Huron Signal, 1853-03-28, Page 1IlMelenelentermealiellnlelleMa.
h Printed 4. RANA14 every Tharreeiag
• in Cf1; -
°Pi Marifi SOWlfexcfogfria4.
ery• Hook and lob Pellegleritemited with
getintles maitilltetteh.
r4 Lithe. fisi;ent Siglial.-TEN I
SHLWSGSPV ehotned paid strictly ita
adroit*, or Twelve and Sia Peace WWI
t/milvi0,10a ti the yem. TEN SHILLINGS(
pal 8p, unless the publisher thinks it Ide
No 'gaper diecontinued until arr:rars are •avisee,i. $
adeadtato to& so.
.An indieldual in the country becoming
responsible far six eubseribers, shall, en.
ceive • geveolh v41011'1'1'
l- All letters addressed to the tikes!!
mdat be past -paid, or they will not be take.
oertel Aelleet *See.'
Terrassf lieee
under, first inaerbon, .4.70 2 6
Each subsequent nmenitte, 0 0 74
Teo lines and under, first inser., 0 3 4
Each eubeequent insertion, 0 0 10
Over tan lines, first la. per hue, 0 0 4
Each subsequent insertioe, 0 0 1
O l.' A liberal discount made to those who
advertise by the year.
Advertisements without written insfrur-
tions win be ,inserted until forbid. and
charged serardingly ; and no sdrerlisement
demeeeinited unpaid for at the time of vi ith-
deltoid, (sake by the commit of the pub.
VOLUM R VL AT TSB see Oa 11111 CUL
Thom Road.
(Weecof Mr. Thnutite Store.)
Dee. Illth, 1361. • velee8
Wen tinterre. Goetuticts,
18 prepared to furnish DESIGNS and
'a PLANS, on the moirt reasonable term.
Gockneb. Nev. 18th, WS. vitindt
Ita. P. A. McDOUGA
A N b� ennstilted at all I.
Al • . Le Puree, Bearding
( ioniser!, the lintiatt 11s1s1.)
,Goderich, April 29th:1852.
111 ARRISTER, tre
'64' inter, Ooderieh.
June 1818. Sven
NIFL Gott rioN,
eABINET MAKER, Three doors
' the Canaria Company's office,
street, Goderich.
Aflame' 27th, 1849. 2vn30
(One Aver West of Me. .J. Dossees.)
A LSO French Stays made to order, in a
42, miperior 'isle and At. nab:enable
BONNETS always hand.
Goderich, Dee. 30,h, 1831 w5n48
purr, at'
'IN AND COPPER SMITS!, next door
v5 to the Victoria Hotel, West Street,
Godcrich, ecesetanoly heed, u choice
stock of Traware, Cookteg aod Sex Roves,
• west. Le., which he will self et considerably re-
duced pnce•.
, The highest price paid in trade for old
topper, brat*, pewter, sheepskin,. calf and
beef Indef. feathers and rages. All kind.,(
n1 Merchantable produce taken in exchange at
Wes,. cia-h tomes.
Ooderreh, Feb: 19, 1852. s 5-44
- - -
A 1"PORNEY A1' LA AV, and Conveyer-
-4°s tier, Solicitor in Chacery, loc. has hie
a formerly in Stratford.
Stratford, Ind Jan. 1850. 2vn49
Aug. 366, 1832. v5
• (el
acy• Fan
... 'Oahu
n31 hese
1 their
VIORWARDER and Commission Mer
h.-- ; 8 c ha n t, hi tort hou.e hseei r, ger( r• I
id. I Ageet, for the mile of Wild Lands Cleared
dine Aerate, Goderich,
30 Farms, 11.tuseliold Furniture and Produce
of every dereripuon.
Office, text door, North of the Kinear-
klatch 24th 1852. . v3-89
-- ---
AN• Denda's hid Talhei-street. Leaden C. Wi-
t pposiie Ailkwill'ii flotel.)11 Corner of
*a' Beilsool Book.. Common sod Cleanest Book -
•1 Bindle's and Relies of every description Exesos•
• 1 ted on the Premien..
. IT Orders kor Accost I Books, from t h• Trade
or Country Merehanis, punemally iittetded too
a liberal ditreovet allowed.
.8 • Leaden. March 1851 4.4
------- - - -
Of tise Proaradings of the Mounausal Council for the United
Coursttes MOWS tiled Bruce,
arstotay, 1853.
Continued _Irons our lat.
that Mr. Walker be allowed to take his seat as Deputy Reeve
for Kiocardine.
4 Certificate of Township Clerk of rsborne relative 1.0 the
election of Thomas Lamb, Esq., we find correct. -
5 Certificate of the Township Clerk Kincardine relative to
the election of William Fraser, Esq., we find to be correct.
6 Certificate of the Township Cleric of Stephen relative to
the election of Andrew Walker,Esq.,we find to be correct.
7 Certificate of John Shaw, Township Clerk Goderich, we
find to be correct.
8 Certificate of the Township Clerk of McGillivray relative
to the electiou of Ninth Mammon, Ersq., we find to be correct.
9 Certificate of the Tolman; Clerk of Hullet relative to the
election of Jonas Gibtrings,*Esq.-correct,
10 Certificate of the Towu Clerk of Goderich relative to the
electioo of Wm. AVall me, Esq., we 6rel correct.
11 Certificate of the Townahip Clerk of McKillop relative to
the eleetioa of Robert Hays, Eaq., we fiud to be correct.
12 Certificate of the Township tllerk Stanley relative to the
election of Niuiaa Woods, Esq., we find to be correct.
11 Certificate of the Township Clerk of Wawanordi relative
to the election of Charles Girvin, Esq., we find correct.
14 Certifieate of the Township Clerk of Ashfield relative to
the election of Robert Davidson, Esq., we find to be correct.
15 Certificate of the Township Clerk of Colborne relative to
the election of Vt'illiam Young, Esq., we find to be correct.
All which is respectfully subinitted.
JOHN HOLM ES, Chainnea.
Committee Room, 25t6 January, 1853.
One door East of C. Craftiest Store.)
TOULD inform the inhabitants of Gode
rich and neighborhood that he is ere•
d to make to order or otherwise, anoyr
of Lade', and Gentlemeo.a Fine
ey work, in the neatest and ntost
enable style. And also furnish
y Boots and Shoes, to suit the me -
i cesaities of those that may *tor him with
eustum. 110 prier., will be moderate.
tdericb, July 22.h. 1852. v51,29
NOTARY PUBLIC, Commisaioner
" and Conveyancer, Stratford.
flY JAMES GEN7'LES, Goderic
1•4" Attentive Hostler, always on ha
Goderich, Sept. 12, 1850. rft-n
Barrister and dItteraiee at Law, aft
Guinaucti C. W.
ney at Law, Notary Public and Con
sneer. •
Attornee at Law, Solicitor 18C11
eery, Conveyancer
Goderibk, 17th Nevem ber, 1831
-- • -
• Office 27, Owtsdas Street,
e • LOArb C. gr.
August 16111, 1839. . s3o3
• [Markel sgreere, Codericki
A(IFIN1' for the Provincial Mutual a
General inserencii Office, Toronto
Also Achill for the Bt. Lawreee• Cou*
Altittial, Ogdensburg, New York. Le
•A .t-ct for Ssmuel Montano's Old Rochest
N torpor,. 'sly 1850i, 22
I public for the liberal support he hen met
WOULD return his thanks to the
from themduring reeid. nee in Goderiebt
nd and tome* by strict eiteation to bitches'.
to I,Il merit a share or their patronsge
ty At his ohl •tan4. one door East of the
cal Caned,. Company's tlfee.
er Goilerielo Sept. Mk. 1862. v51133
a• Welt of W. E. Grace's Store, We
Feb.19, I59. v5-rit
--- -
.Agerst for Ontario .Marixe 4. Fire Is -
surance Co.
JiNSURANCE effected on Houten Ship
ping and Goods.
All kinds of Deeds correctly drawn, and
Hooks and Accoome edjupted.
Office °mi. the Treasury, Goderich.
July 151, 1882. • -
livirozail 1E07E149
H- Esr .97`liEET, GODERICH,
(Nett the M.ttat Benere,)
UGID Aniornmodations for Travellers, arid
am attemiva Bowler at ell times, to take
• ms
harel Tame.
Gederieh, Dec. 6, 1850. 43-tf
rirmers' 'Mutual Insurance CO.,
CAPITAL $1,000,000.
VZRA IMPKINS, Hamilton, Agent for
4-41 the Counties of Waterloo mid 11114111.
August 27, 1850. 3.16
qUICR' Loudon Rood.
y Mt.
EK, Boliettor in Cbsry,
lac. 0111e• : Oe term Reildinee, Ktneetlt
•-• ASerkloyaet..Lier, Converreeer, ke.
',penults the Gore Sack. and the Bank of
British North Amence, Plamityroi,. 4 10!
N. 1110LESWORTII, , t
�7 V1I. ENINNEER end Prcivieetal IAnd
Serveyon Goderieb.
.April SO. 1861. vee 11
S, Wine Iderchaels, Fruiterers
I and Oilineo, No. 17 Deeds, Street,
London, C. WI
1518 1852. va-na
Anceiontan, le prepared to attend Sales in
asy part of ibe United Countwe on the
0101 ral terni.. Apply at the Frit
Dietitian Court office, or at his house, East
Street, Godencb.
! N. B.-Gonds and other property will be
• received to sell either by private or public
.11anoary 8,1859.
17: & C. H. BUHL,
MA NUFACTURERS of Hats, Caps and
4e -it Fancy Film Wholesale and Retail
Dealers In Fere, Ettiffelo Robes, Deer Sk
Glover, Mittens, 8tc. &c.
Cailt Paid
for Ism
The highest price paid, at all 11 '-pi in
Cash, for ail descriptions of Shipping Purs
P. & C. II. BUHL.
Deeroft, Michigan, Aug. )Sal. v8n98
HAVING donee the putt ere years net.
ed In 'the capacity of GENERA r,
AGENT for the eollertion of debts, desires
it to be zonerally understoon that he will
accept the Agency for the collection of
does in say part of the Upper Province, be•
t wren robourg is the 1:art and L.8. Heron
in the West In m.1uag 161. len0O6er
Meat, he would beg to express his thiniks
to ,his friend., for peat favours, tied Boar re-
toWlfully eolseits a noiliputince of the
All enrarentuestiost nn hnala•ea, 'Wren
*a (Post mild) th Ayr P. ().. North Dem
Nee, C. W., will be promptly •ttended to
April 1, 1851. alto 10
NEXT door to II . B. ()Tensor's Store,
I W..* tstroot, tiodizneh. Clothes made
repetred, and 1111,0e Mee twe tie aim -
est Malley, and meet liberal terms.
December 1rd, 1831.
igVETIOHRIIN *rimmed to attend
St!- ern/Pett a "1°144" *
47,wIltieth Orlititrati terrine,
tityserev4 thy toic 14114 a
f DT N. 60, in the Maitland Cameo
oLa atom of the Toweelop ef. newlertelt,
oetaieteg /37 aerie or ihe Met Med, el
hieb so are Motored and well 1410e04. We -
lad oe tbe betake of the .lit," Nititt•..t
AllIdtti 60 Oeikefeli. Move to is ex_
ilitteet mei amf Bars ee tile
11 Itarijf lee eleteMit to, ee- es,;sd
MI free the !fernery A Upollaktie Clet-
tree. Fee memo osipis to the As
SAW 'S&L lact MaK W4'
f11*OS4g 3F
OW_ ,16* WA,. to Pewees
'1441144. W."41. afilit:It
tito wth o ne
• ,
Of the Committee appointed to report on Railroad matters.
Members of Committee :-Messes. Holmes, Wallace, Woods,
Flanagan, Hays and Lamb. John Holmes, Esq., in the chair.
Your Committee having taken into consideration the docu-
ment submitted beg leave to report,
• No. 11 Copy of a Reschition of :he Buffalo, Brantford and
Goderich Railway, relative to interest on paid stock, your Com-
mittee beg leave to say that we approve of the above Resolution.
All which is respectfully submitted by
JOHN HOLMES, Chairman.
Committee Room,
January 27th, 1852.
Of the Committee appointed to report OP1 the erection of
a Court 'louse and County Offices.
Members of Committee -Messrs. Hays, Fraser, Holmes,
Woods, Wallace and Johnston-Ninian Woods, Esq., io the
Your Committee aeconipanied by John McDonald, Esq.,
Sheriff, having inspected the Court House would reconnect:el, that
a door be opened into the kitchen yard thr0000la the boundary
House be converted t
wall. That a window lookin into y d from t e Court lever
door, an means 01 C0131111/111C11103 by
staus down to said kitchen yard be made, thus obviating the he-
eessity of going through the Gaol to the Court House, and reu-
dering the approach much more easy --also that three large Ten -
6. made in the ceiling (one over the bench)with correspond-
ing ventilators to the sides of the dome loth a view to carryelf
the foul t p . 001d this recommendation be adopted by to,
the Council, we would further recommend that the Clerk be in iatiy,
trotted to write to the sheriff and state that as sooe as the Coonci!' year no
have official intimatioe that the Judges (who object to the Court !o( Bid
House ill its present state) will be temporarily satisfied with the r and oto
proposed improvements -such improvements shall be carried into I And it
All which is 'respectfully submitted
Committee Room,
January 26th, 1853.
Report Referred to its the foregoing Report.
To the Warden and Rteres of the United Counties of Huron
and Bruce, ia Council Assembled.
Gen,tleineu :----I hare bees notified by the Chief Superisamideet
that a bOs was sent to the County Clerk, contaimug reports
reniders, &c., forth. use of Schools, the readiest way of distri-
buting, them is, for each Town Reeve to take a &utility for his
l'olvuship, and send them to the different schools. If sou uoder-
take this duty I trust you will have them sent to the,, places
wig hot t much delay. When books fc.c., were seat the eater way
last year, some of the Town It eeeee coeteuted themselves with
taking theta {UMW, and made no effort to send them ally further.
trust that tios will not be the case this year, 1 have furaialied the
County Clerk with a list, who 'rill deliver them and take the ne-
cessary receipts.
1 wish to bring under the notice of*8.Council the subject
Of Ae,litely talsca tor school inomes, lebelieve that heretofore no
bonds bare ever been taken from Suh-Treamirers by the County
Couocil. By a referrence to the 4th Clause of the 27th Section
of the School Act, you will see that it is the duty of the County
Courted to take proper se•mrity Croon all offirers to scLool
moneys may be enti usted, it may be urged that a Township Tiea-
surer‘s bond to the Local Council, applies to all money passing
through his hands, but even if so (which is doub(ful) it would af-
ford no protection to parties who might suffer from the mis-
conJuct of a Treasureorizoto Trustee* or Teacher, we will oust -
poor the rase of a Township Treasurer wbo receives an order to
pay a ponion of Sthoorosoury to • simsSehool us another Towo-
ship,but lietaket it io Ms bead that it is not right to let any money
leave his map township, and the local Council connives at or open-.
ly approves of Lis disobedience, where is the Security of Teach-
er or Trustees? 'Ile Township Council may have bonds but they
are not ol!Irged to prosecute. Township Councils are not the
ro;.er parties to take security for school mosey. There is
other question connected with this subject, do Sub -Treasurers
quire re-appomtnient every year, or do they require to take
oath as Couoty officers. Tlie Uouoty Treasurer might be
ected to take hoods to his satisfactiou before delivering the
re/intent money to the Sub -Treasurers, this might be. done by
il without much trouble. I trust you will give the subject pro -
attention, and that the looseness, heretofore existing, will be
longer tolerated.
Whie on this subject I may state that as there is always a
eien..), in the Assessment part of the school fund, oo ac-
nt of non-resident taxes net bring paid. Anil as it is the
y of t be Comity •:f reasurer to pay such deficieney
anticipation of its being colhoted, the Sub-Trea-
rs might as well pay'it at once nut 01 18. County rate and
rge it to the County Treasurer in their settleincot. I can
ao use io carrying motley to Goderich and then carrying it
k again, it ouly creates delay and keeps teachers longer out of
r pay.
also wish to bring utder the notice of the Council the ein-
assment under which Trustees often labor, by not receiving
alffs. levied by a &heft/ Seaton os 003-reodent lands. -
en a free school is established the tax must be laid on all rate -
property whether resident or eon -resident. Trustees cannot
arge their teacher until they pay him hisdull salary. When
ctioo tat is imposed by a township By -Law Trustees have
ower to sue non-reoideets, neither can they impose a fresh
o residents to make up a deficiency which is olready lctied
ot collected, this operates as a serious' obstacle in the' way
e school., and often involves the trustees in trouble. 1 know
where the taxes of School Sections we.e retured to the
ty Treasurer in December 1351. And altithught the law
res the lands to be advertised in three roontho uo to a late
no steps bad been taken to enforce payment. I do not wish
u d •-
the t
a se
ao p
tax o
of fre
to be
Islaing to convey a censure oat the County
'f rea•uret, I have no doubt he has acted for the hest, but what -
may have heretofore been the causes of delay, *nis you
agree with me that the time has now arrived when this ano-
midous state of things should no looser be allowed to exist, and
that you will in future see that the law is promptly and stnctly
enforced. It is hard that teachers should be kept out of their
poor pittance for an indefinite length of time to :suit the conceal -
enc. of non•resideots. 1 have alao to bring L ' e of
uncil another subject, viz., the danger of losing the Legis-
School f :rant on ;....ectunt of the school monies oldie previous
t being properly audited and acknowledged, the 'Covroship
dulph lost some school money last year from this rause -
er Townships were threatened with the loss of their money.
is only because the Chief Superintendent did not strict'
Of the Commatee rtppointed to report on School matters.
Members-Mesers. Hays, Fraser', Woods, Johnston and
Holines-Rebert Hays, Esq., in the Chair.
. Your Gominittee haring examined the several documects sub
*teed. beg !cave to report es follows: --
20 The letter of the Chief Superintendent of Education rela-
tive the alteration of the School Divietions we Inc happy to find
that the Township Councils hare discretionary powers to alter
School Sectioes.
42 The petition of tbe inhabitants of Schools Ssetions NO..
6 and 7 Kincardine praying for a portion of the government
grant, your Committee would recommend that the same be refer-
red to an explanation of Mr. Rath the Lneal Superioteedent with
the view to have justice done in the prernisee.
54 Being the Report of the Local Superintendent of Schools.
1st. That the Superintendents suggestioo with reference to the
iistribution of books be comolied with, with regard to
he charge conveyed in the remaining part of the misties,. your
aureate, are not aware that any books were given to the
reeves for distribution.
2nd With reference to the taking of bond% from suit-treaser-
ts, we beg leave to my that this cannot be accompltehed with-
er mut% trouble to sub -treasurers residing at a *steatite, and es
y the school le* so remuneration is allowed to eitheethe Cove -
Treasurer tie to mie-treanetrers Meetly &ity performed! by them
school affairs, we are unwilling to •receremend this additioeel
Hen, which if Township Municipalities perform their -elected'
operly, is neneeesaary.
3rd Relative to mho& taxes oe 'Metope Medi, we would rte -
mimed that the coggestioe of the Local Simeneteedeet
esephed with, and winsill elm reemensited that any emcees peed by
It -treasurers on the orders of the Leta' Superiateedetut over and
ve the amount received front Collectors for school pompoms be
counted for by the County Treekieer as cosh received Nose
4th Relative to the auditing of wheel ramie' weeid revue -
semi that the Township Auditors he appoieted Comity Auditors
for the piwpase Anditieg school emeiee, sod that the severed
Torrareeves me 18ot the saw lin dos.., mew as pew
sod tint •Me. 8. fiwohissti re the County ' :tort with
tle delay se slisollitcoidt- Ow in flown is owls row ether the sol-
diers are isielelled iele eLa, they be required to perilous•sieM.
Int duty.
1.o -r -s, papa that the Loral Suporiateedeet too
tins Swiss of Ws saw so issitesit, sod hope Shot 4044 be
sestina in oSes ogee fie owoodsil wheel lem, he will boor lout
slew 000neor.
AI saki* is otoposthily sowIllott.
14: Atheintrills, how.
WAS lo; tint ovarcs4h.
Cowontie Reser,
Jamseire 274,
a -
enlurcet elaw that the money was received, but we have no rp-
son to oount oo this lenity always, besides, it is just u easy to do
btsiness right as wroog. Were the County Treasurer, to pay the
money there, wroth' be no difficulty, bur when Sub -Treasurers Inc
employed there arises a dilliculy that the law does not provide fcr,
vix.,Counly Auditor, must either travel the County to inspect
the Sub-'freasurers books,or the Treasurers must send their von:b-
ent andbooks to Goderich. As the law makes it the duty of 'roan -
ship Auditors to publish yearly an abstract of ths accounts of town-
ships, 1 think the difficulty might arc obviated by their sending the
County Clerk a Copy of their alistract. Township Authturs Act
under Oath as well as County Auditors and I do not ,see why this
should sot be sufficient. I would recommeud this course to be
adopted and I will bring the subject under the notice of the Chief
Superintendent on the 31st inst. 1 think he will either tie satis-
fied with it or make a provision it in Ins new School Act.
I have Lad an oiyorturtity of knowing that SOME nt the Town-
ship accounts for 1351 were not audited 161 the middle ot Sum-
mer or till Hear the close of 135-2, I would take this occasion of
earnestly urging the different Town Reeves the necessity of har-
ing their accounts au:lei:di proper time. An1 if VII take an in -
in your respective 1 eivoships and
at Grant for the year I hope
T. 'Last year a By -Law possed
rs to do it, but very little attention
t if each Town Reeve will m k ht
!errst. in promoting educst
wish to ensure the Govern
you will attend to this matt
requiring the Stb-Tressu
was paid to ties By -Law, b
self personally interested in the 'salter it can easily be done, there t..atmg 115
IS • aecemity for its being dope. io the riAht tune, as the County' pate he
modest on or before tbe 1st .Nlarch.
Clerk has to send a vooy of these aostracm to the Ch,..1
It was my intention to send my rest,oation at :bre fore:in:4. (..:""u1,1oe'er
Ciumitil, but the mosey trauma tioas rise year are sot yet clog ..1, I et.cikil:
set of 35 reports received there is not me eorrece,1 will bent to I be
take them arened.strutioure the register.. **re into the 8.140 ea t
affairs *teach la•C1144 and correct the report. myself, the e tios
also several contested trustee electioes to investioat• an! &cid!
ea, am" • report to make to the Chief Seperintealeat on whi h
progress of adecatioa daring the past year me the operatifig ca'...
whether adverse er favorable hem to he Wooed, the above se hissi-
sets which. ate oll'appeiete.d septientioodeett meld est take le 4J of
properly, 1 will therefore cosiest impel( et presort with scathe;
to the Council " that I have had a eerreepoodsoce resiatato
both with the Chief Sopertatertieet arid throughout these CO011 •
ties, the *gloat sod labor of which I h.4.o curie** when al..-
ept.ted ()See, thet the .chole I hare had is 'Wit aro sestuareil ever
a distance of 20 se.le• along the Lek. Sine., that it hes ledien to
my 101 (0 aimed alt the neeeliege *the Comte Bleed for tbe ire•
sanitation of teachers, that 1 have hem very poorly rikeenereteill
for all thea labor, that although Ile &Moe of the elle* ere reamed
by the late School Art, the pay Mail tee little. aed *Let seta roe
provide a &teem eatery you will have as iecouyetiret Sopdstiew
testiest of a freak ems every year.
Hoping that 1 have am tired yoer peterees by this loaj teller.
Be of with you sow know,
That it's on y capling you are;
With “cheelts Imo the rose's *oft glow.
And ethics* more bright Oen the star !
'1' • tree that my ivalst is hat emelt,
Ant soy ring'ela may cla.,1 I* the vine;
But Pou not likeies angel at ail !
Nor am 1 the lath bit divtim
So he of swab von nowt -d a't weer
You're deluding fioin two one' dawn t
My s may he bootiliag and freer,
But I'm 00( 10 the leapt like a laws !
But't is as ever the method we know;
Nine. Adam and Dien began-.
That bosoms were sore to be snow,
And a eks were of course like the swan !
Come, be off with yen now till you 'care .
To woo IA* a plain -hearted youth:
Let •oer mad, if you love me, dteeern.
Tu win, you mart woo ino with truth !
I would rather ! of these Sewers,
In ',loch yea are ever so rife -
That you p...mised to love me all hours,
As long as each other had life !
Hewn tate, his love not soiling,
Call'd at many a tnitilen'e dwelling :
None could rInubt, who raw or holm them,
tilymen's call to welcome them.
Who'll boy Illy 10110 knots 1
Who'll buy wy love kno• II
Soon as the /tweet cry resounded .
Hoe his baskets were surrotinded,
Ail at that sweet cry iirsenibled,
Some laugh'd some blmbard some morn-
Who'll buy my love knot. I
Who'll buy toy love hoots /
Maidens who new first dreamed of trying
1', nee gay knots of flyinen's
Dimes a he bad set to watch -hiss
Paseing bv, but ne'er could catch bins.
Who'll bey, nay lose knots I
Wbo'll buy midair. hue* 1
"Here are knot'," sail Hymen taking
Some lose* dowers', "Love's own 111410r"
111411SM gold onna,--you may lanai. them,
Cr•eao courne found ready cos(ion,)
Come buy my love knots !
Come buy my lore hauls !
Some are laboll'd knots to tie men,
"Love, the inaker-booght of Ilymen."
Seats! their bottom w -re co,n, lewd
When the nymphs all c•ied 'we're cheated!'
13..• three swers-sthey'r d ooping sadly;
Ts.i. Enid knet, too, ties but badly :
Who'd buy such love kouts
Who'd buy such love knots !
Even this tie, with tom'. same armed ft;
Alt a sham -be never bound it ' •
SU MEM I a wbolat-intaimatio
wafts to the owatimu" are reammler ad
'making Mooneloommte inkaingeoes
If Sebeershere mime the diseoetiesiiiied
4r1 Owes paper; the pebbilsor Mar arielliara
ee send thews toll all errearares are Paid.
I(8,8..,6,,. magleet or realm to toke
their pipit from tie office to which thie
are throctird, (hay are held responsill'e till
tie, have oettiod that, um% •nd ordered
their papers to be tbscomilairod.
Betwieriliere remove In other prices,
without Worming las pu b'i Ind the
paw to sent to ihie former direction, tl.ey
aro MINI roepooroble.
. -
The meeting of the Germantown (near
Philadelphia) -Farmers' Club was holden at
the house of Pleb? 1i.. Freaa, 011 the 23rd
November. lie is the editor of the Cr/ -
rricsatoien Telegraph, • warm and active
(need of agriculture, horticulture, &c.,
and tlid originator of the Club. Though
his whole plot of ground comprises less
than two acres and a half, yet he manages,
to produce upon it in perfectioa a little of
everything. Those who are stenos for
snore laud will do well to read Isis statement
carefully, sad ioquire whether it would not
be wiser to cultivate their preterit acres
better than to add M their number. The
reporter at the meeting states iii the Tele-
graph that, during the present year, there
were cut two lolls and a quarter of prime
hay ; there were patches of turnips, car-
rots, parsnips, beets, cabbages, (three
kieds,) uoions, peas, freiole, and a half -a -
dozen other kinds of beans; oaloify,lettace,
okra. cot, (Stowell's Sugar, and Adam's)
potatoes, pumpkios, (three vat ieties,)
squashes, tomatoes, egg -plants, asparagus
in abundauce, celery of splendid quality,
toge,her with ahnost every kind of veget.
Able to be fumed io the catalogge. ilia
s consist of melons, six kinds of cher-
five kinds of plums, peaches, twenty_.
varieties of select pears, twelve ra-
t of apples, red, white and black cur-
, gooseberries, blackberries, and four
ties el raspberries, grapes, &e., &c.
ie garden and naansionyard there was a
choice collection of flowers; among
many select roses and rare vines.--
ornamenta/ trees cononts of fire va-
s of the fir ; the Japonica eryptomaria,
eodar cedar, the Irish yew, and the
icau arbor vita; the European 'Mika,
gar and the silver niiples, the English
/mutate ash, &c., &e.
addition to these, there was a number'
utile! Polish fowls, black, white and
led; and pea fowls in the baro -yard.
pond in the garden, end a large nuns -
choice fancy Morons at the house.
his there is au excellent taste di,.
We notice that the house and
were lighted by gas, warmed with a
and storplied With water from the
works. Bitha, hot and cold, have .-
rs beeo supplied by a reservoir or au
d back building. holding some fifteen
digallnns, which has ifs i formatted
ft ram water, for various parts of
tire garden is a small grefothouse,
fed in the groan! say to the
three or four feet, framed up *1 11'.
iced it couple of feet above the
and covered with glass. In this
e or pit the usual shelves are ar-
o receive the pots; and we are as -
Major Frees that it is the best
provision for Lwers and almost
scription of plant, in winter. Ro-
cularly, flourish ie much greater
n. During the whole or the last
severe winter, but a single deli -
t bloorning jessamine was at all
the frost. Tais green:muse re -
artificial heat. In the botbei'e
iocumb Ts and cadiflowers tio,
ad ng, and spring radishes full-
AVe may truly say in regard to
graph Farm," that Itis a farm in
and in comfdrt, coovenicace,
without any large pretension to
y elegaoce, it M a pattern "plan-
ed would, in the full growing seo-
compensation for a visit from any
derous fanners. In a word, it
trict sense of the word a borne.
-Aero England Farmer.
It i. sail that al else, t.1 mon are at ern
,huellbrial.tlalalf,esrautels/ipha.yl of account, tuan tar•
1140.11.1 euustraratively
.raivicy'llitiam1;:tuepintn"; maGace•eeYsillibs"iicn°eneic'easepreareve,-"-
the door or window *herrn being 'ho day-
book and ledger, and a bit of chalk their
g. hy should they not keep
geed book secorlit 1 0 *111 1-1
ey lab Whether fartn,ng to rno-
rnaflong '1,0,0 in .1e51 1 T....
IJ elifirS h1-4...11 .11,11h the mle-
Coat of hie lar,II, w *4 wh.t He
14.111, br,.1.,•••11.13, lit4 .1, laic.
in short with .,•nry out go,.
is farm with b-nertnente, in
tiara, peodoet .41, so 1 •VOrr
OS*, If bt the end of lee yes?,
on, he vn:1 at *set here the
of Meowing neve the money
&one umsert.kie thus and con -
de •nd got tecooragol 'With
es of the debtor side and give
...., hy not li-ineert /WI or-.
melee prri .1 b 4,41
ritanJ lees thee oak whet .1,
sod manhole e fa dy. A
*moms, Isis pity for mob homer
'whir neenv, how he Aso&
toe may menet. A min heist
wee, and knowing correct
ems pre eta. I; whet ha eau do.
In ll
the i.)
aed in
of 'bee
bea firll
Po all t
for yea
pure, so
the buil
depte x!aiaz.
reaancloesurd t
Love, who saw the whoin pro:Scolding,
Would have Isugh'd, but for go el breeding; .3
1 psit)rssiedb117
While old I lymen, who was used to
Cries like !hat these dames gave lease to, l every de
c....ily eted "there'. no returning
pail SesrfePcItrioli
Wares on Ilymsn's on! mot:oleo," '
era-tmoo.-... .or uuusualy
-All the words of dignity, •tate, loOSOUf
TOM 01101, Or 001 WORDS OR DiellITT ca.temith
inpird tiy
C01.1100 00 he addiiie•l tirerently ), dc'. we AMAMI
and pre-eminence. vtIlf1 SG0 remarkable es. i'llAires no
*rend to us from the Normans•-hsvereign i lettuce be
sceptre, throne, realm, royalty, Piolnagil. grown.
ortnce..litlip, cotlf11. ("eat'" indeed, is te, wool,
Scandiriasian, though he moot borrow los
1 minature ;
••eolintese from the N•trnian), ehanee.lor I d ,
,reseuier, palace, culla, half, dome ,soJ • , en a"te"
remarkable exceprinn,of 'king" would make
inuilittidn more. At the melee
ration," a
,1,01 it,. 0,..... I more C0.1.1
claimer to bo in the toghtful Lai uf it•
ole,.,, did we know nothing ef the actual son, altord
foci. suspect hat the ehieftam of this rul• / of our poo
ing race came Ifl, nut maim a new title, not I it, in the s
.1 over-hrowing • former dyne.' b -
steseteenun; that the true COO !foully of the
natt..n Ind not, in fact, any ni tre. thin ID
mord, been entirely broken, but iturvire 1,
in due tone to assert itself iniew. Ariel yet
w iile the ataie:ier miiieratioctiire of the
1 invitee, • most all' art icles to •le tory, all
t tat has to do Penh ine cli.te, with chival-
ry, with Personal 'dorm/wet, is N omen
t iroughout; alit) the broad baste of the
laegusge 4111 Ibef....ore 01 1/1111 ,110 1
iitherriee. 'rho go -at o.atures of fissure a well atoar,
may have ceme to us litho the Norm s. hut , roiends for •
wtheat,,,ari,mt,,..,theisrmo,u.olni.fitteftpti:a„r:: 1.11.1,1.1e: If:, l'elt 1 titoz eel su r t ii le
101::4;ef4ltrtir'a tin- :int herTlib.ii‘i 11.1"L'Ill" allodd 1 Ueirefilit' "li rreiraint 'Uro.61:::
His "bend" ehd utter, probably it was an I 'tonna tor of
10 the Noma we o vie far dearer naus,e, lite ,' Ifeu.Affinft• g
It me, the tweoth, toe li mei, 184 r.u.t..... I and c„.1,, 8
! has 3051'.
11111TC, 1.4. a Wore 11014111abl411 ti•tallA4 tiiae blecooss. r
he oloo,o, moms." l'ia sturdy stole 1 ite (Mot ah
torn (1.t soil; As 1. 11bO 8 Wr, IA. churl; or learisteeeinn
11.1 5o ioliN:hr 171:60'nn't:It.e orliti. nsee"..,:eeeforotirlowa;i'd *mu , it • wli
rii .re • tole of epprobrotin end c mu/asp', ' 11ko appegr.n
III " 1.•..• 'era7tes; urbierunin.:14,1:1.4-Nigh1:08 Ceklek e"071nto• reatd"..
el priegn I 13 AM Ishir,/..E.: SO ea.,. to liar
ilia prn I eels 11 the 51111, 1• eanchesnic
.n.rate; of doe' lee. ec,:e belrt.11::10.8-11 .a.ardillaa%861:7
Manaf,,I 111 kl.aabor." thst the I
, here hod it is not 11 1, I , on a axed Inc
•Ic to o oofvc. •.el W. Scott I.S. lee.a.alre. lin
... I ..
.tectsati os tato the in 41111 Of •..0 ig a a Aura.,
i. . .riat 111. an I .n; se they aro a
1., to e $axon, hat vibes ilrceemi Gall pre
eared tor r * serious* N ,rtn.n,-s feet
limed Isom bye I "401 re, • oic 'feted he - I tie so opt idw
1 •f111111-4 (41' MO ICI ... And had lite rbara• ji.,141.04. ow.,
so I.....,It•g en 1 ty dia : them bit or..4 ibis s.theee. ego,
I .4.5 obir.. It. 44 t 11 lute of his Norman, nelibb le wit
I. LI Toe% wt. steer, eow, er• B.soes • yeast's** •
tiiit apertrie N..rinvini or ii is erveraily with
a anew ail perk, nee „ p '4 irenevois. sea
p5! ni. 8 ,e.,,, I , 0 , set 89 • It whiee niey
ewe ever hem e..M. 1.1 OM% Me meets re
I ne my* eiteeptmn. Pont", all Ohs to.
go her emit touch were 0( 55... mune Moil
wheat might be predireot bri a iii bitty Wee
.bilicate4 bete. we etimi'd imitate, palm
'bat setailaLthent are ortentfeat trletee ee pee.
•••••4 to mar 'sievo. et the stamen her.
log knee ler a **sae ma 1114•1/0f, WWI IMMO
ise op emettal rare, fhb syahis viliamen le ad
&nee iik, however overtire gee ••bifei tied
et 3 mole goo.: thou el.,* hi toe te• witti
gretsalerefli of the eloot mime ea of tee
*Am lusgwage; itiel to tee Jimmie et Me
mmeleelate stl ether enter* Itelitetil a •.4
tbe pretreat ereial eosin/eel ef Negleml,
mown t. leterteg seetiosee
I have the hewer to be,
Year moot *lett rearit,
Wit PATH T. S.
, U.
• 1•
haying pert seppo.t, boymg a port
.ad htetoneg Myth Au gargeilieso m yet,
Age ee aaa Ina or kiv, it emu on
on lan ht. bn .84 soorateol?....
ay • In mate torehere and ie-
periotes motor, Ithme4111 W1.1
woe lers Oast bre listened
1 My w heat heed 41 detes'
ot herome rich. 11 lid 811 ew
alliweb be browned th•t he eh mid lows ao.
ball ow a Hunt ef it . Bet eh) Al bit charge
.ilk, 8,t,.,'. em.% 16114 flf..f MI I.
sittb lirserowl 8.r..0*....,
nem where b • hose se guise. 7e...4e•m1
sad *hoot la. (maw pree.., he tioms I
me /Ste Manor la a est IVO, sad Nitsht
P15.7. 6•4 that he Ited iloss• hk• ansigtevre
impoosee It is a (lod eami se ha* e
rimisimeeJnivi br.41 a Narami eye., rtris
th• le wheat, mkes, be made
the • ineftee411.e)Pme at elms sig.
je lore* Ode take. denaeoran sir.,,,•„
I. 01'e.r,.se,s. 1111 pleseset
loek ever utak b he* esti stftee
It Ott frol es se
104tatial V.alleark. •
were ewe t 110 ter
:MAWR* witiavo.,--Captsio Seesaw Ira
semeimed S3. ss8ts isstionios ow to
blIsh a wormooly of Sin sow Woo
,k lbw* ills dinumwors sows
a k,
ID. A.
ek.: ta.011611.111..