HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-02-08, Page 7'Church a.
elects to
,By MRS, -44.AR ,4 IRRIOR
The Annual meeting of Gn-
slim Veiled Church was held
tin Friday, Feb, 2 beginning
with. a pot luck .supper.
Following. that Rev. T.
Pitt conducted a short .devo-
Period and business KS-
Sion. Airs, Bruce Keys was
appointed secretary. Roy Mc-
Bride gave the report of the
'Session stating there were 88
families and there had been
five baptisms, one burial and
no marriages.. 'Eleven joined
the church by profession of
faith, two by certificate.
Mr. and Mrs, Richard Rob-
inson have resigned ..as care-
takers of the church and ap-
preciation for their work Was
extended to them, Caretaking
of Goshen Church has been in
the hands of the Robinson fam-
ily for the past seventy seven
years continuously and will
still be as Mr, and Airs. Doug-
las Robinson, have taken over
the task.
Allan ArniStrong was ap-
pointed as Presbytery repre-
Comments about
•:asodul: .
Birthday party
A surprise party was held at
the home of Alt-, and Mrs, ErIe
Dow on Saturday evening when
over forty neighbors and ;vela-
Lives gathered to honor Mr.
John Dow on his birthday,
Progressive euchre was en-
joyed with Mrs. Sterling
Gratin) in charge. High points
.for gents was won by Mr. Don-
ald Johns, and ladies high
went to Aire. Elmer Dow, Mr,
Stanley Dow was low for men
and Miss Maxine Dow for la-
An address of happy birth-
day wishes was read by Mrs.
Kate Hocking and the guest of
honor was presented with a
Personal items
Mr, and Mrs, Jack McGhee
and children of London, spent
the weekend with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Mc-
Ghee ,and Mr, and Mrs. Otto
Miss Margaret Jean Russell,
who is attending Teacher's
College at Stratford, is prac-
tise teaching this week at Clin-
ton public school.
Mr, Hugh Scott, was home
from Guelph for the weekend.
Youth .hold
where he had been a patient
for the past four years having
passed his 861:b birthday on
January 31 of this year,
Born in ilibbert Township
where he farmed successfully
he retired to Hensel!. twenty
years ago. lie was .unmarried,
tie was a member of Hemel],
United church, Surviving are
one brother, Archie ItYcloran,
Exeter, and a number of nei-
cies and nephews,
Public funeral services were
-held from the Bonthron )+un-
eral Home conducted by Rev.
Currie. Winlaw with burial was
in MeTaggart's cemetery.
Bake sale
The CPT committee of the
JOOF and Amber Rebekah
Lodge held a successful bake
sale in the lower lodge hall
on Saturday afternoon.
This committee plans to hold
a euchre party in the hall on
February 21.
Legion Auxiliary
At the meeting of the Legion
Ladies Auxiliary Tuesday eve-
ning Mrs, Helen Roberts, Kip-
pen, was accepted As a new
It was voted to sponsor a
Personal items one-hour Red. Cross blitz of the
Mrs, H. 0, Dayman of Lae- village Tuesday, March 6, 7
don visited on Sunday with to 8 p.m, A donation of $5
Mrs. Lou Simpson and with re- was given to the Kinetics
latives in Exeter. "March of Dimes" and $50 to
be sent to the Legion Auxiliary
Bursary fund,
Hibbert farmer
dies at ..fiensall
Air. Francis Ityekman, 86, af•
ter an illness of three weeks The C(Lt'f, YPS and &pia-
rers observing Christian Youth died Thursday, February at
Week held a special service in the ..Queensway Nursing Home
Carmel Presbyterian. Church
Sunday morning and then later
at Knox Presbyterian Church,
hayfield. Jim Dougell, presi-
dent of the YPS led the serv-
ice. Charles Schwalm read the
scripture lesson,
Patsy Moir and Gel/ Sang-
ster representing the CGIT
group offered prayers, and
Carol Brown and Fred Hyde
gave the address, The senior
choir rendered an anthem un•
der direction of Mrs. Malcolm
D a u g a I I, John Shea, Lois
Wright, Marcia Little and Col-
leen Baynham ushered,
Past 0i-ends hold euchre
The Past Noble Greeds of
Amber Rebekah Lodge held a
euchre in the lodge rooms on
Thursday evening when the
Past Noble Grands of the IOU
were guests.
There were seven tables in
The prize winners were:
ladies' high, Mrs. Ross Rich ,
ardson; consolation,. Mrs. ID,
Chipehase; gent's high, Garnet
Mousseau; consolation, Ernie
Chipehase, Mr, Jim McAllister
won the prize for the travel•
ling lane bands.
A social hour followed.
I n
day when a quilt was tied for NIP"' (I '' (.'"F" la" '•
Cooper's United Church Wo- yinimms C'0
1110Se attending Wert 8niarlogs . ...... ...... ...•
Mrs. D, MeNanghton, Merle Al'oN
Elston, Vi Coward, Georgenie ''" " 1216
Baker and Margaret Baker, 'Met Single dirt x. J. 14fLyter
Mr. and Mrs. WM. Spence (125); hey s, J. JIMPn
and David were Saturday eve-
ning guests with her sister, CRAIG MEN'S LEAGUE
Air, mid Mrs. Bill. Strong of. o. tn. ceiling rem
11, Soothe rs (.S , Patildet, 673) Seaforth,
Mr • \f , and Airs, Toni Coward r. e""1"0" n. 11n (.‘ A01
15 ft
and family were guests at slur, nvers ttro 5s1
prise party held at Mr. John .00 ,c i zo „ iii r4i,uun ms )
Coward', Ethriville 21n ryiCIA Sttpnet. rJ NN'As' g^,c
PVCrlittg4 in honer of Tom's t. Lions (J. wow! 611)
tt, romeeia
A well-known Hollywood act. I. m
re.ss was' recently 'described as 1.1''`I'it""
a gotid hotisekeeper. Every time1,1,1 rs
site's divorced, she keeM r*, carter tenet
Retrace Malt telpler. N-4 0e, 1626)
(January 271
Smrkpfugs 1-todatne 163) 6
Nte.te.ovs Cooper 1731 0
Champs ,krnold 34s) S
torte (1,-, Ready 1711
llurnbeliR (Hi Cooper 1611 ....
Alt's. Nelson Baker spent A Aces (Ti, Arnold 153) .. 2
few days last week with her (Immo I/
friend, Mrs, Vej-na Johns of jinx" It
St. Thomas. .Sips . ...........
Mrs. Cacciotti of Capreol is theneette .
visiting with her daughter, Ai("ar‘g 25
Fred Parkinson, Fred gle High sin:
(243): boy's W. indgme IO)
and family,
Miss Donna Baker spent the rrobruapy 11
weekend with Mrs. Delmar 8Parkl3(11!
10 (W. Hoch:tins 162)
ves (.. Arnold 163) Johnston of Kirktoin rha.»)05 rd, Hearn 168)
Miss Hate Jameson opened ljitlitibbil.ti" 'tlayter '2251
her IMMO to a quilting en Fri- .furs~izP4elY' 15.01
(Intended for last week)
Personal items
Pipe. 7 ..FP V .190.2
and .district news
Mrs, Magclg ,HeciOn, Piton; 5,
Mrs. Arelliq IVIAtPrP0.91., Phone
. , .. ... .
We Are In The
Rodney and Gary Oats That Wilt Make seed
Montcalm, Betze and Parkland Barley That
Will Make Seed.
Bring in your samples and we will bid
you a price.
We will have contracts for Seed Oats and Barley,
also contracts for MaltinrJ Barley.
Sons. Ltd.
Smoked Cottage olis
Smoked Side Bacon
Sirloin or T'-Bane Ste
Cooked ham
,iaeeelai,..aeeeatteltaakelkaeatta:,aea,ljese'..i3ia.lretifai.,eeeeee.eeeeee•, zee:, •
Compare et 2 for 49e
Compare at 2 for 490
Fruit Cocktail
Rose Brand
5 Lea I
Henley's IS•oz,
Liati, S1
Gold Seel Solid While
3 TiNti; $1
Reg., Rucliwiloat, Buttermilk
. r
9.01100 Cflitt i 1
Compare of 39r
Regularly 690
z nn Biscuits
10 w 55`
Florida No. 1 Size 282's S•lb, bag
Oranges 53'
Florida No.
White 9t5's
Ploritla No. 1 Size 24's
Celery Hearts 25
Cello No. 1 14-ounce
ell...igaeeLteeelleaeiteleeteeeleee ' ellittriflegOlefiliteMititeelitteatfalfetrea3eill,Q.'enleee
emnare of 370 Libby's Paney 48-oh.
PineappleJuice TlNi
Compare at 29e Heinz 12•oz.
Sweet Pickles mi. 13'
SLS Baby P i
Stip '0111R FdlICY bans Compare at 41r — 7•O1.
Tuna Fish
cemetire at 994' 104, Off Pack
Shortening brimt Tic
idOstess •--860 Oft Pack
14..ounte bap
Potato Chips
With Amtnoola Zet. bottle 7$t
14 New Jim Dandy
214-1b, tin
Now and then everybody gels a "tired-out"
feeling and may be bothered by backaches,
Mr, and Mrs. Bert Faber, seriously.PreyrheagnsdCngaus
d y wurrinIr juisgatroror' Dianne and • Xen visited Sunday bladder discomfort, That's the urinary irritation
to take e
with Mrs. Elizabeth Gesell at Dodd's Kidney Pills, tIodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve ibis condition which may Blake, often cause backache and tired feeling, Then you
Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Mc- reel better, rest bettor, work better, 81
Bride visited Sunday with Mrs.
Alvin McBride at Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones
and boys visited Saturday eve-
ning with Mr, and Mrs, Carl
Willer!, at Zurich.
Henson personals
Mr. and Mrs. George Hess ling on his farm lane Thurs-
and Miss Greta Lammie at- day suffered a heart attack and
tended. "Fireside" at Tweeds- was taken by Bonthron ambu-
muir Hall, London, Sunday lance 'to South Huron Hospi•
evening, where Miss Lammie tal.
with Air. and Mrs. Robert Lux- have taken up residence in the
ton and family; also with Mrs, new Fink apartments on King
parried. by Miss Kathryn. Sells. Frid a y, F e b ruar y 2.
took part. on the program con- alr, William Henry quietly
William Consitt and Mrs. E. street.
visited in Exeter on Sunday lock, Darcy, Susie and Peter,
tributing violin solos, acorn- observed his 84th birthday on
Mr. and. Mrs. Laird Mickle Mr, and Mrs. 0. V, MeClin-
Broderick. Monday February 12 at 8:30
Flowers in the United Church p.m , th e first, general meeting
Sunday morning last were in of the United Church Women
memory of the late Airs. Fred will be held in the United
Maims and Mr, Francis 1Ryck- Chureb, Mrs, G. W. Tiffin,
man, placed there by members president of Huron Presbyte-
of the families. rial UCW will be guest spea-
Miss Greta Lammie attended her.
an organ recital at the School Mrs. John Henderson was ad-
for the Blind at Brantford Fri- milted to Clinton hospital on
day evening. Tuesday.
Alr. William Stivens, 85, of PI in ng-up to Guides Goderich, a patient, at Queens,
way Nursing Home for the past At the Guide meeting Tees-
month, died suddenly Saturday day evening Arlene Chipchase
afternoon while sitting in a was presented. with Brownie
chair, He suffered a heart at- wings by Mrs. Thomas. La.ven-
tack. der, district commissioner,
Bill Jaques, son of Mr, and After a grand howl Arlene
Airs. Oliver jaques, fractured flew up to Guides and was wel-
his left. ankle while playing corned into the Company,
broomball at the local arena The commissioner presented
Friday evening. Hensali and Guide awards to Suzanne Ran-
Zurich were playing. Bill slip- Hie, first class badge and
ped and, fell. agains 1 We Linda Noakes, camper's
boards, X-rays at South. Huron badge.
Hospital revealed the fracture.
Ale. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques,
Mr, and Alm Ross Jaques,
Ale, and Mrs. Frank Harburn,
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Gass at-
tended a social evening of
euchre held at Trivitt Memo-
rial Panel' Hatt, Exeter, Fri-
day evening, sponsored by the
LOL 3249, Eight tables were
in play,
Mr, and Mrs. Bill Wilson, of
Si, Catharines, visited over the
weekend with the latter's sis-
ter, Miss Phyllis Case, and
Mr. Herb Heddeti.
Airs. Minnie Sangster' has Pew
turned from spendieg two
weeks with illetwbees of her
fatally in lateen and f'#'6i.rest,
While in Forest she Spent an
enjoyable. evening in the school-
room of St, James PresbYtc.
thin Church, the occasion be-
ing the birthday of Robbie
Burns, Scotty Ross of Serbia
contributed a number of Scotch
songs arid the jtinier Menthera
of the Legion Pipe Band fa-
vored With Selections bit the
pipes, Plinit were theft by
Air. Doug Ititehie on a trip he
and his family took kt the birth-
plede of Burns and gave
talk on life and legend ot. gob-
ble Burns.
Mr. and Mrs, William 'Baker
and family spent the weekend
with relatives at CyrectisvAY,
Arts Betty Parker, London,
spent the weekend With her
Mother, Mrs, Eva Parker, and
brOther Bill.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell
spent a few days last WMIt
With their soli • hi • law and
dall41lier, "Mr, And Mrs. Gin'
'Bedard, at Ottawa, oWing ,tei
the illness tit the latter,
Mr. Ed Vat*, Who resideS
Wit, 4 of Iltinsalli while thtvel-
sentative. Elgin McKinley,
McBride and Elina Itayter
were appointed to form a .Pas-
toral relations committee made
necessary .on Account of Rev,
T. J. Pitt's resignation, which
had been accepted. with, regret
at a previous board meeting,
Members for the Session for
1962 arc Roy McBride. Rlclr
ard Robinson, Will Clark, El-
gin Aleleieley, Clifford Keys
and Russell Erratt.
Stewards are Leslie Arm.
strong, Arnold Keys, Elmer
Ilayler. .Clarence Parke, Done*
las RohinSon, 13111Ce Keys, El.
gin McKinley, Keith McBride
and Bernard Keys.
Church trustees are Char-
enee Parke, Russell Erratt,
Frank .AleClinchey,. Allan Arm*
strong, Anson IficKinleY, /tar.
old Peek. and Melvin
Manse trustees are Anson
McKinley and Melvin Elliott;
organist, Airs. Elmer HaYter,
Donna flayter, Mrs, 13 r n•e e
Keys and Mrs. Melvin Elliott.
Annual meeting of SS
The annual, meeting of Go-
shen Sunday School was held
also on Friday night, Feb. 2.
Officers elected were: Super.
intendent, Anson McKinley; as.
sistaet, Roy McBride; treas^
Urer, Dianne Peck; secretary,
Gerald Ilayter.
Gible class teachers are Roy
Lamont, Richard Robinson, El-
gin McKinley, George Simons,.
and Rev. Pitt; young peoples
class, Elgin McKinley and Airs.
Elmer flayter: girls class,
Mrs. James Keys, Mrs. George
Simons and Mrs, Douglas Rob•
inson; boys class, Airs, Elgin
McKinley and Anson McKinley,
Primary class, Airs, Roy
McBride and Mrs. Allan Aral-
strong; Mrs. B. Keys and Airs.
Keith McBride; kindergarten
class, Marlene and Gail Mc-
Bride; organists, Donna Hay,
ter„loan Elliott, Dianne and
Donna. Peck.
Messenger leader in two
groups arc: seniors, Airs, Ar•
fold Keys and Ales. Doug Ro-
binson; junior, AL's. Anson Mc-
Kinley and Mrs. George Sim•
• "'". •-•17
Have You Ever
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In Mutual Funds?
They Have An Excellent
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Circle, London
GE 4,8502 or
Enquire at The
TI mes•
veer?' rs
ornd 0 SCt11
at iANAOAr l(Xttfo
Have no sixth sense,,..
blind appreciate help
with fund raiing, bOti sa red as they are relied, go about
harder, concentrate bendy and tide %ou t Are tidally blind," ma.,
thicinciCanadian Council of. the an identifyiin.‘gl-hno,t,eN•"ot wind
qii.ently Associated with blind bllnct persons sir a little," site
Week mesaage.
National filatitute for the Blind. h o le, hut when good Vision is
blind people develop their four ,t,:-.11n le not sufficient. They.
remaining senses. Thee' 1i:04Ni are some! nnrs worse off than -
use their ingenuity to make up Mato:soh said-
for sight." she said. "Think What the While Cane
Mrs. J, T. Patterson, president from groping in his mind for
ness 111 a special White Cane in 'ist or Tim, it irtt an extremely
through a
cation peried. not associated v i s i on Thr , parti a ll y si gh ted,
by CCB and The Canadian 1.4,11 emhe ran rea d a
of Use misumier,standings fro- peopleare lotallY Mind, Same.
stcrious sixth sense," states the nervnas straittthat cornea
The week is an -annual edin „f the c."It is MA useful,
She was explaining swm., other n . , .
"Instead of a etxth -acnec, 11PrOsii fur employment, their
''Blind persons have no nice and liaVP the blind Per',504
small area of vision in one part
Mrs. Patterson. exploded
Mrs. Patterson, told of rillc 11 paw; !" is the theme of the
blind mother whose small sun week. To the blind it is a
did not. like to tie his shoe morale builder and the sytnhol
laces. The boy could never Of a freer life. To the sighted
understand how his mother it is a reminder that the blind
knew when the laces were ten- have 'to special powers. Th.ey
done—she could hear the me- will he glad of a guiding hand
011ie lace tags on the floor at :•trvet crossings, and a.
every time the .ottivester menu-airs conversation. Even
thew tire partiallY•sighted.
d people do not alwaysthere will he many a tight spot
recognize your friendly ' when they will he glad in hoe-
Airs. Patterson said. She ex• row i,otricone. else's good vis-
plalned that many sighted ton.
people are disappointed when
the blind. person does mil re•
New bride: bride: "Why are .you cognize their voice. "(,eve frowning at that letter? Are yont name in your first sent• you worried? Remember. dal-.
Imp,. yam. problems are our
problems now."
Husband - -Welt then-7 some
dame in Calgary is suing no
fri;' breach of promise."
Mr. Charles Eyre was ad-
mitted by ambulance last week
to Scott MemOrial Hospital,
Seaforth, having suffered a
heart seizure,
The seals and diplomas for
Sunday Scholl children of St.
Andrew's United Church, Kip-
pen, will be given out Sunday,
Feb. ii.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones,
Kenneth and Grant were Sun-
day guests of Mr. and 'Mrs, Ed
Finkbeiner at Crediton,
Air, Norman Long returned
home Monday after being hos-
pitalized 19 days in Scott, Me-
morial Hospital, Seaforth.
— Continued from. page 6
St, Pats .81al.at 52s1 . 5
Blowettes (M. Brownlee 4021 2
Angels (13. Hottgin$ 681) 7
Night. TiaWk,S. (Ci Wissel 617 ) 0
.. Si
Night tra.tv km 45
7o6wettra ........... ,...... 42
St, Pats dii
High single: lg. Hodgin,s (272)
High 11.13)1e: 14 odgins (651)
High a.‘'ereget C. (112)
The Auxiliary will entertain
their husbands to a Valentine
social Friday evening, Feb. 16,
The mystery prize was won by
,Airs, I3yran Kyle. Bingo and
lunch concluded the. evening.
Comments• about
A Little
Goes A
and a big bull does too,
if used artificially.
That's why we can make
such valuable bulls
available al, such low
cost, The best blood lines
of all breeds AM as near
as your telephone,
Find out for yourself!
Phone weekdays before
10 a.m,, Saturday
ev enings from 6:00 to
p.m, to:
"Whtirt "better 'LION A re—L
Name officers
for UCW unit
Mrs. James McAllister's
group of the United Church
Women met Thursday after-
noon, February 1 in the church.
school rooms, Scripture ,read-
ings were reed. by Mrs. Fred
Mrs. McAllister gave a re-
port of the inaugural meeting
of Huron Presbyterial held in
Clinton, Mrs, Currie Winlaw
contributed a piano solo and.
the study from the book 'Has-
ten the Day" was given by
Airs, George Armstrong, Mrs ,
A. B, Roweliffe led in • prayer.
Mrs, Hugh MeMurtrie was
appointed secretary., and Airs.
Joe Flynn, treasorer of the
Airs, MeAllister led In Bible
study beginning with the life
of the disciples.
Units organize
Unit 3 of The United `Church
Women met ,„ .00 . ,home of
Airs, Jack Drysdale, the lea-
der, Monday evening, .Febru-
azry 5 with 21 members pre-
Mrs, Lorne Chapman. was
elected secretary and Mrs. Ken
Elder, treasurer.
Mrs. Ron Mock took the
study and Airs, Edison For-
rest, the devotional assisted by
Airs. Lorne Hay and Mrs, Ro-
bert Cook,
The members decided to hold
their meetings in the church
and the next meeting will be
'March 12.
Unit 3 plans sale
Airs, J, Cornell was selected
secretary. Mrs. •13, .1. Drys-
dale, treasurer and Mrs. Wal-
ker Carlile, community friend-
ship secretary of unit 3, The
United Church Women, meet-
ing at the church Monday eve-
ning under the leadership of
Mrs. Dave Lyle.
The Bible study was taken
by Airs, Walter Spencer, the
study by Harvey Keys and the
devotional by Mrs, Clendon
The unit is holding a bake
sale on Saturday, February 24
at. Crest Hardware, Main Si,,
at 3 p.m.
There were 22 a( the meet-
Lady takes cash
not NHL tickets
At Minor Hockey Night held
Saturday night; at the local
arena, Mrs, Bill MeCrae was
the lucky winner of the draw
of $40.00 in. cash or four tickets
to a hockey game in Detroit
and $25.00 expenses. Mrs. Mc-
Crae took the $40.00.
Danny Kipfer sold the win-
ning ticket and the Kinsmen
Club sponsored the project.
News budget from
lapis from
Privnei items.
Mr, And Mrs, Reg AleCtinly
visited with. Air. and Airs.
Paul MeNaughton of Zpricti on
Mr. and Airs, Albert Se.ottof.
St. Marys vsited with. Mr. ..and.
Airs, Ira McCurdy on Satur-
day evening and on Sunday
Air, and Airs,..ira McCurdy
were guests with Mr. and Mrs..
Albert Scott and boys,
Miss Norma Hem RN, of
London visited with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bern,
Carolyn. and Ralph on Satur-
Mr. and Mrs, John Rod& Pa-
mela :and Calvin entertained
on Sunday in honor of Calvin's
first birthday, Miss Edith Ro.dd.
of London, Mr, and Airs.
Frank Rodd., Air, and Airs.
-George Wheeler and David
Air. and Mrs. Glenn Copeland.
and . Cynthia and Mrs. A. But-
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Webb of
Grand Bend were Friday eve-
ning visitors Air, and
Airs, Norris Webb and fain-
Rev. and Mrs. .1. Wareham,
Airs, an Miller, Miss jean
Copeland, Mrs, John Rod.cl,
Airs, Ted Insley, Airs, Norris
Webb, Mrs. Ira McCurdy at-
tended the inaugural services
for the Perth. Presbyterial
UCW at Mitchell United Church
on Thursday evening.
1Voodham junior .11 o c Is e y
team visited Anderson n n
Thursday evening and came
home victorious the score be-
ing 14-8.
Mr. and Mrs. Orland Squire
and family of Centralia were
Sunday evening guests with
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Squires
and family,
Mr. Jack Switzer has pur-
chased the farms of Mr. liar-
ry Squires who has had to give
up farming due to ill health,
Mrs. L, Copeland and Mur-
ray visited with Mr. and Airs.
Lindsay Hands of Medina on
Mr. and Airs, Bill McLean
of Exeter were guests Satur-
day evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Smith, Dianne and Dong