HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-01-11, Page 10Delightful 'Harlequin' dining room
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Call us for estimates.
Special Sunday Dinner, January 14
Roast Beef or Half Fried Chicken
Your Choice $1.75
For Reservation, Phone 22805648
Dine often in our pleasant 'Harlequin Room"
Gracious service, pleasant surroundings and delicious food are yours whenever you dine hi the "Hare
Irectuirt Room' at the Dufferin Hotel, For a fine taste treat, bring the family here to enjoy a wonder'
fully well.prepared meal in a friendly, comfortable atmosphere, Delightful dining assured every time!
Pape, 10 Tht Times-A v te, anWary 11, 19.
istinctive decorating .veatures
mark Dufferin's transformation,
on its official opening this weeks
food Luck
Exciting new decorating techniques have trans-
formed the Dufferin Hotel at Centralia from a solid old
brick building into as modern an establishment as can
be found in urban centres.
The exterior of the building may be of the tradi-
tional brick which has served this area for over a cen,
tury, but the inside sparkles with a modernness that
in many ways is new to the district.
Visitors to the grand opening Friday evening will
find the transformation striking. From the main entrance
to the many exits, the change is a complete one.
Each of the three serving
rooms downstairs has its own colored leaves are mounted.
distinctive decorating features. Walls are done in English will-
The "Maple Leaf Room'' nut panelling, broken by bright
where beer is served to ladies drapes in pumpkin and green
and escorts, is marked by a shades. More color is provided
wrought iron fence on which by the comfortable polythene
chairs in a variety of shades, tinetive lighting and floors help
This room, in which TV is in to create a lively, attractive,
stalled for entertainment, has atmosphere,
a capacity of 90. Modern kitchen
A band of gay clowns on one The three rooms are serviced
panel designates the "liar- from the kitchen at the rear
lequin Room", main dining ball whieli has all modern equip-
which seals 50. It's partly meat for preparation of food,
panelled in mahogany, with including a. large gas range,
plastic decor on one side and deep fryer, steam table, salad
diamond.-patterned drapes Con., counter and other features.
pletely covering one cod. An- In the mun lobby, a .tele-
other wall is decorated in spark-, phone switchboard has been, in.
ling toast. stalled with connections in all
The -Sportsmen's Room", on parts of the building.
the north side, seats 30 amid The 12 guest rooms upstairs
scenes of old-tyme guns, coins, have been decorated and fur-
wagons on wall panels and Dished in the modern colonial
drapes. The panelling here is style, again brightened with
cherry, boldly-colorcd drapes, This see,
in each of the rooms, dis-
holds social
The monthly social evening
was held at Metropolitan school
on Friday evening with seven
tables of progressive euchre.
Winners for ladies high, Mrs.
George 'Wilson; ladies lone
hands, 311rs„lesse Elston; la-
dies low, Helen Hariton; men's
high, Wilmer Harlton; men's
lone hands, Gladwyn Hooper;
men's low, Clifford Langford.
and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Par-
kinson were the committee in
charge, Lunch was served and
a social time spent by all.
Per,sonal items
Mr. and Mrs, Max Bilyea and.
family, Glendale, Mrs. Jessie
Bilyea, Mrs. Mary Rudd and
Maureen of Granton were Fri-
day evning guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm, G. Jones.
Mrs, Lottie jones is spending
this week with Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Elston of Baseline,
Miss Connie Peterson or 11der-
ton spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Wigle.
Lion provides a ,common TV
room with lounging furniture
of the same style.
General contractor for the
renovation Was 0, H. Lewis
(Lucan). Ltd.; who employed, a
number of -district trademen
in the work,
To operate the hotel, Owners
Marg and Jim Cook nave em-
ployed a ;tag of 15, most of
whom have had previous ex-
perience in the restaurant and
hotel field. The chef is Mrs,
Mervin, Jones, Exeter, and
Jim Miller is her assistant,
waltrews include Mrs. Agnes
Luepke, Mrs, Ray Johnston,
W. F. Lenk and .Airs,
Evelyn Fletcher,
Bartenders include Buster
Ravelle, Guy Labelle and Lyall
Barmen are Larry
crow and Bill Hansen.
Others employed•by the hotel
are Mrs, Bob Breen,- Miss Shir-
ley' Ryan, Jerry O'Toole and
Leonard Wein,
It was our pleasiire to supply
for the renovation of the
Dufferin Hotel, Centralia
Best wishes to Marg
and Jim Cook on their
opening, January 12
Now celebrating its first anniversary
"The Hotel finds our large washers
rd dryers ideal for their laundry
Bring your
friends to the
This outstanding dining room is one of the three principal sections on the ground
floor of the Dufferin. Hotel at Centralia; which marks its grand opening this Friday
night, Its name, "Harlequin Room'', is derived from the panel of buffoons on one.
wall, Unofficially opened for several weeks to allow the staff to become accustom-
ed to the new facilities, the Dufferin already has a growing reputation for serving
excellent food. One of the features of the opening this weekend is specially-priced
dinners this Sunday. The dining room is open daily from 7 p.m, to 12 p,m. and on.
Sunday from 4 to 7 p.m. —T-A photo
Jackson Aluminum Ltd.
Phone 74
Marg and Jim Cook extend a personal Invitation to the
of their completely remodeled and redecorated
ri ay, January .12.
Lunch Served From 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
With pleasure and pride, The Dufferin House at Centralia invites you to attend the Grand Open-
ing this Friday night. See its three outstanding rooms, tastefully and colorfully decorated in the
modern manner. Inspect guest rooms and lounge, too, Hosts Marg and Jim Cook will be pleased
to welcome you. Come, join the crowd.
Look for this happy
Harlequin lr1 our modern
dining room -*He's all
set to Welcome you
'Visit our "MAPLE LEAF"
and "SPORTSMEN" Rooms
OPEN DAILY 7 : to' 12 p, m,
The Dufferin Hotel is approved under
The Liquor Licence Act of Ontario