HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-01-18, Page 11The Times-Advocate, January 18, 1942 Paget 11
21 Notices
any Town, Village or
Police Village within the
County of 'Huron.
4. The Corporation of the
'County .of Huron, by their
Clerk, may give notice to
the Owner or Occupant of
any land requiring him to
remove or alter any build-
ing or structure erected
after the passing a this
by-law that does not corn-
Ply with Sections 1 and 2
and each notice under this
section shall be in writing
and sent by registered
mail, addressed to the
Owner or Occupant of the
a. If the person to whom the
notice is given, under
Section 4 above, fails to
comply with it within 30
days 'from mailing of such
notice, the Corporation of
the County of Huron may
direct any officer, em-
ployee or agent of the
said Corporation to enter
upon the land and do or'
cause to be done, what-
ever may he necessary to
remove or alter such
building or structure men-
tioned in said notice.
6. Every person who violates
any of the provisions of
Sections 2 and 3 or fails
to comply with the notice
given under Section 4,
shall he guilty of an of-
fense and on summary
conviction shall be liable
to a penalty of not more
than fifty dollar's ($50.00)
for each offense and the
continuance of' the condi-
tion constituting an offense
for each week after con-
viction, therefore, shall
constitute a new offense.
7, By-Law No, 28, 1957, is
hereby repealed.
8. This by-law shall come in-
to force and effect when
approved by the Ontario
Municipal Board.
Read a first, second and
third time, and finally passed
this 23rd day of November,
2 Logai Notices
In the Estate of
Royal Vorngn .0aiser,
All :persons having claims
against the estate of Royal
Vernon Gaiser, late of the
Township. of Stephen, in The.
County of Huron, Farmer, who
died on or about, the 26th day
of November 1961, are required
to file Particulars of same with
cs.:, Laughton, Solicitors of
Exeter, Ontario, by the 3rd day
of February next, after which
date the estate will be •distri-
hided having regard. only to
those claims of which notice.
has been received.
Bell & .Laughton,
Solicitors for the
Exeter, Out.
1st Mortga•f'es
Industrial Mortgage &
Trust Company
Contact our Agent:
Phone 863 Exeter
Real Est t
EXETER, — Low monthly payment, $55.00. Price
$10,400. Down payment $2,400.
EXETER — New 3-bedroom, attached garage, hot
tvater heat, $3,500 down. Terms.
EXETER, — New 3-bedroom home. Terms.
EXETER — Two new homes, Huron St.. landscaped,
complete with garage, carport and paved drive-
ways, well constructed, hot water heat, broad-
loom in living and dining room.
CENTRALIA AREA — Full price $4,000. Down
payment $1,800. Full basement, new coal fur-
nace, 2 acres of land.
Carmel 125 Acres
Mt, Carmel . 225 Acres
Dashwood 200 .Kees
Kippen Area 150 Acres
il'oUr Lakefront Lots
Two Cottages, Oakwood
Five Cottages, Southcolt Pines
Four Cottages, Sharrow Survey
MILK ROUTE — Exeter Area
GENERAL STORE with living quarter5.
From $700 • $1,200
Listings invited,
W. Hodg son
Real Estate — ItIsuraiite
M, J, Gaisor, :Phont 24 G, 6, :OMR, •Plibfin
1 Lost, $trpypd. 11 Poultry For Sale 0 Articles. For;$.ale 14 Property For Sale 1.0 For Sale Or .Rent 21 Notices
SIAMESE CAT, male. •Phone STARTED AMES and other NEW B .0'C A R Y button-hole
653 Exete.p, Mrs. L., V,„ Hogarth. geod. pullet Varieties, 4.0 week .inaker; 9.0-needle knitting ma, YALVAA,I—E.
ciiioon,,uves...n...Eiets.,,.b.e417001;..,.._..:m.....()0....1.n.... ,ANp... ,:417. .R. vc....T.v... R. ‘.......pN.. i.....;;N.....o
in ClandebeYe, A 0 .1 A 4 .g. N T TO COUNTY 18c old, _available promptly; order chine with spare needles; half possession immediately, APPIY ROADS, now, get good start on 1962 egg price. Phone .867W Exeter. 180
half *. J. C. Murless, phone Lucan
3 Male Help Wanted '1"(luctian* 'Br"er C111°C"1" 'PrOPertY,' .• • . ....,...... ..., .._ ... ... • -....- b..e imeessary and desirable to
1-8 :.P WHEREAS, it is deemed io 227-4656.
YOUNG MAN le work in Ex- Bray thit(.511erYi
...„..............s...._,.................... ....„... . available. Dayolds to order, -01E: .SPACE HEATER, Cole-
Eric Carscad. men; white built-in bath tuh.; regulate •the loeation of build
;Anse pleetrie motor, ft, l'',. 1.?.. .Yq...131 lt.1.1:!‘,1- ,..T.,.....-,...,1...t.... ... rugs end Structures on land
Balkwill, 'Exeter, phone 89,I.
. for Sale.
HOUSE, 2 bedrooms, reason- a di a e e 11 t to certain county
titer store, m ut: be inmost and deer, Exeter,. phone 246W. 1.8cri 141 .horse electric .motor; I!.'t
steady. Good, future for light. - •••• ---- — - --
Cors Trucks For Sale iv Consisting of 2 stores with •2 .ably modern, within town of roads:. person, Write Box WS, :Exeter 12 .
Times-Advocate, 180 . ' upstele apartineots, the pro- Exeter, required by March I., AND WHEREAS authority is
McSTEPHRN p erty of the late Mr, and Mrs. Phone 622 'Exeter, H:18* granted under Section 64 (1.1. 4 female -Help Wanted AUTO WRECKERS --- of the Highway improvement
SFlifecel t,C.eXee'tets',iluaSetAdSs ofrnen.it \:I tahine SMALL NOUSE or apartment, Act .R.S.0„ 1960 and Section 30 RR 1. •Creclitoti, EXPERIENCED WOMAN want- T.EACHER'S DESK, suitable Post Office. Property must be furnished, in Exeter, required of the Plopping Act R.S.0, 1960
eel for restaurant, part-time Behind Centralia Airport for Public school. PhOne Desh, sold for cash, by end of ,lanuary by officer to exercise such power subjeet
evenings. Good wages for de. •• . • i USED & REBUILT PARTS wood 341'9, /180 Enquiries should be addressed with one small child. ApplY to the approval of the Muni. GUARANTEED .vendable person, Call in per- KITCHEN CUPBOARDS, used. to Loreoe John.s, 288 _CoSbtirn TiMes-Advocate„ Exeter. 18c cipal Board;
son. Rether's Restaurant, 18e Wrecking '55 •Stutlebaker, Phone 266W after 5;15 p.m. Ave., Toronto 6, ()Merl°. The Council of the. CorPere- custom radio. 18.* is: as: lc AniPsiAleRcriETINTE• x cefer imseour,Grfuud
-.r. The of the County of Httron
9 Services 53 St u debaker 18
from February 1 to June enacts as follows:
16 property For Sale HOME TRAILER, 43,-foot, 2 J. References supplied. Apply 1(a) No person shall erect any hedroms, living room, kitchen, Times-Advocate, Exeter. 18* building or strueture, any
3-piece bath, priced to sell, part of which is located
NEW 2-BEDR00M, in Lucan, APARTMENT, furnished, one closer to the nearest limit
bedroom, required by young of any of. the County
200 acres, Exeter, suit cash
cif heat, full basement,
married couple, in Exeter. roads, or parts of the
crops or cattle prodeetion. County roads, hereinafter
200 acres, Seaforth,
BEAUTY PARLOR—Doing ex- Phone Mrs. Page, 1090, Exeter,
245efitneeectl ttvilltser11:e the road is
or livestock farming. cash -crop c.ellent business, Good terms, Monday to Friday, 9 to
200 acres, Dashwood, suitable GROCERY and meat store with
100 feet wide;
42 feet where the road is for livestock or cash crop, living quarters, Long establish -
21 Notices 66 feet wide: doing good business.
and in no case closer to acres.
Highway 165 acres and 150 ed,
the centre line of the Choice 143 acres, Sec before original road allowance
reds and three fifties. John Burke
FARM MACHINERY buying elsewhere. Sonic hund- SHOW
1(b) oPtilfraontt.rliid7oe5dfeexteliitsatting
in buildi
either or both of which is,
or are, located closer to
the nearest limit of any
Buses leaving from County road hereinafter
defined than is permitted HOUSE, 3 bedroom, r a n c h LARRY SNIDER MOTORS in 1(a) of this by-taw, style, with fireplace and base- 1 Property For Rent which are less than 300 ment, a substantial down pay- feet apart measured par- ment
mortagage at 51/2 ''.,.. Apply 236 suitable space for office, store Thursday Jan. 25
road, the provisions of
required, owner will hold BRICK BUILDING, 2 - storey, and to the centre line of
Huron St. East, Exeter. 1.:5tfric and warehousing, with or with- at 7:00 a.m. this paragraph shall apply
out refrigeration, Located on to the extent that no per-
Main St., Exeter. Reasonable son shall erect any build-
a C
rent to responsible party. Phone For Reservations Leave PICKARD 710 Exeter. 12:7tfnc Your Name and $4.00 at,
ing or structure between
the aforesaid e x i s t i n g
structures closer to the
EXETER FARM EQUIPMENT centre line of the road
than the line joining the or
closest point to the centre
LARRY SNIDER MOTORS line of the road of the one
structure, to the closest
point to the centre line of
TOWN OF EXETER the road of the next ad-
jacent structure, COLLECTION OF TAXES
1(c) Provided that in cases
I will be in the Town Hall where a building exists
on the dates and during the closer to the nearest limit
hours listed below for the of any County road here-
collection of taxes for the Town inafter defined than is
of Exeter. Please arrange to permitted in 1(a) of this
make payments on or before by-law the provisions of
these dates to avoid penalty, this paragraph shall apply
so that no person shall
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31 erect a building or struc-
ture closer to the centre 1:30-5:00 p.m. 7:30.9:00 p.m.
line of the road than the
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1 existing building or struc-
ture if the distance (mea-
sured parallel to the centre
line of the road) between
the existing and proposed
structures is less than 50
12; litre
Refrigeration 1961 CHEV SEDAN, Bel Aire,
Maroon, like new, only 3,000
miles. Mrs. John Ridley, phone
8609 Kirkton, 18:25'
Good selection of 670x14
and 670x15 tires,
PHONE AC 8-6214
14 Wanted To Buy
86 Anne St., Exeter
Immediate service, a I w a y s , 13 Articles For Sae SEPTIC. TANKS PUMPED —
available, Harold ' Butler, Ent* FOR THE VERY BEST in
can, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7- winter apples, see Victor ;fel- 4312 collect. 8 :8*tfnc Eery & Sons, or phone 602W3
Exeter. We deliver. 1.1:30tfne ANYONE wishing whitewash. Hardware stores, ge n era I
ing or disinfecting barns for FILTER QUEEN sales and st ores, brucellosis, contact Bill Wat-
._ RUSS BRODERICK, Salesman service. Bob Peck, RR 1 Z,ur. son, phone 37r19 Dashwood,
Box 124, Phone 1187W ich, phone Hersall 696r2. 5:25*tfnc
8:31tInc 11:91:fe
ELECTROLUX sales and ser-
4-7917. 27:10*tfnc
gate St., Goderich, phone JA
vice. Bert Harris, 109 New-
Skate Special
For dead or disabled animals, $5.95
call Darling & Company of
DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL Girls' White Tube Skates
Sizes 11, 12, 2, 3, 4
Canada Limited, Phone Kirkton WUERTH'S SHOES
48r10. Licence No. 97-C,61. Phone 252 Exeter HOUSE—Outskirts of Exeter;
available at once, Apply Wil-
PIANO TUNING and repairing, CHAIN SAW, 1960 McCullough, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE liam Westlake, RR 3 Exeter,
piano action work, Alf Denoni- 5 h.p., in good condition, Apply phone 177,13,
me, RR 2 Zurich, residence St. C. Maxwell, }Jensen, We have clients prepared to
HOUSE, 11/2 storey, 4 bed- Joseph, Ontario, phone 95r12 18*
Zurich, 11:2-2:Z2* buy. If you wish to sell, see rooms, 2 bathrooms, garage,
within limits of town -of Exeter. TRAILER, 46' long, 10' wide, us.
RENT A FROZEN food locker. Hollywood, fully e q u i p p e d. Possession March 1, 1962, Con-
It costs less than three cents Phone 716, nights only. 12tfc We also solicit your business tact W. Victor Knipp, RR 1 phone 378J2 Exeter.
phone 70. .1.1:16ti7c SLAB WOOD, dry m i xed, $30 for any type of general insur- 11.:18:25e
for a truck load. A p p 1 y ante. , in Clandeboye, 11/2 - ACHESON'S Dead Stock Service OUSE in writing Cot Robert Eagleson, —Farmers! Are you interested RR 1 Ailsa Craig, stating street storey, with all conveniences,
in getting the best and highest number in town or concession C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR Apply Arno 1 d Lewis, Main
Street, Lucan.
394 Main St., Exeter
. 18c cash prices for your dead, old in township, or phone Nairn
or disabled horses and cattle? 232-4450 before 8:00 a.m. or be- 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, oil fur- l( so, phone Atwood Zenith 34900 Phones 165 and 628 tween 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. nace, stove and refrigerator, trio toll charge) or Atwood 6:Wile 356.2622 collect. Licence No. es ese located at 79 Victoria St. Avail-
able now. Phone 132 Exeter, 103.c61. 12:71.fne
GEORGE TROYER NEW HOUSE, 2-bedroom, oil 1:18tfne
heat, well located, $2,500 down, APARTMENT, 2-bedroom, hot chine dug 1 IL to ft. diameter Metal Products monthly payments of $46 per water heat, private entrance, ERIC CARSCADDEN,
up to 150 ft. deep; repairing
Tax Collector
and deepening. Highway 85, month, Possession 30 days. W. utilities paid, immediate pos..
18:25e Elmira MO 9-3761, or Lucan Second Corner West of Hensall, H, Hodgson Ltd. Real Estate, session, in Dashwood. Phone
BA 7-4680. 27:10*tfec Turn Right 1 Mile. phone Exeter 24. 11:18c. 70W Dashwood, 18* CONTRARY to several rumors 2,
te-Arsa.a.WitieseeMeneeseelefeWeeMAWMOWAkeateletessLIMMeNe= which are circulating, I wish BOOKKEEPING, ironing, men- s Snow Throwers — new steel, to inform my customers that I ding, most anything in own sealed bearings, well con-
intend to continue my same
with or without hydraulic. Business Directory paperhanging, after moving to
home. Contact Mrs, Harold Dig- strutted to fit all tractors
line of work, carpentry and nan, Hensel], RR 2, Phone 91r3
11,18c (On display at Dick Jer- — myn's.) Exeter in the near future,
,,,:,,wasseiteowess,..sweejse s -t se.iimet ,At eeleteietnelegieggisinietregiiteassis e1 John Ridley. FROZEN underground water
* Tine. of. Knuckles, Shafting
pipes thawed. Phone Nairn 232-
4504. 1:11tfitc & Bearing. Also build your d informationaconisioliNvithwhao
own snow thrower kits avail., DR. J. W. CORBETT ARTHUR ERASER witnessed
CATTLE SPRAYING —Now is able. L.D.S., D.D.S. INCOME TAX REPORTS parked car on Main Street,
the time to have your cattle s',s Steel Feed. Carts—any size. DENTAL SURGEON BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Exeter, in front of Dr. Webb's
sprayed for lice. Call William
Devon Building ETC. , office Monday afternoon, jail.
Watson, phone 37r19, Dashwoocl, *Hog Feeders — heavy steel.
15, about 2 p.m., please phone 3,
18:25:1:8:15:22c angle iron frame, all welded Phone 273 Ann St., Exeter Phone 504 collect Sarnia .Kingswood 2-
construction, Closed Wednesday Afternoons 9194. 18*
10 Farm Stock For Sale .?..,:.• Farrowing Crates . N. L. MARTIN
7v Hog Troughs OPTOMETRIST WEANER. PIGS, good. Apply G. A. WEBB, D.C.
Gordon Ratz, phone 1610 Dash- s.er Scrapers-3-point or tool bar Main Street, Exeter
wood, 1.8'4 mounted, DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC
Open Every Weekday
5:11;18:25c DRUGLESS THERAPY Except Wednesday 2 BOARS, half Lacombe and
York, 5 months old. Apply For Appointment Phone 606 For Appointment 'Phone 55
Emerson Penhale, first farm WARM AIR FURNACE, used,
east of. Elimville, phone 25r17 Iron Fireman, stoker-fired, with
Kirkten. 18* circulating fan and automatic SUPERIOR DR: H. H. COWEN
controls; used Fairbanks Morse MAINTENANCE DENTAL SURGEON Wanted SHORTHORN BULL; b a 1 e d stoker with automatic controls; L.134., D.D.S. hay. Apply Fred Brown, RR 2 3 used space heaters, various SERVICE
Ci'editon, phone 234,608, sizes. Lindonfielcls Lisle Ex- Ma in Street Exeter Live Light Fowl
18:25c eter. I1itel.8:25c Commercial, Industrial and
Residential Janitor Work Closed All Day Saturdays THE ONTARIO
BULL, dark red registered Venetian Blind Cleaning
any quantity
Scotch Shorthorn, 20 months CLEARANCE SALE FREE ESTIMATES
old; also dark roan registered NOTICE UNDER SECTION ID Campbell Soup
pOliedshorthorn bull, 12 months Reasonable Rates Of over 200 Bushels or OF THE PLANNING ACT
APPLES BELL & LAUGHTON Company Ltd old; good quality, priced rea-
sonable. Apply Don McComb, PHONE 707 EXETER
Eiginfield, phone 227-069. 18* Greenings and Delicious BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & arid Section 64 of ListoWei, Ontario
Only $1.00 Bu. NOTARIES PUBLIC The Highway Improvement Act
.McIntosh and Spies JOHN WARD, D.C. . ELMER 'D. I3ELL, Q.C.
Phone 900 Collect
This 'ri that $1.25 13u, and up CHIROPRACTOR AND C. V, LAUGHTON, Q,C., LLB, TAKE NOTICE that the
bRUGLESS THERAPIST Council of the Corporation of Also 6-Qt. Baskets Available
Zurich Office Tuesday the County of HUron has ap-. Continued from page 10
PHONE 4 ROOTH McKENZIE'S STORE 15 Wellington St., across Afternoon plied to the Ontario Mueleipal Hold sheet to light and exam-
Ina for 'excessive stubs (uneven Corner Main and Wellington from PUC .EXETEK Board pursuant to the provi-
yeens), knots or, similar de- Phone 253 Exeter PHONE 1272 eions of Section 30 of The
weak spats, Be_ specially care- W. G. COCHRANE
Plannieg, Act for approval of feet& These are. indications of
its Restricted Area. By-Law 68, TRANSMISSION for '52 to W. 1961 passed on the 23rd day of ful of slobs in the centre of the
rebuilt 4-speed USBORNE & HIBBERT BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Nievernber 1961., the full text Of Sheet where the wear is greats Olds, neWlY
hydrematic. B i 1 l Triebner, MUTUAL FIRE to.
NOTARY PUBLIC whieh is given hereunder.
wi.i nk i 6 a nano, of th e sh ee t phode I69M Exeter, 18*
INSURANCE COMPANY Hensall 'office Open Wednesday Any person interested may, E to see if there is a 'Wee as within :fourteen clays after rile
--. our large and Friday Afternoons
mount of siziog, This will fall 'JUST Head Office -- Exeter, Ontario 1:30 to 5130 date of this notice, file with selection of. Valentines for every ollt as a SlAyelly powder, It member of the family, Pleasing President PHONE 14 EXETER the Clerk of the County of
may be used _exceseiVely on. you, *Agee tis. WilSoit's Jewel.Huron notice Of his object:toil 10
cheaper 'sheets, to give an inl- lery & Gifts, ESetcr, tge Milton McCurdy,RR 1 Kirktoe appreval of the said bY-law to
preSsiOn of, weight, ALVIN WALPER Other with a statement. of Old
MOSt good quality sheets have I3ATW CARRIAGE, English Vi de, President grounds Of such Objection,
style pram, •black With White ',Tiniothy B. TOOlitty RR 3 PROVINCIAL
t sown -in label giving Size leatherette Inteelot, also has Lucan LitEhittb AlicTI6NEElt The 'Ontario Municipal Board
Which is heleftil if you have went sun canopy, All in exeel.. Fee your salt, logo OP Sinai], 1"Y approve 61' fire said 1)Y1"1? Shoots for beds of several Sil:OS, , „
Fitted vs Plat lent, condition, Mine 228-6813, birectees courteous and efficient Servied btit before 6°4" " it "Y all' C
18:25e 'El. Clayton Colquhoun AR i at ail times. 1)oint -a time and place when
All fitted sheets on the Mat• any objections to the by,laW it DOMESTIC
Science Hill
"Serviee That Satisfies Will be eonsidered. ket ate Preshrunk (SehrnriZed) that 1,8 thot_ ot :gitaonLeod COO & WOOD STO\lt, in mar ti fi rmios, RII. 2 Dublin
EXETErk DATt1) at Toronto this tat ii DASHWOO6 dial, they will shrink only ,1%, 06c1 °010614' MO' 1)0. seen at Robert C, Oesitlihee RR i
day of JatitiarY 1962, WiritiO Mid Ingtallation
Frank Taylor's sales bath, Croinarty 0116tle 119 Phone SI
,plat sheets. shrink teeth li to maiii st,,, txttor.
Fitted ShOOtS SAVO , .,„ -,,,,,,,._ .,.„, . „,., _..._..„1.,A,* Aiek ti, Hohtio Bli. a Mitchell
tithe In tithe iti hed,tuakitig and in irork BILLFOLDSeeBrend new s tool. Aeenft C, H, ROC:1ER,, D,C, (signed) t, VICIa118,
ALSO ing as they can, he placed di- arrived tee Tete OOCtOk OF tHIROORAtTIC 11„ vicKtits, lot, 'Cild 8t1116 s Harry Coates Ill I. Cat rectly on the hod arid wrinkles sale. Mon ts and ,f.itchell Strathroy, Ontario -
will be pulled MIL Before htly, 16111°-'t CIa.yttli Harris
lealitee, Canadian Made, 3ln, H ugh Bennin gm, . Dublin OFFICE HOURS
Wing Secretary. MOTOR REPAIR
ing sheets you must have the off regular price. Middleton's MOn„. bids., IMM, Fa AND :REWiNbIN -6 petdw cEinowoh of Mir mat- Drug Store, phone 441, .Exette. Water 9 , 12-, 2 . 5 BY.,LAW NO« 68, 196L tress tO efISUre a good, tit, txeter e
These. are a gOod buy for -18(1 W. G. Cothrane 'rues, and .Pri„ tveilitig, 7 , 0 A BY ,LAW 0 THE ec5ROOk. 70 HURON ST, 'EXE'TER
home lettfiderere who sciistike kfirlkl.G.I.MATOft, la Ott, ft. By AppOintrnent. Please ATION OF THE COUNTY OF
iohing,init liko. a wrinkle.free domestie in goticl tOtirlitieri, .6e_trefili.Y.1""tit.6r
Phone S28W Eketer Office Phone. 654 Rtnliti 149t 'HURON ti5 ' theel, they Ate, gightrY pbro $35,0O, Photo evenings, a8482. AttIM l'400t
LotAticit4 or SWIL15114d5 tXpestiSitre than .regular ellentS. 18e ''giin' V. 4 - ' 'ti,:„I'Alfiiii47-Vf:- .
Limited •
No person shall erect or
install gasoline pumps;
(a) closer than 60 feet
from the centre line of
the original. road al-
(b) on a curve or the
crest of a hill
(c) on the tangent to a
horizontal or vertical
curve where the sight
distance is less than
800 feet in each direc-
The County roads o.r parts
County roads defined by
this by-law are as follows:
The entire county road
system as defined in
Schedule "A" of By-Law
No, 23, 1954, save and ex-
cept such parts of the
County road system which
lie within the limits of