HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-02-01, Page 13• • ELECTRIC HEAT `rl Mk ' • wr MEANS Modern Living Electric heating is the modern, convenient way to heat your home, It requires no bulky equipment, spreads no dirt, dust or soot, and heats any room to any desired tempera- ture, instantly and in complete silence. Electric heating saves you money on installation and on maintenance (no regular servicing is required, Every penny's worth of electricity goes directly into heat. There is no waste! TIEMAN'S HARDWARE PHONE 8 DASHWOOD Get All The Exciting Details Today! ELECTRICALLY Costs Much Less Than You Think Even with all its extra advan- tages, electric heating is well within your budget. It's clean, silent, requires little mainten- ance, no fuel storage. HODGES • .. ..... : Get our free survey and estimate Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Services PHONE 231.6301 CR EDITON Electric heating is better, all ways! ••••.e. No heat goes to waste when you use electric heating Costs less to Buy Less to Install l Heat a Room or Entire House I Automatic... Clean ... Sells Quiet ...Trouble-Free I NEW MARKEL ELECTRIC GIVES YOU MORE HEAT at LESS COST re. Garfield Thomson ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Expert Electrical Work for Home and Industry PHONE 232-M EXETER - 3 Electrically a Steady warmth for every- one in the family Electric heating costs less than you think! Room-by-room control provides the right de- gree of warmth to suit everybody, There's no fuel storage, lit 11 e Maintenance. L. w,' Kleinstiver Plumbing, Heating and Electric PHONE 145 DASHWOOD • WARM AN ARCTIC ATTIC ROOM WITH QUIET, CLEAN, SAFE - • R • 0.1 cc =ft = 5 per'' fif ri • = • • ti ft Ken Campbell • FORCED AIR HEATING • ELECTRIC HEATING O OIL BURNER SERVICE Phone 609-J Exeter 101•••••••••01•101.10111.1.• I BUILDING'A REC ROOM? MAKE YOUR HOME COMPLETE WITH RR' if "444i SAFE,CLEAN,FLAMELESS JOLLY RADIO, TV & ELECTRIC PHONE 187 WE'VE MOVED . . . To 255 HURON ST. EAST EXETER with aft, /lea ga▪ la et.11.1 .4.1•101, THERE ARE MANY KINDS OF ELECTRIC HEATING UNITS TO CHOOSE FROM DO IT NOWIJAN. 29 TO MARM Eleetrical Contractors arid ILYdr6 tito working togethor in cenitinction with the Government'a Winter Works Pro- grain, Their efforts ate aimed itt, Mak-, lite it easy for you to enjoy the ad- vantages Of dettricheatwithout delay. 'Your. Ottalitied Electric Iteating Con, trader is trained to serve yOtli Ask him how you Can de it now and PAY LATER'! MAKE YOUR HOME COMPLETE WITH iL }VA HYDRO Is your, Woodham graduation By MRS, ROBERT gurvot-i WOODHAM Class graduation was held in the Sunday School Sunday morning as the children filed through white gates to be re- ceived by their new teachers. LOBA euchre LOBA held a euchre party in the hall on Friday evening with eight tables in play. Pri- ns went to ladies high, Mrs. A, Dewar; lone hands, Mrs, L. Beckett; men's high, Harry Webber; lone hands, John Wit- leVeen, Tickets were sold on a ham which was won by Ray Mills. Lunch was served and a social hour spent, Messengers The meeting of the Messen- gers was held Sunday morning with the theme, "Working for our Christian Church," The offering was taken by Jeanette Hooper and Janice Thomson, Michael Webb led in Prayer, Mrs. Thacker read a story. :Roll call was answered by 27 members, Famil ies reunited A family reunion was held on Sunday when Mr. and Mrs. Willi Dickey and family, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Joseph 'owns and Joseph of Strath- roy. Mr, Dickey lost his uncle in 1325 when he was visiting his home in Ireland, In 1927 Mr. and Mrs. Downs moved to Canada from the County of Londonderry, Northern Ireland but it was not until recently Mr. Dickey knew of their whereabouts. UCW The first meeting of the United.Church Women 'vas held at 'the home of Mrs, J. Wareham on Tuesday eve- ning, Jan. 23, The president, Miss Jean Copelan d, had charge of the meeting and took as her theme "A New Begin- ning". Mrs. Glenn Copeland and Mrs, Oscar Brine, assisted with the worship service. Poems were read by Mrs. Bob Rob- inson and Mrs. John Rodd. IL was decided to hold the February meeting on the third Tuesday of the month. Personal items Miss Karen Kitzel of Chat- ham spent the weekend with Miss Janice Webb, Dr. and Airs. George Mor- phy and Nelson of Toronto were weekend guests with Mr., and Mrs. Don Morphy and Bradley, Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Brint- nell entertained Saturday eve- ning, Mr, and Mrs, Oscar Brine, Mr. and Mrs. Garth Blackler, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- ris Webb, Mr, and. Mrs, Tack Smith, Mr, and Mrs. Win, Run- dle and Larry. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thibodeau of St. Marys were Sunday eve- ning guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques and family, Mrs. Al. Copeland remind home Sunday having spent tne past week with, her sister, MrS, Stan Mountain of St. Marys While Stan was a patient in St. Marys Hospital. Miss Debra Jaques celebra- ted her seventh birthday on Saturday when she enter- tained several of her friends. Woodham :hither hockey team were successful in de- Lea ting Kirkton team on Wed- nesday, the score tieing 8.4. Monday night's game was won by Kirkton 6-5, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Run- die visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Culver of Lobo. Mr. and Airs, Murray Gib- SOO, ]Margaret Jean, Marion and Carol Francoer of Bryan. Step, Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Gardiner And Marilyn of 1.qo lei. Mr. llavold and Bill J. 400S of Ilensall Were guests on kunclay with Mr, And Mrs, Cla- rence letoher celebrating Airs, Fletehees birthday. Mrs. Wm, Dickey and lieb. bit are spendingn few days with the, fornier'S daughter, Mrs. Clayton B r o c k, Mr. Brook and family. Iline out of ten have problems • rimectric heat The. IlimesAchrecate, February 1, 1962 Page sT, 411 n 114codern electric heat works like 'blanker bathrooms when they move in- electric heating .can. be in , got a hard4o,heat room? building a reC room?. workshop? attic room? Mahe your home complete NEW!, ELECTRIC BASEBOARD HEAT Automatic Thermintat Control in Each 'Rothe! Make your home complete ria alma. OW° *PIO .11•11.. fteit ZOO. 41:i. Sp* Wei PORI Z." lam 000 .0 00 Mg NOW r44 .... . la ....alai ,"... .... .........a.• ......aii, 'Raj - 40....''..". .,,...... 00 aa ......,..„ ............. ........,„. • i...." ...1.1.''''''' ' ' '......... POO PSIS • 11111111 11. • .Vii .Z.La .....".17.144., "./ ::: -.. wale... rir-061 "....0. ik jrs; mo• .7,- ow 01 le Flameless electric heating is completely different from conventional fuel-fired beating s 'skeins that many people are not quite sure how it works. There arc .no pipes, ducts, furnaees, registers, or radii. tors needed to carry heat through the home. In their place are electric wires and a heating unit — baseboard heaters, wall panels, heating cables in the ceiling or floor, or ;sortable heaters. EleetricitY is carried through wires to the beating units just as it is to your light bulbs and household electrical applion- cos. .For complete home heat- ing, units are wired-in ma- rr n L I y, For supplementary heating. the units may be wired-in or plugged into an or- dinary wall outlet, Portable units are available in the same capacity as built-in heht- ers, M9.St electric heating units work on the same principle as an electric blanket. Electricity passes through the resistance wire or element. The resistance makes the wire warm and that's your heat. Baseboard convention units are metal baseboards, housing electric heating e 1 ern e n t s, which replace wooden trim around your room, l'he elec- tric elements replace the hot water pipes in a conventional fuel-fired baseboard heating unit, Air drawn in through the bottom of the unit passes the heating element and is dis- charged into the room by na- tural convection. Radiant ceiling cable con- sists of a number of small re- sistance heating wires stapled to ceiling board then concealed with plaster or plasterboard. Warmth radiates evenly down- ward as it does from the sun. Floor cable provides even, draft-free heat and is best suited for tile or bare floors, Radiant wall units may be mounted in or on the walls where ceiling and baseboard space is limited, such as in bathrooms. 'Until, the development of electric heating, we could keep our houses warm only by some form of fire contained in stove or furnace, Electric heating is completely modern and in keeping with this mi- racle age in which we live, Teachers attend first workshop Airs. Dorothy Hughson and Mrs. Helen Jermyn of the Exe- ter Public School, and Miss bone Smith of the J. D. McCur- dy School, Centralia, attended a reading workshop at Water- loo University Friday and Sat- urday. In greeting the delegates, Dr, Norman H. High, dean of arts of the University af Wat- erloo, stated that the workshop was unique in that it was the first of its kind in Canada. The purpose of the workshop was to acquaint the teachers of the elementary, secondary and university levels of education with new media and techniques of instruction and to show how these new methods could be successfully incorporated into the reading program of today. Guest speakers were Dr. George D. Spache, reading la- boratory and clinic of the Uni- versity of Florida, Stanford; E. Taylor, president of Educa- tional Developmental Labora- tories Inc., Huntington, N.Y.; Miss Helen De Laporte, Educa- tional clinic, Toronto, and Dr. Harold Bexton, psychology pro- fessor, University of Waterloo. p An .estimated nine .out of 10, homes in Ontario have .A heat- ing problem which, could be solved. w i t supplementary electric boating. Perhaps an attic or a drafty back bedroom isn't being used because the present beating system can't be expanded. Sup- plementary electric beating, either permanent or portable, can turn that unused area into A warm, comfortable sewing ,)orn for Mother, a den for Dad, or .4 gust room, Many people acquire chilly ...•" "aft so. 141.- itt • Mg W. WI; • rat 14. r ',14 4.4 %it • to older homes. A radiant wall stalled for far less than the panel or h oling ca ble in the cost of extending your present ceiling chases away those chills heating system — and Your forever. central heat supply won't be J.1 you want to build a see- disrupted while work is in reation room in your basement, progress. baseboard heaters or a wall. No matter what your heat, mounted unit will tjuiekly ban. ing problem, you can solve it ish any dai,,pness or below. with supplementary electric ground chills. You, won't worry heating, about the children's health either, because electric heat is clean and even, 1.31d1t-in electric heating gives fast on-the-spot waririth for any additional rooms you May want to build. in most eases, .".""ellfts lima "Rai a ft leo. "'ego en% Peens ear. ft.. eft. -*/71EW "Ri""Wie 4t 4 ECONOMICAL INSTALLATION With flameless electric heating units; you don't have to extend or strain your present heating sys- tem. No duct work or expensive structural changes are required to provide maximum heating comfort in the added living space you're planning, because electric heating units operate entirely independ- ently. Your qualified electric heating contractor can install them anywhere, at any time, quickly and inexpensively. CAREFREE COMFORT Flameless electric heating units provide the ultimate in heating comfort. With an individual thermostat in each electrically-heated room, you control both comfort and cost. Just set the exact, heat you want, when you want it, turn it down when the room is not in use. Heat is provided al- most instantly... no need to wait for heat to build up in a antral system. Electric heat is as clean as light, produces no dust, no fumes, no products of combustion, The air is more healthful and drapes, rugs, wells stay clean longer. LOOK AT THESE ADVANTAGES With fiameless electric heat no heat is wasted up A chimney, With individual thermostats there's no need to overheat the whole house to take one room comfortable, Weather and wind dir'ectio'n won't affect your comfort. It's the ideal answer for hard-to-heat areas in your present home,,,that cold bedroom, a draughty bathroom, Electric heat- ing units can he installed anywhere, anytime, quickly, easily and inexpensively in a size and capacity exactly suited to your particular need. got a hard-to-heat room? building a rec room? work shop? attic room? MAKE YOUR HOME COMPLETE WITH SAIIINIOARD COW/NOTION UNIT* Inconspicuous metal base- board units replace wooden baseboards, Under windows, they eliminate cold draughts, IRLECTRIC HCATINO CABOT Ilidden in. the ceiling !)/PH. lated healin# ehble prarfrfat complete !leafing comfort, 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M. With built-in electric heating units, you don't have. to extend or strain your present heating system, No duct work or expensive structural changes are required to provide maximum heating comfort in the added living space you're planning or in a presently hard-to-heat room. Safe, clean, flameless electric heating units provide heat almost instantly, Produce no dust, dirt or fumes. CALL YOUR QUALIFIED ELECTRIC HEATING CONTRACTOR, HE IS TRAINED TO SERVE YOU, Your Hydro and Electrical Contractors are work- ing together to help you make your home complete with electric heat. ASK HOW YOU CAN ARRANGE TO INSTALL NOW AND PAY LATER EXETER PUBLIC UTILITIES Commission RADIANT WALL. rAtret-• 'Radiant heating inns, mounted into trait or reilvng, beam warmth, like the a'in throughout the room. OAN-TVre 1111ATIKRA These //PHA provide fast heal reenrryll, ideally suited 14 raarnx haring only 'aced- 'anal 14,e, a'Would yOu happen to hitve thr0 or roue stack 11116,1101 VAti wear` St Ali by inyatillP DOMESTIC, COMMERCIAL, .acid INDUSTRIAL 'Phone S2R.W HUren St reef Wesl ' ONLY ELECTRICITY PRODUCES 100% HEATING EFFICIENCY • We install it quickly and neatly. And no periodic ,servicing' is required. DON ROOTH ELECTRIC toter