HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-02-01, Page 14Phone, 211,4755 Cerreepoed.entt Miss Line Abbott • NV., Inge 14 F.0.tokkary 190 Lucan and district news: ACCESSORIES 1;.:CM9YOS: Ice, Sleet off Your EA$T1 Windshield :OE•10ER Simply sProY on windshield, wing Bows and this fast-action de-icer removes ice, road film instantly. Will n o t berm . car finish. In convenient Aerosol spray bomb. „ Each .eltieieseste Electric ENGINE HEATERS Elec. Motor Warmer — Just hang under the hood to keep motor warm, bone dry a nee 51/2 -ft. cord ....... .......... %IMO "Dipstick" Engine Heater — Fits cars with standard dipstick to keep oil warm, fluid for fast starting. With cord and plug ..... 4,95 Elec. Engine Heater — Fits into frostplug hole in block, With weatherproof cord, (Similar to illustration, but not threaded) from ... 4.89 BATTERt BOOSTER CABLE Don't be stuck . "borrow" the power from another car's battery for quick, easy starting, 8-ft. cables with sure-grip clips give a fast "hook-up," Ideal for any car, but a must for cars that can't be started easily by pushing. 8-ft. aluminum cable with 75-amp, clips: 6-gauge, 12 volt, only 1.45 4-gauge, 6 & 12-volt 1 — GET GOING WITH Quick.Start Flash-last starts down to 65° below zero. En- gine starts on oin coldest days. NILO Provides Traction ICE GRIP Chemical grit to give positive traction on the slipperiest ice. 21/2-lbs. Each Auto. Windshield WASHER Clear vision at t h e touch of your fingertips — automatically. Com- plete with fittings BATTERY WARMER Fits under battery. Re- duces cold-weather cur- rent drain for V E fir easier starting U,U .39 3.98 It's 4 tools in one . . an ice scraper, snow brush, squeegee and whisk brush. Take- apart design. Each Prevents sticking, rusting and freezing of car door locks , - for indoors and out. Just squirt in lock. 3-oz, tuba Eliminates x 'items tie choke troubles by converting it toman- ual operation. Easy to i nn install. Kit I NOY .59 • _ 2•Pc. SNOW TOOL LOCK DEICER tt; Choke Converter .34 ouhi-an, — works while you drive to end exces- s! v e gas consumption. Prevents gas line freeze- ups, 20-oz. can..„ ..... ......... IGNITION SPRAY -Seals out moisture for quick, easy starting. Puts an end to common ignition trou- bles. 6-oz. bomb Battery Charger Wherever car goes — it goes. Fits under hood of car. Grill cord plugs into convenient outlet. 6 or 12,volt 8,75 Windshield Protector Heavy duty pIt ,"o—an completely covers windshield to eliminate re- moving ice and snow, Universal fit. Each .74 Ay J. 1l, PATPN, CLANDEHOYE: The United. Church held its annual :congregational meet- ing Thursday evening with the pastor the Bev. ,Ge W, Sault, presiding. Officers elected Were: secre- tary, Rea Neil; elder, William NorthgraYe, Arthur Simpson, Lloyd. Lynn, Wilmer Scott, Gordon Eaton and -Rea Neil; stewards, CI a r e Macintosh, Kermit Thompson and James Donald- son; ushers, Gordon Eaton, Gerald Lynn, Jarnes. Donald- son, Keith SimpeOn and Ralph Lynn; •treasurer, Gerald Lynn, SS superintendent, Ralp.h Lynn, assistant, James Donald- sons Missionary and Mainte- nance, David Kestle; SS „sec- retary - tress.; Mrs, Bruce Bradley; pianist, Mrs, Sects, assistant, Miss Marga- ret Sach; auditors, Mrs. Ger- ald Milleon and Murray Hodg- son, United Church On Sunday, Jan, 28 obsers ving Christian Youth Week the service at the United Church here was conducted by Presi- dent Miss Margaret SAO and members of Lucan and Clan- deboye Young people with the theme "The I i g h t of the world," Responses were given by Ro- bert Eaton, Scripture reading by Ilene Donaldson Lucan, prayer by Randall Paul, Lu- can, and sermon in dialogue by -Coralyn Donaldson and. Frank Egan, Lucan. Mrs. G. W. Sach accompanied the combined choir of Lucan and Clandeboyc, Ushers were Bob Donaldson and Tom Kes- tle. Taylor-Hodgins Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cunning- ham and daughters, ;loan and Jean, attended the wedding of lefrs. Cunningham's sister, Ma- rion Frances, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Ho dg in s, P'arkhill, to Edward Tinley Taylor, son of Mrs. T, E. Tay- lor and the late Dr. Taylor, Woodstock. The wedding was solemnized in new St. Paul's Anglican Church by the Rev. J. Patter- son, Woodstock, Friday eve- ning, Jan. 19, A reception was held in Woodstock, The bride is a graduate of the Sarnia General Hospital but has been 'on the nursing staff of Woodstock general hos- pital. The couple will reside in Woodstock, - WI Mrs. Andy Tarter was host- ess at her home for the WI Bantams take • opening game By STEVE DAVIS The Liman Bantams, sparked by their first line, took the first of a two game total goal series, 8-3 against Bryanston in Lucan Saturday. Larry Lewis, Tom Hardy, Brian Haskett led the squad with 2' goals each. Paul Young and Dave Lippert each dented the twine once, Don Buddo played an exceptionally good game as did Bryan Smith and George Dauncey, Dan Alce tallied twice for Bryanston, while Larry Dobin- son tallied once. The next gaMe with Bryan- ston will be played at the Lu- can arena next Saturday, Feb. 3, CWl, The Ca tholi c Women's League of St. Patricks held its meeting at St. Patrick's School. Father Bricklen gave an in- spiring talk on the growing needs at the parish. A social. half hour was spent playing, bingo. A light lunch was served under the super- vision of the counsellor Mrs. Harold Egan, •i. Plan to live in Quebec rhinestone tiara. She carried a cascade of red carnations, and white streamers. Her only attendant, was Miss Barbara R us s ell, of Windsor, who chose a gold taf- feta street-length dress, with three - quarter length sleeves and fashioned similar to that of the bridal gown. She car- ried a cascade of white mums with pale. yellow centres. LAC Raymond k-lore of Tren- en, was best man and Ken- neth Campbell and Henry Muel- ler were ushers, Mrs. G, W. Sach provided traditional wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Su- san Crozier, seven - year - old daughter of Mr. and Mrs, R. R. Crozier of Lucan, who sang "The King of Love My Shep- herd Is." In the unavoidable absence of the bride's mother, Mrs. R. R. Crozier in a black crepe chiffon sheath with over-jac- ket of French lace, pink car- nation corsage and pink acces- sories, received at a reception dinner in the church school- room, She was assisted by Mrs. Harry Shipley of RR 1 Den- field, in a green crepe sheath dress with gold mum corsage. For a honeymoon trip to Montreal [he bride changed to a turquoise wool jumper .suit, bronze mum corsage and tur- quoise accessories. The couple will make their home in St, linberts, Quebec, The bride was an employee of the Dominion Automobile Association at London. Guests were present from. Trenton, Denfield, Windsor, Waterford, Granton, London and Lucan, Burns Smith area farmer Burns Smith, 68, died sud- denly in hi's Alice St. home Lucan, Thursday, Jan, 25. The body rested in the Murdy Funeral Home, Lucan, until 2 pen. Saturday, lan. 27 when the Rev. G. W. Sach of the United Church, conducted I u n e r a l services. Interment was in. St. Marys Cemetery; Pallbearers included Messrs. Earl 'Others, Allan Needham, Ed, Ferguson, Reid Richard- son, Bill. Smith and Wes Rich- ardson. He is survived by his wife, the fernier Susie Richardson, one son, Reid of Arya, two grandchildren, Clef re and Lloyd Smith, three brothers, Cordon of Woodstock, James and Frank er Erribre and one sister, Helen (Mrs. Charles Glentde) of Lindsay. Mr. Smith seas a lifelong farmer of the Embro and Lon- don Township district, retiring to Lucan to 1956. Last Wedete- day he attended the annual meeting in the United Church, came home and during the night took a heart allaee and died. Explorers Three new members, Leslie Carling, Margaret Roll a n d and Berbera Cooper, Wert en- rolled at the 12th Plepeditiell Of the Lucan' Explorers in e last United Church school-room Monday evening. Counsellor Joyce CoUrSeY was in charge of the worship Sipe- vice and the new study "Junior Rourel4m." A toboggan party to tile rii- yee hank Was planned tor '8`e.b, 3 The letatmli aeeented an: in. vitation from the Granien JSxo pierces to Attenda Valentine party Feb, 13 at Granton, Baskets of white mums, with !gold ribbons formed the set- ting in the Lucan. United Church at 2:30 p,m Saturday, January 13 for the wedding of Marjorie Jean Mac Lennon and LAC Ro- bert John Cochrane. The pas- tor, the Rev. G. W. Sach offi- elated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mac Len- non of New Wiltshire, Prince Edward Island and the groom is the son of Mr. Russell Coch- rane and the late Mrs. Coch- rane of Los Angeles, Califor- nias, Given in marriage by Mr. R. R. Crozier of Lucan, the bride chose a white peau de sole, street-length gown, which featured an empire waist, round neck-line and lily point sleeves. A veil of tulle illu- sion was held in place by a Recreation News By BARNEY WELCH Our pee wee and bantam teams started their ONIIIA Playoffs on Saturday with the bantams winning by a 9-3 score against Bryanston, This is a twoegame goals-to-count series so that means the bantams will have a six-goal lead for their second game. On the other hand the pee wees were not so fortunate as they lost to Bryanston by a 34 score so that means they are down two goals on the round. I am going to try to start a house league for the squirts as I feel their are enough boys 10 and under to form a four- team group. If I get enough boys interested we will play Tuesdays from 5-7 p.m. I hope all the parents who have boys interested in this league will get them up to the arena for registratioft any time next week after school as I would like to get them started as soon as possible, Legion Auxiliary bingo There .was a good attendance et the Legion Auxiliary bingo Thursday but the jackpot was not woo. Mrs Cecil liedgins, Lucan, won the $5 consolation prize, The eline prizes for "Share the Wealth", went to Mrs. Roscoe Hodgiris. and, Mr, jack Henson while Mrs. Richard Davis. won the teed prize. Mrs. Lloyd Hayter and Mr. Harvey Lang- ford won the first and second. part of the consecutive bingo and., ,I,. Smith of. Exeter, the lull bard prize. Mr. B. PasCUZZo of Crediton won the 4th And 7th bingo, Mr, C. sequin of Denfield, who ehered, the bingo with -Mrs, R. Schroeder of Contra-. Jies also won the 1.1.th bingo. 'Mrs. ()Seer .Mettere of (Iranian split the fifth bingo with Mrs, Jim Reattet of Bite. The late ter was also a soli) winner of. ,the third bingo.: tither solrr winners were sle es, Jack Henson, Mrs, Tho- 'Meg Whetter and Mrs, Harry ,Arnold, ell of Wean. 1.684 euchre : The Lucan' LOA held a nine table 'euchre. ad the lodge root last Wednesday evening. .'score prizes M r, .Mrs, .Guy And Mr, Han- vey tiodginc lone hand pri. ;tea le George Davis 1;letetere and Mr. Maurice Cob. leigh and low Wise priete Mr. and Mrs, Aliot Culbert, Mrs, Cedil Neil Won the bust of Ireteriee' eltaWs Would you be interested . In haying $10,000 in cash 20 years From now/ It's easy, the Investors way. Invest° Ire tirriDCHOMite ., liAKAPA: THIS WEEK'S S7ECIAL • Exeter Motor Sales 1,915 7 Olds 2-Door Hardtop Power brakes, custom radio, automatic transmission, sharp tvvo-tOne;, Was $1,295,00 THIS WEEK •••• i i $1,04x.° .Clandeboye church appoints officers Gum.lrid v\\ ,IN•NNL:pra Seek fire, protection Representatives of councils and fire departments of L.on- don, Ildertote West Nissouri, Luger', and Granton met with the township council at Arva Thursday night to consider the possibility of extending pro- tection throughout the town- ship. Reeve Ivan Hearn of 'Amen suggested his department might look after the northeast corner of the township includ- ing .Elginfield. and the 15th and 16 concessions going east as far as Adelaide St. Other reeve offered their serviees. Another meeting will be held next Thursday. Mrs. T, Kyle last of family Mrs. Thomas Kyle, 84. the former Annie Colley, died in Granton Saturday, Jan. 20. The body rested in the ner- dy Funeral HORN until 2 p.m. Tuesday., Jan. 23 when the Rev. E. 0, Lancaster con- ducted funeral services. Inter- Ment was in St. James Ceme- tery, Clandehnye. Fall bearers were Messrs. Russell and Hugh Atkinson, Clarence Lewis and J. Murdy. Her only survivors are cou- sins. Mrs. Kyle at one time lived on Main St., Lucan, next door to the Murdy funeral home. UC reports better year The annual meeting was pre- ceded by e. pot-luck supper held in the church schoolroom last Wednesday. The various re- ports showed the church had even a better year than last year. The slate of officers was sub- mitted by the chairman of the nominating committee, Mrs. C. H. George. Elders are Gordon Ranting, Erie Haskett, Alex Young, Al- den Walker, C, G. Lewis; stewards, M. It Hodgins, Toni Barr, H. B. Langford, Charles Grose. Don Maguire, J. B, Ready, Ernest Ross and Don Pettigrew; trustees, Erie Has- kett, W. J. Stanley, H. B. Lang- ford and John Park; ushers, Robert. Murray, M. H. Hod- gins, Ivan Hearn,. Alden Walk- er, James Young, Don. Temkin, Jack Park, Robert Stanley and Allan Reedy; Couples Club, Mr. and Mrs. elders Walker. Mrs. Stewart MacLellan, Mrs. J. W. Lock- vete auditors, H. 13, Langford And Robert Murray; repre- sentatives to Layman's Asso- ciation, W, J. Stanley and Mrs, Sheridan Revington, Church Activities Guild card party The Ladies' Guild held a successful bridge and euchre Party Thursday afternoon in the parish halt with nine tables of euchre and three of bridge. The winners for the former were Mrs. Maurice MacDon- ald, high score, Mrs. James Avery, lone hands, and Mrs. Mary Traversy, low score. The winners for the bridge were Mrs. John Park, high score, and Mrs. E. 0. Lan- caster and Mrs. T. A. Hodgins shared the low score prize. Choir party The 24 members of the' junior choir, their leader. Mrs, Jack Arnold, the two choir mothers, Mrs. Calvin Haskett and Mrs. Kay Egan, and Rev, and Mrs. E. 0. Lancaster attended the annual choir party last Wed- nesday which took the form of a bowling outing followed by lunch, During the afternoon Mrs. Arnold was presented with a hymn book, United Church The meeting of the Couples Club took the form of a sleigh- ride party last Tuesday around a country block beginning at the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Stu- art McLellan. On returning the worship service was taken by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barr, YPU service The Lucan-Clandeboye YPU, directed by the president Marg- aret Sach, was in charge of a Christian Youth Week service at the II o'clock service which was repeated in the Clande- boye church at 2.30 p.m. Members of the CGIT, Ex- plorers, Scouts and Cubs par- aded and filled a large section in the church centre. Coralyn Donaldson and Frank Egan gave the address, Jesus Christ the Light of the World." A YPU choir led in the music, At 7:30 the YPU meet at the home of Judy Scott for their regular meeting. Dana Culbert, assisted by Barbara Ready and Randy Paul was in charge of the de- votions and Coralyn Donaldson the recreation. During the bu- siness session a toboggan par- ty and concert were discussed. Pentecostal Holiness YP Speaking on Christian Wit- nessing, Mr, Ed, Butler was the guest speaker at the Young Penele's meeting Friday eve- ning, The meeting was in charge of the president Paul Grahani, Linda Currie and Teresa Lead- better sang a duet. Practising faith theme for UCW Thursday evening the United Chureb Women held its first meeting in the church school- room with its president,Mrs. C. H. George, in the chair. Mrs, Rod McRoberts was in charge of the program, the theme of which was, "Preens- in my Religion." She Was as- sisted by Mrs. Harold Cob, leigh and Mrs. G, W. Sea, Mrs. Murray 'lodging gave report on Christian Education and Mrs. Cecil Robb reported On her visitations, During, the business session IC was decided to change the date of meeting -from the fourth to the, steond Thursday of cabli month so the next, meeting will be February 8. Medway euchre The Medwy Euchre Club t.eld a lour tIbIe euchre at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WM, McComb last Mbeday night. high score prites'went to both Mr. and Mr's. Otto Daley f lone hand prizes to Mrs. E. Sumtn'rs and Mr, Wilbert Stanley,- and low score prizes to Mrs. Austin HebbS And Mr. Clarence /AWL ineetleg held one week later due to the storm, President Airs. David Nestle presided. Highlight of the home econo. tries meeting was a demon- stration with. Mrs. Karl :O'Neil serving a fruit salad, alsogiv. ins; the recipe. 1ru‘icttlugav paper "Six ways to tell a good buy in clothing." A paper pre, pared by Mrs, Gordon Eaton, false Live" included o triten or taken Irons thfeoopdrohjeacbti.ts ":alct to i was taken by Mrs. Karl O'Neil and Mrs. Wilmer Scott. Roll call was answered by "Don'ts for the hostess", The hostess prize was won by Airs, Wilmer Scott, Assisting the hostess was Mrs. Rae Neil, Mrs, Gordon Eaton and Mrs. Albert Rosser. -Personal items Mrs, J. P'aton and Clare Paton attended. the annual meeting of the Middlesex Farm Safety Council, when Mr, Ken Dickie., chairman, presented the winners in a .crest designing competition. The contest was part of a pro- vincial competition arranged by the Farm Safety council of Ontario to design an insignia to illustrate safety promotion. First prize winners, $25 che-• que, was Myrna Logan, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Logan, Thorndale., Three of the winners were pupils of Mrs. Wilfred Logan, Principal of Thorndale School. The meeting was held in the Ontario Department of Agri- culture office in the Middlesex County Building, London, Mr, and Mrs. Peter Rooya.k- kers and family moved from the village and have taken up residence in Lambeth. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Schide- ler and family, have taken up residence in London. They moved here last year from Moosejaw. Mrs. William Wilson and daughter, Mrs. Pete Voisin, visited Mr. Wilson at St. Jos- eph's Hospital on Sunday, He has been a patient here since he suffered a fractured hip when he fell on ice at his home Jan, 5. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Car- ter of London were guests with the former's parents on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Mervin Carter and Ian, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin. Carter were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cunningham, Friday evening. Mr. Austin Bice, is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. He was admitted on Friday, He shares the room with Mr, Win. Wilson and they are hoping that . Mr. Charlie Coughlin will be able to join them when he is admitted on Tuesday. Show et Toronto Mrs. Norman Reith, Eder- ton, Mrs, Harry Lipsitt, Dela- ware, Mr. Ken Dickie, Hyde Park, Clare Paton, Clande- boye, and Malcolm McKellar, Parkhill, represented the Mid- dlesex Safety Council at the Canada Farm and Industrial Equipment Show Exhibition Park, Toronto, on Saturday and attended the noon lunch- eon there. In the evening Clare and Malcolm enjoyed the hockey 'game between Toronto and Detroit at the Maple Leaf Garden. DRAIN TILE 4"—W, per M Feet Del'd. 5"—$85. per M Feet DeI'd. 6"—$110. per M Feet Del'd. P'—$155. per M Feet Del'd. 8"—$185. per M Feet Del'd. Above prices based on 1000 Linear Feet, in full truckloads or more, delivered within 35 mile radius of our plant. For detailed prices on all sizes tile, either delivered or F.O.B. our plant at Eiginfield, write or phone RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD., RR 2, London — Phone 227-4721 Lucan. Traction Plates Rugged all-steel with no.slip de sign . . assures quick skid-free starts on ice, snow. on 24" x 6" Pair IUD Prom Alt Prices Shown 5% CASH 1 DISCOUNT NOTES ON ALL PURCHASES OF 59c OR MORE (labor excluded) SPEND DISCOUNT NOTES AS MONEY A., AT CANADIAN TIRE BRAND NEW TED HOLMES 145 Deer Park Circle, Loudon GE 44502 or Enquire at The TI nice. Advoca to PHONE GEORGE' beiggt. 200 I trenittg Apj oir4lrrieiifE 163M A eMOMMi a0,01•0" i••••••If MIME. MOON. SIM10001 •••11.1.1 4101011111,4 MOM. - MINOMMID 0•••• =MM. aNi BRAND NEW SNOW TRAVEL .95 10 Twin Ply NYLON as low as No trade need0 04 MAIN STREETS 0tETER Oho4 451 .5on LW. NO NO TIME LIMIT MILEAGE LIMIT get the best tire buy in town BUT — we will buy your Trade-in Tires and PAY YOU CASH up to $3 each -- for unused miles "TRUNK" Auto Snow SHOVEL Could save you a tow bill or incon- venient d el a y. Made short to fit easily into car trunk. F u 11 size 7? x 11" blade, With convenient, "D-grip" handle. 59 Each NO TRADE NEEDED tj I ti