HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-02-01, Page 12Paps 12 The Times...Advocate, February 1, 1962 MR. AND MRS, ROBERT DOUGLAS • ,lark Doer, Will live in St Marys 1...KTgp TO PRESBYT E RIAL OFFICES—The inaugural meetin g of Huron Pres- byterial UCW was held last Wednesday in Ontario Street' United Church, Clinton, attended by over 500 women. Among .the, newly-elected officers were, from left; Mrs. W. J. Routly, 1ainlville, regional vice-president; Mrs. W. G. Tiffin, Winghani, president; Mrs. Kenneth Grebb, Centralia, recording secretary; Mrs.,,"Robert South- cott, Exeter, press and publicity; Mrs, R. Balkwill, Exeter, community friendship and visiting. —Photo by Cantelon Huron presbytery UCW sets target at $27,350 Vice-president is Mrs, Allan AlcTaggart, RR 2 Brussels; re- gional presidents, Mrs, W. J, Routly, RR 3 Exeter, Mrs, Elgin McKinley , RR, 1 Zurich, Airs, Bert Alton, RR 7 Luck- now, Mrs, Ross Vogan, Wing. ham; recording secretary, Mrs. Kenneth Grebb, Centralia; cor- responding secretary, Mrs, R. H. Wilson, Goderich; treasurer, Airs. Brock Olde, Clinton. Chair in an of committees: Christian Citizenship and Social Action, Mrs, Tait Clark, RR. 5 C oderic h; Co-operation in Christian Education and Mis- sionary Education, Mrs. J. H, Anderson, .Belgrave; finance, Airs. Orval Harrison, RR 1 Monkton; leadership develop- ment, Mrs. Ted McCreath, Wai ton; nominations, Airs. William Inaugural at Brinsley By GORDON MORLEY BRINSLEY The .inaugural service for the United Church Women of Brinsley was held Sunday, Ja- nuary 21 with Rev. Kenneth Hick. President is Mrs. William Fenton, vice-presidents, Airs, :ames Trevithick, Airs. Earl Morley; secretary, Airs, jack Trevithick; asst, Miss Kath- leen Morley; treasurer, Mrs. Karl Pickering; Committees, parsonage, Airs. Fenton, Airs, Pickering, Mrs. James Trevithick; nominating, Mrs. Fraser Dixon, Mrs, Arn- old Wasnidgt and Airs. Ken Tweddle; sunshine, Mrs. Jack Hodgson, Mrs. Leslie Morley, Mrs. Witherspoon and Mrs. Stanley Steeper; flower fund, Airs. Earl :Morley; unit, lead- ers, Mrs. Earl Dixon, Mrs. Lewis, Airs, Arnold Wasnidge and assistant, Mrs. David Mor- ley; pianists, Mrs, James Tre- vithick, Mrs. Earl Dixon. The \VMS was organized in, Brinsley church on April 1926 with Mrs. Eldon Hodgson as president. There arc four life members: Mrs, Albert Alor- gan, Mrs. Walter Morley, Airs. Arthur Lewis and Mrs. Eldon Hodgson. Alcyittle, }Myth; organization and promotion, Mrs. William Brown, Ethel. Portfolio secretaries: Com- munity friendship and visiting, Mrs, Russell Balkwill, Exeter; literature and communications, Mrs, Gilbert. Beecroft, RR 1 :Belgrave: periodicals, Mrs, IL Talmay, Gotterich; press and publicity, Airs. Robert South- cott, Exeter; program, Airs, Ed Boyes, Egmondville; stew- ardship and recruiting, Airs. Robert Taylor, RR 3 Clinton; supply and social assistance, Airs, George Michie, RR 4 Brussels; secretary without portfolio, Mrs. W. J, Greer, Win gh a m The officers were installed by Rev. Mills and Rev, R. S. Hilts, Exeter. • Noon lunch was served in both Clinton United Churches. Ontario St. and Wesley Willis. The purpose of the United Church Women was emphasiz- ed throughout the meeting—to unite ALL women of the con- gregation, for the TOTAL mis- sion of the church. • Cathy's Beauty Lounge 147 MAIN ST. PHONE 645 Perms 0 Cuts - Sets - Tints OPEN Monday to Friday, 9 • 6 Tues, & Thurs. Evenings Only Closed Saturday CATHY ROBBINS, Prop. Modern Beauty Salon 429 MAIN ST. PHONE 349 Haircuts • Styling Perms - Treatments Monday to Saturday, 9-6 Tuesday Sz. Thursday Evenings Barbara Roth, Operator BRENDA BRENNER, Prop. Garments Cleaned FO The Price-of Only. th An n ivers a ry S 0 4 Continued by popular demand B RADII CLEANERS. PHONE 106 AND .LAUNCiETEarA Affot Pebenoy 18 EXETER ILL Aot.4, k .4 UNTLEY DRUG STORE Regular $1,05 89c AQUA VELVA, Rog. 1.25 BRYLCREEM, Reg. 731' 59 ELECTRIC SHAVE. Regular 790 ONE•A•DAY MULTIPLE VITAMINS, Reg. 4.49, $3.29 PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM Regular 65e FOR 49e TOOTHPASTE shape into buns; let rise again until double in size. Bake in 300 to 325 degrees until brown, Brush tops with butter or brown sugar melted in cream. Doughnuts For the home acoiioinics meeting of Dashwood WI the roll call was answered by nam- ing a favorite recipe and bring- ing a sample which later was sold by auction. Mrs. Eben Weigand gave the recipe for doughnuts and the purchaser of the sample said they were "delicious." 1 cup cream 1 cup milk 2 tbl sugar 2 eggs 1,4 tp salt 1'4 tp nutmeg Beat together and adds 1 [p soda. 2 to baking powder 3 1 r2 cups all-purpose flour Deep fry in shortening. This Also, the next meeting is en- recipe makes 4 dozen of me rollment night. The mothers of ilium size. The doughnuts the Guides being enrolled are brought to the meeting worn welcome to come for 'he cere- iced and coated with coconut. mony, Guide corner By LINDA JOHNSTON The sleigh ride last Thurs- day night wasenjoyed by all. Hot chocolate,. donuts and fun rounded out the evening. Sheila Keller and Lynda Blanchard were successful in. re-passing their second class. This now entitles them to wear the second class badge. Captain has decided to delay the shipping of the cards and bottles for another week, so be sure to bring the remain- ing ones out to the meeting tonight (Thursday). Personal The most personal answer to your most personal fashion problem — Spirelia-Spencer brassieres and girdles made to your own measurements — created for you, and you alone. Mrs. Valeria Armstrong Your Spirella-Spencer Stylist 89 ANNE ST, W., EXETER PHONE' 125 DOD RIES ABULOUS JOIN THE CROWDS AT THE 4= At Lake Huron's Largest Night Club IMPERIAL H LTEL GRAND BEND Friday Night Fish Fry All You Can Eat — 500 DANCING & LISTENING MUSIC BY ELGIN FISHER AND HIS RHYTHMAIRES SATURDAY—CHICKEN FRY Dinner for 500 DANCING & LISTENING MUSIC BY DESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA Church at -Kirkton elects '62 officers Mary Margaret McBrid e, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. W, 'McBride, RR 1. Centralia, and Robert Murray Douglas. St. Marys, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Douglas, Grand Bend, ex- changed marriage vows in James Street United Church Parsonage on Friday, January 26 at 7.30 p.m. Rev. S. E. Lewis officiated. at the ceremon, Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a street- length gown of peau de soie styled with scoop neckline and short sleeves. A crown of pearls and crystal held her Recently we received in the mail a sample of the Brown 'n Serve Twins, packaged in a transparent wrap. It ..is a partially-baked, twin or semi-detached loaf of bread that requires only 15 minutes of baking in a 400-degree oven at home before it is ready to eat. The loaves arc separated before baking giving two S oz. loaves. It is this 1,5 minutes of bak- ing that fills the house with. the aroma of home-made -bread The, bread tastes quite good when eaten fresh and it can he eaten shciAly after being re- moved from the oven. We note on our local grocers shelves in a similar "Bake Y'r Own" package. by another bakery containing four at- tached 4 oz, loaves which are to be separated and spread with butter before baking. By separating the loaves a more crusty surface is obtained. Try these some time. Rolls Mrs. Leslie Adams demon- strated the making of rolls al the meeting of Grand Bend Women's Institute. Scald 1 cup milk 5 tbl granulated sugar 4 thl melted shortening I tbl salt (scant) Remove from heat; cool un- til lukewarm, in the meantime measure into large bowl: 1-1:2 cups luke- warm water and 1 tp. gran, sugar, stir and sprinkle 1 pkg fast rising yeast over above water and sugar. Let stand 10 minutes; stir in cooled milk, add I egg beaten with 1/4 cup luke warm water. Stir in 3 cups once-sifted flour and beat until smooth. Work in 3 or more 'cups flour and knead dough lightly until smooth. Place in a greased bowl, rover and set dough in a warm place until double in bulk, Turn out on floured board; 102 years, 102 cards Mrs. Agnes Baird, who was 102 years old on Tuesday, cele- brated her birthday with her family at the. Queensway Nur, sing Home, where she is a pa. tient. Mrs, Baird sat up in her chair in the living room for her Party. looking very attractive, Wearing a pink carriatien tor , sage, a gift of her great grand. Children. She was the recipient Of a framed certificate. from the PrOVincial. Secretary of Onta- rio and she received personal greetings from Join') Diefen. bakr, Mind:Miliste„,r .61 Can.. ada; Premier .4ohrt ItObarts. Ontario; L. B. Cardiff, MP Nun ten. ,. Mrs. Baird also 'received 100 origtatulatt.ry Messages and beautiful flowers and gifts. ElijefYitig the party with her Were Igor SOU and daughter-in- taw, Mr..and Mrs. Tom Baird' her grandson, mr. Stewart Baird and hiS wife and family Of Stanley township, Airs. Grtt , ham and Mrs. Nor- man Baird of Brucefield. Refreshments Were served Including A birthday take. Over 100 play cards T'w'enty tables of euchre and 1 of bridge were in play at thr annual card: party of the Women's Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital held in the. Exeter Legion Hall Thursday e ,ening. Prizes for euchre were .wen .ladies` high, Mrs. Roy Pep- ter; men's high, Lloyd Bern; lone hands, Mr. Frank King. Bridge winners were: ladies' 'Ugh, Mrs. Walter Spencer; non's high, Clat'e Scott. The ucky chair prize was also won. iy Mr. Sena. The euchre and widge prizes were donated by ,Hiss Alice Claypole except for he lope hand prize which was liven by Huntley Drugs. Tickets were sold on two .akes donated by Mrs. Fred illlerington and Mayfair Bak- 'rY which realized 313, The 'akes were won . by Mrs. grieves, Dashwood, and R. H. riddle ton. Co-conveners for the project ere Mrs. B. W. Turkey and irs. V. Hennessey. Others on he committee were Mrs, An- !row Johnston. Airs. R. L. leavers and Mrs. C. S. Mac- :aught= Ars, E. Walper Stephen native Funeral services were held at the Al, Box and Spn funeral home, Parkhill, on Saturday, January 20 for Mrs. Edward Walper whose death occurred suddenly at her residence on Wednesday evening. Tile service was conducted by Rev. E. J. Roulston, with interment in Grand Bend ceme- ter!, . Airs. Wainer was the former Tillie Devine, daughter of the late George Devine and Alice Dejardine, Stephen township, and was born on August 26, 1895. She married Edward Wainer on February 4, 1914, and resided in Stephen Town- ship until moving to Parkhill, almost ten years ago, Besides tier husband, she is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Melvin (Olive) Peariso, Grand Bend, and one son, Harvey, of Stephen township; One sister Mrs. George (Marine) Walper, Stephen township: and one bro- ther, Norman Devine, of Ham- ilton; also five grandchildren, Pallbearers were Donald Webb, Lloyd Love, Ivan Hod- gins, Harvey Eagleson, Lisle Woodburn and Lloyd Brophey. ay MRS. HAROLD DAVIS KTON St. Paul's annual The ,grumai. vestry meeting of St, Paul's Anglican Church was held Saturday evening, Jan. 27, in the church basement. Rev, Lyle Bennett chaired the meet- ing, Reports were given showing an excellent year in all societies of the church. Officers .elected for '6?. :are: Vestry Clerk, Burns Bladder: ministers warden,. Jack Roue.- dell Sr.; Peoples' warden; An- drew Knox; lay delegates to Synod, Alex Irvine and Theron Creery; sub delegates, Cecil Dobson, Ken Blackler, Board of Management, Bill Schaefer; Mr, and Mrs. .Alex. Irvine, Air, and MrS• Jaek :Roundell, Leon Paul, Wag. born, Mrs. Clayton Smith, Gor- don Mathes, Harold Davis; sidesmen, Jack Rontidell, Bill Schaefer, Bill Waghorn, Har- old Davis, Allan Berry, Win, Bladder, Garth Blaekler and 'neon C r eery and Burns Bladder; treasurer, Earl. Ber- lrio';unelenlif teGrYarter113.1.11atlee'r and Earl Berry; auditors, K e n Blackler and Alex Irvine, Rectory committee, Bill Wag- born, Harold Davis, Garth Blackler; centennial committee, Rev. Bennett, Jack Rotindell, Andrew Knox, Hugh Berry, Airs, Clayton Mr• and. Mrs. TherOu .Creery. Celebrate ,anniversary Mr, and Mrs. Laverne Slone acelebrated y t hsclitri ur2o5a.T \,Fedndi ng, January 27 at the home of .their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Webster, Tlie family, friends and neigh- hors were in .attendance. Institute euchre The institute sponsored ).rogressteeaehrelnAber- deeiimonayevelolg Prize win d er's were: ladies' high,mrsi grysctire;pne hands, Mrs. Cliff Scott; men's high, Ebel., Shute; lone hands, John Witteveen: lucky .draw, Junior Donee. Personal items Air, and Airs, Dave Sham- ;,"blaw visited aturday with Air. and Airs, Bill Pringle of St. Marys, Air, lack McNeil of Watford N INtrti.ssitesdb aSmubnida a\ %yr, with Air, and Air. and Airs. Eldon Robin-, son, Mr. Harvey Parkinson and Mr, Frank Routly visited Stui- clay with Air, and Airs. Her- man. Paynter. Coral reefs are skeleton-like masses formed by the secre- tion from animals called "coral polyps", shoulder-length veil and she carried a nosegay of pink. roses. Miss Diane Delbridge, .Exe- ter, was maid of honor wear- ing mint green organza and a nosegay of bronze mums. Ralph. Nixon, St, Marys. was grooms- man. A reception for the wedding party was held at the home of the bride's parents. For travelling l h e bride changed to a navy shantung dress with black accessories and pink carnation corsage, The couple M ill make their home in St. Marys. "Forward into the Future with Vision, Faith and Works" was the theme of the inaugural meeting of Huron Presbyterial United Church Women held in Ontario Street United Church Wednesday, January 25 will over 500 ladies in attendance. This was the same church in which the inaugural meeting of the Woman's Atissionary So- ciety was held 36 years ago, Pastpresidents of Huron Presbyterial \VMS. 'Mrs. G. W, Tiffin, and WA, Mrs, H. Phil- lips, shared the co-chairman- ship of the morning and after- noon sessions, A brief history -of the past accomplishments of the WA was presented by Mrs. R. E. Pooley, Exeter, and of the \VMS by Mrs, J. Sutter, Clinton, and Airs, G, Beecroft, Belgrave. Rev. Morley Clark, field secretary for younger , groups for London Conference, explain- ed the new relationship of the younger groups to the church and the Sunday School and the program to be carried out. Mrs. Elgin McKinley, RR, 1 Zurich, chairman of the finance, committee, presented the allo- cation for 1962 of 827,350 for Huron, which was accepted. Mrs. C, Searle, Toronto, was guest speaker for the after- noon session, taking as her subject "Who Knows Whither You Have Not Comte to the Kingdom for Such a 'rime as This?", "In this world of tur- moil, mistrust, fear, hunger, we must have only God's eye- view of love for the whole world and each one must have an active concern for all—our vision must be beyond the local needs—'that they all may be one,' " said Airs, Searle. She continued saying "There are so many overtones of fear and tolerance but we have the assurance of final victory, but we must recognize our respons- ibility for 'such a time as Rev, G. L, Mills reported on the work of the provisional committee leading to the in- augural and Mrs, 0. Harrison presented the slate of officers on behalf of the nominating com m Hee. President of Huron Presby terial United Church Women is AI es. C. W. Tiffin, Wingh a m , with Rev, Grant L, Mills, honorary president. • • ". . • , • THIS 'N THAT By MRS, J. hi, S.