HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-02-15, Page 10pedal Savings for ALL, February ENDS _FRUIT SAt,T Sa ve 21s 98c $1.19 Size for `P91-YMVI,S1QN 10.02. C42 gla R. $5.26 for .:44P,Vello161 NOXZEMA plant lO-oz. S 1 13 5 svegg. PLgNAMINS Savo $1.49 90 Tablets for $4.89 _ ASA, r in .Aspirin 100's Special AnilnRe .FRESH ENER and Floral 89c Res, 11.25 for ALKA- SELTZER Save 7it, 49c 2 f or 89c mopfEss Slc' Pkgs. II. for 89c Save 13c WRITING PAP 25e ENVELOPES iSe oo rk Poth for ‘,V 110 HOT WATER 130TTLE Reg, $1.25 for NOXZEMA aR1-1$1-11-E5E SHAVE Reg, 89e for 76c AEROSQL apma 98c Moth Proofer newmpss New Carefree Reg, 51c for 46c MACLEAN'S TOOTH PASTE Special Tubes 2 99c 99c Hearing Aid Batteries • Report on Shipka rPrfeq414.;.0 Mr. and Mrs. Bud Winegar- den and family of Glencoe were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Clarke and fam- ily, Mrs. Milton Raiz visited sev- eral days last week at the home of her brother, Mr. Walter En- sold in London. Mr, and Mrs. 'Don Adams, Mark and Brock of London spent the weekend with Don's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Les Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer, Ron and Barbara were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith at Woodham. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sher- ritt of Parkhill and Mrs. Rus- sell Belt of Chatham visited Saturday evening with Mr, and Mrs, Karl Guenther and fam- ily. Mrs. Harry Chapman of Lon. don was a weekend visitor. with Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Morenz and Billy. HEAR YE! LOOK YE! 14-day led-a-than' SLEEP SETS ay MRS. NORMAN. LONG KIPPEN T h e annual congregational meeting of St, Andrews United Church, Kippen, with Rev, H. Johnston as chairman was held Monday evening, February 5 and was preceded by a pot luck supper. Mrs. Emerson. Kyle was ap- pointed secretary for the meet- ing. Reports from all organiza- tions of the church indicated a successful and prog r e .s s i v e year. Elected to the Board of Ste- wards were Lloyd Lovell, Hank Binnendyk, Hugh Hendrick, El- mer Turner: Elected to the Board of Trus- tees, .John Sinclair and. Emer- son Kyle. Ross Love was ap. pointed representation to Pres- bytery. A motion was approved for the election of elders to be held at a later date, with further announcemnts in this regard to be made from the pulpit. Sunday School awards „Diplomas and seals were given out Sunday at St, An- drews United. Church, Second diplomas went to Jim 'Kyle, Kenneth Jones and Da- vid Turner; second year seals to Janice Turner, Joan Fink- beiner and Gregory Love; third year. Brenda Turner. Fifth year to Janice McNi- chol, Deborah Anderson; sev- enth year, Billy Turner: ninth year, Grant Jones, Nancy Con- sitt. Wendy Jones, Barbara Mc- .Joan Sinclair and Ruth Arm McNichol: Tenth year, Carry Anderson. Marjory Turner; 11th year, Gwendolyn Jones. Baptism During the service Sunday morning at St. Andrew's Uni- ted Church Rev. Harold John- ston baptized Michael Henry Binnendyk, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Flank Binnendyk. Those attending the service from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Vennema of Bur- lington a sister and brother-in- law, also Mr. and Mrs. A. Van Poucke of Walton, parents of Mrs. Binnendyk, Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mous- seau attended the funeral Wed- nesday of Mr, Mousscau's aunt, the late Mrs, Humphrey Webb of Grand Bend. Mr. David Cooper, who is tending University of Western Ontario spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Die- kert visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wahl of Listo- wel. Mrs. W. L. Meths spent an afternoon in London last week, The ladies of St, Andrews United Church held a quilting bee and pat luck dinner on Tuesday and completed two quilts. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pries- top of near Mitchell visited Sunday afternoon with the lat- ter's father, Mr. Robert Thom- son. Mr. and .Mrs. James Arm- strong of Staffa viisted Mon- day with Mr. and Mrs, N. Long, Mr. and Mrs. A. Timmerman have taken a trip by plane to Call JB At 1863 BO ' FIN A COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE PH.881 HGHWYS.4-8 EXETER • t Co) • 4 • 4 Pegg Th.0 illre$,M.VOcat0, February 'IL 1942 PS speaking champ, woubirbe doctor win Last yea t 's Exeter public Medical topic school speaking champion. Brian Smillie, 13•year.old Ann Fairbairn, Exeter, son student wonthe boys. the girls' division of th e grade sion. with his speech on the nine contest at SHDHS, rues. "Stopped Reart opnratibu... day. while a Hensall youth who The youth who reads consider- hopes, to become a doctor W"' able medical material, and the boys' class. hopes to become a doctor, told: The daughter . of Mr. and of the operation whereby doe. Mrs. Jim Fairbilen, the 14. tors are a bl e t o. stop the Year-old spoke on "Care' the heart while performing diffi `'aritable organization t h 4 t cult operations. ,collects money to send food The youth is the son of Mr and Mrs. Clarence Smithe. Hensall. Placing secoad was Eric Rose. Huron Park. who spoke art "Sattellites". and Robert -Hartman, Zuric h. received. honorable mention with his speech on "Canada". FORMFR. PS CHAMP Ann Fairbairn Sy MRS, .WILLIAM THAMES „guAn Ott :Friday evening around One hundred friends and rela• lives gathered in Russeldale Hall to honor Mr. and Mrs, Gordon llodgert of Exeter on the .oevaston of their twentieth we ddi ng ann i versar y. The evening was spent in dancing and at the close Mr. and Mrs. .11odgert Were pre- sented with a lazy susan and a china flower centrepiece. ()nests were present from Bornholm,. Kitchener, London, Orangeville, Owen Sound, Sea. forth, Thames Road and the surrounding commtmity. Community night will be held in the school house on Monday evening, Feb. 19. Mr. and. Mrs. William Fergu- son, Mr. Victor Kestle, Mr. and Mrs. James .liodgert of Exeter', Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cann, Ju- dith and Bradley were Monday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cottle, the occasion being ..the birthday of Mrs. Wit. •iam Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hog- larth of Staffs, Mr. and Mrs. fames Hodgert of Exeter, Mr. And Mrs, Beg Hodgert, Grant and Brenda, Mr, and Mrs. Ross. liodgert, and Diane were Tues. ilay evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold. Cann, the oc- casion being the birthday of firs. James Hodgert, Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Knight and Linda spent Friday eve- ning 'with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Ilunkin. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Powe and family, Mr. and Mrs. Al- Ian Elston and family were Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller, Rodger Luxton of Owen Sound spent the week with ,tack Hodgcrl. Mr. and Mrs. :Harold Rowe, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Clarke spent Saturday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Roy .Ballanlyne of Lon- don. Mr, and Mrs, Melvin Gardi- nor of hatter, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dodgert, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery :spent Saturday .evening with, Mr. and Mrs, td'illlam Alien. Mr, and Mrs, Sandy of Exeter spent Saturday eve-, rung with Mrs, Jennie Moore and Mr. and Mrs. William. Snow, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Bray, Robert, Janet and. Ruth visited on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs, William ;Ilford, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Luxton of Owen Sound were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hodgert. Mr. and Mrs. William. Bowe and Mr. and Mrs. William Fer- guso. of Exete . ..SondAy guests with Mr, r an W d M Mrs. Da- rold Rowe. Mr, and Mrs, Abner Pass. more, David, Dennis, Darlene and Dale were Sunday guests with Mrs, Percy Passmore of Exeter. Mr. and. Mrs. Gerald Gilmour and Kevin of Locan were Sun- day guests with Mr, and Mrs. logo Buy. Mr, and Mrs. Tony Shulman and family of Embro, Mr'. and Mrs. Allan Wanner and Shirley of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. John Py.m and Pauline were Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs. Er- nest PYin. Mr. and Mrs, Mac Dodgert, 115 hears .accovntant Roger, Emery,. chartered -4C- countant with Clarkson ,Gordon and Company, London,. was the vocational ap eAknr at SIMUS Wednesday, Feb, 7, The expanding variety of op- portunity open to a graduate chartered AVP211.134111, WAS the theme .of Mr. 4111417'$ talk, The growing complexity of the tax laws, insurance claims and business .financing all provide 11 increasing demand for pro- fe$$innal. chartered account,. ants as consultants and :advi- sors, When commenting on the portunities in the business world, Mr, Emery Mentioned that many top .executives Are- graduate chartered account- ants. Mr, Emery stressed the im- portance of English to a -phav• (erect accountant, De -emplia- size,1 the importance of being able to expiess ideas clearly and accurately. Although a university degree is nnt- essary now, it will be required by 1970, Mr, Emery said. A short film, based on a ty- Pleat day of a chattered ac- countant', followed the discus- sion. Jack, loanne, Laurel and Lee were Sunday evening guests with Mr, and Mrs, lim Howatt of Londeshoro, MIDDLETON Drays PHONE 235-1570 EXETER Thames Ro,:aci, .fetes community .couple and clothing to needy coun- tries. She briefly outlined the his- tory of the organization to her fellow classmates and pointed out the many ways in which Care helps in underdeveloped countries. Sandra. Schock. 14, Zurich, placed second behind the Esc- Other competitors included: ter girl with her speech on the Mary Corbett, Bob &aide. Mar• life of Abraham Lincoln, while lene Harness Marilyn Johns Sheila Fahner, :RR 1 Exeter, and Garry Fisher. received honorable mention for 'Ph. judges were: Mrs. Don her talk on the famous poetess. Southeott, Rev. R. Hilts and Pauline Johnson. Rev. Been deVries, Appoint UC officers present SS awards Europe and expect to be awa two weeks, Mr. and Mrs, John Deitz am Garry motored Tuesday morn mg to Florida and will spend r few weeks vacation there, "Thrifty Kippenettes" The first meeting of the ne 4-H project "Separates fo Summer" was held at the home of Mrs, Wm, Bell the leader, Mrs. Verne Alderdice is assist- ant leader. President elected was Julie ChapPle; vice-president, Ruth Mechanic: ,, see the trouble McNichol; Barbara McNichol with your car, ma'am, Your acted as secretary for the first ignition's got a short-circuit." meeting; press reporter', Kathy Motorist: "Well, please McGregor. Sixteen girls joined lengthen it." to repeat the 4-1.1 pledge for the benefit of the junior girls. The next meeting is to he held at the home of Mrs. Bell at 2 o'clock on Feb, 17, The girls decided to keep the name "Thrifty Kippenettes'". TOPS IN GRADE NINE Brian Smillie PHONE 200 4*. EE -Car Wash With Every -FRONT-END - ALIGNMENT (Value $7,00) OR REPAIR ORDER (Over time Value of $10,001 • February 8 to 22 Exeter Motor Sales Fred Dobbs, Prop, NIGHTS 762W OR 763M SANDY ELLIOT by SIMMONS makers of the famous BEAUTYREST Worth shouting about Simmons' gorgeous new Countess mattresses. Because they're such a good buy, we're offering them at these incredibly low prices ... many famous Simmons features are incorporated in Countess: 8'4' t he S/e • sou E Set for onelyP OR r. :95! ONE THING A LOT OF PEOPLE NAVE LEFT AFTER TAXES ; : IS t A GUILTY CONSCIE C E I g_pagfeeot ---------- SAYS: ONLY GOULD & JORY OFFERS Your Choic in men's tailored-to- measure suit value Last Fall's Cloths at Free-Pant savings Because their delivery of new spring sampl( has been slow, JAMES BROS, TAILORS a extending their FREE-PANT SUIT OFFER tin: further notice. You can still buy good cloth (over 150 to choose from) at this great saving New Spring Cloths with attractive new tones and new 1962 styles Firth Bros. new samples are here with sensational, exciting new spring tones and featuring two entire- ly fresh concepts of styling—one-button single, breasted or young men's harrow lapel double- breasted. YOU'RE AHEAD EITHER WAY AT G&J Gould & Jory Phone 076 toter Starting Monda y it` g 2,35.0220 S ANDY .auor 444 Main S „..Exeter * air Vents • gorgeous covers • durable prebuilt borders • Simmons "Auto,LoCk" construction • TAke advantage of this introductory price white it lasts!