HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-01-25, Page 2Sunday Dinner
4 TO 7 P.M.
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Open Daily 7 a.m. to 12 p.m., Except Sunday, 4 to 7 p,m,
Thurs., February 1
1:00 p.m. to 3t00 p.m ,
Middleton's Drugs
If 'You Wish To Have bur Hearing Tested
Phone for Free Home AppOintMeht
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The Times-Advocate, January 2S, 1962
• , Mr. and Mrs. George Lawson, James St.
Mark anniversary
Mr. and 11r4. George Lav,...
son.,..lames SI., who have char-
; ed an active life of school-
teaching homesteading and tele•
phone service. celebrated their
g olden wedding anniversary
Wednesday, January 21.
They held open house for
neighbors. friends and rela-
lAes both afternoon and eve-
Mr. and Mrs. Lawson were
married at. the bride's home,
Concession 11, Stephen town-
ship, by the late Re'. Robert
Hicks, London, on January 24,
Mr. Lawson was the ninth in
in Florida
Radio, red color.
1960 MORRIS 850 Tudor
6 cylinder.,
WAGON, tutdne, sharp,
Better than new, 17,000
Radio, eh rome discs,
sharp, better than new
1953 DODGE
SEDAN . $195,00
Sharp .. $295,00
SEDAN . . $150,00
Russ and Child( Snell
Comments about
Start LJCW
at Kirkton BOWLING STATISTICS Dashwood 1'.nstitute
hears. health nurse
The meeting of Dashwood 141
was held Tuesday, Jan. 16 with
the H o nl e Economics a a d
Health group in charge and
Mrs. Eben Weigand, convener.
Roll eatl was answered by
naming a favourite recipe and
providing a sample for auction.
Ales. • Eben Weigand gave the
motto which had been prepared
by Mrs. Harold Kellerman:
"He, who has health, has hope
and he, who has hope, as eve-
Beth Snell favoured with a 1-$rary meeting
piano solo. Miss Norm a West- The annual meeting of Dash-
gate, public health nurse, was wood Library was held Satur-
guest speaker, She spoke on day, Jan. 20 at the library, The
her work during the seven Treasurer's report showed a
years in the North-West Terri- successful year. The librarian
tories and showed slides. Mrs. reported 18 adult readers, 17 ju-
Chas. Snell reviewed events venue readers and a circulation
during 1961 as prepared by Mrs. of 1245.
Mrs. Ernest Koehler was re-
appointed librarian and. Miss
Lynda Tiernan, assistant, with
the salary remaining the same,
Library board consists of Er-
yin Rader, Mrs, Ervin Rader,
chairman: MrS. Ernest Koeh-
ler, secretary • treasurer; Mrs.
Mervyn Tiernan, Mrs. Leonard
By MRS. FRANK SQUIRE Schenk, Mrs, Howard. Klumpp
and. Mrs. Merrill James. Misses
Helen Nadiger and Anne Koeh-
ler are auditors.
Ladies' Ald
The meeting of the United
'hunch Women was held, in the
Sunday School rooms of the
church on Thursday afternoon
with a good attendance. Mrs.
William Morley Jr. chaired the
meeting, The the was
"Praise Ye the Lord for His
Creativity." The Scripture was
read by Mrs. Cecil. Squire.
At this time a short business
meeting was held. Plans were
made to make two crib quilts
to help raise money for alloca-
tion. It was also decided that
the two members in charge of
the March meeting would also
provide lunch for same meet-
Mrs, McCleod Mills was elect-
ed to be representative to the
Board of Stewards and Mrs,
William Morley Jr. was elect-
ed to be representative to the
Official Board. Mrs, Ray Park-
inson, Mrs. Alton Neil, *Mrs.
William Morley Jr,, Mrs. Gor-
don Jonson and Mrs. Hamilton
Hodgins were appointed to at-
tend the inaugural meeting of
the Presbyterial at Clinton on
Wednesday, January 24,
Rev. D. Si. Guest gave a
talk on "Program Features",
Personal items
Mr, and :Mrs. Sam Giles,
Science Hill, were Sunday visit-
ors with Mr. and Mrs. Cleve
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hod-
gins visited on Sunday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Ballantyne, near Stratford,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Skinner
Make plans
at Whalen
Art Allemand.. Mrs. Arnold
Kuntz auctioned, off the food
which had been brought.
Mrs. Leonard Schenk, 'presi-
dent, presided for the business.
4•11 work was discussed. Hobo
teas are to be held in J'annary
and a telephone euchre in Feb-
ruary. The institute will ean-
vass for the Red Cross, They
wilt attend a social evening in
Henson February 14 as guests
of Hensel Institute. A letter
was read from the Provincial
President Mrs. T.A. G. Lyinbur,
The meeting of the Ladies'
Aid of Zion Lutheran church
was held with group 2 in charge
and Mrs. Charles Martene con-
vener. Rev. -Wm. Gatz look the
mission topic, "Love reaching
Mtn all the world,"
Mrs. Milford Merrier pre-
sided for 11w business. Twenty-
four boxes for' the shut-ins were
distributed at Christmas. Each
member is to donate a tea towel.
to the kitchen supplies. Epi-
phany family night is to be held
Feb. 2, Each group is respon-
sible for contacting members
of the congregation and invit-
ing, them to join the Ladies'
Misses Janet Miller and Sha-
ron Martene sang a duet.
Choir holds annual meeting
The annual meeting of the
senior choir of Zion. Lutheran
Church was held after practice
Jan, 18. Mary Ann 'Harter,
Ivan Miller and Robert Miller
were accepted as members.
The officers were returned by
Personal items
Guests entertained at the
home., of Mr.. Andrew AfeLach.
Ian on Wednesday evening in-
cluded Miss Olive Speare, Air
and Mrs, T. Laing, Mr. and.
Mrs. George Wallace and Mrs.
Sadie Scott.
Mr. and Airs. Donald Scott,
Sharen, Karen, Catherine and
Janet of Goderich were Sunday
visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. John
Messrs. Carter Kerslake, Cal-
der McKaig and Thos. Laing
attended the meeting of Strat-
ford Presbytery at Knox Pres-
byterian Church, Listowel on
Mr. Alex Gardiner returned
home on Sunday from Stratford
General Hospital, where he had
undergone surgery.
Sunday visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Will Miller were Mr. Ar-
chie Courier, Donald and Janet,
Mrs. Jean Couper and Mrs, Ca.
tharine Hocking all of Mitch-
Pamela Wallace, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wallace
has her arm in a cast, the bone
being cracked at the wrist as
the result of a fall downstairs.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ramsey
and children of Listowel called
on his parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Alex. Ramsey, en. Sunday,
Misses Anna Scott, Barbara
Gardiner and Margaret Ann
Wallace were in attendance at
the Perth County 4-H achieve-
ment day which .was held at the
Math School in Mitchell on Sat-
Mr, David Craig of Guelph, a
first year student at Waterloo
College, conducted the church
service on Sunday with Mr.
Paul Scott, also a student at
Waterloo, assisting.
Donald and Janet Courier of
Mitchell, visited during the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ge-
rald Carey.
arid boys were Friday evening
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Don
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson
and Mr. and Mrs. Don Maguire
and boys were guests at a
birthday dinner for Mrs. At-
kinson at the home of her
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Har-
vey Latta and family.
Mrs, Clarence Davis is con-
fined to her home and is un-
der the doctor's care, also
Heather Davis, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Davis.
Mr, and Mrs, Jim Barker
and family ware Sunday guests
with Sir. and Mrs. Don. Firth
and family, London,
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Noels
and Donald, Aylmer, Mr. and
Mrs. Maurice MacDonald, Lu-
can, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkin-
son and Mr, and. Mrs, Harry
Carroll were Saturday evening
Vesta with Mr, and Mrs, Heber
Mr. and Mrs, Garfield Latta
visited at the home of their
son, Mr, and mtg. Harvey
Latta on Saturday, and, on Sun-
day his sister, Mr, and Mrs,
Paob and Craig, called T oronto druggist and Mrs. Elliott and Craig re-
mained fora few days, The sudden death occurred in
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lam - Taranto on December 30 of Mr,
bourne. London township, visit' Austin Hoggarth.
ed with Mr, and Mrs, Clarence ild was the son of the late,
Davis roc" ,tly. Mr and Mrs. Robert Hoggarth
OA Sunday Mr. and. Mrs, of caoahaetat and was in his
George Atkirmin, Sandra and 60th yeara Mr, I-loggarth Was
Darren, Itldewood, Mr. and born at Cromaily and allot at-
A',,,,1178 - KIPlilko and ,Joan, tending Seaforth Collegiate, gra.
contrana, and Mr. and Mrs. clualdcl ag deuggist,
Charlie Atkinson visited with At the time of his death he
Mr. and Mrs. Berman Atkin- was a vice,ptesident bf -John-
son. aaft-jOhnataii.
Many of this community at- He is survived by his wife.
tended the funeral service, at the former Elaine }Causer. to
the Atttrdy funeral home, Lu. Moro he was married iii awl,
tan, oh Monday afternoon for and a Son, Ted, Of Tnaeritn,
the late Mrs, Harvey T, Had- is also StirVived by tWeigiaterS,
ass, the former Bessie C61Ver, Alfa, E. H. MoGO-vib, Windsor
She taught School at SS No. 2 and Mrs. Alex MeLaten of Exe-
around 1910-19t8 and Was a ter,
Member of St. Patriek'S church, The: funeral took Nate in .for.
Saintsbury. Flee husband Was onto oh ,January 2 with 'Met-
a farmer on OtteeSSiOri 4 .Rid- meld following In London Maus-
dulph, elettni.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Darl-
ing, whose summer home is in
Grand Bend. and who are.
spending the winter in St. Pet-
ersburg, Fla., celebrated their
57th wedding anniversary to-
day (January 251 by entertain-
ing 20 guests at. \Vinn's restau-
rant. The (Untie; is being fol-
lowed by pictures shown by
Henn,' Spencer of St.
Paul's. Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. Darling were
married in Parkhill by the
Rev. A. Graham. The couple
belong to the Canadian Society,
St, Petersburg,. where they
have spent the winters for
many years.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Young
of St. Marys were Wednesday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones
of Glendale were Friday eve-
ning guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Mosey.
Mrs. Lottie In es is spend-
ing a couple of weeks with
friends at Mitchell.
Mr. Robert Grover of Eben-
ezer spent Sunday with Mr.
Clare Hooper.
the family of the late Mr. and
Mrs. John Lawson, Stephen.
He attended Lucan High School,
walking to and fro every week
from Crediton, to secure his
qualifications to teach, Previous
to his marriage, he taught in
Sharon school for three 'years.
Mrs. .Lawson, the former
jennie Yearley, was the eldest
daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. William Yearley, also of
Following their marriage,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawson,farmed
in Saskatchewan, where Mr.
Lawson broke up land with.
oxen and also taught school
from 1911 to 1918,
In 1924 Mr. and Mrs. Lawson.
left the farm and moved to
Saskatoon, moving to Exeter
in 1925 where Mr. Lawson join-
ed the Bell. Telephone Co, and
remained manager until 1946.
He often served on duty 24
hours a day and frequently was
assisted by his wife,
In June 1945 Mr. Lawson was
appointed clerk of Fifth Divi-
sion Court of Huron, an office
which be still holds, He also
has been agent. for Mutual Life
Insurance Company for 17
years and the Phoenix Com-
pany for 26 years. At present
he is secretary-treasurer of
the Senior Citizens Club and
past secretary of the Exeter
Turf Club.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawson are
members of James Street Unit-
ed Church. Mr, Lawson is past
master of the Masonic Lodge
and Mrs. Lawson is a charter
member of the Eastern Star.
They had one daughter and
two Mrs. Garnet (Olive)
Hicks; Exeter; Orval, who lost
his life overseas in 1944, and
Gerald Lawson, Exeter; and
five grandchildren.
Their grandsons, John Law-
son, attended the floor and Pe-
ter Lawson, the guest book at
the open house. Granddaughters
Mrs. Don McCann and Mrs.
Douglas Fulton served guests
and Mrs. Herman Mitchell. also
The couple received many
congratulatory. mes sages in-
cluding one from Hon. C. S.
The inaugural, meeting of the
United Church Women of Kirk-
ton was held. ,011 Wednesday,
Jan 17 at 2 p.ni. in the church
basement. Rev. T. Elliott eon-
ducted the inaugural service,
The report of the nominat,
ing committee was read by
Mrs. Jac* 'Urquhart and offi-
eel's were installed.
President is Mrs. Earl wat-
son; vice-president, Mrs. Mar.
once Switzer; recording seen-
tary, Airs. Jack Urquhart:. as-
sistant. secretary, Mrs, Ray.-
Mond PaYnIcri .eorrOsPooThOg
secretary, Airs, Stuart. Shier;
treasurer, Mrs. Fred. Roger;
pianist, Mrs. Alex Crago; as-
sista.nt pianist, Mrs, Fred
Parsonage committee, Mrs,
Norman Amos, Mrs, Charles
Baillie, Mrs. Herman Paynter,
Mrs. Wes Doupe; community
friendship, Airs, Lorne Marsh-
all; social .committee, Mrs.
Ross Marshall, Mrs, John Me-
Elrea; membership committee,
Mrs. Wib Kirkby; nominating
committee, Mrs, Delmar John-
son, Mrs. Fred Roger, Mrs, T.
-Elliott; supply and social as-
sistance committee, Mrs. Ev
Doupe, Mrs. Ira Marshall; ste-
wardship, Mrs, Wes Neil; fi-
nance com.mitlee, Mrs. Clar-
ence Switzer, Mrs. Fred Roger
Mrs. 'Wes Neil, Mrs. Norman
Amos; auditors, Mrs. Alvin
Crago, Mrs. Roger Urquhart.
A short business period was
conducted by the .new president
and the memasers paid their
Board euchre
The Hall Board held a pro-
gressive euchre in Aberdeen
Hall Monday .evening, Jan, 22
Prize winners were: ladies
ligh, Mrs, Harry Webber; lone
hands, Mrs. Eber Shute; men's
high, Lloyd Cowdrey; lone
hands, John Witteveen; lucky
draw, Mrs, ,lunior Doupe.
Town topics
iloric.eta 7311 I.
I,. sueertest ioullert.on 5811
Mulmen mi). \Veils 757)
Ki11.1).e11 Tigers (H. Boss 7271 .... 11
1.1•11'014 7fia) 4
ttingers (R. •Collingwood 122 1 ,... 11
1.11.1 MI118 (Ii, -Ogood .699) ••.• 3
Tradesmen. 01, .(Pdenn•ing 568) ..
Pepsis t.I. Coughlin 674) ... It
A&H Specials (H. .1-toltzinan 5511 1
Message from
United Church Women
.The meeting, of The United
Church Women was held in the
church with Mrs. Joe Horner
and Mrs. Carman Woodburn in
charge of the worship and pro-
gram, Mrs. Horner read the
Scripture and took as the theme
of the worship "The Day of
Beginning Again." She also
gave a reading.
Airs. Woodburn gave a talk
on "Receiving the New Year".
Suitable hymns for the new
year were sung,
Mrs. Homer, the president,
took charge of the business
and gave a reading on why
and bow the new organization
"The United Church Women"
came into being, The roll call
was answered by the ladies
paying their fees to become
charter members. Delegates
were appointed to attend the
first. Presbyterial meeting in
Ontario St. United Church,
Clinton, an. Wednesday, Janu-
ary 24. One member visited the
birthday box.
Financial reports 'were given
for 1961 by the WAIS anal WA
treasurer's showing a success-
ful year in both organizations.
Programs for 1962 were plan-
ned by the committee in
The February meeting will
be held at the home of Alm
Cayman Woodburn,
Personal items
Thestarting of Youth Week
will be observed in the United
Church on Sunday when the
Young People will assist the
minister in the pulpit and with.
special music on the organ and
piano and a Young Peoples'
Miss Elda Brown, of London,
spent the weekend with Air.
and. Mrs. Ross Brown and fam-
Little Joey Thomson of East
Williams •ent a few days last
week at the home of his grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Lamer,
of Peterboro, spent the weekend
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Carman Woodburn.
Miss Viola Curts, of London,
spent a few days last week
with Miss Evelyn Curbs and
Mr. Manuel Curts.
The installation of officers
for the United Church Sunday
School for 1962 was held dur-
it. ininards (S. Negri It-se)
Big Fix 01. Hennessey 6581
Fairlanes (J. Hendrick 535) It
Itanitttionis (K. Patterson 562). I
Bo-Didleys ('I'. Trietiner 591)
can. 'Plre (51, Robbins 544) 1
Kingpins at. Peters 671) 4
N. E. Super(est. ,111ggins 663)
Toastmasters (G. Nixon. 57.71 3
Rooth Electric (D. Cra„yett., •656) 1
S. Hurls (11, Patterson 597) . .•. 3
Lorks (N. Whiting 662) 1.
Court report
Continued from page 1
find no evidence that gravel
iraallerf,allen off the hopper-
In dismissing tire ,charge,
Magistrate Hays said he shud-
dered to think of anyone driv,
ing behind a .truck loaded in
such a manner that gravel
could fall off, "I don't know
whether it is greed or thought,
lessness," he stated.
'He said the description given
of the truck by Westover "an-
Nita me," Westover had sta ,
ted that, the truck had no
lights on the rear, had no
flares or a PCV license,
"Flares are the ABC of sur-
vival," the magistrate said.
"It is the minimum one owes
to the public."
No brakes brings fine
Although he did not appear
in court, Kenneth Faber, 21,
RR 3 Kippen, was fined $15.00
and costs for driving a car
without foot brakes or an
emergency brake,
Faber told Constable Don
Westover he was aware of the
fact that he had no foot brakes.
Faber's driving record re-
vealed two previous convictions
for speeding and one for hav-
ing his license plate obscured,
"It seems to me that Mr.
Pearson was a kindly employer
to allow him a car at all, and
the kindly hand got. bit."
Careless driver
Claude Douglas Nixon, RC-
AF Trenton, was fined $15.00
and costs after he pleaded
guilty to a careless driving
charge laid by Chief C.
MacKenzie following an acci-
dent in. Exeter December 16,
Nixon was driving south
when he pulled out to pass an-
other south=bound vehicl e,
striking the car mid careening
across the road to smash into
a pole south of the Brewers'
Nivon suffered severe lace-
rations to his face that required
over 60 stitches to close and
he appeared in court with a
scar from one ear to his fore-
head near his other ear.
He also sustained a slight
Nixon explained that as he
was passing he saw the head-
lights of an oncoming car and
when he hit his brakes, he
slid into the other southbound
ing the church service on Sun-
Mr, and Mrs. William Bul-
lock and Mrs. J. Gardner visit-
ed on Sunday with Mrs. John
Prance who is a patient in
South Huron Hospital, Exeter,
(tanners (B. Simpson 578) 4
Loggers. torkensen 501) 0
Mgt1'$, .INTER-TOWN.
16.-,Keter B .0301 . .....
Zurich ......... 2
Exeter A (5489) 7 Goderich 13 .(507.1)
Knot Nate 111. .Stagg 738) 7
Legiortaires tit, Durand 5.38)
Puppets (IL Ford 5171
Dodgers (15, Poore 462) ....... .....2
Hot. Toddies (R. tla..ugh 583) .,.. 5
Blowers (A. 1)1111er 618) ......, ......
Air 'Wicks (N. Redman 560) ,,,,..
Teenagers (T, Sanders 592) 0
Chickens (1, Faichairn 755) 5
crackerjacks (13, PooloY 661) ..-
Odds & Ends (G. Rierlsy 622) 5
white ilues. Scott 512) .„ .....
Wee Wine (N. Cooper 445) 7 Duliees (L. Cox 508) -.
Hazy Daisies (J. Essery 626) l)
High Hopes (0. Mettles 491) ... 7
Cps & Downs (S. Tooley 194) ..
b. Strikes (A, Murdoch 456) .. 3
Exeter (D. :15.1.unroe 732) . 5
Goderich (D. Queen 726) ...... 2
St. 'Marys murray 4351) Crediton (M. Gunn 627) 2
Stratford (SI, Bosse:lee 731) 7
Mitchel) (V. NleGillivray 650)
Sales and Service
Repairs and bags for all mo-
dels of vacuum cleaners and
polishers. Reconditioned ma-
chines of all makes for sale.
BOB PECK, RR 1 Zurich
Phone Hensall 696r2
Guild meeting
Mrs. Charlie Atkinson gave
her home on Thursday after-
noon Inc the Guild meeting.
There were 11 members pres-
ent. Mrs. Harry Carroll, presi-
dent, was in the chair. Mrs.
C, Atkinson assisted the presi-
dent in the worship service.
The new WA study book,
Jesus Christ the Light of the
World'' '."as introduced by
Mrs. Heber Davis, the opening
chapter dealing with the first
chapter of Ezekiel and many
Other Biblical references which
were read by each of the mem-
bers with a question and an-
swer period following. The sec-
ond chapter will he introduced
by Mrs. Mary Kooy at the next
Meeting at the home of Mrs.
Harry Carroll.
The ladies arranged quilt
blocks for a short period. The
mystery prize donated by Mrs.
Maurice MacDonald was won
by Mrs. Tom. Kooy. Mrs, Earl
Atkinson and Mrs. Heber Davis
assisted Mrs. Atkinson with
hutch. A surprise birthday cake
was enjoyed, with the birthday
song for three members who
have January birthdays, Mrs.
Harry Carroll, Mrs, Raymond
Greenlee and Mrs. Earl Atkin-
Personal items
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Carroll,
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Garrott, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Dickins and
Ir. and Mrs. Hugh Davis were
among the many supporters
who attended the reception for
the. Hon, William Stewart and
111)s. Stewart and family at
Medway High School on Wed-
nesday evening,
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Atkinson
And Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mac-
Donald, Lucan, were Wedges'
day evening guests at a birth•
day dinner for Mrs. Atkinson
and Mrs. P. Greenlee at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray-
Mond Greenlee.
Mr. arid Mrs. Earl Greenlee
News from Saintsbury
Mr, and Mrs. Herman. Epp
of Swift Current, Saak., are
visiting with the John Schroe-
derisr A. and Mrs. Don Hammond
and family of Downsview spent
President is Chas. Marlene; the weekend with Mr. and
vice-president, Howard Deters; Mrs. William Marshall.
secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Al- Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock
Bert Miller; leader, Miss He- attended the reception for the
len Nadiger; assistant, Mrs. latter's brother, Hon, William
Flossie Stade; -organist, Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Stewart, at
Edgar Restemayer; librarians, Medway High School last Wed-
Mrs, Rudolph Miller and Mrs. nesday night..
Ray Van Dorsselacr. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred 'Reeves
spent several days in Dayton,
Ohio, their former home.
Omitted. from the list of rela-
tives attending the funeral of
the late Miss Fanny Hatter on
January 1 were Mrs. Mary
Head, Mrs. Georgina. Witwer,
Mrs. Murray Lewis and Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Witwer, all of
Mrs. George Rether jr. is a
patient in St, Joseph's Hospit-
al, London, having undergone
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Eagle-
son and family of Southampton
spent the weekend with Mrs.
Henry Eagleson and other re-
Mr. and airs,- Armin Bruer
and family of Clarkson spent
the weekend with Mrs. Jacob
Schroeder and Mr. and Mrs,
Harold Schroeder and family.
Mr. Ed Willert is a patient in.
Si, Joseph's hospital, London.
Mrs. Carl Maier has returned
home after spending two weeks
with Mr. and Mrs. George Mil-
lar and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crediton juniors moved into
Darling in Lucan, first place in the arena rec
Mrs. Andy Anderson has re- league, Tuesday by downing
turned home from St. Joseph's Kirkton 3-2 in Exeter, The
Hospital, London, where she league includes Crediton, Grand
had been a patient. Bend, Kirkton and. Dasbwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Reste- In the 3-2 win, Douglas
mayer and • Mrs: Susan Snider Lightfoot scored two goals and
attended the funeral of the late Eric Finkbeiner notched a
Mrs. Duncan McCallum at the single.
Lagon funeral home, London, Crediton tackles Dashwood
last week. in th Exeter arena, Tuesday.
Real Estate
EXETER — Low monthly payment, $55.00. Price
$10,400. Down payment $2,400.
EXETER — New 3-bedroom, attached garage, hot
water heat, $3,500 down. Terms.
EXETER — New 3-bedroom home. Terms.
EXETER — Two new homes, Huron St., landscaped,
complete with garage, carport and paved drive-
ways, well constructed, hot water heat, broad-
loom in living and dining room.
CENTRALIA AREA — Full price $4,000. Down
payment $1,600. Full basement, new coal fur-
nace, 2 acres of land.
Mt. Cannel 125 Acres
Mt, Cannel 225 Acres
Dashwood ...,...„ .... „.,„„, 200 Acres
Kippen Area 150 Acres
Four Lakefront Lots
Two Cottages, Oakwood
Five Cottages, Southcott Pines
Four Cottages, Shai'row SUrvey
MILK ROUTE — Exeter Area
GENERAL STORE with living quarters,
Prom $700 - $1,200
Listings invited.
W. H. Hodgson.
Reat . Es ate Ihtlittrid0
M, J, Gainer, 'Phone' 24 G, E Dow, Phalle
Pin Poppetles (A. Fairbairn 507) 7
Handicappers (V. Gould 488) .. 0
Wee Hopes (17, Heywood 584) S
Merry ',Maids (..)),. ;141,,W.$011 475)
Blowettes (K, Penhalo 624) .....7
Hot, Dogs (R. .Do1-40.. 491) ..,,u..
Pills (1). Page 5351 -
Trailers (N. Meiltle 644) .. 2
Happy Gala .(N, (ottnan 671)
Nile Hawks (0. Sangster 587)
Be Bops IA. Pooloy 813) 7 Lucky Strikes (S, Wright 560) (I •
4,13" GROUP
Mighty "Mice CP., .13allanlYno 513)
Busy Bees (-51. 11irtzel 505)
Jolly J1115 (A. Sacker 651) 7 Who Caren Ct3, Reid 555)
Droppettes (G. Bader 472) .....
Lollipops (M, Shrimpto) 23)
jolly Six (D. Frayne 521). 6.
High Hopes It.. Bell 492)
Alley C.'ats (K. Bay 535) 7
lollettes (D. Slacks 541) ,
Frisky Six (Li, Coughlin 581) ,.,, 4
Sputniks (M. Schenk 450)