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PLAN TUESDAY NIGHT MARCH—Hensall marching mothers hope to raise $500
this Tuesday flight when they stage a one-hour canvass of the village for the March
of Dimes campaign. Hensall Kinettes are being assisted by a number of mothers
in the canvass. Committee in charge includes, from left, Mrs. Ross Jinks, supply
convenor; Mrs, 'Harold Knight, finance; Mrs. John Heal, recruiting; seated, Mrs, Jim
Hyde , chairman, —T-A photo
Page 5 January 25, 1962
and district news
Mrs, Maude Hedclen, Phone 5
Mrs- Archie Mac G regor, Phone 56
Family honors Mr, and Mrs, Robert Baker
Mark anniversary
-4 one shot-Affair."'
"Bather," she said, "it is a
continuing process which vi-
tally .needs .coninuing public
support. This year we are aim
of nearly 300 Ontario col-mu-
rales taking .part in March of
Dimes month; That is why I
am asking the full cooperation
of everyone in .our -commu,
.Money colleeted through the
Motlers.' March of .the March
of. Dimes is used to provide re
habilitation services for ban,
dicapped adults throughout on.
tario. it is administered by the
Rehabilitation Foundation for
the Disabled — one of -Can-
ada's outstanding voluntary
organizations in the health
Through the foundation, dis-
abled persons are provided
with prosthetic devices rang-
ing from orthopedic shoes to
artificial arms and legs, res-
pirators, wheelchairs and other
appliances, T h e Foundation
PrOvides highly specialized
training in using the applian-
ces with which patients have
been fitted. Patients also are-
trained in acquiring new skills
or redeveloping old ones ap-
propriate to their new potentia-
lities and limitations.
After treatment, the founda-
tion endeavours to help handi-
capped individuals to take what
is often the- final step of re-
habilitation — that of finding
wage-paying positions in the
right kind of jobs.
will he able
still gain economic
to themselves;
Some of them
find jobs for
others will
28,ounce tins.
• •
Duncan Hines Layer
Cake Mixes
Cavb V A. 0
1/2 ',5. La. 494 Cottage Rolls
Liver 8 "' PC1Rk
Club Steaks
Pork Chops
,Minced Ham
1-0 2 9 4
La 75c
La 49c
COIN cik
lc Sale
Buy Liquid Pink Vel,
for 87c, Get Giant Ajax
Cleanser for le, soit4 FOR
Pastor born
Mr,,and Mrs. Robert. Baker, table, fleet/rated with an anni,
Hense), eelebrated their gold- versary cake WI Vases of gold
pit Weddirig htliv.ersary Satur- Mums,
clay as .guests or honor at a The couplo received a purse
faintly dierier al (110 home of of money from the family, as
Mr, and Mrs. John Baker, well as gifts, flowers and many
congratulatory messages.
Seventeen sat down 'Co the Mr, And Mrs. Baker took up
residence in Howl( some 14
years ago, moving from Hay
They are the permits of 13
children.,.. Glenn, London, Ans.
tin, Stratford; Mrs, Adel))
(Wanda) Wilshn, truccrield;
RAM, Jr., And Meade, both
of Calgary; Bruce, Kingston;
Mrs. Alphonse (Betty) Grenier,
Zurich; Mrs, William (Clara)
13 w li, Zgniondville; Mrs.
Bruce (Irene) Tyndall. Chin.
ton; AIM, BM, Murray and
Mrs. Grain (Gladys) MeGreg.
Your Choice
Initiation rites
for Explorers
Mrs. Ross MacDonald crin •
ducted an initiation ceremony
of the. Explorers of Carmel
Presbyterian Church Thursday
afternoon in the Sunday School
Initiated were Janet Booth-
ran, Lois Wright, Faye Troyer,
Marjorie Schwalm, John Shea,
Alan Armstrong, Douglas Arm-
strong, Charles Schwalm. They
were presented with their red
stars, Explorers pins, and
membership certificates and a
picture of Jesus "Follow Me,"
Worship was held .followed with
hobbies and games.
Bill Fuss, president of the
Kinsmen Club attended a pre-
sidents meeting of the Kinsman
Club at Delhi over the week-
Members of Hensall Kinsman
Club attended a meeting of the
London Kinsmen Monday eve-
ning to return the "Raiders
Trophy" which was presented to
them at their last meeting,
The CKNX barn dance held in
the local arena auditorium Sat-
urday evening sponsored by the
Kinettes was successful with
over seven hundred people at-
Mr. Percy Smale of Wain-
wright, Alta, is visiting his sis-
ter, Mrs, W, R. Stephenson.
Miss B. Rusk of Toronto is a.
guest with Miss Greta Lammie.
The annual congregational
meeting of Carmel Church will
be held Thursday evening, Jan.
Annual congregational meet-
ing of Hensall United Church.
will be held Monday, January
29 preceded with a pot luck
Letter to editor
-CoritinOd from page 4
Public Schorr) Act Section oil
gives a, public School limpet-
tor final say as to which school
children may attend. Why de
school offitials favour a school
in tine village any more than
Is centralised corittel roplac.
ing the demoeeati System
when sonic PtIfiils CIOSe by a
Sabel, Are felted to attond
Other sehool?
Interested Topayer
'Hensall. Kindles will appear
on CFPL-TV "Act Fast" Sun-
day, January 28 at 6,30 p.m.
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Chap-
man and sons were recent visi-
tors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Ford in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bell and
family visited with the latter's
parents, Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd
Ballantyne, Thames Road.
Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLaren,
of Toronto, spent the weekend.
with. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Chap-
man and Mr, and Mrs. Archie
Mr, George Thompson and
his brother John left by jet
Friday morning for St. Peters-
burg, Fla., where they will va-
cation for two and a half
Messrs. Lorne Hay of Hen-
sail; Vic Hargreaves of Bruce-
field and Orville Workman of
Kippen, left Friday morning by
jet for St. Petersburg, Fla.,
where they will spend three
Mrs, George Walker left by
plane on Tuesday, for St. Pe-
tersburg, Fla., where she will
spend the winter months with
members of her family, Mr,
and Mrs. Donald Walker, and
Mist Olive Walker, RN,
Mrs. Emma Shepherd is va-
catoning in St. Petersburg,
Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett
and Al and Airs, Edna Cor-
bett attended the baptismal
ceremony of the former's grand-
son, Robert Joseph, son of Mr.
and Firs. Robert Chaffs of
Mitchell (the former Connie
Confer degrees
With an attendance 0(.115 the.
100E Ledge of Hensall held an
initiatory degree tot, Hoot)
District 8 with a class of nine
candidates put on by the Past
District Deputy's Asseeiation,
Hensel], mothers will canvass
the town Tuesday evening,
January 30 or the March of
Dimes campaign.
Airs. .11oWard Scene, chief
marching mother, will be as,
ststed in the canvass by volun-
teer mothers including .Hensall
Kinettes, who are organizing
the drive.
The canvass, lasting one hour,
will begin at 7 p.m.
"Because so many women
have volunteered their services
for the one Mothers'
March on Tues., night, Jan. 30,
am -certain that this year's
drive will be a tremendous
success," said Mrs. Howard
Scane, chief marching mother
for Hensall in a statement this
"The response of the women
"Name a new industry and its
Mrs. Winston. Workman com-
mented. on the motto "Nature
never spoils her work by being
in a hurry," and the topic,.
"Prodpction of Sunflower Oil
and its use," was given by Mrs.
Harry Caldwell, Mrs, W.
Broadfoot attributed a poem
and Mrs. Arthur Varley con-
ducted a contest.
January 26 was the date set
for a euchre . at SS 9, First,
vice-president Mrs. Wm. Bell
conducted the meeting, Mrs.
Ken McKay was co-hostess and
Mrs. Robt Fell convened the
Lunch . committee was Mrs.
Harry Caldwell, Mrs. Stewart
Pepper, Mrs, Grant .. McLean,
and Miss Margaret McKay.
Circle to treat patients
The Arnold Circle of Carmel
Presbyterian Church meeting
at the church Monday evening
decided to present Valentine
boxes En the patients at the
Queensway Nursing Home here,
Mrs. Gerald Bell and
jobn Baker conducted the wor•
ship period and gave the study
on "British Guiana",
Reports on calendars were
presented by Mrs. Roy Bell;
treasurer, Mrs. Harold Bonth-
ron; secretary, Mrs. John Bak-
er; Glad Tidings, Airs, Gordon
Schwalm; Home Helpers, AlrS,
Roy Bell; Cradle Roll, Mrs. R.
A, Orr; cheer box committee,
Mrs, Oi'r and Miss Hannah
Mrs. Ross MacDonald and
Mrs, Trevor Wilson will be
hostess for the February meet-
ing,. President Alm B. .Beaton
cendutted the meeting.
Unit sets time of Meeting
The Willing Workers Unit of
the Reesall United Church
Women met in the Sunday
of Hensel' has been truly gra-
tifying," Mrs. .Searle conti-
nued." If the rest of the com-
munity shows a similar gene-
rous response when the mo-
thers call at their doors, the
1062 campaign of the March of
Dimes will surely achieve its
objective, I wish to offer my
personal thanks to all who
have agreed to help in this
most worthy cause,"
She added that the target
sum for the March of Dimes
ca.mpaign. in Ontario is $650,-
000. The goal set for Hensall
area is $500.00.
'Explaining the importance of
this annual campaign of t,11,.
March of Dimes, Mrs. Seine
commented that helping the
disabled to a new life of use-
fulness and achievement is not.
independence. through the ex,„
pert assistance of the National
gmoloyment Service,
Ye for A tragically large
number,. .complete AnSWOr
)104 not yet been found. Many
of them, must face the. grim
fact that they cannot cOMIlet0
fully in today's highly geared
world of work. The foundation
is therefore rapidly .expanding
its orograni of sheltered work-
shops to meet this need at the
leeal level,
These services and projects
are made possible through
funds collected in the annual
Mothers' March,
"I want to em,ph emphasize that
the help given handicap.
ped is - not a privilege ac.
Corded to them," said Mrs-
Scene, "but a great need which
must be met. But the demand
for this kind of help still ex,
(:eedss, the funds available. , It
is for .this reason that I again.
urge all residents of our com-
munity to give generously
when they Are approached on
Tuesday night,
"Our 20 Marching Mothers
are, ready to act in behalf of
the handicapped. I know the
residents of our community
will not fail them."
in march Tuesday eve
Personal items
James Mustard celebrated
his 89th birthday on Wednes-
day January 24.
Mr. and Mrs, Rodger Ven-
eer enjoyed the premiere per-
formance of Do - Re - Mi at
O'Keefe Centre, Toronto while
Visiting friends and relatives
last week.
To reach 102
next Tuesday near Varna Mrs, Agnes Baird of the
Qucensway Nur sin g, Home,
Funeral services for the late Hensall will celebr at e. her
Rex'. ,lames Alvin Keys, DD, 102nd birthday on Tuesday, ja-
were held from the Bonthron nua.ry 30.
Funeral Chapel on Monday, Mrs. Baird was born in Stan-
Jan. 22 conducted by Rev, Ross ley Township on the farm on
D. MacDonald, with interment which her grandson, Stewart
in Bayfield cemetery. Baird, and his family live. She
Sir. K e y s, 76, di e d a t the has one son, Torn Baird, Bruce-
Dearness Home, London, on field-
Thursday, January 18. He was Mrs, Baird is confined to her
born and raised on a farm near bed but enjoys fair health.
Varna, completed high school Personal items
then taught for several years Mr. and. Mrs. William Hed
before entering the ministry in den of Niagara Falls, who spent Toronto. He held .pastorates in a few days this week with Mr.
London, Talbotville, Woodslee, Herb Redden, returned to their before moving to the States home on Friday, where he preached in Oakdale,
Knncora, N.Y. and 'Mag.
ara Falls, N,Y.
Upon moving back to Canada
110 held pastorates in. Arthur,
St, Marys, Stratford and Shake-
speare before, retiring in 1955,
Mr. and. Sirs, Keys lived in
their own home in London be-
fore moving to the 'Dearness
Surviving are his widow, the
former Margaret Ross, at the
Dearness Home, one daughtrr,
Mrs. Ross (Mildred) Orr, St.
Catharines, two sisters, Mrs.
john McAsh, Varna, and Mrs,
Annie Reid, London.
Hensall personals
WI appoints 4.H leaders Mrs, Johe Spearmaii, 80, or
gippee East Women's Dresden, *timely of
title; Meeting At the 1101110 of died in C11411)6111 General
pre5ident Mrs, ,lamas Drum. vital on Wednesday, tali, 17.
niond on Wednesday afternoon, Mrs, Spearman suffered A
Jaiittary 17 41)N-infect AIPS. W, fraetttred hip in a fall recent.
.1. F. Bell and Mrs. Verne Al-
derdice leaders of the 4-H Club She is survived by one son,
whose project is "clothing,' /Wield, And two grandehil,
Sewing material to make py, dren, Joan and Jaelc,
Jamas, nighties arid bedjaeiceta Services were held ifriday,
for the War Memorial Cltil> ho, in front the liblites fun.
dress Hospital, London, Wits oral home, Dresden. With
or, all of Hensall, handed out to different, groups riai in Dresden cemeteey,
Thoy also have ;11 grand. and the 12th group wilt Make
ehildren and three great grand. Mutt tor the hosPital, Vie
children. call was answered with
Brother floss Cluswell of School rooms of the church
Peecton, Grand Master of Friday afternoon under the
Grand Lodge of Oetario, And leadership of Mrs. Edna Weeks'
Mother Roy Langton, Grand group with a roll call of 42,
Musician, were present Also A poem was given by Mrs.
Brother Gerald McFall's of Weeks.
Exeter, Grand Conductor, Ales, Robin AltAllister was
0010r ViSiintrt were. Present secretary for the meeting,
from London, Exeter, Bruce, Several suggestions for raising
field, Seafetth, Goderich, money through the year were
toh, And Brussels, diStittSSOd,
Brother Ross Chiswell pro- It was decided to have meet
sented Bro, Wm, R. Dougall of ings the third Thursday of each
'Hensel!. Lodge 223 with a 50 month'
year Jewel, Mrs« J, .Spearman
Chiselhurst UAW
begins program
The United Church Women of Mrs. Harold Parker; member-
Chiselburst United Church held shin, Mrs. Clarence Coleman;
the first meeting with a good nomination, Mrs. Robt Boyce,
Attendance, with the new pre- Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Ross, Mrs.
&Meet, Mrs. Percy Harris in Percy Wright, .Airs, Ed Dick;
press Mrs. Russell. Brock; pro-
Mrs. Brock and Airs. grains, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Par-
Clarence Cole m a n conducted tier, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Boyce;
the worship period and reviewed social functions, Mrs. Brock,
chapters of the study book, Mrs. Alvin Cole, Mrs, Jack
"Signals for the Sixties." Airs, Brintnell, Mrs. Coleman; sup-
R. Taylor gave a missionary ply, Mrs. Boa, asst, Mrs. Par-
pr a y e r and Mrs. Campbell ken; Communion, Mrs. ROSS,
Eyre, two poems. Mrs. Cole; pianist, Mrs. A.
Rev. Currie Winlaw received. Ross,. Mrs, Robt Kinsman,
the new slate of officers for
1962 and discussed the function-
ing of the new organization.
Plans were made for a quilt-
ing bee and pot luck dinner Ja•
nuary 31 and also a pot luck
supper at the annual eongre•
' gational meeting Tuesday, Jan-
uary 30.
The inaugural service of Chi-
selhorst United Church Women
was held Sunday afternoon al
the church service conducted by
Rev, Winlaw.
Installed w e r e; president,
Mrs. Percy Harris; vice-presi-
dent, Mrs, Harold Parker, Mrs,
R, Taylor; treasurer, Mrs, Ben
Stoneman, assistant, Mrs. Al-
vin Cole; recording secretary,
Mrs. Tom. Brintnell; asst, Airs.
R. Taylor; Christian Citizen-
ship, Mrs, Wm., Brintnell, Mrs.
Earl. Kinsman; Com m u n i t y
Friendship and flowers, Mrs.
Roy McDonald, Mrs. ROC.
Kinsman, Mrs. George Boa,
Mrs. Campbell. Eyre; steward,-
ship and recruiting, Mrs. Clar-
ence Coleman, Mrs, Robt, Par-
; Finance, Airs. Earl Kinsman
(chairman), Mrs. Harold Par-
ker, Mrs, Ben Stoneman, Airs.
Clarence Coleman, Mrs. Torn
Brintnell; literature, Mrs. Alf
Ross, Mrs. Edwin Taylo r;
manse, Mrs. Tom Brintnell,
5 F
Stafford Jams
Cherry, peach, pineapple.
Wagstaffe Jams
AND JELLIES (Added . Pectin)
Choice Pineapple
Crushed or Sliced, 20-oz,
Choice Tomatoes
White, Yellow, Supreme,
Coco-nut Surprise, Chocolate
Prem. Crackers
Salted or Plain, 1-1b, pkg,
Ontario No. 1 50-pound bag
Potatoes 79c
Florida No, 1, 96fs
Grapefruit 10 rdq 49c
No, 1 Cello Tomatoes 14-oz, pkg.
Tomatoes 25
Your Choice
Van Camp's 1.5-oz.
Beans with
Fancy Quality 10-oz.
Aylmer' Peas
Campbell's Tomato
or Vegetable 10-ox,
6 F $1
Aylmer Choice 20-oz,
Cream Corn
Niblets Whole 14-ox.
Kernel Corn
Culverhouse Whole White 20-oz.
• Ai11,1%V..
Sweet Pickled
We Are in The
Rodney 4110 Gary Oats That Will Make Seed
Montcalm, Betas and Parkland Barley Thai
Will Make Seed
Bring. in your samples and, we will bid
you a price.
We will have contracts for Seed Oats and Barley,
also contracts for Malting Barley.
W. G. Thompson
Ex. Sons Ltd,
it i !mit I el II11111111 MI II 11 lit I I I I III11, 11 U!I I I t I It 11E111 I I 111111ifill WI IMO U11g111t,t11,111t !I 1 110
Grapenul Flakes, Sugar - Crisp,
Alpha-Bits, Oat Flakes (Regularly
Supreme Bread-Butter 16-oz,
Clark's Fancy 48,ox,
Tomato Juice
Libby's Fancy 1S-oz,
Fruit Cocktail
Libby's Cooked 28-oz,
Playing Cards
Vick's Vaporub
Johnson's (Regular 7Se)
Baby Powder
Colgate Fluoride (Reg, 67e)
TIN •/74)
Post's Cereal
Your Choice
F $1
Dr. Ballards
Dog Food
Beef, Chicken or Liver
15-ounce tins.