HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-01-11, Page 7Enjoy
Ice Cream Treats
Supplied By Canada Packers Ltd.
Our best wishes
to the new
Dufferin Hotel
serves flavorful
with its meals, & sandwiches'
Lewis Bakeries Ltd.'
200 Albert Stedef
In the Sunday night fixture
between the two clubs, Learn R aiders e ge Angels and Jermyn were tied at the
Dufferin Hotel fi Learn cops araw honors,
Grand Opening.
Lee Learn scored a thrilling son all posted ,decisive Margins S11011 1.11.1 aWerl: 7 Lea.„111 7-T,ornts Pm96sMOre 5 i:aVRA 8-8 win over pick Jerrnyn to, over their positions. AM 1.111.sinore 9-Bev 191ors'an. win the first draw championship
01 the Exeter Men's Curling
Burke leads leaders league, Sunday, in one of the
,•• local be$ 41,1.11111es ever PinYed at the
• - end of nine ends and the win-
ning their first PS they only net's picked up their win with a
Boogemans, 14; Ron Needham,
13; Paul .Paton, 4; Doug Lene- Members of Learn's rink in-
ghan, Kch Paterson, I; Stan eluded: Reg Hodgert, Lloyd
Desjardine, 1; Al McNeil. Smith. and Harry Greh, while
jermyn's rink was made up of.
Ken Hem, Bill Stanlake and
Jack Urquhart,
Ivan .Hunter-Duvar, 21; Charlie
Kernick, 7; Chub McCurdy, 5;
Toe Wooden, 3; Bill King,
Ralph Sweitzer, Fred Dobbs,
Gaines this week:
Trivitt Memorial \VS P-Pers
at 7:00 p.m. and Scarlet Raid-
ers vs Zurich Hustlers at 8:00
Burke, 25; Al Wiper, 10; Keith
Lovell, 8; Bob .Fletcher, 8; Don
O'Brien, 7; Bill Gil.fillan, 1;
Bob Chaffe, Danny Moore, Dick
P-P'ERS - George Wright,
15; Jim Carey, 12; Ron Bogart,
9; Ron. Heimrich, 4; Gary Bry-
ant, 4; Doug Rickert.
Zurich Hustlers 5
P-Per's 3
Scarlet Raiders .. 2
Trivitt Mem ... 0
lost by one point to the Scarlet Single shot in the final end.
Raiders, Jermyn started opt in high
The winners opened up a 17.7 gear and scored four points on
lead al, th e end of th e fi rst the first end, but Learn came
hair, but the Angels ewe my- right back with three of his
ing back to bang in 13 poin t s own on the second end to whit,.
in the third period, while t h e tie the lead,
Raiders only managed eight, On the next five ends, Learn
The losers outscored th e picked up a shot on three of
Raiders 16.12 in the final (par- d i et" and jerni" scored one ter but couldn't come up with point on the other two to leave
the needed basket to record the score tied at 6.6 at th e end
their initial victory. of seven,
Felix Boogemans and B0,11 On t h e eighth end, Jermyn
took another good lead when Needham again paced the
Raiders with 14 and 13 po i n ts he scored two points, but Learn
duplicated the feat on the next respectively,
Ivan hunter-Duvar was a one- IT:: ht.Do net ev,"
Platte" at 8-8 can
show for the losers, ca n"The Learn foursome appeared Wing more than half their points to have things their own way
0 0 10
2 0 ti
3 0 4
5 0 0
Start second draw
ln the second draw which
started last week, six teams
share top honors with 13 points
after the first week's action.
Ernie Cerson, Gold McTavish,
Glenn Mickle, Charlie Shane,
Charlie Smith and Dick Roelof-
Jermyn had two chances to
take out Learn's shot, but his
first fell short and his second
went wide and Learn ended up
with the one point to win the
match, Several spectators who
were on hand to witness the
match agreed that it was one
of the finest games ever staged
in Exeter.
edges Jermyn on last ens
Har9 ey Cowen- Dirk Vnelef ns,
to/win Afillerr-Isloriey l4q,urtarr,
1, movie l'arrn99.-.4Mars
Thursday/ January 16
J. ma.• 910/4;7e111 1,)-(''.1i.a..s11 1 Zle'ra 91-19 ". Bev Mdorr,an.,11 a cry Snell
Z. Glenn Jeffery
Jeffer,v 2 Lc Learn--r'iahtrli Halley
1.41 l' 111{. f)-,•1 0.11)11 BitileY
9. Clarettro Laiwn,-..Doug stun-lien
5:1;:lit'jc;4 DCratjwillilcr'rorg9s ‘1,Ftrent'P lawn 7-Harry Jeffery 5
MeTa,v1alt 7-Bob.. Jetrory 6
▪ Nildal e i nii -zu.1,41.471111n 5 Glenn .511risle 18.--DouE HuFlison
Charlie Irwin,19-til vie Snell 5
Cartuan Cann 0-9.lant Cann
SCHgOW-g Charlie. Shane 14--C. Lrintnell = Monday, January 15 lion Graham JO-Allen Wes tem I. 7:09 9:no
Art cmt nn I bets I.:1111110a 7
m:111 Zlat'Lean Ill -kid Brady 7
1 1101) die on- All rtn AVeSIxot 1. Dial; 1 tuelofson JertnYn 4 2. Charlie ;491aile_uiria Snail
clawle Farrow 1 .1 -110:-.4 Taylor 7
lit ine cerson 9-110 rvey Driven 3 MI • J1 :1111
Morley Sanders 5- Iln8s nett 7 1. Carman calm- m itai l i t n s
hlarcey Pollen 8-1-tandy .1511101 5 2. Charlie Stint 11-ICen McLauslilln h er, mie,s.eil win miller 343..
trnh 11;111-1 tr)itliliget1 01-ji_LiaLfm tMacitulti ham
Tuesd l 5 January 15
1. Ed Brady-HatulY
:2:. a, t Gann rtusn i I
SI "5(1 n
Th Tionoo-AcIvocato, January IL 1962 Pag9-7
Tho Zurich Hustlers posted
their fifth straight win in the
Exeter 'Rec."' Basketball loop.
Thursday, to open up a four-
point lead over their nearest
rivals, the P'eripatelle Peda-
Paced by a 25 point, perform=
anee by Tommy Burke, the.
Hustlers came up with a SO.43
win over the teachers in a
rough WI that saw referees
John Snell and John MacNaugh-
ton mil. a total of 30 fouls.
After taking a slim 24.18
lead in the first half, the Hust-
lers came out in the third
quarter to outscore the P-Pers
1.5'9 and 18-16 in the final
Burke, who was hitting from
all angles, was followed in the
scoring by Al Wiper who hit
for 10 points and Bob Fletcher
And Keith Lovell, who each
accounted for eight points.
George Wright was again the
top threat for the losers, can-
ning 15 points. Jim Carey ac-
counted for 12, with 10 of them
coming in the last quarter.
Angels lose again
The Trivitt Memorial Angels
lost their fifth start in the
league, but close to win:
Ice halts
Church service was cancelled
ing to the icy conditions of the
at St, Patrick's on Sunday ow-
Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence Davis
wer Tuesday guests with the
former's sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Abbott.
Misses Hazel and Helen Simp-
son, Ctandeboye, were recent
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ron
Ca rroll.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll
and Mrs, George Carroll were
Sunday evening guests at a
birthday party for Mrs. Harry
Carroll at the home of her son,
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Carroll,
They were guests on Wednes-
day with. Mr. and Mrs. Heber
Da vis.
Bill Johnston. Mr. anti 'Mrs.
Saturday eve-and Dennis were
Mr. and Mrs, ring' guests with
Hugh Davis.
Miss Ca th crine Abbott,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Abbott, Whalen, spent
the weekend with Mr, and Mrs.
Ron Carroll.
Mr. and Airs. Heber Da.via
were, Saturday evening guests
with Mr, and Mrs, Clarence
Teacher III,
school shut
The Base Line school is
closed this week due to the
fact Miss Gould is confined to
her home with the chicken pox.
New Year's guests
Mr. and Airs. Geo. Carr and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Nether-
colt and "amity of St. Marys,
Mr. and Mrs. Lamond and fam-
ily and. Mr, King of St. Marys
with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wil-
Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Elston
with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Da-
nards of St, Marys.
With Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Baker and Elton were her fa ,
thee Mr.;herb Beer and Anna,
Mr. and Mrs. Harris Butson
and family of Munro.
With Mr, and Mrs, Nelson
taker and family were Mrs.
Butter's mother, Mrs. Delmar
Johnson, Iiirkton, and Mr, and
Mrs. Matt Allen of St. Marys.
Mr, and Mrs, Harold Berry
with Mr, Earl Berry, Fourth
Mrs. Grace Walkom and Mr.
Chas. Cottlo with Mr. John Rinn
and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart; Mar-
Ronald and Maryanne,
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Troll, Jo-
milt and Betty, Toronto, with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Dewar,
Mr, and Mrs, Denzil FaceY
and Walter of. Wellburn and
Mr, and Mrs, Missal Timiris of
St. Marys with Mt'. and Mrs.
Austin Tirn s,
Mr, and Mrs, Austin Mullis
With Mr. and Mrs. Prank
hat of Mitchell Road, on Wed-
Mr. and Strabain
and family with Mr, and Mrs.
Carl &Milani, 8th Line.
Mr, add Mrs. Fred Parkin-
Son With Mr, and Mrs. jack
Picket of St, Mary8,
With Mr. and Mrs. 13 ill
Spenee were Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Johns and family of
Zion, Mr, and MPS, Itayinolid
Paynter and SOO, 4th Linty Mr.
and Mrs. Herman PO/liter,
Kirkton, my. And Mrs, DaVid
Silence and Mist OligneY and
Mr, Lionel Kemp oF. St. Marys.
Mr, and Mrs. Dune:tin Me4
NAUgliton with Dundail3S, 811#
ter, Mr. and Mrs, Douglas COP,'
tie of Denfield.
Aft, and Airs. Bill Spence
With Mr, and 111.rs, Burton Moe.
gan and Seri Monday.
Misses Neriiia Elston and
Marlene taker SOMA the Week,.
end with Nor ma's brother,.
And Mrs. Clare Elston a ten. 4o
The winner of the first draw,
Marian Fletcher, started out
on the wrong end of the point.
list, losing a close 8-7 margin
to Jane Robertson,
91 'Hopper 5-jessie Shane .3
h ay Elston 14-Atary Martin 2
Jane :Robert son S-M, Fletcher 7
Helen M leitia it-Hilda Smith 4.
Edna 'Mischa LI-lone Smith 5
Lau ref ta Soignee Ot tewell 5 Bernice Can 7-Melon erm,y n t
Galser 9-11.1dit 19 'Boyle it
Audrey MaaDonald 5-1). Elder 5
cathy SOW' her) 9---1.041 Learn
Verna Fink 6--flelen Sanders
Tuesday, January 16
;lassie Shane--3 anc P.obe.tilson
\'i Hopper-Mary 'Martin
Smith-Nay Elston
Marian Fleicher-Vielen :Weida
Wednesday, January 17
lone Srnith-Dernire Cann
Edna Busehe -Lois Ditewell Ed 1;oyle-Laurel La Soignee
Helen Jermyn-Maida. Ga.iser
Thursday, January 18
Verna. F ink---Audrey MacDonald
Cathy Southeoti,-.1)oro thy Elider
Helen ,l,lainders-.Lois Learn
'Please put on a tie, Dad. Z
want you to make a good
pression on Roger:"
Phone 331
where you'll enjoy warm
comfort provided by
Shell Oil
Phone 80 Exeter
-to the
Crocker Refrigeration
Phone ,:;7r4 .Dashwood
We were pleased to install the
Refrigeration System
provided by
Elston rink
with a total of 21, in the crucial end as they had The s t a n 4-1 g s and MEP ri1 three stones in the house with
scores are as follows: one guard sitting out front,
while Jermyn had no stones in
contention, and Verna Fink each picked
However, vice-skip Ken Hem up 1.1 points for the wins in the
put a good shot down to bump first week of play.
One of Learn's rock out and
leave his own shot, Learn then
came hack with his own shot to
take out Hem's and give him
shot again.
li 4 en Otte99 irAYMor
11:00 1 I :111 post marginI. Ernie
Cerson-Nola 1,limport.
Kay Elston posted a decisive
1.4-2 win over Mary Martin to
take a slim lead in the Exe-
ter Ladies' Curling race in the
first week's action of the sec-
ond draw.
The Elston foursome picked
'up 13 points for their one-
sided victory to give them a
two-point edge over five other
rinks tied for the runner-tip
Helen Edna. Dusche,
Bernice Cann, Maida Gaiser
Life and General Insurance
PHONE 234.6311
We're happy to provide
the dairy products
for the hotel
is the Dufferin Hotel at Centralia