HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-01-25, Page 12IN6IALAsidot, VOA! lilted t. nurch Women of :141can TX was installed during a special ceremony Sunday. Members include, from left, Mrs. T, A. Watson. first: viceresident; Mrs. ft C. Heath, treasurer; Mrs. C, Peorge, president; Mrs C. F. Sovereign, second vice-president, and Mrs, M. T. Cul- bert, recording secretary, Absent was Mrs. Ivan Hearn, corresponding secretary. —Torrence Culbert Page 12 January 25, 1962 Wain Correspondent: Miss Line Abbott Phone 227.42.55 and district news eattaieee Hear head Recreation Make quilts of mission News for mission orts letter Support your team To. the editor, for liderten and the other and played seven years for LucanHockey fe,na, Wean The ether three .of the five, iiderton communities are surely although not born Wean And suddenly awakening to the district, have. played Pereral team energeticve,itosf tehno_, fact that they have an inter• yeare for Lucan, and. two are mediate "B" worthy of their Living within $11,Iirplcrety. offs9 to a 1started Combines got getiolcet turn out for the re, start by a winning game after maiming games and see yew game in the OflA Big Eight local bays play hockey at its :Group, Games were played be- best, They do not get paid for fore small and in e d o c r a playing and provide their own. crowds, Recently when the transportation for away games: Philipsburg ('Revs played here at their ..own expense,. the attendance had tripled to tiL, o soic of the previous A Booster games. esit savings account You are welcome at Industrial— welcome as a new depositor, as a large or small investor. You are welcome as a friend. At Industrial we feel there's more to our type of business than adding columns of figures. We like to fed we are serving friends who have placed their savings with us for safety and for growth. Visit us soon. Take advantage of our foneer bilS'IPOSS howys THE INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE I TRUST COMPANY Head Oface; Sarnia Offices: Forest, Fetrello Agents — Wollaceburg, Dresden, Stretilrey seameeteeaseetettaffieftlealte' aeristareettlatteteetetteitaiteleatteleeitalteletelealtai . . . Safe Sure Dependable CHAMPION Furnace Oil & Stove Oil * A PRINTED METER TICKET ASSUIHNO YOU OF CORRECT MEASURE '* OUR EQUIPMENT IS NEVER USED TO CARRY EXPLOSIVE LIQUIDS * MORE HEAT PER GALLON Sterling. Fuels alph Lippert Phone 227.4313 LUCAN AEN-1* Atte? 46. " 2274313 ,c .'S fi Honor past officers. at UCW inaugural .'he church trio, Mrs, Jack Eizenga, Mrs. Clayton Abbott and Miss Lorraine Graham have Laken the name "Lunn- aires." They have already re- ceived several invitations to take part in "Youth for Christ" service. Last Friday evening they sang at the Hanover town hall and Saturday night at the Clin- Air. and Mrs. Morris Alurdy ton Legion Hall, They were ac- of Kitchener \V c r e recent companied by Mr. Eizenga„ guests of Mr, and Mrs. Jack tar, Abbott and Mr. John Ara Murdy, mitage. By BARNEY WELSH The Citizenship and Educa- tion meeting of the Lucan Minor Hockey Week got off was held in the Community Me- to a Eine start this week with medial Centre Thursday after- our local pee wees playing a noon with the president Mra. 1.1 tie with Merton. This C. IL George in the chair. In game was played as a proli- spite of the zero weather there urinary game to the thterine- were 22 members out, Ro.0 diate game in which Lucan- call was answered by "an ex- Merton Combines defeated the ample of good citizenship re- Philipsburg team by a 6-3 quiring team work." score. The motto, "The only thing This was by far our best more expensive than e.duca• crowd of the season and by Lion, is ignorance" was ,en- the brand of hockey the two larged upon by Mrs. Gordon teams played we hope to see even a bigger and better crowd for the next game here, I am starling to get things in line for our regular Sham- rock Pce Wee Tournament on Saturday, March 17 but 1 will have a lot more information about this at a later date. Most of our minor teams start their playoffs next week so 1 know the people of Lucan wish them the best in the play. off rounds. Public skating every Satur- day eveeing from 8-10 p.m. and Sunday afternoon 3.5 p.m. Ranting, Mrs. Wes, Atkinaan reported that. $17.52 was collected for Muscular Dystrophy and the president reported that the donations given for "The Lit- tle Red Door" at the Decem- ber meeting, had -been de. livered. Material for quilt blocks was distributed among the members to be returned for the February meeting which will take the form of a work meeting at 10:30 a.m, fol- lowed by a pot-luck luncheon and business meeting. It is hoped, at least two quilts will be completed to be sent to the Rescue Mission at that time, Mrs, Cecil 'Robb, Mrs. Erwin Scott and Mrs. Ira. Carling vol- unteered to act as a commit- tee to make the necessary ar- rangements. A number of members signed up for the millinery course to he held Feb, 26-27-28. all7e, Jack Steacy and Mrs. Murray :Hodgins will be in charge of it,' The guest speaker, the Rev. E. 0. Lancaster of Holy Tri- nity Church was the guest speaker. Ile was introduced by Mrs. Harold Hodgins and later thanked by Mrs. Sheridan Rev- ington. Air. Lancaster spoke of the refugee problem of today and of how members of a WI could help these unfortunate people. Mrs. Erwin Scott was lunch convener assisted by Mrs, Ce- cil Robb, Mrs. C. H, George and. Mrs. Frank joliffe. Lucanaires Lucan personal items " Loan's post master', Alt', Chas. Nagger, suffered A heart attack in the post: office S'at• uedey and was taken by the. C. Haskell, Sr Son ambulance to SI, joseph's Hospital, Though still wearing A small east, Linda Bridget' is able to be taken to ached, Lueetiitee attend eeeeptibei Anglican church appoints officers Rev, Alvin. Roth, administra- tor of the London Rescue Mis- sions, and an ordained Men- nonite minister, was the guest speaker at the Lucan Lions' dinner meeting in the Anglican church basement, last Monday evening. Mr. Roth was introduced ha. Lion Steve Ponton, pas presi- dent of the Progress Club, Lou. don, and an honorary member of the Lucan Lions. Mr. Roth spoke on the obli- gation of society to administer to the less fortunate people of the world., An interesting point he brought out, was the fact that the number of alcoholics today is increasing at the rate of 1.070 per year in Ontario, due in part to the demands by business men and society on the individual, because of the present way of life. The Lucan Lions voted $100 towards a summer camp for the blind in the Oreille area a project of the Lions of On- tario, The dinner was, catered by Mrs. Allan Ryan's group of the Ladies Guild, The annual vestry meeting was held in the Parish Hall. Jan, 16, with the rector the Rev. E, 0, Lancaster, in the chair, Reports of the a rioU nr- ganizations indicated the church had a good year, with exten- sive repairs to church and rec- tory. Officers far 1962 were named. Vestry clerk is Jack Steacy; Church Activities United Church The executise of the new United Church Women met in the church school-room last Tuesday to line up the various committees and to appoint a day of meeting. It was de- cided to hold the first meeting Thursday evening. ,January 25. at 8 p.m. CGIT One new member, Dianne Cooper, was enrolled last Tees- day evening making a total en• rolment of 11 girls. All were present, The worship service was taken by Judy Coughlin and Belk: Ann Lewis, In craft work, continued on the brace- lets. It was decided to hold a ska- ting party Sat., January 27, with the members of the Gran. toe CGIT as supper guests. Beside the purchasing of the slide file box it was decided to purchase a call bell for the superintendent. The leader, Mrs. Murray Hodgins introduced the mission study book, "Churches of New Times" and told the first story. ''Keys for Tori," it was decided to again spon- sor a St. Patrick Tea, Satur- day, March 11. Life members Mrs. George Paul, immediate Past president, of the WMS entertained the WalS members in the church school-room last Tuesday during the afternoon Mra, Gordon Beniatig, Mrs. ,1, Murrayit, and Airs. Wm, Ayl. date* were made bees. Perilitoatel Holiness Church The presidcnt„ Paul Graham Was in charge of the Young People's meeting on landay night. A Bible sword drill and Bible 51.112 drill, as well As the playing of records, high. lighted the meeting. WA Meeting The meeting, of the WA which postponed, owing to the Week of Prayer, was held last Tuesday evening, In the ahe 'ecaled of the president, Mrs, Rufus Thompson., Mrs. Melee Eizenga Was In charge, Mrs, Thigh Stella took the Worship Service, The breech purchased Materiel for base• meet ettrtafts, ell but twft Witt, $.tro toMpld(Cd. wr The year 1962 will mark. an ivprpyorta0}.A nti4Igst04110cai4r1 ihveoltleci Church for it wall not only eommemerate t h e ehureh'S 100th anniversary but it will also record the inaugural set- vice of :the United Church Wo- dualeyll'sat 'Qtrligea:41.1144tol'Clo' ckhelstieeVre: Assisting the pastor, the Rev. Li, SAO were three immediate past oreeideets, Mrs, George Paul, MrS— \IV Langford and Mrs. George ThomSen • Nineteen past presidents of the WA, eleven past presidents of the Evening Auxiliaey and nine past presidents of the WITS were honored. The first and last president of each were, Mrs. Richard Ramon and Mrs. H. B. Langford, Mrs, Howard Cranston and Mrs, George Thomson, and Mes, John Blair and Mrs. George The guest speaker was Mrs, Kenneth Oates of Woodstock, a former deaconess in the Bri- tish. Methodist church and wife of Rev, Kenneth Qates, who has served in. missions across Can- ada and who at present is pas- tor of Chalmers United Church, Woodstock, Taking as her topic, "A VI- sign of the Future," Mrs. Oates spoke of the time and thought, spent on the reorga• nizallon of the women's groups saying, "There is A. time to A. McFarlane born at Keldon Alexander McFarlane, 89, of Beech St., Lunn, died after a lengthy illness at Shelburne Hospital, Tuesday, Jan, 16. Rev. R. P. Bates of Trinity United Church, Shelburne, con- ducted funeral services at 2 p.m. Friday, January 19 in the GambeFs Funeral Home, Ow- en Sound, Interment in Shel- burne cemetery. He is survived by his wife, the former Roseina Frobert Bertram (Smith), three sons and four daughters, Forbes and Earl of Riverview, Gor- don of Florida, Edna (Mrs, Harry Francis) Sh e 1 b u r n e, Louise (Mrs. Earl Everley) of Belwood, Dorothy (Mrs, Gor- don Banterban) of. Weston and Jean (Mrs, Cliff White) of, Newmarket, also two brothers and two sisters, Alr. McFarlane was born at Keldon hut fanned most of his life near Sehlburne, moving to Toronto when lie retired. Nine years ago lie came to Lucan, to an apartment attached to his step son's (Mr J. W. Smith) home, but has been in and out of hospitals several times during the nine years. E. Lou Lewis dies in Toronto keep and ,a 'tame to east away," She warned the new .D.Ifieers of the difficulties, the failures, the ingratitude, the .discourage- meets. and back,slidings which wilt. tie abe de but encouraged them by saying "One must rise before one :can :baekslicle", She closed her inspiring address by urging all to "ram with Pa times the race that is set be- fore us," Mrs. H. Hodgins former teacher Mrs, Harvey T. 1-lodgins of Alice St, Lucan, diedein St, Joseph's Hospital, LOnfle a, Friday, Jan, 19. Daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Lemuel C011ver, Mrs, Hod. gins was born in Michigan. She taught school for a num- ber of years, After her mar- riage 45 years ago she lived on a farm on Con. 4 Biddulph. until moving to paean in 1925 where she and Mr. Hodgins ran a grocery store where the. Mayfair Bakery now is, Since retiring from the store she has lived on Alice St. Her death makes the sixth Alice Si, death inside a year, Airs, Hodgins was in and out of St, Joseph's Hospital for the past 14 months, spending two Christmases and two birth- days there and undergoing a number of major operations, Besides her husband she is survived. by one daugh 1, e r, Ka ahleen (Mrs. Harvey A, Chown) of Lucan and one sister Elizabeth (Mrs. Bruce Hoff- man) of Michigan, also two grandchildren Bill and Bob Chown, Funeral services were con- ducted by Rev. E. 0. Lancas- ter at the Murcly Funeral Home, Lucan, on Monday, Ja- nuary 22 with interment in St. Jam-es cemetery, Clandeboye, Pallbearers Messrs. B o b Drennan, James Young, Har- old Corbett, Joseph Dave Ashworth and Vincent Hodgins. By MRS. J. H. PATON CLANDEBOYE On. Sunday, Jan. 21 the pas- tor the Rev. G. W. Sach, held 1,11e inaugural service for the United Church Women of the congregation here and was assisted by the past president of the Federation of United Church, Mrs. Rea Neil who -read the scripture, Others as- sisting were, president, Mrs. Wilmer Scott and Mrs. Alex Macintosh, The service stressed the need of all the women to each take an active part in the new or- ganization, in prayer, study, thought and action. The dedication of the execu- tive followed. airs. G. W. Sach supplied the. music for the impressive service. On. Sunday, Jan, 28 at the United Church the young peo• pie will assist in the youth ser- vice here. Personal items Mrs. Maurice Simpson re- turned home on Wednesday from South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Bill. Downing and daughters, Karen and Joan of Chatham visited with Mrs. Downing's parents air. and Mrs. Abner Hendrie for the weekend. Mr. Victor Jauncey, Birr, was a guest of the Hendries on Saturday, Mr. and Airs. Carlyle Car- ter and Jimmie visited with the former's parents, Mr. and Airs, Mervin Carter and Ian On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Rca Adams, London, visited Mr. and Mrs. Rea Neil on Sunday, Mr, and Airs, Peter Banks, Sarnia, entertained on Sun- day relatives from here to a birthday dinner in honor of their three-year-old daughter, Cindy Isobel and her nand. mother, Mrs. (Isabel) Maurice Simpson, but who was unable to attend, due to illness, Biddulph lodges choose officers District of :Biddulph Loyal Orange election of Offitera tor 1962, was held in Lucan, District Master is Burns Stickler, laeadelhathe Past Mas- ter, Ronald Denture, Weeds hatii; Deputy Master, Russell Page, Grand Bend; re0,sacit. tary, Leonard Smith, Ilft 1 Llf- ean; financial secretary, Clare Paton, Clandeboye.; treasures', Lloyd 'Hein, EXettia Lecturers,, William Mae:Nein arid Wilfred Castle, Beyfielel; chaplain, David k a ei (4reemivaY; marshal, George Davis, Exeter; itiditers, Lea'" lie fitateliiiieen, And Russell Page„ Geand „t Y I 6 r, Loehe RR 1 Taileatir ENO 'officer's The annual Meeting of the ItoyAr. Scarlet he ld Of 'Bid' dulph was held at Weedhalli IfYou-re TIRED tVivi And then ettrybodt 11164-etit4 Ishano trid maybe tbuienta b' teen peteapi tieffilna sitleuslibattine, lust a ibibbeb, at' tendlatirt mind by urinary Kladde,tt* :dliterolott, thew Kit Kate ta rhe ke'Kidney tilli..Dothri Keiji 'otimilintti )(lento f6 'Wear this eonctillatt *KM may eon maid hialoofie And and foolltiA.Thiot Ott 101 bend, ten bett66 *ark bilieft .Ryder. area farmer Paola (Denny) Ryder, 71, filed in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lendoe„ .Satordae, Jan. 13, The body rested in the- C. Haskett and Son funeral home, Wean, until Tuesday, ;tinware' 16 when it was taken to St, Pe- triek'a Church, Biddulph for Re- Ouieel WO Mass at 10 a.m., with Father Frank alrichlin in charge. Interfnent was in St. Patnek's eon etery. fall bearers were Messrs. Tim Tookey, Eclward, ale- Lauglitie„lames O'Shea, Jack Boland, James McCarthy and Harold Ryan, 110 is survived by his wife, the former Bridget Whelihan, two SOPS and three: daughters,. Frank of London, Vincent at borne, Angela (Mrs, ,lack .Shel- lett) of Dorchester, Miss Leo- na of Toronto And :Donna (Mrs , Kenneth Clark of London, also one brother .and two sisters, P, 1, Ryder' and Mrs, J. S. Hartman both of 'Detroit and Mrs. Mary Cain of London, Mr, Ryder was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Ryder, kle was a life-long farmer, lying on on. 6 Biddulph. Charles Winch veteran of war Charles Winch, 63, died sud- denly in Westminster Hospital, London, Tuesday, Jan, 16 The body rested in the C. Haskett Son Funeral Nome, Lucan, until Friday, January 19 and thence to the Greenwood. Cha- pel, Owen Sound, where the Rev, J, Counsellor of the Pen- tecostal Assembly, conducted funeral services. Interment was in Greenwood cemetery, Mr. Winch, son of the late, Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Winch, was born at Chatham but farmed most of his life in Sul- livan Township, He was a vet- eran of World War 2 and un- married, He is survived by one sister Dorothy (Mrs. George Cook) of Sullivan Township, a num- ber of nephews and nieces in the Owen Sound arca and one niece, Mrs, Rufus Thompson of Luean. with officers elected and in- stalled for 1962, Sr. Kt, Wor. Commander is Russell Page, Grand Bend; Past Worthy Commander, Burns Steckler, Woodham; Deputy Commander, Clare Paton, Clandeboye; chaplain, W. Gill, Grand Bend; scribe, Alex Ham- ilton, Grand Bend; treasurer, Lorne Hodgins, RR 1 Lucan; marshal, Lloyd Kern, Exeter. Lecturers, Fred Jameson and Ron Denham, Woodham; con- ductors, Leonard Smith, RR 1. Lucan and Edward Gill, Grand Rend; herald, George Davis, Exeter; sentinel, Johnston Ro- bertson, Woodham; auditors, Leslie Hutchinson, Grand Bend and Oliver jaques, Hensel], Euchre Maple Lodge Community Ceti- ire held a ettelve party Fri- day evening with 12 tables in play. A Dutch auction for a blan- ket was won by Mrs, Ted Hot- son, $20,00 being the last hid. Euchre winners were ladies high score, Mrs., Orval Dixon; gents high, Wesley Watson; ladies lone hands, Mrs. Rae Hodgins; gants, Jimmy Macin- tosh with nine lone hands, Due to being late Air, and Mrs.Donald Hughes won the consolation prizes, Dancing was enjoyed to the music supplied by Earl and. Jack Hamilton with the piano and violin and Wes Watson doing the calling, eaaatelegekereacateatateetaameimateeeme. The ardent fans of the club are now recalling the good old days when all clubs in the old Cyclone and wcAA Leagues played heiore packed arenas, Harvey Langford, an ardent lee and President of, the Com- bines, who claims he has hung from more arena rafters than the average fan, is keeping his fingers crossed, He Ilea visions of seeing hundreds of fans in- stead of dozens watching the coining playoff games between these two great clubs who are. Providing the best brand of hockey that the district could By STEVE DAVIS Friday night the Belmont Lions defeated the Lacan squad, 4.2 in Belmont, Penal- lies killed the Lucan team, Lu, can received 4 penalties and. on each occasion Heinlein; scored. Brian Haesett and David Lippert were marksmen .for Lucan, Oakridge vs Lucan The three stars for both games were, Larry Lewis, Bri- an Haskell: and Don Buddo, The next game will be Sate urday, the first of a two game total goal series, against Bry- anston, for a chance for higher up in the OMHA, rector's warden, Clarence Has- kett; people's warden, Mert Culbert; board of management, the rector, wardens, delegates to synod and Charles Corbett, Wilson Hodgins, Mrs. Joe O'- Neil, Jack Steacy, Erwin Scott, and Mrs, Cliff Shipley (chosen by the rector) and Joe O'Neil, Airs. Kay Egan, Russell Row- man, Charles Haggar, Don Banting and Clarence Hardy (chosen by the people), Sidesmen, Don Downs, el- lan Scott, Don Ankers, Garry Mclealls, Peter Shipley and Gerald Lewis; Delegates to Synod. Charles Corbett. Dave Ashworth, Clare Stanley: substitute delegates, Sob Coleman, Russell. Bow- man and Don Ranting. Treasurer, Mrs. Cliff Ship- ley; auditors, Don Ranting. Jack Steacy and Charles Nag- ger; cemetery committee, Aus- tin —odgi.ns and Jack Sturdy: rectory committee, to be. cho- sen at the first Guild meeting, Personal items * Mr, Thomas Lee, -Of Prank cardthe was a weekend guest St„ is now a patient of the Lu. of Mrs. Ira Carling and lam- can Lodge Nursing Home, ily, Mrs. Florence Cunningham Mrs. C. H. Ilawkshaw Me- na London was a weekend belted her 89th birthday guest of her sister. Mrs. W. J. quietly on Sunday in her home. JIcP'alls and attended the fun- A number of :friends called, oral of the late Mrs, Harvey Mrs, Wm, Haskell, who has Hodgins, been visiting Michigan rola- The Lucan-Clandeboye YPL lives since before Christmas, met in the Lucan e h u r e h returned home Thursday. sehool-romn Sunday evening tot' rhe Middlesex County nine a rehearsal of Youth Service cil, in an effort to attract in- next Sunday. dustries and commercial too. The Lucati Teen 'feet held cans to the .county has leaugit- a successful dance at the he• rated a special industrial OM. gion Hall Friday And are plan- mittee. Reeve 'veil Mare or nun; a bake sale at the Nuway Lucan is one of the six mem. Motor Sales-room. Setin'day, hers of this cointeited. Jan, 21, Ilearn's name also appear Air. and airs. 1lArey Lusk the road cOin mittet, and family of Woodstock. were Sunday guests of Air, and Mrs, Doug, Ewen, Mr. and Mrs, Herold Whyte and David have returned home to Braean'idge (Ur speeding A few days with laticall friends. The names of two 'Lucanites are among the Ilderterl jr, Farmers' officers for 1962, Di- one Bowman as vice president And Carol Youthg as sunshine A large numbs" of :Wean• committee coeivener, tea Were among the 600 who Mr, and Airs, Hyatt Hudgins attended the, reception for the of the Coursey 'Inc were Toes- Non, Wm, A. Stewart, newly day guests or me. and Mrs„ appointed peoviridal 41111180e Clarence Davis of Sairitsbary. of Agriculture, at the Medway Ales, Alma Pact and Miss High School last Wechidedriee Cenrude Dempsey or Toronto Tt was the largest reception have moved into the house va• ever accorded a political reps eated by their sister Mee, resentatiVe hi this riding. So Personal items Mutely who is how a patient ow was the 'Crowd that Many Mr, and Mrs, Muftis 1,1161, at Crnighohne Nursing Horne,- heti te Wait the school dor- Mae have returned home 'after Ailme rider' foe a hell beer ,before a week's visit in OWen Sound, Mr, and Mrs, W, Smith at- acniceting ante 'the gypitolum with the .forinees brother me.„ tended the funeral of , the: fer• and redaption line, Attending ileavard Theilifieell and tainil filers stela fathe.r Mr. Alex with Mt', and Mrs, Stewart and While thtre attended the McFarlane aL Shelburne lesa 'were their four daughters Alto funeral of gra. Ilion ril fose Vriday, rilyn Noll a 14, Barbaea Miele ( the "Charleg Miss Sherry Walpole of Kin- 11, and G:'' 4, Emerson Lou Lewis, 80, died suddenly at his home, Toronto, Monday, January 15. The body rested at the Trull Funeral Home where a service was held W e d n e s d a y eve- ning. ' thence to the C. Haskett and Son Funeral Home. Lucan, where Dr. William Scott of Brantford, conducted funeral services, Thursday, January 18. Interment was in St. James Cemetery, Clandeboye, Pallbearers were Messrs. Clarence Lewis, Ernie Lewis, Roy Lewis, George Young, Don Simpson and. Donald McLeod. He is survived by his wife, the former Elizabeth Hope and a number of nieces and ne- phews many of whom live in. Lucan and district. Son of the late Mr. and airs. Jeremiah Lewis he was horn on Con, 4 Biddulph near Saints- bury. H.° was a retired cm• ployee of the E. Eaton Co„ Toronto, where he worked as a station ery engineer! from 1916 to 1950, Relatives from Toronto, De- troit, Windsor', Chicago and Brantford attended the tune- ral, Legion Auxiliary bingo The Legion Auxiliary Binao which is now 5170 in 56 calls nearly went Thuradav as vid Aneletem binned 'n 57 calls aee won the 55 consolation prize, Then'. was just, one split bin- nn with. Mr, 14, -8, Langford of Luean and airs. A, Bowen of Exttee sharine the 11th bin- en, The "Share the Wealth" line nrizea went to Airs, Art HAriton ef GrAntnn and ale, e'lareeee Taylor of Exeter and the full card min to Mrs. Jack Steecv of Ulcer), The first and second pert of the enneeditive bin en "Am a n rs. Pa M t Crudge and Mrs, Ce• ee Tendering of Talon and the full card prize to 'qr. Harold Liehtfont of Centralia, Selo prizes went in Ales, D, teach, Denfield, Ales, Omar Cunningham, Clandeboye, Mrs, Lloyd /levier, Air, Jed? lien- son, Mr, ,The, ffaskot, And Mrs. William Avery, e'l of Lucan, Coursey School euchre Aire, Guy Ryari and Mrs, Al, len Ttyan Were hosteagea for the seve,1 table ettehre In the Coursey School Friday evening, High score prizes' went to Atte, HaiWev lIodieins arid Mi., trio Irodgins,, lone heed iati- ets In Linda Coursey and Mr, fratold Cohleigh And low score prize to Mrs„. Evan „Hodgins and 'Mr. Ray Ifitchtee, Dedicate officers at Clandeboye UC The Combines have won 17 games without a loss, Their printed schedule and score card lists 18 players-13 of whom were born and raised in the Lical) and Ilderton district, Two of the remaining five are so-called. Waivers yet one of them has played eight years Penalties costly tominor teams ever wish to see, Fans leaving the Lucan arena after last Friday night's game Oakridge Acres defeated the were 'heard to remark: "I'm home squad 5.3 here Saturday coming back for the reel, of the evening, Though Lucan out, games its the best recreation played the winacrs they still .I've had in a long time—no TV could not tally. Larry Lewis games for me until they're led the home team with 2 over," goals, while Brian Haskett twisted the twine, once, e