HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-02-15, Page 17SEEK ZONE TITLE-Mrs. Connie Watson, RR 3 Ailsa Craig, and Miss Muriel Carling, Lucan, won the prelini, inary tournament for the all-star team for the eastern finals, staged recently at Lucan Lanes, They will now compete for the zone championship, Mexican oat crop Stephen FA topic Bruce Shapton and Reeve Glenn Webb. Entertainment was provided by Dennis McCann, who gave a reading; Judy Lamport, vocal solo; Jim Neil, accordion solo, and Elaine Powe, piano soloist. Ag Rep Miles conducted the election of directors, who will meet shortly to choose the of- ficers, The directors are: SS 1, Mr. and Mrs, Ed Lam- port; SS 2, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Hodgins; SS 3, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Shapton; SS 4, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Krueger; SS 5, Alvin and Russell Finkbeiner; SS 6, Mr, and Mrs, Irvine Rata; SS 7, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shepherd; SS 8, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Lake; SS 10, Mr, and Mrs. Verne Ridley; SS 11, Mr. and Mrs. -Ken Baker; SS 12, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Desjardine; SS 13, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ford; SS 14, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamport; SS 15, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Miller; 'SS 16, Earl Stebbins and Harry Hayter; SS 17, Mr. and Mrs, Orville Mellin; SS 18, Mr. and Mrs. James Eagleson; Mt. Carmel, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Fleming. Re-elected auditors were, Winston Shapton and Harold Fahner, Crediton WI served the ban- quet. Following the meeting, a number of local musicians pro- vided music for a dance. INFORMATION MEETINGS on F. A. M. E. (Farmers Allied Meat Enterprises Co-operative) McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP HALL FEBRUARY 19 BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP HALL FEBRUARY 20 Meetings' Start a! 8:30 p.m. Good speakers present to ex. plain what FAME can do for the farmers. The 'Tirrtitp.Ativocotftr'fOrt.tory 15, 1942 00C13. crossing because they :did not consider winter -traffic-to be a good estimate .to. use. The board members express. ed favorable comments over. the inspector's report concern- ing the teaching staff and eon- clitinna at The school, Seeing a huge submarine, a little sardine began trembling. "Don't be Afraid," said his mother, "It's only a can. of peeple." # #.1#1,###,•#. kt, FT, r!!!###I# 1"0 'Walter nee to paint base- boarde best op all,' More and more people ENJOY THE MOVIES THURS., FRI., SAT, - FEBRUARY 15, 16, 17 .„ . . THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Rev, R. Van Farowe, Minister 10:30 a.m.-Morning Service 11i45 a.m.-Sunday School 8:00 p.m,-Evening Service Rev. John Minnema will preach. MAIN STREET United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. R. S. Hiltz 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.-Morning Worship Dedication of Hallman Mem- orial Organ Junior and Senior Choirs • (35 voices) 7:30 p.m. - Organ Recital by. Howard Kew to which the public is invited, CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. A. G. Van Eek, Minister 10:00 a.m.-Worship in English 2:15 p,m,-Farewell. Service for Rev. A. G, Van. Eek (Dutch) 6;15 p.m.--Beek to God Hour-- CHLO (680 Kc.) BAYPIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Ivor Bodenham Sunday, February 18 10:00 a.m.-Bible School 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship "One, with the Lord the Majority" 7:30 pan,-Evening and Baptis- mal Service "When Jesus Says Good-bye," .Wed., 8 pdme-Preyer Service Ire,a4efegeeftsawava.eteeeseeea101,4eieeitateeeetsreetiiiileeeleleraceiEleatiteleiteettestble LYRIC THEATRE PilnEeT E21 First Show 7:30 Second Show 9:30 Matinee 2:00 p.m. A lusty, action filled western in the grand tradition . Murdering Redskins and Renegade Whites banded together in Reign of Terror! MON., TUES., WED, - FEBRUARY 19, 20, 21 MURDER OF PASSION! „, tainted before the eyes of a little girl. She alone has tbe proof the police arc searching for, .1. A. Jtolinn Wintloitoo,#• rs.1 kin Pre#.1,.rs JOHN MILLS HORST BUCHHOLZ Introducing HAYLEY NULLS A ILIK 016111111101 ?MINIMA, COMING SOON! The Lyric Brings You The Beet * PIRATES OF TORTUGA * THIEF OF BAGDAD * DATE BAIT (Adult) * NAKED EDGE (Adult) * PIT AND PENDULUM (Adult) * SEVEN WOMEN FROM HELL * THE ALAMO * THE BRAMBLEBUSH (Restricted) * BY LOVE POSSESSED (Restricted) Saturday Night Dances Exeter Legion Memorial Hall Dancing 9 to 12 Admission: 750 Per Person Jackets and Jeans Not Allowed Take the Family MINOR HOCKEY NIGHT IN EXETER Saturday,Feb.17 6:45 p.m.. 11:00 p.m. EXETER ARENA ALL THE KIDS WILL BE IN ACTION PLAYING TIMES TEAMS 6:45 p.m, 7:30 p.m,-SQU1RTS (Ages 5 and under, 6 and 7 year old) 7:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.-SQUIRT (Saturday morning, 8 and 9 years) 8:00 p,m, - 8:30 p.m,-PEE WEE (Canadiens vs. Rangers) 8:30 p.m, . 9:00 p.m.-PEE WEE (Red Wings vs. Mohawks) 9:00 9:30 p.m.-PEE WEE (Hawks vs. Maple Leafs) 9:30 - 10:00 p.m.-BANTAM HOUSE LEAGUE GAME 10:00 p.m, . 11:00 p.m.-MIDGET - JUVENILE HOUSE LEAGUE (Quebec Aces vs, K-W Beavers) ADMISSION '1,00 ADMITS THE ENTIRE FAMILY The. ENTIRE PROCEEDS wtil be used to purchase ice time at the aeter Arena to complete the schedule for all the teams competing in the Exeter Minor Molise-League, This Advertisement Sponsored By The Following Public Spirited BUsinessot in Support Of Minor Hockey EXETER DAIRY MID-TOWN CLEANERS TUCKEY BEVERAGES EXETER ARENA CANADIAN".TIRE ASSOCIATE STORE . • .................... • BIRTHS .•-•. . ALLAN-Mr. and. Mrs. Garnet Allan, Ilensatl, announce .the birth of their daughter At; Clinton. Public Hospital on. Tuesday; February Is, BRINTNELL - Mr, and. Mrs, Ed. Brintnell, Exeter, an- .11<)1/11Q.0, the birth ,of . a daugh- ter, .Onnitie. Itlerle„ at, ,South Huron Hospital, February a sister for Lonnie. - rox-11tr. and Mrs. Malcolm Fox, 'RCAF Station Centralia, announce the birth of a daughter, Donna Lee, at South Huron Hospital, Fehru- ary 10, mi.,E.R-Mr. and .M.rs. jack Fuller, Marlborough St., EN, etee, announce the birth of a son, Jeffrey john, at South Huron Hospital, February a brother. for Latina, Gail and Cathy. GIELEN-,-Mr. and Mrs. Herry Gielen, 11.R2Crediton, an- Pounce the birth of a son, Gerard. John, at. St. Joseph's Hospital, London, February WO.NNACOrT - Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wonnacott, London, an- nounce the birth of a son at Victoria Hospital, February 10, , '`• CARDS OF THANKS - The families of` thelate Rev. G. M. and. Mrs. Lamont wish to express their sincere ap- preciation for all the kindnesses ;shown , to them during their recent bereavement, 15* Miss Carol McCurdy wishes to thank all her friends and relatives for their visits, greet- ings and other kindnesses dur- ing her confinement to South Huron Hospital, Special thanks to Dr. R. W. Read, Miss Clay- pole and the hospital staff. 15c I wish to express my sincere thanks to all who so kindly remembered me with cards, treats and visits while a patient In St, Joseph's Hospital and to the nurses on second floor west and to Dr, Gibson, Dr. Wilson and Dr. George, - John Park, Lucan. 15c eitie.e.eateaseeemeneel egteee JAMES 'STREET UNITED CHURCH , Rev. S.. E. Lewis, M.A., B.D, Minister Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster. :10 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL All Departinents ' 11 A.M.-MORNING SERVICE Sermon; "Wings For Leaden Feet" Anthem by the Choir Nursery for Babies Junior Congregation for child- ren 4 to 6 years . All Welcome PInTHS VHAFtea CAfilas OF THAtel<4 750 gNQAqEMENTS 750 IN MEMORIAMS $1.0.9 (Four-nee yeree) pee-a verses, each .20; CARDS OF THANKS, The fami.lies of The late Oliver L, Fee wish to express their sincere appreciation to relatives, many friends and neighbors for the numerous. acts of kindness, beautifel floret tributes and messages ,of sympathy received during his recent .illness and sad .be- reavement. Special thanks to De, 1.3,, W. Read, Dr. L. M. Gibson, nurses and staff third floor east and second floor main, St. Joseph's Hospital, Hoffman ambulance, Rev. S. E. Lewis, ICCF, pallbearers, the Hopper-Hiekey e r home and all those who helped in any way. -Mrs. Nellie Fee, 15ne Mrs. D. M, Geeet, Centralia, wishes to express her thanks to all who sent flowers, cards and other gifts and to these who visited her while she was a patient in South Huron Hoe- pita] and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. It, W. Read, Dr. D, A, tacker and Miss Claypole and her staff. 15c The family of the late John E. Wilhelm wish to express their thanks and appreciation to neighbors, friends and rela- tives for their 'many acts of kindness, floral. tributes and cards received at the time of their recent bereavement. Spec- ial thanks to Rev. A. M. Schlenker, Dr. S. Goddard and the T, Harry Hoffman. Funeral Home. - Mrs, Gladys Wilhelm and family. 15* I wish to express my sincere thanks to friends and relatives for their many acts of kind- ness, cards, treats, flowers and visits while 1 was a patient in Clinton hospital, Victoria Hos- pital, London, and since return- ing home. Your thoughtfulness was greatly appreciated,-Mrs. Roy Brock, lien.sall. 15* PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Main Street Rev. Mel. W. Holmes, Pastor 9:00 a.m.-CJCS Radio (1240 Kc.) 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-JMorning Worship 7:30 p,m,-Evangelistic Service Music, singing and preaching that you will enjoy. All Welcome ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CR E DI TON A. M. Schlenker, Pastor Sunday, February 18 10:00 a,m,--Ilorning Worship 11:15 a,m,-Sunday School 8:00 p.m.-Bible Study THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M. Sauder, Pastor 10:30 a.m.-Worship Service 11:15 a.m.-Sunday School and Adult Bible Class No Evening Service This Week ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev. William Gat: 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School 10:00 a,m,-Bible Class 11:00 a.m.-Divine Servides CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Organist: Mrs. W. G. Cochrane . Sunday, FebrUary 18 10:00 aart,-Sunday School 11:00 a,m.-Morning Worahip THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OP CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev, Bran de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, February 18, 1962 Septuagesima Sunday 8:00 a.m.-Quiet Communion (Corporate communion and breakfast for the men of the parish) 11:00 a.m.-Morning Prayee Nursery and Sunday School CARDS OF "THAt-K. My sincere thanks to friends, neighbors, relatives, G ra a d Bend Legion Branch No, 498,. Ladies Auxiliary to Legion Braneh No, 498 and my bowl- ing team for flowers, cards and treats while. a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital; also for the kindness andlielp since turning home.-,-Ruth fRat) Ra- Orand 'Rend. 1.5nc The .family .of the late Airs, Humphrey Webb wish to ex- press their sincere thanks to their relatives, friends and neighbors for their kindness, floral tributes, •Gideon. Bibles and messages of sympathy re- ceived during their recent be- reavement in the loss of a lov- ing mother and grandmother,: Many thanks to the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home, 15c I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my neighbors, friends and relatives for the cards, flowers, treats and visits and for the many other acts of kindness while I was hospital- ized and since returning home. Especially do I want to thank Pastor Fischer, Dr, Gulens and the staff at St. Joseph's Hoe- pital, London.-H. W. Broken- shire. 15c The heartfelt thanks of the family of the late Charles Mal- colm (Mac) Scott are extend- ed to all those friends and relatives, who by their letters and messages of sympathy, their personal visits, floral tri- butes, donation to the Cancer Fund, and their many acts of kindly thoughtfulness have made our loss of husband, father, son and nephew so much easier to bear. We make grateful. acknowledgment to Rev, Robert Bissett of Avonton Presbyterian Church for his kindly ministration, to the pall- bearers and to those who loam. ed their cars. Our deep ap- preciation to neighbors and the Caven Congregational Circle for their wonderfully kind as- sistance. 15* ENGAGEMENTS - Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Scott, Kingston, Jamaica, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Kathleen Joan, to Mr, Robert Glen Belling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Belling, Exeter. 'The marriage to take place Saturday, March 3, 1962, at 5 p.m., at the Church of St. Peter and Paul, Kingston, Jamaica, 15c DEATHS - SCOTT - in Victoria Hospital, London, on Wednesday, Feb. 7, 1962, Charles Malcolm (Mac) Scott, dear husband of Betty McClinchey, of Sea- forth, in his 36th year, Sur- viving, besides his wife, are Jimmie, Wayne, Charles and Cheryl Ann, all of Seaforth; his parents, Mrs. Helen K. Holland of Exeter and Mr, J. P. Scott of Rodney, The body rested at the Hopper-Hockey funeral home, William St., Exeter, 'where funeral ser- vices were held on Friday, Feb. 9, at 1:30 p.m. Inter- ment in Wingham cemetery. 15* IN MEMORIAM - SHERRITT-in loving memory of a dear husband and father, G. E. Clifford. Sher- ritt, who passed away two years ago, February 12, 1960. Two years since the sad day The one we bayed was called away; Those whom we love go out of sight, But never out of mind; They are cherished in the hearts Of those they leave behind, Loving and kind in all his ways, Upright and just in all his days; Sincere and true in heart and mind, Beautiful memories he left be- hind. -Fondly. remembered and sad- ly missed by wife Annabelle, daughter Marion, husband Bruce and grandchildren Susan and Cathy. 15* WURM-ln loving memory of a dear mother, Margaret 'Wurm, who passed away ten years ago, February 20, 1952. She would not wish for sorrow, She would not wish ..for tears, But just to be remembered Throughout the passing years. -Ever remembered. by her son Ed and daughter-in-law Grace. 1.5* COMING EVENTS- BAKE SALE, auspices Huron- dale Women's institute, Exeter Public Library, Saturday, Feb. 17, 3 p.m, 8:15c ANNUAL PANCAKE Supper, Parish Hall, auspices Trivitt Memorial Women's Auxiliary, Shrove Tuesday, March 6, 5:30 p.m. Admission 850, 15:22:le EUCHRE '-k Wednesday, Feb. 21, Lodge Hall, Henaall, sport. Wed by CPT committee of 10OF and Amber Rebekah Lodges, Ladles please provide Admission 506. 15c TURKEY BANQUET-Crediton Boy Scouts turkey banquet, Crediton Community Centre, Friday, February 2.1, 6:30 p,tri, Tickets S1.,25. 15:22c EUCHRE, Oditteliow's Hall, EXeter, Tuesday, February 27, 9:00 p,m, Ladies please bring lunch, Everyone welceine. CP arid 'I' committee, Oddleilow and Rebekah Lodge, 1.5e ANNUAL MEETING and ban , onel, Usborne Federation of Agrictiltuee, Elitiwille Unit ed Church, Thursday, March guest speaker Roy ;level 15e Call JD At 180 Trying to grow Canadian oats in Mexico can pose some frustrating problem s, John Stewart of Alex. M. Stewart and Sons, Ailsa Craig, told members of Stephen Federation of Agriculture Tuesday night. Mr. Stewart outlined the dif- ficulties his firm faced in growing and harvesting Rus- sell oats on rich Mexican land last winter. Because of the short days, the oats didn't head out until the stalks were seven to eight feet tall, which 'posed a har- vesting problem. The crop had to be cut by scythe by the not- too-ambitious Mexican laborers. Mr. Stewart described the country as one of remarkable contrasts between the luxur- iously living rich and the poverty-stricken poor. Despite the weather an ex- cellent crowd attended the an- nual meeting in Crediton com- munity hall for, which Presi- dent Kenneth Baker presided. The speaker was introduced by past president Harvey Hodgins and appreciation was express- ed by Willis Gill. Lauds 4-H work Ag Rep Douglas Miles laud- ed the federation for encourag- ing interest in 4-H work and urged continued promotion of the youth program. Huron federation fieldman, Carl Hemingway, said FAME hopes to begin building meat packing plants this summer if funds become available. He also urged farmers to be sure they took advantage of all the co-op medical insurance benefits to. which their policies entitled them. Many families. he said, were not receiving the protection they should simply because they were not submit- ting claims. Elmer Ireland,, president of the county organization, point- ed out the increasing need for financial support from the townships to carry on the expanding federation services. Others who took part in the meeting were Vice-president Open co-op on Friday Ed O'Meara, a representa- tive of 'the department of Ag- ricultUre, will be the guest speaker in conjunction with the opening of the new $75,000 Zurich branch of the Hewett Districe Co-op, Friday Honorable William Stewart was to have officiated at the ceremonies, but was unable to attend, The ribbon cutting ceremo- ny will take place at 2:00 pan. Friday, and a I open house will be held for the remainder of the afternoon and evening, as well as all clay. Saturday. The 110ti, building is just off highway 84, one mile east of Zutich, PS :board host to SS Members of the newly-form. Exeter Separate School board were guests at the BPS board last Monday .and. ..they -discussed several aspects of their work, The age,' heard had been M. vited to the meeting And took tile opportunity to discuss preb, lents and receive information concerning school board work. Father Kelly, Mt, Carmel, Harold .Lachine and Guy La- Freniere,. both of Exeter, told the EPS board they expected to have their seheol ready for September opening and stated they expected approximately 33 students to be enrolled. The Eps. board received a letter from tlon Charles Mac, Naughton, stating the depart- ment of highways could not conduct a survey in regards to a traffic light at the school DANCE Mt Carmel Fri., Feb. 16 Music by GRANT EDIGHOFFER'S MELODY MASTERS Admission 754 Sponsored by the Holy Name Society LUNCH SERVED Arena Schedule THURS., FEB. 15 9:00-EXETER MOHAWKS vs. CENTRALIA GOLDEN HAWKS FRIDAY, FEB. 16 8:30-MITCHELL RED DEVILS vs. EXETER MOHAWKS SATURDAY, FEB. 17 1:30.3;30-Public Skating 6:45.11:00-MINOR HOCKEY NIGHT SUNDAY, FEB. 18 2;00.4:00-Public Skating TUESDAY, FEB. 20 8:30-STRATHROY ROCKETS vs. EXETER JR, HAWKS ANNO UNCEME NTS DANCE FORRESTERSI HALL GRANTON Friday, Feb. 23 9:00 p.m. RAMBLERS ORCHESTRA Auspices of Court Valentine, CO' Admission 75 4 JOIN THE CROWDS AT THE EBULOUS FOD RIES At Lake Huron's Largest Night Club IMPERIAL .HOTEL GRAND BEND' Friday Night - Fish Fry All You Can Eat - dad DANCING & LISTENING MUSIC BY ELGIN FISHER AND HIS RHYTHMAIRES SATURDAY-CHICKEN FRY Dinner for 500 DANCING & LISTENING MUSIC BY bESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA eaamaterealleaaasVaaleaseeetzte-ate • The public is invited to hear Howard Kew of Kitchener in a 'RECITAL tart the Hallman Cathedral Organ at MAIN STRgeT. CHURCH, SUNDAY FEBRUARY II at 700 pan. FANPANE- MIGNON ... ...... ..... Felton JESUS, JOY OF MAN'S EstraNG Bach LARGO, FROM "XERXE D S" Handel QUARTETTE GOTHIC SUITE. Boellm a nn CHORAL ,.E; MINUET PRAYER Tocatta IN'!') 1.111E720 Maseagni TWo CHORALE 'PRELUDES ,„ ookoRoilo#4,, MattheWs "Fairest LOH tleatia" and 'The Xing of Love my Shepherd Is" IN A MONASTERY GARDEN 1etelbey TWO TRUMPETS TUNES ANb AIR Pureelltlarke RTETTg AqtrAmiutNlil ....... Rew THE LOST CHORD StilliVatt