HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-02-15, Page 18CHESTERFIELD SUITES
tractive patterned material,
heavy flat fabric, foam
cushions, extra long ches-
terfield and matching arm
chair. Reg. $229.00, Now
only, two-piece Danish mo-
dern chesterfield suite. Will
fit beautifully in any decor.
Regular $159.00 Now only
We have many other fine
quality chesterfield suites
that we are clearing at sac-
rifice prices. Come in to
see them, price them. You'll
find one that will suit your
horrid and your pocketbook,
were popular Christmas
items. They were good value
at the regular price of
$20.50. We're anxious to
clean out the few that are
left. The price now is only
Prices on our complete se-
lection have been knocked
down. Good choice of flat
fabrics arid nylon covers.
As low as $38.00.
only, Colonial 7-piece Din-
ette Suite, with attractive
hutch and comfortable cap-
tain's chairs. Save $40,00
on this item alone! Reg.
$2$9.00. Now Only $199.00.
— Here's exceptional econ-
omy. You'll be surprised at
the quality, 30-inch table.
Complete suite selling for
$40,00, Reg. $57,95 Value
Greenway group.
to compile history
Mrs. Ken Keller was guest
speaker at the international
meeting of the Dashwood WI
choosing for her subject, Com-
munism. The Citizenship and
Education group was in charge
with Mrs. Carl Oestreicher
e vener and Mrs. Ervin
Schade chairlady,
How can I help my child to
be a good citizen? was ans-
wered with very adept ans-
wers, Mrs. Ervin Devine dis-
cussed the motto, "Doing good
is the only certain happy action
of a man's life", Mrs. Letta
Taylor gave a reading and Mar-
garet Merner a piano solo. A
display of United Nations Flags
was educational.
Mrs. Leonard Schenk, presi-
dent was in charge of the busi-
ness, It was decided to carry
on the hobo teas for February
and rules were given for, the
telephone euchre. Mrs, Chas,
Snell, Mrs. Sid Baker, and
Mrs. Addison Tiernan were ap-
pointed a committee in charge
of the men's club supper, An
wood, was second, speaking on invitation from Crediton WI
"Nursing as a Career", while was accepted for March 21.
Carolynn Simmons, Exeter, re- One new member joined.
ceived honorable mention for Personal items her talk on the Dominican Re-
public.. Mr. Robert Hoperoft of Wet.
Other speakers included: land spent Thursday with his
Cathy Smith, Margaret Skip-
per, Bob Bennett and Donald tion were Mrs, J, W, Corbett,
WLite, Mrs. Gerald Godbolt and Rev,
The judges for the competi- A. G. Van Eek.
won the divisions in the grade
10 public speaking .contest held
ing on vastly different sub ,
at SBDHS, .1/ ednesday, speak-
Two Hui= Park students
Jint 15, choosing
the 'topic -The World's Fier.
cost Ani,aal", surprised his
audience oZ .classinates by out-
lining the life of the common,
but almost unkm,wn shrew, to
win the boys' event.
While most of his audience
were waiting for him to ex-
pound on one of the members.
of the cat f mily found in the
African jungles, the 105 youth
told of the habits of the small
mouse-like creature which is
common throughout Nor t
He stated that the small
animal is -enerally mistaken
for a moose and it is this rea-
son why only about one in 100
Persons has ever seen nne.
The small furry animal will
eat almost anything and con- GRADE 10 WINNER
sumes many times its own ... Kinrade weight in food, and will die if
it has to go without food for
even one day.
He told of two amusing in-
stances to point out its reck-
less rage and lack of fear for
prey many times is own size.
On one occasion, a scientist
was feeding mice to a snake
in a cage, but put a shrew in
by mistake and when he re- By MRS. ERVIN RADER
turned the shrew had eaten
the snake and was running
around the cage looking for
more food.
Another time, a scientist
put a shrew in with a large
rat while he was preparing to
get another cage and when he
returned to take the shrew out
of the cage, found it had de-
voured the rat, leaving no
trace whatever of the larger
Placing second in the boys'
competition was Peter deVries
son. of Rev, and Mrs. deVries,
Exeter, who also placed second
in the junior competition last
year, He spoke on the North-
west Territories.
Another Exeter youth, Don
Westover, received honorable
mention for his speech on
"Juvenile Delinquency".
Sharon Kelly, 16, daughter
of Mr. Norm Kelly, chose a
much better-known figure for
her speech than her male
counterpart and placed first
with her talk on Shakespeare.
Carol Ducharme, RR 1 Dash-
mother, Mrs, Alma Hoperoft.
Mrs, Alma Hoperoft spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
fieperoft and family at Grand
Sunday evening guests with.
Mr. and Mr, Lloyd Rader and
family were Mr. and Mrs. Er-
vin Rader and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Rader and
fain ily.
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Gam-
ble andfamily of London vie,
ited with Mr, L, IL Rader,
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader,
David, Paul, and Sharon spent
Sunday afternoon at Zion with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller.
Mrs. Emilia (Emma) Haugh
Mrs. Emma Haugh, 89, wi-
dow of the late Daniel Haugh,
died at home in Dashwiod, Mon-
day Feb. 12. She was the for-
mer Emilia Kraft of Stephen
Township, Her husband died in
She is survived by one daugh-
ter, Mr. Cora Gaiser, of Dash-
wood; two sons, Arthur of flay
Township, and Milton of Dash-
wood; one sister, Pearl Kraft
of Dashwood; one brother, Sa-
muel, of Eston, Sask., 11 grand,
children and 13 grandchildren.
Services will be conducted
from the T. Harry Hoffman
funeral home Thursday, Feb.
15 at 2:00 p.m. Rev. Merrill
James will officiate, Interment
will be in Dashwood Evangeli-
cal U.B, cemetery,
The meeting of the United
Church Women was held tit
the home of Mrs. Carman
Woodburn with 2S present.
The worship service and pro-
gram was taken by Mrs, Law.
mince Curls and Mrs. Bryden
Taylor. Mrs. Curts .cave the
chapter of the study book,
"The Rural Church and En-
larging Communities," and told
of the trend of depopulation
and mechanization of the rural
areas and the effect it has on
the church.
The president, iMrs. Joe.
ncr, opened the business part
of the meeting with a poem, A.
report of the inaugural Presby-
terial meeting held at Clinton
was given by Mrs. Canned
Mrs. Herbert ilarlion, the
supply secretary, reported that
Greenw.ay's share of the spring
bale to Presbytery includes
five gifts for boys, 1 to 5 years,
also mitts, Christmas paper
and seals.
She also read a letter asking
the ladies to save their used
nylon hose (regardless whether
there is much left of them or
not). The steed for these is
great as the threads are taken
from them and they are made
into saleable tug:ides, thus giv-
ing the ladies of India and
Japan some employment, Mrs.
joseph Eagleson also asked
that used stamps be saved—the
money from these is used in
distributing Bibles.
A committee was formed to
compile the history of the
former Woman's Association
and the Woman's Missionary
Society to be sent to Rev, Cum-
mings of Lambeth, Anyone
having secretary or treasurer
books of these two organiza-
tions is asked to give these
books to the committee.
The World Day of Prayer
service for this community will
be held in the United Church
on Friday, March 9. Three
members visited the birthday
bank, The roil call, "Form
one ,or more sentences using
the letters United Church Wo-
men," proved very amusing.
The March meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs,
Ervine Eggert.
Personal items
Id r, and Mrs. Arthur Bro-
phey visited on Wednesday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Don
McLellan of Exeter and cele-
brated their 45th wedding an-
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc-
Donald visited on Sunday with
Rev, and Mrs. Southcott of Oil
Mrs. Joseph Carruthers is a
patient in St. Joseph's Hospit-
al, London.
Miss 'Muriel Steeper is spend-
ing some time with Mrs. W.
J. Robinson of West McGilli-
Mrs. Eva Laughton of Grand
Bend visited on Sunday with
Mrs. R. L. Sheppard.
Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Brophey
and family of London spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Brophey.
Sirs. John Shank, Parkhill.
spent .a few days last week
with Mr. and Mrs. ,('coil
Smithers and family.
Gordon Brown underwent an
appendix operation .on Satur-
day night in St. Joseph's Hos-
pital, London.
Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Rock were Mr.
and 'Mrs, Philip McGuire and
family of Byron and Mr. and
Mrs, Jim Bloomfield of Strat-
Mr. and Mrs. ,lack Soothcolt
and daughters of Toronto visit-
Teachers laud
first workshop
Ot Saturday, Feb. 10, 40 ele-
mentary teachers from this
area attended a science work-
shop at Exoter Public School.
Guest speaker was F,
Clifford, science master of the
Stratford Teachers' College,
Mr. Clifford spent the morn-
ing giving various lesson dem-
onstrations, In the afternoon,
after a lecture on the various
methods of having the pupils
make records of science les-
sons, the assembly divided into
two groups.
Group one, with Mrs. Jean
Mart' as leader, discussed pri-
mary methods in science and
group two with Ronald Heim-
rich as chairman, discussed
the new course of study for
Grades 7 and 8.
This was the first workshop
of its kind to be held in the
Exeter .area and the attend-
ance indicated a keen interest
in such in-service training to-
wards professional develop-
The workshop was sponsored
by the Exeter Unit of the Fed-
eration of \Ionian Teachers'
Association of Ontario. Corn.
mittee members in charge of
air .egements were Mrs. Don
Mousseau, Pres, of the Exeter
unit, Miss Donalda Adams, Mrs,
Beth Batten and Mrs, R. D.
Sunday And
Evening Service
Open this Sunday, Wed-
nesday afternoon and dur-
ing the evening through-
out the week,
Larry Snider
r,,(1 on Monday with her par-
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
A presentation was held in
the Corbett .Community .Centre
on Friday evening for Mr. and
Airs, Don, McLellan. (nee Karen
Sandra .Woodburn returned to
Gait last week after spending.
A _couple of weeks with Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Smithers. and.
fit hilly,
Several children in This
vicinity have been ill with
PlA AS le§.
"I AM rather tied up today,
but coOld I start work
Mr, Harold ..Lightfoot
has leased the
on Highway 1 and .RCAF Road,
formerly operated by John Hodgins.
Your business will be greatly appreciated.
Hours: 7 .0,m. to 10 p.m.
The tme4,Advo.., te„, .Pehruary,
Txposes' fierc.e shrew
to win speaking contest.
, Sharon Kelly
Communism topic
at Dashwood WI
Our propane gas business has been sold to
Mr, Melvin Sutherland of Strathroy, a wholesaler
of propane gas appliances and equipment.
And Thank You
We wish to thank you for your kind
patronage over the years, It's been a pleasure
to serve you.
Grafton Hotson
Phone 156W Grand Bend
Hopper-Hockey Furniture Sale
Big February Clearance STARTS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, AT 10 p.m. SHARP Don't Miss It!
Furniture Bargains Exciting Enough To Hit The Headlines
4-Seater Chesterfield Suite Now 158 TABLE LAMPS—Save over
50% on some models. Take
Reg, $257.50 your pick for a selected.
Now '189 Cuppleealtg a.0tOle each,
Save a full $35.001, Regular $101.00 Value 36-inch table
5-PieceChromeDinetteSuit Now s66
A matching set and one set only! All 3 for only
Tri-lite and Table lamps Now *2,2
the color you want in a
Space Saver — handsome
artiness chesterfields which
fold out into comfortable
beds; ideal for dens, family
rooms, cottages etc, Light
turquoise, charcoal brown
check, brown pattern, Reg.
$56.00i now only $45.00.
Other values to $15:00 're- " duced to sell quickly.
OW, sin 441 4a>
— We've cut the prices of
more than 35 spring-filled
mattresses, which gives you
a wide selection of out-
standing values. Priced as
low as $19.95.
There's no better value
than our Sauble Queen
mattress, made to our own
specifications by Canada's
finest manufacturer, We
urge you to compare the
quality and value against
any other mattress at any
other price. The Sauble
Queen price? Only $49.50!
Spring-filled mattresses on
sturdy metal folding frames.
Stores in small corner but
provides comfortable bed
for guests. We're clearing
them for the low price of
quality, spring.filled matt.
resses, only $79.00,
BABY FURNITURE Long.wearing, flat beige fabric, foam rubber, narrow arm Reg. $249.00
Our entire selection of
colorful play pens, cribs Bookcase bed, double dresser, mirror, chest, springs and mattress
and high chairs is on sale
Lloyd and. Gendron baby 6-Piece Bedroom Suite carriages and s troller s,
Walnut veneer, double dresser, chest and bed Reg. $235.00
3-Piece Bedroom Suite Now 166
Values as high as $10.95.
You can't go wrong at these
selling them as low as
$13,95. Brass and walnut
combinations, large mogul
socket s, fibreglass and
parchment shades. Every
house can use more of
Two step tables and one coffee table! Look at this low, low price!
Set of Three Tables. Now. s18
We must make room for all the new spring furniture we have purchased At
Canada's largest furniture show, Pekes slashed to sell.
Phone 99 "Where Quality is Ec000toya Main S Ex