HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-01-18, Page 10A honeymoon in Florida fol lowed the marriage of June Rose Rader, Dashwood. and :Frederick William Miller. ii H Grantan, in Zulu Lutheran k7hurch. Dashwood. on Satur- Zay. January 13, at 2•30 p.m. The hride the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Ervin Rader. ....„Dashwood, and Mr. and• Mrs. .:Everard W. Miller, RR 1 Gran- ion, are .parents of the groom. Rev, William Gatz perform- red- the double ring ceremony ;Wore a background of white moms tinged with blur, ferns and candelabra. Miss Helen .Nadiger, 1)ashwood. provided !traditional wedding music and .accompanied the soloist, Mr. ;Harry Hero. RR I Grampn. `who sang The Lord's Prayer and 0 Perfect Love, Given in marriage by her Jaather, the bride wore a floor- "..len,:,,th gown of white nylon -styled with fitted norlic:, lily point. sleeves. V-neckline em- broidered with iridescent se- quins, a bouffant skirt featur- ing ruffles of imported lace and extending to a chapel train. A crown of sequins and seed - pearls held her fingter-lip veil of silk illusion. She carried a cascade of red roses. Matron of honor. Mrs. Lloyd Howe. London, and brides- maids, Miss Ruthanne Rader. • Lendon, sister of the bride, and Miss Elsie Miller. sister of the groom. were gowned alike in blue velvet with matching. head band and • shoes and carried white' mums. Sharon Rader, - sister of the bride. was flower girlgowned similarly to the other attendants and carrying a basket of white 'pompoms. Earl Miller, brother of the groom,. was hest man and ushers were Ray Miller. RR I Woodham, cousin of the groom. and .lames Patterson, Gra.nd Bend, cousin of the bride. A reception was held in the church parlors where the bride's mother received guests wearing a silk flowered sheath with matching jacket, white accessories and while rose cor- saee. The groom's mother as- sisted in a blue sheath with jacket, white accessories and yellow rose corsage. For travelling the bride don- ned a two-piece wool dress, white accessories, blue top coat with mink trim and corsage of pink roses. The couple will reside on the groom's farm, RR 1 Granton, Guests attended the wedding from Grand Bend, Zurich, Lon- don, Waterloo, Brampton, Zion, Exeter, Thames Road, Cent- ralia, Parkhill, Goderich, Hen- sal, St. Marys, Woodham and Dashwond. UC presbyterial on Wednesday The inaugural meeting of Huron Presbyterial United Church Women will he held in Ontario Street United Church, clInto,I. on Wednesday, January 24, with morning session at 9:30 a.m. and afternoon meet- ing commencing at 1:30 p.m, At the morning session, Rev Morley Clarke, field secretary of Christian Education for Lon- den, will speak about the new relationship of the younger groups. In the afternoon, Mrs. Clay. ton. Searle, Toronto, will be the speaker. Luncheon will be served, Anglican Guild views Bahamas • Slides nn the Bahamas were shown at the meeting of the Ladies' Guild of Trivitt Me- morial Church nn Thursday. Plans were made to hold a atek,eat euchre in the Parish Hall February 14, Volunteer help [or the nursery was ar- ranged and new projects for 1962 were discussed. President Mrs. Cecil Gibbons conducted the business, Mrs. Murray Greene was hostess and led in the devotion- al period. She was assisted at the social . hour by Mrs, B. DeVries, Mrs. .1. Potter and Mrs. Gibbons. Guide corner try MARIAN OcVRIES and TERRI LAUGHTON The meeting of January I t was opened with the formation of horseshoe. During patrol corners the patrols discussed varinus events. Trudy Stover joined the Guide company. Eleanor Stanlake, Susan Par- rot, Bonita Greene and Susan Bailey re-passed their. stalking positions; IC a ten McArthur. Susan Bailey and Yvonne Mae- Naughton, their tenderfoot; Ellen Robbins. her bed making; Debbie Johnston. her bus sched- ule; Paulette Schroeder, her flag and knots, Fire was re-passed by Linda Wells and Darlene Parsons: parcel, by Sheila Keller and Linda Blanchard; Lynn Page and Mary .Cnehrane re-passed their second class; Sheila Kel ler, her first aid. The girls gathered at camp- fire and closed with taps. Don't forget to collect used Christmas cards and detergent bottles. :Bald eagles arc so named be- cause of the effect of the while feathers nn their heads, STORE and SAVE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF VALUES IN MEAT! 'Up to a whole side of beef can be easily kept in your own food locker or home freezer, If you wish, we cut, dress and trini beef ; too. Ncoxzema Specials Reg $1.16 for 990 Special 10.oz., $1.35 For Children SUPER PLENAMINS taictilid, Reg, $5.1/ Our Prite $3,90 Propel ProceSsinq Is Our Spotibity Otialify GUArAllined EAT BETTER FOR LESS MONEY Middleton', Drug Agyoni for 1.146rinti Aid Bilisorie A Doeilrey PHONE 447 EXETER EXETER frozen ,Foots iiiiiiii01091000.01************ rage IQ The Tirno*AcIvticate, Jortvary 1B, 194.2 MR. AND MRS, FRED MILLER ,Pli“in Doer' Honeymoon in Florida CoolmonNertinde A floral arrangement of white illusion veil in place and she baby mums And pink earns, carried a cascade Ameriegn lions in St, lioniface Munn Beauty roses and wiute 114by. u Catholic church, .'Zurich, w int as Ma s. id of honor, Jeannine Yang the setting for the marriage of nesto, 11R 1 Clandebaye, and. Alarcella Moniqui Verlindet bridesmaid Christine daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julien were gowned alike in sapphire. Vertinde, RR .2 1`lenst,I1, and blue velvet with ',bouffant skirts Fritz. Coalman, son of Mr. and and matching pill box: hats Mrs. Basil „Colman, 11.11 2 Bear with shoulder veils. They gar. :„ine on Saturday, January 13 vied cascade ,arraagetnents et 11 a.m. while baby Rev. Father C. Doyle heard Marcel 'Verlinde„ RA Hen- be marriage vows and Mrs. sail, was groomsman and Wil- lelene Regier, Mout,t Carmel, liam Coolman ushered, vovided the wedding music A reception was held at the Ind accompanied the St. Beni. .Dominien. Hotel, Zurich, wheat' ace children's choir, the bride's mother ,received Given in .marriage by her guests in a •two•piece 'blue en- tiller the bride wore a floor- semble and the groom's :mother :ngth gown of French taffeta chose black. They wore cot' iyled with fitted bodice, scoop sages of pink carnations, eallOped neckline, lily ,point For travelling to Ohio, eeves and bouffant skirl ern- the bride wore a beige cm roidered with silk braid, iri• and hat and .corsage Of Sties 'scent sequins and pearls. Her daisies in rust and yellow, weled tiara held her French. They will reside in 'Bute Presbytery official speaks at inaugural Family fete honors pair Mr. and Mrs. William A. Gil- (Man, Carting Street, Exeter, celebrated their forty-fifth wed- ding anniversary with a fam- ily dinner held at the Iroquois Hotel, London., on Wednesday. January 10, The table was centred with a three-tiered wedding cake and during the evening the en• tertainers sang several num- bers in honor of Mr. and Mrs, William Gilfillan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gilfillan, and Margaret Shier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Shier, were married at the home of the bride's parents, Kirkton, on Januar;', 10, 1917 by the Rev. John Turnbull, Toronto, assisted by Rev. Colin Fletcher, Thames Road. The-couple have three daugh- • ters, Madalene (Mrs, Clifford JorY ) Kirkton, _Wilm a (Mrs. Mervyn Love) Leamington, and Viola (Mrs, Wilfred Hunkin) Thames Road, and six grand- children. "I ask you, gentlemen, is that the face and figure of a guilty woman 7" Introducing OUR NEW HAIR STYLIST Wreatha Sholdice, of Centralia. Miss Sholdice has had three years' experience in Hair Styling, coming to our Salon after working at. Dennis' Hair Styling, Windsor. OFF .ALL APPOINTMENTS MADE WITH WREATHA FROM JAN. 18 TO JAN, 31 10 Get-Acquainted Special eltePe'i,5) 14AIR STYLING EXETER t. it.ti 136 GRAND BEND' 4 8 (CLOSET? ALL DAY MONDAVI 17 I. lam • WREATHA SHOLD10E ••••••• You can save on your decorating now Ralph Sweitzer PHONE 315 EXETER MacMILLAN'S WINTER SALE January, 18 to 27 The, Whole Store Is Packed with Bargains Ab OUR + Blouses + Jackets ENTIRE STOCK + Skirts + Millinery + Winter Coats & Dresses HAVE BEEN REALLY REDUCED TO BARGAIN PRICE: NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE DOLLARS COME IN AND BROWSE MacMILLAN'S • PHONE 37 OXETER. Across .Canada. this month stores are advertising their "White Sales". Often there are genuine savings at, these sales but sometmes the tower nriCea, are .due to inferior qual. The wise shopper will check On .several items .before nurchasing at these sales. quality In. sheets. According to the january ,buts letin of the Consumers' AMC. lotion of Canada the quality of eaten Sheets is determined .:by three factors: the yarn,. the weave .and the size of time fin- ished sheet. Ye rn The cotton fibres in the yarn are of two varieties: a short, er, heavier, carded (fibres are criss-cross) fibre which is found in "Muslin-type" sheets and the longer, lighter, combed (fibres are parallel) fibres found in the costlie 1, "percale-type sheets. Weave in .the main body of the sheet the primary gauge of quality is the "thread count," This is found by adding the average number of lengthwise threads Per inch. Pot' example 64 lengthwise count plus 64 ems- wise count adds to 128 thread count. "Thread counts" range from about 110 to 200. The lowest thread count 110- 112 is the least expensive and correspondingly gives the least wear, 'Economically, the 128- 136 count is the best buy as it is less expensive than time high- er thread' count of 140.150 and, HUB church and Blake section according t recent tests, wears held a miscellaneous shower a similar length of time, Per- and presented the bride with cale iS a wise choice when many useful gifts, paying for laundry by weight On Saturday night, relatives, or for those who like a smooth, friends and neighbors attended luxurious sheet, as it also wears the reception and dance held well, in their honor in Zurich Com- These factors affecting sheet munity Centre. Musk was sup- quality are also applicable to plied by Desjardine's arches, pillow cases. tra, Bill Pollock presented the colored sheets young couple with a well-filled purse. Both bride and groom thanked all for coming and for the lovely gift. THIS. 'N THAT 7.17. : "31., •."1, r, • • • • .. ar MRS, JMS weaving. 'They do take :more care In washing and drying preserve .the colors. Bargains • When\ .examining • "W e Salo' sheets beware of low thread counts with a starchy filter, shorter lengths and Widths than normally Sad and mis,niatebed pillow slips :and sheets. Prints may he .±off ,grain, anal stripes woven unevenly., If the shopper is aware al these detects and the price is correspondingly low the sheets may be a good buy, ..$hoppin9 hints Most sheets are packaged in .plastic flits, Ask to examine a counter sample, If one is not Available to yeti beware of the merchandise, Read hue package label print, ed on time film, Check for thread count, finished size, color fast, ness to washing, and percent shrinkage, Please turn to page 11 "We are all treading on new .ounti and are prou.e to besi- de but we need not, for we ave a great heritage and we In not travel alone," said Ales. G. Tiffin, Wingham, presi- dent-elect of Huron Presbyter- ial United Church Women, in speaking at the inaugural meet- ing of the UCW of James Street United Church held Mon- day evening in the church hail. Mrs. Tiffin gave an outline of the Place of The United Church Women in the church and ..noted that the work of the \VMS, WA and Woman's Federation was not being stopped but all the work was to be channeled into one main highway giving more impetus and power to the mis- sion of the church, She was in• troduced by Mrs. H. Pollen and thanked by Mrs, William Thomson. A report of the provisional committee was given by the secretary, Mrs. James Smith, and the slate of officers was accepted. President is Mrs. Beet 'Murray; vice-presidents, Mr. W. Witmer, Mrs. Arthur .Rut die; recording secretary, Mrs. R E. Pooley: corresponding secretary, Airs, W. tiodg- sian ; treasurer, Mrs. Robert Dinney. Unit leaders; Mrs. R. Batten, Mrs. B. Boll, Mrs. W. Brock, Mrs, T. Coates, Mrs. W. John- ston, Mrs. L, Little, Mrs. James Smith, Mrs. Robert Southcott. Committee chairmen:, Christ- ian Citizenship and Social Ac- tion, Mrs, Al. Cudm.ore;Com- munity Friendship and Visit- ing, Mrs, Stan Love; Co-opera- lion in Christian. Bducation, Mrs. A. Hamilton, Airs. Don MacGregor; finance, Mrs. E. Bull; flower, Mrs. R. Bailey; literature and communications, Mrs. W, Allison; manse, Mrs. Pollen;: membership, Mrs. If C. Rivers: nominations, Airs. C. Cann, Mrs. 11, periodicals, Mrs. A. Linden- field; press and publicity, Mrs, G 14. Mickle; program, Mrs. Earl Shapton; social functions, Mrs, Fledley May; snooty and social assistance, Mrs. Ray Jory, President Mrs. Murray as- sumed the chair. Mrs, Gerald Godbolt, Airs, Glen Fisher, Mrs, Warren Brock- and Mrs. Wes Witmer were appointed voting delegates along with time president to attend Huron Pres• byterial in Clinton, January 24. Rev. S. E. Lewis chaired the first of the meeting and Mrs. Robert Southcott and Mrs. Lawrence Wein led in a brief devotional period. A social cup of tea concluded the meeting. An opportunity was given for members to enroll. Over 100 were in attendance. Sorority hears ARCA officer Mr, T, McCauley, field of- ficer for the Ausable River Conservation Authority, was the speaker at, the meeting Tuesday evening of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority at the home of Mrs. Walter Bentley, Anne St. He shoWed a film "Pure Water, the Best of Gifts". He was introduced by Mrs. Lloyd Smith and thanked by Mrs. Norman Amos, Mrs. Muriel Sweet was in- stalled . as Sponsor replacing Mrs. M. Fletcher who resigned. Plans were discussed for . the group's appearance on CFPL- TV program Take Your Choice, April 28. President Mrs. J. Wooden conducted the business and plans were made for a white elephant sale at the next meet- Mg, Draws were won by Mrs. Sweet and MiSs Jean Taylor, Mrs. W. King assisted the host- ess. Rev. A. H. Amacher officiat- ed in the BA/angelical United Brethren parsonage, Zurich, for the wedding of Mary Charlotte Finlay and John. Grant Mc- Bride. The bride is the second daughter of Mr. Harold Finlay and the late Annie Finley, RR 2 Zurich, and time groom is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs, Roy McBride, RR1 Zurich. The bride chose a white flonr-lenerth gown of net and satin. The fitted bodice was fashioned with lily-point sleeves and a scalloped neckline em- broidered with lace" pearls and sequins. V-shaped insertions of lace trimmed the bouffant skirt. A velvet crown held her shoulder-length net veil and she carried a bouquet of red roses and white mums. Mrs. Keith McBride was mat- ron of honor wearing a street- length dress of red velvet and carried a bouquet of yellow shasta and white mums. Keith McBride was his bro- ther's best man. For travelling to Northern Ontario, the bride chose a green wool two-piece dress with brown accessories. The young couple will reside on the groom's -farm, Goshen Line, Bride feted Prior to her marriage, the bride was feted on several oc- casions. Mrs. Keith McBride ass hostess at a miscellaneous shower at the bride's future home. Mrs, Harold Jones and Mrs, Earl Deichert conducted contests, Little Elizabeth Deich- ert sang several carols. On Tuesday night, the EUB young people, Zurich, enter- tained the bride and groom and presented them with a hotess chair, Following their marriage on Tuesday night, the ladies of Modern Beauty Salon 429 MAIN ST. PHONE 349 Haircuts Styling Perms Treatments Monday to Saturday, 0-6 Tuesday & Thursday Evenings Barbara Roth, Operator BRENDA BRENNER, Prop, Fete couple of Zurich MR. AND MRS, FRITZ COOLMAN —Photo by Decry Caven delegates at presbyterial Mrs. H. Strang, Airs. Wil- liam Sillery and Airs, Alvin Moir of Caven Presbyterian church attended Stratford Pres- byterial held in Knox Presby- terian Church, Stratford morning and afternoon sessions on Friday. Guest speaker was Rev, Stu- art Coles, secretary of the com- mittee on the laity for the Presbyterian Church of Can- ada, who was a delegate to the World Council of Churches in New Delhi, India. He told of the council meetings and showed pictures to illustrate his talk. Mrs. Strang was named cor- responding secretary for 1962 of the Presbyterial. La-V-Esta BEAUTY SHOP FEATURING — The Newest Ideas in Haircutting, Hair Styling and Beauty Treat. ments SPECIALIZING IN — Time F a in o u s Products from L'Oreal of Paris, L'Oreal Tints, Bleaches and "White Velvet" Permanent Waves For Appointments PHONE DASHWOOD 57r7 Vesta Miller, Prop. Hours — Mon, to Sat., 9-6 Wed,, Thurs. and Fri. Evenings Colored, printed, striped and embroidered sheets are more expensive than white sheets. The solid colors Ire the least expensive and the embroidered the most expensive. This is the result. of the extra work in- volved in dyeing, printing and Red Tag Sale Last G. Find! Week !