HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-01-25, Page 3nut just happen. They, are the results of good planning, lime in; and workmanship. Weether will always be a controlling factor but anything we can do to cushion the effect of ad- verse weather will help keep us in. a better growing position. The grower plans four to five years in advance where he is going to grow peas. The aut- umn before the crop is to be planted fleldmen from Cana- dian Canners Limited take soil samples which. are analyzed in our laboratories, From ,this we recommend the Proper fertili- zer to use for optimum pro- fits. "When planting is in, pro- gress the fieldmen give spe- cial attention to proper depth of planting and good covering of the seed. "In order to give the pea plants the hest opportunity to• grow an attempt is made to kill all weeds which grow in the "The peas are mechanically cut, harvested and loaded _on !reeks end, rushed to vining stations And canneries for threshing and processing, "Meetings ,are held with the growers during the winter, first to get better acquainted and secondly to discus's problems of mutual interest." Illustrating the Articles are pictures .of 'Brupe Arnold, the plant's agricultural assistant, ,and Jack 'Faber, on the seed drill; Jack 'Urquhart, head field,ean, checking depth of seed; Walter. Westlake, spray• ing pea field; Jack Bell ope- rating a pea cutter and Man- ager Don Graham checking plant blossoms, Centralia church chooses officials HENSALL Unit organizes At the first meeting of Mrs, Ernie Chipchase's Unit of Hen- .sall UCW held in the church Monday evening, Mrs, Alex Munn was elected secretary and Mrs. Jack Simmons, treasurer. Projects were discussed for raising funds and a Valentine tea was suggested with a hat demonstration at the same event. It was decided to meet the third Monday of each month, . Bible study was taken by Mrs. Don joynt and the wor- ship period by Mrs, Currie Win- law. Mrs. Chipchase presided for the meeting. Mrs. 8. MeCrae conducted games and Mrs, Winlaw and Mrs. ,Toynt were hostesses for the social hour, Plan birthday party Mrs. A. Orr, Noble Grand, presided at the meeting of Amber Rebek•ah Lodge 349 on Wednesday evening. Arrangements were made for the annual birthday party of the Lodge to be held on Feb- ruary 7. Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge, Seaforth, are invited guests, Airs, E. Chipchase gave a reading on the .founder of Odd- fellowship, Thomas Wiley, Arrangements were made tot' euchre party on March 7. 4 Guide corner • ••••;.v..,.i.:i.f.sssiizormx.„,...• By LINDA JOHNSTON The meeting on Thursday commenced with the 'forming of the horseshoe with approximate- ly 30 in attendance. Few were successful in pas- sing tests. Those who did in- cluded: Ellen Robbins and Anne Creech, their stalking Lho• sition.s and woodcraft signs; Karen McArthur, on whipping a rope; Debbie Johnston on bus schedule. Come on girls, keep working! Games were enjoyed by all. Campfire followed, The Guides were informed of the sleigh- ride party planned for Thurs- day, January 22. They were divided into two groups — the first, the younger Guides, leav- ing at 7:30 sharp, The senior Alvin Pym says: Today I'm especially proud to be a Manufacturers Life man because my Company has reported a record amount of benefit dollars paid out last year. These "dollars with a heart" that represent food, shelter and clothing for thou- sands of families totalled 568.018,07 in 1961. welcome the opportuni- ty to help you guarantee your family sufficient "dollars with a heart - when they need them most, ALVIN PYM P,O, Box 603, Exeter Telephone 671-M Representing tfiL MANUFACTURERS l""A"Ct LIFE COMPANY 1 1 2.4; “NINNNINNN.NN roar NIONNINNINfoomounNomoNINNNINNININIINININININNINININININNIIIIIIINI ist. Mortgages * FARMS * RESIDENTIAL s* COMMERCIAL Industrial Mortgage & Trust Company Contact our Agent; JOHN BURKE LIMITED PHONE 963 Real Estate, Insurance, Mortgages EXETER . NONINNINNNwnwtmetilmumNINNINNtilimnimioNoostnImmiumunotnifimmomitm ttttt Highest Prices PAID FOR MONICALM and PARKLAND barley that will make seed We Art also in the market ilor RODNEY' Ai GARRY OATS, SPROUTED WHEAT, MILLING WHEAT AND WHITE BEANS Act Early and CONTRACT YOUR BARLEY now, Centred Barley Prices currently $1.35 per bus. and prospects took very good for 1962.- COOK BROS. MILLING CO, LTil Phone 24 Hentalt DobbsFpRDodge and QualityUsedCars 1959 Dodge Custom Royal 4-door, sharp, metallic green, power steer. ing, power brakes, 1962 license, one owner $1895 1959 Dodge Regent 2,door, metallic green, economy siX-cYlinder $1495 engine, custom radio, one owner ...- 1958 Dodge Regent Sedan V.8 engine, push-button automatic transmis- sion, 2-tone green and white, one owner $1395 1957 Oldsmobile 2.doer hardtop, power brakes, automatic $1295 transmission, custom radio 1959 Sinica 41-cloor, in excellent condition, one owner $ 935 1956 Dodge Regent Sedan 6-cylinder, metallic grey with white top, $ 695 custom radio 1956 Ford 2-door, 6-cylinder t $ 495 Exeter Motor Sales Fred Dobbs, Prop, PHONE 200 NIGHTS 762W OR 763M • The Tin)04-Acivowo, ..4ingary 14,, 190 Page .3 G 4i0e4 will .g(k when the first .f.401J.6 Aria detergent bottle cain- group has returned. Refresh- ;Palgtl. The retarded Guides. Pt moots will be waiting at the Northern Ontario put the cards Scout Batt ton returning) be in scrap books, for the children's :•ure, to dress warmly .and'don't hospitals and make (101-la P4 of forget to wear your Guide Pine, .the bottles. We wish to say There WO A 'generous P ine, "Olga you."' to 1,114)$ e. who ponse to the used Christmas helped us A father can only afford to relax when sufficient income is guaranteed for the family -no matter what may happen to him. out. The investment a father chooses to safeguard his family's future is undoubtedly the most significant purchase of a lifetime. Each year more Canadians look to the onc guaranteed investment —life insurance, With a practical life insurance program, a father can build assets to realize future dreams while he; protects, daily, that he holds dear, In 1961, Manufacturers Life -paid out over $68 mullions to families who made this in-" vestment in their future—atrial, dollars) far these were received at a nine of greatest need! It was a record year for payments and a record year in protection for new policyowners, if you too want to guarantee a financially secure tothonow for yourself and your family, why not call the Man from Manufacturers today. HERE ARE OTHER HIGHLIGHTS OF THE. 75" ANNUAL REPORT New Insurance tin 1%1.... ....... $ S91.3(60,551 Total Protection 111 POMO. 3,,983i231,806 Total Assets, 1,051,730,512 MAN U FACTURERS INSURANCE LIFE t"T5ANY litAb afoot (Established AO) 'Inutile. CANADA DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D,D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 273 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Phone 606 SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE Commercial, Industrial and Residential Janitor Work Venetian Blind Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates PHONE 707 EXETER JOHN WARD, D.C, CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST 15 Wellington St,, across from PUC ST. MARYS PHONE 1272 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE ' INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office -- Exeter, Ontario PreSident Aillton AteCtirdy, RR I Kirkten Vice.President Tiniethy B. TobheY Lift, Croft-tarty 4.1eX J. Rohde lilt 3 Mitchell Agents Ctiatea ltfl i Centralia Clayton Harris Mitchell thigh litentiinger Dublin Solicitor W., Cooltratie tixtter ecrelat'yitteaSUrer Artlittlf PtItadr. Exeter Directors 1 Clayton Colquhoun nit 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney RR 2 Dublin flobert Cr. Gardiner RR 3 Lucati ),',01,111.ffINININONN l i to NINNINNININININ lllll INNNINNUMNNONNINNONIMINNIINNIMINIMINIINN BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC , FLAMER 0. BELL, 41,C,. C, V. LAUGHTON, D.C.; LLB, Zurich Office Tuesday. Afternoon PHONE 4 EXETER W, G, COCHRANE, Q.C, BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Hensel! Office Open Wednesday Afternoons front 2t00 to 5:30 p.m, PHONE 14 EXETER ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER Par your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASHW000 EXETER Phone 119 Phone 91 144 kObEtt, b,C, boCTOR. OC CHIROPRACTIC Strithroy, OPPICt HOURS Mon.., Tues., Thurs., Fri. J.Z 2 S "Tea kild Pri Everting, 7 tAy Appointnietit Please, tittles Olions 6S4 'Honig 140 Davies, Grant, Denning and Bonn CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Municipal Auditors Office Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m, DEVON BUILDING PHONE 261 EXETER .LYNN BROS„ sMf:A NbtitlOYEt Special 99c Pot Bu het. 2 Bus-hots for $1t95 Tree. Rini Macintosh, and Spies PLEASE tAING- HAMPERS i*Ife'••••1. ...!fg,:r1M0!7'1,VrFrf.i • sesessreeseeeses. reel ANNOUNCEMENTS Seek Aylmer efxports through Del Monte Canadian Canners Limited and its Ayline products are, ROW represented in export mar- kets by De' Monte Interne- linnet, it is .antienneed in the latest edition of Aylm•er News. 'Explains the News: •"Thie •new arrangement will allow Canadian Canners Limit• ed to expose its brands and full. .product range of Canadian Ma- nefaetme more aggressively through the Medium of a strong, svellsestabliehecl •oreen- Nation loeated in various points throughout the world. "Del Al o it t e lnternatienal maintains a full staff of field representatives, training super- ViSOrS end field sales offices, 'During the pest year, Ca- nadian Canners Limited has maintained a small and sepa• rate export depl, within the framework of the marketing division, While the staff of this department accomplished es- cellent results, we find that a new approach is necessary lo make this operation more ef- fective in wo. rid markets." The magazine pictured dis- plays of Aylmer products al fairs and exhibitions in Germ- any, Jamaica, Ireland, and various cities in England, Describes pea • operation The Aylmer News also gives a brief description of the work being done at the Exeter plant to improve quality and yield of the district pea crop. The article follows: "Good yields and quality do opened with the eat] to worship. She was assisted by Mrs, E. Powe, Mrs, Earl Heist, Mrs. AlcFalls and Mrs. Percy Noels. Other numbers included a vo- cal duet by Mrs, f, Essery and Airs, 0, Langford, Mrs. Lorne Hicks convener. of Christian Citizenship and social action gave an interesting pa- per pointing out the difference between a good citizen and a good Christian citizen, The mission study was in charge of Mrs,. A. McFalls, Mrs. Geo. Hicks and Mrs, F. Bowden. Personal items The communion service will be held in the church on Sun-day morning, Miss Barbara LiHey of Lon- don was a weekend visitor with Airs, A. McFalls and Miss He. len McFalls. Air. and Mrs, Clare Wright and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Neely and family of London were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Amos Wright. Mr. and Mrs. John 'l'homp- son spent the weekend in Lon- don with Mr, and Mrs. Don Hea- man and daughter and attended the baptismal service in .Em• press Avenue United Church on Sunday when another grand- daughter Bonnie Louise Eaton was baptized, During the church service on Sunday morning Rev. Guest ex. pressed appreciation to the Young People's Sunday School class for the picture of Jesus which hangs at the back of the choir loft between the win- dows. Plan to banquet former officers Plans were made for the past officers' banquet of the Ladies Auxiliary to the 'Royal Cana- dian Legion at its first meet- ing of the year on Monday eve- ning, It is to be held Friday, Feb- ruary 23. Past officers to be honored are past president, Mrs. Clarence Knight, past secretary, Mrs. Eldrid Simmons, and past treasurer, Mrs. Gerald Law- son. Annual reports were given by Mrs. Stan Frayne, branch. sports officer: Mrs. William Parker, who is in charge of birthday parcels sent to .vete- rens at Westminster 'Hospital. and Mrs. Cliff Brintnell, flower and card convener. An invitation was accepted to attend the 25th birthday cele- bratione of the VVin.gham Aux- iliary, Wednesday, Feb. 28, A tea cosy donated by Mrs. Parker was raffled and was won by Mrs. Charles Shane, The mystery prize went. to Mrs. .Alurray Greene, Plans were made to cater to. several banquets and the meet- ing for which President Mes, Douglas Triebner presided, con-- eluded with a social hour of bingo and lunch served by the new executive, FORTRS, ere. ALLISON — Bill. and Maxine Allison f•ttee. Bowden). 111 3 Ana?, Craig, are happy to announce the safe arrival of their daughter, Deborah Jane. At South Moron Hospitel... January 17.—a sister for my. BELLING—Mr, And Mrs. Bening (pee Doyle), Exeter, are happy In an- nounce the birth of a son, William Roger, at St. jo .seph's Hospital. Londe n, January 20, BLANE—Mr„ and Mrs, Allen .Blanc, RR 1 lateen, announce the birth of a Son, at South Huron Hospital, January 21. I3RINTNELL — D o na I d and Dorothy Rrintnell, Exeter, anaeltece the birth of a daughter, e n er Pearl Marie, at South Huron Hos- pital„lanuary 21---a sister for Kim, granddaughter for Mr. and. Mrs. Eldon lievwood and Mr. and Airs, Russell Brintnell„ BROWN — Walter and Marion Brown, RR 1 iciridOn, an- Pommy the safe arrival. of a daughter at South Huron Hospital, January 21. CLARKE—Air, and Mrs, How- ard Clarke, Shipka, announce the birth of a daughter at South Huron Hospital, lanu- ary 21 De AIOOY—Case and Nancy De Mooy (nee Passmore), Lon- don, announce the birth of a daughter, Sandra Jane, al Victoria Hospital, London, December 22, IFISET — Marion and Andre Fiset, RCAF Station Cent- ralia, are pleased to announce the birth of a daughter, Jean- nine Marie, at South Huron Hospital, January 17—a sister for Camille and Therese, FISHER—Air. and Mrs. Wal- lace C. Fisher, London. an- nounce the birth of a. daugh- ter, Kimberly Ann, at Vic- toria Hospital, London, jams. ary 13—a sister for Edward and Robert. HOFFMAN — Air, and Mrs. Claire Hoffman, Exeter, an- nounce the birth of a son, Douglas Claire, at South Huron Hospital, January 24— a brother for Bobby. MILLER—Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Miller, RR I, Dashwood, an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter at' South Huron Hospital, January 19. TRIEBNER — Grant and Ada Triebner (nee Ceasar), RR 1, Exeter, are happy to an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter, Michele Rose, at Clinton Public Hospital, January 9. WATSON—Mr. and Airs. J. Al. Watson, Hensall, announce the birth of a daughter, Lila Loraine, at South Huron Hos- pital, January 21. ENGAGEMENTS — Air, and Mrs. Hurley Shaw of Grand Bend wish to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter Aleda Eleanor, to Air, George Cluff, of London, son of Mr, and Airs. J. Cluff, of Lon- don: the wedding to take place on Saturday. February 24, at 3 p.m., in Grand Bend United Church, 25c CARDS OF THANKS — 1 wish to express my sincere thanks to all who remembered e with cards, treats and visits while. a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Gulens and Pas- tor Gatz,—Mrs. Ed 'Windt 23* The family of the late Wil- bert Parker wish to express sincere thanks and -appreciation for the many acts of kindness to Wilbert while a patient in Westminster Hospital and dur- ing our sad bereavement, for the comforting messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes. Special thanks to Rev. Currie Winlaw, Hensel] Legion Branch 468. Dr. Goddard, Bon- throe Funeral Home and ladies of Chiselhurst United Church. who served lunch. 25c I would like to thank all those who so kindly remember- ed me with cards, treats and visits . while a patient in Sea- forth hospital and since return- ing home,—Mervin Shute, 2.5c 15•IRTHs No CHANGE eAtiO$. or THANKS - 706 gNoAgemgerTs t. 755 tN MEMOBIAMS •si.00 wourshee 'erect Extra st4/.444. ,440h ...... • CAR,DS OF THANKS—._ The heartfelt thanks of the family of the late Lloyd W. Holland are extended to all those friends and relatives who try their letters and messages ofsympathy, theirpersonal visits, their floral tributes and their many acts of kindly thoughtfulness have made our loss of husband, father. brother and uncle so much easier to bear. We make grateful ack- nowledgement to the following: Rev, II, Hamilton for' his kindly ministration. to the Masonic Lodges of West Lorne and Ex- pier for their service, to the pallbearers and to those who loaned their ears, Our deep ap- preciation to Miss Claypole and staff of the South Huron llos- pital, to Drs. Read and Ecker for their kindly help. 25* I wish to extend my heart- felt thanks and appreeiation to all for the many acts of kind- ness, flowers and messages of sympathy shown me during my recent bereavement. I also thank all who kindly remem- bered me with cards, gifts and visits while a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, and St, Joseph's Hospital, London, —Mrs. Thomas Gunning. wish to express my sin- cere thanks and appreciation to all who remembered me with cards, gifts and visits while a patient in the hospital and since mourning home. Special thanks to Dr. C. It. George, nursing staff of South Jim-on Hospital, Exeter, and the Rev. E, 0. Lancaster.—Mrs, Maurice Simp- son, Clandeboye, 25c The family of the late Mrs. 1 Baird wishes to extend their heartfelt thanks and apprecia- tion for acts of kindness, mes- sages of sympathy in the loss of their mother, also the lovely floral tributes received from relatives and friends, Special thanks to Harry Hoffman's funeral home, 2.5c I wish to express my sincere. thanks and appreciation to all those who remembered me with gifts, cards and visits while a patient at South Huron Hos- pital, Special thanks to Dr. Ecker, Miss Claypole and the nursing staff, also to my kind and thoughtful neighbors for their many acts of kindness,— Omar and Blanche Dobbs, 25c The family of the late Mrs. Catharine Hedden wish to ex- press their sincere thanks and deep appreciation to the friends and neighbors for- their many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy, beautiful floral tri- butes received during their re- cent sad bereavements, To Miss Claypole, nurses and staff of South 1-11117011 Hospital, neigh- bors for their help and food sent to the home. Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Ed Little, Rev. Cur- rie Winlaw, Dr, Goddard, Bon- thron funeral home, to the resi- dents of 'Honsall, and commun- ity who contributed so goner. ously to Herb, your kindness and thoughtfulness shall never be forgotten. 23e IN MEMORIAM — STELNHAGEN—in loving mem- ory of my dear mother, Clara Steinhagen, who passed away two years ago, ranuary 25, 1.960. Her memory is as dear to- day As in the hour she passed away. —Always remembered by her daughter Lulu and son-in-lAw Hazen. 25c Ihl MEMORIAM KILPATIlicK—In loving mem- ory of a dear friend, Peter Kilpatrick, who passed away January 31, J961, God's greatest gift, remembrance. —Always remembered by :nor- ence And Dill .Kyle and lain- ily. .?5e DOBBS—in loving memory of a dear husband. father and grandfather. Walter C. Dobbs, who' passed away 4 years go, January 29, 1958. God whispered to him 'come- with' me, There's new life in Heaven waiting for thee.' God gave us memory to keep in our hearts, Picturee of loved on es en we must part. —Ever remembered by his wife end family. 25e ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ETC. Ann St., Exeter Phone 504 N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Phone 55 DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed All Bay Saturdays PHONE 36 Congregational meeting The an nual congregational meeting of the Centralia Uni• led. Church was held in the schoolroom of the church on Wednesday evening of last week and was preceded by a pot luck supper with about fifty in attendance. Rev. D. M. Guest was the chairman, The treasurer's re- ports of the various church groups showed a successful year, Several business matter s were dealt with, included in these was the appointment by Alt. Ross McFalls to the Trus- tee Board of the church replac- ing Air. Ivan Cook who had moved away during the year, Reelected to the session were Mr, K. Greb and Mr. E, 'Heist and to the Board of Stewards Messrs R. Blair, 1. Hepburn, Essery and A. Buswell. Airs, C. Rolling's was appointed to the Board of Stewards as a rep- resentative of the United Church Women. Richard Shoehottom vole s- teered to make the necessary preparations for the communion services replacing Mr, W. Skim, nee who asked to be relieved of this duty, Mr. 0, Langford and Mr, F. 1-licks were ap- pointed as a committee lo se- cure a speaker for each of the anniversary services, It was decided to purchase bonds with the money from the estate of the late Mr. and Mrs. F. Wickwire, Appreciation was expressed to Rev. and Mrs. Guest by Air, W. Skinner on behalf of the congregation. United. Church Women meet Opening remarks were made by the president, Mrs, Ross AleFaLls when the United Church Women met in the schoolroom of the church on Thursday evening for the first meeting, Mrs. M, Elliott presided for the worship service which Business Directory AelieereSeeleRMeeleSenee•SerieSsfetesseales.eissSeeeseire=tetterenS.SelineeneiSSESessiS'e