L. Copeland and alur•
ray with Mr, and Mrs, Murray
May and family of Byron,
Air. and Airs. Phil Brine
and. Nancy of St, Marys with
Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Brine.
and Mrs. John Selves of
Thames Road with. Mrs, al.
Air, and Mee. Fred Switzer,
Third line and Miss Joan Swit-
zer of London with Mrs. Al.
Copeland and Jean,
air, Don Brine and Miss
Crace Doupe with Air, and
Mrs, Ross Robinson.
Mr, and Mrs. George Blanch•
ford, Ali, and Airs. Roy Brock
of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm,
gladder of Kirkton with Air,
and Mrs. Lloyd Smith and lam.
Rev, and Mrs, J. Wareham
and Derek with Mr. and Mrs,
Jeff. Robinson of Rannock.
Mr, Lloyd Fletcher of Kirk•
ton with Mr, and Mrs. John
Witteveen and Sharon on Sun-
Personal items
Mass Sharon McBride of Kip-
pen was a weekend guest with
Miss Ruth Miller,
Miss Betty Hern of St, 'I:ho-
mes spent several days this
pastweek wise her parents
Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Hern,
Caroline and Ralph.
Mr, end Mrs, 0, Hazelwood
and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ha-
zeiWeed and family entertained
to a turkey dinner on Saturday
evening, those who helped at
mink pelting time. Attending
were Jint A1eNaughton,
and Mesa Jack Youngson,
and Mrs, Bill Spence, Mr. and
Mrs,John Rodd, Mr, and -Mrs,
Glenn Copeland, .Mr. and Mea,
'red Brine and Mr, And
George Levy.