The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-01-18, Page 12.........••1•01 1.1•1•011•11•
Many suitable older and handicapped children
are available for adoption. Happily married
couples who are interested in any of the boys
and girls below should. apply to the Minister of
Public Welfare, Parliament Buildings, Toronto.
The majority of Children's Aid 'Societies are
making a determined effort to provide perma-
nent homes for some of their wards. Every
attention will be given to requests for these,
or other children.
MICHELLEwasborn ofrnixed parentage
—French had Negro. This very appealing •
two year old Raman Catholic child has
brown eyes and hair, regular features that
are not ncgroid, and a fair skin which
reflects traces of her mixed blood.. She is
progressing nicely in every way but needs
parents who can accept her for the lovely •
baby she is,
* * Or
AY\ is petite, with hazel eyes and brown
hair. She is a healthy girlor 14 "'ears,
Anglo-baxoti. and Roman Catholic. She
is not g goad student but her teacher
describes her as a sweet child. Site gets
along well withehildren and adults, Ann
needs to become a member of a big, jolly
family who can rici.cpt and lose her.
a a a
CHUCK is a sturdy, well developed little ,
Roman Catholic Indian boy. Ile \,.:15 born '
in July,- 1060, I-U's growth and develop- •
placid disposition, This wee boy responds
warmly to attention, Is AireatiOtiate and -
attractive. He has dark hair, bright spark-
Mitt black eyes, 'and a very endearing
snide, lie is, at present, babbling a few
words in both French add EnglI 411,
Itornan Catholic parents are requested,
* a a
SANDY is a scry pretty 8 year old girl
with naturally lair curly hair and blue
eves. She is of Irish-English descent, She
is bright and alert svith good intelligence .
And gi ft ed artistically, Sandy needs a
Raman Catholic home which •wili he on
its toes to he able to keep up with the
determined child who hat a strong per.
tonality and much charm. This girl would
got along well with older brothers and.
weer, as she likes people •and fun,
* * a,
A:11(0AR A is A dear si re chubby, girl or
g scar'. Slit has large solemn black even,
nark blown hair and M0(110111' dark coal-
Heston. Site is intelligent and a great little
talker, Pleasantlooking, Affectionate, nut-
going And friendly, She, is a nice little
Indian and I Mitch Canadian girl who
tsantStosettledownwith vo/y,warn
parents in A good whole.smite, Rontati
Catholic benne.
meat are normal and helm a very ha pPYi
SALLY is a sturdy 4 year old bright and
normal, child with brown eyes and hair,
dark complexion and very attractive
negroid features. :Her background is
Negro and Indian and she is a Roman
Catholic. She is even-tempered and en-
slaves old and young alike with her cute
ways, Sally wishes Roman Catholic par•
eats who still respect hcr 'racial heritage
and totally accept her as their daughter,
a * a
RUBY is- nearsighted and her eyes are
crossed. This combined with her insecure
I I years Makes school and life difficult,
Ruby is a slender Canadian with brown
eyes and auburn hair, She is shy, quiet,
co-operable and a ffectionate with aver-
age ability, Ruby needs a stable Protestant
holm with patient loving parents.
'NOR MA in 9 years old, &Protestant and
part. Indian, She is a well built girl with
brown eyet and halt and tight oik e corn-
Norma has good average intelligence and
the ability to succeed at school. ISOrina
needs Protestant parents who will totally
accept her for her own worth,
GUS is a le year old ProtestantCanadian
. boy who is strong And healthy with blue
dyes and brown hair, This yourigiterneeda •
parents who iviii help hint to become •
more selfireliant .and encourage him to
use his normal mental ability, blot ail easy •
parenthood, but a very worthwhile .and
einoyable one for the parents who can
with lovearitiunderstanding guidethisboy •
to row aehienefinentS And Satisfaction,
TONI IS An g year old in good health And
extremely inteilig,cht, He is sentinve And
alert with po se and the ability to can. •
castrate, Tom wants ftonia it Catholic
PROMS who will be happy to welcome '
into their emelt a son with 'a part negin
heritage, * * ii
SAM MY in a 1 year bid Konnan 'CAtholto ..
Indian lad. Ile is well developed and very
Attractive leoeieg with brOwn eyes And
hair grid •Mediutri dark complexion, lie is
healthy end 'beget, inclined Ita be quiet,
a a *hair,
plexion. She is Most attractive toOking.father
• * * *of
but very affectionate. Sammy will enjoy
life with warm-hearted, outgoing and
affectionate Roman Catholic parents.
* * *
TERRY and JOSEPH—These brothers
with to be adopted by R.C. parents who
are anxious to have theni Math, They are •
normal, healthy lads of French Canadian
Finnish origin.. Joseph has a singularly/
sweet nature, likeable and obliging. Terry
is mischievous, quick and active. These
brothers of 10 and 11 yearn would be an
active challenge t,ei adopting parents. ,,
parents GLP.,N and ARNOLD—These brothers . are very attached to each Other and are
. two 'la ON' And healthy youngsters you6gsters 6r Average build with brown eyes and .hani.
They are friendly, out-going lads who will
be happy wi t h Protestant parents who Art
keen to have Iwo sonS of 11 and 13 years,
a * *
TE D DY—Teddy, his mother and rdia-
tires were 6 years ago involved in a car
trash and Teddy tsas the onl y one wino
„. ,,,,i ,ect -H6 receive d . t . ...- hea dinjuries from
"whidli' -he has now recovered, Tie is A
sturdy 10 year old Protestant eietae boy
with good intelligence and pleasing per-,
tonality„ble has broitin tyea and hair and
olive complexion and is well liked by all
who melt hit», Teddy Svirnia parents with
a father who can take him Salting And
hun t ing As li ds ta co on outdo n e lire,
* * a
Rum end CONNIE are appealing roil.
blooded Protestant Indian Sisters, seven
And tight yearn of age. They are Sturdy
youngsters, in good liolth,'phot In :a real
bond between thane with Connie being
t.0y ttedit.C.t114: Or her younger skier,
These girls are :friendly, quiet-mannered
children or average itstelligence, The
Agency which it eating for theist new feels
they -would •develep best in a h o me
together. kWh and Connie need parents
Whi5 can Adapt their radial background
and enjoy aisle. for the pleasant; Children
they Are, • ii, •
Latent -.:)15 yeart old, It Mt Appealing
blue eyed, fair curly' haired little girt who
has Made a good teeeeery from a Mild
attack of paliti whieli affeeted one leg,
......,. , . . ...........
She wears a brace but walks and plays
very well, Some continued therapy will he
required, Debbie is of English trench
descent and Roman Catholic. She has a
happy disposition,normalintelligence and
plays well with other children,
* *
JOEY is a healthy well built II year old
R.C, boy of French Canadian and Italian
background. He has brown eyes and hair
and it an attractive looking lad, Joey can
make his way in life on his own merits,
but like all children he needs good 11„C,
to love and guide hint,
. * it *
IAN is a 4 1/2 year old Roman Catholic
boy of mixed race, French and mulato,
and excellent background, Ile is a well
developed lad, brown eyes, medium bro%n
riot tee dark complexion, And a very
attractive boy, lie has presented no ltrod.
toms, being a well adjusted And happy
heiy, He however needs a. Mother and
whO can give him love, security
and a permanent home,
* * *
CLAUDETTIS—aii alert 2t.l old baby.
belongs to Otte of the most difficult group
children for whom we want peritanent
tonics, only because of her radial origin.
Claudette was born of Mixed parentage--
Iftthd,d, Negro,.,,„thit yet y appealing
Rotna.n Cattioileehitel has brown eyes and
hairy negroid lbaltires and a dusky skin.
She is progressing particularly well in
every way but needs parents who tali
accept Ise for the lovely baby tht is,
preferably Ones or mixed racial back'
grOund like herself,
* * *
9100'H and .814,10t,0N-1,1.Yalls and
13 years, are •A'brijInte 'Ono skier Wan
have never `been •separated, We Still
haven't been able to find their A 'Roma it
'Catholic benne where they could be to-
Oiler. These YeilltigMcf!l ere attiglisb'
Irish origin, and are eley.oete mid "fairs
complexioned, Garth hat reddish hair;
' Sharon's in blond, They, are bath healthy,
• friendly and likeable, Their sand! Work
is below average but they probably triuld
do better were they in hate the tout and
Setutity Of Parents of their own,
TIte 2,6124410/44 Pt e places aciaeth4400,this 41. atd
1444:40412444 e 04 044 Aitfp, 4 ille edicidioof el ate rut/Ake Me 0.14.4dah.e.,
HONOURABLY., leOte IS P, crorzo.d,
AMts 5, BAND,
boput vAdtiltstcr
Corres.pondentt Miss .Lind Abbott
.o construct
four lanes.
At .St, James Church, the rec-
tor the Rev. g..0, Lancaster,
conducted the service on s kill,
day with holy Communion.
The annual vestry meeting
for St, James ,Church was held
urer, Clare Weetman, RR 3
Grantor); tax collector, Robert
Rainey, Grantee; road superin-
tendent, James O'Shea, RR 3
Grantee; auditors, Kime. and
Kime, Welsh and McIntosh,
Truant officer and weed in-
spector, Tames McIntosh, Lu-
can; sanitary inspector, W. N.
Gunning, Granton; livestock
evaluator, Derwin Beelson, RIL
3 Grantee and Harry Hardy,
RR I Lucan; relief officer,
Lorne Barker, RR 1 lateen;
warble fly inspector, A, J.
Lamphier, RS 3 Lucan; 'Board
of Health, Dr, F. S. Kipp,
Granton, c h air m an, Harold
Wallis, Granton, secretary, Aus-
tin Hodgins, RR 1 Lucan, Med-
way HS representative, Clar-
ence Hardy, Lucan; fence view-
ers, Melville Westman, RR 3
Granton; Jack Heenan, RR 3
Granton and Clifford Shipley,
Alex ,McComb was appointed
contractor for spraying of cat-
tle for warble fly and Joseph
Bryan was named representa-
tive to the A.usable and Thames
Valley Conservation Authori-
Personal items
Mrs, Eileen Currie sold an-
other of hersamoyed puppies
to a man in Stratford, Satur-
day, making her third puppy
to go to Stratford. She also
The first Step in the widening
of Highway 4 from two to four
lanes, from the city limits to
Elgiefield, began on. Wednes-
day, by awarding a 2.2-mile
contract to Alasonville,
While no starling date has
been set by the department,
construction of bridges over
Medway Creek and of widening
the highway from Birr to El-
ginfield will be the second
phase of the program. and is
scheduled to start late in 1963.
Personal items
Julia Crozier was successful
in passing her mid-term ex-
aminations so, was able to re-
turn to Macdonald institute,
Guelph, after her Christmas
Mrs. C, .Haskett
active in groups
Mrs. Clinton Haskett, 62,
died suddenly at her home, Lot
19, Concession 13, London Town-
ship, Tuesday, January 9.
The body rested at her late
residence until 12 noon, Thurs-
day, Jan, 11, when it was taken
by C. Haskett & Son funeral
director to Birr United Church
where the. pastor, the Rev,
Bruce Guy, conducted funeral
services, Interment was in Birr
United cemetery.
Pallbearers were Messrs.
Reynold Keifer, Chester Mc-
Comb, Jack Hall, John Haskett,
Hugh Filson and Robert Park,
Flower bearers were Stuart
Revington, Billy Park, John
Baler, Jack Park, Jerry Phil-
lips and Grant Cruickshank,
Besides her husband, she is
survived by three brothers and
two sisters, John and David
Park,' of Lucan, Stewart Park,
of rPeteolia,„Emma (Mrs. H. B.
Langford); pf Lucan, and Kath-
ryn (Mks. William Butler), of
Mrs. Haskett, the former
Marjorie Park, was the daugh-
ter of the late Mr. and Mrs,
John Park and was born on
Alice St., Lucan, in the home
now occupied by Mr. James
Young and family. At an early
age, she moved with her par-
ents and family to a farm on
the Coursey Road just south-
west of the village. After her
marriage to Mr. Haskell, she
moved to a farm near Bin-.
She was an active m,ember
of the Birr United Church. She
was a 'member and secretary
of the Birr e\Yomen's Institute
and also eel; member of the
Ederton Rebekah Lodge.
i3idduiph council
names officers
Mrs. Pat Crudge won the $5
consolation. prize. Mr. Benny
Kelly must have had his rab-
bit's foot with him. Last week
he was a three-time winner
and again this week . winning
the third and fourth bingo as
well as the full card consecu-
tive bingo prize, Mrs, Ira Car-
ling and Mrs, Doug Ewen, both
of Lucan, won the first and
second part.
Mrs, H. Bieber of Clande- scored the winner, Brian. Has-
boye won the . first part of kett, Paul Young and Larry sold another to a man in Port
"Share the Wealth", Mrs. Her- Rowan on Tuesday. At present Lewis each tallied once. Some
old Butler of Lucan, the sec- of Lucan's lines were tempter- she has only two left.
and part and Mrs. Jack Hen- arily juggled for Friday and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Crozier
son of Lucan won the lull card Saturday games, putting Bob have returned home to Copper-
prize as well as the sixth Hickson on with George Dauncy cliffe after spending a few
bingo, on defense. days with the former's brother,
Other solo winners were Mrs. Lucan's three stars for both Mr, Ron Crozier and family.
Art Harlton of Granton, Mrs. games were Larry Lewis, Paul While here they gave a resume
Tom Weller, Mrs. Harry Arnold, Young and Steve Davis.. of their six-week vacation in
Mrs. William Mathers, Mrs. A. Lucan's next bantam games Europe and presented their Le-
E. Reilly and Mrs. Robert will be in Belmont next Friday can relatives with many beauti-
Downey, all of Lucan. and hi Lucan next Saturday. ful gifts purchased in Europe.
Phone BA 7.4255
(Mr '
I Blaze 'bug
hits again
About 10 p.m last Tuesday
night Lucas's mysterious fire
bug struck again destroying
the home once owned by the
late Mrs. Henry Ileum. After
Mrs. .Hurm's death the house
had been.. purchased by Mr.
Clarence Young and was filled
with hay and straw for his
horses which are kept at the
arena barn,
Mr. LeRoy Revington. while
exercising ins horse, was the
first to spot the fire. He called
to Wayne Culbert to give the
Though tracks could he seen
in. the - snow leading from the
fire they were lost among the
tracks of those who vielled the
Fernily gathering
In honor of her niece. Mrs.
Jean Stoner tnee Johnstone and
daughter, Lynn, of Niagara
Falls, N,Y„ Mrs John Park
held a family gathering last
Other guests included Mr
and Mrs. Art McLean, London,
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Revington
and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Sheridan Revington and family
and. Mrs. Jack Lankin and
Jean Marie, of Lucan,
Once again the clergy and
members of Lucan's three
churches united for the annual
Week of Prayer services.
The first meeting was held
in the United Church on Tues-
day evening. Six members of
the CGIT and 20 Explorers,
with their leaders, helped to
Pentecostal Holiness Church
There was a good attendance
out for the Children's Service
Friday night.
In crafts, the girls are start-
ing leather brooches, the boys
are completing their billfolds
and the smaller children their
An achievement night
is plannedjor February.
Instead of the regular Young
Peoples's meeting the mem-
bers, in a body, attended the
week of prayer service in the
Anglican church,
United Church
Twenty members of the Ex-
plorers held a short business
meeting prior to attending the
week of prayer service in the
United Church last Tuesday.
YP meeting
The YPU held a meeting
Sunday evening at the home of
Wayne and Marilyn Culbert.
The president, Margaret Sach
was assisted by Eleanor Walk-
er in the worship service.
During the business session
plans were made for a sleigh-
ride party, Sat., Jan. 20, Mem-
bers are to meet at the church.
at 7.30 p.m. and go by car to
the home of Mr. Ivan Stanley.
dies from crou
Henry Martens, three years
of age., died suddenly on Sat-
urcley, Jan. 6, at his home,
Lot 2, Concession 12. London
He is survived by his par-
eats, Mr. AO Mrs. John Mare
tens, three brothers and two
sisters tall pre-sehoolt Tony.
Diana, Mary Jane. ,terry and
'Pile body lay at rest in the
C. Haskell & Son funeral home,
Lucan. until 10.30 a.m. Tues-
day. Jan. 9, 'then to St. Pat-
rick's Church, Biddulph, where
Father Bricklin conducted fu-
neral services al 11 a.m. Ire
terinent was in St. Patrick's
Pallbeorers were four neigh-
bor boys. Jim McPherson,
David Buchanan, Joseph De-
noter and Gerald Skeen.
Henry died in lied Saturday
afternoon froni what doctors
described as croup, an inflam-
matory disease of the larynx
and trachea.
Dr, Ross Green of Thorndale
ordered Mary Jane, four, Jerry,
two, and Charlie, one year, to
he removed to St. Joseph's
Hospital, Saturday night. as
they showed signs of the same
disease. The parents said the
children had been sick about
two days with what appeared
to be bad colds.
fill the centre section of the
The Rev. E. A. Gagnon of
the Pentecostal church read the
scripture lesson and led in
prayer, Rev. E. Al,- Cook also
led in prayer, the pastor, the
Rev. G. W. Sach presided, the
choir provided special music
and the Rev. E. 0. Lancaster
of the Anglican church was the
guest speaker.
On Wednesday night at the
Pentecostal Holiness Church,
the pastor, the Rev, E, A,
Gagnon was in charge, Mrs.
'Ed, Butler was not only pianist
but accompanied her own solo
on her accordion. Rev. E. M.
Cook, who was the guest speak-
er took no 'text but spoke on
reflections of the past, its fail-
ures and success. He stressed
the point that it is not im-
portant what happens to us
but what the past does to us.
On Thursday night, services
moved to the Anglican church
with the Rev, E, 0, Lancaster
in charge. He was assisted by
Mr. Sach who read the scrip-
ture lesson. The theme of the
Rev. E. A, Gagnon's address
was "Alone with God."
Rev. Jack Thompson of Lon-
don was the guest speaker at
the final meeting in the Angli-
can Church Friday evening,
Mr. Thompson spoke on the
Bible Society,
Following his address, the
film, "So Great the Light,"
was shown, This film depicted
what the Bible Society was do-
ing, particularly for the blind,
by providing for them books in
Members from the junior
and senior choirs led in the
music at both Anglican ser-
The collections at all meet-
ings will go towards the work
of the Bible Society and for
the missionary work of the
three churches.
Personel items
Mr, Gary Bison has accepted .
an electronic job in Toronto. -
Mrs, William Butler is still
hospitalized and was unable to
attend the funeral of her sis-
ter', Mrs, Clinton Haskell Thurs-
Mrs. Warier McRoberts. of
'Dresden, spent the weekend at
her home here and on Satur-
day visited Airs. Allan West-
man in South. Huron Hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. George Ardy, of Ilderton„ were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence
I still heed a few more
names to complete Mc St.
John's Ambulance class that I
Ain starting at the arena. I do
hope 1 will get a few more
people interested in taking this
coarse as I know it will he a
help to you sonic time in life.
Sn to these people who are
still interested will they please
Phone the Prom and leave the
names with me.
Our local pee woes won (heft
game with Iityanston oil Sat,
urday by a 4.3 score. Andy
Hardy was, the star of this
game with three goals and the
Other goal going to Bob :seal-
At our regular 'Friday night
game this week between Phil
ipsburg and the. Lucan *Ilderi
ton Combines there will be a
preliminary pee wee game bo.
tween Lucan. Pee Wets arid
Ildertbe f''ce Woes. This game
will mark the Sten Of Minor
"Hockey Week in Canada. We
hope the parents will COMO
out and support the kids kit
this game,
, . William R. McEalls.
Lodge master
for centennial
William ,R. Mclealle, Frank
St., was elected worshipful
master of Irving Lodge 154
,A,F, & which this year
celebrates 100 years of active
masonry in the Lucan area.
Clifford Culbert, will co-ordine
ate special aetivities for cen-
tennial celebrations.
Others elected include Harold
Cartwright, senior warden; Cale
vie Haskett, junior warden; C,
E. Robb, immediate past mas-
ter:" E. R. Hodgins, chaplain;
J. C. Sturdy, secretary; 111, H.
llodgins, treasurer; A, F, Mc.
Lean, director of ceremonies:
1. M. Murray, senior deacon;
Tames Young, junior deacon;
Rudy Engel, inner guard; Clar-
ence Haskett, tyler; ;Tens An-
dersen, senior steward; Jack
Arnold, junior steward, and
Ivan Hearn, organist.
The members were installed
at a meeting in the lodge
rooms Thursday evening.
Legion Auxiliary bingo
Thursday night's zero vveath ,
a kept home many of the reg-
ular bingo fans at, the Legion
Auxiliary bingo at the Legion
Hall. For the second consecu-
tive week there were no split
bingos, As no one won the jack
pot it will go up to $170 in 56
calls for next Thursday.
The trustees of Bidelulph
School Area No, 1 held their
inaugural meeting ln. the town-
hero, last Wednesday,
Sworn in by Austin Hodgins,
Biddellph Reeve,. were -13., it,
Crozier, Orville Langford, Jo-
seph ,O'Neil, Thomas .Eagan
and Gordon Dann.
Mr. Crozier was named chair-
man and it was decided to ad-
vertise for a secretaryelrees•
urer, applications to be sent to
Mr. Crozier by January 19.
Accompanied by Inspector
G. .Schlotzhatier it NNW 'decided
to make a tour of Bieldulph
schools January 26,
CGIT .mecting
Prior to attending the week
of prayer service in the Vnited
Church last Tuesday, the COIT
held a short business session
with former leader Mrs, Charles
Sovereign in charge,
It was voted to purchase a
steel, file box for the church,
school, As three members be-
long to the Medway School
band it .was decided to hold
meetings on Tuesday nights in-
stead of Monday,
At the inaugural meeting of
the Biddielph council held in
the Lucan township hall last
Monday officers were appoint-
ed for 1962,
Last year's reeve Harold
Wallis and councillors John
Bryan, Lorne Barker, James.
Ryan and Wilson Hodgins were
returned by acclamation.
Township officials are: clerk,
Austin Flodgins, Lucan; trees-
Bantams divide
weekend games
Friday night, the Lucan Ban-
tarns defeated the Belmont
Lions by a score of 4.2 at Bel-
mont, Larry Lewis led the
Irish squad with two goals,
while centres Toni Hardy and
Paul Young netted the other
two goals.
The game was followed by a
Lucan Midget loss in favor of
the Belmont team, 10-1.
The next day told a different
tale. The Lucan Bantams, rid-
ing high, were defeated 4.3 by
Oalcridge Acres at a game
played in Lucan, Lucan led 2-0
going into the second period
and it was 3-3 going into the
final lapse, when Oakridge
mortal and (Iceoration Sunday
service, ser. 2 at 3 p.m..
United ,church
At (he United Church on stin-
TiaY Jan. 14 the pastor the
Rev.. G. W. Sech's sermon was
On The Eldership.
lie Was assisted with the
communion service by alders
Lloyd. Lynn, Gordon 'Eaton,
Scott and Arthur Simp,
son. The goitemunion
.wee to have been held 01.1 Jan.
7 but due to the elem. the
service was cancelled,
It has been decided to ITIPSt.,
Pone the congregational meet,
rag date to Thursday, Jan,. 25
at .the church,
Silver wedding. Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ,Pletl,
des of Windsor, !formerly of,
this community, were pleasant-
ly surprised on Sunda, on their ,
25th wedding anniversary when
they accepted an Invitation
from Mr, and Mrs, Edward
Dundas of Detroit to be their
.0ther members of the family
present were: Miss. Edith Aim),
ro of London, Mr, and Mrs,
Lester Howland (the former
Violet Dundas), Detroit, Mr,
and Mrs, Roy Hamilton and
son Robert of Lucan, Airs. MI-
liam Haskett, Deneield, and
Mrs. Earl Dixon, &Ise Craig.
Following a turkey dinner -
with enniversady cake, in keep-
ing with the blue and silver
color scheme, a blue satin box
,containing 2,5 silver dollars
was -presented by -a nephew,
Robert Hamilton, on behalf of
those pfesent and the rest of
the families.
Mr, and Mrs, Dundas, the
former Alma Munro of Dutton,
were married at Fingal Jan.
— Please teen to page 14
There is still time to
Call or Write
by W. W. Haysom
your telephone
Did you call your fam-
ily or friends by long '
distance over the
Christmas holidays?
Isn't it amazing how
quickly and smoothly
calls go through nowa•
clays , . how clearly •
you hear that familiar
voice at the other end?
It's almost like talking
face to face! And, if
you called someone in
Ontario and Quebec,
station-to-station, after .
9 p.m., you also found
that you could make
use of our new "Night-
Economy” Plan, Yes,
'see, this exciting new long ,
distance plan gives you
Mrs. Reginald Wuerth points out double value on station-
that you can, get double value on to-station calls of ten
long distance calls after 9:00 p.m. minutes or more with,
in Ontario and Quebec,
The first five minutes are charged at low night rates;
there's no extra charge for the second five minutes.
(You get ten minutes of long distance time for the
price of five,) From then on, every two minutes you talk
will only be charged as one minute. Increased automation
enables us to pass on to you the economies of station-
to-station calls—giving you the lowest cost long distance
plan ever offered to Bell Telephone customers! .13e sure
to take advantage of this low cost plan; call someone
tonight after 9:00 p.m, on our Night-Economy Plan.
January is a bad month
for fires! Houses become
hot and dry with the ex-
treme cold, and heating
systems are taxed to the
utmost. Every year at
this time fires take a
tragic toll of life and
property, We would like
to take this opportunity to
remind our fellow citi-
zens in Exeter and dist-
rict of this ever present
danger. Heating appara-
tus should be checked to
make sure it is working
properly, It is also im-
portant to keep matches
and lighters well away
from children. The den ,
ger of, fire should be ine-
pressed upon youngsters
at an early age. And
finally, it's, very import-
ant to write down the
',umbel of the Fire be.
pertinent in the front of
the phone book and make
sure everybody, including
the baby sitter, knows FIRE CHIEF FORD
where it is, in the event of fire, phone the Fire Depart.
ment Immediately — every'second countsI
Fire Chief (r win Ford of 'Exeter adds another important
piece of advice, If you should discoVee fire in your house
or some other' building, try td isolate It by shutting the
door to the idoom when you gO to telephone for help,
.(ton't create drafts which will fan the blaze by leaving
doors and windows open,
P4,9* 12 441WOrY 18r 190.
and district news
Mrs. Ankers
heads auxiliary
Mrs, Don Ankers was instal-
led as president of the Evening
•Branch of the Woman's Auxil-
ary at the meeting held at the
home of . Mrs. Cecil Lewis,
Other officers are: Honorary
president, Mrs, E. 0. Lancas-
ter; vice-president, Mrs.
Dwight Henderson; secretary,
Airs, Calvin. Haskett; treasurer,
Mrs. Kay Egan Dorcas secre-
tary, Mrs. Alert C ul b e r
prayer partner, M r s, Pat
The new president presided
for the meeting and was in
charge of the new. study book
"The Light of the World". She
was assisted in the worship
service by Mrs. Clerence Has-
Mrs. Haskett, Mrs, Roscoe
Hodgins and Mrs, Arnold Lewis
were assistant hostesses.
Mrs. B, 0. Lancaster offered
the rectory for the February
Personal items
Mr, Alex liodgirt% was taken
to St. JOsepli's Hospital by C.
Haskett & Son ethletilance• last
Tuesday. _
Al.t and Mrs. Henry Mueller
and Debbie of Waterford were
weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs, Rein Crozier and
Mrs, Sam Earle of Woodstock
anent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and
re, Wes
Mrse Harold Cunningham arid
"boys , have rented brio of the
aparttivelits the old Patrick'
hoigd.. on Main St. south.
Air, and Mrs, Cal Rove and
three flaUghtees, of :London,
Were_ Stinday callers on Air,
and Mrs.. Cecil Robb.
end Mrs. Charles
Ster ion' 'Tuesday attended the
,fttherat of the forthee's
Mre e Welker Dun', 77, at the
Al. Belt &Soli lueeral home,
Churches conduct
evening prayers
A rea board
plans. tour
Clandeboye church
elects '62 officers
-faocipnploe:-1111 aigrbAslle.lCs9c11°\\a'4ivit:el'elgireetchihrtsioebtannpell!oryi ittly Mr.i()t_ paintedN1v9e6e,
tilnhe" improved.t the V
v\' walksas
graves were
The reports from :all the oi'
winners, Mrs.' William McComb rectors warden, ,
score M;innOet.rso, Alt's, sic! 14 i41.75ld ..5ri dw. NslevIligfaii:tcplessn.911iv::iosr: illoltilriek ler- c!sat il :Yjimcnto,:d:a htl)aer'11:147,11:dilaccelr:
INID.FiLdrly Ilstp8011.1.1.e. winners were gallilali011S. •werc .r,,..Q0a,
tram MeOeMb in two weeks. 1\113ukolls.d$: of Management is
Carmen Hoagies; ..lee hand vestry clerk, Karl 4,04;iNk eilwahihd.
(Detail and Mr, E. Summers,
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wit- •
Mrs. Austin Hobbs and. mr.
Personal items
The next game will be held at Simpson, /car, O'Neil Lod limy
harry Muriess, Arnold Cun-
New .officers were named;
Kay Bison fell on the ninghem, Cecil Carter,Alan
ice near her home last Mon- Hill ,Rae llodgins, Roy Cue-
three places.
clay and broke her arm in lAi„illineldigi.3hanci,artRerobear;itd Liailit,as.„ ANI.r4an,
Sidesmen, Earl Morgan, Tom
Tomes, Clare .Paton, Robert
Cemetery- Board, .Ed Flynn,
llodgins and Alton O'Neil,
011N ey'ells: A MiaidllyricCe aSrtiernrPseoend,
Jim Cunningham,
Organist, Airs. J. H. Paton.
Plans were laid to start the
morning eervice at 9,45 from
May 13 till the end of Septem-
ber this year except for me-
teeeeeeAtiee eeesesesee • . ,,•seee ry
on Monday evening, ,l an 15
with :the rector, the Rev. E. O.
Lancaster, presiding,
Many improvements were ap.
cotnplishecl last year at the
rectory, the exterior of the
e‘‘,1,1etit.te. e awcaesd ;p
the interior of the vestibule
painted. The Cemetery Board
Medway :Euchre club started a new range, During
Your Investors' Syndicate Representative
145 Deer Park Circle, London GE 4.9502
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