HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-01-18, Page 14parson Webster .phoned the '4 thought ,you ministers.inek. local ,board of health ,to. ask care ,of the dead-, " he that a dead .mule be removed crAcled,. from in trout pt his house, The "We do," answered the Par' y011.11g tier k who .answered son, "but first we get in touch thought he'd he smart. with their relatives," W it it SLATER—LAC and Mrs. Den- nis Slater, RCAF Station Centralia, wish to announce the birth of a daughter, Don- Ala Lynn, at St, Joseph's Hos- pital, London, January 9—a :sister for Susan, Alan and :Robert. THIBAULT—Mr. and Mrs, Reg Thibault, RCAF Centralia, an- nounce the birth of a (laugh- 'ter,. Cindy, at South Huron Hospital, January 13—a sister 'for' Gino and Renny. VANDERHOEK — Gerry and • 'Tanny Vanderhoek, Lucan, are happy to announce the birth of their son, Ronald Neil, at St. Joseph's Hospital, ,jaendon, January 5'.—a brother ,for Tony. ANNOUNCEMENTS — Mr, and Mrs, Fred Ford, RR 1.,Centralia, will be at home to their relatives, neighbors and friends on Sunday, January 28, 1962, from 2 'til 4 and 7 to .10 p.m., the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary. 18* Air. and Mrs. George Law- son, 109 James Street, Exeter, will be at home to their frkeds, neighbors and rela- tives on Wednesday, January 24. from 3 to 5 in the after- noon and 8 to 10 in the evening in honor of their fiftieth wed- ding anniversary. Please omit gifts. 18ne DeKAY-MORGAN — The mar- riage is announced of Jane Morgan, daughter of Airs. Amine Morgan and the late Mr. Morgan, Exeter, Ontario, to Mr. Beverly De Kay, son of Airs. P. De Kay and the late Mr. De Kay, of Hyde Park, Ontario. The marriage was solemnized in London, Monday, January 15. 1.8e CARDS OF THANKS — I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all who remembered me with prayers, cards and visits while a patient in the hospital follow- ing my accident. Special thanks to Amos Gingerich, Dr. J. C. Goddard, Dr. P. L. Brady and the nursing staff of Clinton Public Hospital. — Elam W. Shantz, 18* We wish to express our deep gratitude and thanks to all our friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness, mes- sages of sympathy, floral tri- butes and those who remember- ed us through donations to the Cancer Society during the re- cent loss of a dear mother, grandmother and aunt, Our special thanks to Rev. Brett DeVries, Dr, R. W. Read, Hopper-Hockey funeral home, Exeter branch of the Canadian. Cancer Society, Airs. Pearl Hooper and the ladies of Trivitt Memorial Church. For all those who helped in so many ways— your kindness and thoughful- ness shall never be forgotten, —Bobbie and Bob Luxton and family:. Jeanne and Pete Croc- ker. 18* RUNDLE—Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Rundle (nee Morgan), RR a MARRIAGES — Centralia, announce the birth of a daughter, Dianne Eliza- beth, at South Huron Hospital, January 14 — a sister for David. Eaa=aatraaieaaakalaailaNaaaaaiaraatille....taaaialaitataatesaaaaiaala.:Liaasaatiaiillailitataaaa ;,,...M1MIMIVMAYA%En*M.11017.N.Q.: ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev. William Gatz 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 10:00 a.m.—Bible Class 11:00 a.m.—Divine Service CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev, A. G. Van Eek, Minister CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Organist: Mrs. W. G. Cochrane 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a .m,—Morning Worship MAIN STREET United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. R. S. Hiltz Organist: Mrs. A. Willard 10:00 a.m.—Dutch Service 10:00 a,m,—Sunday School 2:15 p.m.—English Service 11:15 a.m.—Morning Worship 6:15 p.m.—Back to God Hour— Sermon: "The Seal Upon CHLO (680 Kc,) Their Foreheads" —Revelations: Chapter 9 Nursery and Junior Congreg- ation "Come and worship with us." BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Ivor Bodenham ZION CHURCH Evangelical United 6- ,11,4 Brethren J.0 dftEDITON A. M. Schlenker, Pastor Sunday, ;Tannery 21 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:15 atn..-Sumlay "School 11:04 p,m,—Bible Study Group 4114 Attendance Last. Sunday 103 Classes for ALL 11:00 a,m,—"Courage and Cheer for Crucial Days" 1;30 p,m,—Evangelistic Service Music, Singing arid Preach. ing that will help you to God. "O give thanks unto the Lord, for. Ho is good; for mercy endureth ferever.';-a-Ps, 101:1 away, God took them home, it Was His will But in our hearts they liveth still, —Ever remembered by family. 18* HOWItl—in loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Mrs. James HOWe, Who passed away four years ago, January 15, 1938. Fond is the tie that was broken, Dear is she who is gone, In memory we will always keep her, As long as the year rolls on, —Lovingly remembered by her family, Ed, till, Nelson, Ethel and grandchildren. 38* Canada -18 -suoxi. the ""shinplaster," the 25-cent Taper bill, As 'recently Saturday Night Dances Exefer Legion Memorial Hall Admissions 750 Per Person Jackets and Jeans, Not Allowed Branch Meeting — 7:30 p,m. Unit Meeting — 8:15 p.m, Mon., Jan. 24 SPEAKER: DR. D. A. ECKER, OF EXETER littflitiMMBIlltit~mInIAMM!M!!!!!!IMIMUJIfIvniontwtiOmtImmiqOpitigOlititIOMAIM, Turkey Shoot Saturday, Jan, 20 1;04 p,m, PROSPECT HILL (Seven miles West of St. Marys on #7 Highway? ,22 RIFLES 12 GAUGE SHOT GUNS (Shells Supplied) Sponsored by Court Carlton C.O,F„ Granton FREE COFFEE s1,10111PIAIIIAMI111,!!49!1! , 1 , 1 ,, ,,, !!!!!1111,itto ,,,,,11,1,1!, ,, ,, lom0,11.,1,11,111ilfilOitt!lif11111011.11Mmitimilvg Sleigh Ride Parties We arrange for sleighs and horses—No party too small or too large. Pizza parties and dancing facili- ties provided. Ski * Skate Toboggan at Pinery Park FUN FOR EVERYONE! We cater to Teenage Groups in unlicensed rooms. Phone 1 Grand Bend COLONIAL HOTEL Hank Menard ............................... lllllll .............. ,,,,,,,, IIIIIIIIIIII, 111,111111, 011M1111,11,111.10,1111,111,11111011111101101111,1111111.1 ,,,,,, 01”1,1101”1”111101111,1111119011111“1111111111111111.1111 Branch & Unit Meeting Cancer Society Everyone Welcome * Bring your Friends inum~01.111011110111”Motlelulf.41u11110M11,01, ,,,,, 1111U0 llllllllll 11,11,1"101,1111flUMIllulmultunik.. More and morepeople ENJOY THE MOVIES THURS., FRI, & SAT. — JAN. 18, 19, 20 HIS NAME AND FAME RA6E,OVER THEEAS-'OF WORLD! . JOSEPH E. {EVE ,kitt•<:L./ "". 1n EASTMAN ue CINEMASCOPE ADES RR M-6-/ARam MON., TUES., WED. — JAN. 22, 23, 24 Brought Back By Popular Demand! THE . WORLD'S MOST TALKED-ABOUT MOTION PICTURE * GARY COOPER * ANTHONY PERKINS COMING SOON I * SEPTEMBER STORM * TWO RODE TOGETHER * DAYS OF THRILLS AND LAUGHTER LYRIC THEATRE EXETER First Show 1:30 Second Show 9:30 Matinee 2:00 Pan. The Lyric Brings. You The Best! IT WILL THRILL YOU IN A HUNDRED WAYS FRIENDLY By MRS, J, H. PATON CLANDEBOYE Biddulph Loyal Orange Lodge No. 493 officers were installed in Lucan with District Master of Biddulph, Don Denham, Woodham, presiding. Win is Clare Paton, Clande- boye RR 1; PM, Loreen Patti- son, Denfield RR 2; DM, Wil- son. Hodgins, Lucan RR 1; chaplain, James Mugsford, Lu- can RR 1; recording secretary, Kenneth Jeffrey, Thorndale RR I; financial secretary, Loreen P'attison, Denfield, RR 2; treasurer, Eric Hodgins, can RR 1; Marshall, Lorne Hodgins, Lu- can RR 1; lecturers, Ernie Rosser, Ilderton R 4, Irwin Lunn, London RR 2; commit- tee, Heber Davis, Centralia RR 1, Leonard smith, Lucan FIR 1, Leonard Lambourne, [!Berton RR 4, Don. Abbott, Lu- can RR 1, Clarence Davis, Lu- can RR 1; tyler, William Pat- tison, Granton; auditors, .1. H. Paton, Clandeboye and Earl Middleton, Granton. RR 3. Euchre winners Winners in euchre at Neil's Com munity Centre on Friday, January 9 were: ladies' high, Betty Morley; men's high, Joe Carter; lone hands, ladies, Mrs. Wilfred Dixon; men, Andy Thompson; consolation, ladies, Mrs Joe Carter; men, Murray Carter. ' The next euchre will he held Friday, Februay 23. Personal items Mr. and Mrs, Joe Cunning- ham and daughter, Kimberly Ann oa London and the for- mer's parents, Air, and Mrs., Wilfred Cunningham all visit- Missionary at Shipka SHIPKA The first. meeting of the Shipka branch of the United Church. Women was held at the home of Mrs. Ross Love with the presidert, Mrs. Jim Clarke, conducting the meet- ing. Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner, Mrs. Harold Finkbeiner, Mrs, Milton Ratz and Mrs. Ross Love were in charge of the devotional part of the meeting. Miss Audrey Finkbeiner, mis- sionary from St. Lucia Island, was present and showed pic- tures and told of her work on the island. Mrs. Jack Rats ex- pressed the thanks of the mem- bers to Audrey. Mrs. Ross Pickerng and Mrs. Jim. Clarke arranged the social hour. Personal items Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner is spending several days with her grandchildren Janet and David Sanders at Welland while their parents Dr. and Mrs, C, B. Sanders are attending a med- ical convention in Montreal, Wayne, Bruce, Larry and Sandra Weiberg, of Waterloo, spent the weekend with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Devine, Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Hart- ton, Mrs, George Robertson and Mr. Karl Guenther attend- ed the funeral of Mr. Thos. Nicholson at Sarnia on Satur- day last, and finding the sleet storm in Sarnia equal to out's were unable to come home until Sunday. Mrs. Harry Sheppard spent the weekend with her son, David in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett and Al of Hensall were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Les Adams, Harvey and ,Gloria: Mr. and Mrs, Earl Smith, Irian and Bruce left for their home in Portage La Prairie on Wednesday after spending soma time with Mrs. Smith's par, ants, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ratz, Mrs., George Robertson, or Wheatley, is presently Visiting With her sister', MrS. Herbert Raritan and Mrs. Marlton, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Clarke and Marlene were Sunday visitors With Mr. and. Mrs, Bob Tindall and Nancy, _Page 14 The Times-Advocate, January 18, 1962 Biddulph Orangemen Topics rics f r'V,,ro m instal new officers Elimville ... . ..: • BIRTHS— BIRTHS. NO. .OHABOS aa..aid. Barton, RR 1 Medford, QA0e.MeNTS 75c .PARTON—Me„ and Mrs. Ron.- South. Huron Hospital, Janu-.gx..taa .verses, each 25; daughter, Rebecca Eileen, At announce the birth of a IN. . regmositAms. QARPS OF THANKS 75c. aeou.r.tene..wati $1.00. arY 13. CALLAGIIER Mr- .And Mrs. •Stuart (Bob) .Gallagher (nee -Stanley). are happy to an- Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth 'Hod- =Apace the birth of a daugh- gins, Centralia. wish to. An- 1. January 9. at Vie- nounce the engagement of theft terie Hospital, London—a sis- daughter, Catherine Eileen, to ter for Jim, Mr Donald Lyle Pickering, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pieker- STRETTON— Herb and Norma ing, RR 2 Eashwood.„ The wed-.Stretton, Lucan, tnee Sang- ding to take place Saturday, . ater) are happy to announce February 17, 1962, at 2:30 p.m., —the birth of a daughter, Lisa in Centralia. United Church, Catherine, at. St. Joseph's Centralia, Ontario. 18nc ,,Hospital, London, January 11 .,,,,a sister for Peggy, Nancy Mr. and Mrs. Scott Archibald Somerville, RR 4 Walton, Ont., -and Susan and granddaughter wish to announce the engage- "Ter Mrs. Minnie Sangster, ment of their daughter, Jane ,Hensall. Marilyn. to Mr. John. Chester ROBINSON—Mr, and Mrs, Ro- Harvey, second son of Mr. and e •bert Robinson, London, the Airs. Leonard Milton Harvey, former Dallas Hodgins, Lu- Exeter, Ont. The wedding will earl, announce the birth of a take place on Saturday, Febru- " daughter, Marion Dianne, at ary 10, 1962, at 3:00 p.m., at St, Joseph's Hospital, Lon- Cavan United. Church, Win- don, December 30 —a sister throp. 18nc for Marie Dale. 10:00 a.m.—Bible School THE BETHEL 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship REFORMED CHURCH Wed., 8 p.m,--Prayer Service 7:30 p.m.—Evening Services Rev. R. Van Farowe, Minister 10:30 a.m.—Morning Worship UNITED CHURCH 11:45 a.m.—Sunday School and JAMES STREET Observance of the Lord's Supper Catechism Rev. S. E. Lewis, M.A., S.D. Minister 8:00 p.m.—Evening Worship (English) Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. "The. Temptation of Jesus" Organist and Choirmaster 10 A.M.—SUNDAY SCHOOL All Departments 11 A.M.—MORNING SERVICE The Inaugural Service for the United Church Women of the Congregation Installation of First Executive Soloist: Maxine Reeder Sermon The minister "United Church Women— What Is Different? and What Is Better? ALL WELCOME THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M. Sauder, Pastor 10:30 aan,—Worship Service 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School and Adult Bible Class Message: "The I WILL'S of No Evening Service This Week Jesus" 9,45 a.m.—Sunday School CARPS OF"THAt`..KS- 1,11,r. and Mrs, Fred Cornish would like to .express :their sincere thanks to all who call- ed on their golden wedding anniversary and for all :the • lovely cards, gifts and flowers. 18c Mr. and Airs. Ed Hendrick and family wish 'to express • their sincere appreciation the Crediton, Fxeter and Dash , wood fire department, also to all the kind neighbors and friends for their help at the time Or the fire and. for assist. ing to clean the house after. 18* The husband, .brothers and sisters of the late Airs. Clinton Haakett, wish to express their sincere thanks and apprecia- tion for the many acts of kind- ness, floral tributes and expres- sions of sympathy from friends, relatives and neighbors during their sad bereavement of a dear wife and sister. Special thanks to Rev. Bruce Guy, pall- bearers and the C, Haskell. and Son funeral home and all others who were so kind in every way. 18c Mrs, Fred Wells and family wish to extend their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and lovely floral tri- butes received from relatives, friends and neighbors during the loss of a dear husband and father. Special thanks to Can- adian Legion Branch 167, Hop- per-Hockey funeral home, Rev, Bien DeVries, Dr. Al, Gans, the pallbearers, Mrs. Irene Harness and Airs, Tena. Pollen. 18c I would like to take this op- portunity to thank those who so kindly remembered me with cards, treats and visits While a patient in.. St. Joseph's Hos- pital and since returning home. —Gordon Ratz. 18" The nieces and nephews of the late Mrs. Jessie Gardiner wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to the relatives, friends and neigh- bors for their many acts of kindness, floral tributes and messages of sympathy during their recent bereavement. Spec- ial thanks to the Hopper-Hockey funeral home, Rev. Robert His- sett, of Avonton, the nursing staff of South Huron Hospital and Dr. Read, 18* The family of the late Wil- liam McKenzie wish to extend their heartfelt thanks and deep appreciation to their relatives, friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness, mes- sages of sympathy, beautiful floral offerings and memorial donations received during the recent sudden loss of a beloved husband and father. To Miss Claypole, nurses and staff of South Huron Hospital, neigh- bors for their help and food sent to the home, to the ladies of Main St. United Church for their kindness and efficiency in serving refreshments, to Exeter Council, both present and past, to 'members of Huron County Council, to the pallbearers and flower bearers and. the Masonic Lodge, Hensall, for the memor- ial service. We• also wish to express our sincere thanks to Rev, Mr, Hiltz and Rev. Mr. McMillan for their comforting messages and Hopper-Hockey funeral home for their kind consideration at the time of our bereavement. — Mrs. Ila McKenzie and Grace, Mrs. Hugh McLach]in and the 'Mc- Kenzie family. 18c Harold and Wilma Davis say a sincere "thank you" for all the cards and gifts sent to Harold while a patient in. St. Mary's Memorial Hospital and since returning home, Special thanks to Miss Dickson, hos- pital staff, Dr, Davis, Dr. Underwood, Rev. Bennett and Jack Switzer. 1.8nc ed with Air, and Mrs, Harper and family, St, on Sunday. Mr. Maurice Simpson visited Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Laugh- ton in Strathroy and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Banks in Sarnia over the weekend. Mrs. May Marshall and son Clifford of Bryanston and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lewis, RR Denfield were guests on Sun- day with Mr. and airs. Andy Carter, AIrs. Ralph Ainslie of St, Marys was able to leave Vic- toria Hospital on Wednesday after being hospitalized there folJowing an accident in her home when she suffered a frac- tured hip before Christmas and is now a patient in St. Marys Hospital. Mrs, Clarence Carter visiled her mother, Mrs. Maurice Simpson, at South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, on Sunday. Mrs. Emily Tomes had her daughters and families as guests on Saturday evening— Mrs, Lynn Sawyer and Mr. Sawyer, David and Andrea, Petrolia and Mrs. Ralph Lynn, Mr. Lynn and daughters. Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Logan and Myrna, Thorndale, visited Saturday evening with the Paton family. Mr. Roy Simpson of the Unit- ed States has been visiting with his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Simp- son. Conveners for euchre at Com- munity Centre Maple Lodge .Friday night are Mrs. Roy Cunningham, Mrs. Charles Cochrane and Mr. Doug Mc- Nair. Ricky Heaman spent last week with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Scott. Attend funeral Mrs. Ida Isobella Horner, wife of the late John K. Camp- bell, died at Strathroy Hospital on Saturday, Jan. 13. Funeral services were at the Denning Bros. funeral home, Strathroy, on Tuesday, Jan. 16. Interment was in Strathroy cemetery, Mrs. Campbell was born in McGillivray Township, daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs, William Horner, and the last of a family of nine, six daughters and three sons. They were Mrs, Louis (Elizabeth) O'Neil, Clandeboye, Mrs. Bob (Mary) McIntosh, Mrs. Arthur (Bertha) Mollard, Mrs. Henry (Pheohe) Belling; Mrs. Wilbert (Emma) Young, William and Joe, all of Parkhill; and Fred, who served overseas. Mending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Karl O'Neil, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Carter, Mrs. Roy McCann and Beth, Mrs. Ross O'Neil and Alton O'Neil. Clandeboye — Continued from page 12 3, 1937. They farmed in Mc- Gillivray township for a time, later moving to Windsor, Mrs, Dundas taught in the Clandeboye school for some time and was also president in 1939 and 1,940 of the Clande- boye Women's Institute. Mr. Dundas was a Past Master of. Irving Masonic Lodge AF & AM 154 Lucan and also a 33rd degree Mason, Inventions in this old world are coming so fast that the ladder to ,success may soon be replaced by an escalator. COMING EVENTS-- OES EUCHRE — January 19, 8:15 p.M., Exeter Town Hall. Admission 500; lunch; prizes. Everyone welcome, 11:18c 100F — The Seaforth degree team will confer the third de. gree on a number of candidates in Exeter 100I+ Lodge rooms on January 23, 1962, All mem. hers welcome,, NA.. Harold Rowe; Percy , McFalls, Rec. Sec'y. I8e ST. VALENTINE'S DANCE Exeter Ocldfellow sand Rebekah Lodge, CP&T committee, Wed- nesday, February 1.4, Exeter Legion Hall. Dancing 9 to 1, Admissien 754. Desjarciinc's or. 1/1:251te chestra, Mr, and Alm Alex Crago and Mr, Frank Routly visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Routly. Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Cooper and Kathy, Mr. and Mrs, Don- ald Parsons Susan, Gail and Debbie of Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper visited on Sun- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper. Mr, and Airs. John Batten, Helen, Sharon and. Ralph, Mr, and Mrs. William Morley Jr,, Janice and Robbie of Whalen, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Pen- hale, Doug and Brian visited on Friday evening with. Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin P'ym, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pym, DANCE Mount Carmel Friday, Jan, 19 Music by GRANT EDIGHOFFER'S MELODY MASTERS Admission 751t Sponsored by the Holy Name Society LUNCH SERVED CKNX BARN DANCE Sat,, Jan. 20 Hensall Arena Auditorium 8:30 p.m. Sponsored by Hensall Kinettes ANNUAL Bridge Et Euchre Party LEGION HALL Thurs., Jan. 25 8:15 p.m. Lunch will be served, ADMISSION 750 Sponsored by Women's Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Main Street Rev. Mel, W, Holmes, Pastor 9:00 a.m.—C.1M Radio (1240 Ke,) Rev. Bren tie Vries, Rector LEWIS-1n loving memory of a Robert Cameron, Organist clear mother, Clara Lewis, Sunday, January 21, 1962 who passed away da d, Third Sunday After Epiphany 29, 1958, and dear dad, Arthur Lewis, who passed away 8:30 aan.—Quiet Communion January 16, 1951. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer Many years have passed Since Nursery and Sunday School the day The ones we loved were called IN MEMORIAM — WEBSTER—in loving memory of a dear husband and father, William Webster, who passed away one year ago, January 22, 1961. He bad no one a last farewell, And lie said goodbye to none, The heavenly gates were open wide, A loving voice said 'come'. The blow was great, the shock severe, We little thought his death was near. Only those who have lost can tell. The sorrow of parting without THE ANGLICAN farewell. CHURCH OF CANADA —Ever remembered by his Trivitt Memorial, Exeter wife, children and grand. children. 18* UNIQUE STRUCTURE AT ,QOPeRICH---Sod, was turned Friday for this new British Mortgage and Trust Company branch office at Godericn, Prompted by the triangu- lar site at the intersection of Nos, 8 and 21, the structure will be unique with three concave sides. It has seven-foot glass window walls on all three sides surmounted by white Indiana limestone for contrast, Architects were Rounthwaite and Associ- ates, Toronto, who won a national award. for their design of the Stratford Shake- speare.an Festival, Arnold By MRS,. ROSS SKINNER Paul's TAINOXIMEIBBWINMEATIER Personal items