HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-03-17, Page 3• •
166111111011•111111111111.reawamMMRMIP•11.1.°1 -
joy bag been cosamitted by tbe auptios at the solkitatios of his ['iced., aad
is Iht 1181 en,13"4•11tailir-ted it imagism is the hope that the eautaimoos coodemsa-
F10/0"ga °R1411‘ gni R111Mak
bard laborss *rt.' nos which Isadhela heaped upou the cor-
fa:14n swathe imirrismiesai, sod to a resposeleat, would tend to teach him, aa
owed al , aale i to
jus of 900 livres-ead at the ezpiraties elMI such "alarmist scribblers" that they
sok .peeishoseet to three years' surveil- are not tobe permitted to abuse members of
11.sby the Police• tbe liouee with 'speedy.
The call or the Ifouse was then taken
Penile's Dar.- We Were aroused
doe swat., eaarti, alter taa aoda,st up when it appeared that there were tea
a 'Bemire' s abseat.
beer by sounds which were no doubt intend.
a obey, belie "Ineloolioup," and were st
*see reminded that "St. Patrick's de, is
the neraing" had broken to upoc u•. -
Oar waighbors nom the "greee Isle" ap-
pear to bath laid out the day !or enjoyment
asd havtag commenced with a eeeee ads, we
esderstand they intend to fintosh web a
ogrand ball."
We are sot ourselves in favor of keeping
tuitional days and would gladly s. ah nae
lions' distinctions and prejudices abolished
frost among an united people, but as this
seattmeut bas not yet gamed universe I re-
ception --w• wish the "Sons of St. Pat-
rick mucb joy.
(17•11r. Thos. Smith was yeste- rday ex-
runtaed before the Mayor, and find ,Ce 10e
sad coots, for selling liquor in the Town of
Goderich without a license.
Tail Norfolk illermengers, el the 3rd in•r
*that mimeo that a boy named Meets,
Greham, le years old, teetdieg with his
pare•to os flasoseretas streets iberd suit -
dimly oa Wesleesday. It appeared that he
had bun playing with the schoolboys la the
playground os the PiiJay prey tome, sad
that *owe u( the larger boys coveted hint
with and threw ..ow balls violently
ageism, his head. If• asked liberty to go
Imam as bit felt .ick, but the teacher refuse
°Zwielgeend310ands°1 4laird It.
The second reading of the Representation *I, and the bey w° b
Bill was 'nosed fur by Mr. Morin, and tbe wet clothes until be
where ha went bums. Smelters§ of there
debate was less suirnated (with the eicep-
ip.1 iise. piosesesibeleinit.ra.lt in the sceoul roorn: but
'al and Mr. Mackenxie about the charac- may be ov.r dons.. ilits, his iolVlbsViter lea'avIel
tiou of a smart bruah between Mr. Pere.-
tgeolgo home, as be w &islet', but *hat mourn -
ter of Chief Justice Robiatioa, whom thepreferred,
latter had veutured to call " that Robis. wasPerelle7t:;14eridr bilygaainfentaole bet
„Thoe „„----------------------------.. and the little fellow died in consecageuheinc•10.0,
mtrrestIog was
Mr. Ilrown took rather a prominent part in TIIILEERAPIIII Tv THE P•CIFIC. Those a
the discussion, and as a matter of course Iwo great projects now before Congrersa°
1,rIa rtelegraphicby
linesmsut o i hAe ,IP a c i 6 c . One
tion of tbe people in Parliament should be is to censtruyct in, eeeeeeeeeeeee
asgroundrrcaotrweulre,..94;040.Pf re aka. iEmddty;
moved au atninendinent, of which the fol -
based upon population, lied the nuinbier of in the ba4;h:lasinrc‘oabreet btlia lel ol.ed.si tPri:c t et ,o.
lowing is a copy, e 'That the Representa-
members in the house gradually enlarged of incalculable benefit to tr,e0Garopverwocr°•ei ok't°
with the progressive increase of population 11.110e0 tr10iansof public business in re-
trgactioo .leo hto
upon a fixed ratio of Representation and the niarcant:17 :oninib.rclricd .
tauniatYaods Di o
without regard to eeparating line between may have intercourse between the PawcitiO
Upper and Lower Cauada." The re- amnadnAv tlyithic ref iota'. It will serve for
solution vi as loudly denounced by Lower in t6s preposucr rat:Irwuhaidc1.1 s'ir'sliesTotttrat or
Cauadians and by the more liberal part of tors ask al Congress 'mitring but the grant
ril.ad rett.::11.1.on and a half of acres of public
the reper Canadian mentbers. Mr. Macke conveyed to them, alter the coin -
said the lion. Centime b
nbrought forward Motion of the hoe of telegraph; an they
the measure for the sakef I 1 Ile ,oreenttoi.convere rilessages fur the govown•
knew it was popular in some parts of Upper Mr. rIeleen°ey expanse.
1 . ai.
n pope are,.
Canada, to go for the plan sug;ested hi the Ile asks wu cotopeeslilionP Afirnamuthed'grf°,:nt:
el ti,ilitertillan and:or money; but pro •
force any such plan, it mast defeat the bill. a chain of Stuctwile:slurraonuil 1181111 Lon.
amendment, but if it were attempted to
d iu this opinion ha was supeorted by the San Fra'c'aca. at I" j'atahcn nr "wan"
1:11,0: aepisorit;sttaat a few dragoons he station-
onduct of three members yam were oppoo- d ockmle: that therm so blie re
:emery the regular U. S. Heel betwee n the
etuebec itorroponb MCC
of lt)c 4uron
Queue, 8t1i March, 1853.
On Tuesday evening last the House was
the scene of a rather novel, and withal not
uninteresting discuasion. The correspon-
dent of the nailed set] Toronto
Patriot, who attends the session, and who
Maa. Illow•sat • C•vnTeme-The Rea-
per° Net Olson has resole hie old stietreis
• caustic': sod hart also styes to tbat title
a local babaisties east a same by tile per -
shawl of a witless sad sppeaage to commie
non with it, for a sew see u•treg to meerly
d110,000. Mil,. Howard will is future beer
the title of Cowries'. of Beeeregsril, of
which ItIlag• pleamistll attested le the
..igbberboo4 of Versailles, bar ladyship is
sow the proprietreee.
Suddenly at bis residence in Brantford,
c• Thorsdey the I Oth instant, at about
o'clock, p• at., Joel 8 , prepth
tor of the Ceiearai Trobane.
nille Directors of this Society will sleet
• at th Betel, Exchange Hotel on Se
turday Evestne the 26th lost to dispose of
such oi their Fut ds as may be then in the
hands of the Tien•urer, either by purelia•
ing from any member willing to Pell hw
sham' at • tremolo ou the amount of stuck
paid tip. or Ly way of Loan as hetetnfore,
se the Detectors may deem most advantage -
005 to thm soc.ei y.
T. It 8. H. B. S.
Goderich, Much 11, 1853. v6 -n51
indulges in occasional criticism emit' the ed te the bill altegether, and who at once
ea0021 appearance of the thembers;badlacquieeed in the airuneiehnent. There can
be no doubt but that to attempt to pre*.
• 11, • such a bar would be to strike a fatal blow
at Union. Lower Canada for along time
and the paragraph in question. moved to
possessed a lefger population than l pper
is 1 declare it a gross breach of Prisilege,stat- I
Canada, and yet she did not di mur at giv-
,s • „ ing it to be his' determination to follow up one tbe . I .
pper Priatriuce an equal number of
.•e. '
I t
• :
ventured to try his hand at a description of
the Spraker. Col. Prince believing that
Inc wbete Howe had bees, grossly insulted
. , 4 tins motion, it adopted, with another for
Itepreseteatives. But now as 5000 35 it
the exi utsion of the said correspondemt.-: I
1 appears that 1-pper Canada is likely to
- • 'The whole letter was certaiely very scum-
Isepercede th." Lower l'revinee in point of
; , populetion, a loud outcry is snide in favor
bus and disgraceful, altogether unworthy
of representntion based on population with
s gentleman or a scholar, but I du think
that it was making too much of such per-.
I out regard to auy separating line between
sons to take notice of bon. The House
I - pper and Levier Caua la. The bill pass -
lowered its dignity "t a little in lnY eYea1l ed its second reading by t vote of 554 to 14,
Sheriff Sae of LANDS.
AND DETROIT. FIghe Illihwerther ogees for .ale oriebondleed
4A Nam encelleel land, 43 a-ree char.
§12ba sd asti well tested, with • ea. -a log km,
ms sesiard hearing fruit. Tara above Med
to enlisted os lint Cosmopolite. lot 14, Terse-
r/is Now Leos presesses Steamer shoe el Wawisoelt, eaJ one WI ma* from a
ashen homer -all the mese! will he tee
owed dows. Foe 'Articular. apply t• the
Oppmette-liteems. Itereed Reerlood,
Women may bw beat WI ELT MUSIC el
• • eery deocripitee, Inotructies Beene
kr all bowie • I Iasi rowiem. s, •, as
e a cart be had to Toronto, Dustier, or N•w
Y k
Waveanoeh, 4th Aug , 185e. st8 All Inside MU.SICAL 1NR
9 proprietor 00 the twomomm.
SAMUEL WARD. Sod, Cualaththea,
WILL cosmoses runs's" on the epees
mg of navigation and during the
season, as tulloore-Leaves Detroit for
Goderich every Wet:needay morniag, •t 9
o'clt ck.
1. Goderich *they Thuradint morn
in' at 1 o'clock. Renting time 12 hours,.
For Freight Of Passage Goole 00 heard
or to E. II. MARLTON.
Goderich, March 9th, 1653.
CORDS good WOOD wanted
•"•••"`"" for the Rubr. Apple to
Goderich, March 91h, 1853. v tem
United Ceenti,r of flY Virtue of a writ
Huron 4. Bs sce. .Fieri Facia., is -
TO WIT : sued out of iter Ma
jest y's Court of Queen's Bench, and to Inc
directed, agatnet the Lands end terement•
of George F. 16 ster et the mut of Samuel
S. Poo,eroy. 1 have sem .d ao,1 taken in
execution Lot Number 13, in the 1261 cone
cession (Western Division) in tlie townolop
of Aaltfield, cent arnieg admeasurement
196 acres be the same mote or help. Which
lands and terenients 1 shall effer for sals
at the Coon R -in n the County of Huron
in the Town of (Indere"' on Saturday the
twenty-eighth of 11lay next, at the hour
of smith of the el. ck neon.
M.DON ALA Sheriff, 11.kft.
p0511 101 also protect emigrant trave .-
Relay writ eonoireec cite aseegrapto ate! ; Goderich, '711 M arch, 1833. v6n7t11
Along the route, thus protected, M. 0' - Sheriff•e Office,
?Meth it in twelve montho, or as soon as
the government wet protcet the hire, and FANNING MILLS ANI) PUMPS.
convey government mesoseme free. This -
scheme will else remedy seine of the recun• efollE sub.criber will keen coestontly on
veniences arising from wantof • railroad.-- 1 Lindell the GO1)F.R1CH FANNING
&afoot 7 ruescri pi. MILL AND PUMP FACTORY, on Ar•
Eeosome is A FAMILY.-ThCie iSnO• tah,;ior Street. m nearr 41: e shilia ;el.::: Square,Tanreand
thin; which goes so far towards placing Stioclikinof subs.tantret serviceable ;ndrY;erav
young people beyond the reach of poverty, superior articles of the above deecription,
as economy in the managemeut of their do- which he will sell cheap for cash. merchant •
mestic affairs. It matters not whether -a able Prot uce, or en approve,' credit. Ile'
man .furni-hes little or much for Ills family, l wishes these parties. in search of a good
if there is a continual leakier in his kitchen article at a reasonableprice, to give Ion' a
be C„,,,, rot bow, call, and he flatters himself. that his tom
er parlor; it runs away experience to the business will ensure the
and that demon Waste cries out ° More !"
satiefeetion' of all purchascro.
like the horse-leaciis daugker, until he that'
tiaTRAYED.-Cause trio the oracle -wore
uf the Subvention, Lot No. 19, ind cos
cession, Townehip ol Siaeley. about the
middle of July lam, • Red two years old
coating three, Heifer. Th. owner le re
quested to prove property pay expenses mid
take Itta away.
1‘ Smoky. Feta. With, 1833. 01.6-41
sctiogt. 'IEACIIERS.
rrur. next quarterly n,eming nf the.
Ward of Public InstrUci wit for the
United Counties of Home and Bruce, will
ALEXANDER McINTIRF„ do .gree ite held at Gentles' Ilethl, Geslerich, on
of Notes and Book accounts. to JAMES %Vednesdav the MA lav of March next. in
DONALDSON, belomeng to the firm of the hour of •Ieren o'clock, forenoon.
Candid•tes presenting themselves for ex
s• to make over my right, is le Anil elm,.
Alexander McIntire and Jew-. Don memo • ; aminaeon are required to produce cerofi
A. McINTIRE• cates of good moral character.
' Gederich, March 3rd, i853. aGn6 ' Goderich, 2nd March, 1853. ‘605e2i
U. 11. RITCHIE..
tire. ll'u. P. 1.
Witness-Devio CANTRLION.
SHIP. N 0 T 1 0 E ..
rilIE pubLe Inc hereby notified that the ClAME into the enclosure of the Sehnert-
' Copartnership heretefore eentine he, , Nov, mbe, ii.,, a ,,,o, yeao, eto
Township of Goderich, sheet the lot of
`"-.' her, Lot No. 41, 1 1th Conceive',
cenitieni. All parties indebted to the &sell
firm are requested se settle their respective ted mei ehite, with short horns. The
owner I. rermeoted to prove property pay
expenses and t the bet Aw a r . HEIFER,
tweets JOHN it ROBERT DONOG1-1, as .
Innkeepers, is this eay dissolved by mutual I
.comes with John Dunegh, who will ale* ;. tVILLIAM WISE.
pay all liahilittes. Goderich Township, (.
ROB/la DONOGII. v6n3-3t
I Feb. 19th, 1V.3. S
by condeseendieg to entertain theMiotioo
and has since been discussed in Committee.
fol. a single m°11sent• A" Yet some meal" • ttf it final passage there is still some little
should be adopted to stop such license on
doubt but even it should pass in the Assein•
the pail of correspondeuts- This Mr.
lily there will be some difficulty in getting a
. seldom writes a letter witheut attacking Ian...oaten, have brought a part ef tneir.
Hogan (that ie the correspondents. name)
sufficient nuaiber of the members together to and re are his children for a proper sta- .o
secure its passage through the upper Ilouse. 1 tion Pin Irife, and not to dissipate his proper -
either some member of the government, or
Some of the s..mins say that its distussion it]. The husbands interests should he the Suitable fur the Sirrinz Trade.
some private member of the House in the
will be put off until the navigation opens,' vrife's care,and her greatest ambition Car- , Sonia of which are airesdy forwawrd 10 Ham
most abuoire • manner. 'The " miscreant
when measures will be taken to secure a ry her no farther than his welfare or happie Ilion; ant as dthieheSrtherrei.r.leyrssnporina. "
RAO," or - that dirty bully Cameron," or k
sufficiently large attendance. This difficul-
t 9iltiejan 1 ty affiello another proof of the necessity for
" that unprincipled asseverated n
Rolph," or " praise God bare -hones sub -I
some change in the constitution of the Up -
provides has no more to give. It is the Goderich, March 151h, 1853. v6n7y1
husbaud's duty to bring into the house, and 1 ___
it is the duty of the wife to see that nothing lEARLY If:PRING IMPORTATIONS
goes wrongfully out of it. A man gets a I -
wife to look alter his affairs and to assist I TTIFI SUBSCBIBER begs to apprise their
Costonierp, and the trade generally.
him in his journey through life; to educate I
that the late steamers arrived •1 New York
Gorliteriel, March. 9th, 1853. v6c6-6st NOTICE.
. ; frIlE purchasers of land in the Township
WAN l'ED, A of %Yastianosh from Ilia late VM.
THOROUGH Bred Devne BULL, GARRETT, Pal., or literates, are here-
rif from two to 1,* rem years old, any by ho IAN). that Within, 11. Garrett met
person hasmg puch to dtopos• of may filial Robert N Garrett, ts whom the said lands
&purchasers be addreosing smote (post have been 'Reigned, in the Partition uf the
o id) to Mr. John Blake. Secretary to the Estate of the said William Garrett among
County of Iluron Agricultural .1inciety. his Hein., e ill attend at G .cterch, on mud
JOHN 111-AKR, Seciy. after the first hl trch next. for the purpose
Grderich, March 9th. 185i. v6n6 of imeneire tnstalteents doe on said lands,
RU -
/*NTS, from a Pismo Voile dowsi le a
Strom of all Wide, •nd of 'superior lualt-
ty • le sheet, everything sett ch can ter wart
be found le • well and carefully aelec;ed
Mos c Stere.
Tim 1'1 %NOS arc from the establisei -
amass of the followieg c•lehr•ted make's,
via: Chicken's', tillud.lart and Donham, ac-
knowledeed to be tee heel on ibis part of
the globe, as are the hIELODIANS, Mine
fact ured by Prince k Co.
Pianos and Melte/rani .old as cheap, and
cm as favorable tense at they can be pro-
cured in 'reroute., or. from the 'natters them -
Lender'. January, 1851. at.r1-e r
(Cr The firre.;tori Spectator to give the -.nd transacting ether business in relation
above advertisement two ineereuns, end thereto.
Administrator to the Es•ate
send accuuut 011111 Office. HORATIO N GARRETT.
atitute for Mr. Baldwin," and, such other
terms, are a few exceptions from his choice
vocabulary. Ile is particularly tierce at
Dr. Itnlph, and the venerable Commission-
er seldom escapes notice in any of his
In the noose he is made a tool of in the
bands of certain gentlemen whein a sense
of duty prevents from using the language Lower Canadian -o, who erroneously think
their feelings would dictate towards their that it will have a tendency to throw the
political opponents. and get the "immortal - rural populatiou into the hands of horde of
Hogan" as he is called, to slave for them. greedy usurers. There is one eery im-
F.ven some gentlemen who have tbe , portant principle adopted in the hill which
l b
olumns of a newspaper at their control, mr)nelte;.veisavery
rt commadlitputs
e quite willing to be friendly with the According to our present laws, if a person
gentkinan in order to take their dirty work. ! dementia usurious intereot for money lent,
dirtily accomplished. Ile is a hail fellow the is liable to lose not ouly the interest but
whole amount lent• Mr -Brown's bill
well met with the members, and "come the.
mill retains 6 per cent as the legal rate of
Hogan and have a glass of grog," is a salu-
interest; and a person suing can only obtain
tation with which be is frequently ;reeled. that amount, even though by agrecmecnt
Mr Prince supported his motion with great he may li.eve expeeted more. But the
ability, and Mr. Smith of Frontenac alit_ fart of his liat ing agreed to taLe more does
ni?bet deatvemahismt of trlit,Lvavrhdo.LIed aas. aat mparessteinalti
peered as the champion of the correspon-
dent. The debate was lengthy, much i portant reform, and 16sincerely trust. as I
more than its importance demanded, and du- have reason to believe that it will become
ring it, the question as to stint constitute law.
the peculiar privileges of the bootie, Caine was 030 N.r1ruicala Soiree at pits
in for a fair share of attention. Mr. Brownt
whicelinZny of th, membeYrsew7rnel pgres.1,
supported by Mr. Stewart, the member the House having adjourned earlier than
for Quebec, contended that this House usual. It is represented as having been
pos.sesses no such privileges or those which a great affair. S.
belong to the British ilonse of Common',
and almost went so far as to deny to it the
possession of any privileges which could be
susceptible of tolation by the press. Mr.
Hineks oa the other hand asserted that the
House possessed privileges co -extensive
enth tbe House of Commons, and he
Would always be prepared to support those
privileges. Mr. Drummond quoted the
law upon the subject, from which it ap-
peared that a breach of pririledge is some -
tint more to be felt then rift, and
tba the peculiar tribunal feeling i If ag-
grieved was the only competent one to de-
cide Whether the grievance amounted lc a
breach of privilege. If such be the law
os the subjeet, Mr. Prinee was entirely
withal its limits in bringing forward his
metiers. It very member that spoke on
either side* the House, took oceseion to
bear testimony totter gentlemanly and im-
partial meaner in which the speaker had con-
ducted himself since bis election to the im-
portant mail dignified peskier° which be occu-
pies, sad sissy gentlemen, specially os the
opposition beech**, who had voted against
Mr. Macdonald is opeaker, tarok occasion
to pass a high enlegium epee lie cendect,
without bang any notice of the eisestims
soder debate, salami to presumes it a lawn
and scurrilous produeitoe, as ungeerlemosly
as it was alesika for. It most be please*
to the spendrat to food th. universal respect
is whisk be is held by MI parties 14 tbi
Wow Col. Prate finally withdrew his
per House.
Mr. Brown's bill for the modification of
the [oiry Law wan diecussed, in Commit-
tee on Thursday evening, and one amend-
ment, declaring that its provisions shall not
Wend to Chartered Banks, and such other
institutions was adopted. There is a good
deal ol apposition to this nullon the pert of
nese tn rether with that of her childrens-
This shout I be her sole aim, and the theatre.ltaiienpi they expect
I t 4t•lee "i the Eurc'Pein II day ------------------1 12ih hlarch next, to tako tete tlie ot the River Btrtield, rind will (halting been eo long employed in thee--
consideratimemorialize ,
pr.r ,or .,.0 aproved plan, dec•, fo25, II. C. °thee) lie kelt. cnnfident that lie can alit
ef the late
PM "Sr au Kingston, 5th Feb., 1O53. s6o3
BARTER. !Merchant Teller, would
• respectfully inform the inhabitants ch
Goderich and purrounding eremite that he
has just opened a new Tail..inic
lishnient, one door north of Dr. Mcl)ette
all's new Brick Iloilo', Market Squire
Goderich, where he has ten hand a splendid
assortment of Broad Cloths, Caspimeres
Tweeds, Sennett', %Viiiirmy 0011.4, of
different colours for Over Cat'. A var-
iety of %Vetter Ve.tinire. 1.1.c• &LC IIR
to alto ereoareil to •iptcuto all Orders in
the Tailoring Line, in tho most Fishion -
able style, and at re eterete Char eos.
Coning hone on the Shortest Nreice. 1
Londen. Paris and New Yerk Fashions
receivie quartetly.
Goderich, Oct. 121h, 16.55. v5otte
The nimble Sill -niece before the slum CONSUSIPTION.-F.vety body Leow
f VHF. Subscribers beg leave to intimate to end progresses so iniodrersly, that c ore ,
It the inhabitants of Gedericli and sure one is aware of it, Diet mg. are a maga of rates upon Honors. Shipping and Goedm
in the above him. in West Street, tied i from heat to cold, produces en inflamina• God. eti-nr1111,(1)554ttA4eNP!.C. 78(4)14..48' Age:lett:134
rounding; country that they -have open. d ulcers, then a midden exposure or clionge
_____,----e- ----.e--.
door from Dr. hlenceigallie Brick builng. I lion, and in a few dais or weeks., it is said,- _
where they will censiantly keep en handl he or sire died of Conpumption. For all
lion, which they ate determirod to t•ffir at otii.ide of this paper of Mullen's 'Chemical Trdet.
• . ,
Liquero, and Gr. conte of evere eescripe would refer to tee adcertirernent tor the
VAN EVERY k.GOLDTDORP. business to transact with the Canada Com-
! to a flattering decase. It cemutcnces
0 N Ti 1110
lneetporsted by .id t nf Paeliamert
Hugh C. arker. E.q. M. Merritt, Esq.'
M. W. Browne, •• J. F. Moore,
Peter Canoe, James Oshoine,
D. C. Conn, Chas A. Sulker, "
James McIntyre, " E. C. Thom's, "
bunco Mattecoon, " John Wilson,
THE Subacriber having been appointed
••• Agent at Godench, fur the shove legit.
ly respectahle Cotnpany, is prepared to
t Insurance at the most reasonable
a choice selection ef Trap, Sugars, %Vices • 1 troubled with cough or lung complaint, vie To the Settlers of the Huron
the very lowest tomenerating peceo, end Extract of "Cherry and Lunge ort," wire!) ----
they trust by strict attention to buomers to la oaid to bo a certain curet for this awful f it nr. Undersiened begs leare tregive,roe
merit a rhare of public patronage• i.lectife. -e- tie' to all those 'who may hare . •ny
Gorier:eh, Feb. rd, 1853. .a6nitelm ,
NOTICE. frit: Municipal Council for the Townohip thepe who may not Wlf,1" to travel to To-
- , - - pany that since the removal of their ofhee
• from thtown, he has determined to open .
£25'Preinium. an agency oflim here for the benefits of
to hold a full Steck of A -
Company, will be held at Mr. Robert
I tine of the Goderich Fee of Stanley, is ereperreflo receive Plans, Tonto to transact their buoidess in person
PRESII GOODS, comprehending all the Ellie' Colborne Inn, at 7 o'clock. on Salute accompanied by Specifications and Estimate From his thorough knowledge of tbe Cum.
for the formation of • Ilareour at or near panyie neide of transacting business'
of her exploits in the bosom 01 her family,
where she may do as much towards making a,
fortune as he can in the counting house OT
in the workshop. It ism), the money earn-
ed that makee the man wealthy -6 is what
the neddie:of the mc nth.
The subperiberp continue to hold at all
times extensive sosurtmente of Hardware
see Caucery Goode.
he saes from hie earnineo ieelf-oratth- BUCHANAN, YOUNG k Cn.
cation in dress, or indulgence in appetite, or' Hamilton, March 3, 18.53. e6n7e2rn
more company than his purse can entertain, 1
are equally perniciotre The first adds NOTICE.
vanity to extravagance, the second fastens THE managing Committee of the Huron
a Doctor's bill AO a long butchers account,' THE
Ageociatioe ane Meehan co !n-
and the second brings intemperance, the
worst ofall evils in its train.
leg the Tow° Ceeeell te ii'lledAte dam" no other silt' be poid for, pinto, kr., to be j and e.te aaaafacI,03 I" nil (hal"' *110 unt
nitre, have male arrangements for the ..;
livery of a metes of Lectures before 'hat Goderich. Feb. 2811,1653.
society, in the flail of the Sons ofTeniper•
al against said Fire Company, by their hand- lioged eite the clerk at Bs' field, on Of 1 remere Iota- cc -tercet. Censeyaucing. Land
ing over the Engine and a.I ether property bcfere the 2ad day id Appil, next en-uing. land General Agency Office. also a list of
onnected ith the Fire Comeany to the
W. W. CONNOlte • 1 lands tor sale keel , ant! a rneistry of theme
rporarion. .
. Township Clerk.le e.thing tu tom:hams 56111,111 chancre except,
Arty versos having claims against the February 7th, 1653. - vGndoit5 edict(' a pale is r ffecthd, when • moderate
Goderich Fire Centime), sell please hall
• per centage wt., los reemircd.
th .m into the S.•cretary, on or before the A Lei. Renearsoo,
date ef the above meetine. Er enter. ' TG THE SETTLERS OF THE I Lind Agent, iac •
'IIOR ACE lloit ION. 4"ee.,G. F. C. . HURON TRACT. 1 G , leech, 310, 45 , lea& %nen 1 ,
TIE Canada Cemhany. et t ,
TER SL•vit TRADE VI Ct./EA.-Col. Fat- atce.
ler, of the New York Mirrer, thus expos
es some of the secrects of the Cuban slave
trade :
"It is a well known fact thst nearly all
the merchants and' shopkeepers of Havana
are native Spaniards: and, as I have befere
mated, they are not only contented, but
fanmically- devoted to the Spanish Gonersment. A large proportion of this class
came to Cuba as adventurers, and began
life its clerks on small eateries. After ac-
cumulating fith houdred dollars they world
purchase a .hare in a jell -it -stock *lath
trading company; and, in the course of a
!mar or two, receive a profit in the Owe
Cif • dividend amounting to ten thousiand
dollars, which sum, re-rnveeted the tame
business, poen made them millionaires. -
Thee* nabobs then generally return to
Spain to spend their ill-gotten fortunes.,
leaving a crop of clerks to fellow in the
footsteps nf their inhuman predeceseors It
to, perhaps. not generally known that some
dour Niter York 'merchant promos,' whose
sodden wealth hos been attributed to the
sugar bueneme bare derived their largest
revenues front capital slyly invested in the
'lave trade. Persons who are curious In
such mattero, may learn further particulars
by making incomes in novena."
Qtrantc, March 12th.
Last night after the report left, Mr•
Dunkin continued to apthk at the bar of
the House on behalf of the Seigniors -
Il• spoke for hive hours, but had so more
thio half neighed his argument at the •d
journinent. He gave the history of the
Seignoval Tenure. srd Contended there
never WIMP any law to fix the rates of cos.
et reviles. It le impossible to condom'0
eperech witnia the limits of • telegrs-
Ole report. Mr. D inkois continuation of
tes address stands so the first order of the
QvRISC, 1 tth March, 1853,
A pelittrifi was presented to -day from the
Quebec B wird 01 trade, pray ing the torso
lawns to fhterfere aennot the prep:mutton
of the Mostreel B and of Trade to levy
toile Oh weasels parralog through Lak•tilt.
Peter, drawing leos than len feet of water.
Several petitions weft presented on the
sante subje:t and all monist cellecting
tolls on vessels drawing less time ten feet.
0a motion of Mr • Street, the 64th and
elgth rules *1 115 House were suspended, so
fuse th• same related to the bill to me e
the capital mock of the Niagara Falls Sus-
pension Bridge Company.
Oe motion of Sir A • N. *tenets, the teth
rills of the Hones was dispensed with se
far se retiree se the Railroad bills now be-
fore the House.
Mr. Stuart mored an 11.11r0se Ilia Es
reeiliseey comes of correapondesce, ke.,
Miming to the proposed lore of Itretroad
browses Manasseh' sad Trots Ported**, Ri
'fere de Loop.
Mr. Deakin appeared at the bar es behalf
of the Reignaries, and to 'peeking ea she
report knees.
The follow;ng gentlemen have consented
to deover addtemies as feline!' :-
John ('lark, Esq., March 24th, on Local
Thomas Nicholls, Esq., April lot, on
Dimity of Lotter.
T. M. Jones, Esq., April ilpi,
Dr. P. A. elcDougall. May 5th -
Rev. A. McKie. May )91h,
Junes Watson, Esq., June god e -
Admission in all cases Frost-
ily order.
Cor. Secretary.
All thope having subscribed towards the
optabliahment of the "litaTiTuTit," ,are in -
termed, that the Lists are deposited web the
Treaearer, %Yemen, Eq.. and the
Recording Secretary, Thomas Nicholl,
E -q., either of whom are authorized to re -
dee said subecriptione.
Coo Secretary.
Gmlericb, 17th March, 1833. 07
We often hear the complaint that winter
butter is poor. Ours was so for pommel
seasons It was very plow in coming, and
frothy, white. and sometimes bitter; whim
butter made from the same kind of milk in
the warm poison was good. I devised
many plies for improvement such as throws
tug in salt, warm inek, scalding cream,
fec , but to no purpose. At length I .cal -
my milk when brought from the cow,
afterwards setting it in either a cold or
worm piece as must convenient. I meth.
1 communicated sufficient heat to my milk
to destroy the effect which frosty feed in
aetumn or dry feed in winter had upes it.
Since wh.ch time we have made (with
fifteen minu(es' churnmg) purer, sweeter
and more y•Ilew butter than ea ever made
•ummer-and sometimes from frozen
cream gradually warmed. As* were it not
that this increase of manufactories, the
purport of fashion, and huber ceases conts
bleed render belping hands its the daily
room, now a -days very scarce, 1 should be
et the trouble of scalding my inilk before
setting it, during the summer, as well as
the epitome, for surely, butter made in this
way possemes • delicious richness and dry -
nerve tornielv cannot be found ro any other. -
Rosie,' CsItietator.
The Crystal rahke. is New York fists
I i he remembered I
1 have provider! the best possible tank, 10
II t.-. ',LETT- • sTEA A SAM; -MILL. •
the said See,. lir the ironercoon of Business
' .
with tbe' office In Termite Moorish the Agents
'LINE partnerohip hereterere ex:stine be- of the Botik of Upper Caned., Loth it Goderich
• - tweet), the u----nderoigned, under the and Stratford, *idiom charges to tile said set. i
above 6.1e. is this day eti....,,e3 by mutat - dere.
censent. The bo'ne's will heteaftei be Goderiel., Feb. Gth, 11
continued by Robert .1n;lerFon in hut otan 1
name and on los own accennt.
' it()BERT A rsi DERSON,
Hunett, Feb. 17th,
The Subscrlor has this day assumed as
winners in •he 'they° besinee., Mr• John
Thompson and Mr. Henry Sicwcre
Address McE,:lop, f. 0.
Willett, Feb. 186,153. sin5-3t
rullE Subeeriber takes the liberty of in•
A foiming the public that he has opened
an Office in Gederich for the pale of Wild
Lando Cleared l'armp, House,. ke.,
for the purpose of giving general 'stoma -
non to intending pettlete.
Deede, Poorer of Attorney, and ether in-
struments of Writing prepared on moderate
Parser's bay tng business to teansact in
any ran of Canada, the United Stales or
Great Braun, will have every facility af-
forded them Inc that purpose.
Letters moat be post paid.
P. S. -Particular ellentioo paid to for•
warding Produce le Merchandise generally.
Office Market Square. (lately °teemed
by Jni. ellewert, Req., Darrister,
Goderielo, March Vila, 18.53. v6n6-3in
•eiteming form and comelinetre, with every
prospect of being ready for comers" ill
Capt. I,owber, has written horse to tbe
owners of tbe Eriesam*, espremmg himself
estirely satisfied with her rrfornisnee at
sen and confirmiog to their full extent, the
gratifying reports that hate already ap-
e Roetitsturettre T•ollat 10 0,11
Nit kW oweab.....Psiode.
ON the Maitland Concession, Colborne.
wa the prenesee. there has been ()My one
crop taken eff sheet fifteen acre., with
a gond House, welt. watered by a
Mee. Fut paftleillsr, ripply to
Godertch, March 1.1. le53.
- - - .
1311)()IITANT NO'110E.
.440 F, .S heother would telt-
a mate to the irlethitants
Goderich and anrronmeng emintty. that he
hag purchased the Stock and Trade of Mr.
James Caneibell. And Is', p reared to
thirty Serer cleared
Cash fin.
AT the COI/ERICH h111.1.
Goderich, Jan 21th, 1853.
New Grocery
porcherong a Note drawn by the Sub- PROVISION STORE.
e A N I) •
riims tr, fork,' _any peeme or• perigees
ocriber in lavoui of Alexander Dodger,.
beerier date 3ril December, 145.2, rind d TIRE Sebocriber would re•pecifollv
furin the 'Mee -rants Godertch amt
Mc lid of 'dietary, as 1 have received no
value for the pane..
Towns'aip of Brece,
Feb. Gth, le53. 0133
kind. of GROCERIES, consuming in part
of 7'co, Tubuai r, Cal rante,Spites,
surroundem Country, that he has ripened in
the alms, line, wo /lour, teeth of Doctor
McDonmiles new Itr Mew, Metlict
S ear, Goderich. Ilta ptock includes
Orwell t mi.@ that may favor bier e .1 i
tneir patronsge. with all kind* of Whit $
and SHOES, on the sherteat ttot.c ; end
he is dete•mined, by meet atteireon to
btrsip.i.tieso, and keeoug o
s rod fete It 11557,
nn hai.d, to giirr the pub le general astitc
Cu.'s Store. MARTIN Mel'ENabobAill 'bIestistrraen'n.1""•Peeotid7 16•°..t °S°1°11.7dilf......:',0 'Ise
(Inc door West of M. B. Seymour b. Titles wilt be g•ven.
Goderieb. MarchRe°0111::1116T.53.1" G .deeci, J.a. 17.1, 14.13. *hese on the hlorket Sq-taie. 6 .diriell,
v n..3 - - - - - - -- ---- i op Thitroday the 21st el April, 1°33. The
'Horse* twarsiot preenforne moat atop in the
Sherlir 8 5:111C oflantls. ; 'rev, d er Goderich Mimi V Wh .1 y ; and sten
Till SC11001. TEACHERS.
Quasec, 17th Feb., 1553.
NOTICE is hereby given that a Mill site
" (conmeting of shoot 16 acres of land)
within the Town Plot of Southampton, in
the 'Pownshth of Seligman, ti. the Cittmly,of
',Time, U. C. will be offered for wife, by the
Rellident Avner, A eel .'M eN •en, &squire,
it Southampton, o• the 80th of nest
'month .
Upset lance LILO; one f.fth In be paid at
the time of Bele, end Ilse remainder is font
equal mutual testalmotate, with Interest .-
The purchaser to erect i Saw -Mill iiirIthin
On* year end a Griet-Mill Within tire year,
from the date of Rale, sold to rye ilisIF•i
riot esteent y fee thm feillIsieet .1 these etas
The water to supple the Mills to be eh
tamed by • Wtel-dves, se shows by • Pl•-
to be eibiltited is tbe Office el the Agee,*
..........;..11eisseeZ. er.s vers•s
Me0•--A les and Cider of the very best
frilE Subecriber wishes to &Poems of the
on the most advanmgemie terms CST!
before 02-erod 1!“. ',rattily, sm.:
Lot Na. 3, ni•-..eate Stre1e. 'Poen of
GOdefiCh. %Olin 100 yardo of the Matket
Smiare, contesting of a quarter el an acre,
and ha-' on it a well built aril subotakiel
Brame lloo.e. with etiol garJe.n.
Let No. 4, Newg•te Wrest, with an ex
rel:ent new Brick House, and Frame Sta.
In the Prevision Line will he (mind Flour,.
following pplendel Estates in rce Sim. "me'', Baler. int , • h ,
E lie r Bre! Purk,
demrmined keep n000 bet aril --
tees of the beet qeality, and te yell cheap
at the same time, he trusts to recen• •
Aare of peek.. patronage.
Formers and pone froin the conntry
would Jo well to call. ao he intends perches- •
tog every description of Peeler°, for omit'
he will pay the highem. iniuket price.
chreii.pc.hotce ascot tment of1% lima to be sold
I,ot No. 6, Neweam Street, with a capi-
might, at a smolt expense. be couverted in- ‘5•45
tat Frame Work Shoe, IS ft. hy 40, which
Gederich, Nov. 30, 185*.
to a gond rest dence.
ALSO. one Teen Let nn the lloren
11'. 1. atel one on the 511.1 Road, adjoining
Eel Serie.
The me estates wel be pn',I together
or separately, a' the °nil of tee porches-
er for the whole. ot *Mob undisputable
THE Agriculture', Secret y of the Comity
of Iluron ',Ter $50 61 two premium',
5 f e
- • 5
- Male 'reacher, Moo a Female Tee d.y d. fur otit imati,s. fluor of Sb... 115
At tot ;to ....olleaseUin. Colbiree. .eery Oth
WANTED fto tee 'Poen 01 Gosierieh, a $ , , ,
Ihe 11:"""1/ n''""l 4 114"....11"•• l' A'oreL5 will he given le a ivisniium to a
Cie Normal School, it w 41111 bo • rem- ...150 hunts of the Sweet v Teri, p-eminins
motormen I • il I he "men to ....her 11 ill,: -10 et too
The Male Te•.ner rent be i Pretept•nt.; .1,,e ge a.; 3rd LI: to he 'hewn the 21.1
UeilfiLenserieS ef Harrel. tire° nf
Pertics.anwri,T11., nee
S Fume Faro ,•
issued out of Iler Majmitt'aCocrt •nil ter. e
directed agatnat the [Ands an I thteinfnl. fir.
Daniel 0 levet Illiller, at the suit of .1 don
Turner and Jaities Turner, 1 hove 'Wen, Anti
(alien eft0Cutatin follovnite preterit!emi .
Pork lots numeer tweedy three, twenty
row and thirt••, on the Norh Vile Of 1:1-1.1..
Wilt Street is the (ewe or ti.ratford, end
lot twelve on the Smith pia et Meen'egter
Read is that part of the Town railed
McCulloch'', purvey, whtch lands and tone •
ments or •, mach nf the Wire es Rosy be
seemmery to satisfy the said e aim,
1 .131
eller fee ..rp the roan Ream ie the
Tow • el G elench Timed., the iweety•
math day of April scat a:the hour of Itirel“
theclock ithee.
Horne, Perth and Dmee.
t 6" 1
Gerileroch,261b Lindsay, /833. s .
\(-her. cod' teatime 5 6••t close cert ;icor eci,,,i,. ,,,,„„. .
al Octets We 'peel one or $1011 Iettli• in ‘horoaro 1,,,,i 095„5 nu", g eer,e wee",
r'teCitt as' -sli nr Ms" Tc."her. £'l°, F•1 o .1
f April. ,, the Marko' Se tore, at tbe hoer
Male :03, bet ueght be is eased if the
parer. Puririt.
Sch."! Teener.. li,olorich,
if by Leller Onnt.fAhl 10 the COW e tit he •-..I,%on the n( the Horde
Leek, end Canadian Hamilton, 1 rpm! end.„,od sus,.
1.1 o'clock. soon,
Show. t 'Months Credit will he VIA epos
l'he !ice rey'• ittorengh breJ DURHAM
God ech, 6th January, 18511. vSe49
TIP' cliveiety eff.t to lere. few one
Orr fequelited to give three mentions to the
loan / ti
year without lutrow.,1 to ens fo'reso me" -
log voihin the Itutit• of the Societe. sys.1
gene" 'stone's' **ewe, In worthies/ a
,boro•ph bred Doses Sul between the
ages of 111 mod 11 rem.,
11. M. Ai. R,
iGesletich, 23e Feb., fill. .3 11
A 1.EAC FIER W A "ITV.%) -Vor • Co
ti en'. lachool. In Soe,tirm No 8. In
' Teleerh p of Teeltor•mith, %Atolls. a wave
ef esal.fieetess. Apply to
f. 1. VA% F.11NIOND,
DAVID 11/1'SVA41, Tr, .
. tgalteedi .Ite, 4,11 Fen . 1443, %G.