HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-01-11, Page 6„,„ Maple Leaf room accommodates 90 Dufferin Hotel's beverage room for ladies and escorts derives its name from the colorful leaves on the wrought iron divider at the right, it's the largest room in the new hotel and seats 90 in comfortable polythene formed chairs. Walls are of English mahogany, relieved by bright drapes, Handsome bar can be seen in back- ground, TV is provided for entertainment. —T-A photo Dashwood trustees join in inaugural for Stephen i'1514-1'f r • ,••••41 1,7 eiee "It's not for me.—It's for the philodendron." „....---. .. ,.... T --,-.._- ,, ,..„ • ...„.,.,-,..,:... 'Why,no ... is a matter of tact, I was just sitting here hoping- someone would call, Boss.” . to the DUFFERIN HOTEL AND SERVICE 'What do you say? Shall we run up and down the scale again?" eee Smoke Removal & Ventilating System Zurich Phone 34. Gingerichts Sales INSTALLED BY Woodham MARKET WITTEVEEN t 'PROP; Vf. 4 The Tfines-Advocate,, January 11, 1512 H tel at. Centralia celebrates official opening .this Friday nig.. A ,..„, , f f . ,t ra , .‘,. ,, , .„ 1.4ie L4 The Duffel:in Hotel at Qentralia is resuming the role for which it Was originally ,.erected about a century ago, 13ut there's a big .difference in the building since it first :served liquor, provided, meals and lodging for travellers. The hotel will celebrate •the beginning of its new lease on• life Friday night whoa it 'will be officially opened again by its present owners,..Marg ,.and Jim A smorgasbord will be served to visitors opening night, when they will have the opportunity to inspect the completely gene- veted and redecorated Prem- ises. Another feature of the opening will be the serving of special elinners this corning Sunday, Jan, 14. If visitors expect to find an old-type country hotel, they'll be due for a large surprise, Its exterior remains melt the same as it always has been, but there's been a remarkable transition inside the building. The Duffcrie House (its name has been changed to "Hotel” beceuse of provincial regula- tions) is believed to have been erected a"ound the middle of the last century, Since 1929, it has been in the Cook name, having been purchased by the late Benjamin Cecile from the estate of William Moffatt, a cattle buyer who was killed in a train wreck out west, Like many of the saloons Ladies Aid elects slate Ely Mfe4e EJWIt'4 ..RAPER DASHWOOD Mrs, Charles Snell was etcet- era. President of the Ladies' Aid Of EUB church al the Anneal meeting held Sunday, January' 7.. Viee-president is Mrs, Leila. Taylor; seeretary, Mrs. How- ard KlunepP; assistant. Mrs. Lloyd. Beaver; Ladies' Aid treasurer, Mrs. Harold Keller- en an ; WSWS treasurer,. Mrs. Ebert . Weigand; Conveners of groups are: Spiritual life, Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan; Christian social rela- tions, Mrs. Gordon Bender; missionary education, Mrs. Syd Baker; Young Peoples' went. Mrs, Carl Oestrieher: eiren's work, Mrs. M. James; assistant, Mrs. George Tiernan; membership and attendance, Mrs, Art Hatiee, Rev. M. J. James presided for the election, Reports were given by all committees for 1961, World Service Day of Prayer will be held. Sunday, Feb. 4. The annual church meeting will be held Wednes- day, Jan, 17 and the Ladies' Aid will eater for the Men's Club dinner Monday, Jan, 29. A donation of $100 was voted to the current fund of the church, Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan re- viewed the study on Latin America, Pupils of Miss Melia Gabel gave a piano recital. Taking part were Mary Jane Hoffman, Helen. Rader, Nancy Willert, Eleanor Wolfe, Beth Snell, Bill and Jim Hoffman, Mrs. Gordon Bender and the Christian social relations corn- mittee arranged the program, Mrs. Elizabeth Baird Mrs. Elizabeth Baird, 95, widow of John Baird, died at the Dearness Home, London, January 3, Surviving are one daughter, Mrs, John (Fannie) Sims of Crediton, two soi,s, David of London and Thomas of Grand Bend; one brother, fames Stubbs of Medford; 11 grand- children, 23 gr eat-grand chil- dren and three great-great grandchildren, The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home until 'Saturday when services were conducted by Rev. Edgar Roulston of Grand Bend. In- Lerm.ent was made in Grand Bend cemetery, Pallbearers were Carl and Bill Baird, Chas. and Fred Sims, Bill and Earl Stubbs. Bridal shower Miss June Rader, bride-elect of Saturday, was guest of hon- or at a miscellaneous shower arranged by her aunts, Mrs. Lloyd Rader, Mrs. Elgin Rader and. Mrs. Elmer Rader at the home of Mrs, Lloyd Rader, Bunco was played with Mrs. Harry Ravter high and Mrs. Merrill James, low, Misses Darlene and Sharon Rader presented .he gifts in a decorated baSket. ;lune thanked all and invited them to her home,, Jinx was also presented with a gift from the Claims Depart- ment of the London Life where she was employed. Pirsonal items Mr. Donald Weigand return- ed to Ridgetown. Agricultural School after vacationing with his parents. Mr. and Mrs, Eben Weigand. Mr. Arthur Rader has re- turned to Concordia College at Edmonton after vacationing with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Rader. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn H. Steck of Bradford pleasantly surprised his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stelek Thursday eve- ning on the occasion of his mother's birthday. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Gillings and David of Campden and Mr, and Mrs. Art Finlayson of Kippen were also present and shared in an evening of moving pictures, music and song, Base Line inaugural Dashwood police village trus- tees joined Stephen township council for its inaugural cere- mony Monday morning, Clerk Ross Haugh adminis- tered the oaths of office to Reeve Glenn Webb, Deputy- Reeve James Hayter and Coun- cillors Edmond Hendrick, Jo- seph Dietrich. and Cecil Dcsjar- dine, fie also swore in the three Dashwood trustees — Clifford Salmon. Harold Schroeder and :Ervin Rader, Rev, A. M, Schlenker, of Cre- diton EU.B church, gave the in- vocation. The reeve was host to dinner for the group at the Defferin Hotel. Centralia, At the council meeting which f olio we d, authorization was given for the installation of a furnace in the township office at Crediton. Bids will be sought from suppliers in the township. Agreements were approved for the obtaining of Water supply for the township office from Ge- rald Schenk and for the town , ship hall from W, L. Hodge, Grants approved included 335 to the Salvation Army and $10 to St. Tohns Ambulance Corps, Name delegates Councillor Hendrick and Clerk Haugh were appointed dole- gates to the Ontario Rural Mto nicipalities Ass'n convention in Toronto, a n d Deputy - Reeve Hayter, Councillor Dietrich and Road •Supl. Lawrence Hill to the Ontario Good Roads Ass'n convention, also in Toronto. Membership in both organize- tons was renewed, Reeve and clerk were author- ized to borrow up to $60,000 to carry on municipal business. February and March meet- ings of the council will be held with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, David Holland. Mr, Jules Do trabandere, :Ric- ky and Bobby have returned from the hospital after spend- ine several days there. Jules underwent surgery to have a cartilage removed from his knee, Ricky for an injury to his leg and Bobby for an acute at- tack of croup and had to he kept in an oxygen tent, all are much improved in health, on the first Tuesdays on the months at 1 p.m. Appointments included: Relief officer, Reeve Webb; building inspector, Isaac Bee- lard: drainage engineer, James Howes, ()LS, Listowel; auditor A. M, Harper and Co., Gode- rich; solicitor, Elmer Bell, QC, Exeter; library board, Edmond Hendrick, Truant officers, Wilmar Wein, The story in Grand Bend By MRS, WELLWOOD GILL Mrs. ,Johnston Patterson, Mrs. Ray Patterson, Mrs. Ron Mitchell and Mrs, Wellwood Gill attended a shower on Sat- urday evening at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Rader at Dashwood in honor of her niece Miss June Racier, bride-elect of Saturday, Jan, 13, Miss Verde Page of Forest visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Page and family. Miss Joanne Dalton spent the weekend with Miss Mary Slur- (levant. Mrs, Myrtle McGregor has returned 'tome after spending a few weeks with her grand- children at Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. Glen DesJar- dine have returned home from a vacation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Gratton flew TCA to Florida on a vaca- tion. The inaugural service for The Grand Bend United Church Women will he held on Sunday, ,January 14 at 11,15 a.m. Inaugural of village officers 'The in augural meeting of the village of Greed Bend was held on Monday, January 8 at 10 a,m for the reeve, mem- bers of council, PUC and Pub- be School. Board, The pupils of Grade 7 and 6 and the principal, Mr. W. McNaughtin of Grand Bend school, attended, Rev, Edgar Roulston addressed the meet- ing, Otto Willert and William Love; fe ce viewers, Edward Lam- port, Melvin King, Lloyd Eag- le on and Arthur Finkbeiner: iitiestocic valuators, Edward Lr mport and William Love. toad men — Gordon Wilson, Lewis Davey, Joseph White, Paul Schenk, Eldon Smith, Har- ry Hirtzel, Ross Clarke, William. Schwartz, Albert Regier, How- ard Clarke, Lloyd 'Eagleson, Elmer Pickering, .Harry Shep- pard, Orville Mellin, Mervyn Walper, Harvey Walper, old Walper, Ezra Webb, Ross Krueger, Michael Kelly and Lawrence Hill, Community centre board — Lawrence Hill, Henry Beaver, Albert Geiser, Mrs, Ross Krue- ger, Mrs. John. Wade, Glenn Webb, Edmond Hendrick, Community parks board — Alfred Smith Bart Pascuzzo, Mrs. Lorne Hodge, Mrs. Phil Boulianne, Ross Haugh, Glen Webb, Edmond Hendrick, Ar- thur Mitchell and Gerald Schenk, Message from Greenway By MRS, C. WOODBURN Mrs, Fred Steeper ant: Mrs. Thos, Gunning (nee Mary Webb) of Granton are both pa- tients in St. ;Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Brophey spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Cleve Brophey and family in London, "An evening of Music" by. the Dominion Life Choir of 35 voices of Waterloo will be pre. rented. in the United Church on Wednesday evening„ January 17. The Berean Bible Class of the. United Church will hold their meeting on Friday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Brophey, Communion service will be held in the United Church on Sunday, the inaugural service for The United Church Women will also be held. which were erected throughout; this district, the Dufferin dicl A big business, in the past serv- ing liquor and 'beer to, travellers and .distrid, folk. It's one of the few which survived the pr)- .hibitionist movement, however; to resume business wider the new liquor legislation of the province, For the past 15 years, it has served as an aperlmont, ing , Rs renovation follows the vote in Huron county which re- pined the Canada Temperance Act with the new provineial regulations controlling sale of liquor, Under those regulations, Stephen township residents voted to permit the operation of dining lounges and ladies and escorts beverage rooms, for which licences the hotel has qualified, The hotel now provides two colorfully - decorated dining lounges as well as a large beverage room on its main floor, Upstairs, its accommo- dation includes 12 guest rooms, two two-bedroom suites and a common lounge. 'Truly, it's a different Dot- feria even though the services it now provides are similar to those of years ago, Congratulations TO THE Dufferin Hotel FROM Stafford .Foods Limited SUPPLIERS OF QUALITY FOOD PRODUCTS The former Dufferin House, over a century old, resumes its ori9inal role with a modern flair under the new Ontario regulations, to the Dufferin Hotel Centralia W supply -delirious steal, beef, sausage and ether -quality meats eat By MRS, ARCHIE DEWAR BASELINE The Cooper's United Church Women, '.Base Lite, was held at. .the home of Mee. Austin 'Timms on Thursday, Jan, 4 with 13 Minehers present, The inaugural service was in charge of Mrs, Effie Straiten assisted by Mrs. Austin Timms, Mrs, MeDuncan ,MeNeughton IMO Harold )3erry. Mies Florence Jameson took a chapter of the study book,. "Signal's .for Service.". The. new president, Mrs. Thel- ma ltitcNatightoti took charge of the business, Plans for meeting. the alloca'tio'n were made, also tointrattes formed for making Wits, Mrs,. Oliver Baker assisted by Mrs,, Mrs,. Robinsonb entertained. their Sunday School class of young Oliver eOple taker the home of Mrs,taker on Ptidav evening. where they spent an. enjoyable time, Mr, and Mrs., 'Lloyd Jarpits, 1i,roodhatt, were .irriday eveiting guestt with Mr,. Jahn and _ family. Friday evening guests. with Mr, and Mrs. 'Peed Parkinson and family were Mr, and Mrs, Otto Reimer and. 'Mr. and Mrs. David itoileritl ehd Eddie. Mre. Erie Westhian 'and fa'. lie! of Lendent 'Oent SaltetliV FROM toady's Store Store Fixture cad Equipment Co. Ltd, HEAD OFFICE GUELPH 124 WOODLAWN ROAD TAylor 44415 Our Confracf and Equipment and upplies ffacilifids are alwayS Of your disposal DESIGNERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF HOTEL AND RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES to the Dufferin 4+1 PHONI KIRKTON 21