HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-02-01, Page 10Page 10' .Fe'bruAry 1, 1963 AA 4:11. Henson and district ,news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Heiden, Phone S Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone $6 .names its officers .Carmel church elects officers At the annual congregational meeting of Carmel Presbyte- rian Church held Thursday, January 25, Orville Taylor, Robert Bell. and John. MacGre- gor were elected to the Board of Managers for a three-year term, and Trevor Wilson for a two-year term. Earl Campbell was elected new trustee on retirement of William Auditors are Fred Bonthron and Jim Dou- gall. Splendid reports by the various groups were presented. Members of the CGIT group with their leader Mrs.. Ross MacDonald at the piano ren- dered a musical number. Rev. Ross D. MacDonald was chair- man and Jim Dougall was secretary for the meeting. wiestotrammtEmultitialso Comments about Kippen By MRS. NORMAN LONG IiMasMimmaxhi=naiiorgiaiKE Personal items Miss Ruh Miller of Wood- ham visited Friday with Miss Sharon McBride, both girls at- tending a birthday party Fri- day given Miss Mary Scene of Hensall Mr. and Mrs, Emmerson An- derson returned home Friday from a five-week Th ey in Tucson, AritOna. They visited at the Grand Canyon. Messrs Jack Caldwell, Wm. Gibson, Mrs. Rena Caldwell and Mrs. Russell Consitt left on Friday by motor .for A. few weeks on. holiday in St. Peters- burg, Florida. , Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hoist of Zurich called Saturday on Mrs. Neiman Long.. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Brown of Detroit visited Sunday after» noon with Mr. Norman Long at Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea- forth. Rev. Currie Winlaw was chairman for the annual con- gregational meeting of Hensel United Church Monday eve- ning which was preceded with a pot luck supper. Mr. Clen- don Christie acted as secretary for the meeting, Elected to Board of Stew- ards were Ed. Corbett, Man- ley Jinks, Grant MacLean, Wm. C. Smith, New elders voted by the con- gregation are Ernie Chipchase, Ken Elder, George Hess, Don Joynt, Dave Kyle, P. L. Mc- Naughton, William Rut-chile, Jim Taylor. The meeting was 'advised that, in recognition of the ser- vice of Miss Greta Lammie as organist of the church from 1938 to 1961, a plaque is being placed on the organ consol, There was a discussion con- cerning the proposed Christian Education building the congre- gation approved the official Board's recommendation that they proceed with this building in 1962. Rev, and Mrs. Winlaw were presented a gift with the pre- sentation, address read by Mr, Albert Alexander, and presen- tation by Mr. James McAllis- ter. The congregation represented. Personal items Mrs. Alfred Vier of Carmen, Manitoba attended the funeral of her father, the late William Hyde, held on Thursday, Mr. Frances etyckman is ill with a heart condition at Queensway Nursing Home, Mrs. Edna Corbett spent a few days this week with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sangster. was well OATS Rodney and Gary Oafs That Will Make Seed • BARLEY Montcalrn, Bello and Parkland Barley That Will Make Seed Bring in your samples and we will bid you a price CONTRACTS We will have contracts for Seed Oats and Barley, else 'contracts for Malting Barley. Sons La PHONE 'MENSAL 32 President is Mrs. A. It. Daynard; vice-president, Mrs, Gerald Agar; recording secre- tary, Airs. Ed Dearing; trea- surer, Mrs. Cameron Vivian; program committee, Mrs. Ger- ald Agar; finanfinancecommittee, Mrs. Cameron Vivian and Mrs. Bert Fell; social function co m- mittee, Mrs. Ross emale, Mrs, Nor v al Elliott, Mrs. Ruby Reed, Mrs. John Drake, Airs, Sam Norris and Airs, Jelin Jeffrey; community friendship and visiting membership, Miss Vera Hambley and Mrs. R. D, Sadler; supply, social assist- ance and Christian citizenship, Mrs. Walter O'Brien, Mrs. Dar- rel Parker, Mrs. Lyle Worden, Mrs, Ed Brooks. Periodicals, press and pub- licity, Mrs, Leslie Miller and Mrs. Ed Dearing; stewardship, recruiting in co-operation in Christian education, Mrs. Leslie Butson and Mrs. Cecil Bow- man; missionary education, Mrs. R. D. Sadler; represent- ative to board of stewards, Mrs. Cameron Vivian; repre- sentative to official board, Mrs. Ed Dearing; pianists, Miss Vera Hambley, Mrs. Ruby Reed; M. and M. committee, Mrs, Sam Norris and Mrs, Bert Fell, Mrs. A. H. Daynard conduct- ed the inaugural service which was completed by the dedica- tion of the new officers. The new president. then gave an account of what the duties would be in the' new organiza- tion, after which the business was discussed. WI begins course The Staffa 'Women's Institute held their first 'meeting on the course "143 Pounds of Meat" in Staffa townhip hall on Mon- day evening, January 22. There were 45 ladies present. Mrs. Gerald Agar welcomed every- one and opened the evening by explaining what w o u l d be covered in the course and in- troduced Mrs. Russell Worden who discussed the course under seven headings: Why we eat meat; the importance of meat as a food; planning meals around meat; inspection and grading of meat; identification of meat cuts; choosing meat, and care of meat in the home. Mrs. Carter Kerslake, the 4- H 'leader, introduced Mary Elen Doyle who gave a three- minute commentary on "Meat on the Menu", the project just recently completed by the 4-H girls. Mrs. Lloyd Miller conducted a' contest on the preparation ,cooking of different meat. cuts. Southern Beef Stew was made and everyone present . enjoyed it. Doughnuts and cof»' fee were served at the close. Personal items A large number from the Staffa area attended the an- nual at home dance at the Mitchell District High School Friday evening. Eric Norris from the OAC, Guelph, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Norris, Terry Daynard from the OAC, Guleph,. spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Daynard, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Chris- tie, Cromarty, Mr. and Mrs. Toni Colquhoure and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Parsons, Stella, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris, Pattie and Susan spent the weekend with friends in Wind- sor. Mrs, Carter Kerslake enter- tained recently with a birthday party for Brenda who was 11. School friends attended. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman were Mr, and' Mrs, Arm. Cole, and family, Cromarty, Mrs. Ernest Templeman and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Anne's and family, Mit- chell, Mrs, Walter, O'Brien spent the. weekend in Flint, Michigan, with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dune can. and family, Kirktote were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs, Russell Miller and faMily, ,;1111101111luininimillinimmitiniumilimi.1011110111iminummoutuimmuinimuminiii1M 11101,0, Bath Boy! 3-Piece $ 3 5.95 Color Set USED _CAR BUYS ladies' lone hands, Mrs, 14. v""7•:.:777.--, Taylor, ,gents's Emit Becker. foot, Mrs, 17. Reid, Aire. C. Mrs. S. King, Mrs. It. Light, Kenney and Mrs. G. 4wicker attended the inaugural meet. ing' of the Huron l'reshyterial of the United Church Women Miss Rhea Vandongell, Kent held in Clinton oil January 24. Bridge,. is visiting at •home, • Airs. Ervin .Cpales„ Elkton, Mr. and airs. John Delten Michigan, ii sPendiog, a couple (nee 'Cora Vandongen) are. of weeks with her sister, Air. moving to Sarnia shortly, and. Airs. William Smith and Messrs. ;tame 'Stried and Jtoerver 101Lsn. .. Mrs. Smith is. confined Milie -Connolly have sold their garden land on Concession an Friday, the at tuetcher lo Mike liehrzyk, of Blenheim, meeting Crediton last EUB church for a Polish family syndicate. schoolrooms last Thursday and Much interest was shown municipalities pri.nadefev,rdvieailt jed%ohvizy,the week• end with Abe An d mrs. Carl ward the Parkhill dawn prior to. Wednesday y.1 h eff" assessments to•. the regular meeting on• Febru' Mr. Art .Bailey, of St. 'Catha• Mr, William Oeetricher, who any 7 at Parkhill, leas been confined to his bed week. tow at the ski run is some better no, is up and tower will be finished this with an attacko pneumonia, in the Pinery situated near the around. Next Sunday .morning .tie service in the EP)3. church will be taken by the ladies .of the WSWS Society, it being Day of Prayer. Special speaker will be Alias Audrey 'Finkbeiner, niissioary to St. Lucia, West Hews from .North 13.osa.n.quet. Vacuum Cleaners Ricky Gaiser of Daeliwood spent Sunday with bis grand.» parents, Air, and Mrs, Lloyd Gaiser. Mr, and Mrs. ,Toe McCann of - Clinton visited last week with Airs, Al. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Bole Galloway. Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned ma- chines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1 Zurich 'Phone Hensall 696r2 MMMMMMMMMMWifilliMMMMMMMMIIIWMMWWMMWMMIIIMMWMMMMMMIIN LJCW In-augural The first meeting of the .. Staffa United Church Wom en was held in the family •life centre on Wednesday, January. 17 Mrs. Gerald Agar opened the worship service. ottriel tereed' .1); \ti businessfLiionil)a.Lr ntlySairsLionti:g: el committees. The .1101.irlafing committee presented the slate • of officers and it was read by Mrs. Leslie Miller. The ,story ill ,Staffa. By MRS. JOHN T.aMP.14MAN Clean-S eep: w 79° Velvet 11,43 99c 1.„„K • a MRS. M. .FA1ST CREPITON The Rev. A. Al. Sehleneer was re-elected chairman of the Creditors Public Library- As- sociation at the—anneal. Meet- ing. Other officers are: past pres- Went,. Mrs. F. W. alorlock; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. W. D. Mack;, board members, Dr. Lulu Geiser, Mrs. F. W. More lock, airs. Ruby Molitor, Mrs, Lorne Preszcator, airs. Ross Haugh and Edmond Hendrick. Representative -of Stephen Township Council is W. Wein,: representative of village tress tee, finance committee, Mr. Hendrick, Mr, Wein and Rev. Schlenker. Mrs. W. D. 'Mack reported that the library had De mem- bers; the circulation for 1961 was 3,272, an increase of 34 percent over last year; 104 books were catalogued an placed on the shelves during the year. As the present lib- rary room has become "too. small to give adequate service to the patrons, Rev, 'Schlenker and Mr. Hendrick were ap- pointed a committee to' find out what was available for larger quarters. A sum of $150.00 was allotted for the purchase of books and $15.00 for magazines. The Messengers The Mission. Band, which is now called The Messengers, held its regular 'meeting Thurs- day, January 25, at 4 p.m., in the Sunday School rooms. Kathy Boulianne presided for the business. Mrs. N. Lam- pert gave a report of work done last year. The election of officers. was read by -Mrs, C. AmiummMMMIIIIMMMMMMMmmifimmIMMflimmmmm '''' Includes Imported No. 1 Cabbage Ars Prime 5-foot recessed tub, tub filler, shower, waste and overflow, shower rod; 17 x 19 china lavatory with 4" centre lavatory fitting; one close- coupled china closet with seat. Good quality Canadian Brass. Choice of Color. See this bargain. Kenney. Preeicie.nt is Kathy Soulianne; vice-president, Shar- on IWO.; secretary, R Hodge, -AWL secretary, Bar- here Alefield; treasurer, Aire. R. It inkbeinere World Friends, Ronnie .Kenney; stamp. :collect- or,. Shirley Pfaff; scrap hooks, Mrs. P. Boulianne. Leaders are Airs. C. Denney, Airs. R. Finkbeiner, Mrs. P. Soulianne. Sandra • 'England lead charge of the program. Poems were read by Nancy ',England, Sher- on Hodge and Lena Clarke. Rev,. Heitz showed an interest- ing film on the Bible, "The Cup of Sorrow.", Mrs. Sotth., anne read a short story. Youth ecrvice On. Sunday morning it was Youth service in the EUB church. The young people had charge of the service, Eric Finkbeiner Waschair- man, Scripture was read by Larry' Ratz; prayer 'by Jean Krueger; a duet by Karen Finkbeiner and Margaret Hoist,. Mr. Arthur Ben, of town, guest speaker, was enjoyed by everyone. The choir rendered an anthem, Teachers' banquet The school board and teach- ers of Stephen Township School Area enjoyed a banquet cater- ed to by the Women's Institute in the Community Centre, Oredilon, on Friday, January 26, Master of ceremonies was Mr. Donald Finkbeiner. At the euchre which followed the prize winners were: ladies' high, Mrs. Emil Becker; gents' high, Wilmer 'Wein; ladies' consolation, Mrs. A. McDon- ald, gents', Harold Fahner; 1 „.• a ° Valentine party in t h e The QGIT group are planning church February 14 and an af- filiation service with the Worn- ens Missionary Society Feb- ruary 21. Mothers, \VMS and Arnold Circle are invited, This very active group under lead- ership of Mrs. Ross MacDon- ald has a membership of eight- een. Christian Youth Week is being observed all across Can- ada and in Carmel Church end-Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Roy :McGhee ing with a youth service this S spent the weekend in London Sunday morning with Explor-ers, CGIT and Young People's with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Mc- Society taking part in the ser- Ghee. vice. Stephen and 'Vickie Ramsey, Last week the Explorers en- of Listowel, visited last week . with their grandparents, Mr. toyed a f ilm on "British Gui- ana," shown them by Mrs. and Mrs. Alex Ramsey. Ross MacDonald. This was a Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott complete surprise. Mrs. Her-and family, of Goderich, spent old Bonthron, who has been the weekend..at the home of ebsetit‘ fer some months, was Mr.and Mrs. John Wallace. — welcomed back by the group. Miss Ina Scott was home from This Thursday February 1, London for the weekend. they will be treated to another Guests entertained at the film on "Brazil." Meetings will home of Mr. and Mrs. K. Mc- be held every Thursday at 4:30 Kellar on Thursday evening after school sharp for boys and were Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller, girls 9 to 11. Mr. Jas. Barbour, Mr, and Personal items Mrs. John Hoggarth and Ar- 'Messrs. Stewart Bell, Jack lene and Mr. Lindsay McKel- Corbett and Dave Sangster lar. returned from a fishing trip at The Ladies' Aid of Cromarty Lake Simcoe and brought a church catered at a turkey supply of white fish, banquet for the Hibbert Fed- Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wonna-eration of Agriculture in the cott and family were recent church basement on Thursday visitors with relatives in Lon- ae noon. don. Several ladies from Cromarty Mrs. Pearl Shaddick and Bill are attending the meat course spent Sunday in Toronto, vis- which is being sponsored by iting with Mrs. Shaddick's sis-Staffa Women's Institute and ter, Miss Elvin Churchill. is held each Monday evening Messrs. Jack Caldwell and in Stella hall. Bill Gibson and Mrs. Rhena 'Miss Connie McGhee spent Caldwell are holidaying in Flo-the weekend with her sister rida. and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Eleanor McKenzie left Mrs. 'Charles Rohde, Mitchell. by jet for St. Petersburg, Fla., Many from this district at- January 23 had breakfast in tended the annual Mitchell London and dinner in St. Pet- District High School at-home ersburg. Several residents of dance which was held at the the village have received cards high school on Friday night, telling of her safe arrival there. Robert and Jane Binning of Mrs. McKenzie will remain Mitchell visited during the until April, weekend with their grandpar- Cpl. Lloyd Lee, who has ents, Mr. and Mrs. K. McKel- been stationed at Camp Ipper- lar. wash, has been posted to Pic- Mrs. Sylba McGhee, of Lon- ton, Mrs. Lee and sons Guy don, is a guest at the home of and Dale who have been stay- Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGhee. ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peters rejoined him Honored on anniversary at the end of this month. Relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Cpl. Don. Inkinen of the RC- Harvey Dow met at the home AF, Comox, B,C, on !I'D duty of Mr. and Mrs. T. Colquhoun at Clinton RCAF was a guest on Friday night to honor Mr. with Mr. and Mrs. James and Mrs. Dow on their 20th Jenkins on Sunday. wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Croll and little An address was read by Mr. daughter Darlene, of Portage Norman Dow and the honored La Prairie, Man,, have taken couple were presented with a up residence in the Fink apart- mirtot. Euchre. was enjoyed ments, recently vacated by Mr. and lunch brought a pleasant and MrS, Marvin Arnett. evening to a close. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Simpson, and Mrs. Gus Voth of Detroit, L "zee . eee leeeteeeeee erereiarelletere Mich, spent the weekend with Mrs, Lou Simpson. Mrs. Voth Happenings in is remaining until Thursday. Aire. Margaret Vair of BrUce- Bianshard field, who was visiting at the Voth residence in Detroit for three weeks, returned home By MRS. GLADWYN HOOPER arid with Mrs. Voth expects to leave shortly by motor for Flo- rida to vacation for two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Leoeard "Mae. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alexari- ker attended the funeral of der spent the weekend With Mrs, Nellie Bannerman of St, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Dilling and Marys on Tuesday and Mr. family of London, Mrs. Dulling Clerk Switzer of Mitchell on ie a /idea of Mr- Alexander. Wednesday. Mr. And Mrs. Oswald Brown Mr. and Mrs. jack Thotnscm of Windsor visited with Mr. and end Mar? Lett were Wedneg. Mrs. Ed Marcia and dal/ guests of Mr, And Mrs. Cheryl, on Sunday. Charles Mills of Prospect Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Mussey Bob and Anil, Ml', and Mrs. were Wednesday guests of Me, Wi.Wanr. Mickle,Pamela and and Mrs. W. B. young" of St. Judith and Mrs. Plorence Joynt Marys. spent Sunday in Kitchener, With Mr. and Mrs. Williarit Jones ,the farmer's daughter and son- and family were Sunday guests in-lAW, Mr. and Mrs. Retee Man' of Mr. and Mrs. James Bryan Milian and David. of Prospect Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Marine Mr. William Johes attended and Donald, Tetento, spent the Machine demonstration at the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Toronto oil There-dear, W. S. Shepherd, 1962 MEV, 2-door hardtop, 6-cylinder, automatic, demonstrator. 1960 PLYMOUTH 4-door sedan, 8-cylinder, radio, automatic, low mileage. 1957 PLYMOUTH-2-door hardtop, radio, automatic, 8-cylinder 1956 DODGE ROYAL, 4-door sedan, one owner 1956 FORD 4-door 1956 NASH METROPOLITAN Hensall Motor Sales Roy Campbell, Prop. 24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE Phone 31 We Are In The MARKET For • MILLING WHEAT SPROUTED WHEAT lit Ill11llIIiY411111111.1, 11 er. Ontario No. 1 10 lbs, per bag Potatoes 2e...49c No, 1 Quality Bananas 2Lo't.29c Super $ove Coffee REP LABEL,' l-peund bap . 690 YELLOW LABEL, 30 off Pack $00 INSTANT' COFFEE, S•ox. jar . 690 ^P. • Broom Buys Used Floor Furnace' in Good Condition -- $35.00 Creditor' library use increases by 45 ED FINK PHONE 36 HENSALL Twenty-one "marching moth- era." of Hensel canvassed the. village Tuesday night to col- lect $300.00 for the March of Dimes. Hensall Kinettes, who spon- sored the canvass, were assist- ed by 12 volunteer mothers Who were: e'Airs. Robert Raeburn, Mrs. Jack Simmons, Mrs. George Beer, Mrs. Dave Kyle, Mrs. Don Havens, Mrs. Ed. Little, Mrs. Byron Kyle, Mrs, W. J. Cameron, Mrs. Bob .Caldwell, Mts. Keith Buchanan, Mrs, Walter Spencer and Mrs, Leona parke. • The membership of the Kin- ettes included: Mrs. William Clement, Mrs. John Real, Mrs. Jack Drysdale, Mrs. John Delta, Mrs, John Baker, Mrs. ,'Harold Knight, Mrs. William runs, Mrs. Jim Hyde, Mrs. William Alickle, Mrs, Ross Jinks . and Mrs. Harold Bon» thron. Mrs, Catherine MacGregor Mrs. Catharine MacGregor tied Thursday, Jan. 25 in South Hilton Hospital, Exeter, in her 15th year. Born at Tiverton, she was 'the former Catharine MacDon- ald, widow of the late John MacGregor, Surviving are a son, Archie, Hensall, a daughter, Mrs. Wil- . liaen J, (Margaret) MacLean, Exeter, and two grandchildren. Funeral service was conduct- ed by Rev. Ross MacDonald, on Saturday from the Bonth- ron funeral chapel. Burial was in . Exeter cemtery. 'Dime drive nets $300 Mrs. C. Manns dies in Toronto Mrs. Christina Mantis, Hen- sel, died in Toronto, on Sat- urday, Jan. 27 in her 84th year. Born east of Hensel!, the deceased was the. former Chris- Una Shepherd and resided in Hensall for the past sixty-three years, Her husband, the late Fred Alarms, died in 1938, Surviving is one son, Ken- neth, Toronto, a grandson, and one brother, William Shepherd, Hensall. Funeral services were con- ducted on Tuesday, Jan, 30 at 1:30 p,m. from the Bonthron funeral chapel, by the Rev. Currie Winlaw, Interment was in MacTaggart's cemetery. Appear on TV Members of the Kinette Club appeared on "Act Fast" on CFPL-TV Tuesday evening and were successful in bringing home $95.00. A panel of ex- perts missed only one question. Following the, show the Kinettes treated their husbands to din- Tier at the Knotty Dine Inn, London. WI euchre Kippen East Women's Insti- tute held a successful euchre at SS 9 Tuckersmith, Friday evening with 14 tables in play. Winners were: Ladies, Mrs, Charles Eyre, Margaret H. Broadfoot, Carol Varley; men, Bob Gemmell, George Varley, John Stoll; travelling lone hands, Joe McLellan; lucky lunch prize, Mrs. James Mc- Naughton. Carmel Presbyterian notes Lee e.......-...eeeeteeereMittateeeetteleate Comments about Cromarty By MRS. KEN McKELLAR c'. eeteteelimeetitetteegeeeelgeeee R 0 C: E:0 Pot Roasts c. 45c Wieners 3 POUNOS Fresh Side Pork L9. 39c Vanity Asserted Colors Toilet Tissue 4 ROLLS 454 Duncan Hines Early AMericen Cake Mixes 14-Dr. PKGS. 43c Wagstaffe Jams Kleenex 200's -Carnation.Milk k Saluda Tea Bogs. 5 Grapefruit, Juice Jell° Puddings Fancy Quality Sockeye calm©n Raspberry or Strawberry, with adder! pectin Weekend Specials lb. 5 9, 31 4 3 27c 47c 39' 24 Z 2 Ft" 29c 0 4 16-02 4/0 rep to 73c 75c Z-Le, 4 B-Ltz, PKG5. 6 b'n WS Hensall