Huron Signal, 1853-03-28, Page 3HURON SIGNAL.
t1.Irialeslal I. the ammo of lamelily. D.-
YRits tether is So company .f memeagere
thou is that of members ; bat dr lrasatihw
non datpukii.dem., lied this may be owing
to the fact IMI members pay but tittle at-
tention to him. A few days since u I was
puns; tato tie sews room of the 11mase,
I saw our tread sitting is the si.sse.gsrs
departsst, with some doers or two kap
looking fellows round about him, and (Dere
u the nine of a perfect cloud of swat.,
whack issued from the tobacco pipes of the
worthy audio.ce, he seemed to be u.rarel-
lug some *barns qu atioo of
economy, or perchesce, dealing out *asth-
mas agaiut the railroad spirit of the day.
After all Marchildoe is sometimes a relief
is the Hesse. His speeches after the
(mazy harangues of such lama u Brows
aad Caucboo, have somewhat the same
effect upon the ruled, that the reading of a
spicy morel hu u a relaxation to
w adies. And we have the pleasure of
kooieisg when be speaks, that we bear the
man's own sentiments, and that be himself
believes in what be says! e tbisg that cart -
n ot be said of many of our modern poli-
!yea set a lade le alma. that Mr. Coa-
ches aad his. Brew., voted after all, ami -
telly together.
The member (or Kent, hsviog preview-
!, arranged matters with the uhpositio.,
moved u ameadmest, giving the bill a three
mottle hoigt; Thi, ameedrseat was lost
on the lollewing dlvirion, mud I desire you
sad yoor'reedem to mark well tbe seprm-
eipledcoobinalioo to defeat the Gwent -
meat : -
, I.
Yaa.s..-Sadgley, BROWN, Burnham,
CAUCHYN, Christie of Gaspe Clapham,
Crawtaed, Diass,Dbllord,PE R G U S1SON ,
Gamble, JOHNSON, Laagton,Laterriers,
L.Blaae, McDo..ld, (Kingston) Sir Allem
N. McNab,Mallocb, McDougall, Marney,
Rideut, Robotic., Seymour Sb.w,Sicotte,
Smith, (Frostenac,) Steve.wn, Street,
Stuart, Valois, Vigor, Willson, and Wright
(West York )-33.
Nets.-- ameroc, Chabot, Chapels,
Chauveau, Christie, (Wentworth) Drum-
mond, Domoulio, Egan, Fortier, Hartman,
Ilincks, Jobin, Lacoste, Laurin, Lemieux,
McDonald, (Cornwall) Mackenzie, Mat -
tire, McLaughlan, Merritt, Mongenau,
Morin, Marriage, Paige, Patrick, Polette,
Prime, Richards, Rolpb, Rose, Smith,
(Durham) 'Pathe, Tessier, Tureotte, Va-
ries, White and 1Vrigbt, [East York] -39.
The scene which followed this vote was
one of the greatest that I bare seen for a
longtime in our Canadian Parliament. -
Messrs. Macdonald and MacNab taunted
tbe (;lear Grits with having sacrificed
their principles, and eodeavoured to make
out that the Government had been defeat-
ed. Mr. Drummnd retorted by remioding
gentlemeo opposite of a time when a Con-
serratiie Mlieistry carried on the Govern-
ment foe four sessions, with a fluctuating
majority of from one to tbiee, and that os
one occasioo the estainates had to be taken
back and so altered as to receive the rotes
of oar or two members, it order to save
the Goverameot from defeat. Mr. Brown
accused Mr. Mackenzie of having violated
bu word, as he had promised to vote for
tbe amendment. Mr. Mackenzie retorted
and absolutely made pious (;eorge swallow
his own lie. Such a rebuke as was admin-
istered by the little man, I lave seldom
listened to, and Brown, hardened though
be be, absolutely writhed under it. Al-
together the opposition could ill conceal
the chagrin that they felt at the defeat -of
their combination. Complaints flew plen-
between en the Tory leaders and Mr.
Brown, and Sir Allan MacNab even ven-
tured to suggest that the day might not be
far ditant schen-Mr. Brown world occu-
py a prominent position in that House,
perhaps the position of the present pre-
mier. You will recollect that in. one of
the speeches of this aspiring young man,
be hinted at a combination with the Con-
servatives. Can this. be the commence-
ment 1 Cao it be that Mr. Brown was to
move this amendment to the bill, and tbat
in the event of a sweep, be should receive
the once of Inspector (lettere! in a Con-
servative, a high Church Government ?-
Let every man look at the fact and judge
for himself. For my own part I am pre-
pared for anything, and as to surprise, the
time for that has passed.
When we look at the effects, which the
sweep of this foul conspiracy, this uopriaci-
plied and disgraceful combination would
have had upon the interests of reform, I
feel that we can scarcely find language
strong enough to condemn the conuact of
the man, who although professing to be
struggling for the maintenance of these in-
terests, could become a party to such an
attempt. Probably at Mite very moment
the intelligence i, beim waited accross the
Atlantic of the passage in the Imperial
Parliament of au act giving to the Provin-
cial Legislature the right to legislate, in
such manner as shall in the opinion of the
majority, appear most conducive to the in-
terests of the country, upon tbe Clergy
Reserve question. . It is therefore most
important that at the present moment, every
means should by taken to keep those men
in power, who will act on the matte- in ac-
cordance with the well understood wishes
ef the people. What are we to think of
the man, who professing to desire the set-
tlement of this question, is nevertheless
found at such a moment conniviog with the
'Tories. Let the honest yeomen of Glen
morrn and the men of Kent say if they are
prepared to be longer led, or mislead by
Bach a person. 4 two who is every
day proving himself destitute of political
principle, and whose character as a mere
time -sewing hyprocrit, is becoming daily
more fully developed. I hive on former
occasions, and m other' places stated that
my conviction was that George Brows' did
not want the secularization of the Reserves.
And every act in that gentleman's peblieal
eeeeer only serves to strengthen the con-
viction. 1 hare only time to throw these
thoughts roughly together. Yon will
know bow to use them. if you think my
deductions correct, you owe it u a duty to
your country to warn your readers against
tbe tpsidi^us attempts of such men to sap
the very foundations of the reform party.
and to throw the (,overnme.t into the
heads of a faction, who*e oligarchic rale has
already too long cursed uI.
1 uwet dose this letter without etatimg
that the Snake of reformers see dee to Mr
MacKenzie for bis ewdoet on this *reu-
nion. It is to 'web emergencies that the
wheat can be dierr.ed from the shell.
Simm writi.g the above I have le.rot
that Mr. Mai do. hes bees takes love-
ly ill witb hrain fever, the 'beets of the
e.tilsm..t of hit Parliamentary drtfe.,
and esposially of the debate oe the (lsary
WI.tI is hard fiat the disease will ter-
minate is permieeet iwa.ity. S.
A T•lograp► Compley has been orrgan
it*I for a 11.. from gelato, Br..tferd sled
Getteri.b. Geo. Wilkes, Jreq., Maw ef
Bre derd, Pr sidast, sad A. (.8kileae.,
l S* Secretary ,.treed. Snow aad Dolga
as ore:,
e meow
tql. - Jf.*idr:
After the passage of the {'sury Bill, Mr
Drummond's Getters! Bill for the incorpor-
atie. of 'charitable Associations came up
for a second reading. It was introduced
by Mr. D. in a abort though very appropri-
ate :peecb. Ile said the object of the
bdlwvas te give to Charitable Institutions
precisely the same ,privileges as were held
by Mercantile or other bodies. The ob-
ject of ietroduciog a general •bill was if
possible to simplify the Statute Law. It
was a fregseat, subject of cosplaiut, be
said That is Ca.ada the statutes were so
very bulky as to be almost useless. The
only way to avoid this was by adopting the
principle of general measures where that
principle could be adopted. A similar law
to this existed in tbe State of New York, 1
and was found to work well; and even in
the State of New Hampshire and Ver -
Mont, when the principle of religion or
charitable institutions found but little fa- i
vour, it bad been found necessary to have
au enactment making similar provisions for
a similar purpose. In order to restrict the
powers of such institutions, and to obviate
as much as possible -the objections often
urKed,and sometimes with propriety against_
them, it was proposed to restrict the
amount of property to be held to .C2500
carrvney. As to the propriety, nay the
uece.sity which existed for incorporating
bodies for charitable purposes, was admit-
ted on all hands. be hoped that the bill Item
introduced for its second reading would not
meet with much opposition.
Ie this hope the IIon. Gentleman; was
sadly disappointed. It will probably be io
the recollection of your readers that during
the Conner part of the Session, Mr. Brown
promised at some convenient season to
prove to the satisfaction of tbe House that
these iatitutioos, batt, wh they bad
been tolerated, tended to the injury of the
country. The challenge -for it was inter-
preted as such --was accepted by Mr. Cau-
ebou, whose holy horror of voluntaryism,
or as be is pleased to designate it of social-
ism, is well known to every reader of the
newspaper press, and also appears as the
special champion of Gatbolicism in the
House of Assembly. The conveuieot sea-
son appeared to have arrived, and the aus-
picious moment was seized upon by the
leder of the great Protestant Party, for
bis harraegue. Surrounded by a Bost of
authorities, and breathing out a spirit of
determined, u2ompromtsiog and eternal
hostility against the religion of 1'nee Pius,
aad every tbieg thereto pertatoieg and pro-
fessing to be annimated by the feelings and
zeal of a Luther or a Calvin, our hero
commenced bis addrem. Denanciatioo
after denuaciatioe was burled at the head
of unfortunate Catholicism, vituperation
after followed vituperation, and if crying
diction, and violent gesticulation are any
proof of honesty of purpose, then ia Geo.
Brown a very print of honesty. The le -
Idiom orgaeizatioa of the Jesuits was
strongly dwelt upon, the danger of allowing
a crafty Priesthood to approach the beds
of the sick and the dying, pathetically ds -
tasted ea in short, every possible argu-
peet that could be brought forward against
the Catholic Religion, was brought for-
ward by the Hon. Gentleman. HRrisg
spokes for about two hours, the Iloase
grew tired of his barrangue, and an ad-
journmentwas moved for and}earried, Mr.
Brown securing the privilege of finishing
bis address oo the following evesir.g, which
having dose, Mr. Caucboo rose to a.swer
ken. lie condensed the speech of his
bonorable oppoaeet, because of its religious
character. and its tendency to prodeee re-
ligious unmanly sang the members aad
ebrougfioct the reentry, disclaimed say hos-
tility towards the reformed chore' or its
votaries, and them west et it, aad pitched
Sato Protesa.dsm lite a very Rrown.tes.
The homes following the example of the
previous erasing,.dyn.rsed in tea middle
of his speech. to the on anal gnlifieatioa
the bei. ireesber, who declared himself
mibsested, and really i hardly wear
at it, as be worked bisen11 into tech a
as to look woodtessly more like •
boar thea a *Miler tmspeelaihr mod der
Caw•tbw, Lwbkb befog later.
aseeeeh " pig."' I moot refer pee
& me sp.mebos t0 flee Alpert im labii
Gliewet., as their greet leagtb pse-
Am-pW)NIRy of ay gine/ even.
Mia. i it get*. f1arMYl
tai -ea Pat .i rift
As applicators hung Wes made to me
for sio opiates of the properties of the .sr-
uua forma of tobacco, I ban undertakes
to copiers thesaoieaia the helm at may bet
deems use io primacies the further ez
station of Clause.
Tobacco is well haste to be a power
tut vegetable patinae. A few drops of the
essential nit will eztiegwsh life in say
'tamale; If takes is the sunt sub 1a sub-
stance, a very small portion of wow sum -
elect 10 brag .o nausea, vomiting, moon -
putted with greet weakness, and s *old
death -like sweat: many persons have ac-
tually been killed by an incautious 'sternal
employment' of It ter 'vedettes! purposes.
Whoa takes tet• the nodule us she form
of esufl a portion of It esters sonorous
cavities of the face, ..d gradually Impairs
the luncuonm of the votes. 1 have, fre-
quently known eauff-when to Iwo tbe
tower d public .peatieg is an suitable
seater. The meat ermines and laahlen-
abl• mode of using that 001100• weed u
in smokteg; the smoke at verdant tobacco
penetrating the 'numerable air cella of the
lunge, bat and Irntstes, ssd being ab.or►-
ed from them, into the blood, bead
ache, weskness, serums' of the oyes, sa-
bring, out pimples on the skin. 1 feel
confident also that it occasions that nae_
ear of the hp, so freque•tly a srbjeat of
surgical operations and sometimes termto-
at.og in death.
The most mischievous of the form• ie
which wheelie is used, Is the taking it tote
the mouth and Impregnating the silica
with its mad principle, which compels
the expul.lon of the saliva impregnated.-
Some persons are so uowae as to believe
they may avoid the baneful a&unce aria.
sig from the lose of 'alive, by .wallnw-
ieg hgnid; us this way they introduce
into the system a large amount of del.teri
ous principle. is whichever mode the
operation is accomp:t•hed, its conaegnen-
ces tie pernicious; the tone of the stom-
aeb,a impaired, and indigestion, with it.
train of vol., is the consegnenCe. In
nun! persons the nervous system is affec-
ted, and the ardaidual becomes lremutou•
feeds rah the way of mastication, is • re-
gularslow poison, which, if it were admin
meted by soother person, would deserve
✓ id receive retribution from the laws of the
1 wilt only aid, that these statements
are not exaggerated, but the rent's of many
years' experience and ob.ervetion; so that
when a young man apples to rite for a
cure rf pain to the chow and the sump.
toms of dysp.psta, I foal it my 6rat duty
to inquire whetter he smokes or chews
tobacco, -American Union.
Jot. C. WaaRan, M. D.
oo ala 2416 Inst, the wife of Mr. George
Swanson, of a Son.
E I of Lot 14, 9 Co., Wawaaosb 100 scree
E1 " 16,6 " " 100 "
1 " 13, 7 " ". 100 .'
No 8, 5 " W.D Ashfield 200 "
N Part Int 4. 5 " " " " 116 "
E II of " 7,5 " " " " 100"
E o(" 1,5 " " " " 100 •'
Iof" 2,5 " r. " n 50 •'
Applying by letter postspaud to the Sabo
scriber at Stratford, or to him personally at
Goderich, where he will remain from the
26th April till (h. 2nd of May. The pur-
ch f the Hun. Mr. Goodbini s Iaod.
!n the 'bore townships, are requested to
call on him and settle up all arrears, during
his stay in Goderich, or they will be (Popo
JOHN STEWART, Solicitor.
Stratford, slat March, 1853. v6 08
Wanted Immediately.
APERSON to take charge of. and work
a small farm bear Goderich, wages
£30 per annum, payably monthly if -required
with Board aad lodging. A recommends -
urs will be required from his last employer
are to character and fitness for the situation.
Apply to -
Crowe Land Agent.
Huron Road
22ml March 1853. a6.8
tidislo, Brantford ¢ Gsdericb Railiroy.,
�'PALED TENDERS, addressed to the
undereigeed, and whinnied ."Tender fee
Seetino No.-, et the B. B. k C. Railway,"
will be received at this once until noon, on
Monday. the 16th dap of Mat next, for
the construction of Sections 1.5.3. and 4, of
the Railway between Paris and Goderich.
Plans, Profiles and Specifications will
be exhibited at the Engineer's Office, in the
Town of Brantford, on and after the fifth
day of Mar next.
The Director. r!eerve the right to accept
thm Tender which shall be te all respects
considered heat for the int ersets of the
Office of the B• B. k G. Rrlway Co.,
Brantford, March 18, 1863. v6o8 81
THE undersigned beg to inform their
customers, and Town aad Country
Merchant., generally, that they are now
receiving • considerable portion of thur
Sprung Aseortments of
Suited for the prwant and approaching
Spring trade, imported by the late *temp's
to Boston and New York, and a• they haul
*deices of the arrival, at they* port', of the
remainder of their early Spring iavest-
meets, they expect ter have *portly fors
ward a full and well *elected stock of eee-
• nnable Shinto and Nay Dry Gond•, in
Drapery, Hosiery. Haberdsahery and Small
Were*, of the latest glrepesn •tylee,
which they aro prepared, a* heretofore, to
di.pwm of to THE TRADE ONLY, at as
moderato an advance as any importing
house is Cauda.
They will likewise eeatinee to rime*,
from time to too*, seasonable additions to
that already ext•esive a.eortta.ute of
Aad the sleeks held ie their venom, depart.
remits will at all tuna olrel, in mwtehant•
to the west as complete faculties, either for
forming er replealshing a Stock, os as se-
vsetageoom terms as can be met with In
sae ether Wheless'. Fwtabla►seat 1.
C. nada.
(mph., C. W., Horeb s, 1852. e4m01-8-n
ROIL. Lam• 1IN' g MOP •
MORTGAORS with ad without Devi-
l". er. AM ieeeds welt sed with -
sat Deese, tell Minos (:est Bleak. --
for sale at this OSee.
Jtlssary Phi, MS,
ODII1(ll rOiRY!!
THR U•dN he
ersag.vag purchased the G.dmneb Foaadry, bog
to apprise their friends and UM 'ebbe, that 'boy'steed wrrying
ea the F..gdry Berew's all lie Bruc►es; to sessuoel Grim sad
Saw Mille; ad to muefactun Trialing Mathieu, Separates%
Ploughs and all otbee Agrieslt.ral Impteemate towered to ibis sotto* e( the Nurses.
They slot mind gulag more largely tate she Sieve busaeeee, and we saw futsg ep,
cooking, box sad Perles Sasuae of the Wisest Patters' sad meet 'wetted pruetplo..
The Iuasaa will be sorted ea, by the usderulg*ed, wader the Par• .f Story k Ce.
Mr. Robert Russets• will redact she Boatmen ad from We l•sg 1praetiul sap.e-
ance .n abs caamtructies of mills. =echaary and agricultural Implssoats, sed [rem
Me thorough knewl.dgo of all the latest lmprovem*.t• to ouch, feels soa6deat of keep.
mg pace wr b tb. Times.
N. B. Apprealie« wasted is the soddieg and mill smelt d.partn.ou.
Gedsnen March 24th. ta5I.
Sheriff Sale of LANDS.
United Coyote'., of
BY Virtue of a writ
Huron¢ Bruce. F,.ma F•..., is.
TO soar: S •e•dout of Il.r 11a
j••si y'. Court of Q'res.'• Bench, and to ins
directed, against 11,m Lads sad tenements
of George F. 1. at the not of Samuel
S , Poo erov. I bare seised and takes is
execution lot Number 13, In ate 121b eon.
reestou ( Wester, Rusin.) la the towe.kip
of A.h6eld, rent.mning by sdmosoarernent
198 acre, be the same more*, Ices. W Witch
lands and ie.ereats 1 shrill error for sale
at he Court R. m a he Coont♦ of Huron
io the Town of Goderich on Saturday the
twenl pmtghth of May next, at tbo boor
of twelve of its el, ek n. on.
1. M'IX)NALD. Sheriff, H.kl.
Sheriff's Office,
Goderich, 7th Much, 1853. v6a7U 1
THE subeenber soda Imes cosaaetle dy
head at the GODERICH' FANNUM;
thcr. Street, *earth. Marla Sgesrs, and
. 'joining Mr. Seegllulei s Tannery, a
Stook of *obstant'sl, servtcveble and very
superior articles of the above H•enption.
which he will sell cheap for each, merchant_
able Produce, or no spprov.d credit. He
wishes 'horse parties to mooch of a good
art cls st a r•aronsble prise, Ie give ham a
call. and he flatters ►antsy( that hie long
experience to the business will suture the
satisfaction of all purchaser..
Goderich, March litb, 1853. veslyl
TIIE SUBSCSIBER begs to apprise their
Custeneen, aad.the trade generally,
that the lateedearmere arrived at New York
andBostoa, hese brought a part of tiorr
Suitable for the Spero( Trade.
Seemed which are aheady forward to Ilam
Ilton; and as tie Steamers new arnviag
have on board their heavy Spring impor-
tannnst they .xpeet te hold a hill Steck of
FRFSIi GOODS. comprehend'., all the
;afoot Steles of the European market., by
the middleofthe m•nth.
The eu►eer:hers eo•tieue to held at and
times excessive assortments of Hardware
sod Grocery Goode
Homilies, March 8, 1833. vte7-2m
THE manages, Cement of the Hero.
Library A•soetatior ago Mechanics Is -
' mule t i
u u e hate made arraogemoets for the de-
livery of a series of Lectures before that
society, to the Hall of the Sew of Temper-
The following gentlemen have eoneented
to delver addressee as follows :-
John Clark, Esq., Much 24t1, as Socal
Thomas Nicholls, Esq., April 7th, e.
Dignity of I.bor.
T. M. Jones, E.q., April 5te1,
Dr. P. A. SlcDougsll, May 5t11. -
Rev. A. MOW, May 19th,
James Watson, Esq., June tad
Adnusuoa to ail uses Free
By order,
Cor. Secretary.
All those bevi.i .ob.eribed towards the
eatab)isbment of the "Inure rr.," ere in-
formed that the Usti are deposited with the
Treaeurer, Janes Walde, E.q., sad the
Recording Secretary. Thoma Nteboils,
E -q., either of whom are authorized to re -
Melee said subseriptnes.
Cor. Secretory.
Goder(eh, 17th March, 1881. e7
THF. opined takes the liberty of in.
terming the public that be has upee
en Office in Goderich for be sale of Wild
Lands, Cleared Parma, Hooses, ke., kc.,
aur the purpose of goes' general lefor.s-
unn to 'menden settlers•
Uceds, Power of Attoreey, snd other in-
struments of W root prepared oe moderate,
Persons hal ug Immo.' to transmit is
say earl of Canada, the Caned Slate. se
Great Brous. will have esve every facility af-
forded them for that pvrpo.
Books sed Ace.ete adjusted and Debt.
Letters meet be poet paid.
P. S.-Paruea1er attention pail le !or-
wardkng Prattle* k Msrc►sadies generally
Office Market Square, (lately oce.pied
by into St.wsrt, E.q , perrieter, ke.
Goderich, March 9th, 1853 vias -3m,
(Imitate. lytta Feb., leaf.'"
yOTICE ie boreal give! that • Mill site
(consisting of abut 1/ scree of had)
withfie the Town Piot of Se.tWmptee, ►.
the TIPmashlp of Seagate. lethe County of
IA race, 11. C.. 'l1 be offeree lee eel., by the
(loudest goer, ALmz.;Mc11(u., Iequia1,
Southampton, uthapton, ee i►e 88th el stat
Upeet pries 1160; one fill 1w he paid el
the time et Sale, sed the reemetsder t. eager
• lsaaael rstelowere, era*taroet.-
The purchaser to emit a tie",-Yllt NINO
•ane year td a Grist mu elantor• years
finthe data of aria aad to gree slswa(•
oat etteunm
ty for the fvilRe■t of rhes* toe-
The water 1e *goofy the Mille to be N•
latah by s Wi.g.d.m, se show. by a Pin
i e be .abibrt.d to the ossa .1 the Arrow*vtf.ftwe
A'main WANTED -Pee . Own -
moo 11.11.4. ie bw gsA. t. iia she
Tswmkila sf 7ws�ba
be,ish, wW s ...ei .r
e( giali ogee. Apo' o
adT )
Egmills, Poh-r hemi 010•94
TIIE pablic are hereby notified that the
Cop•.ta.r•hip berel,(ure eaistieg be-
tween 10115 k ROBERT DONOGH, as
Innkeepers, le thus day d:•.o!ted by mutual
coo.rnt. All parties indebted to the said
arm me requested to settle their reepectivp
accounts wnb John Denogb, who will aloe
Ny all liabilities.
Goderieh, March, 9th, 1853. ,G06 -8m
of irom two to three years old, any
pares having such to diatoms of may find
apueebasers be addreveing a mute (post
e II) to Mr. Julio Blake, Secretary to the
Cm..ty •f Huron Agricultural Soeiely.
1uIlN BLAKE, See'y.
Goderieb, Ma reb 9th, 1853. v6n6
E,rThe Bawilon Spectator 10 rive the
Mese edsertaement two tnamrtiuo., and
. rod seemmat to alum Office.
- OIL C: •
The aiwble Siepnce before Oar slum
! !
THE Subscribers beg leave to intimate to
the tehabisnta of Gnderich and eur-
ading country that they have openedt
is me above tine, in West Street, ttird
door from Dr. McDuugalt's Brick building.
where they will constantly keep on hood
a Choice selerttno of Team, Sugars, Wines.
Liquor., and Grr•eeres of every ilemertp,
lioe, which they are determined to offer at
the very lowest remunerating prices; and
they treat by 'toe attention to business to
went.* share of public pstronajte•
Goderich, Fcb. 23rd, 1853. ,6o5 -1m
General meeting of the. Goderich Fite
Company, will be held at Mr. Robert
Ellis Colborne Inn. at 7'o'cleck, on Sat to,
11ey evening 12th March next, to take into
�eoaeiderat on the propriety of memorializ-
ing the Town Corral to liquidate ail claims
against cud Fire Coutpiny, by their -hand.
Ing over the Engine and all other property
toaoected wish the Fire Company to the
Any person having claims against the
Goderich Fire Company will please hand
ib -•m into the Secretary, un or before the
date vel the above meeiiag. S! order.
Goder,cb, Feb. 28th, 1853.
THE partnership heretorore ex sting be-
tween the nndenigned, under the
above tole. is this day dissolved by metal
consent. The business will hereafter be
continued by Robert Anderson in his own
same and on bus own aeeoont.
Hallett, Feb. 17th, 1853.
The Subscriber has this day annmed as
Partners to the abnce,bmnneaa; Mr. John
Thompson and Mr. ilmnry Stewart.
Address Mail:lop, P. 0. -
Hallett, Feb. 18th, 1853 e6n5-3t
UN the M•0lland Concession, Colborne.
Lot 24, there is thirty acro cleared
on the premise., there has been only one
erop taken off shout fifteen acres, wt;b
a good dae!hng ilouse, well watered by a
creek. For particulars apply to
Gol.ricb, March 160853. seobt(
wasil THE ;Subscriber would tali -
mate to the inhabitants o!
God.neh and surrounding concur?, that he
has purchased the Stork sol Trade of Mr.
James Campbell. And a row prepared to
(apish those that may favor htrn with
weir patronage. with all ktsde of BOOTS
and BIIOES, on the shortest notice; and
he ie determined, by strict attention to
h e.een, end keeping a gond stock always
on bud, le give the pnb':e general ssti(.c•
Gee door %Veit of M. B. Seymour k
Co.'s Store.
Chadwick, March ted, 1853. ,6n5
Sheriff's Sale of Lands.
Uak.dCooeties .f Ne reg,BY whoa of
Peril .ad Brun 6 Writ of
To w.T.
'Flute Facing eel of Her M'Oat )'s Court and tome
throated egauu.t rbs Lands and trnemrns o1
Daniel O Moret Maher, at the oral of litho
Terser god Janos Tuner, 1 hase seised and
taken in etta�petition the fol,nwng q►neetiv,
eta: Park Idte.umher twenty three
four ad • shirt , en the Nor h aide }f f;laa,
Nth Street is the town of S tolls
1st twelve tea the Smith code or klormngten
Riad to that pert of rho Town called
McCulloch's survey, which lands sal tone -
meets err fro mach of the sem* •s miry be
w.e eesry te .eltsfy the (it'd claim; 1 shad
refer fee sale at Ihe Court Room to the
Tows of Goderich os Tuesday the twenty
With dao et April 6oii s; the hoar of u*eiI*
ed the else! noon.
/GUN McDOt A1.Dlgt.ri#.
Horne. Perth and 81•ueet.
8.aai tiOry
Gederreh,IStb Jemmy, 1111.
I ALEXANDER Me1NTIRi . de agree
▪ make • ear soy right, lice one elute
of .toe sad Boob areeealo, t. JAMIIS
MALDSI)N, bolo.gtag t. obis Arm N
Aloesmakr Relative mud Jsi.a D..esyres•
A. McINTfR .•
WNutee-Davie C• Barite.
Goderisbr March Sri, 1858. testy
TM ..b..elblf ears for sae eve halted
oases d et ilkpsa led, d aurae clears
ed sod weU M.pd, with acod tog barn,
so entrant amenfruit. saris load
t. MIo,ied se aril Goacewlor, let 14, Torre -
slue of W.wa•esb, sad see hall mile from'
S chool boos-elI the mosey will be re-
quired dews. Fur particular* apply to the
propotor on the peewee,.
Wawe.wb, 4th Aug , 1858, stt8
e two the .losere
of the Submcrlhor, Lot No. 19, fed con
eswas, Towesbtp ref Stanley, •►put the
middle of July Imes, a Rad two years .14
emote/ throe, Heifer. The owner le n.
quieted se prove property pay ezpo6..s aad
tabs her away.
Steele!, Feb. fbtb, 1853. verb -4i
CONBUMPTiON.-Eteiy bid, situ",
is a lf.tterieg dries. It commences
ad programa..* ia.idt+naly, that before
e ms te aware of it, the 1 rage are a men of
ulcers, then a Budden exposure or ebange
from hest to cold. producer' •a
tion, and is a yew da). or weeks, at to said,
he er she died of Cos.umpli.s. Fur all
troubled with cough or lung complaint, we
would refer to the ad•ertisernent on the
ontalde of this paper of Juds.•a's Chemical
Extract of "Cherry and I.unewoti," which
is sate( to be a certauo cure for this awful
CAME into the eoclosure of Ihe Sub.eri•
her, Lot No. 41, 1Ith Concession
Township of (Wench, about the 1st of
November last, a two years old HEIFER,
red and white, with short horns. The
owner le requested to prove properly pay
expenses and take berlfway•
Goderich Township,
Feb. 19th, 1553. ,6n3-31
Tile New Lott peeeeere Steamer
SAMUEL WARD, 2nd, Coaranama,
WILL commence running. on the eon.
log of navigation and during the
5.ason, as follow io-Leaves Detroit for
Gottevery Weu neaday morning, at 9
welt ck.
Goderich every Thursday morn-
ing at 1 o'clock. Rurning Ilene 12 hour..
For Freight or Passage apply on hoard
or to E. H. MARLTON.
Golerich, March 9'h, 1853.
JO CORDS -good WOOD wanted
for the Rubv. Apply to
Goderich, March 9th, 1833. ,6n6
Tug Directors of this Society will meet
• at Ih • British Exchange Hotel on Sa-
turday Evening the 26th inst., todi.pow of
such of their Funds as may be then in the
hands of the Treeeurer, either by purchas-
ing from any member willing to fell bus
shares at a premium ou the amount of.mock
paid up, or by way of Loan as heretnfore,
as the Dimmers may deem most advantage•
uud to the toe:e-y.
T. Ir, S. 11. B. S.
Goderich, Much 17, 1853.. v5 -n6)
£25 Premium.
►Itl1E Municipal Council for the Tosnship
of Stanley, is prepared to receive Plan•,
accompanied by Specifications and Eeumate
for the formation of a Harbour .t or near
the Mouth of the River Bayfield, and will
par for the ipproveJ plan, kc., £25, II. C.
nu other *ill he paid for, elfin*. kc., to be
I''ged with the Clerk at Bayfield, on or
befure tate 2nd day of Appal, next .n•uing.
Township CI•rk.
February lth, 1883. v6n3w4
TaHE Casale Company. let it be remembered.
have provided the beat pna•ible haulm, le
IIIc esid Spillers lar the transaction of IIiminess
with their offres in Terumo throssb the Ageuta
of the Bank of Upper Caned., baths! Ge terich
sed Stratford, without charges to the said .el-
Goderich, Feb. 8th, 1852. v6u2tf
wills is to forbid any remise or persona
purchasing a Note drawn by the Sub-
scriber to favour of Alexander Ilodgins,
bearing date 3rd December, 1859, and dee
the let of Jsouary, as I have received no
value for the same.
Township of Bruce,
Feb. 6th, 1863. vso3
T11F. Subeenber wishes to diepow o(ibe
following splendid Estates in Fee Sum
pl., on the most advanuxenua terms ever
before offered to the public, viz.: •
Lot No• 3, 5rwgsie Street, Town of
Gndench, within 106 yards of the Markt
Square, convicting of a quarter of an sen,
aad I. as on it a well built she .ubatahttal
Frame Ileo -c, with goo! garden.
Lot No. 4, Newrate S reel, with an re,
rchent new Brick house, and Frame Sta.
Lot No. 6. Newell' Street, with a capi-
tal Friuli' Work Shop, 18 ft. by 40, which
might, at a smell exnoese, be converted tu-
tu a good res deur.
ALSO, nee 'Town lust en the iLorne
Road. ire one on the Mid Road, adjoining
Ea.t Street.
The above Punts" will he gold tegetliii
or .mpostelt, It the opt' no of the percher-
er, for the wholeof which wadi•puable
Totes will be given
Oodenah, Jae. 1711,, 1551. e5s31
TO F('HDOL TkA('11ERl�.
WANTED for the Teen of f(eosrieb, a
Male Tea, hr r, also a Female )'ea
Cher. eseh h. IJiey a first Hale cert !teem
from abs Como, Bred of F:locators. 1
spplira.ts have one or more terms le
the Normal Schou!, It would be a woo -
o r sod a: ton.
The Maks Teacher mn•t be s Prorates!
Proust Salary of Mals Teethe*. [90, Pe
mak. LOIS, but mughl be recessed if the
porins suttee.
Apply Irby Letter pc.t paid to the Saari
N d
e•�?rwsrees, (leidertch,
Lmi4e. 'Woe.. sod Cwsatlisr tt*.$tteq
are reg•s.sted u. give Aro, ineerei..m to the
Oodxkb, Oth Jssa•t!, leer. 16.40
Oppesit. Meow*. Rep mee4 ` Rewdsad'
farriers, • r
Wane may be bad St1EET MUSIC of
•eery de•eriptierrvlestrsctloa Seethe
for •ll kinds o4 Inirrionuogr, Ise-, as cheap
Or cos be bad lo Toronto, Boston, or Now
Tor k.
All kinds of MUSICA1. INRTRL'-
ME%Tt, frum a Ptan• Fort• down to a
String of all bud., and of superior quali-
ty. is Wort, eseryiWag which cam or may
be found in • wall and carefully selec:od
Music Store.
The PIA ROS ere from lbs setabtab -
meale of the following celebrated rake.•,
vis: Chickens', Stoddart aae Masbate, ac
keewledgeJ 10 he 1`.• beat On this part of
the globe, as ere the MF:LOUTANS, menu -
fact urea by francs k Co.
Piano" and Unlodians snId •• rhea,. ar J
on as favorable terms as 'They can be pru-
curd la Toronto, or from the takers thuo-
Lntdet, January, 1852. ,6a3-6 ".
"BARTER. Merchant Tailor, would
•respectfully Inform the inhabitant. of
Goderich and surrounding country that hp
hes just opeaiid • new Tailoring iatab-
[isAaaeal, one dcor north of Dr. Mcl)ou-
eall's new Brick House, Market Square
Goderich, where he has on band a splendid
assortment of Broad Cloths, Caw'meree
Tweeds, Satinets, Whitney Clothe, vel
different colours for Over Coats. A ear
sty of Water Vallee lea• ke. Ile
is also prepared to execute all Orders in
the Tailoring Line, in the meat Foshan •
able style, and at moderate chores.
Culnag flpse.on the Shortest Notice. 't ,
Loadoo, tars and New York Fashions
received quarterly.
Goderich, Oct. 12th, 1852. v5o29
incorporated by act of Preeis l Parliament
Capital -I:100,000.
Hugh C. Baker, E.q. M. Merritt, E.q.;
M. W. Browne, " J. F. Moon, "
Peter Carroll, " Jaynes Osborne, "
D. C. Gunn, " ';has A. Sadller, "
James McIntyre, " E. C. Theme, '•
Jarboe 5leihieson, " John Wilson, "
THE Subscriber having been appointed
Agent at Godencb, fur the above high-
ly respectable Company. 1s prepared to
effect Insurance at the most reaonable
tease upon Mum, Shipping aad Good..
Goderich, 15th Sept., 1852. ,bu84
To the Settlers of the Huron
THB Utadenig.d hers Ieare to give;ro..
tie. to 111 tboao who mar have ' any,
banana le traaalet with the Canada Cont-
paay that.sincm the rernoeal of their once
frum this town, he has deterrminetj to ogee
allagency once here for the np8ta, of
those who nay not wish to I to TO -
route to t.raesact (heir business in person.
From his thorough knowledige of the Corn
patty's mode of transacting: business
(having been so Inug eafpleyed .in °theirs
office) he feel. copfifent that he can aid
and give aaus(aelion to all those .06 may
require his service. Cenveyaneiat. Laird
end,deneral Agway Office. alto a list of
lands tor sale kept , and a registry of thesis,
wishing to parches* without chimp except,
where a ode is e8vc'ed, whiff ii moderate
per tentage will be rcgiattel.
A t 3. RnaRRTnv,
/toad Aged. ke •
GoJ.rtch, Jai. CS, 1853. s6 -n 1
Cash for Wheat
Goderich, Joe 2tth, 1853. v5n5t
New Grocery
THE S.,heeriber would reepeelfully
form the Iriba►r'snt• of Godurieb end
surrounding Country, that he hu opened la-
the above line, two doors north of Dower
McDuagab'e sew Brick Ilouse, Market
Square. Gnderich. Ihe stock umlaute, all
kinds of GROCERIES. consisting to part,
f Tea, 9Lbaceo, Raisisi, Corrawt.Spice.,
Also: -Apples and Ceder of the very best
In the Prevision Lino will be found Flour,
Oatmeal, Butter, Eggs, Ila',,, Be., Pork,
Pnlatiee, 0fir
Burg de'erm.1.,medee. to keep nose but anti
cles of inc best quality, end 1u ssll cheap
al the same time, he truster to receive •
share of public patronage.
Farmers and people from the coantry
would do well to call, as he intends purchas-,
seg deeeieof Prduce, fn
r which
be willevery pay theriptMghdst
'att ma tel price.
A chutes assortment of W hues to be sold
Goderich, Nev. 30, 1852. .5.45
TIIE Agrirsltoral F..neteiy of the Color,.
of Iluron nffer $50 .s two premium..
lay premium £7 10e, a eaed ,LS, for the
best and .r.cod be.► Stud, Horse', to be
shown on the Markt Stine*, (iodarieh,
on Thstaday the fret of April, 1863. Tho
Ilolees away led premiums mora stop ie the
Town of G.iderlchever* !Ph thy; and leo
at the 8Coverless
's, Coveo, olborne. every
day dwrtsg the leasee. (lour of Shim 10
o'clock. noon.
Also L5 will batiste se a prew'i.m le e,
tbnroefh bred Devoe Ru'1, t• serest with.
the trains of the 4i.iemty. Throe p-essieue
AAI M giver to other Bolt.:-Ist 11 IOC
fnd 11 1.; 2,1 L1: ta be ehmwn Ihe 5195
of April. on lite Marlow tiq.ere, at *Whom,
of 1.1 o'clock. noon,
The Sure sty's thorough bred DURHAM
COW will be.•Mea Swing .f the Horse
Show, 0 mewla credit will be gases ogee
a good eader.N cote. -
THE society nuke t. less 112 10o, for spm.
y►ar wnko.s utere.t to say 0090 reeM-
log wnha* the hassle el the Mausty dale
giving asproovved•� 1. .
r hMNgh bore DDsuo bail An
*gee .f f and 3 y
!OMNI/LAIR, Illieffs
D. A. S
• , #11,4 I�N pt>~i.Nr