HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-01-18, Page 5Chevs take overtime
to subdue Mohawks
The Philipsburg Chevs, with pushed in behind Dick McFalls
only nine Men dressed, Scored on a goal-mouth scramble after
two overtime goals in New the whistle had blown,
IlaMburg, Friday,'edge the However, the referees al-
Exeter Mohawks 5.3 in a Well- lowed the tally and when the
played contest before approxi, Tribe had to switch to an of-
MatelY 125 fans, fensive game in the dying min-
Jerry !Porter was the hero Mts in an effort to get the
for the Chevs, hanging in both etittalia,er, the Chevs broke
the goals in the extra session, through again with Porter pick-
liis at the 1;3]. mark WAS ing an open corner after ta .king
hotly disputed by the Tribe AS Short peas from Ron tbrat
they temtended it had beet) ,--Please turn to page 7
eel to the local arena one of these nights A bit
Of rapid calculation shows that the crowds at the
Tribe's first six home games haven't been enough
to even half fill the arena, And that's the season's
total attendance we re talking about , „ We should
also point out that the Exeter bantams are going
strong and with a bit of fan support could, bring
Mid or ,two ]rocket' trophies home this year. "Dusty"
`Burns had the kids en a seven-game winning streak.
the last time we heard from him and they had
played all their'foes 10 this league Or the WOAAw
The Exeter junior Hawks,
playing one of their best games
of the season, before a meagre
crowd of only 43, went on a
scoring spree to whip Lambeth
11.6 in Exeter, Tuesday
The Hawks, featuring a crisp
passing attack with plenty of
hustle, built up a 6.2 lead at
the end of the second period
and came back to out-score the
visitors 54 as they coasted to
their well-deserved win in the
final 20 minutes
Bob Armstrong paced the at-
tack with three tallies, his sec-
ond hat-trick in the last three
games Jack Stephen and Torn
Sinclair chipped in with a pair
each, while single markers
came off the sticks of Frank
Boyle, Dale Purvey and Gerald
Jim Walker, inert Morris and
Ted Minhinnick shared the
scoring honors for the out-
classed London entry, potting a
pair of goals each against Les
Howard in the Exeter nets,
The locals jumped into a 3.0
lead in the first period before
Walker finally put the visitors
on the score sheet at the 16:49
mark, but the Hawks came
roaring back in the second to
up their lead to 6-2.
They led 10.4 after only seven
minutes of play in the final
period, before they relaxed
their tenacious display against
Tempers flared high in the
contest and a total of 16 pen-
alties were handed out with
Exeter getting nicked for nine.
Bill Heywood was the local bad
man, picking up four roughing
penalties and a kneeing infrac-
tion, Gerald McBride, his part-
ner on defense, was assessed a
Criticism is something you
can avoid by saying nothing,
doing nothing and being no-
'58 Pontiac
Automatic transmission,
custom radio, whitewall
tires, two-tone finish.
'57 Oldsmobile
Radio, p o \v e r equipped,
whitewall tires.
'5 5 Chevrolet
Automatic Ira ns mission,
c ti s t o in radio, whitewall
tires, two-tone finish.
'54 Chevrolet-
Turn signals, cheap trans-
'55 Chevrolet
Turn signals, snow tires,
good set of racks included,
38,000 actual miles,
thev '01* Envoy
ome„. rew loop still unchanged,
ombines on top, Tribe in cellar
H-Z move on 'bad wcek•
Hawks win in only outing
They started off on the right
foot with a win, but dropped
their next game and were held
to a tie in the third as they
played three games in four
However, their win was a
big one, as it was worth four
points against the Watford.
Atoms. The Atoms did manage
to get some revenge by whip-
ping the Combines in Watford
on Saturday.
The liematt-Zurich .Combines
increased their. lead in the Hensel" .A.rena,. lead at the. end of the second.
Shamrock loop- this week, but Wayne Willer!was the big However, they came out flying
had .one of their poorest weeks gun for the homesters, banging in the final frame to bang lit
since starting the schedule in in .three goals for the hat-trmli. five tallies, while holding Wat,
the popular junior play. Bill Shaddick and Steve Kyle ford to .three.
added a pair each to the cause, it was a cleanly-played con-
while singletons came off the test without a penalty .being
sticks of - Earl. Wagner
Brian Bonthron.
and called against either team,
.However, Dennis Mock, Hen-
Pete Sister .and Ray Maders call-Zurich goalie, had to leave
spearheaded the Watford attack the game after receiving a
with a pair each and Paul Al- nasty gash on his forehead that paud, and .Lyle Moffatt sunk
singles. required seven stitches to close.
The teams played to a 2.2 Harry Moir took over to henE;
draw in the first period and. the the Combines to their win,
Lambeth crew
tie loop leaders
Atoms post win
over Combines
JOINS ci-tEvs-Andy Sararas,
a former star of the Exeter
Mohawks and the Waterloo
"A" club, is expected to see
action in the loop again, Fri-
day, when he joins the Philips-
burg Chevs in their game
against the Combines in Lucas.
Bothteams have been given in their other game, the Com-
permission to strengthen to bines were held to a 4.4 draw
straight Intermediate "B" cal- by Lambeth, It was the sec-
ibre for the contest. end tie in a row for the London
entry, who battled Stratimy
to a 3-3 draw, Thursday,
in the only other game, the
revamped Exeter Hawks held
their lead in second place as
they came up with one of - their
better showings of the season to
whip Lambeth 11.6 in Exeter,
Flensall-Zurich are not sched•
ided to play this week, while
the Hawks have only one game
when they travel to Watford,
AN' JJ 'r P
'hung [Merton „ n 32 phitipahurg 7 5 n 14
celeiti ti tt io•fit
ri.fo rt 1 0 14
7 0 it
4 1 n Wayne Willert's second goal
Games this week:
3 of the night, with only two
minutes left to play, gave the
a a
Hensall-Zurich Combines a
julta tf..'elI:ea1115A hard-fought 44 tie with Lam-
Feidav, January 11
Sealer! h of !:,afar beth in Lucan, Monday,
ohatnaburg ,LAMall. ridertan r,['he Combines, playing their
'r!s 1, a , Jall.0 .5fliz-,121 L third game in four nights,
Lucan-.11derton at Exeter built-up a 3-1 lead in the early
n.inutes of the third period,
but saw it turn into a 4.3 deficit
as Lambeth came flying back
to move ahead.
Harold Jacques started the
northern entry off with an un-
assisted marker at the 5:00
minute mark of the first period,
and Willert teamed up with
wa ford
14 3 /
S luny
in In 2 0
stn a- Is it to 2-0 two minutes later.
Wagner and Overholt to push
7 7 3 17 Lambeth potted the only goal
15 2 14 of the middle frame on a tally
by Bill Gorman at the 1:45
mark and Earl Wagner gave
the Combines their 3.1 lead on
'a play with Willert at the 1:20
mark of the final frame,
However, Bob Uptigrove, 'red
Minhinnick and Jim Walker
rapped in goals behind Harry
Moir, Hensall-Zurich sub-goalie,
to take their lead at the 11:30
mark, They appeared to be
heading for their win as they
BANTAM HOUSE LEAGUE held the powerful Combines
This week's scores: squad in check. but Willert fin.-
ria.wks 4, nomarcs 2
"Wings 4, Phantoms 2 tailed off a play with. Larry
Bedard and Wagner to knot
Standings T c, the count,
I nautoins
n 1 17
5 3 11 law 4 5 0 s
Pornarrs 11 1 0 0
Future games:
Wocine;,day. Jan. 21-
5 p.m.-Ftod \Yin vs, 'nont:tro.
7 p.m.-Hawks vs. Phantoms
This week's scores:
'Wings i. Hawks 2
Mohawks flamers 3
1,r,s fa 1, Ca nad le ns
Moho wks
garde Loafs
'Ay BILL, BATTEN, Sports aclitor
It was a rather pleasant surprise to sit in
on the meeting of the Big Eight league last Sun-
day, when they discussed the position of the Lucan.
lisierten Combines and the Philipsburg Chevs, who
both have had players ruled ineligible for home,
brew play by the OHA.
At most meetings of this kind, you usually
find that teams are interested only in protecting
their own interests and .iren't willing to agree on
anything that might in the least help someone else,
if it means that they \vill come out on the short
end of the stick.
This attitude has hurt sport in more areas
than one cares to recall and also has caused a
great number of hard feelings betWeen teams and
league executives.
However, last Sunday's meeting was anything
but that, and everyone left completely satisfied
with the arrangements that will allow both area
teams to continue to use their ineligible players
in league play,
The limited number of fans who follow the
local league will probably point out that it won't
make any difference to any of the other five teams
anyway, because a special playoff has been set up
So Philipsburg and Lucan-ilderton will have to
play off and the team that wins in the series be-
tween the other five teams will be strengthened
on an even basis before they meet the winner,
This point would be well taken as far as the
league playoffs are concerned, because it will cer-
tainly be fair for all teams concerned, as the final
series will actually be between two teams of
straight intermediate "B" calibre, rather than the
homebrew brand that is now being played.
However, we should point out that all games
played by the Combines and the Chevs will count
in the regular standing, which will undoubtedly be
used to determine playoff positions for the four
teams in the second series. Not only that, but they
will also be used to determine which team will
not make the playoffs.
As things are going now, this does not ap-
pear to be a serious consideration, but a look at
the results of games played to date definitely
shows that some teams in the league could actually
be hurt by the decision that they reached at the
The Lucan-Ilderton squad has won all their
games to date and don't show any signs of slacken-
ing their pace and could easily end the regular
schedule by completing a perfect season. This
then would have no effect on the other teams, be-
cause each of their records will remain exactly
the same, having lost all four games against the
However, it is a slightly different case when
one takes a look at the Philipsburg record. They
are definitely one of the stronger teams and should
end up in second place without too much difficulty
unless something drastic happens to some of their
veteran performers.
However, the. Chevs started off rather slow-
ly, and local fans should recall that the Mohawks
actually beat them twice in games played earlier
in the season. Since that time, they have only been
beaten once, when the Centralia Golden Hawks
jumped on them in one of their "real bad nights"
and posted a 15-7 win right in. New Hamburg.
Apparently, this was just one of those nights
when everything went wrong, because the Chevs
certainly aren't a team that gets trounced by.scores
such as that. In fact, we believe that all the teams
except the Combines will be lucky to beat the Chevs
again this year.
However, by the league •decision, the wins
posted by Exeter and Centralia will still count and
could have A. bearing on them gaining a berth in
the playoffs.
This does not appear to have too much
bearing on the Centralia squad, because they are
almost assured of a spot in the four-team playoff,
but it certainly could mean a great deal to the
At present they,are in the league basement
with only three wins, and as we pointed out, two
of them have been against the Philipsburg Chevs.
So, it can be readily seen that the other four teams
could have taken a step closer in eliminating the
Tribe from the playoffs by deciding that all games
with Philipsburg and Lucan-Ilderton be taken off
the record and the two teams be allowed only to
play exhibition games in the league, or dropped
from the league entirely.
Because most of the teams arc losing money
anyway, this decision could actually have helped
them too, because it would cut down on their home
games and travelling expenses, and as we have
pointed out, could have assured them all (except
Exeter) of a berth in the playoffs, when teams
hope to make enough to put them back onto the
black side of the ledger.
We trust out readers have folloWed our
reasoning and have seen where this decision by •
the teams at Clinton last week ,could actually hurt
then) iii some respects and had they been thinking
only of themselves, could easily have taken steps
to save themselves money and better their playoff
So, it is with this thought in mind that we
commend these team executives for taking a
broader attitude and doing their best to keep
hockey atiVe in the area, because we believe it
could easily have sounded the death knell for in-
terniediate hockey if the Combines and the Chevs
bad been tossed out of the league for using players
Who Were actually ruled ineligible by an OHA
Beta] at an earlier organization Meeting,
BATT'N AROUND-The Exeter curlers cer.
Wilily lost a great deal of ground if they were
seriously thinking about running for the good host
award this year, Local teams skipped, by Ken Otte,
well and hick Iermyn placed first the twe draws
of the club's mixed bonspiel, 8aturday, Dick,. who
lost hi a real thriller-to Lee Learn for the MOWS'
first draw honors last week, won two Of his games
on the last end, Apparently he learned hiS leSabri
sell, tee! are happy to announce that
the Mohawks and, junior Hawks have apparently
shaken off the doldrums and are Dory turuhig
some good hockey. Paris in the area Would find
than dishing up 861111 good hockey if they journey,
The 'ling Bight loop race re-
Dunned unchanged this week,
althou gh all teams saw action
at ieast once in a busy
c' leading Ltlean
porton Combines ran, their tin,
beaten string to 10 genies as
they picked ilp a gait of wins,
while' the Mitchell Red Devils
and Exeter Mohawks, wile are
battling for the last playoff
position, each dropped, a pair,
The other four teams each
picked up a win to move far-
ther ahead of the two bottom
clubs, although Seaforth and
Clinton also took a defeat to
go with their wins,
Tribe "out lucked"
The Mohawks ran into some
bad luck and some bad shooting
as they failed to gain ground
on the Red Devils, The Tribe
travelled to New Hamburg, Fri-
day, and were edged 5.5 by the
Philipsburg chevs. in overtime,
as they missed several good
chances to sew up their fourth
They tackled Seaforth nn
Tuesday, and although they
out-played the Towners, return-
ed home with a 4.2 loss, as
they again missed on several
good scoring opporttinitics.
They host Seaforth, 'Friday,
and a win could move them in-
to a tie with the Mitchell club,
RS long as the Centralia Golden
Hawks take the Devils in a
game in Exeter, Thursday.
The locals don't appear to
The Exeter Mohawks contin-
ued to have their usual tough.
time of putting the puck in the
net when they travelled to Sea-
forth, Tuesday, and the Town-
ers ended up on the big end of
a 4-2 count.
The Tribe carried the major
share of the play, but Bill Ger-
man played a stellar game in
the nets for the Seaforth crew,
and when the Mohawks appear-
ed to have a goal, they just
couldn't push the puck into the
open corners,
Bob Beuttenmiller, Seaforth's
playing manager, who missed
several recent games due to a
had back injury, came back to
pace his entry by actually
heating the Tribe all by him-
self as he scored three big
Bill McLaughlin accounted for
the other one.
Playing-coach Boom Graved
picked up one Exeter goal and
Keith Stephens, moved to right
wing-from his defense position,
was credited with the second
m a rkc r.
Beutenmiller started his team
off with a goal at the 9:19 mark
of the first, period when his
shot bounced off a leg in front
of the Exeter net and then
bounced off the goal post to
get by Dick McFalls.
For the second time in a row,
the Mitchell Red Devils • gave
the loop leading Lu.canallderton
Combines a real battle before
falling to a 5-3 setback in
Kitchell, TuesdaY•
The last time the clubs met,
the Red Devils hung with the
Combines until late in the third
period before dropping a close
7-5 verdict.
In Tuesday night's action, the
Combines carried most of the
play, but Mitchell's brilliant
net-minder, Bill McNaught, was
at his best as he turned aside
Many shots that appeared to be
labelled as goals,
Harry Wraith had the most
1 tt c k against the youthful
goalie, blinking the light three
times to pace his team to vic-
tory number 16, Jack Park and.
Don Fletcher banged in the
Ji'm East tallied . a pair for
the out-played Red Devils,
while Daryl Rolph accounted
for the other one.
The Combines jumped into a
1.-0 lead at the 8;45 mark when
Wraith .finished off a play with
Steve Storey and Ray Yella,
have much .chance to gain
ground in their other soiled-
tiled (=test, facing the loop
leading Lucan-ilderton .Com-
bines.„ Tuesday. This will be
the final meeting between the
.area clubs in the regular sched-
Mitchell will get their second
test, on Tuesday also, hosting
the Seaforth Toavners.
Test for leaders
Tim Lucan-ilderton Combines
will probably get their, stiffest
test of the season, .Friday, when
they tackle the Philipsburg
.Chevs in .Lucan. Both 'teams
have been granted permission
to use all their imports and
waivers and the teams will be
at straight intermediate "B"
As yet, the Combines have
not announced any player ad-
ditions, but the Chevs will have
a few new faces in the lineup.
Andy Sararas, a former Exeter
Mohawk, who played with
Waterloo's "A" squad last year
is reported to have signed and
manager Ruben Wettlaufer is
also expected to have Dave
Weber in the lineup,
Weber is also a former Mo-
hawk from Waterloo, and local
fans will remember him as a.
slam-bang type of player who
makes things rough for op•
posing forwards.
Both players should help the
Chevs considerably, and they
will make things rough for the
Combines, who will be out to.
record their 17th straight win.
Stephens knotted. the count
shortly before the end of the
period when he came streak-
ing in from his new position
to take a perfect pass from
Bob Morrissey and blast the
puck into the net before Ger-
man could even move on the
Seaforth jumped into a 2-i
leach on McLaughlin's unas-
sisted marker near the mid-
way mark of the middle stanza
and Beuttenmiller upped the
lead to two goals when he
blocked a shot at his own blue-
line and raced the length of
the ice to get a clear shot al
McFalls at the 15:15 mark.
The Towners' manager gave
his team what proved to he an
insurmountable 4-1 lead at the
11:02 mark of the final frame
when he banged in a loose
puck from a scramble in front
of the Exeter net,
Boom Gravett managed to
cut the .lead to two goals at
the 13:16 mark on a play with
Jim McDonald, hut his tally
came too late to pose any
serious threat to the Seaford!
Each team picked up four
penalties in the fast contest.
The two squads meet. again,
.Fricl a y , when the Towners
travel to Exeter for an 8:30
p.m. contest.
and they moved, ahead by Inn
goals when Storey and Don
Urbshott set Wraith up for his
second tally at the 15:20 mark.
The Red Devils moved back
into contention at the 5:25 mark
of the middle frame on East's
first goal of the night, which
was the only marker of the
middle frame, as both goalies
came up with stellar perform-
Jack Park opened the third
with an unassisted marker at
the 3:22 Mark, only to have
Ttolph shave the Combine's
lead to 3-2 on a play with East
34 seconds later,
Wraith finally pulled the
game out of reach of the home-
sters on a play with Yelle 'and
Storey at the 17:58 mark and
Don Fletcher flipped in the
clincher at the 18:40 mark with
Storey and Yelle again drawing
Mitchell did manage another
score in the last minute, but
the game was in the bag for the
Combines by that time,
There were only four pen-
alties to each team in the
game, witnessed by only a
handful of faithful Mitchell fans.
a; . . . ..
Last week's scores:
I'onftalia 5-Sea forth A
Loran-lid err ton 711. -C. rd
Phillpsburg 5-Exeter 3
ciiiaon A-Mitchell 5
Lucas-11dert on 5-1. itehell E
I-Ina forth 4-Exeter 2
Games this week
Thursday. January 13
ford al St throy
M ()min y„lannary 22
T:xrt Pr al Watford
,r,tra I MN, at Lambeth
11nndal, Jan. 22_
,I 'nward s. is011ek5
Theselv, Jan. 23--
Fortune vs. CuaIunan
Games this Week:
Saturda ,y„I n, 20-
5:50-Canadians vs. fled Wing's
:05-Ma.ple Leo.fs vs, Mohawks
15:05-1-lawks vs. range's
Clinton six
trim Devils
Over 600 fans watched the
contest between the evenly
matched squcds and saw Clin-
ton score the clincher at the
9;36 Mark of the final period
after the two teams started
the final stanza tied at 5-5.
Wray Breathier paced the
Clinton attack with a pair of
tallies, while single markers
came off UM sticks of Matt
Matthews, Len Atatheatt, Glen
Newport and .Howie Cetairia.
the youthful Mitchell netniinder toT11;e-oreoallillizbembtsh6rm*alittaagceka.
The .Clinton squad started nui
in high gear in the first period
and- peppered a total Of 25
shots at 1301 AleNaught, and
Hawks post margin
over Lambeth entry
pair of minors and Jag'
Stephen picked up the other
Wayne Hayball, Joel Brown
and Les Brookes were the.
Lambeth players who scuffled.
with Heywood, while Jpel.
Brown was sent to the sin bin
for five minutes after fighting
with Stephen,
'61 Chevrolet
Back - up lights, metallic
green with matching • in-
terior, 11,000 actual miles,
new Car condition.
'60 Chevrolet
Custom ra.dio, whitewall
tires, popular coppertone
with matching interior. See
this one.
'58 Chevrolet
Ni8 engine, custom rattle)
wheel discs-a beauty,
Friday, Jan, 19
8:30 p.m.
Seaforth out-played
Tribe out-scored
Devils push leaders
as McNaught stars
Last week's scores;
onsall rink 5--Watford
Watford 3-T-1 ensall-Zurich
HenFal h 4-1,a,mheth
Dealer II--Lambeth 1
1 datnilPth 3-Strathroy 3
9.6 before a big crowd in the (ombines opened up a Sans' 4:3
H The ensall-Zurich Combines
were handed their third loss of
the season, 'Saturday, when the Open this Sunday, Wed.
Watford Atoms used the famil- nesday afternoon and dor-
iar territory of their home ice ing the evening through•
to clip the northern crew 8-5. out the week.
nod wmo
‘.5: 6.1.11,,n ieeS.o far this season, the COM-
7 1 i bines have been the only team
2 T3 to beat Watford on their home
7 n 4 The homesters opened up a n 3
3 7 0 4 5.2 lead in the first period and
answered every Combines'
score after that, to emerge
with their win.
Larry Burns and Lyle Moffatt
paced the attack for Watford
kA,..).Wataf2, ..L.-$.U.:::ima4k 5 hla> with two goals each, While
singletons were picked up by
Ray handers, Pete Sister, Paul
Alpaud and Doug Caley.
Murray Bell, Gerard Over-
holt, Wayne Willert, Earl Wag-
ner and Bill Shaddick fired a
goal each for the Combines,
Bell started the scoring off at SEAFORTH TOWNERS
the 2:45 mark for Hensall•Zur-
The Clinton Thunderbirds id). but Watford came back
moved into a temporary two- with three tallies before the
way tie for second place in the mid-way mark to take a two-
Big Eight loop, Sunday, when goal lead,
they edged the hapless Mitchell Overholt cut the lead to 3.2
Red Devils 6-5. at the 12:49 mark, but again
WatfOrd came back to push the
count to 5.2 before the teams
left the ice at the end of the
stanza After playing a scoreless sec-
ond period, Wayne Willert.
scored an unassisted marker
after only 12 seconds of play
in the third period to whittle
the lad to two goals, but two
penalties to the Combines fol-
lowing the goal spelled their Arena
Ed Dolmage was Ji two-goal odentfleariti.ark with the pair in the
Moffatt Scored at the 29-see-
m an for the losing Mitchell en- box and Burna came back a t. Apt
try a Ill Ione arksrn en were the. 1:28 mark with one n •ei ue ,aGnecoir,g)eim ero.lvaer, Ernie Ahrens still serving time in the Sin bin.
Alpaud finished their scoring T H URSDAY, JAN,
2tga msr at
full strength,.‘ihen 'but. 7":00----vMt l.TcC EHNE TL RL ARL EIAD DEVILS
the Combines were still trying
Amaelier had only six- shotts'atttol trio
sr ooff
the final,
FRIDAY, JAN. oxJARETNHE, ,R11.9omwoNKEARwsks I,Urned them all aside.
At the other end,
handle, but a shot by Dolma go tollore laat tettl f.6tht Prerytha'nycornstheramituds. , , , .
SATURDAY., JAN. 20 eluded him at the 10:25 mark TO load
give ,Mitchell a 14) lead at 1:SO40-Public skatthe
a)0.10t00---thublio Skating
eilo2d of a fast-moving first
Arena fired the visitors into Willert nets trio SUNDAY, JAN. 21
:C)6-400-4oublie Skating a 2.0 lead after only four ihiiir
tiles Of 151hy in the middle MAP., to sink W a tf ord TUESDAY,. JAN. 23 an-, but Breathier came back $,,36-ititANALDERT6N to 8ltavo the leach to one OW The itensall-Zurich Combines "-- COMBINES- vs.
s:28 mat*, added four Mort pOinta to theit EXETER motowkS otittha 111506d thtir tract (0 league leading total, Friday, by
Please turn to page 7 whiPPitig the Watford Atonic
Sunday And
Evening Service