HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-02-01, Page 15CA IA More and more people ENJOY THE MOVIES THURS., FRI. & SAT. — FEB. 1, 2, 3 051811 F, ZANUCK • THE Legion teams active in .,district contests Teams from Exeter Legion Shane won fifth prize, araQ.14,1 have been .active in. ,distriat teams at .the district bonspiel curling and dart. -cernPetitions, Kitehener Jan. 21 Another it was reported, at the .braneit's. rink skipped by Lee Learn also, meeting Thursday night, represented the local branch in A rink skipped by .Charlie the event. Second:Vice- President Deng Triehner r epor t-cd on the branclt's participation in the Huron...dart tournament. Larry Burns, :manager Of the branch's bantam hockey team, said the club still was unde- feated. in league play. ..One new member, Herman Neufield was initiated into the branch. Welfare officer R. Ii. Pooley reported on the distribution of food parcels at Christmas time. Stan Whiting missed out an a prize of $5.00 because he wasn't there to claim the at. tendance prize, The award is now doubled for the next meet- ing, President Erie Heywood con• ducted the business. DANCE Mt. Carmel Friday, Feb, 2 Music by GRANT EDIGHOFFER'S MELODY MASTERS Admission 7,5r. Sponsored by the Holy Name Society LUNCH SERVED Sleigh Ride Parties We arrange for sleighs and horses—No party tog::! small or too large. Pizza parties and dancing facili- ties provided, Ski Skate Toboggan at Pinery Park FUN FOR EVERYONE! We cater to Teenage Groups in unlicensed rooms: Phone 1 Grand Bend COLONIAL HOTEL Hank Menard c,N.,......,......,„ AM LE G COLOR by DE LUXE h,,. ,,...,, ,.„,....,...: * STEVEN BOYD '* JULIETTE GRECO MON., TUES. & WED. — FEB. 5, 6, 7 DM* atThe Top of The -Stairs Th. great Broadway play new on the screen! TECHNICOLOR WARNER BRO$ ADULT ENTERTAINMENT — Starring * DOROTHY McGUIRE * ROBERT PRESTON V C. he c Brini COMING SOON! T You Lyri The Best! g * Pirates of Tortuga * The Millionairess * Date Bait (Adult) * 20,000 Eyes * Teenage Millionaires * Comaneheros * Francis of Assisi * PR and Pendulum (Adult)," LYRIC THEATRE Phone 421 -4 EXETER First Show 700 Second Show 9:30 Matinee 2:00 p.11), smicom44.40.444444fratalr4444.44r Saturday Night Dances Exeter Legion Memorial Hall Dancing. 9' i .• 12 AdMittien: 7.50 Per Porton. litkotit 8iid Janis Tot Allowed Famous violinist set for Clinton., Huron county Will be treated. to a concert by famous violin- ist Ituhinoff On Friday, Febru- ary 2, Clinton Lions are bringing the musician to the Clinton colleg- 14tp institute for a one-night performance, .114. program twill include poptilar and. comic numbers as well as elassical scores. He'll even include 18. different square dance tunes, Tickets are . being sold at The' Times-Advocate office. "You've got to find himl He told me he can't live without me!" CREDITON TEEN TOWN Valentine Semi-formal DANCE CREDITON TOWN HALL Friday, Feb. 2 8:30 p.m. Music by The TRIADS of Clinton. ALL TEENAGERS WELCOME SKATING CARNIVAL Kirkton Rink Friday, Feb. 2 8:00 p.m. Good Prizes Refreshment Booth' Skating after Carnival Admission: Adults 350, Children 200 Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of the Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in Farquhar Hall, FARQUHAR Mon., Feb. 5 at 2:00 p.m. lot the purpose of receiv, ing the reports of the Directors and Auditors for the past year, for the elec- tion of two Directors for a three-year term, election of Auditors, approval, of amendment to Section 33 of By-laws relating to Di- rectors' remuneration, and any other business that may be in the interests of the Company. The Directors whose term of office expires are E. Clayton Colvhoun and Alex J. Rohde, both of whom are eligible for re, election. Mill,011 McCurdy, ?resident Arthur Fraser, Soc.,Troat, P.el;r.tory. 1: 190 ••• Supermarket: A place Wbeie you 'travel farther' than your money, NOTICE Ta ALL. MALES, FEM.A4ES.., YOIANO OR O,D A young bachelor from Arend. Bend issues ,a Challenge for the checker championship .of Grand Bend and all areas north, south,. east or west. .MONDAY, „FEB. 12,:.: aoo.p.m. ADMISSION $0 Bring your own .checkers and checker hoard if you have One. COLONIAL HOTEL GRAND. BEND Senior Band Practice . PUBLIC LIBRARY OR TOWN HALL.:;.; Tues, Feb, 67 8:00 p.m. All interested persons in the area are invited to at- tend, Under auspices of.. Exeter Rec -Coune= YOU ARE INVITED TO HEAR Rev, Perry F. Rockwood You \vitt enjoy his inspirational messages FRI" FEB. 9—BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH, 8 pan. SAT., FM 10- MCI HALL, GOnition South Huron Youth :for Christ SUN,, FEB, 11-13AYPIELD :BAPTIST CHURCH Services at 11 a,m. arid 7:30 pan. MON, & TUES,—IMAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH, Extm, FEB. 12, 13 8 pan, WED., FM, 14.-.DASHWOOD EtJT3 CHURCH, 8 pan, THURS,, FEB, 15—MAPLE STg GOSPEL HALL, CLINTON FRI,, FEB. 16 —HANOVER, WC. HANOVER TOWN HALL SATq rE13, 17—SOUTH 1113110N YFC. CLINTON LEGION HALL The Peoplet Gospel Haut Ditoefor Nolo' Gospel How Pastor: Rev, William Gate 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 10:00 aan.—Bible Class 11:00 a,m,—Holy Communion Oliver Fee, 73 .district farmer Oliver lee, 73, A p.rt .Street, Exeter, died. in St. Jg. -..7..::::::-.7 ,37:‘,..7.: 11estlay meriting,. January .41. 777.7.. .. ''' ,7 ' .::7:: ' :::.. senh's ilespital, Lon op, Wed?, rte Underwent a major opera... BENNETTe-,Mr. and Mrs. :fro- =ALE. — Air. and Mrs, Erie BEAD--Suddenly, at his late WEITIO—in loving Memory of lion about ten days .previous. belt ,Dennett, Debilent, (nee Sinale,, Zurich, announce the residence, Grand Bend, Dr, .a dear husbaed and: father, Mr. Fee was born near Hen- Co peman, granddaughter of bir th of .a son, Richard Arthur John Read, beloved .Clifford John Weide, who sal! and farmed there until the 11.1.1. and Mrs, WO Nedgins) Eugene (Ricky) at South husband of Kathleen (Hyatt). passed away One year ago, death of his first wife, the fors are happy to announce the Horan Hospital, January 27 Read and dear •father of Dr. February .5, .19(41. Pier Luella Stele)). .01 lionsali birth of a daughter., .Kimber --,-a brother for Randy. It, W. Read, Exeter; Arthur Though his smile is gone for. east, About 18 yea r s ago Air., .- 1J' 'Jean,. at Victoria hospital, McLEO d M D D—Alr, and. avid Read, Sarnia; Dr. John .Road, ever, London, January 10. McLeod Jr., BR 8 Parkhill, London, and grandfather of And his ii Fee moved to Exeter and even. and. we cannot touch, tually built his home at 78 An- announce the birth of a son, nine„Funeral arrangements Still we have so MallY Mentor- drew Street. ;Joseph Lee (Joey), at South are incomplete. le :ies Thirteen years ago he wa s, Of the one we loved so ml‘l°11 ' married to Miss Nellie •Carlitt- Huron Hospital, January 26. cbael, Exeter, who survives as SYMONS—Mr. and Mrs, E. V, CARDS OF THANKS, ....._. .... . , ..... ...., iris memory is our keepstgke, well as three sisters, MI'S, Err Symons, RR 1 Exeter, an- With which we'll never part, The Kinette Club. of Hensall '•God has him in Ms keeping, nest Harris, Ailsa Craig; Airs. nounce the birth of a .daugh- ter, Susan, at. South Huron wish to ".k° this. opportunity We have '11-1111 in 'e" hearts, GLAVIN .— Mr, and Mrs. Pat Glavin, RR 2 Crediten, an- Hospital, , January .20. to thank the various organize- —Lovingly remembered by rims all those who eon- wife Dorothy and son Ste- 1.1. 1 number h W nounce the birth of „laugh. TAYLOR—Mr. and Mrs, Orville lions and. trihuted to the March of 1c' rsin:rTaoli...1fr4T-n !iAdtisf Orfrasn'a,olni7a-7d''', Ynni ill' Ypnhla! ter, Mary Helen, at St, ,To- Taylor, Lucan, are happy to Te ews sepli's Hospital, London, jam- announce the birth of a son, Mmes. I wish to express my, sincere ,... , ,-.,•%gu.t,,.X.,mifw,:a Funeral services will he held nary S --a sister for Paul, David Wayne, at St. Joseph's linspital, London, January 8 thanks to all who remembered from the llopper.lioekey fun- Basil „and Jane, —a brother ..for Kathy and me with cards, treats and .eral home on Friday, Febru- M Mr aeISAAC—. and Airs. Nor, Stephen, visits while a patient in the Town topic$ E. Lewis Officiating and in- ary 2 at' 2 p,m, with Rev. S. man Maelsaac, Sanders St., WARREN—Mr. and Airs, R od, hospital and since. returning Exeter, announce the birth ger C. Warren, Main St., home. sPecial, thanks to the torment in Bayfield - cemetery, of a daughter at:Smith Iliiron. 070.7, daughter, aiiola otlliveenboirlit ilii inimos'Spiinigat_stcatiff of South ,Huron L. ')1;&,..:!,..-.....,,..e....,ui • -';.4:.:A,);!,,•.'Ati 1', Hospite4, january 28—a sist er Mrs. Hugh. Rundle and baby M r' and Yrs ' Bay Wtierfilt MAILLET—Johnny • and 'Al elba pital„Tanuary 29......first grand- Dianne wish who visited Us and sent cards, to thank those Stephen and John, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs: IL for Angela. Carol, at South Huron Hos- Topics from MOM - (nee King), Zwei- daughter for Mr. and Mrs. flowers and treats while in Al. Long, or Long Point, Mich., bracken, Germ .a n y, are Gordon 0. warren, South 'Huron Hospital and since and attended the NHL hockey Whalen happy to announce the birth WEDGE — Mr. and 1111.1'. Vern returning home. Special thanks game between Toronto and De. of a Noe, January 29—a bro. Wedge, Andrew St., Exeter, to Jr.Gans and nursing staff, troll Sunday night. Hier for Tony and Kristine. announce the .birth of a son, j.e Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allison at South Huron Hospital, j allua ry 27 — a brother for Mere words are inadequate left by motor Thursday for ts, ... MILTON—Bob and Betty Mil- - . ton (nee Brady), London, 'Wendy, Chris and Cathy, ..,„ to express our gratitude to Fort Lauderdale, Fla. where are happy" to announce the our many friends, neighbors they will be spending several Personal items birth of a son, Jeffrey Walker and relations who helped us weeks. Airs. Olive Frederick of East Edward, a t st. J oseph's l,Ios- MARRIAGES — through these days of sorrow Mr. and Mrs. Wes Witmer Bloomfield, New York is spend- pital, London, January 26—a with kindness, words of sync- spent the weekend in Tillson- lug sonic time with Mr. and paths, and flowers during our burg with Mr. and Airs. Leo Airs. William French and fa mer and Ronnie, in- Brady.ily. loving. mother. Special thanks Mrs, Russell Brock, Chisel. PARKINSON — Mr. and Airs. lo Mr. and Mrs. William Mr, and Mrs, Fred Evans of ,. Clarkson visited this week with hurst, is spending a few days Mr. and Mrs. William are happy to announce the fered to us al, all times; also Mrs. Evan's mother and sis- with Garry, at t. Marys Memor- Keith Buchanan and Mr. John ter, Mrs. A. E. Ferguson and Morley Sr, arrival of their son, Bryan to Mr. Harold Bonthron, Mr. Mr, ,and Mrs, Norman liod• Mrs, Jean Mair. riins, Avis, Allen and .Grant Far Hospital, January 26 — a Heal for the help and kindness Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Perry P tended the Edgewood -Jr. Far- brother for Randy, they gave us; to Rev. Currie had, as their guest last week mers banquet in the Foresters the former's aunt, Miss A, WinIaw for his comforting rites the Toronto, Hall, (Iranian 'Saturday eve- sage, All we can say is `thank you' and add them to our F/L j, A. and Mrs. Cann, niiri;ghas. O'Shea and Grant Hod- cherished memories.—Kenneth, Mary Ann, Cathy and. Nancy, gins attended the first of a Marguerite and Donald Maims. Beilville and Joanne mair, series of farm: short courses at We wish to express our sin- London, •viis•ted over the week- the Agricultural Office, London, care appreciation to all our end with. Airs, jean Male, on Tuesday evening, friends and neighbors for their A surprise birthday party Mr. and. Mrs. Cleve Pullman, cards, memorials and other for LAC Reg' 'Miller was held Roy and Ronnie visited on expressions of sympathy at the at the home of Air, and Mrs. Sunday afternoon with Mr, time of our recent bereave- Bruce Perry, Senior St., Fri- and Mrs, Lloyd. 'Elliott, Len. merit. — Edward Wolper and day night. The. evening was don Twp. CHRISTIAN THE BETHEL family. 1.c spent, in contests, games and The family of the late Wit- singsongs followed by lunch, Airs. Roy Johns, Airs. Got' REFORMED CHURCH REFORMED CHURCH Time Hyde wish to extend their don Kirk, ,Airs,' Gerald Mc- Clean and Gary ' visited on sincere thanks and a pprecia- Rev, A, G. Van Eck, Minister Rev. R. Van Farowe, Minister Thursday with Mrs. Cleve Pull. Hon to all their friends, vela- 6:15 p.m.—Back to God Hour— Catechism tributes and messages of sym. son, Mrs. Gordon Johnson and. mlat ii:s 10:(30 a.m,—Service in English 10:30 a,m.—Morning Service Lives and neighbors for their Message from Air , Wm, :Morley Jr., Mrs. 2:15 p.m.—Service in Dutch 11:45 a.m.—Sunday School and many acts of kindness, floral A o i Neil, Mrs. Ray Parkin- 6:15 r680 Kc.) . 8:00 p,m.—Evening Service pathy during their recent be- Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins at- February reavement. Special thanks to tended the inaugural meeting BAYFIELD BAPTIST Meeting Rev, Currie William. i* 1 Ontario St. United Church, CHURCH The family of the late Mrs. Clinton on Wednesday. Pastor: 'Ivor Bodenham PENTECOSTAL Catharine MacGregor wish to The annual meeting of Cent- and Mrs. Alex Bann° were: Recent visitors with Air. express their very sincere Library • board meets Sunday, February 4 TABERNACLE thanks and appreciation for all ralia Library Board was held Mr, Andrew Sutherland, Ham- 10:00 a.m.—Bible School ' Main: Street . kindnesses. shown them during Monday, January 22 at the iota, Airs. Clark' Switzer, Mit- their recent bereavement of home of Mrs. Frank Osborne ellen, Mr. and Airs. E. Squire, 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship , Rev. Mel, W. Holmes, Pastor their mother, for the beautiful with the Rev. D. Al, .Guest as Exeter, Miss Cora Nuttycombe "God's Abiding Faithfulness" 9:00 a ,m...._ejcs R a di o floral tributes and expressions chairman, and Airs. Stillwell, London. 7:30 p.m.—Evening Services " (1240 Kc,) of sympathy. Special thanks to Oilier board members • ore- Mr. and Mrs. Norman. .Hod- "Have You Listened to God's Dr. John C. Goddard, Miss sen t were Miss A gnes An d er. gins' and Avis were Thursday Opinion?" 9:45 a'.m.—Sunday School. Alice Claypole and staff of Wed,, 8 p.m.— Prayer 'Service 11:00 a.m.—Communion Service South Huron Hospital and Rev, son, Mrs. A. IVIcFalls, Mrs. N. evening guests with Mr. and 7.30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Ross MacDonald and Bonthron Tripp and Mr. L. Wilson. Mr. Mrs. F R . Squire, Granton. le Harold Tripp attended as a . on Squire, Mr. and funeral home. ,;JAMES STREET Friday, February 2 I wish to thank all those representative of the village Mrs. Grafton Squire, Sue Ann . UNITED CHURCH 8t00 p.m. — Christ's Ambassa• who remembered me with council in Place of Kenneth and Paul were Sundayu guests with Air. and Mck' dors and Crusaders visits, cards and treats while Hoclgins. The circulation of local books kills, Lucan. Rev. S. E, Lewis, M.A., B.D. 'I was a patient in South Huron . ' Minister . EVeryone Welcome Hospital—Mrs. Frank Reeder. was 982 and of county books, Mr. Howard Morley, Hazel 1c 498. There is an adult member- Park, Michigan, spent . the weekend with his parents, Mr. Mr. Lawrence Weir!, A.W.C.M, ZION CHURCH ship of 17 and juvenile, 34. Organist and. Choirmaster I wish to express my sincere, Mrs. Frank Osborne wilt con- and Airs. Win. Morley Sr, thanks to all who remembered 10 A.M.—SUNDAY SCHOOL Evangelical United me with cards, t rea ts an d tinue as librarian and secre- Mr. Morley is still confined to All Departments Brethren visits while in St. Joseph's lies- tary-treasurer with Airs. Roy his bed, Harrison as assistant librarian. Mr. and Airs, Win. Sherwin, 11 A.M.—MORNING SERVICE CREDITON peal. and since returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold. Sherwin, YOUTH SUNDAY . A.. M. Schlenker, Pastor -Lmrs. Earl Lewis, Ailsa Craig. P ersona l it ems is London, were Sunday callers 'Sacrament of Infant 'Baptism Mrs, D, M. Guest has been with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mai. Thursday, February 1 We wish to thank all our a patient in South Huron .Hos- ley Sr. The Junior Choir will sing. 8:15 p.m. — Women's Society friends, neighbors and rela- pital for the past 10 days sat- ' the Children" World Service lives who called on us on our feting were Sunday. visitors with Mr. Sermon: "The 'Master and from injuries she re- the wedding anniversary; Sunday, February 4 ceived when she slipped on ice and. Mrs, John Thompson, On Come' and Worship also for the cards, flowers and outside the door and fell down 10:00 a.m,—World Service Day gifts. You have helped to make the steps. Saturday evening Mrs, Thomp- Morning Service, WSWS the clay one of the most event- Mr. ' Percy Noels was in son entertained a few relatives MAIN STREET Ladies in charge, frail of our lives.—Mr. and Mrs, South Huron Hospital for. X. in celebration of Mr. Thomp- United Church of Canada Miss Audrey Finkbeiner George Lawson. le rays to determine the extent son's birthday: Mr. Fred Howe -. was in missionary, speaker. of his injuries when he Sell at Minister: Rev, IL S. Hinz 11;15 a,m,—Sunday School. IN MEMORIAM— work at the airport, No bones Brantford on Monday attending the funeral of a friend, the late Organist: Mrs.' A. Willard 8:00 p.m.—Missionary Film were broken. and he returned W. IL Green. DOW—In loving memory of a home on Saturday, Larry Johnston, London, was dear husband and father, Attending Huron Presbyterial a recent visitor with. his cou- ZION LUTHERAN Gilbert James Dow, who UCW in Ontario Street church, were sin, Richard Shoebottom. CHURCH passed away February 1960. 7 4 Clinton, on Wednesday Mrs. P. McFalls, Mrs. F. DASHWOOD Mr s, COMING EVENTS --- picture Deep in our hearts there is a Hicks, Mrs. C. Rollings, picture K. Grebb, Mrs. A. Essery, Mrs. Of a dear one gone to rest, J, Essery and. Mrs. Hugh For memories' sake we will Love. keep it, Mr, and Airs. McNeil and 'Because lie was "one of the family, have moved from Mit- best", ellen into the residence vacal- -Always remembered by his ed. by Mr, and Mrs. Bruce CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN wire and soh.. to joynt. Mr. McNeil is the CNR CHURCH HODGERT—In loving memory agent replacing Mr. Joynt who of a clear wire, mother and is stationed at Elmira. quet, Tuesday, Feb, 13, 7 p.m., Organist: Mrs, IN; G. Cochrane grandmother, Mrs. B ell a Mr. and Mrs. G. Henry, Lis- Creditors Community Centre, Hedger!, wile passed away towel, were weekend guests of 10; 00 a. ni,—,Su nd ay School four years ago, January 28, .Me, and Mrs. Lorne Hicks and Speaker, John Stewart, Ailsa Cr a i g. • Entertainment and , THAMES ROAD 11;00 a,m..—Morning Worship 1958, Mrs. Andrew Hicks. chalice. $1.50 per •person, lc us, still come o'er Mr. and Mrs, Gordon :Ben- MENNONITE CHURCH Monday, February 5 Day of sadness der and Patricia, Dashwood, ST. VALENTINE'S DANCE — 7;30 p,m.— Gordon Young S. M. Sander, Pastor 'rears in slick:0, once HOW. visited on Sunday with Mt'. Exeter Women's Auxiliary in th e Oddfellow and Rebekah. 16:30 a.ni,--Wership Service churth, tts Memory keeps you ever near and Mrs. Fred Cunnington, Lodge CP&T committee, Wed- 11:15 aims.--..,Stteday. School and Tuesday, February 6 Adult Bible Class 'The you died four years ago. 8:15 pni.—Caven. Congregation- —liver remembered by her No livening Service This Week -al Circle in the Church husband and family, le ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS .131RTHS.— DEATHS IN. MEMORIAM.-- 130y.14 4.,,Alr, and Mrs. liugh Boyle, Pashwopd, announce the birth of a son, at South Tjuron hospital, January 28 ma brother for Scott and Fraser. By MRS. FRANK SQUIRE. .. . grandson for Ed and Dorothy bereavement in the loss of a Wit Rie, Garry Parkinson. (nee French) Shepherd whose home was GI- GROSART - ilELLER — Air. and Mrs.' R. 3. Keller, Ex- eter, announce the marriage of their only daughter, Nor- :ma Joan, of Barrie, to Mr, William Grunt, Eimvale, son of Air. and Mrs. Robert Wain, of. Hespeler. The mar- riage took place in Barrie on January 27, 'WA Centralia 2 — Congreational the Bonthron funeral home and of the Huron Presbyterial. at By MRS, FRED BOWDEN ,10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:15 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon: "The Mighty Angel and the Little Book" (God's purpose stealing into our lives.) —Revelations: Chapter 10 Nursery and Junior. Congreg. anon "Come and' worship with us," Coming — REV. PERRY ROCKWOOD of Halifax Monday and Tuesday, February 12 and 13 POSTPONED — The annual meeting of the Exeter Agricul- tural Society has been post- poned to Wedeesday, Feb. 7, at 1:30 p,m, All interested in the fair are invited to attend. le STEPHEN FEDERATION—An- nual meeting and turkey ban. Mr, and Mrs. Hugo Theander, nesday, February 14, Exeter Ingrid and Paul visited with Legion Hall. Dancing 9 to 1, friends in Barrie over the Admission me. Desjardine's or• weekend, chestra. 18:25:1e Misses Shirley Ryan a n d Beverley Smyth spent the Week- TEA & BAKE SALE — Local end with the former's parents Association of Guides, Brown- Mr. and Mrs. J. Ryan, ies, Scouts and Cubs, annual Mr. and Mrs. John S, Them- tea and bake sale, Saturday, son, Air, and Mrs, Roy Robin- February 24, Scout. Hall, 2 to sort and family of Listowel 5 pan. le Take Notice that the Annual Meeting of produce,' mambo's of the Huron County Hog Producers Association lid members of the Ontario Hog Producers Co-operative will be convened at the hour of 12:30 psis. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13 at the Legion Hall, the town of Clinton, ler the purpose of the proper business of. the annual Meeting', the electiOn of Officers, the election of voting representatiVet and the nominations of county committeemen under the Ontario Hog Producers Market. mug Plan, between the hours Of 2 o'clock and 3 o'elock in the afternoon 'of the above.mentiolied date. If an election it te- cfnirecl for committeemen it will be held on TtietdaY, March 6, 1962, front a.m. to 6 p.ni, and the polling places will be; txeter Mien Hall, Exeter,' Agrtculthral Beard ROM. Clinton; Gorrie Ceinintinity Gottie; Walton' Community Wale tell; 'SherwoOd's lietitei,, Dungannon, Albert Bateli t OresideliL Wartior, ,Set -retery