HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-01-11, Page 15WINS WON r Y 17101',/c10—Joallrie MitlerS (left) 01 Lltro- Ville Fruit Delights and Iris Becher. (right) of Dashwood Merry Maids were awarded county honor pins and certificates at Achievement Day held in Seaforth Dist- rict High School on Saturday for completing six 444 projects, Mrs, dL Strang, district WI president, made the presentations, —Photo by Phillips THIS 'N THAT By MRS. JMS •.g Saturday, January 6 was Achievement Day for 4-1l Homemaking girls in Seaforth High School for the project "'Featuring Fruits," So many ,girls are taking these projects in Huron that three Achievement Days in three different centres are held for the one project to aee0111, modate the youthful cooks, Great credit is due to the leaders, usually two for a club, who give their time, talents and patience in leaching and training these 4-11 girls. The leaders themselves take. a one• day course on the project and then pass the knoxiedge on to the girls in an average of eight meetings. We note the meet- ings are usually held in the leaders homes and for this par- ticular project the kitchen is the centre of activity, We were pleased that Mrs. Alvin Moir, leader of the flu- nudge club, received a certi- ficate of recognition for her five years of leadership, at Achievement Day in Clinton, December 9 and Mrs. Sid Ba- ker leader of the Dashwood 4-It girls, received one on Saturday, She has been leader since the Dashwood club was started in 1956, Instal UCW at Main St. The inaugural service for the United Church Women for Main Street United Church was con- ducted by Rev, R. S, Hiltz at the morning service on Sun , day, President is Mrs. R. E. Rus- sell; honorary presidents are Mrs. George Layton and Mrs. R. S. Hiltz; vice-presidents, Mrs. B. W. Tuckey, Mrs. Wayne 'Rickey; recording . secretary, .Airs, Robert Turnbull; unit sec- retaries, Mrs. E. R. Hopper and Mrs. William Brock; treasurers, Mrs. E. D. Howcy, Mrs. Law- rence Marks. Program, Mrs. A. 1. Sweit- zer, Mrs, Clarence McDonald, Mrs. Graham Arthur and Mrs, .Archic Webber; corresponding secretaries, Mrs. George Ja- ques, Mrs, Tom Walker; social conveners, Mrs. GI e n Mc- Knight, Mrs. Ross Tuckey; manse committee, Mrs. Don Hooper, Mrs. William Higgins, Mrs, Harold Skinner. Supply Mrs. Cecil Murray, Mrs. Howard Ince, Mrs. Balkwill, Mrs. A. Y. Wil- lard; flower, Mrs, 13. W. Tuc- key, Mrs, William Wright; pia- nists, Mrs. Frank Wilding, Mrs, A, Y. Willard; press re- porter, Mrs. Harold Skinner; sacrament convener, Mrs, Glen Mt:NJ-sight. Flaying an important part is the county home economist — Miss Isabblle Gilchrist in Hu- ron, who visits one meeting of each club for encl., project, ex- amines and marks the record hooks and plans for and pre- sides at Achievement Day, We cannot speak too highly of these people, Their reward is in hoping and knowing that the next generation of homemak- ers will be belle" because of their efforts _Here are some of the recipes that have been used in feat- uring fruit. Oven-Steamed Fruit Pudding 1 egg 1/2 cup light molasses 1/4 cup melted butter or shortening 1/2 cup chopped storied dates 1 1/4 c sifted all-purpose flour 1 1/2 tp ginger 1/2 tp baking soda 1/4 tp salt 1/2 cup hot water V:`*.-i,t the egg, add molasses, melted butter and dates. Sift flour, measure and sift again with the ginger, soda and salt. Add to egg mixture and stir until well blended. Quickly stir in hot water. Fill individual cups about full or put in one large baking dish and cover with aluminum foil or heavy waxed paper fast- ened securely. Place in a pan of hot water. Bake in a moderate oven 375° for about 1/2 hour. Serve hot with fruit sauce. Banana Bread ii cups mashed ripe bananas (about three bananas) cups sifted all-purpose flour 2 tp, baking powder 11 tp. baking soda tsp salt 1 ; cup shortening 2 i1 cup sugar 2 eggs ti cup chopped pitted dates (optional). Mash and measure bananas. Sift and measure flour and salt again wills baking powder, soda and salt. Add chopped — Please turn to page 16 Vacuum Cleaners Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all mo. dell of vacuum cleaners and polishers. ReconditiOnecl ma- chines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1 Zurich Phone Hensel! 696r2 Modern Beauty Salon 129 MAIN ST, PHONE 349 Haircuts • Styling Perms • Treatments Monday to Saturday, 9-6 Tuesday & Thursday Evenings Barbara Roth, Operator BRENDA BRENNER, Prop. V Red Tag Sale Now's the time to shop and save at the IN- TERIOR SHOP. Check the Red Tags on our stock. 44 1.1 A. • It Bedspreads Chenille Reg. 5.95 4.49 Orlon Rugs Reg. 9.95 8.53 Drapery 1,95 to 2.93 ONLY $1 YO, Dacrons Regtilar 1.2$ 82c yp. Kitchen Prints Regular' 1,25 89c YO, Ralph Swiitzo PHONE '11S- .EXETER MALCOLM THE MILKMAN By EXETER DAIRY USE PSYCHOLOGY, MRS. WINSON. LET HIM SEE YOU DRINKING MILK! r WORKS./ YOU'D BETTER BRING ME A COUPLE OF EXTRA QUARTS EVERY SAY! EXETER DAIRY Actually, as Malcolm knows, milk sells itself, and no wonder! PHONE 331 From baby to gramps, everyone just loves its refreshing taste! You enjoy low, low prices, highest quality and friendly service when you shop at A&H Superior Libby's Fancy Quality Tomato Juice 3 ro 35c Swift's Premium Corned Beef Large 12-ounce tin 47, 33c 69c Grapefruit Juice Lyons Tea Bags '000 Delsey White or Pink Toilet Tissue 2 ReLLS 27c Donald Duck Brand 48-ounce tin 24-ounce pkg. 59c 15-ounce pkg. 35 , FROZEN FOODS Fraser Vale Fish 'n Chips York Fancy Raspberries MEAT VALUES Schneider's Pure Pork Large Country Sausage Sweet Pickiod or Pea Meal Cottage Rolls FRESH PRODUCE Fresh, Crisp Lettuce 24.b 29' fncliat I iwer., 1114 G rapefruit 0-61's Pt:JP; Nowt.. Carrots t tO-C.12. !...:41.0•8A0 CA. Mixes 35 AND Phone 53 2 'Exeter Open Friday ,Night 14 .9 AYLMER CHOICE HALVES Peaches 2 15.OUNCE 39 TINS GARDEN PATCH CHOICE KERNEL Corn 14.OUNCE 29 TINS READY TO EAT CEREAL Cheerios 27ce, 101/2 -OUNCE PACKAGES DUNCAN HINES DELUXE CAKE ALL FLAVORS 9° Halves Lea 53' IRWIN'S Ladies Wear PHONE 474 EXETER Half Price ! One Rack of Blouses and. Skirts 50% OFF 20% OFF REGULAR STOCK SKIRTS 84411•14i1 'W0411 .0ntl Sweaters 20°/o Off 'try 01id $696 during JmitAeyi Aro. .4a,H mernoers receive __certificates Gordon group Tho TimoAdvocatq, A donation of $10 was voted, At the meeting of the Welll• to the Canadian Mental Health en's Auxiliary to South Huron Association. Hospital held Tuesday after- Mrs, Gordon Baytrltam was noon it was decided to accept a ppo i n t e d Line mistress and the project for 1962 of buying a new commercial refrigerator Mrs. Irvine Armstrong won the draw, for the hospital at a, cost of Jan- uary .with Mrs. Benson. 'Tue. about 111 annual card party 'will be held in the Legion Hall on jan- liey, Mrs. Hennessey, Mrs, Andrew Johnston, Mrs, L. Beavers and Mrs, C. S. Mac, Naughton to make the arrange- rnents, The Auxiliary plan to' enter- tA.4.1AillentilliPOes'tsaffl of the heFehborskpial lt'a,Y1 ore 14. with the nurses's committee — Mrs. 1-hector Murray, Mrs. at Caven :Dailey „cacinildve l1rileti,ss.. H. L. Sturgis A visiting committee of 12 studies Guiana Mrs, Jim Bell discussed the study on British Guiana at the meeting of the Gordon Evening Auxiliary of Caven Presbyter- ian Church Monday night, The devotional was taken by Donna Ersman assisted by Carol Hogarth and Edith Scott. Carol Hogarth was in charge of Mrs, H. Strang conducted the the program which also includ- business when . plans were made ed contests, President Mrs. for the annual church meeting Alex Wilde was in the chair. on January 17 followed by a Hostess was Mrs. Andy Mill- congregational supper, cr. re* Elect omcers at Pentecostal The ladies of .the Pentocotal WMG elected officers. for 1662 with Rev. M, Holmes presid- ing, President is Mrs.. Keith ,Loren; honorary presideet, .AIrs,. AL Holmes; vice-presidents, Mrs. William Parker, Mrs, Bruce Cann; secretory rims, urcr, Mrs, Edgar Judmore; as' alatant, Mrs.E. Miller; con- venor of visiting committee, Mrs, 0, Hamilton,. Gifts were given to secret pals, The meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs- Holmes, Mr—Holmes spoke briefly and. Mrs, Holmes served lunch assisted by Mrs, .Cud. more, Couple wed 50 years Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller,. Huron St., marked their golden wedding anniversary with a family dinner at Dominion Ho- tel, Zurich on December 30 and open house New Year's after- noon and evening. Mrs, Jean Main poured tea in the afternoon and Mrs, Jack .Carr in the evening, Their granddaughters, Ruth, Elsie and Betty Jean Miller, served. Charles Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Arden, Ontario and Hattie Dougall, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. James Dougall were married at the bride's home, White- water, Manitoba by Rev. A. Macintosh on January 1, 1912, The couple have four of a family; three sons and one daughter: James, Woodham; Everard, Zion; Edwin, Thames Road and Lillie (Mrs. David Blackwell), Hensall, and 12 grandchildren all of whom were. present, Janes Paterson, ttensall, who attended the wedding, was also present at the celebration. The couple received many gifts and congrrlulations. A phone call came from the bridesmaid of 50 years ago, Mrs, Fred Cowan, Roblin, Man, as well as messages from Premier J. P, Robarts and Hon. C. S. MacNaughton. T011 4-II liomemaiting clubs of Huron County participated in Achievement Day Saturday, January 6, in Seaforth District High School for the protect "F .e a t u r g Fruit", Two Achievement Days, had been held previously in Huron County for this project, Pering the afternoon's pro- Warn for which Miss Isabelle Gilchrist, ;Heron home econo- mist, presided, provincial bon- ors :and :certificates were pre- settled by Mrs. John McLean, -Seaforth,. FWTO director, to -Sum Haugh and Carol Carter of .Seaforth district; Marguerite Scott of MeKillop and Mrs. Marjorie Coleman and Emily Elliott of .Seaforth, Iris 'Becker, Dashwood, Jo. anne Miners, Elinuville, Carol Simpson and Betty Mitchell, Molesworth, and Mary Lou Coyne, Amy Stewart and Shir- ley Henderson of Alacillop re- ceived county honor pins and certificates for completing six projects. Mrs, I-f. El, G, Strang, president, South Huron District WI, made the presentations. !Mfrs. Syd Baker, leader of the Dashwood club since its start in 1956, was presented with a certificate in recognition of five years of leadership by Miss Gilchrist. Six of the clubs set up ex- hibits and four presented de• monstrations featuring fruits. Grand Bend Fruit Cadets set up an exhibit on "A Day's Meals Featuring 'Fruit" and Patti McKenzie commented on the exhibit, Elimville Fruit De- lighs featured an exhibit "Fruit Specialties" with Shirley johns as commentator, Dashwood Merry Afaids pre- sented a skit "Family Meals. with Two Fruits a Day" in which Iris Becker, Judy Webb and Joan Rader participated. If you want it to be a short summer, just sign a 90-day note. littrun home ,eemminist .WAS ASSISted. for Lthe day by Mrs. Robert Melcercher, JIB 1 Dub- lin, and Mrs. Ian McAllister, ,11.11 1 Zurich, both former home economists, Mjnister's wife . discusses role The Evening Unit. of Main Street United Church Women met Monday evening with the president Mrs. Wayne Tuckey in the ehair, Mrs. R. S. Mhz was the speaker taking As her theme 'fire role of a ministee.s Airs, Clarence McDonald led in. the devotional with a New Year's theme, Site was assisted by Mrs, Jack Doerr, Mrs, Ron Bogart, Mrs, Lawrence Marks, Air's, Don Gravett and Mrs. Ralph Sweitzer,. Other officers of the unit be- sides the president, Mrs, Tue.- key are: recording secretary, Mrs. William Brock; treas.- tires', Mrs. Lawrence Marks: so- cial convener, Mrs. Ross Tue.- key; Mission Band leader, Mrs. Robert Simpson; pianist, Mrs. Don Gravett; corresponding sec- retary, Mrs. Tom Walker and group leaders, Mrs. Graham Ar- thur, Mrs, Archie Webber and Airs, Clarence McDonald. The February meeting will be withdrawn in favor of a joint meeting with the afternoon unit 09 February 7 with Miss Aud- rey Finkbciner will be the speaker. Moice conatign. tqment4lhopith. The Exeter 4inette Club met at the home of Mrs, :foloYcl: Ford on Monday evening with Presi- dent Mrs, Claire Hoffman, in the chair, Mrs. Cy P4lonunaert was in- troduced ,as a prospective mem- kr and Mrs. William Mickle and ,Mrs. John Heal, both of ilensall, were guests, Ale's, John Burke and Mrs. Art Clarke assisted the host- ess. Discuss music At the first meeting for 1962 of Cavern Congregational Circle, held. in the schoolroom of the church, a round table confer- ence was conducted on music in the church discussing the value of oegans and singing. Mrs. William Sillery, Mrs, Norman Stanlake and Mrs. David Millar took part and also gave New Year messages, Mrs. Ken McLaughlin led in the devotional during which a minute's silence was observed in memory of the late. Miss Fanny Flatter. aquary, 11,. 1902; Pint volu nt eers including Mrs. I. :G. Dunlop and Mrs. Ward Fritz, a$ conveners have arranged schedule fin! January for visit- ing hospital patients in twos or to assist the patients in arty w ay, The quarterly social meeting will he held in February when. prospective students in nursing from South Huron District Hos,;. pital will be guests and the film 'The Student: Nurse" Will be. shown. The social gonMnittt?e of the Auxiliary will convene. the social hour, The _attendance at 'Tuesday'.3 meeting was small .owing to. weather conditions. President Mrs, ,Geralei. Godholt Was in the chair. La-V-Esta BEAUTY SHOP FEATURING — The Neivest Ideas in Haircutting, Hair Styling and Beauty Treat- meats SPECIALIZING IN — Th e a in o u s Products from L'Oreal of Paris, L'Oreal Tipts, Bleaches and "White Velvet" Permanent Waves For Appointments PHONE DASHWC)(30 57r7 Vesta Miller, Prop. Hours — Mon. to Sat,, 1.6 Wed., Thurs. and Fri. Evenings Frayne twins head institute Darlene Frayne way elected president of South Huroa Junior institute at the first meeting for the year 1962 on. Wednes- day, Jan. 3, Past president is Barbara Morley. . Vice president is Marlene Frayne; secretary - treasurer', Pat Down; district representa- tive, Marilyn Marshall; emer- gency fluid, Shirley Jaques, Frances -Skinner; auditors, Jo Anne Miners, Ann Creery; Nominating committee, Barb- ara Morley, Marilyn Marshall, Darlene Frayne; pianists, Ag- nes Bray, Margaret Oke, Jo Anne Miners; press reporter, Ann Crcery, The business was followed by sacred moments react by Fran- ces Skinner. The roll call was answered by giving a New Year's resolutions. Current events were discus- sed by Marlene Frayne who also gave sonic kitchen hints. Silhouette Hair Fashions Specializing in , • HAIR STYLING • TINTING • PERMANENTS • TREATMENTS HOURS; Closed Monday Open Tues., Wed, and Sat. 9 - 6 Thursday and Fftiday 9 • 9 Phone 658; 409 Main St.. Exeter PAULINE ADAMS, Prop. Equipment purchase auxiliary's project