HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-02-15, Page 16 .1•10.11...•••••••. for the best performance in a diesel engine GET Investors OV1105HOgta ei tAKAll A, tibitrt• TED HOLMES 145 Deer Park Circle, London GE 4-9502 or Enquire at The Times- Advocate Did you know „ that $1,000 put into Investors Mutual in February of 1950 is worth over $3,600 today? Thinking of a NEW HOME NUWAY BUILDINGS LTD. suggest you follow the example of ethers in your area and order your new 1962 KERNORAN HOME soon for Spring delivery. This new 3-bedroom ranch style home features the ultimate in better living, completely finished on your lot for only $9,785.00. Check the following features: • 10" Poured Concrete Basement • Automatic Forced Air Oil Heating • 100 Amp. Electrical Service Box • 30 Gal. Glass-Lined Water Heater • Laundry Tub • Clay Brick Construction • Choice of Gable or Cottage Roof • Front Concrete Porch, 8' x 6', And Sidewalks e Family Sire 14' x 11'6" Kitchen • Mahogany Kitchen Cupboards with Flush Stained Doors • Kitchen Exhaust Fen • Large 18' Livingroom • Gleaming Oak Floors with Tile in Kitchen and Bathroom • Tiled 4-Piece Bathroom with Exhaust Fan • 3 Bedrooms with Large Closets and BI•Folding Doors • Completely Decorated Inside and Out with 3 Coats of Quality Paint Financing can be arranged to suit your budget. Low CNHC terms if desired. Many designs to choose, from. Model homes open for inspection, NUWAY BUILDINGS LTD. 1030 ADELAIDE ST„ LONDON Open Weekdays 6 to 5 Saturday 9 to 12 GE 9.1411 Monday Evening 7 to ti Some people shovel driveways. Others dig Volkswagen. ; fa$0 14 february 15, 1962 Phone 227-4255 Name six winners in speaking contest and district new: neett. •• correspondent: Miss, Dina Abbott Church Pre,teeners Activities form. club Ties G. SAO, Mr. ltalph. Present .S$ awards Sunday Schooi, Sup't and Mr. James- Donaldson, .45$1$t, , , , ant stip't, ch u r ch •Jame s st, At St. James Church on Sun- tlay the Bev, Bob .Donaldson, Donee. Shipley, Leemaetee, dedicated three pew The Lucan Beanch of the eanadia.n Legion, sponsored its eflea public speaking euntest for public school children in the Legion Hall, Friday night, with seven contestants in (Troup A (Grades 1-6) and six contestants in Group B (Grades 7.81. Three awards of five, three and twn dollars were pre- sented to. Ihe best speakers in each group. The winners were: Group A. Kathleen CoDyre, Grade 6. Siridulph who spoke on "Life Soil"; Margaret Holten d, Grade 5. Leman Public School. Who spoke on "The Greatest Invention in Past Century.- Jane Crozier, tirade 5, Lucan *Local lady hits jackpot Thursday night the Leemn Auxiliary's $17e jackpot was won by Mrs. Delores Munn, who lives on the south edge of Lucan. Mrs. L. Ford of Exeter and MrSeeRichard Davis of Lucan won the line prizes for "Share the Wealh" and Mr. Conrad. Sequin of Denfield twho was so lucky the last two weeks) won the full card prize. Mrs. B. Pascuzzo of Crediton, who won the 9th bingo, also won the first part of the consecutive. Miss Mary Young of Birr won the second part and Mr. Ben- ny Kelly of Lucan the full card prize, The second bingo, (the only split bingo of the eve- ning) went to Mrs. E. Harri- gan and Mr. Joe Haskell of Lucan. Solo bingos were won by Mrs. Pete Smith of Exeter, Mr. Derwin Beatson of Gran- ton, Mrs. Ernie Lewis of Clan- deboye, Mrs. jack Lankin, 'Mrs. Pat Crudge, Mrs. ,Tames Freeman and Mr. Chas. Wind- sor, all of Lucan. PS, who spoke on —The School in the Year 2,000." Group B, Gillian McNamee, Grade 7, SS 6 Biddulph, who spoke on "The Mysteries of the Sea;" Leroy Maguire, Grade 8, SS 2, Bidduph, who spoke on "The Greatest Invention in the Past Century": Edward Co- Dyre. Grade S. SS 6 Bidiluipin who spoke on "If I were the Minister of Edo ation." The top winner of each group will next meet winners from Ailsa Craig, Parkhill, Strathroy, Newbury and Glen- roe to compete for Tone chem• pionship tat a place and time to he later chosen). Two teachers from. Grand Bend, Mrs. Wilma Desjardine and Mr, Wilfred McNitughton and Mrs, C. H. George of Lu- can, were the judges. Other contestants included, Maureen ernith, Lori Credo, Kathy Arnold. Carol Haskett, all of Lucan in Group A and Bette Smith, Roseanne Corbett and Gary Traversy of Lucan in Group B. Branch chairman was Mr. Art Bell and MC for the eve• ning was Mr, Dwight Ball, Slim 3-2 edge ousts bantams Friday night the Belmont Lions defeatet the Lucan Ban- tams 2-1 at, Belmont in the first of a two-game total goal series, The Lucan squad held the puck the majority of the time but Larry Lewis tallied Lucan's lone marker. The following night at Lucan the Belmont team tied Lucan Dog packs. irk council Press reporter, Sir, Charles Corbett, presents items of in- terest from the meeting of the pillage council in its new quar- ters, last Monday. Council was advised by en- gineers that the application forms. in connection with the proposed sewer system, had been submitted to the Ontario Witter Resources Commission. The council received reports that several packs of dogs were running at large, It was de- cided to publish a notice in the Exeter paper, that the bylaw controlling the running at large of dogs, was in effect through- out theyear, and would be en. forced. The council made a grant of $200 to the Lucan Public Li- brary and heard that the Li- brary Board intended to take action to have the library es- tablished as a Public Library. At present it is a private as- soeietion, owned and operated by the members. Neighbors aid fire victims Last Wednesday evening a number of n e i g hbors and friends of Mrs. Bill Edwards, met at the home of Mrs. .1. W. Smith and presented her with a shower of linen and clothing to replace some of the things she lost Feb, 1 when fire caused extensive damage to the interior of her home on Beech St. Anglican. ,auxiliary me meetioe of the Sr. WA was held at the home of Mrs. Wee, Atkinson, last Wednes- .day, with the President, Mr's. Erwin. Scott . in the chair. She was assisted in the worship service by Miss Line, Abbott,' The requisites _foe this year's bale, was read by Aire. H. S. Stanley, the new leorees eve- pony, and arrange 'en ents were made for the cutting of sonic of the garments, at the home of the president, In the absence of the educa- tional convener, •Mrs, Harold. Hodgins, Airs. Frank Hardy took over and gave a resume of the Children of Israel and of Ezekiel. Rev, E. 0. Lancaster gave a brief continuation of the first chapter 'The Glory of God" in the new study book "Jesus Christ the Light of the World," Airs, Bob Coleman and Mrs. Will ileskett were assistant hostesses, Mrs. Jack Murdy moved a vote of thanks, Evening Auxiliary The Evening Auxiliary, held its meeting at the rectory last Wednesday with Mrs, jack Steacy, Mrs, Pat Crudge and Mrs. IV, Smith as assistant host esses. The president, Mrs. Don An- kers led in the worship service and Mrs. Charles Corbett took the study book. Mrs. Merl, Culbert, as Dor- cas secretary gave out. mate- rial for the bale. As the March meeting falls on. Ash Wednes- day it was decided to attend the service in a body and hold the business session at the home of Mrs. Jack Steacy af- ter the services, Pentecostal Holiness A junior choir in charge of Mrs, Clayton. Abbott made its debut at the Sunday morning service. The Sunshine Hour Friday night took the form of an achievement night when par- ents were given the oppor- tunity to see the craft work done by the children. At the YP meeting, which followed, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Dempster of Toronto, were guests entertaining with a cor- net duet, Mr. Dempster was the guest speaker, while Mrs. Dempster sang a duet with her sister, Miss Lorraine Graham, The YP launched their Ontario- wide contest "Orbiting Youth with the Truth." CGIT presents pins There was just one absentee at the Tuesday meeting of the CGIT in the church school- room, Louise Cochrane led in the game called, "Moving Day", a game in conjunction with the study book, "Keys for Tori" taken by the leader Mrs. Murray Hodgins, who also led in a sing song. An initiation and preseple- Lion of pins ceremony, was conducted for the ' six new members who had completed the necessary qualifications. The worship service was taken by Dianne Cooper and Rober- ta Cochrane. United Church The meeting of the United Chtirch Women was held in the church school-room last Wed- nesday evening with the new president, Mrs. C. H. George in the chair. The ladies were divided into five units, headed by Mrs. Charles Sovereign, Mrs. Eldon Young, Mrs. J. Lockyer, Sirs. Ivan Stanley and Mrs. H. B, Langford. Mrs. Ross McRoberts was in charge of the Bible study skit and was assisted by Mrs. Charles Sovereign, Mrs. J, Anderson and Mrs. M. Aren- thals. Mrs. Seck gave a 10-min- ute Bible reading on "Launch into the Deep." Dianne Cooper was elected president of the newly .orean- ized lee-Teen Town in the arctic committee room, for children from ten to thirteen years. Other offieers include, vice president, eezanne Kennedy, secretary treasurer, Rosanne t'nrhett anti executive, George Dauney, ,1111.1. Anderson and David Lippert. .M.r. Tom Banks was in ()barge of the organization for the 24 .entbusi.astir youngsters. Dances will be held each Wed. nesday .from 6:30 to 8:30 pen. This week's meeting will take the form of a Valentine dance. Attend training course Mrs. Murray Hodgins, thee Margaret &ch. Miss Ilene. Do- naldson and Bob Eaton, Fri- day, attended the fourth month- ly camp counsellor's training course, meetine b held in Cal- vary 'United Ciutreh, London.. Mrs. Hodgins gave a talk on the place of craft in the camp program and illustrated with examples. LQL euchre The winners at the five-table LOb euchre here last Wednes- day evening were: high score, Mrs. George Davis, Exeter, and elr. Torn Coursey; lone hands, Mrs. Aljoe Culbert anti Mr. Mitchell Haskell; low score, Mrs. Leonard Smith and Mr, Maurice Cobleigh, Mr, Evan Hodgins won the, box of groceries. WA host to husbands The meeting of the WA wits held at the borne of Mr. anti Mrs. Clarence Frost, Monday evening and was in charge of the president, Mrs, R u f tt S Thompson. The guest speaker was the, pastor, the Rev, E, A, Gagnon. The evening was of a social 'm- ime as each lady was asked to bring her husband, Inaugural meeting Of the 575 women, who at- tended the inaugural meeting of the Middlesex Presbyterial United Church Women held at Robinson 'United Church, Lon- don, last Wednesday 12 were from Lucan, one of whom, Mrs. George Paul was elected vice- president for Northwest Mid- dlesex, YPU plan variety show Sunday evening the Lucan- Clandeboye YPU met, at the home of Ilene and Coralyn Donaldson. Nancy Kestle, assisted by Barbara Park anti Dana Cul- bert was in charge of the wor- ship service, Plans were discussed for the staging of a variety show. Men's Club The men of the church met in the Parish Hall at 1:30 p.m. Sunday to discuss plans .for the annual oyster supper to he held in the church basement, Thursday, March 1. Each of the men present, was given a list of names of men to con- tact and to inform them what their duties would be the night of the supper, At the club: "What ails the country is too many workers who don't think and too many thinkers who don't work." y Iseg.$. it. H. .PATPN: CLANDEBOYE At the United. Church the Rev G. Al, .Sa.ch presented the awards for the third anneal presentations for attendance for the Sunday School on Sn u day, Feb, el:- Yearly seals were presented to: June Donaldson, second year; Suzanne Bradley, third year; Jean Donaldson and Helen Simpson, foerth year; Wayne Donaldson., Laura Hod- gins, Patricia Hodgins, Jane Hodgson, Patricia. Bradley and Murray Simpson, fifth year; Betty Scott and Ralph Simp- son, sixth year; Hazel Simp- son anti Gary Donaldson, sev- enth year; Sharon. Blake, Judy Scott, Sheila Donaldson, Bob Eaton, Local library elects officers At the annual meeting of the .Lucan library on Thursday Mr. Charles rOrhett was named the new chairman, Other officers include: secre- tary and librarian, Mrs, Rose Atkinson; treasurer, Mr. Char- les •Corbett and. Mrs. Don Downs; board, Mrs. T. A. Hod- gins, Mrs. C. el, George, Mr. Jack. Steacy, Mr. Joe Benn o Mr. Charles Sovereign anti Reeve Ivan Hearn; auditors, Mr. jack Steacy, The librarian reports that there have been a number of new members enrolled during the year. or, Lucan personal items 'Mrs. Murray Hodgins was a in their sister, Mrs, Cliff Mur- weekend guest of her sister, dy's home on Main St, Miss Merle Law of London, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wiseman Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murdy and family and Miss Jean were Sunday guests of Mr, and Stanley of Toronto, were week- Mrs. Ed Morris of Chatham. end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. William Butler of Tor- Wilbert Stanley. onto, who was a patient in St. Mrs. A, 'McFarlane left on ,f:peeph's Hospital for several Sunday by plane for a three weeks, spent 10' days with her week vacation in Florida, She sister, Mrs, Harvey Langford was accompanied as far as before returning to Toronto on Toronto by Mr. and Mrs, J. Sunday. Though better, she W, Smith and daughter, Man- e/ill not go 'Lack teaching for reen, some time. Mr. and Mrs. James Downs - George William McComb, and Mr, and Mrs. William Tay- son of the late Mr. and Mrs. for and Donna of London, were Bert McComb of the Casa Sunday guests of Mr. and Blanca Motel. London (former- Mrs, Don Downs and family. le of Lucan) was killed last Principal and Mrs. _Robert S Jenkins spent last weekend driven by Thomas James Shoe- with their daughter, Mrs. John bottom, 19, of RR 4 Denfield. K. Wood and family of London. 'Mr. H. S. Price of Calgary. spent Thursday with his sister- Explorers in-law, Mrs, P. G. Price and The 13th expedition of the sister, Miss Dempsey. Lucan - Cla ndeboye Explorers iMies Sharon Simpson of Lon. was held in the United Church don spent the weekend with school-room last Monday eve- h'r grandmother, Mr, Ernest ring, with 22 members out. Ross and Mr. Ross, Counsellor Joyce Coursey was :Mrs. Lewis Tebbutt of Sea- in charge of the worship service forth WAS a Thursday guest of and of the study book "What Mrs. John Casey. is the Church" a n d "Our ,Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Rev- Churches ington and family and Mr. and The members had an enjoy- Mrs. Lyle Revington and fans- able toboggan party at the ild were weekend guests of river bank on Saturday eve- Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell fling with Miss Muriel Carling, of Toronto and most o f th e Counsellor Rose Revington and adults attended the Toronto- Counsellor Ilene Donaldson in Montreal hockey game Salm'• charge, returning to the church day night, for 'refreshments .Mrs, Byron Hicks and Mr, The Lucan branch received and Mrs. Joe Creech of St. an invitation from the Granton M:erye were recent callers on Explorers to attend a Valet). Vers, Alma Price and Miss tine supper and social evening Giertrutie Dempsey, formerly of in Granton on Tuesday eve- Teri-into, who are now living nine, TO LOCKER AND HOME FREEZER OWNERS Exeter Beef Beef is slightly lower, We have some good guys on sides or quarters of Exeter Beet, We gnarautee the quality of Exeter Beef. By STEVE DAVIS Medway euchre The Medway Euchre Club held a four table euchre. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Daley, last Tuesday. High score prizes went to Mrs. Earl Middleton and Mr. Clarence Lewis, lone hand pri- zes to Mrs. E. Summers and Mr. Wilbert Stanley and low score prizes to Mrs. Austin 1-1 'but this score was not Hobbs and Mr. Earl. Middle- enough for Lucan to go farther ton, in the OMHA play-off, for the Lions club meeting final score was 3.2 for Bel- At the business session of mont, ,Larry Lewis again was the Lions Club last Monday Lucan 's sole marker, scoring evening plans for the next while Don Buddo was serving dance, Feb. 23 were made. a 5 minute major penalty for , It was also decided to pur- spearing, chase new equipment for the Public School Safety Patrol and also to sponsor three boy scouts to take the St. John's Ambulance Course, to he held at the Lucan Community Cen- tre, in the near future. Lion Elmer Mosurinjohn, who won the trip to Nice, France, has already secured his reservation, to leave, by plane, June 16. Measles and chicken-pox Principal Robert Jenkins re- ports that there are few ab- sentees in the senior rooms but in the junior rooms there are many cases of measles, Coursey school euchre Mrs. George Hodgins and Mrs. Joe O'Neil Friday eve- ning were hostesses for the postponed, five-table euchre at the Coursey School; High score prizes went to Mrs. Harvey Hodgins arid Mr. Lawrence .1 Hodgin s; lone hand prizes to Mrs. Evan Hodgins and Mr. Don O'Neil and low score prizes to Miss Lois 0'- Neil. and Mr. Tommy Ryan. The next game will be Feb- ruary 23. SHELL DIESELINE Nancy Scott, Marilyn 'Chomp. prayer books in memory of the son and ,Jeanette Simpson, late Mre, Harold .Hodgins, .give eighth ,'Fear; Nancy Hestie and en by Mrs. Edward :Simpson. Torn icestle, .ninth year: .Shar. and femily, Lopdon, on jceStie, 20th year; Marjorie Flowers in the ..church were Donaldson, 12th year, monomial ones for. Mrs,. Har,, First Year pins (awarded Tor old Hodgins arid .others for the a record of' 45 or more Sun- late .Cenon. Christopher Carter days) went to: Karen l-lodg- Simpson, son, . Personal items Virg year pins and white oaBfildbs5.1 0e01: o (awardedI, ilinre stiinodia, y recordjad ne 4.1‘yi Miss Nancy 04Ni anhge ya n 11141 ,t iirpdeahyt \Ford; Hodgson, Patricia Hodgin s, her friend, Ruth White and her; Laura Hodgins and June Don- parents, an,d. .Mrs. Levi4 White, Weet MeGillevreY. , Second Year wreaths and Litiera ana de e Mreesa el lujoYfaYeelee'eeLas, in , Bibles were presened to: S- anne Bradley, Joan Donaldson, were ests on Senday With Mr. and u Mrs. Alan Hill and Gary Donaldson, Betty Scott fam i ly, and Helen Simpson, Mr. Maurice Simpson and Second year wreaths and Mrs. Gordon Mains and Mr. Bible story books awarded to: and Mrs, Albert Simpson of Teazel Simpson and Wayne London attended the funeral Donaldson. service for at Orangeville the. l ate Canon on C, hyAmothirbdooek,eaar presentation was made to of CSimpsonFriday. Patricia Bradley and Jeanette Simpson, Awards were presented by Call JB At 1863 Shell 'Diekline provides the inatimuin in efficient, trouble-free, low-cost diesel operation, It ensures the best perform- ance of your diesel engines because of its balanced qualities: cleanliness, power, stability, anti-knock, clean burning, good low-temperature pump- abili ty and unifortni for fas4 dependable delivery phone Phone 80 Art Clarke THIS WEEI<END SPECIAL Our Own Hickary4mekeci Red, sle .Coltoye Roils LEie .4 9 c Exeter Frozen r :Phone 70 C. Morley Hall Main Street If you live in Snowseille, think deep about your next tar, People who own conventional models often put something heavy in the trunk for extra trattion. A Volkswagen owner never bothees. He's got 200 pounds of engine heel( there sifting right over the drive wheels. His tar plows through snow without chains or special tires. On Ito, the VW keeps its footing like a penguin. Look at the underside of a Volkswagen. It's built like a toboggan. The bottom is completely covered with a smooth sheet of metal that skims over deep snow, The wires and rods you'd expect to find are coMpletely protected ageing, sand, salt and slush. There's no worry about subzero eentpetaturet either, The Volkswagen tari f f freeze because it hos no radiator. The engine is tooled with air instead of water. (You can' spend your anti,freezei money on jazz records,) And before you Start guessing at the price of a VW, check with one of our dealer's. YOU could be way ouf / Man. VOLKSWAGEN CANADA LTD. IMAWitt 'PAY it-0100RO IF you want to trade in your shovel an Cr new Volkswagen, this it your deafer, He operates One of 146 VW outlets acres* Canada'. tinter Duval Ltd. Main Street Tel: 38