HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-01-25, Page 11-Tho Tinies!Acivoc.ote, Jatwary 190 '740.e 1 ck.A5.41.Figp RATES 1.6 Property. For 'Sale HOUSE, 3 bedroom, rangh style, with fireplace and base- merit, a substantial down pay- ment required, owner will hold mortagage at 51/2a;-, Apply 236 Second .corner West of Hensel], Huron St. East, Exeter. 1:5tfnc , • Turn Right 1 Mile, Snow Throwers - new steel, sealed bearings, well con- structed to fit all tractors with or without hydraulic, (On display At Dick jer- myn's..) tv Line of Knuckles, Shafting & Bearing. Also build your own snow thrower kits avail- able, ea Steel Feed Carts-any size. Hog Feeders -, heavy steel angle iron frame, all welded construction, 9 Services 13 Articles For Sale 21 Notices 21 22 Legal Notices Notices 21 Notices CONTRARY. to several rumors v hich are circulating, I wish to inform my customers that I intend to continue my same low of work, carpentry and paperhanging, after moving to. Exeter in the near future. - John Ridley, 16:25a ELECTROLUX sales and ser- vice. Bert Harris, 109 New- gate Sk, Goderich, phone JA 4-7917. 27:10stino erect a building or struc- ture closet' to the centre line of the road than the existing building or stru,e-tura if the distance (niea , 6. sured parallel to the centre line of the road) between the existing and proposed structures is less than ,50 feet. No person shall erect or install gasoline pumps; (a) closer than, 60 feet from the centre line of the original road al. lowance (b) on a curve or the crest of a hill (c) on the tangent to a horizontal Or vertical curve where the sight 7, distance is less than 800 feet in each .direc- tion. 3. The. County roads or parts County roads defined by this by-law are as follows: Tile entire county road system as defined in Schedule "A" of By-Law No. 23, 1954, save and ex- cept such parts of the County road system which lie within the limits of any Town, Village or Police Village within the County of Huron. In the Estate of Aimee Daniel' deceased. All persons having claims against: (lie estate of Miner Daniel 'Willert, late of the Vil- lage of Grand Bend, in the County of Lain:bton, Gentleman, who died an or about the 31st clay of October .1961, are .re- cmired to file particulars of same with Bell .& Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 10th day of February 1962, after which date the estate will he distributed, hav- ing regard only to those claims of which notice. has been re- ceived. Boll &. Laughton Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario. 25:1.8c: 22 Words ,85 Each Additional Word 30 ( 11.1 Mini um Me) ever may be necessary to, remove or alter such building or structure men- tioned in said notice. Every person who violates any of the provisions of Sections 2 and 3 or falls to comply with the notice given under Section 4, shall be guilty of an of- fense and on summary conviction shall be liable to a penalty of not more than fifty dollars ($50.00) for each offense and the continuance of the condi- tion constituting an offense for each week after con• viction, therefore, shall constitute a new offense. By-Law No. 28, 1957, is hereby repealed, This by-law shall come in- to force and effect when approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. GEORGE TROY.ER .Metal .Products PEAR ANIMAL REMOVAL For dead or disabled animals, call Darling & Company of Canada Limited. Phone Kirkton 48e10. Licence No. 97-Q-61, 1:5tIne, PIANO TUNING anti repairing, piano action work, Alf DePom• me, R1I, 2 Zurich, residence St, Joseph, Ontario, phone 95r12 Zurich, 11;2.2:22a 20c Off VALUABLE Commercial Property For Sale 11 paid by Saturday following last insertion. Second Insertion 21/2 PER WCIRLI (Minimum 55 c ) Consisting of 2 stores with 2 upstair apartments, the pro- perty of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cole, situated on. Main Street, Exeter, across from the Post Office, Property must he sold for cash. Enquiries should be addressed to Lorena johns, 288 Coshurn Ave., Toronto 6, Ontario. 18.25:1c ACIIESON"S Dead Stock Service -Farmers! Are you interested in getting the best and highest cash prices for your dead, old or disabled horses and cattle? If so, phone Atwood Zenith 34900 (no toll charge) or Atwood 356.2622 collect, Licence No, 103C61, 12:7tfnc IIADCO WELL DIGGING-Ma- chine dug 1 ft. to ft. diameter up to 150 ft. deep, repairing and deepening. Highway 85. Elmira MO 9-3761, or. Lucan RA 7-4680, 27 : 1.0atfnc Six Insertions 2 c Pee, wci era (Minimum 4,5e) Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion-Per Inch $1.40 Second Insertion-Per Inch $1.25 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of laa inch, g. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD NOTICE UNDER SECTION 30 OF THE PLANNING ACT aa„ Farrowi ng c ra t es la, Hog Troughs Scrapers-3-point or tool bar Mounted, 23 Tenders Wanted Read a first, second and third lime, and finally passed this 23rd day of November, 1961, Call JB at 863 5;11:18:25e and Section 64 of The Highway Improvement Act FURNACE FUEL OIL Sealed tenders will be re- ceived by the Board of Direct- ors for the supply of furnace fuel oil for South Huron Hos , pital and South Huron Nurses' Residence, Tenders to. he In hands of the Secretary by February 7, 1962. ft. L. MORLOCK, President M. REEDER, Secretary 23!Ie WARM AIR FURNACE, used, Iron Fireman, stoker-fired, with circulating fan and automatic controls; used Fairbanks Morse stoker with automatic controls; 3 used space heaters, various Lindeiifielrls Ltd., Ex- eter. lthe18:25e JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk IVAN FORSYTH, Warden, 18:25c TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron has ap- plied to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provi. sions of Section 30 of . The Planning Act for approval of ilq Restricted Area By-Law 68, 1961 passed on the 23rd day of November 1961, the full text of which is given hereunder, Any person interested may, within fourteen days after the date of this notice, file with the Clerk of the County of Huron notice of his objection to approval of the said by-law to- gether with a statement of the grounds of such objection,. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said by-law but before doing so it may ap- point a time and place when any objections to the by-law wilt be considered. DATED at Toronto this 12th clay of January, 1962. (signed) B. VICKERS, B. VICKERS, Acting Secretary, CLASSIFICATIONS FROZEN underground water pipes thawed. Phone Nairn 232- REMODELLED 3-bedroom, full basement, new furnace, new icing, new garage, and work- shop. Priced for quick sale. CLEARANCE SALE HOME TRAILER, 43-foot, 2 bedroms, living room, kitchen, 3-piece bath, priced to sell. NEW 2-BEDROOM. in Lucan, oil heat, full basement. BEAUTY PARLOR-Doing ex- cellent business, Good terms. GROCERY and meat store with living quarters, Long establish- ed, doing good business. 1. Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4 Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8 Situations Wanted R. Services 10. Farm Stock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12, Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. Articles For Sale 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16, Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. Wanted To Rent 20. Property Wanted 21. Notices 22, Legal Noticea 23. Tenders Wanted 24. Auction Sales 22 Legal Notices In the Estate of Royal Vernon Gaiser, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Royal Vernon Geiser, late. of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 26th day Seated tenders marked "ten- of November 1961, are required der for truck" will be received to file particulars of same with by the. undersigned at Exeter, Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Ontario, up until 12 o'clock Exeter, Ontario, by the 3rd day noon, E.S.T., on Monday, Feb of February next, after which ruary 5, 1962, for a new 1961 date the estate will be distria or 1962 two ton truck. Details buted having regard only to and specifications may he oh- those claims of which notice tained from the Authority of- has been received. lice at Exeter. Bell & Laughton, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Solicitors for the Administrators, Exeter, Ont. 18!25qc 4501, 1:lltfnc 4, The Corporation of the County of Huron, by their Clerk, may give notice to the Owner or Occupant of any land requiring him to remove or alter any build- ing or structure erected after the passing of this by-law that does not com- ply with Sections 1 and 2 and each notice tinder this section shall. be, in writing and sent by registered mail, addressed to the Owner or Occupant of the land, 5, If the person to whom the, notice is given, under Section 4 above, fails to comply with it within 30 days from mailing of such notice, the Corporation of the County of Huron may direct any officer, em- ployee or agent of the said Corporation to enter upon the land and do or cause to be done, what. CATTLE SPRAYING - Now is the time to have your cattle sprayed for lice, Call William Watson, phone 37r19, Dashwood, 18:25:1;8:15;22c Of over 200 Bushels of APPLE'S Greening.% and Delicious Only $1,00 Bu. Spies and Other Varieties $1.25 Bu. and up Also 6-QI, Baskets Available McKENZIE'S STORE Corner Main and Wellington Phone 253 Exeter 18;25c FOR PROMPT service, seven days a week, on dead or dis- ahlect animals, phone Ed An- drews, 863W1 Scalorth. Truck licensed under Dead Stock Dis- posal Act, License Na. 66C61, 1:25Ifc Ausable Rivet' Conservation Authority TENDERS FOR TRUCK 10 Farm Stock For Sale SHORTHORN BULL; baled hay. Apply Fred Brown, R.R 2 Crediton, phone 234,6498. 18:25c JOHN BURKE BABY CARRIAGE, English style pram, black with while leatherette interior, also has while sun canopy. All in excel- lent condition. Phone 228-6813, 18:25c Limited GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE, BROKER DEVON BUILDING 11 0 L S TE I N HEIFERS, due soon, vaccinated, bred Here- ford, blood-tested herd. John Berendsen, 11:i miles east of Farquhar, 83 Highway, phone Kirkton 211'4. 25:1:8* 3, T. McCAULEY, Field Officer 25:1c CHOICE MIXED HAY, in square bales, reasonably pric- ed. Apply to Ben M, 'Pinney, RR 1 Exeter, or phone 921.8 Zurich, 25:1c 37 PIGS, weaned and well started. Apply hid Dykeman, RR 1 Centralia, phone Kirkton Dori 1, 25* ELEVATOR. FOR SALE Located in a prosperous com- munity in Lambton county, do- ing a good business. Selling on account, of health. Excellent opportunity for young man to set up his own business. Apply Box No. RBSL, The Times- Advocate, 25:1c 3 Male Help Wanted CLEANING SERVICE MEN - 52850, $3300.-Required by De- partment of National Defence (Air), Centralia, Ontario. lull particulars concerning resi- dence, qualification require- ments and application forms see posters on display at the National Employment, Service and Post. Office. Apply before February 1st, 1962 to the Civil. Service Commission, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto 7, Quote Competition 62-T,597, 25c Village of Grand Bend BY-LAW NO. 68, 1961. A BY-LAW OF THE CORPOR. ATION OF THE COUNTY OF HURON TO REGULATE THE LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES ON LAND ADJACENT TO COUNTY ROADS. MIXED GRAIN-Garry, Herta and Selkirk wheat mix, good sample, approximately 10 Lon. Apply Gordon Prance. Win- chelsea, phone :Kirkton 92r22, 25" 100 PULLETS, Rock x Rhode island, just laying, $1.25 each; also purebred registered York boar, $75.00. Phone 227.4327. 25c THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD FRAME BUILDING, 21' x 20', fully insulated, suitable for cold storage or summer cottage. If interested, phone 218 Grand Bend. 25:1c 11 Poultry For Sale NOTICE OF APPLICATION BY THE ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND WITH RESPECT TO A WATER WORKS SYSTEM WHEREAS, it is deemed to he necessary and desirable to regulate the location of build- ings and structures on land 2 bedrooms, large living room, adja c,e n t to certain county kitchen, 3-pc, bath, utility room FOR EARLY EGG production we have 4.20 week old Ames and other good pullet varieties available, prompt shipment. Dayolds to order, Broiler chicks quick shipment. Bray Hatchery, Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 246W. 25cn NEW HOUSE REFRIGERATOR, 7 cu, ft„ Leonard, deluxe model,. A-i condition. Apply Harry Smith, Ilensall '‘ phone 261W1, 25* TAKE NOTICE THAT; t. The Ontario Water Resources Commission on. behalf of the Corporation of the Village of Grand Bend have made application to The Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the enter- ing by the Corporation into an agreement with the said Commission for the construction of a water works system, more 'fully described in Schedule "A" attached hereto, at an estimated cost. of $377,175 which is repayable over a term of thirty years with interest at 5.75 per cent per annum. The estimated annual charge 'payable to the ,Commission, which includes interest, debt retirement, reserve for renewals, replacements, etc., and operating cost, is $34,152 for the first year, $35,954 for the second year, $37,756 for the third year, $39,558 for the fourth year, and $41,647 for' the balance of the said term, 2. It is proposed to raise the annual payments by a frontage rate of thirty cents per foot. a service connection charge of $4,20 yearly and a charge o $34 per annum for each dwelling unit. It is estimated that, the dwelling units will increase from 528 in the first year to 740 in the fifth year. roach; AND WHEREAS authority is granted under Section 64 (1) of the Highway Improvement Act R.S.O. 1960 and Section 30 of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1960 to exercise such power subject to the approval of the Muni- 17 Property For Rent cipal Board; 4 Female Help Wanted WES WITMER 109 Mill St., Exeter 1:25(Inc PIANO, upright, with bench, rich dark brown wood, in good condition. Priced reasonable. Phone 228-6746. 25* 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale STENOGRAPHERS & TYPISTS Required for ' Department of National Defence, CENTRALIA. Ontario. McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS R.R. 1 Crediton, Behind Centralia Airport USED & REBUILT PARTS GUARANTEED Wrecking '57 Do d ge Good selection of 14" and 15" :snow tires. PHONE AC 8.6214 11:16tthe BEAUTIFUL selection Olympia lead crystal, hand-cut, open stock, made in West. Germany. Pleasing you pleases us. Wil- son's Jewellery & Gifts, Ex• eter. 25c The Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Huron enacts as follows: 1(a) No person shall erect any - building or structure, any part of which is located closer to the nearest: limit of any of the County roads, or parts of the County roads, hereinafter . defined than: 25 feet where 100 feet wide; 42 feet where 66 feet wide; and in no case closer to centre line of the original road allowance than 75 feet. 1(b) Provided that. in the case of two existing buildings either or both of which is, or are, located closer to the nearest limit of any County toad hereinafter defined than is permitted in 1(a) of this by-law, which are less than 300 feet apart measured par- allel to the centre line of road, the. provisions of this pictogroph shall apply to the extent that no per- son shall erect any build- ing or structure between. the aforesaid existing structures closer to the centre line of the. road than the lihe joining the closest point to the centre line of the road of the, ohe structure, to the closest point: to the centre line of the road of the next ad- jacent structure. l(c) Ptovided that in cases where a building exists closer to the nearest, limit of any County rood here- inafter defined than is permitted in I(a) of this by-law the provisions Of this paragraph shall apply so that to petson shall HOUSE, 11/2 storey, 4 bed- rooms, 2 bathrooms, garage, within limits of town of Exeter. Possession March 1, 1962. Con- tact W. Victor Knipp, RR 1 Centralia, phone 378J2 Exeter, 11:18:25e Applicants must be at least 16 years of age at the closing date of the competition. Do You Read MACLEANS? Macleans is an excellent Can- adian magazine full of lively, entertaining and informative national stories, it's used ex- tensively by teachers and edu- cators and is one magazine that should he in every Canadian home. if you are not. reading Macleans regularly here's a chance to buy it at an excep- tionally low rate: 30 ISSUES FOR ONLY $2,25 Subscribe now at THE TIMES•ADVOCATE Phone 770 Exeter 11:18:25c 3. Any ratepayer. may, within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notide, file with the Clerk of the Village of Grand Bend a notice, in writing stating his objection to such approval and the grounds of such objection, 4. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve the said undertaking and expenditures but. before doing so may appoint. a time and, place for a public. hearing when any objections will be considered, DATED at Torento this 5th day of January, 1962. Salaries ,for Stenographers - $2340 to $3060 per . annum, Typ- ists - $2100 to $2820 per an- num. (Based on education and experience.) Interested appli- cants are required to pass a typing test of 35 w.p.m. and shorthand test of 80 w.p,m, For further particulars as to residence and qualification re- quirements apply to the Civil Service Commission at London, Application forms, obtainable at National Employment Office and Post Office, should be filed with the. Civil Service Commis- sion, 888 Dimclas Street, Lon- don, Ontario, NOT LATER THAN FIUbAY, 0 February, 1962, Please quote, Competition Number 62.T-503. 25e APARTMENT, -modern, 2-bed- room, heated, all utilities paid, available immediately, Apply Lorne Hodge, Crediton, phone 234.6301, . 23c 1961 CHEV SEDAN, Be Aire. Maroon, like new, only 3,000 milea. Mrs, John Ridley, phone 86r9 Kirklon. 18:25" PICKUP TRUCK, 1960 Dodge, 1 2 ton, heavy duty, excellent; condition, low mileage, one owner. Phone evenings, Mrs. C. Talbot, Bayfield, 60r13. 1:251-Inc the road is the road is HOUSE, 2-bedroom, in Exeter, available February 1. Apply 73 Anne St., after 5 p.m., or phone 250. 25" B. VICKERS Acting Secretary SEAL APARTMENT, 3-room, heated, furnished or partly furnished, separate entrance; no pets please. Phone 400W or call at 169 William SL, evenings. 1:25tfric SCHEDULE "A" TO THE NOTICE OF APPLICATION BY THE ONTARIO WA'T'ER RESOURCES COMMISSION DATED JANUARY 5, 1962 FOR SALE HOUSE, 3-bedroom, in Exeter, oil furnace, modern conven- iences, Apply 65 Siincoe St., phone 3382, 25c. THE INSTALLATION OF A WATER WORKS SYSTEM CONSISTING OF WATER MAINS AS FOLLOWS: Pontiac Sedan, stick shift, 6-cyl., overdrive, radio, one owner. Meteor Sedan Choi Eel Aire Sedan, body completely refinished Meteor Sedan, radio Choy Sedan, better than average '56 16 Property For Sale W, C. PEARCE, REALTOR 86 Anne St., Exeter 200 acres, Exeter, suit cash crops or cattle production. 200 acres, Seaforth, cash crop or livestock farming. 200 acres, DashwOod, suitable for livestock or cash crop, Highway 165 acres and 150 acres, Choice 143 acres. Sec before buying elsewhere. Some httnd- reds and three fifties. Hardware stores, genet al Stores, 'Muses, RUSS BRODERICK, Salesman Box 124, Phone 1187W Itifitfc 6 Business Opportunities '56 '51 FROM TO Proposed Water Treatment. Plant. Hill Street North Village Limit Centre Street Hill Street. 180 Fl. Westerly ON Easement at North-West Village Limit Hill Street Oak Street Easement 180 Ft, West of Hill Street Beach Street Huron Street Centre Street Centre Street Pine Street King Street Iluton Street Park Street Woodward Avant! Elmwood Avenue Warwick Avenuee Otteen Street Walker Avenue Walker Stfeet Oak Street Main Street North Elmwood A Venue Horent, Road Dietrich Crescent Gibb's Survey Area River Road Alberto_ Street Orchard Street Highway NO, 21 Green Acres Subdivision Sauble Road Highway No, 81 Gill Road MODERN HOUSE, 3,bedroom, partly firrhished, nil furnace, ti mile east of Grand Bend. phone 381'11. 25c FOR LEASE - Supertest ser• vice station and confectionery '54 store, on highway No. 4, Spruce, ,aa Grove, near Centralia Road., Apply R. W. Govigan, phone Byton 778 or 228-6261 Centrollo, 25;1:8c SMALL APARTMENT, unfur, oished, available in: m edi a tely. Apply The Times-Advocate. 25c Oak Street Beach Street Euro Street 390 Ft, Westerly Walker Street Centre Street Park Street Pine Street Woodward Avenue Queen Street Centre Street Xing Street Pine Street 210 Ft. Westerly Centre Street Main Street North Centre Street 300 Ft, Southerly Walker Street Main Street North Walker Street Hain Street North 120 Ti, N. of Oak St Hain Street North Oak Street Main Street North 210 Pt. N. of Main St, N. Main Street North Huron Street 120 Ft.'E. of Elmwood Avenue Warwick Avenue Highway No. 21 Highway No, 21 Government Road Main' Street North 360 rt. South, TahliWood AVentle 00 EL 'Easterly Elmwood Avenue 480 rt. westerly and Southerly Main Street North Main Street North Highway No. 21. Alberta Street 11,iyer TOO Lake Road River Read Lake Road Noi'tli Village Until South Village Limit Highway No, 01 Highway No, 21 Highway No. 21 720 Ft. Southerly Satible ROAd Gill Road Highway No, 81 1650 Pt. Southerly Apply BROD5k1cK BROS. Phone 277 Exeter APARTMENT, steam healed, newly decorated, new furniture, new TV; $100 per month for 2 People. Elliot Apls„ Phone 476. 25c - — - STORAGE SPACE, Mid or dry. Phone 71.0 Exeter. 1:25U/1c OEPICE, with extra ATM CO available, centrally located, Main St., Exam Phone Wit. Ham Parket, 710. 1:25tflic 8 Situations Wanted BABY-SITTING and housework r equired by Mrs. Dorothy Walket, Dashwood„ Box 23, 25c GIRL requires house- Work by the. hour, Pileile Ex. titer 71.5, 250 25* 13 Articles For Sale FOR THE VERY BEST in winter Apples, see Victor ad- lety & Sons, or phone 692W3 Exeter. We deliver, 11:30tinti FILTER QUEEN sales and service. Bob Peck, RR 1 art. lab, phone 14etaall 696r2 8:31 ant: 44.1t TRAILER, 46' long, 10' wide, Hollywood, fully equippe Plume 716, nights only', 12tfo C. V. PICKARD I-STOREY HOUSE, 2-bedroom, lint tend cold water, 3-,piece bath. Quick possession. W. C. Po.aroo, Bruce Refrigeration SALES AND SERVICE REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Wanted Live Light Fowi any quantity Campbell Soup Company Ltd We have dients prepared to buy, If you Wish to sell, see fis. 18 For Sale Or Rent PHONE 124 GRANh BEIsM SLAP WOOD, do. mixed, $30 _ 12:17tfe for a truck load. Apply "- - in writing to Robert EAgleson, SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED - nit 1 Allsa Craig, stating street thintediale service, a I av a 3) Manlier In town or concossioh available. Harold Buller, f-41' hi township, or phone Nairn can, pliOne BA 7.4254 or BA 7' 2324450 before 8:00 a.m. or be 4312 tellett, 5:9*tftle tween 5;30 and 7:00 0,1n. 6:Itthe ANYONE wishing Whitewash' - or disinfecting barns for ELECTRIC STOVE, used, btucelloms, coolant fallt Wata refrigeratoia$50; wringer ton, phone 37t19 Dashwood, washer, $50: TV set, $50. Sandy li:25*tfrie Elliota 444 Main St, 25e HOUSE;, 2 -becitoom, modern conveniences, in Oa n deboYc, possession iminediately, Apply If, C. lilittless, phone Lticon 2214656 18:23a We Also aolicit your business ter ally type of general thaw. ante. Property Wanted 100 ACRES of tillable. land in EXeter of Herisall area, 00- ferably with buildings, Apply 'T'in'es-AtIvOdate t EXeter, 130$ LTD, Including private hOuge totiettiong rid a water treatinent plant to be located on the, short Of Lake Huron rn the liorth.weg limit of the Village efirliplete with :intake, tereetia, pUiiipliettae, Sedittentatien tanks, thlerinatiOn altiiPtiletit And high.lift puniphouse, Cr V. PICKARD" :IttALTOR 394 Math. St., Exeter Phones 165 and .028 Listoweh OfitOia. PliOno 000 dolloct 01011$111111.11111111111111111.1111111111411111111111 TOTAL tSTIMATtD COST $371,175 00