The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-02-08, Page 12Lucan and district news Correspondent: Miss Line Abbott . • ..... Page 12 February 8, 1962 BEST PUBLIC SPEAKERS—Winners in the public speaking contest held at. Lucan PS last week were, front row from left, Marilyn Hearn, Gillian McNamee, Leroy Maguire; back row, Edward Co IJyre, Elaine Grant, Gary Traversy. —Photo by Mrs. ;Jenkins Choose best speakers Leroy, Maguire. in a corn- netition of five boys, and Gil- lian McNamee, in a competi- tion of eight girls, took top honors last Monday night at the Lucan Public School, when the Lucan and Biddulph. area schools held a public speaking H&S plans stage show The meeting of the Lucan Home and School Association scheduled for last Tuesday had to be cancelled owing to inclement weather. This year, their one big money making effort is going to take the form of a Variety Show, with a com- mittee in charge, Mrs. Keith. Dickson, Mrs. Jack Bison, Mrs. Clarence Hardy and Mr, T, Beer (of the PS staff). There was a good turn • nut at the first reading Jan. 2,5, when dancers were chosen and several major roles. What they require most at present are backstage people for ward- robe, make-up, set designing, properties and lighting effects. Though no date has been set for the show, the committee expect to he ready about the first of May, Lueenites in Tie-up When last Tuesday's bad storm and poor visibility tied up traffic on Highway 4 for a good part of the day a num- ber of Lucan cars, were in- volved in minor crashes in the pile-up at concession 10 Lori- don township. Miss Helen Hodgins hit the car ahead of her; sending her car into the ditch. The car be- hind • her, hit her with such force as to send her into the opposite ditch, Her car is a total wreck, but contest, sponsored by the On- tario School Trustees and Ratepayers' Association.' Leroy, a pupil of SS 2 Bid- dulph, spoke on "The Greatest Invention in the Past 100 Years", and Gillian, a pupil of SS 6 Biddulph (Separate), chose as her subject, "Myster- ies of the Sea" Gary Traversy of the Lucan Public School, speaking on "Electricity ' and Elaine Grant of SS 7 Biddulph, speaking on, "Schools of the leer eufle", were second place winners. Edward Co ]lyre of SS 6 Biddulph, taking as his topic "If I were the Minister of Edu- cation", and Marilyn Hearn of the Lucan Public School, speak- ing on "My Home Town", were named third place win- ners. The other competitors were Wayne Wallace, SS No. 6, George Gaga.n, SS No, 3, Judy Blair and Sheila Elston, SS No, 9, Helen. Sigsworlh, Ss No. 12, Sandra Ramsay, SS No. 2 and Shirley Peckham, SS No, 5. The judges were Robert Willis and Charles Kalbileisch of the Medway history depart- ment and Mrs. Claude Farrow of the South Huron English de- partment. Prizes were donated by the village; and township council and the Lucan Public School, Clare Stanley, chairman of the Lucan board, presented a- wards to the top winners; Har- old Wallace, reeve of Riddulph to second place winners and Mrs. Mary Bowman to third place winners. Consolation a- u-arils were presented to the Fire starts in zero cold remaining contestants by Mrs. Harold Cobleigh and Mr. Doug- las Corsaut of the Lucan staff, While awaiting the judges' decision. Mrs. Cobleigh led in a sing song and Paul Reving- ton played an instrumental. The top winners will now go On to London to compete against other winners on. Sat., Feh. 3. All available chairs were crowded into the assembly room to accommodate all the parents and friends who turned out to hear "Young Canada" speak, Receives UN medal oncesomn We have been in the. property-man, agement field for many years and our specialists are ready to help you. Ln. many cases they have made substantial savings for property-owning clients. We invite your enquiries. Established in Sarnia in 1889, tee have grown with this community. Your business in our hands is made secure by neighbourly, personal service. THE INDUSTRIAL MORTRASE & TRUST COMPANY. Head °Aim Senile, Ogees: Feral, Petrella Agents — Walletsebufg, premien, 31rellirsy 111041r The original instal cornered binder! End locking mechanism. SIZES 71/2 X 1 0 Ve 8 1/4 107/ii Other Binders Sterling Ledgers and Sheets 91/4 x 11 7/4 11 x'14 11 x 17 x8 1/7 and 6 x 0/2 exefer intesitosocate Lucan persona l items and ,•••-•• -•• •••••-• • '•-••••" News of. ,Cleboye. BY MRS, J,, H. PATON ,rf:snr,,,rznouls-cot-7,- • ,she herself escaped with head During' last week's extreme and knee injuries, and insisted cold snap, many people voiced on returning to work the fol. the hope there would be no lowing day, fire but about 3;30 a,m, Thurs. day firemen were called to Beech St,, when the former home of Miss Kate Bowyer, Recreation occupied by Mr. Bill Edwards took fire, and did extensive damage to the interior of the small ranch type home. News is thought the cause was, defective wiring, Mr. Edwards By BARNEY WELCH was alone in the house as Mrs, Edwards and child were Two of our local hockey at her mother's. teams were knocked out of the th e Legion Auxiliary bingo play-offs last week with Midgets losing out to Ailsa Zero weather didn't keep Craig and our pee vices were bingo fans home from the Le- put out by a much improved gion Auxiliary bingo Thursday Bryanston team. While, on the night, The most lucky player other nand, our local bantams was Mr. Conrad Sequin of Den- put Bryansteti out of the play- field, who won the $5 console- off picture, tion prize, the fifth bingo and With the ,play-oils getting the first line prize for "Share closer our intermediate B the Wealth." team, the Combines, look like The second line was won by they are headed Tor art on, Mrs, Edwards of Exeter And beaten season, and by the type the full card by Mrs. Jim of hockey they are playing now Reader of Birr, Karol Neil of they are going to be a tough Lucan was another lucky win- team to beat in the playdowns, nor, winning the first part of total Teen Town a re going to the consecutive bingo and also Lucan Council has moved in• have a Valentine Dance on the second biller). The second to its new quarters In the Friday evening, Feb. 9, We part WAS won by' Airs, IV, Call. Porte building. hope to see a big crowd on colt of Mooresville, and the Prier. to moving, meetings hand for this dance, full card by Ale. Benny Kelly were held iii the old frame Things are just about final of 'Alegi), hydro building, recently sold, new far the St, Jahn's course Th e first bingo was really to Make way'.for Lucan's hew am starting, as I hope to split, among Mrs, jack Lankih post office, necessitating both have all the information by this of Lucah, who also mil the °I e6tlitriticC?iliii and hydro eomiitis weekend, I airs glad to see 9th bingo, Mrs, Jack Henson of stun, people. interested in this TAleah, Mrs. 0, Taylor' of tXe. Coundi w aS MOst fortunate course, ler and Mrs„,‘, 1,far v in of cd n, in being able to nurcriase the Public, skating every Satur' tralia, Mrs. Ilarvie also eliAred Porte property, which was rcit , clay evening from 8.10 ti,m, and the seventh bingo with gr. .lot with Its four ntlisidc tintrolec *Sunday atereeee from 3.5 Haskett of Lucan and Mrs. If, ,was net only the most ideal p.m. Bieber of Exeter. The 9th bin- mulcting in the village but also go was Wit between Miss Do, the mostideallysituated, at Legion nubile sneaker rothy Lynn of Clandeboyo and t,hc cornet', Main an ti WIJ- The Lneart Branch of the. Ca. Mr. Clarence Taylor of tile., nam sireeLs, liadiati Legion is sponsoring Its ter. This imposing red brick 1.99/ public speaking competi, Other Solo Winners included building, formerly owned by tied at the Legion HALL Fri. Mr. Boy Pepper' Of 11,'Iotor, tite late VV.Itat),1 Porte,, was day,reb. 9 at 1:39 Tor lifts. Marty Arnold and Mrs. erected wuu le rfPl"e .arid surrounding school pupil's. Coe T-todgins both of Lucan, old frame stricture. 86th' hitild* There will he two groups, Scouts g0 taniphig lugs contained WWI'S nog grades 1-6 and grades 1.9 with ,„ office, as well as the Pette's A first, second and third pita, seolltemAttee, Earl Carling,living quaetere, the living room in each, winners will go and five scouts, Paul Steaey, of Whieh is' now being used Oti to zone Jim Alcietesh, Jerry tidier, Asthe council chamber and Leroy Maguire and Arthur the dining-1'66in As the clerk's #uclire toritellect Wilkinson had an enjoyable Office. 'the COO sey School Euehre weekend on the farm of Mr. Though plans for alterations Scheduled for Friday had in be. tion Maguire and Plan a re* -Mil,reneVatielilt have not as cancelled ineleineet peal hi the "Wile place two Yet been finalized. Reeve Ivan heather, until Fri., Feb, 9. heekt, Hearn 'expects they will in- Air. and Mrs. ..truest Ken- nedy of Lucan :and Mr. And. Mrs. Harold Whyte of trace- bridge, left on Sunday for month in Florida. They had to postpone their trip. one day, owing to the death of Mrs, Keneerly".s brother, Air, Edgar Johnson of Wilton Grove. Mr. and Mrs„ Glen Kennedy At- tended the funeral of Mr. John- son on Monday', mrs, Sheridan Revington and Mrs. Murray Hodgins attended a Presbytery executive meet- last Wednesday, .at the home of Mrs. G. W. Moore in. London. Lynn Arnold suffered a bro- ken right arm in a sleigh ride party last Saturday. She is a grade eight pupil. Airs. Carl Maier of Dashwood has returned home after spend- Hardy goal wins series Ry STEVE DAVIS. Although the loss of 6.2 was 'laced on Lucan here Satur- day, the Irish won their two game total goal series with Bryanston, 10-9. Tom Hardy's goal, late in the game, broke a 9-9 series deadlock. The Bantams will now ad- vance to Belmont, where they will face the Belmont Lions, This also will be a 2 game to- tal goal series., beginning Fri- day, Feb. 9 at Belmont. The goal tending for Lucan, by Steve Davis was far from being outstanding. The Bryanston goals were scored by Dan Alec, who got 3, Richard Mahoney, who tal- lied twice while Larry Dobin- son scored the lone marker, Brian Haskett picked ,up Lu- can's other goal, Lucan's three star players were, Dave LiNert, Phil. Le- wis and. Brian Haskett. elude quarters for the hydro commission and a Washo'boni On the ground floor. The old PO, which is now rented In Edward Unger, bar. rister, and Philip Squire, Me- sic teacher, will be renovated and altered to also include Constable A, E. Cowan's of- fice. Shier, 1909 the roeMs above the PO have been rented le turn, as millinery shop, a dee- tist's office, the public library and Ira Carling's rotisic studio, but have remained unoccupied following Mr. Carling's death, Sept. 15, 1958. The council now Mari to tot an entrance through to the ()thee part of the build. ing and convert the whole up' per floor into a three bedroom apartment for the local Oh. strible, building will not only afford ample storage space, but will also,house the tell,. whic at 'present is in the fire hall, The ?evened froin, the various rentals, the feels j will make the Purchase of the Por(e property A. financial site. cess. log two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Airs. 1i illialtt Haskell, and granddaughter sJ r e ,n d a Has- kelt spent last week hi Lon, don. the guests of Airs. Lloyd Cook and family, Mrs, A, Al. 'leaden, entered South Huron HoePitel, Exeter, Saturday, for treatment, Airs. Robert Coleman Was guest of honor at a family birthday party at the home of her daughter, Airs, W. W. Oar, roll en 'I'llursday, Mr. And. Airs. Duncan Tin- dall and Melody of Listowel were weekend guests of Mr. and Airs, Cliff Abbott, Mr. And Mrs, Altars Tindall of Wiarton and Mr, and Mrs—Glen Young and two sons of Mitchell, were Sunday guests. Alt', John Park who under- went surgery at St. joseph's Hospital is able to be home, untendedfor last week) Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Avery were weekend, guests of Airs. Velma Ellery, of One of Lucan's barbers, Mr, Clarence Lewis broke his arm when he fell on the ice, while in London. Al'. and Mrs, Calvin Has- kett, son Bruce and Mr, Mitch- ( Il Haskett were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cummins and family of Tor- onto, Air. Haskett Sr. remained over for a few days' vacation with his daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs,. Wintery Ave- ry and Ken spent Sunday with :Mr, and Mrs. Don Whitborn of Mount Brydges, Dr, Bruce Cantelon of West Lorne, who has been recuper- ating at the home of his par- ents, Mr. rnd Mrs, J. AEI. Can- telon for the past six weeks, has returned home and his brother, J. IV, Cantelon of Vic- toria, has also returned home after a few days' visit in Lu- can. Mr, and Airs, Ed Morris of Chatham were weekend guests of the latter's parents,. Mr, and Mrs, Tack Murdy and at- tended the Lions Club dance Friday night at the Community Centre. Dolores and Douglas Mur- ray, children of Mr. and Mrs. lack Murray, London, spent last week with their grandmo- ther, Mrs. J. R. Murray, Mr. Rudy Engel, eon Rudy and Joe Hodgins attended open house at the Crony,n Memorial Observatory, London, Satur day and on Monday Joe re- turned to attend a joint meet- ing of American Institute of Electrical Engineers and in- stitute of Radio Engineers, Miss Flo Chown has • re- turned to St. Thomas after spending a few days with her sister, Miss Reta Chown. Airs. Clarke Taylow of Har- row, was a weekend guest of Mr. and Airs, Tom Coursey, Jane and Dianne. Corbett, small children of Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Corbett, were week- end guests of their aunt and uncle, Dr. and Airs, Robert Coates of London. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Holmes of Rit 5 St. Thomas spent Sunday with Air, and Mrs. Jim Avery and Sandra, Rev, and Airs, E. 0. Lan- caster Sunday evening at, tended confirmation service at The Church of the Redeemer, London, where their nephew, Mr. Fred Thorne, was one of those confirmed, Mr. and Airs. Ron Crozier have returned home from a mo- tor trip to Kirkland Lake where they attended the funeral eif the former's youngest brother, Ale, William C. Crozier, 41, who was killed in a motor ac- cident, Church Activities Anglican Flowers on the altar were i memory of Mrs, Irene Courste and those in the chancel in memory of Mrs. Harold. Hod- gins. Pentecostal Holiness At the Friday Young Peo- ples' meeting, the pastor, thd Rev. E. A, Gagnon spoke on the place of youth in the world of today. He also sang a duet with Linda Currie in an im- promptu program. On Friday, five carloads of young people met at the home of Air. and. Mrs. Clayton Ab. bott for a tleigh-tide party. Owing to the slippery roads the ride was held on the farm of Air, Bob Tindall, after which the 35 young people re- turned to the Abbott's, Where Rev, Jack Ozark of London spoke on Youth Week and an evening of song and, refreSh• mcnts wAS enjoyed, United Church Taking As his text, "The word of God, living and operative", the Rev, J. C, Thompson, BA, BD, secretary of the, Canadian Bible Society was the guest speaker at the Sunday morn. ing service, Choir Party On Friday evening the senior choir met at the, me Of Me. and Airs, Dave ho ark for a so= vial evening of games and mu- sic. During,the business session Mrs. II, 1, Langford and Miss Doris Weir were named a committee Le Sectird names of former choir members for the centennial and Mrs, 0. W Sad,bave Park and Miss Beta Chown a committee. to arrange music, The time of choir preetise WAS tliangod Irons 1330 to 8 p.tii, daeli The.. Officeo fee 1962 are: President, Mil, Id, B, Lang- ford; secretary-treasurer, Mrs, 1. W, Lockyer; gown Convener, AftS, Alex Yriting; lunch ten. Vetter, fits Ernest Ross:. CO. dent once, ;Fl its Doris .Wcir; organist* Miss, Reta Chown.; their leader, Airs. Dave i"arlp, telephoner, Mit. A, E, Mrs. lie 1.1949ins dies in -hospital ey MRS, 1. H, fATON CLAND.4130r4 Mrs. Harold Hodgins, 69, Siddulph Township, ,died. in St. Hospital,Joseph's Tuesday, Lndoi,otjr7Ahavils been a patient ..for A. week previous, She was -the former Mary Olive Aleftane„ daughter of the late Mr. And Mrs, James Me- Rana, McGillivray Township, barn on July, 3, married' in 1910 and 1: 189 .• li hdGe d7i ns. B'ddulph since, She was a member pf. St. James Church, Clandeboye. 1.3eSides her husband she is survived by three sons and one daughter Arthur, London, Hamburg N.Y.; Roy and Edith At home; one brother, Roy Menem), RR I Giandeboye; one sister, Airs. Cecil McFalls, London .and one grandson. The body rested at the Murdy funeral .home, Lucan, until Fri- day, February 2, when service was held in St, James Church, conducted by Rev. E. O. Lan- caster with - interment in St, James cemetery, Relatives attend funeral Following the funeral service at St. James Church on Fri- day for Mrs. Harold Hodgins relatives and friends from a distance, who returned to the home, were Mr. and Mrs. Dun , can McCallum '(the former Olive Hodgins) and sons Cam-, eron and •• Murray, Glencoe, Mr, Don Atkinson and Mrs. Jack, Milkin, Leamington, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Witzel and daughter, Batavia, New York, Mr. and Mrs, John Martin, Toronto, Mr, and Airs. Cecil McFalls, Mr, and Mrs, Bill Hodgins, Mr. and Airs. Karl Boyle. Mrs, Will Parker and Mrs, Malcolm Hodgins of Lon- don, Mrs, Lang De Coursey, Detroit, Mr, and Mrs. Grant Latimer, Sarnia, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hodgins of Hamburg New York, Pall bearers were Bill Hod- gins, London, John Martin, Toronto, Cameron 'McCallum and and Murry McCallum, Glencoe, Neil McRane and Maurice Simpson. Mr. and. Mrs. :roe Hodgins returned. home to Hamburg, New York on Sunday after spending three weeks during the former's mother's illness. Forester lodge names officers Hamilton Hodgins, RR 3 Lu- can was installed as chief ranger of the Court Cartlon Foresters Lodge 255, Other officers are: Past chief ranger, Elwyn Bryan, vice chief ranger, Jack youn- ger, treasurer, Walter Gibson, financial secretary, B, o b e r I, Foster, recording secretary, Kenneth Hodgins. Senior woodward, Malcolm Spence, junior woodward, Clif- ford Cook, chaplain, Lloyd Mardlin, senior beedle, Ger- ald Hem, junior beedle, John Bryan, honorable conductor, George Jameson, conductor Henry Wessel, Court physician Dr. T. S. Kipp, auditors Del- mar Wostman and Clare West- mall, Mr, Mitchell was a life time Biddulph farmer, CGIT Owing to bad weather the CCU meeting Tuesday night had to be cancelled hut Sat- urday afternoon the girls staged a demonstration of the. making of "whimsies," in the NuWay show-room window, as a Youth. Week project. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tubb and family of Mitchell were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hodgins. Mr, and Mrs. Ken Hayter of Adelaide spent Sunday after- noon with Air, and Mrs. Lloyd 'rayter, United Church pews At the Clarideboye United church on Sunday, Feb. 4 guest speaker was the Rev. J. C. 'Thompson, B,A,, B.D., Sec. retarY, Canadian Bible So- ciety of London, who stressed the need of tunds to carry On the work. He said the Bible SocietY supervises the translation of the scriptures. At present work is in progress in over 400 Ian. R tiages and the scriptures are appearing in a new language every four weeks, Attends meeting of Angus Ass. don spent the weekend with her Parents, Mr, and Airs, Wit- illOr Scott, Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Cun- ningham entertained Mr, and Mrs.Mervin Carter and Ian on Friday night. Other .guests on Saturday were Mr, and Mrs. Will Hodgins, penfieldi on Sun- day Mr. and Airs, Will Rit- chie of Parkhill; on Monday, Mr, Carl Richie of Baden. Leo Mitchell local farmer - Leo Mitchell, 74, after a. lengthy illness, .died in St. Jo- seph's Hospital, Tues„ Jan. 30. The body rested at his late residence, lot 25, concession 8, :Biddulph, until 9;30 a,m. Fri- day, when it was taken by the C. Haskett and Son funeral di- rectors to St. Patrick's Church, .Biddulph for requiem hi g h mass at 1.0 a,m., with. Rev. Father .Frank Briehlen and RCN'. Father William McGee, officiating. interment, was in St. Patrick cemetery, Pall-bearers were Messrs. L. Cpl. Edward Pembleton, Frank Mitchell, Joe Mellhar- a member.' of the Royal. Caned- goy, Joe Whalen Jr., Leo Shar- ian Corps of. Signals now serv- ion, VAI Whalen, and Leo Aim- ing in Egypt. was last week kin. presented with the United Na- He is survived by his wife, lions Medal, by his command- the former Veronica Whalen, ing officer, Major 0, \V. dente- five sons and four daughters. ins of Vancouver, B.C. Verand of England, Leo and Prior to volunteering for one 'Harvey of Windsor, Thomas year service in Egypt, he was and Clarence of B i d d u 1 ph stationed at Pembroke, During township, Loretta (Mrs. Gor- his absence his wife (the for- don Carrigan) of Windsor, Bet.- mer Mary Neil) and two small nice (Airs, Stan Walzack) of children arc staying with Mrs. London, Kathleen (Mrs, W. "E. 'Pembleton 's parents, Mr. and Walters) of Grand Bend, Ma- Mrs. Cecil. Neil of Main St., rie (Mrs. Ivan Ross) of Gran- Lucan. ton, and 25 grandchildren. COUNCIL MOVES INTO NEW QUARTERS plans to modify Porte building Council develops its new quarters The large basement: of the' day Mrs, Omar Cunningham, Mr. and Airs. Roy Cunningham and family visited Mr. and Airs, Elmer Cunningham in Inger- soll on Sunday, Mr. Charlie Coughlin re- Jim Scott attended the an- turned home on Saturday front mat meeting and luncheon of a tonsillectomy in St. Joseph's the Western Ontario Aberdeen- Hospital on Wednesday, , Angus Association at Queens Air, Austin Bice, had an ope- Park on Saturday, The Hon, ration and is still a patient In W. A, Stewart, minister of St. Joseph's Hospital, Agriculture for Ontario was Air. William Wilsqn was guest speaker, About 150 mem- some better on Sunday. Ile hat tiers and their wives attended, been suffering from a cold on his lungs since he has been a Personal items patient in St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, following an accident when he suffered a broken hip, Mrs. Alvin Cunningham left on Sunday to visit with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Manson and chil- dren. At. present pupils from six families, attending ClandeboYe School are confined to their 4,/—$55. per M home. with mumps, Feet Del'd. S"—$85. per M Feet Del'el. The .Department of High- 6",-$110. per M Feet DeVd. ways has removed the trees 7"—$15.S. per M Feet Del'el, from the Hedging Bros, home 11"—$185, per M Feet Del'el. here, Progress leaves in its Above prices based on 1000 path a sad vacant picture. Linear Feet, in full truckloads Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Cure or more, delivered within 35 ningham spent last Sunday mile radius of our plant, For with their son, Mr. and Mrs. detailed prices on all sizes tilt, Joe Cunningham in London, either delivered or F.O.B. our Other guests were Mr. and plant at Elginfield, write or Mrs, Arnold Harper and tam- phone RYDALL BRICK 17 TILE ily, St, P'auts, LTD., --RR 2, Landon Phone Miss Nancy Scott of Lon- 227-4721 Lucen. DRAIN TILE di