The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-02-01, Page 7New president of car fir announces new sales polio CAR KING'S EXETPR STAFF — Lou Bailey and 13111 Belling are the two salesmen who handle. the Exeter lot of Taylor Motors Limited. The organization, under its new owner, is introducing a new concept of ear value under its "PSP Policy", Saintsbury church appoints officers • Ayr 1 ,.4 074:41 All 'Good Wishes to Taylor Motors Lim' itod. London 1218 Trafalgar Street Insurance Agencies Ltd. London Office, 201 Dundas Street 'rho Tirtios.Apheoc4te, Pobrunry 1, 19$2 Pao* a frQm Sunshine Uniforms NATIONAL SANITARY SUPPLY CO. ,,COnt011111,fililitfl101111WILII.f.104MMOWLIMIlilltifil91,1111,111111100111 tOUWM 1111,1,1 M 10101f 1 OMPA flni0111111111fUJIHU111111,111H111 1 11,111MOMIllinillfilfIlfiffiltlfint11 1 01/01111H 1 111110111IIMIUMIHIDODIM61 41. Congratulations to Taylor Motors Lt..., Headquarters for DUNLOP TIRES Dunlop Canada Ltd, 517 YORK ST. LONDON 11111.111111111111114111110.11111111111$1131.111111MWMI/MintlititIMMIMMIMMOMM1111111111U11,1111111,441110.7 We're Proud to be the suppliers of Petroleum Products to Taylor Motors Ltd. Supertest PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. • „, *ififflulmffillifillifUlliMtilliffifilt101”1111111f11111~ftttilimPIP11110101flftilmffIlliffl.fcroloinflffilA i1f I,111111,011111,1111111,111 ,1111,111111101.11111011,111111111111,111IIHMIIIMMIU1111 11111,1 11IIMMIWIllif9WW Our Best Wishes To TAYLOR MOTORS LIMITED a. ALL CLASSES INCLUDING LIFE -a- ,01111111111111W111111,1111,11111111MilliM1101411/WIffifitif7Wriilftfittittlftlffifffifitillt111111111t1111111111111,4 a • •-4 $2 99 Co-op February Special, much Regular Value 83.05 QUICK DRYING ) .?iVERSEY EGG WASHING COMPOUND Eggs washed with this compound dry faster... reducing the opportunity for bacteria to en ter through damp, soft shells ...and you can carry on with the job of packing much sooner, rind Diversey Egg Washing Compound not only does the job faster , it does it, better, too. The natural "bloom" attic shell is preserved and enhanced to attract the cus- tomer. You protect your egg, profits !!trough egg quality and sales appeal. In every way', you get a better, faster an.d more economical job •with Diversey Egg Washing Compound Yormulation No.122. 57 5peciof, 5 lb. $2 Co.op rebruary Begular Value $1.0,7 INFRA RED BROODER LAMPS 250 watt infra.red brooder bulbs with white glass face and medium base.: Go-op rebruory Spccial each 79( fiegular *Niue 83.85 SINGLE LAMP BROODERS Ifcavy gauge steel. hood IS 10Ve in diameter, 7 /1 1;" deep and completely 6hields lamp. Exterior is finished in dutiable Ultranamel gray and the interior is white. Capacity 80 to 100 chicks. Special porcelain socket, heavy duty suspension loop, approved cord and plug. EXETER DISTRICT Phone 287 Collect Beside CNR Station mlocniMMOOMMMInnummummunnminfumemmalmolnimummtufmmommmimulnuN CONGRATULATIONS TO TAYLOR MOTORS LTD, from HABERER "If it's insurance, we have IL” PHONE 161. ZURICH 1)!Mmtififitifitill(flimitmillim111.11.11111}11111.11111111111t111111111,11$11ifilMit11111.111111111111t1t1.1111/11.11111111110 BEST WISHES to Taylor Motors Ltd. from the DOMINION HOTEL FEATURING THE POPULAR "ALPINE ROOM" Visit our Dining Lounge for Fine Food "Where you are a stranger but once." PHONE 70 R. H, Johnston, Proprietor iffilifilimmiffilffim,1111,MimmffilitifIMMMI'111401010,111111.11111111111;i1Aililliiii1111111111.111111,11m10 I It1,1,1114111111111111,110111t1111111111.01ffilit.1111,11,1111.1,0.1011.11.111/11/MIMMOIMIMMIMIltillftlIfflffillto Congratulations to Taylor Motors Ltd. FROM AL'S AUTO BODY RR 5 STRATFORD 393-6164 11.1011,1111ii11113111111111%11111111MM11.11111.11.11111.11.111111111111111101.011Millliffiffit11111111111/1111MIIIIIM,0 ZURICH ALL THE BEST to Taylor Motors Ltd. ti;om M. Wilson & Sons AUTOMOBILE UPHOLSTERING 339 TALBOT ST. LONDON fittlillf (I( flIMII(IllitlItill1111111111(111,11111111111111111111111111111.111/1111111111111111111,11111111i11111 0,111111111111ffill11,1111111111110111MMIMM#MMMIMM/Illift111MIIM(11(111111111M11111111111111t1111111111ill Best Wishes to Taylor Motors Ltd. from BK & B Truck Bodies Ltd. PHONE GL 5-57,10 LONDON Ni 111111111,1111111IfffilillitliiifilflifIllif111111,1111111fM111111111,11)11,11,/,Mitlilltrislifffilff/ifflttifiltlitlitliftfli, All The Best to Taylor Motors Limited from JAMES COWAN And Company Limited AUTOMOBILE PARTS AND SUPPLIES 9 York Street London, Ont. AlininimmlintmluilminummittommummoUtoinlinummptuntrinitimMiliniuqmmimiliintin1, ,,mtilininnitilmni011011110011111Mmanomeimilimmumniminitim011011loMMItomommumis, Every Success to Taylor Motprs Ltd. from Universal ignition and Battery Ltd 4 81.1ppli61% of AtitOnleitiVO, tilde treat Nrbttretteli rttet Sff8tetts & teittipment 2,2271 LONDON All good wishes to TAYLOR. MOTORS Limited PROM ‘Castral rl (Canada) Ltd MAKtid .OP THe MAsilkPlgetMCI OILS 11111111111i111iFT -11111111ifil 1- 11111I - WM11111111' 11111,1101Y1111111t1i110141111111f1111 L* .1.4, Alb Rovers attend winter camp • Exeter Boyers "survived" a winter camp near Varna over the weekend, using as their headquarters an ever g r e e n- thatched hut they had con- structed this fall. The group reached the camp, about a mile from the road, by ski and snowshoe. On the excursion with leader Ralph Sweitzer were Douglas Hodgson, Barry Grainger, Bri- an Wedlake, Ted Wilson, Fred Sanders, Jim Sweitzer and Jerry Drysdale, By MRS, HEBER DAVIS SAINTSB URN The annual vestry meeting .for St. Patrick's Church was bold on Thursday, Jan, 25 at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis with twenty members of the congregation present. Rev. Lyle Bennett presided. Mr. Earl Atkinson, vestry clerk react the minutes of the 1961 meeting, Mr, Bennett gave a yearly report from (he church records. Mrs. llugh Davis secretary-treasurer read the church report, Mrs. Dean. Gibson, the guild report, Mrs. Earl Atkinson, the WA report, Mrs. Harvey Latta, the Sun- clay School report, Mrs. .11arry Carroll, in the. absence of Mrs. Clarence Davis, centennial secretary treasurer, read the report, Air. Bennett asked Mr. Har- vey Latta to be the rector's warden and Mr. Tom Kooy was elected peoples` warden; Air. Harry Carroll, janitor; Mrs. Tom Kooy, organist; Mrs. Hugh Davis, secretary treas- urer, Personal items Air. and Mrs. Harry Noels, Aylmer, Mr. and Mrs. Mau- rice MacDonald, Luean, Mr, I make his payments for him "T l.i i s wonderful p rotection takes the risk out of ear Pay. merits Aria., relieves the eustos nice, right from the start, of worries over debts in ease of disaster. I believe it's one of the greatest developments ,11.1 the automobile financing field."' Bob Taylor is new 'to Huron Comity and to Western Ontario but lie's no stranger to the ear 'business. lie's had .13 years' experience in the lakehead ci- ties of Port .Arthur and Forts, William, Bob started as a used. ear salesman and worked his way through. the .positions of used ear, sales manager and new car sales manager until lie heroine general sales Man. ages of the largest firm ope. rating in both cities. "'fire competition's keen up there," says Bob. "You have In know how to keep your pen• eil sha-rp to survive in the car business al the lakehead." An instrument lean ieian wills the R('AF. link spent two years overseas with the ,120. 'Siowy f)wl" squadron after' training al Ca m p Bar' den and Sl. Thomas. lie en- Wed the car business in tat% A keen golfer, be brought his . handica p clown to four soy- eral years ago. "It will be a bit higher nOSV, 1 haven't played so much the last few years," lie says. His wife likes to golf, tom lie has one son, Douglas, 16, who is attending school in Port Arthur. Mrs. Taylor and Douglas expect to move to Hu. ran in the summer, l'sylor, who succeeds Ling ..of Huron County" intro, daces. himself to the public this week with the announce. IP Nit Of a new "PSP" policy. Called the "new concept of ear value," PSP stands for price, .serViee and protection the three leaturea of the fl.an's new program., "I intend to carry on Jack rearson's proven policy of tle• vetoping volume sales through low prices," said Bob Taylor' this week, "In addition, am going to stress service in our new organization because I believe this is the greatest es. Beata). in giving c u s t.o in e r satisfaction - We will have the finest service program avail. able," "Our third feature — pro- teetion — is a new develop- ment which 1 ant proud to in• traduce to Western Ontario. It's a new finance plan, called 'Double D' which incorporates payment insurance at no ex- tra, cost. Whenever death or disability, through sickness or accident, strikes one of our customers, 'Double D' ZION Personal items Mr. Hiram Bieber is a. Pas -tient in Victoria Hospital. Ile underwent surgery last Thurs- day. Mrs. John Egan Sr, of ..Grao. ton spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Hiram Bieber. FEBRUARY SPECIALS Lay your plans for more poultry profit at chick starting time. Even at a day old, your chicks represent a substantial investinent. Protect this investment by giving them a safe start with Purina Chick Star tena ,Canacla's favourite chick starter. Economical too ... takes only 2 pounds of Startena to isoltrish a light breed chick through those 'important first five weeks, Costs only pennies per chick. You get high chick livability when you bring ieni along tine low-coat Purina. way,, ChHik Startena eontaind 26 Purina-rtesearched ingredierillt eluding trace minerals, vitamins, and antibiotics that combat disease, And *hat's even more important, Canadians who want bigger profits to.morrow Wei and Mrs, Harry Carroll and Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis were guests on Friday night with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Atkin- son. Mrs. Clarence Davis is a pa- tient; in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, since Saturday. Air, and Mrs. Heber Davis were Monday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Rabt. Coleman, Lu- can and on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindal. and. on Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs, Hugh Davis. Mr. and. Mrs. liarvy Latta and family were Sunday eve- ning guests with Air. and Mrs, Earl Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Squire, Granton and Mr. Ron Squire, Whalen, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Die- kins. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Greenlee attended funeral. ser- vices for the latter's aunt Mrs, Margaret Ann (Gui Hoyle ) Hughes McLeod from the T. Stephenson and Son funeral home, Ansa Craig and burial at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, The family returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hughes, Ilderten, following the funeral. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Greenlee ,,isited the funeral home on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs ..1r. attended a French play "Bousille and the Just' at the Grand Theatre Tuesday eve• ning and visited with Dr. and Mrs, Geo, Lindsay, London following the play and on Wed- nesday evening attended a skating party' for the Univer- sity choir at the outdoor skat- ing rink. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall and Nancy visited with Mr. and. Mrs, Charles Tind a 11, Grand Bend, on Thursday eve, ning. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker and family were Sunday eve- ning guest with Mr. and Mrs. Don Kelly of London. Mrs. Bill Johnson has re- turned home from St. Joseph's Hospital where she has been a patient for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll, Mrs. Henry Hodgins and Miss Sophie Richards visited with Mr. and Airs. Fr. A, Mullins of London on Sunday, Graham. Christie of Centralia PAIQ visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Car- roll, Our Compliments to Taylor Motors Ltd. farmed. ti Stephen Township Tor many yeam 14. Surviving are his wife, the former Millie Axford, four sons. Oscar, ..Londo».; James (jor‘ion Whitby; im eonard 46 win,. fort Flt. Jelin, B.C.,; 'Wil- liam. Russell,. RR a Granton; two daughters, Mrs. Harold (Olive) Stone Windsor; -Mrs. Ernie (Stella) 'Slims. Detroit; one brother, .William, ..),Iloores, vine, .4 .grancichilaren, 15 great grandchildren and one great-great. grandchild, Mrs. Art Ford and Mrs. Arthur Run. edll.ce.liihirElstuentee.rraiansedrv iliclers.wal:'raenonici lin Skinner, naville , are nie- ces. dlicted at :the C, Haskett fun- eral hone, Lucan„ by Aillas 'Retinas of the London West. congregation of Jehovah Wit• neases. on Monday, January 4 With interment in. Exeter ,ceni- 13earers were LOncion mem- bers of Jehovah 'Witnesses. Carfrey Cann's TIPS ON A SAFE START FOR YOUR BABY CHICKS Purina's exeltisive Micro-Mixing guarantees that all .r.A ingredients are precisely balanced and thoroughly mixed so that every thimbleful of Stattena is a complete diet. When you order your chicks, ace tzs for,Startena and all your chick start- ing rieeds--40, tho Store with the Checkerboard Sign, foe fa81, e cu 1.l eect service call COnil f .S. Mill „ 4iette I~lrane 735 dbrosrs Phone 3$r1.5 kirkion London Auto Supply Good Luck Neds Auto upplies 3 Ring Street LONDON J. J. Cornish,. 91 Stophen farmer john ,lances Cprni,sli, 01, for- merly of 'this community, died al the home of his. son, Oscar Cornish, Adelaide Street, tome rInn, on Friday, January 26. Ile was the son, of .the late john and- Eliza Cornish of Us, borne. Ills first wife 'was the. former Elizabeth Weste 11, Con. 2 Osborne and they