HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-03-31, Page 2st)tamcntat12.
• - a1a Marek te, *till
T1. N.. of= is Coporlt a last
Meths w doe Rspeeeesuttiee B'll matt the
edjearlm.at 71w Oommtie• thee res.
nag espereed peegeess. O. aMr to poi•
met the hall so 1e presto* wl lk ell the e
tsjllu.tb. Yr. Hrock, tutted, it Wooled
the lest item of the erdsre or the day
for • ieedey. and that it was tbe desire el
Beeea.msst it should be real a thud etas
as Wedowee, •
Queue, March ei, 1653.
Yi. LeBow seined /or sq address to
►a isselts cy for teats of virtue doe. -
▪ relative to lbs Cunt:names ippon-
led m 1443, to meagre two the Rebellion
Loam t. fewer Camel .nJ also rho
•,neral wariest jeer.et& el the co mem-
stoma appointed radar the act 13 tic, e. 68
Naas bet es Orvieto'.
Mr. Liras* enquired of the govern -
...t wietbcr 11.7 admitted that the
rebottles 1. lees ea bad to new the mtge..
at4eettee el every psrsoe who am •uttered
Imes., If such paean had sot he.' couw s-
led or be.ubsd, as specified ea the proviso
vo the preamble of the act • Whether ad -
mitring arch intention, the govero.eat
does got regsrJ as absolutely illegal, nut I,
..d a votaries of meted rights. the es
clauses from the Meat of iedematty,coe-
trary to the &formate prucipls;and whether
the r•veromset had rho iotention ref doing
mvtbtar fur p5nase illegally deprived of
thou rights by the rebstuou losses commis.
Maur* 1
Mr• M'•rie replied, it was not usual 1•,r
• g.yerament to i°terpret sats of Perlis-
Mr. Johsaoa introduced a Bill to "'teed
the prgvt.on■ of the act for the formation
of !Jill StoCt Cumpastes in lower Can.
Mr. (Angton introduced a bill fur the
prolectroo of mill Dimers from vexatious
Mr• Wright (West York) introduced a
hill to extend w all the inh.bita°t• of this
Proxies the privilege of loaning money nn
the same terse as are awe allowed to be
de'uaoded by the U. U• Trust Lou
Mr. Cartier introduced a bill to Weed
the time for the completion of the works
dor the improteurent of the River Du Chemo.
Ur• Teor•r moved for a special com-
mittee amain weathers with instructions
to engin c..eeraiog the judiciary org.oi
Litton utile courts of jostles and the ad
nuamitration to Lower Camila with au-
thority to seed for witnesses, papers,
Mr. Drummond resisted the motion on
the ground that the Government had the
matter under cooeideratioa• He stated
slat they did not intend to bring down a
10511011 for the total rano lellurg of the
present system ibis session, but only one ordinance of the Province of Quebec, pai-
r) fauhtate Its working with a slew to es• sed' lo the 17th year of his Majesty's reign
-tabhshtnt ultioarely a co np:ets system of intituled an sadt:ance for •icertsinteg dam-
d•cestial,z,uon• ages on prut.stod Bills of Exchange and
The motion was withdrawn after a die- fixing the rate of lutenist. to the Province
:catalpa. of Quebec, alto to aaer.lamed damages
on protested Belts of Etcbange, sed osis;
the rate of interest in this Province oo bills
and the s.mo are bcreby 'speared•
S coed -And bo it enacted, That so con-
tract to be hereafter made in any part u(
this Province for the loan or forbearance
of money or monies at toy role of inlrest
whatever, and no payment In pursuance
of such contract "ball make any party to
such contract or payaeot liable to any lose
forfeiture, penalty of proceedings, craw or
criminal, fur uqury, any law or statute to
the contrary note itbatandtng,
Third -Provided .Tway* nevertheless,
sou be it eo.cteJ, that every such contract
and every security fur the same "hall be
void so far, and so far only, as relate" to
lfa excess of interea thereby made paya-
ble above th• ruts of £d for the forecar•
ince of *:100 or • year, the said rate of 6
percent. interest or ouch lacer rat. of
tetsre.t as May bare bee, agreed upon,
Mall be allowed sod recovered rn all
where it to the "greenest of the parties
that interest shall by paid.
Fu.rAA.-And be it enacted that nothing
u tau Act • tall be construed to appy to
any B.nk or Baking Institution, or to soy
losurance Co• or to any Corporation or se-
sutatom of persons beretufore autbonzsd
by raw to lend or borrow money, at a roto
ot interest higher than 6 or 7 per. coot
per anoom.
The following is a copy of the Imperial
Act for transferring the settlements ot the
Clergy Reserve, to the Provincial Legis-
lature:- •-
A BILL to authorise the Legislature of
the Province of Canada to make pro-
tisionscoucerntng the Clergy Reserves
in that I'rorince, and the proceeds
thereof :
ee she Uppr Canada Twos IMO Linn Cowl bi jr d' MMM d p ykN b We cewdatlme5. WbiI. 1Mra w a(kt Geoerser r Y.tayeb. NtWtd at the
IM0may. semi too of Y►. Meds ' C orad MOW& the Mai of the Uses oar s ed lobe t•• . Ganott poo tb anaemias which Maasiei t.sM0 $enlist\ W
ale. t Moa a 'robed 41 tib 0.1.111 hoe. w ut- b*0stMp s blew. is the ell whish is re , sad &sMrea last lbs pt'wlsmatitta
oft eed.v.d,.howjt; of he Tswad+beafr eetltlwMMe M e4 nous reoesola tWtl tplM+d. wen r 1 •
.( the grub ►. • of the T.r,..t" ale 1M SN. 6.N y to i►y ells' puress- TM.eio gays bee holm at•mpb/ w 'f* iilethe s of 8sta.iaed has placed
Lab Herm sowed, see roferroaues e• mesh port d the said proceeds. ►street• *eke Carew with the toad i het that
relau.e a thi litei101ie us Lake Flores. meat*. latriest . elttr( s. 'sate amid peat* k dell from lam bud mid the •speer pocked It her Mnsios at 111.-11.4111.1
M disp.asl of ilea. Stowe.
AIM for • "spy of 114 third Roprt of the se mey b empliled 1e pe ode hr Use par- op .ad .eseesei is able ewe parse.. Thep ebo will be receive u Lnerpssl b7 a de -
T. reale Logistic Autism. spool of push stipule sad sU allowances time left the boom sea 'owned hew, retakes of this aristocracy.
I0 $••wee t. Mr. Meltewy Mr- Hooks dunsg sash luso self tneeeab.ees. tb ktbr l.hi.g bra tore wen leo many It a reported 1►at tM petLisib•ssfillorildrasisleillaril":d-
stated for that the ee.oegi of the per peeves- t -leo mush of the sad *et ratite third
*boos t• get ebo meeey. ter from tis *.golfer, Lirsr) led say step bola( 1.ke■ relative to a aur• sad berth years ot Hae Mtjoty'a 'ergs, The Ilei 1.y fug 111111 wont 1(10 t• nits. st•sm.htp Costpa y,
vey between the Ottawa sed Ge.rgies Bay up. 711. w sbmrgm Ne t.ae latkied feel the hoes* to of \ren shin hat, whish h•
.d that Il WY tete i to rant loot. free of the limited Ytagd.laiew g by the British gov"ram.at
to mitten,- els. that • g d Quest Bsilsi• left babied bias, ala afterwards he told hie A revel W a'ri'a It Pat te% from
pwly eai h •ball and irdad wttb, . autho nue ay set - see that Carroll m1 b1s wife were both
4lelhournc with a million of posed. nutr-
w as'*acted, .14 Ia dof.uit of which a bail 105.1 tboreo.t e< the same healed to •u,, '•i.g 10 a p1117 t1...at asg\t, sad th•r.
wowid►e I.tr.dusN to ►•ewreale right. ply o.o.h 4.45fesso w Ia t►. eaw Aot saes- woe id b •.►sdy is t1. bee.. but Mrs. Ira
treaders til IM.... en tbe Grad Riosr, 1l.*.d, .bB, from a0d alter tb peaessg d $h.w ..a Mn.. Lyseh. His foto•' ►ad sews from Erases u eaigperteet.
takes away by the era **(roe et la .d 11 this Act, be repealed.
Vic., cap. 4; oleo, that is she public ae• karma the previous sight ,bat Mr. Lynch There were reports that the Pope was ez-
cuu... rob 1852. stout to be sublet' ted to hod 1... di•ch.rgad from lbs Novy Y.rd petted is I •ren to crow. the Emperor, and
the Heuer. would a found detailed math-
Qvtaiec,2411 Marc.kand rocen•d hi• pyo On Tbur•day curs ,bat but liohnesa will stay two agoras at
meet. of the Clergy R sere* Fund til Up Leat .ig►t Wier efts report left, tb reg, ye•ug Bpna; esus hu father a tbsi' Compeigee. Mr. Bashbec had received an
per and Lower Casale, .rib th• "ether lead- Repre..ntatio. 881 wet tamed ►y a berg, room •bout eight u'eI.ek, when le went to assrrauce from the Emperor that the la -
'majority tball tell bier be wet smog out on s• errmd rill manufactories should be worthily re-
fer Mrs Mager• His father then had p5
d lee York L hkbiuon -
ass. receipt', payment., kc. a aboutpea 9. 'lb veru
A fiss.csal etateweot ul the public debt were Yeas 61, Nay I6. Various shmegid-
and sinking rued. and corre.poodaoce rola- meats were offered and rejected. Tbe de.
tine to the public deposits were radioed us bate continued with animation till the rote
mottos of Mr. Mackcos:... was taken, but Nothing sew brought out. -
Mr. }hocks positively reiterated that it
was not the wtsatioa to dimwits Parliarneat
u consequesc• of this Bill. He also stated
they had 01 iotention dissolve on auy oil" -
Mr. Morin said, in answer to 51r. S'isart,
,bat 11, Government here not •bandoo•d
their eels. me for reudenag the Legielat e
Couo•11 elective.
!'he Legislative Council, th:e taming, er relent. lnteuse excitement prevailed,
sent thrive the bill to nrodifiy the Usury p
Laos, which they reported they had pas- Yd wIwo the vole for the third retdi.g
.ed without unendment. It is uoJerstoud was announced it was received with clap -
n e 1.1 be 'anemone(' by the Governor Gen- ping of heath', &.c.,asd one member shouted
era* tomorrow. 1. view of I e general "hurrah," and one or two voices slid, "No
te.perlance, we give a at leugtb :- more Tories now."
Wh it to expedieot to abut .h all The followiug is the division oa the quer.
prohibition trod penalties on the lending
of money at •rev rate of tutrrert whatso
e ver, sad. to enforce to a certain extent and
nut further all contracts to pay interest o.
inoury lent, and to amend and simplyfy
the lawn relating to the loan of roomy et
u,ietest. Ile w therefore enacted, by- the
Queede Moet l:z.•ellsnt Majesty, by sed -
with Om &damce and consent of the Legis.
tette* C unc.l and the Legtalativo Awa
bly of the Pr vinc■ of Canada, constitute/
and aa•embleJ by v.rtue of and under the
authority of an act passed 1n the Parham."
of the Uoit.d Kingdom of Great Britain amid
Ire'and, and intituled an Act to re unite
the Province of Upper acid Lower Canada,
and for the Goairnweut .1 Canada, it is
hereby enacted, by rho authority L( the
same, that the 5th section of the ordinance
made ard passed by the Governor and his
Council, at Quebrc, to the 17th year of the
reign of hu l.te Majesty King George 111,
totitul.d an ordnance for ascertaining dam•
ages on protruded Bills of Exchange, and
fixing, the rate of toter's' in the Pruvioce
ear Quebec, and the 6th see. of the act of the tepee) Stevenson, Street, and Wright,
Parliament of the Prot tit Upper Canada (\Vest York) -16.
Passed it the 51 et 70.1 01 hie amid tate ala- Tbe bill to incorporate the London and
jesty'• reign' 'mauled an Act to repeal an Port Sarnia Railroad was read the third
Mr. Hartman mored that the Bill to se-
parate Georgina from Ontario be now read
the third time.
Mr. Wright, [East York,J that it be
read the third lime this time sen months.
Tbe bill was then read the, third !line.
The bill to incorporate tbe Hamilton and
Port Dover Railroad Company was read a
third time.
Mr. Street mored that the bill to remove
certain doubts existing as to the meaning of
act to amend act of incorporations of Nia-
gara IIarbour and Dock Company be read
■ third time.
Mr. Mackenzie moved in amendment
that the Lill be read a third time this day
week. Lost -3,32. Main motion car-
To day the following Bills were assented
to by the Governor, viz: --St Hyacinthe
':ollege Amendment Act; Ladies of Mel -
bale lucorporatiou Act; Act to vest road
allowance in Peterboro Cemetery; Act to
modify Usury Laws; Act to provide for
alteration, of limits of Perth.
The following were read tint time :-
Bit) to lessen law cnsts under certain cir-
cumstances in that part of the Province for-
merly called Upper Canada and for other
purposes in connection with suits at Law
therein, and the Bill to establish a Board of
examiner, for examination for school teach-
ers in the District of Kainouraska; Bill to
Idemnity the Brock Monument Building and
for other purposes.
Oe *notion of Mr. Badgley certain papers
relating to the Montreal Court house were
hie coat oQ, sod be thought be was (etas presented •t t New a
to bad -Th. aur west out au forted, ..d An uosuccesslul attempt was made by an
afterwards met casae comrade. te Mor- incendiary to burs the Toulon srseaal on
gee's court, Tbirleeoth street, me of the 24th uit. Typhus fever bad been very
whom was a boy younger then himself, prevalent to Paris, but it was gradually
Named Quin. abating again.
After returoieg bore at •boot s qu.r, From Spats we learn that Narraez but
withh his
ter of i I o', be od lbs door
' aclockrapping, en.lpenesew hbieock Farber appealed to his peers aghast the hanhaess
o ole 1• his hand. H+ came i. of the appealed.
sad gave hie so. s number of twenty and Advices from Austria state that Leb-
ta dollars gold pieces, telling him to put eney, who attempted to asawi.ale the Em-
sway. He thee told les nos that be peror, was en:muted oo the 2001 ult. Hu
bad murdered those two wows'', sad that Majesty was recoreriog, but slowly. Re -
be bad tekee the mosey from Mrs. Lynch's ports were rife that the British Ambassador
truck• 1s answer te lin mo"'• rnq•i'etee the had been mobbed, but the (act had been
carefully contradicted. however that may
be, it is certain the'. the Austrians bear all
ell feeling to the English, io consequence
of the hospitality shown to Kossuth and
Mazaui: for the Britighen in Vteona have
been" sent to Coventry" by general socie-
ty. The conspiracy recently discovered
among the pnsouen at Comoro had been
effectually put down, conspiracies were,
bowever„ afoot in other parts of the Aus-
trian dominions.
The sews from Germany is to the effect
that Saxony, Hesse, and other minor prin-
cipalities bare given their adhesion to the
Austro-Pruasiaa Commercial treaty. The
Duke of Oldenburgh died oo the 17th u11
A new company has been established at
lfamburgh for a line of steamers to Val-
From Switzerland we learn that two
agents of so American emigration company
have proposed to convey to the Potted
Statesetbe Ticinese, lately expelled from.
In Italy the Austrian authorities were
still revenging tiemselveson the people for
the late tasurreetioo, and arrests continued
to be the order of the day. Mazzioi is said
to bare eluded his enemies sod got safe on
board tn. English frigate Retribution at
Genoa. The Jesuit College at Rome has
been in a ferment in cossequeuce of the late
expulsion of some of its members from the
South American Republics, and obtaiaed,a
promise of active teterfereoce from the
From Russia we have received intelli-
gence that Poland was being filled with Im-
perial troops; and that a demand had been
made on Turkey for iodemuity for the late
ioterveatioo,and a settlement of the Holy
Sepulchre question was insisted upon.
In Turkey itself, affairs bad again assum-
ed .pacific feature. The reported rupture
with Austria turns outto be untrue. The
relations between the two countries are
most friendly, and both hare agreed to
smooth away all difficulties by a Congress
at Paris in May. Iu the meauttme the war
with Montenegro had ceased.
Advice, from Greece state that . the
Queen would soon present her consort with
an heir.
Dates from the Cape of Good Hope to
the 14th Jandary had been received, and
the report of a battle having taken place be-
tween the,Bri(ish and the Bashtees is con-
firmed. The 'British lost forty men and
the savages five buodred.
Accounts from Australia to the 6tli De-
cemoer state that the yield of gold bad
rather diminished. Provisions were lower
sailors were easily obtained, and emigration
was undimini•bed.
The overland mail had arnved in Eng-
land, but the news is not important. A re-
port was current that the King of Asa had
been dethroned by the heir apparent. -
Gold is said to have been discovered io Ma-
lacca. Tbe insurrection in China still pro-
hoe that the bill be now read a third time : tether told him that he w" let ID he Mrs
Yzas-Messrs. Browo,Cameron, Car- Shaw who ope.od lbs backdoor /or tt e
tier Chabot, Gaucho'', Chtpaia, Sol. Gen. ,kat a mac and a girl were ie eke house,
Chauveau, Christie, G hot he kept quiet until they had rune.-
( taper) Christie, He then talked and drank with Mrs. Shaw
(Weetwortb,) Cl:7ipham, Alt,,Gea.Drum- and mit last got her to go up eters and see
mood, Dubord, Dustwulw, Eagan, 1"ergu- if ber sister was asleep. She ansa' down
son, Fortier, Fournier, Genie, filename, 1(1 0 and told him that obit was, mJ •o°0
Inspector Ge.. Chicks, Jobia, Johnson, after he commenced *0:s murdurous assault
Lacesee, Langton, Laterriere, Laurin, Le- upon her. Be/ore ahs was entirely dead
Mlle, Leone/us, McDonald, (Cornwall,) Mrs. Lynch was aroused by the struggle•
of her sister and came down •taus In her
Mackenzie, blestiee, McDougall, Mc-
Lechlio, M enais Morin, Mor- Dight clothes. Hrd her and had a
,Merritt, . must •wlent strugilo le bhetater • he succeededrison, Page, Patrick, Poulette, Poulin, to quieting her.
Prince, Atty. Gen. Richards, Rolph, Rose, She crept behind or beneath the settee
Sanborn, Sbaw,Sicotte, Smith, (Durham,) in the back room, and seeming to be dead
Stuart, Tache, Ten -ill, Tessier '1'urcotte, be went up worth in his •tockieg feet, but
Valois, Variu, Viger, White, Willem), bsa`in a noise, hoc ens doves ague, and
Wright, (East York,) and Young -61, bond last she hod reined. Ile •gut■ s1-
N ;s-ttZessrs. Badley, Burnham, tacked her with the dir; and finished her
s as be said, by twilitng Iver neck. He their
Dizon, Gamble, McDonnell, (Kingston') went up stairs, and brake rhe dirk by for-
Maehddon, Macnab, Malloch, !gurney, ting open the trunk he then set fire tuth.
Ridout, Robinson, Seymout, Smith, (Frog- house, stetter that lie had buret rho ends
of hie fingers in ki idlin g rt. When the
sue suggested that the knife would lead to
his detection, he mod be had throws away
the dark in George •Boat. -Th• dirk for-
onmarty belonged to his sun to whom a write
gives by a youth .t the l me he was living
in Washington, and was taken by his father
two weeks since. He had borrowed it
before, but returned it. Tbe bey identified
the she• h of the dirk, and also rhe piaci of
lead pipe.
After going to their room, the Woe
brought water, anal the lather wished t ill1t
the atoms of blood frnm h • shirt. Tee
e on returned the gold to ha father: but the
nest morning he was sent wall a tan do •
ler gold piece to purchase shirt• for his
father and himself. Hp bought tam of
large rzs for hie laths-, ono tor h..n.e!•
and a parr of working., and out of the
change, five dollars was paid to hire.
Maguire for their board, which w's the ID.
ly money paid on that aeeuunt.
On lb* eros eximiaaion Juig*. Doran,
after putting searching questions to test
the correctness of *0. proven' testimony
witb.:nt producling the slightest variance
asked the witness In the most solemn min
D er whether he had sot himself committed
the murders, assisted by Quinn, hie ...o -
tuts. A most emphatic denial was 'mitts'•
..J, and other quealIona followed in rho
same sorra, prompted by the lather, but
nothing was gained for the prisoner. Tbe
'rooms meeverated his Innocence ie the
moat solemn and impr+wire manner.
The late queeuoe asked arch whether he
w as not promised, if be testified sur the
pro.ecution, thst he should be liberated --
He dented this, and .ard the statement was
made •olintsrtly, but he buret Into tears
as he exclaimed that ho would rather have
met puni.hment, could he have been spared
hu p dagrace.
At this p tint Mr• Reed interfered, as he
had prosecuted on what teslimooy had been
. nbmitteJ, the prisoner was remanded for
trial -The kntoes•e, were notified to al-
teni tiro morning before the Grand Jury,
who will act at once upon the case, and
the trial will probably take place early
n est week.
lo addition to the evidence at the hear -
log yesterday, is the fact that the wounds
icaicted upon the deceased were le(tharded
blows, and that the prisoner, fur the last
twenty years has keen noted for that pe-
culiarity. Tb. dainoung (id 0017 also be
mentioned that the angers of the petitioners
still show the marks of tae barns received
accordieg to his owe accouot,.whde setting
fire to the house.
The 'deveiepemcot °f yesterday, aur
readers will no doubt readily admit, are
moat convincing wnh regard to the guilt
of the pneoners and mord the coegramula
Iron •t the pro.poet of the vtolrted law
being •pesdly avenged,the promptitude and
ngtlao..e of the Soutbwork police ra se
curing tae guilty man should be properly
. ppr.ctated, trod 111 ere du awarded which
ism justly their due.
i'IIILADILTNIA, March, 16.
T to bras] Lary have *Wind true bills
against Arthur Sprier fur the murder of
odea Lynch and ll.onah Sltaw. The
trial a 6zed for MooJ.y.
Qe.aac, March 22, 1853•
Ina nicht after the report, ►Ir. Richards
.ietredeeed a bill to separate tVeotwurtb.
On motino of Mr. Puler*, a Corn:tette*
was eppuinted to take tato coeaideraliva
the advantages which would result from
the formalise of as ice bridge above R.cae-
lieu Rapala.
The bill to enlarge the Representation
was again considered to Committee, and
the Tames bag proposed that the re-
port be sow 'waived, Mr. M.Ilork sued
is aits.Jweat, that the bill be ricotta'ttoJ
to ream 1 the isms by attaching Glou-
cester aed Oernod8 to the County of Cari-
na'. Leat -38, 13.
Mr. Seymour moved ie amepdmeal, that
she billies recommitted for the purpose of
sw.dieg the rams, by divJig Leanest
as Al heats§ utu eleetorot Waimea. -
beet -38, 21.
Mr- Wright moved, io amendment, that
the ball be recommitted, for making pro
moot for the r•prs.antauo" of Peel by two
membra• Lost 31, 25.
Mr- Brews movod, re amendment, that
the brei be reesamnted t+ armed tiro same
se that twitted of one member for the town
sed towaebtps of Nagare, w tb Woe for
Lianas sad ea. for Welland, those coo-
mrtueorrse iboll be arranged is three elect
total Iutae'., a Dearly equal as possible:
(bit leaded of Bytowo and Carlon bay
ug o.e member, those eoestrturne ea shall
b tivided into electoral dt.uets; that in-
stead of oma member for the town and
township of Cornwall, and gee member for
tbe remeini••g townships of Srormont,those
tyre loosteuesties shell be waited; that in -
mead of be reflector coo0tituencia hav-
ing eight rapreseotativee, they shall have
arm-hoa;oe, Virtu. West Middlesex, and
East Middlesex, West Elgin, East Hild t-
maed, Norfolk, Huron, *ud Bruce; tbai
instead of Russell with two townships,
Iron Cer!toe, having one member, and
Whereas the Act of the Session of Par-
liament ('olden rut the 3rd and •tab years of
Her Majesty's reign, Cap. '78, provides for
Pelmet 5ne member, ter those Comnttes tbe sale of the lands called " Clergy Re -
Mall be salted and bare ono mem.er; ,tat serves" is the Province of Canada and for
metaad 01 Peel, with a poputeian of the distribution of the proceeds thereof, it
barter gee member, it shall have awn; that eapedieet that the Legislature of the said
isetead of Leede bed Crossville having four Province should be enabled to make further
representatives they *ball have three; Wm provisions its relation to such Reserves and
hatted of Llano:, Addington, sad Has-
trags South hart.' tiro members, the► Proceeds:
shall lave thrre.-Loaf, A to 54. Be it enacted by the Queen'. most excel -
Mr. Gamble moved in amendment, that lent Majesty, by and with the advice and
w h the population of lithe• section
trf 11e I'ronoce shall exceed that of the
other by one third, every comity or riding
thee eew'sioier a population of 30,000 .hall
seed two members so the Legu'auve As.
n m4ei, end it shall be the duly of the
Government to deride such County into
two.-Lnel 90 to 43.
Aad for question be:or &gain' proposed,
that the report be enw rece.r,J, the lion.
Mr. Merritt, moved to amendment, that lire
bill be rsenmmwted to amend the same by
loathing Grenville *ad 'myth (roes Lie
Bela sad .ttaebug there to Niagara, -
Leet lh 107 -
The ►ill was then rep.rteJ.
Tao order of tar day, for the House to
(0 1u:o Committee on the Commercial
polity of the country, was postpu.rcJ till
Wednesday week.
The Hee. Mr. C.merno moved that the
►ill to restrain the manefserure, sale, tied
tmpsr'st .0 of ,ntnareat:ng liquors, in ser -
tem meta, shall be read a tweeted t me -
Thebet.ealor.poke et waw length•
Gs mattes of Mr. Ilalmae, the debate
atm •tj,eoeed•
The lutists -ter bills were real a third
lie prev4. for the tare of Dihnk-
aids; To amead t*0i law ie raptor to
Rest Properly to Upper Tassels: and -to
more* (hsegu. to York.
Mr. D►.lr•eesd thee pin -golfed to move
the Emceed reedr.g of the hagnort.I Tun-
es Bal,
Qoa,►e, 25r4 Mareh.
Brs.t eight *fres avert left, the Room
eneseemd to thaws. the 5etgeetel Tree*
WU. if. vete sus takes •t we seiner e-
sssaL To-a.ghs,.IN moo eves of the Crt,
*;.meal1 ofQuehe. f r 1'..sena an•e if
O."w,..eet to the N -w* abets Railroad,
w es a►dkwed es he primed 'ter the tree coin"
Mr. 'Meet i.tr4ee d a UP to *rim! to
Ile faoorsaee Computes isenrp..rs.ed by
U./tobl aetheeN►, the ".req nen' sod
11 Wei record to kr ewes a /rowed
.'The scene that tr- anspired yesterday
afterearo in Court room at the County prison
bas scarcely a parallel rn rise annals of
crime. Arthur Sprier, accused of being
the murderer of Hannah Shaw and Ellen
Lynch, was brought before Alderman !sari,
and the mations tion proceeded under the
direeuo. of Attorney General Reid. J.•
seph Doran, Erg., appeared se counsel for
the accused, all Anis 'l'humpeon, Erq., for
the earwig,' Spring, who tt was Mastro the
fattier would attempt to criminate as beteg
the actual murderer i• eoansction with a
consent of the Lords, apirutal and temporal, lad muted Pinney.
and Common in this presents, Parltameat Arthur Spring, the accused, is about 45
assembled, and by the autbority of the same years of age, a satres of Ireland, haring
as follows; come from the saws parab te the •uucty
1 --It shall bit lawful for the Legislature of Kerry with the ent..rtuoate woman who
fell, victim to but lust of gold. Ile is stout
built, the traces of bad ;samosa and a die
solute life mole's' him appear older tun
of the Province of Canada, from time to
time, by any Act or Acts to be for that
purpose made and enacted, is the manner he actually ie. He .at immoral dur.ng
and subject to the conditions required by the examination of wit , but r0ealt-
tlse act of the said session of Parlia-
ment holden in the third and fourth
years of *ler Majesty's reign, cap.• 35,
sections 37 aad 38, In respect of acts made
and enacted by such Ieeistatton to vary or
repeal all or any of the provialoos of the shad some shuts for his father with oma
said fret mentioned Act of Parliament for
or concerning the sale, alienation and dis-
posal of the Clergy Reserves, and for or
concerning the investment of the proceeds
of all sales thea made, ur thereafter to be
made, of onto Ueserre•, ani tor or cooter
.Ips the spproprte and application of bean*o.ted under the circumstance• le
` II watch he hia, !need, commended t rm to
age irrsreeds and to mento, interests the •varp•thy oI all who witnessed the
Yd eividends thereof, -the interest aceru- tryteg.acose.
Nag a sales os credit of such Reserve*, 111 took the oath in an impressive mme-
the rent of such ligper*es, for the time ser, •d replied to all the t estome of rho
Leung, unsold, and all other of the profits ',Attorney General with • Maims eareest-
ef, or accruing from, Mich Reserves; mod as less mod .eiJe•a aseenty. lie was deep
notwithstaed.ng the said first mentio.ed set ly refected whoa pre.eeJ oy queetiom ►e
.g ups. t1. guilt of bio 1atber, .54
ar l
use rims bad at be lea le ten• epee air w
keep blas Iraq fasting • 116• statement
wee anbteetlally •a fellows
Tbefathor sad see bad Iwo hone y, for
sheet fear weeks, at the House of Patrick
Jlagutre, Ia Market street. O. Ts./sy
. lest la.t the tattier took the •e• to Car-
r.tJ'e beau, the Lass e.rryteg wttl tem
a pose o1 hod pep r- from M armee •-tee
sen sooemp'1i0( blew se he says, is order
be meow has Irem as mimeo trig nM•ee.,
Watt swpsaw that be mended to lib
if beget a elates.
0. arri►tag at Ceevolt'e the bey wee Is-
are4swd to ebo hrelM ata Mrs. Oboe
Mob biw es M IspCtetlag We NM see
INDIUM Nim o lettee lawy, sad bawd
sauce at times wearing a smile.
After lb ezamtnauon of venous wi'eea-
et including Mr. Marne and family, keep -
Ing the tavern et which Sprits and *0i. nos
were bearding, and a clerk at a clothing
store is Mas , t Street, where the son par -
of the stolen gold poeee, the son was
placed epee the stand as a wiloedrta the
Thu youth, whore same is ales Arthur
Mprteg te a fair cnmpiesmeod, iote:l:geat
team, lad, of about 17, amid rho !epilog
of Parliament to make ouch otber provisi.'
ties for, or concerning the sale, alienation
or disposal of the slid Clergy lteserves,
and such investments as aforesaid ; and for
or eoseerni.g the appropriation aad apph-
catios of welt Clergy Reserves, proceed.,
ioreslmcnts, interests, and dividends, recta
and profits, as to the maid Legislature may
seem meet.
2-Pm.d•J that it •hal, net he lawful
for the said Legrsla'n., by lay Act M
Acts lbeteef to ..'and, seemed or rake"
soy et Me •nail ripped" or klewaee"n
.boat have boos already see geed and rem
to tN Clergy of tbe Caer.h 5 N Eaalae
so/ Se.tlaa+, ate say Ober R•Iigte e.
ell . favoe.bis {jea d stow is for oar -
Meg sill* the pulses Admitting;
as be Med dead of the Gorerameat
they weoaeillr .dbojeet la • practi-
cal rim of Mew. First, there was the M-
imes. of their owe szemple; and he might
say a this palet, that the military sees -
sera sato which the Goreremsat had es -
tend (whether thew measures were right
or wrong) were entirely on a principle of
defense. Ton had eluted in the csmtry
w had been remarked, a strong feeling of
alarm, sad had the Goverameat dewed it,
they might easily have availed themselves
of this ling, and have greatly ieere.ae
the armaments. But, their sisters desire
had bees to do soth;og more ghee wet as-
esseary, accordo.g to the *patios of compe-
tent judges is such matters. Ile admitted
that the duger of aggr..sioo had been en-
ormously eaag ;erased, yet, he thought that
a great country Itke ours ought not to be
left at the mercy of ewes the most pacific
tattoo. With respect to the definite mea-
sures proposedby the Deputation, be doubt-
ed whether, in the present state of Europe,
such proposals would be lateeed to as fa-
vorably as they might have been tea years
ago; but be *gala assured the Deputation
that, whether their object was attained or
not, it would tot be for the want of inclina-
tion o• his part to promote it. Ile would
keep the subject constantly in view, and mo
one could more earnestly desire so happy a
result than himself. -British Banner.
Oa Saturday, - the Deputation
appointed, at the conference of the friends
of Peace; -at Manchester to present an ad-
dress to the the Earl of Aberdeen, waited
upon his Lordsbip,by appoiotmeie sat Down-
ing street. Among those present were
the following gentlemen: -T. Alter Gib-
son, Esq., M. P., Richard Cobden, Esq.,
M. I' ; Joseph hums, Esq., M. P.; Wil-
liam Browo, Esq.. M. P.; George iiadfield
Esq., M. P.; William Laslet, Esq., M.
P.; Joseph Botherto" Esq., M. P.; Joseph
Crook, Esq., M- P.; James Bell, Esq., M.
P.; Frank Crossley, Esq. M. P.; James
Kershaw, E• M. P.; W. A. Wilkinson,
Esq., M. P.;William Ewart, Esq., M. P.;
J. B. Smith, Esq., M. P.: Edward Miall,
Esq., M. I'.; John Cbeetbam, Esq., M. P.;
An imii,rlar.t declaration LasLurn made Samuel Gurney, I:sq.; G. W. Alexander,
in the Briti.h Parliament by Lard Palmer., L•• Edward smith, Esq., Sheffield; Jo_
soon with regard to political re(u ers. tile se, Stage, Esq., Birmingham; Henry,
stated that no demand for ex ulama o.'re-
feaees from Eo;land had been made by
foreign governments; and that if such • re-
treat bad been made it would have been
hrmly refused. At the same time his lord-
ship hinted at the propriety of refugees ab-
stalaing from nets Diet would be likely to
compromise England.
On the lab iustaat the Canada Reserte
Bill as ordered to a third reading by 3S
majn ly.
(hi the same evening to reply to Lord
Deky Stuart, Lord John Buss I1 stated
that be had confident hopes of thediBcol-
ties between Austria and 'l'urkey•beiogad-
joated by negotiation.
There has bee. another debe& os the
Maysooth Greet gaestioa, emit it has bees
determsnsd not to extend atm iogviry to all
eeelesiase6. aI grouts. e
At the Queen'n levee epos the 2.4 Met.,
Mr. W. II. 1'reseott, Secretary of the U.
S. Loretto*, was presented by Mr. In-
Some stir has been created in political
circles by the pbhration of a letter from
Masan, regarding Ko•eth's proeMmatios
to tb Ilemgriaa soldiers is Lombardy,
usideb be duel... wasar writte, lay the w
Pease, Esq, Darliogta, Samuel Gurney,
jun., Esq., Jobe Lee, Esq., L. L. D.;
Lawrence Heyworth, 1'..q., Liverpool;
Frederick Ashby, l''q., Staines; George
Edmunds,B, Binurngbam! Robert Char -
totem, Esq.,Bristol; E. F. Collins, Esq.,
Hell; Jobs Morland Esq., Broydoo; Rich-
ard Storey, Esq., Croydon; J. D. Bassett,
Esq., I.eigbtae; Samuel Lucas, Esq., Hit-
chin; William Edwards, Esq., Loodoa ;
Russell Jeffrey, Esq.; Rev. Job. BdQuet;
Joseph Cooper, Esq., Rev. Hoary i;ieb-
ard; Charles Gilpin, Esq.; Jame" Elliott,
M. D.; Samuel Carter, Esq.; Henry Storey
Esq.; Thomas Beggs, Esq.; Res. Clement
Dukes; Rev. Edward Gila; John J.e3iea,
E.4.; Alfred Roiling Eq.2• J. Liowey,
Eq-; Messrs- Pony Alsop
dee. Mr. T. M61uer Grhtos, M. P. istro-
daeed the depotattos. Tho Secretary, the
Rev., henry Richard, toes read the .d.
deem. Tb. Earl of Aberdeen said M bed
sever met nay dp.tatiea with whom ob-
jects he mom eempRtoly agreed thea alt
pretest. Thea epiiees be bad not adopt-
ed remedy. Thy red *Gee formed the
mbjeet of dmev.sioe sen yarn ago with hi.
lam mimed (hived. Sir Robert Peek bot
et that plied. tba elide of Smell ono, per
rrH E Partnership heretofore mistier be
toffee GEORGE k JOHN COX, as
printers sad publishers and to the Heron
Srg*a!, hes this day bees dia.olved by
mutual t. All persons iadeb'ed
to the said firm aro requested to fettle
Om same with George Col, ,who will
aloe pay all liabilities.
Goderich, March 911, 1853.
Thai Patriot is his sokeitaties ter the
welfare of Hares 'adenoma le touch the
Mart strews es well as purse -stria' of the
Ilene Loyalists by repristieg tad cow
mettle' epos the last speseb of ew deceas-
ed cesteseponry. We meat say that kis
arguasests std choice words although emaa
ati•g from 'forest° are by .o manse. ele-
gant as we might have expected end he
seek• to snits feelings that we bop. bare
long ceased to be preralest is Hume. He
says :-
"Tbe .hose an.sueemeet grieves se
very mesh. The 6se couelry of Hares -
the owes loyal sad noble meaty, se eoa-
spicuoudy Irelisgui.ted for its arboretum
to Coasensuem sell le Britain, has heel
for t1a last how years sadly retrotrautg
or the dow.bttl course of dory. This k
deeply to be deplored.
"Its ars 1 greet eemalmt scented le
the elective of that greatest et all poorest
mountebanks -the soterieus 'Co.. .1
Wabeet." Otte weu Id have supposed Ott
• lower depth of degredatte. Utast t►u,
n o utility could possibly have arrival at.
Dr. Rolph. .oven* with crime se he 15-
bleediag at every pre, se we beheld him
with toe leprosy of • deublalysd treaties ro
hie .ovsrergs std to but party -.sen he
pommies the clam of *dus.ueo and roto!;.
gents to recuremeedeJ hitt to a eonstitu.
•oey But Malcolm °Meekly," "Coon"
Cameron !-Foggo ! W. satinet speak
of hon -his very rgserasce close is • pass-
port to the very lo teat swum 0 lbs low.
est alae• re which o ,r spume eaa des-
•'We make but a passive allu.ioa 1. 1b
degrading fact of the oats noble Brutish
conoty seekte( to comsat itself with rho
Buffalo Yaske. "Come" south of Lake Erie
instead of struggling to cement torr Con.
D e110. with Hamilton and Torooto; and
and through them, with their pares soil
and their adopted home. It was mother
atop In the dowuhtll oar's'' of the Mo-
We insert the foregoiig in the full coo-
viction that the " Loyalists" of Huron both
conservative and radical are too far advao-
ced ie the scale of civilization to be enter-
tained for ease moment by reflections so
coarse and unwarrantable. The Patriot
is perhapenot aware that the Huron Loyal
lots of every party are perfectly at ease
with regard to the condition and prospects
of their " fine county" and are well satis-
fied that its Interests are rather more flour -
'Aug at the present time, than they were
when they sought " to eemeut their coo
sexio, with Toronto" and were indebted
to Toronto for a representative is Parlia-
ment. Before the Patriot undertakes
to comment upon igorance and vulgar-
ity be might exercise himself very ap-
propriately for a month er two in chas-
tening and polishing his owe diction. -
We also think the reflectiou ought to have
',truck him when writing bis out -of -place
slur epos -Dr.. Rolph, drat such language
was very similar to that which resulted in
the Montreal House burning, and that is
sot generally admitted to have beet a veep
loyal proceeding. With respect to Mr.
Cameron, the loyalists of the United Coun-
ties are well satisfied that be has done more
real service for the Counties during the
short time he has been their member, than
was accomplished by their Toronto closes
representative during the whole of but term
of office. But probably the wound indict-
ed by the Cayley defeat is still fresh its the
breast of our contemporary. As tbe opini-
ons of the people of Huron are settled with
regard to the merits of the different Rail-
ways, we will leave the Putrid and b,0
n eighbors quietly to finish their line to the
Norah Pole, -and while with bus other Rees
he visits the "Yankee Coons," At 11c,.11;ns-
burgh, Port Huron and Detroit, we shall
be most happy by our line to pay our res-
pects to the same harry gentlemen at Buf-
talo and New York, and if our contempor-
rary will speedily get bis own litres in order,
we promise to try their merit' ;n;0 journey
to Quebec.
We have to eeegra'ulato our readers
epos the punting of Om Represeoration
Bill is the House of Assembly oa the *3rd
test, by a note of 01 against 16. This
measure which former Ministers have tried
in mists carry, has at length passed the
third reading. ft wtl'. probably meet with
some del*y in gong through the Legisla-
tive Couseil, on account of the difBeu,ty of
gattlog tegmlier a "Ansel matter of the
members of that body :o secure it the
requatte two third vote, but it is sow coo -
mitered safe. It is generally admitted by
Reformers that the new bill .111 prove very
serviceable to the cause of Reform, and
that it will as the death blow to Toryism
The number of members is the Heusi
will be increment from 42 wader the pre-
sent act, to 65 under the new Bill for each
Sutton of the Prunnee• This will see ore
a majority of Reformer. to the House,
and eoefequeotly gnrgreater facilities for
felon useful kgi.iilier
As Aet to prevent the traffic in Alco-
holic and intoxicating Liquors has been
introduced into the House by the Hon.
Malcolm Cameros. This is a most usrful
measure and is much demanded by a
very large portio. of the population of
Canada. The state of public feeling with
regard to a law of this kind is probably not
quite so universally favorable as to ensure its
passage at the present, but that feeling
even among moderate drinkers is more fa-
vorable than by many is supposed to be the
case, and many absolute drunkards are aazi-
oos for the measure as their only sure safe-
guard from the despotism of their own cor-
rupted appetities. The toes of Temperance
have done much towards enlightening the
public with regard to the necessity (or a law
of this kind, as it hasbeet found that the
restrai.ing influence of this body combined
with every effort of mare! s.asion has riot
always bad the power to preserve its weaker
members wbo have probably been rescued
from • course of misery, from the artful
seductions of designing men who loo fre-
quently scruple oot to glory in the shame
and ruin of their fellow man. This act
goes to the root of the evil, it regards in-
toxicating Liquors when used as a bever-
age as a "fruitful cause of crime, poverty
disease and demnreltzatioe," and considers
it the "duty of Gorer.meot to protect the
people against these craw" Tbe passing
of the act ca. be productive of no 6n juiry
but will confer an absolute unmistakeable
benefit upon she whole community. It now
devolves upon'rempera.ce men and upoe
pbile.tbropat g tterally,• to e.hghten the
public with regard to the bww6ts to be
derived from the adoptios of this law. To
press home to the minds of their fellow
mea th.teet principles which have ena-
bled the to take a decided stand arei.st
'stemperssee as the thief so1resr of crime
sad misery. Int them unitedly prem on-
ward, esieg every .veil.ble Beans for the
aceomplabmeet of this object and in a few
yeah intemperance will be moat the evils
that have bees Ave. 1roa the earth. Io
tb mw time we amid 5dvie• those who
have " vested i.tereots" he the deleterioes
*trite trepan for • cheege--for it will
come sad that epadly. We smiled that
the member for ilsro.Per,h a lime* Nara
d.eed them Bal sad reprd it est soW. *ri-
d.s...f Mailman to Wee the bast *0breste
if kits si- iMltlr
Accmeter. O. Friday last as Mr. Sheriff
McDonald was crossing the Maitland sear
its mouth on the ice. the see broke sod the
Sheriff P.partially'lltiwsd
a1n the water,
het we "gla3 to stile tat he "soaped
without ay injury except a alight wattle'.
Clout' Revue. -The copy e1 the Cler-
gy Reserve bill sew before the Imperial
Parliament will be fousd in soother place
It has passed the second reading by a large
Q} John M'Donald, Eq., has resigned
the Shrievalty of Huron and Bruce.
a W" are sorry to bear that the di.
ciaoe of the Sone of Temperance at Ka
eardiee does eel new meet me menus' of
its smell cumber of w.snbare. We hops
. 1,111. extra 0fy.rt w •1 hr pot forth. sod
the evil remedied.
g » Tbe Bay at Toronto is opeaieg, ole
or two schooners have arrived there.
• From the Globe we regret to leen
that Mr. Justice Sullivan who is appoist_
ed to hold the assizes here. in May is .of-
fering from a severe aad dangerous illness.
Q} We are requested to state tlrt the
Rev. Mr. Ross, from Brucefield, win
preatl► io the Secession Church, at Gode-
od -rich, on Sudsy meat, 3rd Apnl, .1 11
o'clock, A. M.
SuDDEN DeaTH aT a BALL. -•At• a ball
given to tbe'.bo►lutea e( Ludlow, tea
week. by the Hes. R. B' Clive. ad led?
Harriet Clive to mere for tete feet titer
chiefs leek place eil the eiseriage sf thew
105, Yrs. Evans, the *OA of . Iredteine.
+f tbe Isom, *teed epee' the perms* of
daiag in ab* Nees, whoa sae wdd•ely
trapped • earns. She MOW t Mabee"
.Nd a.. .8 s.. Amon, r oleppond
bon heed *it WINO-