HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-01-25, Page 8Pap!: The. Time.Advocate, January :1901 CENTRALIA CADO RECEIVES TRADITIONAL RETIREMENT MUG FROM CO • • , G/C L. H. Randall honors S/L A. P. Puttonen at farewell mess dinner •ft•i-O:i?i••• CE fetes asx.w.m. Report on •""P',.•te Topics from Mt. Carmel Puttonen Shipka A mess dinner was held at. RCAF Station Centralia. Friday to pay tribute to Squadron Leader Allan 0. Puttonen, chief administration officer at the station since August 1958, who officially r e t I. r e d from the RCAF this week. He was presented with the traditional mug by the com- manding officer, Group Cap- tain L H. Randall. The mug was engraved with the com- plete service record of Squad- ron Leader Puttonen, This con- stituted a recording of 19 promotions which he received during his colorful career. S/L Puttonen enlisted in the RCAF in August, 1940, He was released from the service after the war but re-enlisted in May 1946. He served at RCAF units at Trenton, Ottawa and Glares- holm, Alberta, prior to arriv- ing at Centralia, - As chief administration of- ficer at Centralia, S/L Put- tonen has been the director of most station improvement. Re- novations to the Airmen's Soc- ial Centre, 'Airmen's Club, Corporals' Mess, building of a curling rink have all been projects greatly influenced by his capable guidance. S/L Puttonen, his wife Chris- tine, and son Michael plan to settle on the west coast of Canada. S/L Puttonen's de- parting remarks were "If ever in the Vancouver area, don't phone us, Just look up the ad- dress and walk in the door. We'll be pleased to see you." "Do you realize your wife is telling everybody that you can't keep her in clothes?" "That isn't the half of it. I bought her a home, and I can't keep her in that, either." Personal items Mr. and Mrs, lim Clarke ac- companied by Mr, and Mrs. Joe McCann of Clinton were Sunday visitors in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. John Lovie, pollard Line, and Mr. and Mrs, Jim Prance of Grand Bend visited Sunday with Mrs, M, Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baumgar- ten spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Brown at Both well, June, Janet and Kevin Dat- ars spent Sunday with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Love when their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Datars ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Max Tiedeman were attending the hockey game in Detroit. Mr. Robert Adams is able to be out of bed this week after an attack of mumps, Mrs. Wil- fred. DesJardine has been help- ing in the store. and family, Centralia, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Jr. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie were: Mrs. Nellie Whelihan, Lucan; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Simpson and Tom Jr., also Harold Kilbourn, London, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Gouds- ;ward and son, London, visited 'on Saturday evening with Mr, and Mrs, Laverne Morley. • Mrs. Gordon Morley and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dale and fam- ily, Stratford, visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Sr. Mr. Morley is still confined to his bed, • Mrs Norman Hodgins was. in Grahlybh Friday visiting Mrs.' Ethel Squire and Mrs. Helen Hart, BOB'S FINA &RADIATOR SERVICE "GHLIII.E4R -" It's a great pity that things weren't arranged so that an empty head, like an empty stomach, would not let its own- rest until he put something in it. far*Mes v--------- SAYS: : FACE POWDER MAYCATCH: : A MAN,BlirflAKINOPO'ilDERI: IS THE STUFF THAT HOLDS HIM a • • I OP 0 to to • • • • • Mrs. M. Dalglish buried at Ottawa Mrs, Margaret Dalglish, 63, of Exeter died at St. Joseph's hospital, London, Jan. 9, 1962, She had resided at Ottawa and Sydenham prior to moving to Exeter last August. Surviving are, two sisters, Mrs. Edna Wellum, Guelph, and Mrs. Nellie McClean, Ottawa; a brother-in-law, Percy Skil- lings, Exeter; two nieces, Mrs. Gar Myers, Grand Bend and Mrs. Jean Procke, Ottawa; two nephews, Jack Hendley, and Frank Mitchel, of Ottawa. The body was forwarded from the' T. Harry Hoffman Funeral home for burial in Beachwood cemetery, Ottawa. • la u II ti!(Ji 1 10 )J11/%11°' II' 110 lir 4rt 17;1" "Harold is finally lifting a. hand around the house," FINAL CLEARANCE 12 'Arrow Brand White Shirts R EACH 9. KNITTED SPORT SHIRTS BY ARROW SPECIAL 30% .OFF Sweaters sSIL Sport Shirts HALF PRICE 5 Topcoats Half Price Values to $55.00 As low as 24.95 Suburban Coats Reg, 19.95 114.98 alper's MEN'S. WEAR PHONE RI' EXETER Only 3 Days Left to take advantage of Our Free Pant Or 20% Off Suit Sale Our great suit sales end this Saturday. You can still choose your new suit at a big saving from Canada's best manufac- turers. TIP TOP TAILORS WARREN K. COOK REX' NASH TAILORS W. R. JOHNSTON VARSITY CLOTHES Buy The Best Now At Less! You'll see savings everywhere you look throughout the store Outstanding VALUE offered in this GE Automatic High Speed DRYER No Heat' Settings To Adjust ... No Timer To Worry About Automatic Control adjusts drying time and temperature. Big capacity washer load. Safety Re-Start Switch. Wash-and- Wear De - Wrinkler. Illuminated Dial. Metal. Lint Trap. Magnetic Door Latch. Counter Height and Depth — fits like a "built-in". Automatic Fluff Cycle. Damp Drying. THE PRICE IS RIGHT RUSSELL ELECTRIC YOUR. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE DEALER FOR SALES WITH SERVICE EXETER. PHONE 109 SEE IT, BUY IT at The snappiest of convertibles in the elegant Beaumont series—designed for the fun-loving driver! Two Smart Station Wagons with loads of room for all the family and their luggage tool Three Practical 2-Door Sedans equally smart, equally at home in the city or on the highway! Dashing 2-Door Hardtop designed for the young family—or for the young in heart! • TEN MODELS—•2 GREAT SERIES THRIFTY INVADER, ELEGANT BEAUMONT. • FRUGAL A. OR SPIRITED G.GYLINDER EGONOFLAME ENGINES. SILK.SMOOTIf SYNCHROMESH OR OPTIONAL POWERctIDE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION • SPARKLING moot OF COLORS AND TRIMS. • OPTIONAL POWER STEERING, POWER BRAKES, POSITRACTION REAR AXLE, • CANADIAN IN NAME, CANAINAN IN STYLE, CANADIAN IN CRAFTSMANSHIP. ........ . Derek one that right •:•••••,7,:tre:!:$2:4: for YIN! lnvnder 2-Door Sedan ..... ..... .. . Beaumont.. Convertible GENERAL MOTORS NEW FAMILYNSIZE CAR! • Invader 5-Passenger Station Wagon Whitewall tires optional of extra ens/ Beaumont. Snort Coups three Beautiful il-Deer Sedans that will carry yoitr family every- where in superb style--yet wive you money every mile you drivel The biohwhie Crest of etaiidias .... ...... • • .• . . ... . .. 4,13iiar A GENERAL moTorts VALUE MAKE YOUR CHOICE AT YOUR ACADIAN DEALERS To Ift fine and see "114E tOMMY Ameabst SHOW" ati the CSC TV network on Odcley eVeningi. Cheek focal listings lot dhannel and time.... A.0620 PEARSON MO TORS ,LIMITED EXETER Pontiac Buick d Vauxhall .• GMC Trucks r Bedford Vora ZURICH Guisi dernonstrations feature WI program Personal items Mr. Benny Morrissey of Lon- don called on his mother, Mrs. Gus Morrissey Friday evening. Miss Mary Lou McCann, 'Nfa- ry McKeever and Eleanor Die- trich attended the ''Prom" at the Motherhouse in London last Friday evening. Mrs. Laura Glavin spent last weekend with Mr, and Mrs. joe Carey and family. Friends of Mrs. Abraham Desjardine are glad to know she is up and around again at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wil- fred Hogan. Mr, and Mrs. Clem Boland and family and Mr. Joseph Die- trich visited last Sunday with friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Die- trich and family spent Sunday last visiting their daughters at the motherhouse, Topics from Elimville Ey MRS. ROSS SKINNER !"• personal items Mr, and Mrs. Don Crich and family .of Clinton visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Howard Pym. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Routly attended the 25th wedding an- niversary for Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hogg of Thorndale on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson and„family-.of Kirkton visited on.,Sunday with Mr. and Mrs - Chas. Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson of with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ste- phen. 'Mrs. Wm, Routly attended. the last WMS executive meet- ing last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs, Sutter of Clinton. She was accompanied by Mrs. Russell. Balkwill and „Irrs. Rohl.. Southcott of Exe- ter. Mr, and Mrs. Ashley Smith of Exeter visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. John Rid- ley. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fulton and Larry visited on Monday With Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Philke of Moncton, Mr. and. Mrs. Russell King, Wayne, Ruthann and Eugene of Crediton, Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Parsons, Susan, Gail and Debbie of Hensall, Mr, and Mrs. Horace 'Delbridge, Bruce and Fred of Winchelsea, Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cooper on Friday evening. P L.” The ili.mville YP'U held its meeting on Sunday evening. Mr. Fred Delbridge had charge of the program as- sisted by Larry Lynn. Mr. Bri- an Hen led in a singsong and Rev. 11. C. Wilson gave the study. A toboggan party was planned. By „141?.$,, C ,71.)1TON The meeting of the Women's Institute was held on Wednes, day evening, January 17 in the c9n1111,1MitY hall, The Vlee-presi- dent Mrs. Earl Neil had charge. of the business, Roll call was :answered with "A Product of a Canadian In- dustry 1 a..".1 wearing", R was decided to have euchre parties. duhing the next three Months. The program, with Mrs. Al Smith_as chairlady, included poem by Mrs. -0. Zwicker, The motto ".Success depends on back bone, not wish bone" was given by Mr's, W. Gaiser. She said "Success does rest-on how much back bone we have. ,One, who is spineless and does not stand up for what he believes, is not a success", An accordion solo was given by Judy Smith. Reports of resolutions that were presented at area •conven- tion were given by Mrs. Ed Lamport, Joan Smith gave a very in- teresting address on 4-H club work pointing out what an op- portunity all young girls have to become good homemakers, good leaders in community work as they learn how to sew and the proper uses of food, fruits and meat, also first aid work, home furnishings and gardening. Joanne Martene and Jean Krueger gave a demon- stration on table arrangements using fruit and also tasty. snacks with raw fruits, dif- ferent kinds of cheese and crackers. Karen Fink-beiner and Judy Boulianne demonstrated how to make a fruit cocktail with all the different kinds of fresh and frozen fruit. The hostesses in charge of program and lunch were Mrs. A. Smith, Mrs. G. Zwicker, Mrs, M. Beaver, Mrs. W, Gaiser and Dr. Lulu Gaiser. Teen Town Teen Town was held Friday evening with a good crowd, Chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. Emery Pfaff and. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Varley. There will be no Teen Town this Friday night on account of tin teachers' banquet. Crediton UCW The first meeting of the United. Church Women of Cred- 1ton United church was held in the church basement on Thurs- day afternoon, Tanuary 18. Mrs. H. Lightfoot was in charge of the worship, Mrs. Sam King read the scripture. Mrs. R. Reid gave the second chapter of the study book, "Signals for the Sixties," Mrs. G. Zwicker, president, conducted they business for the afternoon. It was decided to have a bazaar in the fall also the congregational annual eeting is to be held on Wed- nesday, evening, February 7. Mrs. R. Reid and Mrs. C. Kenney were appointed to help arrange' the World Day of Prayer service, Personal items Miss Sandra Finkbeiner, of Aylmer, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al- vin Finkbeiner and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hilborn and Cathy, of ilanover, visited over the weekend with Mrs, Ezra Faist and Nola. A successful euilting by the Ladies' Aid of the EUB church took place last Tuesday in the Sunday School rooms, The quilts will be taken to the Res- cue Mission at London. A good crowd was out to help, Rev, and Mrs. F. M. raist, of Kitchener, spent part of Sun- day and Monday with the for- mer's mother, Mrs. Ezra Foist and Nola. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan •Grigg and family, -of Dashwood, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd. Gaiser, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wade and family, of Hamilton, visit- ed over the weekend with _Mr. and Mrs. John Wade and John, Brenda Smith, of Hensall, visited over the weekend with Jean Krueger, Mr, and Mrs.. Lorne Presz- calor and boys visited on Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. William Priestly at Byron, Duckworth, of Goderich, visited on Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs, Ross Krue- ger and Jean, Mr, and Mrs. Wilmar Wein and Barbara and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Finkbeiner spent Sun- day evening with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Green at Mitchell, Message from. Blake y .MISS EMMA Fthtt,AY- Mr, and Mrs, Roy Erb and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis .Gingerich and .families visited on Stinday with Mr, .and Mrs. Earl Oesch and family .0.•Blake. Mr, Lyle Stokes of 411.$4 Craig, called on Mr. HArpid Finlay, Jim and Margaret on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs, Ephrtam gerich, Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Gingerich, Sir, and Mrs. Wil- liam and families spent with and Mrs. Amos Sunday• Mr.• - • • Gingerich„ Blake Men.nonite and Zurich. Mennonite churches enjoyed a skating party on Friday Coughs and Colds B NYLIN 4 oz. 85c 8 oz, 9,50 MIDDLETON Drugs ,z7 PHONE 235-1570 EXETER