HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-01-11, Page 3tl,thoprne re-$01t4tiQn equest leewa y in awarding bids -PRQMPTE SCOUTS . A, "apke" aweitzer Nationally Advertised Liberty Dinette Suite Titrtmi-AtIVottite., P49.$ 3 If MOM VALAI MCA- Lii4tot-4,441 FOR A YOUN MM: TOOfTSACK otomfgar is:.mi$$ A PAYMVO '.1418. CAR FOR YOUR OAILy. BOTTLED SUNSHINE- HERE k the difference BEAUTY' SALON Closed All bay Monday Open Tuesday and t:i1dAy Evdniiit6 LXIAtli OP BHA 1'011. Ronald ?ratify, Phone GRAND BEND OPEPATOR invetst ?ratify, Phone 18 k%*e.1..w..aaalsa..aaeaseaeaaiesaim :Va Fx .eaea‘s• IS THE DIFFERENCE REAL1STICS EXCLUSIVE PRESCRIPTION PERMANENT WAVES For The Pinola Permanent Wave With No Extra Treatments "YOUR WISH" Longer Lasting Waves and Curls, Special Bonding Trea /racists Strengthens Hain Structure and Reduces Wave Relaxation Superior Hair Conditioning, A Lipidizine Conditioning Treatment During The Entire Waving Process Infuses Natural-Like Oils Into The Hair OUR BEST VALUE "SNAP-AND-BODY" with the extra treatments of "SO NATURAL" An exclusive troatmont during the entire curling process adds maximum body for stronger, snappier curls. A apecial none oily type 46nditiort treatment infuses natural-like into the hair, E ARE AGENTS NO NEED TO GO OUT OF TOWN Exeter council t!sborne township council In- tends to present, a resolution -to the Ontario Good Roads 46S",11 .Convention to Toronto next month asking the dep't of highways to allow municipal"- lies more leeway to exercise good judgment in awarding contracts on which provincial grants are paid. end requests action n waterworks plan. Sweitzer retires, 'dreams fulfilled' At the inaugural ceremony Monday, 15 children of Miss Marilyn Marshall's class at Winehelsea school witnessed the administration of oaths by Clerk Strang to Reeve George Frayne and members of his council: Ward Hero Archie Etherington, Delmar Skinner and Roylance Westeoll. The students' alto 11 dance complemented their current study of civic government. Rev. Hugh Wilson, of Thames Road and Elimville IlC, led in devotions. Accept Thames Road Application from 'I' h a ut e s Road section for inclusion in the township school area was accepted by council, Clerk IL If, G. Strang was instructed to prepare the proper bylaw. The application followed the section's annual meeting al which the ratepayers voted to join the area to participate in the central school project. Discuss dam meeting Council decided to consult its solicitor, W. Cochrane, QC, in eegard to attendance at the meeting of Ausable autho- rity municipalities called by Stephen and Bosanquet town- ships in connection with the .Parlehill dam, Tax Collector Mrs. Ti, M. Woods reported 1961 arrears had been reduced to $8,835.91, somewhat less than a year ago. Road Sup't stoutly was in- structed to advertise for gravel tenders. C o LI n C i I commended two township officials during the meeting. A letter of cong,ralu- tattoo was forwarded to Soli- citor Cochrane on his receipt of the Queen's Council title, Road Sup't Ttoutly was lauded for his records which were described by the dept of high- ways auditors as "excellent." Only minor changes were made in the appointment by- law. The salary or, the welfare officer, Newton Clarke, was set at $50 per year plus mile- age, rather than a straight fee for each trip. Rate of the trac- tor mower operator was raised from $1.20 to $1,25 per hour. Robert Mayer was added to the list of pounclkeepers in place of John Bray, who is Parks — Delbridge, Wright, Pnblic, welfare Choapitaliza- ttin,„rellefl—Meicenzie, Fisher, ..Saitation (garbage collection and dump)—Farrow, Delbridge, Council ObjeCts to the present Wooden, Wright, system, tinder which Municipa- Strge t s and sidewalks — lilies are forced to take the Bailey, Farrow, Fisher, Taylor. lowest bids for road work or Drains and culverts'Taylor, forfeit part or alt of the dept D el brid gei. McKenzie, Farrow, subsidy. Us born e in recent Wooden. years has experienced a num- ber of problems with contrae- tore whose performances have not been satisfactory. Road Supt William Routly and clerk H. H. G Strang were instructed to prepare the re• solution for presentation to the convention. Children witness rites i the year. He hoped the quite exeen on council but that 11--- g planning board could be more he had the eagerness and de- sire to contribute something active in 1962. Councillors floss Tayler„lack Vateoeeescea., seareseaar‘emaseasameeraveaameata • • aaaaaa„ eaaavea :Delbridge, Claude Farrow and Ralph Bailey all expressed' their pleasure al being back again on council. Deputy-reeve Fisher, Council- tors Taylor, Bailey and Farrow were appointed a striking coma mittee to bring in their report following the noon luncheon at the, Burkley restaurant when the members of council were joined by Assessor Eric Cars» cadden, former councillor Wil- liam 'Musser, Mr, Lewis and the press representativ,, J. M. Southcott, Clerk C, V. Pickard, before swearing in tae new council, congratulated the mayor and the members elect and added; "We are all conscious of the vacant seal of Reeve William McKenzie, who is ill in hos- Pita!, and we hope and pray for his restoration to health." He called on the retiring mayor. R. E. Pooley, to pre- sent the gavel to the new mayor, Mr. Pooley congratu- lated the members-elect and stated that the council would probably need more co-opera- tion in the coming year than at any Previous time. With the installation of the new sewerage system there are many things that the council and ratepay- ers will have to put up with, he suggested, Mr. Pooley said that the gavel, which had been present- ed to the town by the vita, of Exeter in Devonshire, had. pos- sibly meant more to him than any other mayor since he had come to Canada from Exeter, England at the age. of 19 and the gavel was an incentive for him to do what he could for the town. In accepting the gavel, Mayor Simmons stated that he hoped lie would not have to use if more than Mr Pooley had done in the past sevan years. "I had to use it only twice," re- plied Mr. Pooley. Rev. E. S. 'Lewis conducted devotions. Mr. Lewis stated that the citizens of Exeter ap- preciated the services rendered the municipality by the coun- cillors. At times there was criticism but, on the whole, the citizens appreciated the ability and the judgment that have been give to tne town's affairs. For the scripture reading he referred to the second chapter of Chronicles where King Solo- mon on his dedication asked the Lord for wisdom and under- standing. Solomon wa. snot only granted wisdom, but wealth as well. Mayor Simmons thanked Mr. Lewis, He stated that consider- able work had been clone in Council will hold its regular Exeter on sewers and drains meetings on the first Monday but there was considerable of each month at 1 p.m. except more to do. He hoped the Yeti- in February, when the meets ous committees would treat a ing will be hold the. first Tues- dollar to get 4,25 value for it. clay to avoid confliction with Deputy-Reeve Glen Fisher, the annual meeting of the Us- chairman of the roads com- borne and }libber( mutual fire mittee, stated that they had insurance company. tried to cut expenses last, year. He hoped the council would consider hard-topping some of beneficial to the town, the streets inure future. Councillor Joseph Wooden, another newcomer, hoped to Councillor Fred G. 'Wright, a newcomer, stated he would be prov.ide some contribution dur- :Main on the hoard, although his three-year term will be re- (Weed. to one! because of his election to timed, In ,other appointments .ap- proved by council, A. W. Pic- kard will remain the Ansable authority representative, .Cecil • WNWn was re-appointed to three-year -term on the library board, and W. C. Allison was re-oame cl to the cemetery beard. Council also: Raised the garbage collection fee for out-of-town residents tram $15 to $20 per year; Agreed to invite the Huron Soil and Crop improvement As- sociation to hold its 1962 seed fail in Exeter; Granted a building permit to Nu-Way Builders Ltd., London, to erect a home for John Ridley on John St. west; Reduced the fee for out-of- town fish peddlers from $50 to :1;25 a year on the rarities( of Dolph. Sopha, St. Joseph; Approved membership fee of al.79,00 in Mid-Western Ontario Development Association and a'inolnted Deputy-Reeve Glenn Fisher as the council's repre- sentative to this body. Approved grants of $75 to the Salvation Army, $1.0 to St. John. Ambulance, $10 to War Memor- ial Hospital and $10 to the Canadian Mental _Health As- sociation, Road post to Bailey Turns over town gavel Mayor Eldrid Simmons and members of the newly-elected council for the town of Exeter were duly sworn in at the in- augural meeting Monday at 11. o'clock a.m. A. "Jake" Sweitacr, who has been chairman of the Exeter Boy Scout Group Committee for the past 1.0 years, has •ae- tared from that position "tvith my dreams fulfilled". The energetic builder has guided the impressive develop- ment of the movement here for the past decade, during which Cheating H&S topic National Film Board repre- sentative, T, Morgan, Lon- don, and 15 members of the Exeter Home and School As- sociation bra v e ci Tuesday night's blizzard to attend the January meeting of the associa- tion at the public school. Mr. Morgan presented a new. film, The Test, .which explored the problem of student-cheating during examinations, He told the group that such a film was meant only to introduce a sub- ject and stimulate discussion. Following the film, Mr. Mor- gan led the discussion group. Members generally agreed with the. point made in the film that the cheating which manifests in school has roots in the home and in general society. Mr. Morgan expressed a hope that the discussion method of using films would become more widely used. He was introduc- ed by Mrs, Don tacker and thanked by Mrs. Doug Sweet. A brief sing-song was led by Gerald Godbott and George GodboIL played the piano. Mrs, Douglas Hughson's room won the parent-attendance award and the parentateacher question was answered by airs. Sweet and Mrs, Lou 'Bailey. • Scouts have become one of the most prominent youth programs in the community. The 10-year period has seen the erection and expansion of the Seoul House, erected by the Lions with the help of other organizations. Mr. Switzer, as a Lion, was the instigator of the project and constructed the building and its addition. The movement. has grown fawn nne partly-filled troop of Scouts and one pack of Cubs to two full groups of both, each with its own waiting list, as well as the recent organization of a Rover crew for older Scoula. The troop now boasts nine Queen Scouts, .highest rank which can be attained in the organization. Few comm.uni- ties, even of much larger size, can claim that many, "We've had a wonderful group of leaders throughout those years", said the retiring chairman, ''Their enthusiasm has accomplished great things". Councillor Jack Delbridge, vice-chairman of the group committee for the past. five years, succeeds Mr. Sweitzer. Vice-chairman is another .coun- eillor, Ross Taylor, who former- ly served as secretary, Other new officers are Ger- ald Godbolt, secretary; Bill Parker, treasurer; Tom yicker- man, Bill McLean, Doug Wed- lake and Bill Johnston, direct- ors. The committee plans to have, a .father and son banquet Wed- nesday, Feb, 21. Summoned to the business of- fice, the salesman was told: "This expense account amazes us. How do you manage to spend $14 a day for food?" "I manage, by s kipping breakfast," he replied. was selected as the :other mem- ber to sueceed Emerson Des- Jardine who acted on. it last year Mrs.. Edna Des 4/Matins, the .summer resort's. representa. Live to the Forest District High School board, met with goon- 61 and urged them to have rep- reseolation at a meeting to be held in Forest on February 1.9 Te meeting has been called lsochodails.cuss the advisability of building an addition to the in _regents to their own pub- lie school addition, clerk Des Jardins advised the chairman a.nel secretary of the board that a breakdotvn of the various ar- chilect an legal fees, together with the tender breakdown, had to be submitted to the On- leek). Municipal Board The .0111B had advised the clerk of these requirements for their $40,000 two-room addition. Request lighting Roy Flear and Dave ,lack- son appeared before council re- questing street lights in the vi- cinity of their homes at the corner of Huron and Centre street. Reeve Bill Sturdevant and Jack Hood, manager of the PCT(', were asked to investi- gai t:the present situation and report back to -council before action was taken on the re- glrt. Alwyn Day in a ea Grand Bend's dock master, met with. • council to discuss improving the docking facilities. Dayman requested more electrical-wir- ing and outlets for the use of the yachts visiting the. harbor. The property committee were asked to investigate the pre- sent setup. Council learned that an asses- sors' meeting would be held al the town of Forest on February 12 for the purpose ofihearina,, an appeal by the township of Bosanquet against the Forest High School equalized assess- m ent. The clerk was instructed to attend the meeting as well as the local assessor and reeve. Sturcievant. Council also decided to have representation at a meeting to be held in Stephen township regarding the proposed Park- hill dam. Correspondence was received from both Stephen and ;Dosanquet, time two appeal. Mg muncipalatiee, requesting attendance at the meeting by all co'rncils in. the Ausable (,lonseisvation area. The tax arrears as compiled by tax collector, Grill Thomas, were studied, but 110 action taken. Students .attend For the second year in a row, the students of the grades seven and eight classes at Grand Bend Public School were in attendance at the inaugural meeting of council in the mor- ning. They were accompanied by their leacher, principal W. F. Ma cNaughton. The childnen were welcomed by .clerk Murray A. DeeJar- dine who gave them a short explanation of the inaugural proceedings. Rev. Edgar. Rout- ston administered the ,oath of office to the cou ri1 ombers, the school board and the PUG. The United church minister also gave an inspiring message to the various elected officials. e following committees and hoards were named for 1962: Library hoard, Earl Datars, weed inspector, Wellwood Gill: road foreman, Wellwood fire chief, Lawrence Mason; building and sanitary inspec- tor, 'Weltwood Gill; representa- five to SHAHS, W. F. B. Mac- Laren; representative to FD' ]1., .It.: Edna G. Des Jar- dins; Ausable representative. John Manore; MOH, Dr, Fred Boyes, Roads, Stewart Webb and Em erson. Desjardine, fire. Em- erson Desjardiee and Rollie Grenier; relief, Earl Datara and N ro erson Desjardine; health, Dr. Boyes, Wellwood Gill and Rollie Grenter: pm perty, Earl Deters and Rollie Greiner; water, Stewart 'Webb and. Earl Dears: police. Stew- art Webb and Emerson .0ca- Jardine,. ( BE WINTER ) WISE Sale SAVE $410,00 5-Piece _Suite will La rne Size Family Table AVAILABLE AT OMMIlli”1.01011101111.111111111110oltill$1.11t10110o, CANADIAN PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES GRATTON I HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend ...I HARRY HARDY Complete in Swan co Cover AUTO •R FIRE * WIND * CASUALTY Lilt all Oaltarib- :aeae.% .:, eeets --aaaesea.,,e,hasi aaakas a a 41 Councillor Ralph Bailey re- sumes his former role as chair- man of the streets and side. walks committee under the new administration adopted by town council Monday. Bailey served as roads chair- man from 1956 to 1958, after which he made an unsuccessful bid for the mayoralty, He ye- turned to council last year but WilS not given a chairmanship. Deputy - Reeve Fisher, who succeeded Bailey on roads in 1959, becomes chairman of the police and fire department committee formerly headed by ex-mayor Pooley, Fisher also heads council's industrial com- mittee. Outside of the mayor, who is on all committees by virtue of his office, Fisher serves on more committees — six — than any other member. Councillor Ross Taylor re- mains in charge of drains and Claude Farrow continues as head of sanitation, including garbage removal. Councillor Jack Delbridge succeeds former councillor 'Bill Musser as chairman of the parks committee. New councillor, Joseph Wood- en, who resigned as secretary- treasurer of the recreation com- mittee following his election, was appointed a council repre- sentative on the committee, re- placing Fisher. The other new- comer, Fred Wright, succeeds Farrow on the cemetery board, The roster reads: Finance, court of revision, property — Simmons, Fisher, Bailey, Taylor. Farrow. Cemet ery Delbridge, Wright. Community centres board — Taylor, McKenzie. Recreation — Taylor, Wooden. 'ndustrial Fiehc r, Del- bridge, Protection to persons and property (police and fire) — Fisher, Simmons, McKenzie, Wright.. Stephen Stephen (Deputy) Tuekersmith Turn berry East Wawanosh West Wawanosh lsbti rile Clinton Clinton (Deputy) Exeter Exeter (Deputy) Huron County Counci11962 Ashfield . Donald McKenzie Ashfield (Deputy) Thomas 'Howard Colborne Ralph jewel Goderich W.3. :Porbes Goderich (Deputy) Giant Stirling Grey Clifford Dunbar Hay Valentine L. Becker 1-lay (Deputy) . Karl flaberer Ho wick Ivan Haskins Howick (Deputy) McKillop Morris Stanley Stanley (Deputy) ,, Robert Gibson Tom Leiper Daniel Beuerman Stewart Proctor tlarvey Coleman Alvin Rau Glenn Webb Jim Hayter 'Elgin Thompson A. D. Smith C, W. :Hanna Harvey CUlbOrl GOOPfats, Frayne Melvin Crieh Morgan Agnew W. J, McKenzie Glen Fisher Goderich Frank Walkom Gotlerich (Deputy) Mrs, May Mooney Seafortli . William gall IV iriglia m 'I' goy Adair Winglialt (Deputy) . hseph Kerr Myth Scott Pairservice nrussels . ,....... George McCutcheon Rensall . . , . , „ Norman IL Johes K Zurich Milton Desch The proposed water system for (tram )lend, the council's trim. for- „project Mr the year, eP' pears to he at a stand-still and council have requested infor- mation regarding the project. AI their meeting, Monday, clerk 'Murray A. Des jardins, was instructed to write the On !aria Water Resources Com- inisiaon to ask if any fur ther action action had been token by then in regards to the proposed aYa' Vern. At the inaugural meeting in the morning, Stewart Webb was again appointed to the 1111, port water committee and sec- ond-year man,. Earl Datum's, SPEMSTATEMENTS tj REGISTER FORMS GARAGE REPAIR I RDERS SPEEDICHEQUES 3 BILLS OF LADING SNAP-SETS Al DELIVERY FOAMS REQUISITION FORMS v StiMOIMVMCIS 3 CHECK WOKS aSTAURANT FADS H Aith per they FURNITURE Phone 99 Exeter This well-known itrin is the recognized leader ill the husintiss flarBle in- dustry and we are proud to be part of thou' sales organization, Give us a call. We'll gladly demons hate- the many time- and mone y-saving features of using Moore Continuous forms and machines. FORMS MACHINES- CARBON ROLLS 4. •