HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-03-31, Page 1IPPe sl lease, hisses w Ai -. west 11 Lade. r won 1. Rim roe air air the I`•"a sere is sA ne o Iu 1.1 vie; WOO rapee .de el ass tails vee d eek di sash the • ap. dark In • rd by s ib• sr of steer sore ice's be - 'row elm w role ood B. toe In +ell ere for eh C. so PIP rn re • iv ,0 d J a f IGNAL h Pad. II 1 4. PttlMtided Awry m..,eda , BY GEO., COX. Oldie, Miriet Spwsm, Clogerialh. Cr Beek and J.► Prtati% ea.eteled with nesinese as di.pateb. rer.a. M. Trots Sig —TEN per mom tf rid sleheOp l: admileer K Weise diad Islas Pease wry the sepeatimee! tbs fws. N. paper diaooatia,sd midi arrears are paid sp, tsales• the publisher teiaks it his ad -seater to do so. Any Litv*.al is the country beech eg VOLUME YI. respslieildsler sit selseribers, shall re - cello eE •uncork espy gratis. rhe All letters addressed to the Editor CAP.D8r 84c. must be post-paid, or they will out be takes out of the post offset,. Terau of Adverti.s*g.-Sit lines aid under, first inaertoa, LO 2 6 Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 71 Trq liars and under, first laser., 0 3 4 Eacb subsequent iasertioe, 0 0 10 Over tea lines, first W. per hue, 0 0 4 Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 1 A liberal discount made to those who advertise by the year. Advertisements without written instruc- tions will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly ; and no adeer.isement disc.atinued unpaid for at the time of with -1 drawl, males by the consent of the pub - balm. , juron TEN SIHILLiNGS( ar S gnal. "TIM GREATEST P0351ELI GOOD TO THE GREATEST POSSIBLY NUMBER." TN EINE AND PIX PNCE aT Tell sae 05 TIM lama. l>:ODRRICH, COUNTY OF HURON, (C. W.) THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1853. NUMBER 9. e DR. BURNHAM. CLiXTON, Huron Road. (Westi.,f kir. Theists' Stele.) Dec. 15th, 1807. v6n48 WILLIAM SIIARMAN, BRI('KLAYI.R AND PLASTERER. W use Swore. Guuea,cn, S prepared to furnmh DESIGNS and PLANS, oa the most reasonable term. Goderich, Nur. 181b, 18511. v5o43 MISS A. STEED, MILLINER AND DRESS MAKER, _ Wt:.YT ST., C')DERICH, gti Y b 9 • ALSO French Stays made to order, is a (One door West of Mr. A. Donog&'s. ) • -•1 --- 1)R. P. A. McDOUGALL, CA N be eensnlred et all hours., at ,lir, I.i 7'aree' s Boarding, Horse, ( formerly the British Hotel.) ttederich, April cath, I8SJ, v5 IRA LEWIS, 1RRISiTER, SOLICITOR, ke. West• .tree', Goderich. June 1818. 2,.23 DANIEL CORDON, C'ABiN ET MAKER, Three doors F.a't o • the Canada Company's Once, Weet- e trest, Goderich. August 27th, 1849. 2tnSO DANIEL HOME LIZAIIS, ATTORNEY ATLAW, and Coaveyan-. cer, 8ohertur to Chancery, &c. has hie' office as formerly in Stretford. Stratford', Mid Jan. 1850. 2vn49 • J. DENISON, CIVIL ENUINEER, die. (IODEIIICIi, C. Jr., Aug. 25th, 1851. v5n31 JOHN 1. E. LINTON, N OTARY PUBLIC, Comm,soroner and C.,nteyaocer, Stretford. ilU1t )N IIOTEL, $Y JAMES GLtN'I'LES, .,Godertch.- Att•otise hustlers always oo hand,. Godench, Sept. 19, 1850. ,3-e30 STRACiIAN AND BROTiIER. Barrister nod :Mot -Nies at Lair, 4-e,. Gs PICRIC!! C. W. J OTI N STIIACHAN Barnrter and Attor- ney at Law, Notary Public and Convey• aneet. LEXANDER \V 001) iI STRACAN, ' Attorney at Law, Solicitor to Chan- cery, Conveyancer. Goderich, 17th November, 1851_ WILLIAM HOD(;INS, ' ARCHITta•r& t nil. ENUINEEbt Wee 27, Dundas Street, LONDON, C. ►r. r, August 16th, 1852. ;430 - 'HOR:ACE MORTON, (Market square, Coder-itli,] AGENT for- the Provincial Mu'ual and General Insurance Office, Toronto; Also Agent for 'the St. Lawrence County' Mutual, Opdeneburg, New York. Leal Agent for Samuel Moulson's Old Rochester Nursery_ July 1850. 29 A. NA8MYTII. ASIIIONABLE TAILOR, one door Wert of W. E. Grace's Store, Wcat Street Goderich. , Feb. 19, 1853. v5- n4 • THOMAS NICIHOLLS, BROKER AND GENERAL AGENT. A enf for Ontario'Maine 4- Fire In- surance Co. NOTA1RY•PUBIAC, ACCOUNTANT AND Cs1 sVCY.tN('ER. COSIMISSI(JNER IN Q. B. &e. 'locum, effected on 'Io, Ship - I pin and Gnndi. All kind. of rtmeds oorree1 drawn, and Rook. and Accoonto :11jn•le 1. Office over the Trraa r), Goderich. July 92, 1852. v5n26 E. II. MA RLTON, "ORWARDER •nd Commission Mer- chant. Storehouse Keeper, general Agent. for the ole of Wild Lands Cleared Farms, il'usehotd Forniture tied Produce of every es •eription. Office, next door, Numb of the Kinear. Aisne Aarms, Gederrcb, March 24tb 1669. v5 -a9 a WASHINGTON Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co., 1 CAPITAL $1,000,000. EZRA HOPKiNS, Hamilton, Agent for the Counties of Waterloo and Huron. August 27, 1850. 3x15 DR. HI-NDMAN, • trCK'$ TAVERN, London Road. May.1861. ver12 MR. JOHN MACARA. 1 ARRiNTER, 8ohcltor ib Chancery, Attorney—at—Law, Coeveyancer, kc. Ise. Office: Ontario Buildings, King -St. eppeette'lhe Dore Bank. and the Bank of Britieb $leetb America. HAWLTew. 4 10 Na. T. N. MOLESt"ORTII. `%iVIL ENGINEER sad ...caramel Land, Surveyor, Goderich. April 30, 1861 ves11 1 1AMES WOODS, AUCTIONEER, t• prepared to attend Peblie dales in any part of the United Co. 'ism. en m.dMet. tsrw.. Stratford. May 1860. ,4-.14 SAW MILL & PARK LOT FOR SALE. THE sieve Mill and Lot are situate es the North aid• of Kincardine Street. 1. the het tmprn.:ng Village of P..eAmager • . i PN panatela:a apply to WM. RASTA Metonyms, 14th Nev. 16/1. lett impel ow sit le and fit. Fa.bsooable BONNETS always on hand. Godench, Die. 3teh, 1853. v5n48 JOIIN RALPH, TIN AND CONFER 6%111'II, next door to the Victoria Hotel, West S'reet, Go&rich. Lai cen•tantly en hand, a rioter.° stock of Tinware, Coeking and Box S'ovus, kc., which be will sell at cenealerably re- duced pricer. The thiehert price paid in trade for old copper, brans, pewter, ahecpskrns, calf and bee( bide., feathers and rag, s. All kinds of Merchantable products token 10 exchange at cash paces. Goderich, Feb. 19, 1851. v6 -b4 ROBERT SNODGRASS. FASHIONABLE B(IOT d: SHOE 11IANI F.tCTUHEH• • (One door East of C. (-at&', Store.) WOULD inform theinl'abitant• of Code itch and neighburhoud that he ,s pie pared to osake to order or otherwise, any keel of Ladie's and Gentlemeets Fine or Fancy work, in the neatet and meat fashionable style. And wilt also furnish heavy lloots•and Shoes, to sail rhe ne meioses of thorn that may fasor host with their cuetam. Hie priers will be moderate. Godericb, July 29 h, 1853. '.5,,29 ROBERT REIDt ROOK-SELLEtC & STATIONER, %opposite li•lkwill's tletel•)j C+or•.r of Dundee and Ts!t.os..tr..tr, I.nodon, C. W. - School Book', Common mud Claes-sersl Medi - fleeting and Rulirg of every description Exeea• ted on the Prem,,... - Ordera for Accout t Borst'. from the Trade o1('nuniry %lerehantr, punesusily attended 'ne soda !hent discount allowed.' London, Much 1851. 4.4 E. THORNH ILL, WOULD return ha thanks to the public fur tete liberal support he has mei from tfemdurio_ M. r-, J nee so G•den-h, and hopes by.rteet alt'tts.o to bueinesa, to Mill merit a share of the r tatrnnsee .11 h'. old swan,!, nee door East of the Canad•' Company's Oce. Goderich, Sept. 6th, 1852. v5n33 W. & IZ. SIMI'SO N, (LATE HOPE, BIRRELL & Co.,) GROCERS, Wine Altrcbants, Frusterere and U.lure°, No. 17 Dundas Street, London, C. W. Febrory 451h 1852. s5 -o5 ROWL.1ND WILLIAMS, At•crloMr.r:6, In prepared to attend Sales in any part ail he United Counties, on the most Aheral (eros., Apply at she First Divs.ion Court cifce, of et his house, Ear! Street, Goderich. N. B. -Goode and other property will be received to sell either by private or public sale. Janu ire 6, 1852. v4n47. F. & C. H. BUHL, ' MANUFACTURERS of Il.tr, Caps and "s Fancy Furs, \Vhulesile and Retail Dealer. in Fere, Botr.to Its•Ims, Deer : lone, (:sorer, SIit'en., tcc. ken Curls Paid for Pore. The brgheas price pard, at all It nes to Cash, for all desc:iptsone of Shipping Furs by F. k C. I1. B(JHL. Detroit, Jlsch'gan, Aug. 1851. vtlo-,8 RICHARD MOORF, AVING h.nne the part two act ed in the capaesty of GENERAL AGENT for the coilecuon .d debts, desire' it to be generally un,eret.'on that he will ascent the Agency for the collection of does in any part of ! , Upper Province, he- tween 1'obourg ,n t: - Last and Lake Huron in the West. in making this announce- ment, he would beg lir express Lis thanks to hie friends for past favour,, and now re- spectfully solicits a continuance of the same. All commenicatione on Iueiiess, address- ed (post paid) to Aar P. O.. North Ihim (rico, C. W.. will be promptly attended to. April I, 1851. vbnlo PETER BUCHANAN, TAILOR. 1\ EXT door to 11. B. O'Connor'', Store, West Street, Goderich. Clothe grade and repaired, and ruttsng done on the shor- test notice, and moat tlberel terms. December 3rd, 1851. v4n42 FARM FOR SALE. LOT No 60, in the Maitland Conces.. sion of Use Township of Godench, centum", 137 acres of she beat land, 01 which 60 are cleared and well fenced, situ- ated on the banks of the River Maitland, 8 miles from Goderich. There is an ex- cellent {loose and Barn on the premise', with an Orchard of the eho'eset frees, ar- lee'ed from the Nuretry is Upeilante, Usti led States. For terms apply to the Sub• scriber. i RATTENBURY, British Exchange 11.1.1, Godertelt . 98th Js.uwy, 1853. v5w311-810 s1TRAYED.-Cama feta the snelresre of the tiob•cnbr, Lot No. 19, god cos ee•eies, Tewn.hrp of Stanley, ■boat the middle of July last, a R•d terra years old teeming three, Metter. The owner t. es• quested to prove property peg expenses sad tabs bee awn . ALEX. 1leCOWAN. s.ley, Feb. SIM, 1613. r{.1 -4t MUSIC ESTABLISHMENT. SOUTH SIDE DUNDAS BT., Oppoerte Messrs. Rergismorl ♦ Reertawd, Farriers. WOMAN may be had 811EET MUSIC of • • ever, de•cilpuo's, la•trucrsoa Souks for all kinds of Imo rumen's, &c., as cheap •e ran be bad in Toronto, Boston, or New Yo,k. All kind. ol MUSICAL INR'I•RU- RENTS, from a Psaou Forte dusu to a Fife. String of all kinds, and of superior quilt ty: is short, every'biag eh eh cite or may be found in a well and carefully •ehc:e5 Eerie Store. The. PIANOS are from the establish menta of the folioseeg cel.►saied makers, viz: Chickering, Stoddart and Dunham, ac• knew 1'dgrd to be tee beet on 'his part of Iheffloe.e, as are the 51ELODIANS, menu - Piano. and Mvlod:anm sold as cheap, and on as favorable wet. a, they can be pro- cured in Turutit°, or from the makers them - /elves. FIF.R\iAN KORDES. Lnndnn, January, 1851. t603-6 n. • NEW TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. I'•RARTF.R. Merchant Tesler, would napecttul,y totcsw the inhabttantr et Ce deficit and .urroundsng country that he ear suet opened a new Tai:ori..g . "rfab- /ish.ieet, cine door north of Dr. McDoe- eall's new Brick I1r.ure, Merkct Sq.:are Godench, where he had 00 hand a s; len del auoremeet of Broad Cloths, Cate:mares Twe•d., Satinet's, Whitney Clotho, -:1 different e.oloun. fur Over Coats. A war rely of Winter Veattngs. leu. &e Ile is alio prepared to execute ail Ord. re in she 'Tailoring Line, in the most Fashion• We style, and at moderate chargee. Cuutng Pone oa theSbor'eet Notice. London, Pari. Sod New York Foreseer recused quarterly. IIENRY BARTER Goderich. Oct. 121h, 1832. s5n'2.0 To the Settlers of the Huron Tract. • r1'IIE Undersigned bees leave tn'.give-ros tsce to• all thu..c woo ...ST hate `any. bosoms. to t,aruact with the Canelo Gv'r— Pans" that rt•:^o t^e rersovat 01 their offence (tum this too n, be h.., determined to open an agency cflicc here for th., beteat' rat shore trho may not wsa5 to travel t., To• lento to trar.,a't their hestoeas sn Tenon. From his thorough knocreciae of the Cum pany's mode of transacting. burince• (oaring been so. lung employed in ,their office) ate feel• confident that he can aid amu nes0 sinefactron to all those who may require his yrrtice. Ceetryaoesng. Lane and General Age ecy Office. aloo a list of Leda:or cafe tea:, and a reeiatry of their s : 's ng :o eerchaee without cfsanje exrept where a sale is -iG•ced, when a moderate per centage will be require 1. ALEX. Iln&P.IIT600, Land Agent. See • . GoJeneb, San. 25, 1853. t8 -o 1 New Grocery ANi) PROVISION STORE. r1'HE Subscriber would respectfully in ferns the InI:a'i'an'e of Godeneh and aurrots:eding Caeatry, that he has opened in the above Ir:e, tt10 doors noril, of Doctor M' Doupn!'e new Brick IFouee, Market S gssare, Godench. His stock tac:udea all k:, de of GitOCERI_:1.7, consisting i.1 part of 7'eu, 7aSacco, Naisi.re, Carraats,Saicer, 4.c. Alco: -Apples aod_Ciier of the'very best kind. In the Provision Lino e, t 63 found Flour, Oatmeal, Butter, Egga, slam, sleet, Purk, Potatoes, ()ate, Liu. Being daterrpmeJ to Deep rear:a osit arti- c!ee of Inc best quality, and to re:1 cheap at the same time, he trusts to :szeive a *hare of public patronage. Farmers and people from the country wnuls do well to call. as he mtenda purchas- ing every description of Produce, for which he wi11 pay the htehest ma ket price. A choice assortment of Whips to be sold cheap. JOHN ARTHUR. Goderich, Nov. 30, 1852. sSo45 £25 Premium. 'vim Municipal Cuenca for the Tuwnehii of Stanley, i., prepared to rimes re Plana accompanied by tlpccificarions and Estimate for the formation of a ilarbour at or near the Mouth of the River BeybelJ, and writ pay for the approved pia., tee., 13.5, H. C. no other will be paid (or, plans, tine., to be longed with the Clerk et Hatfield, on or before the 2ad day of Appel, next en uing. W. W. CONNOR, Township C!erk. Febrnary 7th, 1853. sGnSw4 TO TIIE SETTL^RS ('F THE HURON TRACT. TIiF. Canada Corneae,. let it be remembered, h•., pro..drd the beet pounhk hoetty In the wed Seeder. her Ili' •r•neastenn of tfu•:ness "'oh shot• office se Teroeee tbroaeh the Agrees of 1h. Rank of Upper Canada, both at Goderich end Stratford, wirhoat charges to the was net- Ikn. - Onder,ch, Feb. 6th, 1853 voe2tf NOTICE. '111119 is to forbid ashy perso. or perinea purchasing a Note draws by iha Seb- •enber in favour of Alexander tlodgms. bearieg date 3,4-Deceuster, 1853, aid cue the let of January, as l bars received ao value for the sans,. DANIEL McDO:GALL. Township of Broca, Feb. 04, 1888. v8a3 NOTICE• CAME into the enetua.re of the Subsen. ber, Lot No. 41, Mb Cooce•e,os Tuwaen(p of (ioNneh, &boot the 1st or November last, a two years old HEIFER, rim sad white, with short bores. The .weer is requested to prove property pay expelles and take bra awey• WILLIAM WISE. Golrisb Township, Feb. Ifik, 1352. S v8.8.8a • • Porto. THE RILL THAT RAN BY OUR DOOR 'Tatra aa bright a stream A. o'er laugl.ed ,n the beam, And as pair. ar 'be ray that dances at mors: 1'. noise we:o as wild Ar the voice of a child, And its rung carne s. ,stet as the echoing burn, Oh, give roe the rill 'hat ran by our dna,: It se dear to we oral, tet; 1 see it no 1113/1.3. Each nook was a treaeure; E..ch npl. t a noisome, Wince kepi time with tee joyous throe of uiy heart; Each wavelet that Bashed, As onward a da•hrJ, Iliad a charm inure potent than the tioael at art; For rwas like the fire of the eerpcat'. eye, Wbo.e music draws nigher the' it aetcia In lb' .ky. Its banks were •o geese, - Se tree)) and .o dean, .And •leaded at noun by the wsl'oe acid c!m, That so ne nymph 't would seen', 11.J hallowed the atre:un, T. woo forth a *alp!) :rum her cry.trlirse reales Tat re .ever WAS spot in erer green glade, So beaut lull, wru.igtit ur fairy Ake made. 'Twee my playmate and toy, - When an meneenl boy, 'Phar *•1110 h tfe brook es. bevels and bright, .1rd It ;arure e'en to float, My b::?bs !:ttle baiI, - IVith se much Freda and apparent deli;.`.t. Oh, dive nee tl.e roll that ,.n by o•ir dour, 1t is dear to me rum, the' i wee it co mo,e. baa.+:a:.ar .--- - £ittrltnrc. THE MANIAC. BY L. 'a1.1R10T11. " .1 msther is a mother et L' -- The hul'eet thing alse." Scrim.-A.garden en the hanks of the -i'rrbbra, thseb miler strove P,acanzs, l:urth Ira y. Five years of squalor and misery ! Five years of dreary night, unmitigated, unbro- !:en-the long eclipse. of the soul ! With the yells and hen le ringing still in his cars,' and the stolid laughter, and the goa.hmg • of d, spair, he breaks forth (r om the laver - house of itssauity. With the tatt':red ycstmehts eau' ink on his limbs, tLe boud- man's livery, the Parti-zoleeed garb of Oe ouli-tw of reason. \\-it': the stri;nee at the twri.ts,w:.cre the handcuff had fretted, with the wales on the ime1t, where the lash' had smitten -the lash the panacea of•mental infirmity ! With ell .the. erideace of that degeading ccu .nement; with the pain fu1 sense, as if a hideous dream, Anger•_sola walks forth With the exulting cry -'Wide awake ootr--a f: ce mai. Ged is good - a sane o an ! 'Gi-e you;oy,Luigi Uberto Anguissola! You breathe again ; you Lava broken your chairs aeaudc.. Only yesterday an inmate . of the darbest cell iu the Paolc.tti;' to -day Gee es air, blithe as a lark, quite a Lir! iu the bush! 'In the bush; on the green hills of old; beide your native stream ; amidst the bow- ers of Cie \-i:!3 1'ciclueri; on :.la:•ina's footsteps -breathing the air she breathes! 'God is great ! Gni is merciful! He sharpens the madman's tenting; be lulls his keeper's mg:lance. ile evides the warder- er's steps -bears up the weary in his toil. The ways !of the Lord are woad.rful!- Vender, under that roof, Marina is resting. Isere stands Luigi 'F herto Anguissola the runaway maniac. Yet a few minutes, and they will- lee face to face. Jhe sleeps, feariese, remorseles. Obli- vion, tenfold deeper than very madness, re- nt,ures her, baries elle past. Io the still -- nem cf her chamber, wit:ain the strcnghctd of her own wcddcd home, she deems l er- self safe, beyond mac!, of God's vengeance and once. • 'Be it so, fair lady, sleep on, and light be your slumbers. Five years long have I looked forward for this meeting. I can afford to wait yet a few tninutrs. 'A tidy place, this N. ilia rulehicri! great- ly improved, too, of :ate, mes,cemetb. A man of taste and understanding, the new owacr, that's evident, 'The nc.r ow„u ! The old place Las cbaeged its name, I dare say. Villa k ul- ebtcri-Villa Anfossi: and the coat of arms oo the astewey altered also. Where. lore not 1 The a date must a, k sowiet'ge lbe rights of els 1. rd. Lucky dog! 'Marina's arbor, her work -table, her chair. Hallowed giound ! ha, ha! -vii you down, .icor Luigi Cberto. Thank you! 'Sweet morning breeze! unspeakably sweet, after five, years' wallowing in the dust aid litter of a dungeon. Whengh! thongb Rekdea'Trebbia! old rosi- er, proad of the crumbling reeks thou roll - est down from the app.nine. Bka% you, yogi old perigee, nodding your welcome lofty crests. I am well, pretty well, I • The convent or Ran Feaseeee di Paola •.w tis 111s11.m, at Parma. e . rrJta. e thank you -quite well, considering. 1 have been shamefully used, you know, abockingly used. 1 hare been mad, too they say -mad,you understand, (ramie Aad. Hang me if 1 belicte one word of it, though! No madder than I am uow, God help me ! 'Yes, sir, it was here. On this identical chair she was mated. It was on a summer evening, the thirteenth of July, five years ago. The bills beyoud the riser were purpled by the beams of the sun setting behind. The lawns and shrubs, and yonder wave, bathrd in the rich tints of this same prismatic sky. The spires of the town glittered afar cfi, above the foliage of the grove ; all earth was silent; even as a bride :mei by the approach of tic" wedding night. 'Melina sat languidly in her chair, and I fond fool, knelt at Ler feet. '.:ow pray hear mm out, for you must see justice done, an -1 retribution. You must be jndee and urnl'ise between w. 'There had teen, you may immagine, a 4deat of trash and nouseuse spoken on butte sides. We were uld acl:nosledged lovers and mer mother's consent was net wanting. 'A golden cross Long by a Llark ribbon rouud her neck. \lariva was pious as she was gentle -parer, titan the angels of Iigtst. 'She took the cross from her bosnin, kis- sed it, then she passed it over her Lead, and her lips, quivering with fervor and devotion rested on mine. . . . • '111e keeper. at Bedlam never took that bauble f.-ein nc, i'eu see it. 'It w:.s more than bethrothe art- it was a sacrament. The symbc: of salvation was giver asap:edge of love. • 'Three days of:erleards,\lariat, was for- swore. Three iner,tl:, later, Cousfaetino Anfossi led her to the altar. 'Poor Mariam! and she sleeps undi,tur- bed ! :She bargained with the priest, made Lcr peace, as she fancied Stith (led! She coufessed-took the sacremrnt un'tlie eve of her wedding. Father Patuiano, the Jesuit, absetvcd her, called down !leavens blessing oa Ler! 'Tire shallew hypocrite ! as if the devil could not see through a sophism.° Repen- tance! rereiseioh! and Is ieporation for- gotten': ' Yoa open and close heaven's gates, ;tau fiends! And t! is levee hoer of angtcsu that tore nay heart fibre from fibre, that urs stated my erase°, that robbed me of GcJ's own bles:,zd air and li:e!d, and level- led ,ne with the brutes. Will God over- . look that - 'Father Damian°, the meddling, sche- ming villain! Not two I:oer% a,o, I had' my hand on his throat. Ila,'ha, 53! who ;.3 stir ['rem the maeiac's gril'e 1 I slide(' into sir- cloi<_t- r, stood oa tl:e door cf his cell by Lis bedside. ile also slept. 'fisey all see_•,+. eyes muse never close -- dry, fiery, ter obb:ntr incest-ontly ! 'Dainiano! cowled panther! And his holy writ both 10 mother and daughter: - 'Beware of free -thinkers, Oendcned liber- tines, neeer seen at roars, never kree:ing at the corks' ional! Cccstantino Andossr is pious acd meek! submissive, tireerotea•-- \Vl:at avail loftiness of gchious and daring of heertl-too o.eten the mere glare of the .irebrand of bell! 'Well spoken, sir priest ! Be it even according unto your will; and :Le meek. lowly youth is promoted into the seventh heaven of brise -Marina's bosom -and the firebrand is east in'o Bedlam ! '1 he reedy, puny, sncakmg adreriturer ! The Jesuit's own darling, Anfossi. rath- er -confessor thuds his own creature into the good graces of mother -and daeertee.- 'Makc room for the lamb of the e!ner .- Rcc:n in your house r.ns home, oi,l lady ! roots in your heart and arms, young one. -- Lord of all he surveys. The humble shall bcexalted! '1!e it so. Damiann, Anfossi ; all be- low contempt. I stain not my vengeance on them. But Marina! . • •She will be hers anon. God is migl.ty. \\-hat a meeting. The madman and :as Jestrol cr . ,,Ire madman. The sight wall !;i' her. Yes, let her - 3t upsn her own work. The blow she hr dealt recoi)s•u,'- co 1.er ca•n bead. 'The imaiuuan ! Ila, ha ! i 112;'e bpi J thera,caU me hy that ne,he till I Ltee t r- gStton a!! others. 1 ace mal! -i have been mad --and because, for tooth I broke in epoo their weddin- and collared the traitor priest et,tbe altar. An old freak, that, 1 moat any. it was the tioleoce of despair, but no madness. 'That same night 1 alert in ?jail at Tia- renza ; on the following. in the madhouse at Panna. A horrid dreamt, all that, God of Merry. 'Who le the insane here 1 Debtor or rreditswI i, when clan. satisfaction -or Jibe who has forgotten the awful stores yet (open between us, and lulled herself into treacherous security 1 . • 'Presently she'll be here. Wbv can i not bush up my heart into calm espectatson? She canuut escape me. What protectaen can her craven husband and her menials af- ford her 1 errn were they backed by the whole Lost of Loyola. Mine -mine at last. 1 hold her. Fire years of bell -tor- ture, and only one bug ofrevenge! . 'iia! 1 said it. I knew her Habits ton well. Open flies her -bedroom blind. Burst break, my hesrt but be still. 1t is her. - The write-rob'd creature --the morning star --up with the lark --fair mild faced as when pure of my Ide's blood. • 'Nut uosv--not for Il'easeu's heriiage! 1 am not prepared. I cannot thus suddeit- ly face her. Away, away, Luigi 1-berte' In the thicket, underground -anywhere out of her sight. • • • • 'Crush thy emotions, faint heart -stifle thy throbs. she hears thee : the instincts of her own heart reveal thee. 'Quiet and quieter --not a pang, not a gasp, God 1 thank thee. Now 1 am my- self again. • • • 'She'kneels--rests-hidts her face in her hands. i lush ! she prays. 'Right, illarina-tho't necdest God's mercy. slow can'st address himwhat say for thyself 1 God has judged thee: be has burst any fetters, brought me into thy presence. 'low did l get loose 1 1 shud- der to think of it. 'These was a struggle the keeper's grasp slackened ---I was free. Bloodshed, perhaps 11 so, be it on thy. bead thou perjurer. , • 'Oh, the balmy unction of the church-- absolution. Not a line, not a furrow, of care or remorse on that seraphic counter.- anee. \iy humane' doctor in the insane - cell spoke 'truth. This woman's brow is .as unruffled as the new-born babe's. 'there she sits,'bleased in ceeeciouene, , of her superl.um:tn lorelineas. Who. shall force his dart 11:[cu04 the adamantiuc tem; er of that angelic panoply 1 Who would blast or scatty.: the fairest of God's works 1 'Anguissola, have you not loved and wor- shipped at tir:s shrine 3 have you not pres- sed that sacred fo: m in ye: r arms I Lave not those lips murmured lore's words oo your lips? What are five yaars-oav,fiv• hoc& -Of anguish and IcrrGr, l0 one Of I those iastants of supreme Miss 1 „Jaye I not men terfc;ted. their scut for one reefing trance of happy love 1.1 a: teres their birth- right of Paradise against but rine smile of j a frail being, like this ! - ' Weigh geed with evil, Luigi 1; hers to. - i Ce all rcmen:hseJ, or all (i:gotten.- Dwe!1 not too snorh,d!y et. the enormity of thea woman's sin. Forgive---t.ay, crave her forgi.ecess: for tlsy conte::.itlated sacriliege,kneel and sue tor forgiveness. 'God is just. It is b+y Goa', hand, not mine, flat this woman isYirucL 1t is god's will.' I ant but a ilicd Metremeat of God's iron fatality. t;r.n you see hid a shade of uneasiness oa that serene face 1 a twinge ol dun! t in Belt Meltable look: of piarasiac sr:Ilse:Laet:h t7 \\'ot:TJ 'Lclie;e its 'Phis woman 50 fres!t and SO fair, so calm and so mild, looking so eagerly on tuffs gor- geous breaking of morn --inhaling with s•aeh eLrirty tl:i:, ravishing of fro, ran.e of ept.ng -surveying the worse of the Craatcr with as ntueli grateful devotion as d t'.:y had 'sprung Isom cl:•sus fo: Ler own exclusive delight ; tide woman -so teuder, so fifty -hes token Goes mane in rain. She has murdered a man's soul. • Site must see me. Fat titer than that 1 know not. I shall abide by God's inspira- tion at the moment -that Gad led me here. But we me she must. She meet ha put to the test of Medusa's head. L::e trade use clic monster fain. I.et her bear, as she c in, the glare of the madman's eye. • • • • rhe st,ll:.ese of Ler conttenar.ce ancrs me. 11 reuses all the storm 1u 1nt b••sc.m. there else si'a -the picture of ii:acveore %1 ; -ire in the coda of the snake.-- as'ake n,. \Tariee, s:,;ke u . '1 ha mad - =a is :-..•c 41 ids.; firm tb:•c--L:ovd- alaiord,esMs. g,lsaat:y-:us brain le velish !roes hug I'att sill 1!ee1'e,•ne.ss. 'I'M ti- ler is ready fcr a airing. Ile tarries un- ly !rein sbeer wan:ox s. of watc:rine his prey, of alack;n,, his heart's West in lei- eurely sir:icieatioa of the touting Woe In In the, sue to thee, \lnr im ! Leery scene:'/ ddsss aids to the intensity of his rage. •'.1 -het ! rising alt end) 1 gniag 3 IIo, bo! my lady, not so soon. A %cord with yam. On so easy term% we part net. • • • • 'But stay, who tome%. Sher is het going, early rising to sheet a new comer. 'Ila ! a mother, tun 1 ller own. stiat fair-riagleted clsilJ, Her own images Ae- rosol's timid and her owe. 11a!' she rafted her Ars ciliates bora so lovely sow -a -dart Not as is - •'fivers. the ns pins rdtrs of relta'nu• perfect's. is the estene1e• et the 1 alae prtee' hoed. ,r. • LAW RE.IPItICTING NEWSPAPEui: S OEECRIBEIta w►o 4. sot gig* •sprpd ..tone u the ssi► e.ao•dered r welds( ter footle* peiime. 11 S.bsrtber• ardor the Ileeo.ua.as.e el their paws. the pefllsr•e may coattail. to ..N them till ad arrearage are paid. IfSubscribers ..gleet.r rduos to take their paper. from tM olke to which Okay are directed, they are 5.11 rep,.srbte 011 they bus settled their Bill., and ordered their papers to he discontinued. 1►>lub.eribre remove to orbor plaees, w ithout i.forat.g Ib• publi.ber, lad the paper is cent to the former direction, Goy are bell responsible. font's amide lighted on my heart fur fife years. So lead aa 1 was of children. • • • • '1 have it now. The sword of God'• justice has found her vulnerable side. *Mac- ula, thou shalt live --but I must hare the child. 'Thy child will make ample amends. 1t is owing to thee, alone, if a father's name never greet my ear. Ida will be my own. The world is wide, and I shall find relage for the demented fugitive. 1'by daughter will be safe --happy with me. Away from priests, away from priest -ridden bigots, will 1 bring her up. 1 will never curse thee, never name thee in her bearing. I shall learn to forgive-abe to forget thee. There is a bone, a husband, a whole host of friars for thee. Thou carat well spare that ones bild. 'See how fondly, how playfully, the lite Ole thing hangs oo her neck. It seems fiendish reti tit ment of barbarient to snatch the sweet bud from the parent stem. It is however, less than retributi )n. 'Cling close to your mother, sweet ida it is your last cmbrate. Rough will be your nurse, bencefottb, and hard will be your couch ; but the caress of the one will he unalloyed by guilt; and the latter will be sheltered from the thunder wh.ch iurcl- ves the offspring in the pareuts fate. 'She is off -the dear iu(ast--eager its bei chase of the butte'tly. ller *other's rye is averted -downcast. A tear is twioklmg-lingering ou the lid. '1 _be epi- curean tear of a heart brimful with happi- nesa • p • 'Speed tby•flight, golden insect, and God direct thy wing. Behold ! away roams the child --mailer and wider-Ileaven be oles- seJ!--out of her mother's sight. Now hither, round the thicket, deep in she dives among the bushes. llttherward, hither - ward, rustles the little lout -tread. One more step -another. The cygnet is io the hawk's talons, and tate swan dozes on its dange 'Nay, you little screamer, you shallot: your guardian's kisses shall smother your taint alarm -es y. Away. sweet Ida -away. 11 is esrly times for you to become a wan. derer upon earth. Farewell, Isome, fare- wctl-uu, cell her not,wother. 'Here, oo the river-ai.:e,(oo the borders of the grove. Mine, uuw, sweet chief, yon are wine own. 1-a'm!II ace MC: nue 01:- ly 01 those carrsses,that vile no nen mou- lted from rue. Do you not know inc 1 Any 1 not your own Luigi 1-bertol Hush, tai- ling, bone ! . e ! a my for you: pretty is it not I - TI, ore it rocut year neck. Never mind how it came,iuto arty Lauda --ask no ques- tion• --it is your own. One day you will • know bcw to p ism it. Be it your play- thing now. '!'will be a pledge of eternal happiness hereafter. And, it ever it pas= . ,ea into anoth •,'s pas' as oa-if ever yogi bestow your hand antd heart with it- . 'God in 11. sects ! '1'h: child is dying -dying with affright. The sudden seizure my ira:vard tool's --she is distraught--sbe Jtcn iu my aeras.'_ - •Gu I in heaves! was thio the vengeance I was destine:I to accompIi t weir my chain, broke'', only to mak me a theid- slayerl •Back, then, pole Trembler; back thou silly thing. There, 'het go to your moth- er; hid her live : bid her live. For thy sake, 1 were her. (;oh Li nail( strikes not where mnecence • Only two days later, Anguisola was re= turned to Lia melancholy 0114:111M at the Paolotti. Goin whence I.a c.sme out no more. Frantic with terror, the released child rau to bury her face in her mother's bosom. 111riaa %3w 110 doss glittering on her dauw titer's le east. She recogmzt d it. A shudder of horror ran through all her re ns. On the morrow, the pious wife dep. sled t!:•u memento of her hist love into W musty Lands of Father Dam.nano. A Ilucz .LnrveR Muir. --A Ship buil- der at La,t Boston is cun,tructing a inoo- ster clipper chip for the California trade. - She is three hundred and thirty feet long on deck. and four thousand toes burtben, Cum tom I1nu•e meaaureir.ent. She is to be cell- ed ' Young- .\main a,' and will be worth ;1:100,000. She will be the largest resist that bas floated since Noali s Ark. The Young .\ merice will c irry brtweea five and MS thou and tons of freight. There are alai b. in; built at (5e same yard two dip- ', 'r sb,;o. ACCIDR"T eROM A TOcA'rCCo Pips. - The f'Irtiwlealer of the 8th elates that nn the altrrnoii , of tlta 7th a serious accident o:reare.l nn C'ansl Street, CkavelanJ — An Iriai:men who w;, ca1aged is Ideate' R clay from the street in front of .S.S. eStoot s grope-ly, went in•n a haitdiag to get a cps entity of roe der roe a blast. in poerw the. ratrd'r out of the keg, which was halt till, a s ark from his pipe fell rat, i4'rnih d the powder, and a tri mend toe eepinsion fe:l,wed. The man wee sere:ely injured, hi4 clothe• bets; burnt off, hie face and hands terribly mangled, awl his parsen e•therwite serintnly ieiered. The boons was erne damaged. the Windows being com- pletely blown rant.--...rtA Aeseraraaw. Consery Ro•sway.-Last $..day sty. •1:7,.... rime Perim 0, psr.ess by plebs./ alae. lois, sad well reo.tr• meed I..ba, •aeMed•d n onetime an eetnees eye sue a• Bary et ('hews '• C',nreh, lames Seed, Ba'wstl.ss lice earl el el' a Idea• bet wale/ se si e Rev. st • . G.dAM, •.t.,- 4 at Mae. 'e :ss r with a n re bow of D. -kw Was Candies, Ise. Iobi manos otthe esameseta.ebeing ledg- .1 at 1'. ON. e, s..:kew.e amtsw's`-• pt'w•ed i hn.n...l• • ^r 1' e . - be ►eyed ih•t1l e " breve"' I