HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-01-25, Page 10Centralia ladies host to attache's wife • 1 t of It ld t PVIC P (A)Mt fHtlIf•rgiiltiP CECIL GETS HIS \ EYES PROM HIS FATHER I) HIS NOSE FROM HIS GRAND moTHERd, Mrs. Don Wilson discussed -the study "The Church—Social Centre or Power House" at the Afternoon Unit of the newly organized United Church Wom- en of Main Street Church which met. • Thus& y, January 15. "Many new problems fare the • church today — the increase of crime arid dri king alcoholic beverages. the higher rate of divorce in Canada. the strain and stress of modern living, the lack of interest in teaching and Ira Mine children in Chris- tian living in the home—hut it can he a real power house to its people, its community and to the nation" said Mrs. Wil- son. She also spoke of family the noting that many people are more concerned about the standardS of living than they are about the values of living. Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer led in the devotional assisted by Mrs. V. Wright. Mrs. A. Willard. Mrs. R. E. Russell and Mrs. M. Grainger. - President Mrs, Ben Turkey - conducted the business when delegates were appointed to at- ; tend the Presbyterial in Clin- ton, Plans were made for the an- nual congregational meeting to be held on Wednesday, Tanu• ary 31 preceded by a pot-luck supper. Mrs. Grace Kellar and Mr. - Garnet S. Passmnre, both of Sarnia, were united in mar- riage on Tuesday. January 16 at Corinth by the groom's son, Rev. Kr, „Barry Passmnre. Mr. .Passmore is formerly from Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. ' Passmnre are now visiting with his retain vs, Mrs. Clara Hack- ney, Mr. and Mrs. Will Pass- more and Mr. and Mrs. ('lay- ton Frayne before leaving to spend a couple of months in Florida. Paws 10 The Time4-Advocale, January , 196 The air attache at the Turkish embassy in Ottawa, tained by some of the C.entralia. ladies. Pictured from Colonel Orhan 'Rilgin, and his wife were guests at RCAF left are Mrs. F. E. McLaren, Mrs, C. Lafrance, Mrs, L. Station Centralia on Wednesday, January 17. While H. Randall, Mrs. 0. Bilgin, Mrs. P. E. Sorensen, Mrs, Colonel Bilgin toured the station, Mrs. Bilgin was enter- A. M. Beach, tvIrs. A. L. Ashton, Mrs. G. C. Whittington. How to eat well in Canada should be no problem, for not only is food plentiful but the "rules of the game" are sim- ply outlined for us by the Ca- nadian Council on Nutrition. These are known as Canada's ahead of values Food Guide and are based on five food groups with recom- mendations for the minimum. amount of food in each group which should he eaten daily to maintain good health, Every- one desires good health for certainly most of our happiness depends on it. Milk Put standards Son of groom conducts rites Sign of Satisfaction! THIS 'N THAT By MRS. J. M. S. apples and other fresh fruits. Some in especially good sup- ply and reasonably priced are fresh apples, canned peaches, canned cherries, tomatoes and vitamized apple juice, So let's „Stratford, Knox Presbyterian Church, Stratford, Mrs. Millar was assisted in the worship period by Mrs. Jack Pryde and Mrs. Stanlake. Mrs. Bruce Cann and Mrs. William Amerongen favored with a duet accompanied hy Mrs. W. G. Cochrane. The newly elected president, Mrs. Clifford Ersman, presided for the business and paid tri- bute to a former member, the late .Miss Fanny Hatter and also to (he late Padre Earl Moore whose wife is a member of the group. Mrs. Aloir was hostess as- sisted by Mrs. Gilbert Dow and Mrs. Bridges. Mrs, Alvin Moir introduced the new study on British Guiana at the meeting of Caven WMS held Thursday afternoon. She outlined the early history of the country as it was yester- day and told of the develop- ment of the country, the peo- ple and church as they are to- day. A film "Guiana Tempo" was screened illustrating her comments, Assisting were Mrs, David Millar, Mrs. Carman Cann, Mrs, Norman Stanlake. and Mrs. Ken Bridges. Mrs, William Sillery gave a report of the Presbyterial held Caven society launches study All Our S IRIS 1/3 OFF SLIMS 205 OFF Skit .marks 'Thinking. Wee anniversary Plans were made for Think. ing Week of the Guides and Commemorating the ,65th an- Scouts, Februar y at th e niversary of Women's Institutes inili eeetsin outanittbile: Local Associa' a skit was presented at the lion o f. the Exeter Guides, meeting of ifili tuvin e Wome ws Brown ies, Scouts and Cubs in Institute last Wednesday after- Church parade. and service noon, depicting a typical meet- will be held. Sunday, February log of that time and ineluding2 and the tu6g S al oeinodocbalg Saturday, February 24. It was decided to make a survey of the .community to see bow many girls would be interested in forming a Land Ranger Company. Prospective leaders were also discuSsed. Co - chairmen, Mrs. V Laughton and Mrs. Robert Grassick, conducted the meet- Plan to observe ,s1 konOliwiiiip umtiikmotlimp oi itimMtm omfill I 101 eill11111111OIMIIIAILMOIOMItetlittlIOtt, COMPLETE SERVICE * curin g * Smoking * Slaughtering * Cutting * Frozen Foods * Meat at Wholesale * Specialties * Zero Locker Storage * Processing for Home Freezers MALCOLM THE MILKMAN make it at least 2 servings of fruit a day in 1962. Vegetables Vegetables are the third group and the requirement is one serving of potatoes a clay plus two servings of other veg- etables preferably green or yellow and often eaten raw. The pr ominence given to .pota- toes is to add some vitamin C, B. vitamins and minerals to the daily fare which a proper- ly cooked potato does very well, On the other hand the yellow and green vegetables are excellent sources of vita- min A and the lady who adds a turnip and a bag of carrots to her bag is ensuring her fatu- ity a rich supply of this vita- min. Bread and. Cereals Breici- and cereals make up the fourth group and they could be classed as consistent: foods for they are consistently ,good to eat as well as good for us. Meat, Fish or Poultry Meat, fish or poultry once a day is recommended for a.de• qu.ate protein, There is no doubt that this group is very important for health and also can put the most pressure on the food budget. For this rea- son it is good to be shrewd in the use of less expensive cuts of meat; to know that such items as broilers, turkeys and pork are lower in price than usual; and to learn to substi- tute eggs and cheese for some of the meat. it can be seen that, by fol- lowing Canada's Food Guide we can be led into a pattern of better eating and better health. It's not too late to make this a resolution for 1962. Use Peaches Thanks to a good peach. crop in '961 canned peache's are a good buy this winter and a good buy in quantity has been offered several times by our local grocers recently, Use them in desserts such as Peach Crisp, Cobbler, Short- cake and Up-Side-Down Cake. Add a cup of diced, well- drained chilled peaches folded into Spanish Cream dessert, It adds flavor as well as pleas- ing the eye. Serve, some of these desserts with a peach sauce. Peach Sauce In a saucepan combine tbl sugar, 2 tbl cornstarch and a .few grains of salt. GracIU- ally stir in 2 cups peach juice from canned peaches and cook until thickened. Ile:move from bent and allow to cool, Add 1 tbl lesion juice and chill, Makes 1 3/4 cups. Some historical readings from, the Tweedsmuir history of the Institute, Mrs. Jim Miller, Mrs, Ivan Brock, Mrs, John Coward, Mrs. jack Bern, Mrs. Harold Bell, Mrs, Ross Skinner, Mrs, New- ton Clarke, Mrs. Theron Cree- ry. Miss Ruth Skinner, Airs. Herne Delbridge, Mrs. Jack- son Woods took part dressed in historical costumes. During the meeting Mrs, Belt sang an appropriate solo and Mrs. Skinner played an instru- mental. Roll call was answered by bringing an item for the Tweedsmuir history and read- ing it, Mrs. Robert Robinson, Wood- hem, demonstrated the making of flowers out of tin cans. The meeting was convened by Mrs. jim Miller and Mrs. Ivan Brock, Hostesses were Mrs, Ha- rold Bell, Mrs. Alvin Fulton, Mrs, Charles Stephens and Mrs. Grant Skinner. Dinette auction augments fund Members of Exeter Kinetics held an auction to add to their funds at their meeting Monday night held at the home of Mrs, Calvin Wein, Guests included Mrs. John Deitz and Mrs. Harold Bonth. ron of the Hensall Kinetle Club. President Airs, Claire Hoff- man conducted the business, Mrs. Robert Noonan was ap- pointed fine mistress, Mrs. Ir- vine Armstrong won the draw. Assisting the hostess was Mrs. Les Parker and Mrs. Gordon Baynham. Religious film seen by guild A. film ''The Living Word" was shown by Padre Fee at the meeting of the Protestant La- des Chapel Guild of RCAF Station, Centralia, held last Tuesday in the new *chapel. The devotional period was led by Mrs J. Young assisted by Mrs. Wray Easton, Mrs. S. Gibson, Mrs. Al. Ha.ggart and Mrs. ;l, R. Lennox. Anne Fairbairn CGIT president Anne Fairbairn was elected president of the CGIT at the annual meeting last Wednesday evening, Other officers are: vice-presi- dent, Nancy McTavish; secre- tary, Yvonne Fisher; treasurer. Norma Young. An initiation service was held by the leaders ..for seven new members: Anne }tern, Shirley horn, Brenda Dinney, Darlene Parsons, Sherry Smith, Mary Jane Sandrs and Joanne Ten- nant. Mrs. D. L. Little led in a singsong . and the remainder of the evening was Spent in knit- ting afghan squares. Modern Beauty Salon 429 MAIN ST. PHONE 349 Haircuts - Styling Perms • Treatments Monday to Saturday, 9-6 Tuesday & Thursday Evenings Barbara Roth, Operator BRENDA BRENNER, Prop. La-'V-Esta BEAUTY SHOP FEATURING — The Newest Ideas in Haircutting, Hair Styling and Beauty Treat- ments SPECIALIZING TN — The Famous Products from L'Oreal of Paris, L'Oreal Tints, Bleaches and "White 'Velvet" Permanent Waves For Appointments PHONE DASHWOOD S7r7 Vesta Miller, Prop. to Sal— 9-6 Fri. Evenings Milk is the first food listed in the guide and rightly so, for it goes a long way in supply- ing our daily needs for calcium, protein and B vitamins. The recommended minimum and daily amount of this nearly perfect food is 21/2 cups a day for children up to 11 years: 4 cups for adolescents and 11/2 cups •for adults. This does not sound like much, yet,' on a per capita basis we are not meet- ing -requirements. Whether you take -milk• as a beverage or in other foods such as soup, chowder, cream sauce or pud- dings is immaterial. The main issue is to meet your minimum requirement every day in 1962. Fruit Fruit is the second food group in Canada's Food Guide, Some people still think it is difficult to have the recom- mended two servings of fruit er juice a day during the win- ter months. There is a wonder- ful variety of canned and fro- zen fruits and juice as well as • IPlans were made for the World Day of Prayer to be held 'March 9. President Mrs, At, 'McLeod conducted the meeting at which 39 were in attend- Hours — Mon, ance. Wed„ Thurs. and tit One rack at Half Price CAR COATS — Half Price IRWIN'S Ladies Wear • By EXETER DAIRY RON:VE'S EXCLUSIVE PRESCRIPTION Cold Wave "So Natural" THE ANSWER TO EXCESSIVELY DRY HAIR • * More Natural • looking Wave — An exclusive cortex-penetrating curling action, duplicates the inner structure of naturally curly hair, * Superior Hair Condition — A Lipidized con- • ditioning treatment during the entire waving process infuses natural-like oils into. the hair, ?..miloominiotlionituntotmotwoolototrolooloostilotffilsOnomtlillOoloioloilimoilioiotooloit HOOVER WEEK SALE GRAND BEND Evelyn Pratley Phone 18 For individual attention to your particular requirements CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY CONSULT EXETER Ron Pratley or Wreatha Sholdice Phone 356 HOOVER CLEANERS Special Prices BIG BUYS See them at Our locker plant is more than just a place to have your meat processed and stored in zero ,„ -lockers, We're keeping pace with this fast-moving industry and are making .our plant the Frozen Food Centre of this community. As frozen food specialists, we're equipped to Offer you all .o f the essential service's listed abOve „ . and we're ready and willing at all times to give free advice on any questions you might . have regarding lockers, freezers, frozen foods, irieat,s and packaging materials. RUSSELL ELECTRIC xater Fr zein Foods ' YOUR. HOLNEHOLD APPLIANCE DEALER mg SALES WITH SERVICE EXETER. PHONE 109 tiHar0 70 C, Motley 'Half exetetz, EXETER DAIRY PHONE Malcolm as kit say, shquid i 'cause he supplies the fasf weed itt PERFECT FOOD: rith, farm"fresh r delicious niilkl 14'e UW`u