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Huron Signal, 1853-03-17, Page 1
... it THE HURON SIGNAL; 1 Printed 4. Pit/disked every TAwsdiy BY GEO. COX. Wee. Market SqAre, Goderich, Irr Book taunt mi diff lt' with Tertwe iq/ the niton digwrlf •-TEN , :tjiiLLlNGM per mouse t(paid strictly it dysace, or Twelve and le Pence with the espiration -off thbee year. 'P P: N IS 11 I L T, I N G S t ae No paper diotNtttss4 seta arrears are : in a 14 1 a s a' a . - paid ap, patent the publisher thinks it Lis advantage to do so. Any individual iu the country becoming responsible for sin subscribers, shall re- ceive a seventh copy gratis. ('- AU letters addressed to the hditor must lie poet -paid, or they will uut be taken out of the post office. Terms nj Advertising. -Sia lines and under, fent insertion, LO 2 6 Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 7I „von 'Fen lues and under, first ,user., 0 3 Each subaequeut insertion, 0 0 10 Over ten lanes, first tn. per iwe, 0 0 4 Tisch suhwquent insertion,• 0 0 1 er A liberal discoupt made to those who advertise by the year. Advertisettsest' without written instruc- lions will be inserted until forbid, and cbLr, cJ accordingly ; and no adverasem.nt discontinued unpaid for at the time of with- irawel, melts by the consent of the pub- lisher. IIUCti . DR. P. A, Mc-DOUGALL, Cl A N le 'consulted et all hour-, at l ,,f.. L.'Torre s Roardi, ' HYos.. (formerly the British Hotel.) (i:•dr'rich. A'ril 4916.18.'.2. .5 VOLUME VI. '•+ e4 Qci3_Y w f s 1-; 'A.0 I I r • Com7 7 3igna1. "THE GREATEST POSSIBLE GOOD TO TIIE GREATEST POSSIELN NL'MEEII. IGODFRICH, COUNTY OF HURON, (C. W.) THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1853. T1\'Psis\'P. AM) SiN I INCE aT TUE sae art lust Mai. NUMBER 7. IR:\ Lr,v;•l:t. ns MUST Fit. ::O1.ICiTllIt, Le. West- " .trope, Go.!etich. -lane 18l'. 2.ys25 DAN1F.1. GORDON. ABINETMAKER. Three derrs F.a.te -' the Omuta Company's office, %'s rst- rcet, Go,!erieh. Aneust27th, 1819. Serino la.\NIJ':1. 110\Il LI%Aft;. TTO1tN EV .\T I.A\V, and Coot'eyan- crr, Sohc:'ur In t'ltancerp, kc. ha/ h:s 'Ice t1 intoner!. in Stratford. • rat!ucJ, Ind Jon. 1;;50. 2,n49 CARD$. & DR. BURNHAM. CLINTOX, - Huron Road. (West:of Mr. Thwaite' Snore.) Dec. 15111, 1e52. sen46 WILLIAM SIIARMAN, BRICKLAYER AND PLASTERER. \\ MST 5TlMMT, GODYRICri, IS PLANS, to furnish DESIGNS and oo dm moot rea,unable term. Oodericb, Nor. 18,11. 1854. v6043 MISS A. STEED, MILLINER AND DIIESS MAKER, • WEST S7'., C'/DEIUCH, (One duo( West of ,th..1. Donogk's) _ ,LSO Freecb Stays made to order, in a repelnor et).e and fit. Farhiueable BONNETS sits s)s on pend. Goderleb, Dec. 30tb,1851. s5c48 JOHN RALPH, • ri•1!f AND COPPER SMITH, seat door to t:.e Victoria Hotel, West Street, Godcr:eh.:,aa co..tsntly aro ban1, a choice siork of Tinw:rr, Cook.t.g si.d Box S:ovo., ke , -loch ba toll sell at considerably re- ducedeon TLe • t( est pr ;CC paid in trade rM1NUTES Of the ( Municipal Council for the L'oitr,l C/rssbfl Y Huron and Bruce, smeary, 11;51. Continued from our last. Plans of the 'Maitland Bridgf, was referred to the Fiaaece Cont mittee. 52 Account of Mr. Ral'enburr for the use of room fort ,e Board of Public Inatruc tion, referred to the Finance Committee. 53 Account of Mr. Rath, Local Superiuteude-.tt of Schools, referred to Finance Committee. 5•t, Letter from Mr. Rath, referred to School o h1r. ,I 1&`,1''kol 55 Moved by Mr. Wallace, seconded by a Committee of Five be appointed os Schools --carried. (►n a ballot being . taken, thCommittee was declared to cumist of Mesar*. flays, Fraser, Johnson and Idolises. ddb Mr Gibbin ss, That 56 \Mored by' Mr. Hays, recon e y this Council do hereby lame -let their Clerk to write to Daniel j tor and tohot alsisrr of cue l:retas of the 1'tatrd eouldics of He- n furnish 110e Council forth - 'fro and7fruce ler dui rear, and ;Lit Le he alkwrd the mina of contracted for by him, 'fro pouu•Is as'a to -tamer ler ,wit advice --carried. 76 )loved by' Mr: Fraser, seconded by lir. Young, That the Mishit': be instructed to t4etitirn l'iiliaweut to change the hotting of the Muni, ipal Courier(la \lay to tb. second Twnday in June ua tacihyear-carried. :7 l:'pout of the fast:mttes on Finance was received and refoared w a Committee ni the 1Lolc--M:. t.amh iu the Chair. (hi Lite Report Long read, 7.•;c,. 12, 13, 11 aha 1 s were ndnl!.. ". C' Na. 15 bring real. it Was more, by r. Wood. w- eer:: e+l by Mr.'Young, That the ('l.rk of the first dirimou Court money that is refused to be passed by a large number of magi,- trate, are often passed by a small number, and mars things wLich we couaider to belong to the County Council is assumed by eke taajistrates--car vied. 73 Moved by Mr. Young, seconded 'by Mr. (wile, That the Reeves of last year be requestrd to give astir sercessora the .tatatte belone.ne to their several Townships, that they way be enabled to diutar;t the duties of their office --carried. Le l: e:ancil adjourned till 3 o'clock Y. M. \V1LLIAal CHALK, \Vardeo, Huron and Bruce. F.idry, 3oclack P. Al. 'Coe \\'at.:en resumed the Chair, and the same councillors were tr'i.t as in th.r forenn- n. 71 Lraer t;- ro \ir. Strachan tar ret tor: J at.J read when it was tno•ed by air. Wallace, srculnled by Mr. Young, i.) 'Float John Straekan, Esq., llairistrr, be appointed soliri- Lizars, lag., Clerk ut tea t with, with the number of cordo of wood and the test of the same, for the purpose of warming the County Offices and Gaol since the first of January ba 1r. Y a That d. 57 llosed by Mr. Grein, seconded the Warden be requested to lay before the Government the great difficulty the settlers on their lauds (to the north) Iabnurs under for the want of a Bridge, over the Maitland eat the boundary' line of HuUet, Culborie an meat to take steps to get a Bridge at the above place, tl brio; 75 m 1 1 ll \\ d p c L !, 1 1 , for old chiefly for the benefit of the settlers on the Crown Lauds-carri- sac Division and •d. That Int eau 1 h •r ,n. calf a Tia sr of his r Irmo. pewter,.. c laridsen n i''.J that to ca eo . lr . P• byMr. U ! br_a t u , Mcf 1sa.t*feathers afar} ake i All ange of 5si )ion d eoby Mr. Fraser, seconds 1 ' Muehasab a prod.cc token in enc6so e'at Court Luane`s in time t «brit of ti, f i',•are office after the 10th of ( an address be Brut iu tha pa:nv of thio ':ouucil to the GocIl tO Sar Mauch sent, tie 111l1 be held liable for a rest of L10 yearly-- c..b dieser. in Council, to open the -Lane Shore Road from Goderich_to Sat:- (:odenc!:, Feb, 19, 1t31. cS-n4 Been or Southampton. -Carnet. s s, That t4c envied. r br Mr. lluluies, seconded by .•1r. IIay \ir,. 17, 1 . 1'J; •20, 22, 40, 41, 43, 4., 4:a, 46, 47; 4S, 9 Moved bear that im- - ,=t 5^ r3 i1 bS were adopted. warn the committee rose. 1►0131:1i'P fi OT)(:R: S • Count• Gaol be altered, and that tine same after this52 I .. • cd C'ntrn- resumed the Chair, when tor, l:ri'ort was again )\.11t1.E 1tO0'1' A, SHOE impression round the centra of the ,,,ba:;tte-, cntifirntetl af,1 adoptad. MA\1 F.IC'TUHEK• eres o(," and iii the centre the words " //onus and lin ace '- 1 D offer from Mr. carried. r 60 'f be Report of the Committee on n :d and,; lofted. 61 Report of the Committee ap fr:inted to report ou a Court Mousc was received read mid adopted. The Council adjaurued till ,too O'clock to -morrow. \V1LLLA)1 CilALF , Warden, Huron and Bruce. d \Wawauosh, and request the Got ern - pot p • , THE LARGE BRAVE IIEART. • 1 Inc. the glad, dm .eery heart, whose loam shed r v aruu.d, \\'Leri or then• is • worry heart to revs back tb• sou.d- I :use the tootle, tru.to'f heart, %bat ever will confide Its "egret thoughts a ad feelings to •note u1 Jact at its .ids- !levethe hold's.' manly heart %bat Jars, avant kin"ores and perhrps W hair assert • cause, kion ...o stream, and from the aSa. Wens Rowed the waters of true, Jeep, touhlclg, ,ten1.aagiog allectaos for his wife. Irmo 1811, the year of las marriage to 18:'i lhat .( has death. Ibis eacellest sed homllhl person received from him the Moagw of a lar rsr...►a.ced by alt the ge leder r the cuufideoce, which the daily said hourly1 - pint be sojo)ed are mire tolp'irs hus whatever amusement; be eight so- ciety, whatever sights M might Nbold, whatever literary source he totght seek else- where, he always returned to his borne witb a fresh feeling of delight. Ilia sensibility to happy and affecting emotions was eigoisite. A return to bis wife and children alter eves a short srpara- tins al ectrd him deeply; music e0t 14.•nted 'inn; ws of great scenes of nature made him wiry.. 1 shall neter forget the day when 1 hurried bim from a post -house in the Jura mountains 10 get a tint view of the Alps at sunset, and on cocain; up to him (woad bim spore ble.s and in lura overcome with the sublimity of Mount Blanc. A.otber characti•rutic of' Moor•' was bit lore of independence. I:nfr'rluoately fur him he entertained, as a young.ndu, tape -- tattoos of advancement and competency it not wealth, Erma a patron. Lord Moria who mourned that cher-enter, ,rein% to Lase h J f all is Lis power to help the rising ret, but R•g _ Bet moot 1^ love the target bravo hetet, a procure from . whrre'vt .ueb heart 1 iod• the Court of .admiralty at t'ennuda, which That for sub love for owe*, for Mead, prolucrd the only great pecuniary cnthar- fur cuuul,y, si•d m+okiad. rasnment from w!rrh he ever niTe-red.-- Tie heart whose tow i• bund:•s" as the \Vben hnrd \lora went to !n(bi,Ioe la - i mented he could net take Mr. It suave with esters of the seep, L .pot leg. as a 1ml.at't heart -calm as NI {him. bol made scone i,odislinct oiler o rv- ehallgin, some portion of h.s patronage to mtant'o sleep- r. Moores Iasi the \\ ardea 'FASHIONABLE 7J A fur the use of his rooms, &c., (One door I:•d of C. f'.-•5L's Starr.) d C t Railroads was recut_ d WOULD t•form I1ei.habltant+of Gode itch send ne,Khb..rhuud that he i• pie• • J. DENISON, t'. l,' w ord,r or otherwise, any 1 i,.1 of -l.c.'s and G.nt!cn•cri s Fine or C 1 V 1 Ir Ts - U' I V E 1: R, do Fart, work, in the ncatc_t .and moat' n(tDrn/cI, C. iI. fa_shiorab!c style. And will also furnish A. i5, 1' 1.12. t5o31 Leavy -Bares snit Sites, to suit the oe eeesnies of those that may favor hum with • JOHN J. P. LINTOY, their custuen. His rritee will be moderate: %'t)TARY 1'G(:LIC,'Commi'viuncr Q -B., G odetieb, Jtilr "9 b. 1851. ,5n29 amt Conveyancer, Stratford. • E. iT. 1\iARI.TO t, HURON 1ltTE e •ORWAMBER end Cumuc.siun Mer - g21 JAMES I:F.NTLE1 Goderi.'r. 1- chant. t+tnrchuu•e Koper, Reacts! +l. , hat., 11 -i!era .:,w•)v to fiat 1. C der:ch.`Sept- L tarp. v5-n3o STRr1CIlAN AND `BROTiIER. werf the world's reproach as o the w r'd' ppl aro bis attempt* were not altogether success.yl. II d f Nr \tort. an offing t L words PAt Unset r rale,..( \11.,i Lands ('bared 1'g• Dlr f•,r t Famine. Ii••trc 0'd Furr Lure erd Produce ofrtery deteription.- (NSee,.next door, North of the Kilmer - Barrister Laser, 4 c.. dine Asrme. G,:,:rich, o IJarristcr and •I.;I' 1'. March ,2itti 11+53. l.00erlicu C. W. - - 1011NSp{IACIIAN Bernstd4and lttorr"- ROBERT RF:1- - ncy at Law, N cavy Pubt.c sad Courcy {TOOK -SELLER & STATIONER. Ince!. L • SS (opposite lialksill•• Hotel.)CCorner at 1:I?\ANDF,R worm STRACH AN. Olinda, and T•Ihnt-sire-u, London. C. W.- •1 Attorney at Law, SOLCitur is Chan+ S. -hoot Rook., ('ammo. soil•C:•ninl hook- .. ere, Convey:.ncer. {Lofting and Rulire of every description Euro• Ga •r. -h, 1 .6i'Nurember, 11:51. te,I oo rhe 1'r•in."r•. - - -- - 01 Orders forArrout t hook.. from the Trade W 1L11A NI 110 9(.1 N t, or Co.otry Merchant/. punctually attended too .1R('1I1TEcP & civii. ENGINEER soil a literal discount allowed. • London, Starch MI. 4.4. - Officr 27, Dunrhrs Streit. ...----- -- LONDoN, C. W. G. THORN HILL, August 16th, 1552. s,5u30 WOULD return h:" thank IIORACE IHORTON. ' public for the liberal sermon be has met erieh (,1/orkct sq.4rrt, Cuderic6,j from themdunng life residence in G4,t , AGENT fur the Pro.ine;al\1u'ual and and hope. by strict attention to bu.neu, Generett inporance OI5ce, Toronto,..... to .111 merit.; share of vow gatroasFe. Also Agent for the St. Lawrence County At -hitt old etsnJ, one door East of the Mutual, O,;Jer.rberg, New York. Local Canad-• Canpany's Ojice. Agent foe Samuel Motil.on'e Old Rochester Godrrich, Sept. 6th, 1852. ,6n33 Nursery. Jnly 1850. J] —^- A: N ---- -- H. W. & R.-SIMPSON, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, ono don - (LATE HOPI:.. BIRRELL k Co.,) Rest of W. 1•: Graco's Store, West GROCERS, \Vine Mlerchente, Fruiterers Street (ioderich. lT ;tad Oilmen, v5 -O9 \ OUj, s to the s No. Id Decdas Street, Feb. 19, 1852. .5 -nil London, G W. THOMAS NICHOLLS, February 25t6 1852. sb-a5 I 9 t , BROKER ANI) GENERAL AGENT. ROWLAND WILLIAMS, Agent for Ontario Marine tj-^ Fire lit- Are -merge. i. prepared fn attend Safes in any pert of the United Countire, on the surance Co. most liberal terms. Apply at the Firat or .1 NOTARY PCRLIC, ACCOUNTANT Division Court office, or at his house, E.et AND CONVEYANCER. . Street, Goolro de and other property will be COMMISSIONER IN Q. B. fist• received to sell either by private or public INSURANCE effected on House., Ship- irate. 6. 18.52. e4n47. ping and G..d.. All kinds of Deeds correctly drawn, and- Booke and Accounts adjusted. F. Sr. C. H. BURL, 011co over the Treasury, Godehch' MANUFACTURERS of lints, Caps and July >K 18ba. •bs28 lYl Emmy Euro, Wholesale and Retail 4. CovecIL Roost, Gonertctt, •'adv January, lv53. The Coaccil met. - PRESENT: Chair. • \V1LI.IA11 CHALK. Esq., \Y ardr•a, is clic limns. WALLACE, YOUNG, ATKI N SON, WOODS, LAMB, GIRV1N, FLANAGAN. Mi.s.e5. JOHNSON, FRASF R, \VALKER: DA V IUSON, GIBBINGS, HAYS. HOL31ES. for the salines of the County Council, and County Board of 1'ub- lic Inttructi•.n with attcnlauce, tray !evaded in • and read, when it war s) meed by Mr. I i' .cc'LJr:i by Mr. Hoboes, That the o:ir, o: Mr. trenlinbeptcepted -carried. - '.1 Moved oy 31r. )lays, seconded by Mr. Holmes, That the Court elicers be now elected --carried. tT- ('irrin, That a2 .)Ioredrhjy Dr. \Vuods,secooded by > Mr. Rath.be ap;minted Lace! Superibtrodeet of Schools in the C9unto of Iluroi:-Carried: S3 Moved Lc lir. Fraser ses ended by !r. Flanagan, That 't\••L. ( a :!t, •vein, cap i,ort. c.1 sic u i an - arm 1Vhuar eb.rg, Iesa faith wilt st6I• love on het p his friend at home. \I armteser may bul'Jo, iter miss pr,1n l (Vlll b.ler'ur b,wel• •ia./land pro:act the weaker side - Will cheer tL4 fuatiug.spittl up. and neer •a happy. f N1 ,t ' N 1 WOOL" rath••r srrit,;,1e 0:1 at i am than As wk•• wlt`r nom. p0•)r wuderor it Aare* ` lake an tLinr that wJu d hire the rlTcct art the .can) rued- } Such i.lbslarge bravo Lea. t 1 to•e,wItme'rr !lying up my !oegnr under sash a,ysG•tn as ••.ch heart 1 8 ,1, the prraeat. Teat oro:.• shh Ione for home, for trieud I \lituin a few dans of gismo„ Iles answer, ler cuuctr] and mauk:nd. , Tie was obliged to shite to Mr. Poser, the Th. heart that is not al! eadroued, with . 1`ubhsti.r of his music, Esser an adsauce of reach pndr or (old- three nr four pounds as be lead not a stn- Tbat .e11 not •pr,ad a false report 1509 1 pence in his house. walt t.' beer one told- Lord Moria, who seems to have esteem - terwrit nut aylt:•taua fault, 'mere bet- ed Moore'. eharaeter, was not offended by ter Gr to mend. bts s rit: eoatrnued to open to hint his li- -.. rotor .t wu+kr and rchemes of good at brarwand his heuse at Ileningtan. and was and con lusi''e. \t Lar• ever he might Imre don- d employment immediately umler Lord Moria heel offer- ed to bim, be replied to this last pro:oval. The minutes of yesterday were read over and approved. , John Stewart, Esq., Barrister asked lease to address the Coun- cil 00 the subject of the suit commenced against tho sureties in the Bond connected with Mr. Benjamin ,Millers BriIge-lease grant- it was when Mr. Stewart addressed the meeting. •- S9 Moved by Dr. Wc•ya-,`1 ert?ed 8snMl . Wallace, emesat ed, 62 Moved by .`sten (Jaye, seconded by Mr. Wallace, Thgj \Williamis, rce:al, 1s1 lurrce this Couacil are of opinion, that Benjamin )filler,.' Gm C. \lartia, I as. (s0eoty purser.: a :d Superiateadeat of the work at the Mait- and John Stewart are the . proper persons legally, authorised to I land Bridge. collect the amount of a certkio subscription list for the erection of i 90 .!used is ameudmenl by Mr. flays seconded by Mr. a Bridge over the Maitland, as they have secured the debt or Gibbing s, That J G. Kirk, Esq., be a(•p0iatri• Eogtneertand u am soil - amount of the subscription -this council clam no authsrity over t ^ was carried ! t a t15a) such het, and are fully con•ioccd :Lai the above parties are the proper persons to recover so-eb subscription. lbs above resolu- tion only to take effect atter a cognnsit Las been signed by tbe lk a nMiller , o 0 cannot hose bo it is fact of more use (0 I'm by tLat kirdne•s That suers above that potty strife+, . of Via if be had carried him to the East !Aire, hom 1t a deerc•e' ` To never ova a s :Jae bought our do a I lin waste t must al n giiiiitis in be recorded that Lord ]forint e details ol office. neons dreJ- 50ea o. 1+e large brave hes:t 1 lots, had given his lather an office in Dublin, wberier open heart 1 clad, wbirlr for man, years relieved (Ir Morrie Post throAi with love for hone, fors friss!, ' from a burtlien he could herd's, hire sup - for country, mod mankind. I.potted. Pow many such brave, lova( heirs" have Sightly did Mr. Moore nn.l rstand the trod told earth of our", 1 dinuty of the laurel. ile neccr would har- Have strewed its dark and rugged piths ;i ter hos freedom away for any favor from . with bright and blessed f twee•- " How auuy-wbew to, •car+., and pride mod hate the 14041.1 ',e'er knew--. flew mode a• '•ang•la umaware." limit any quarter. .Althouzh the waif o parr '- ty pitch prowled Amani his door, h• /vier 3 b t ' L ul u err teudent fur the ab• relonrd his humble dwell is for the mfr. County of (trues--car-rte holy w ore to do: 1 tv of the ray, or the protection' of the Pala; e. 1 min 1)ie strobe of penury to - holy . Moved Ly Mr. Wallace seconded by Dr. Woods, That 'Their firms age one their nantws asee lost i deed, more titin once, neither his unceasing aTr. \Wm• Percerat he wieemru.l County Surveyor and L''ngiurer ` but oat tai C truth soil worth, b aertun to the c_r W d 'I h t{ fmoo,to c These live lublr w the souls o e , it. '• ovety, veer -caeib'^ Dec Appnlinia icfu!a cos J Moved by sten 1W..iito wcom!r' by Dr. no s, a too 1L Bart , eve haat t never dad ho wake hos wits and faint'! a i' r- To bad us !Yee the larger br Ito n! Dari) IL Iesa:r Lie, L''sq„ he Cleri ui''tL' C •anti Council -ea w'in[i W seek nowt we find. protoat for •habbtn-+•: nater Jed he inn.g tied.' (That throb., with Lose 1..r Lome, for friend, tbat to leave a (1 igracoJ name as an tn. 86 Moved be Pr. \WoodisecoreJrdbf Mr. )Wallace, That (Yr cuuotry, and mankind. hecuocr to his cbo•lsn Wna his duty as a tkore.,e Brown, 1{'q.. he app•ein rd'rreas err--ea-ried. - -- hiStin Nn'hur did h', dnake many •nesse ''Tilt \Warefeuhem a;;",ctea Jrau I[u1ao. li•q., one of the G ,01) MORNING. man,with n•'Kligeec' em•eunling to rtlmr, !Ware !rat trod...nen to se,iT•t tram h.s W101 County Au•'i'o•+ ,I fortune. Mingling useful cenomoy w.tb "Oh. 1 am ao u1,1)7r a:ati• Cul earl. as Nicholl: 1'.s .,be 3, a niptel .1u.bt.,r-- carried. - As abs •prank, like a lark, from a low true` c ;1410311 love minel all the o 15(11 s s encs f 1' S'i q y fSy it -letter fcrw Mr. 1'eracrai was received and read w6cp else aril: ' lila mellow wife, who carton! on for hon fu moru!ng: bright morning-( oJ mor15- the detail• .,f his huu,ehnl f, to struggle rod, pep'' ' through all the petty annoy%.ees attend - Oh give me one kilo for good m reu0(,Itaas I ant •,n narrow 118.10'. to supper% h s f.urer, Only Jost look at my pretty canary, % mother, and h a sister, bs•1Jea hu 0.n Ch:rp ng his tweet 'good morning to Mary!' j footle. and at his death he left no debt bre had him. The son a morning to u Ntrnt colo my •yer- Goud moroiot t•' you Jlr. Sun, for you revs I' f' is tuna that Lott JoLn }loser! speak n 87 djorfed by Mr. \`: a:ince seconded hr Pr. Woods, That Cuuaty Surveyor ler the present year, eater 115011on , s • F,ary to wake soy boors and me' stomas u • *101: meat being rut, t::e'mo i -s' arity of sine. ,Ansi mak" w happy ase harpy coo be. A. a poet, Mora moat always bold . ,. F d i } 1> N naJs arconJPd by ...Lr. (diens, Cbatl • o ma b^ my door !ittlt girl; ' h`gh place. Of F:aeh.h lyrical potre, he 91 • r\lot, _. Ii 7 t Mr. Brown be -required - - - • Dealers in Furs, B•rff.lo Robe., Deer Sktae, lL it©JNit 1Lli J,rdliay WEST STREET CODFRICH r e. tee. teen k Gloves, W ( to , Cush Paid fur Fors. wired to Ta niih all 1 •,, , ii.,, •i s1,-rtae,{to As bay .AlLor struck softy a c!croru g 1 n *urely the 6'vt. Saacufrl a ecimess lin Stewart, this s'sctivn of Lu \\'ase nut} for los Iji:e 15 '1'rea,urcr of curt- { of lyrical n terry may iodate{ b• /noel from J L C Martin, arid Jo the call .-carried. e I alio da :•.t ran mar be -Sot th nk of the clue the" tar:ir mil limes of one he use. taro In chn ;nos J 11f fortnight from "Hero . _ ;I, and of 'Genn! s- o ea the Counties mil bi i a f i 1 e' of ,tin Ccaar.ii agreciuo lar a:: t' the sheet: pazt!cs cote , .art pay tLe,e Move subscription -earned. ( '- \fuer 9 uy air. lL! arc>. +rcnndeJ be :sten l Iana;an.Tbat \W to sakec•s:, th;a wvrul.g, LoU you and dole of 11,un , { sop, but no one pot! stn renal Moor,' in the the 63 Letter from the Clerk of the Peace apcomliauiea by as ' pot.e uwuthlii Au ell is be 11 ; conte" Cn0ntr AUJl:ors for the pose- too .0a. got for the use of the Comity Jaul aeJ oar of audio si Sob rot monlr, on each 'fdsnship accord ng to a 7 h• Lule gel turned Ler bright eyes tach `eaeellercu rml a'anndseeo of lila o nduc- r I upon reading account of cordwood bought term. L^ret Drroa writer, ui ^ g Offices were 'received, and referred to the Committee of Finance. !contemn 01 Couneti, and that the 7bWnsLip Clerks do. formth Ibe l "Ms, .0 1 say, then, goy 1 morale( to I nn• use two .,f the som,:10ers of elle Irish Me - 7 ' ' earls ei osstWe in each year with an abstract o({ Wits, then tore:+tly publi.the •rit, me, 64 Petition, of Mr. David Smith was received, and referred ( Cl { 1 that this duty a performed l„u1 k A• • to Finance Committee. P J .. you may, vote , t •n r • to E d byMr. Your:;, 'That 6:, Moved by Mr. Paridson,sceonde 1 d 1 y \lr. \\ niter That mu, k n a 'nvnly down, w th Lvr aye b t h e the Salaries of the several officers of the :Municipality be taken into consideration at this sitting, and that the Finance Committee be instructed to report on the same -carried 66 \tooted by Mr. \Wallace seconded by Mr. Young. That Mr. Straclan be instructed to accept a cognovit from lleesrr. Miller, )Iartin and Stewart, for the amount of the judgement and costs of the suit Alford Ts the County Council and fur wkieh`a suit has been instituted against said party, it.lr. Stewart having agreed 'to give tete same -carried. will he pleased to aform him "ueth.r er not 67 Report o0 Schools milt received read and confirmed• d year• are liable to telatien from the date of sale under the 3):h d 11 \ er glia . ti7--carried. moat sett as too nn lip v +. their ref*rt-an•1 that each Reeve sec sea ••4',. lin:,t darling menu cur» Beam o'er the For. of t14 \Vater+, - -tarried. „ ! Kneel •s r+.0 kneel eery morning W 1,11‘, t' adorers rice," •'O ' r'. si•c0n' •i , I ne , a• ••\Phan Il+ wtlo 93 Moved L .,y Mr. Liar! 81,0 nw j. this Council linin always eonsi:kre,► \1r. kirk ern correct Dili- lion. nJ it? earueatly into Ito edea; j blame not," •n•1 ''t) • r f`arnv," an worth alt the spies that gene crr, and did not retinue that geutlenttiifor any misconduct or ne- , were ro,n rs wo ect of duty, but this Couu-d approved of Air. j'rrcerait plan And taco .at.e %ac.. that were.otoad►J ta- ; Phe two gntlttiee i15 .which Moore. miss of builJirli; the Maitland Bridge, the .Connell are of opinion he (c.htr. lutuy she e'd oo tae :ep of the rnother, { most rich were fancy an I feeling, His ail asicarrc nut laic own pl ln-earrird.• tined mureie(, dear F'.uer In II . { war a delightful (tory, not a subhmy it• - 94 ' Mosel by lr. L iolrars s, eoiidr l bs ?Ir. l hnsgan, That mos •std- (don't •n, •tender nn a tnnehin( frehny; nut y •h tS..,k tae• fur wa:e6lht 047 •i.u1j lit11. I tin n( and neem helms! os•+von• Toe the "frcasarcr Ja ice the Attorney Gene, al ser ur.Lag that The highest price paid, .t ail ti' et In (Neat the Market S4.ar•,) Cash, for all descriptions of Shipping Furs BY MESSRS. JOHN & ROBT. DONOOII. by F. IL C. 11. BUIIL. G00D Accommodations for Traselkre, and Detroit, ,llichigao, Aug. 1351. sio28 u attentive Hostler at all irises, to take charge of Teams. • RICHARD MOORE, (3oderich, Ike. 8, 1810. 43-1f _ HAVING daring tho past two Vest* acts ` Ota1 RA ell !n ilio capacity of GENERAL AGENT for the collection of debts, denies Farmers' Insurance CO., rt 10 be generally underst000 that he weal C ),I) accept the Agency for the collection of EZRA H Hamilton. Agent for doe. in any ptrt of the. Upper Province, hes the Co loo sad Huron. twPen t •obnurg in the East and Lake Hurog August 3.15 10 the Wert. In making this announce- ( _ - ment, 11e would beg to express Lia thanks AN to hit frtend for pant (mom., and now ser' (►U1CK'S TAVERN, Lawton Road. 114.01\111y solicits a continuance o, the sir wmt. Ali comm A .!star address VASHING'l Mutual Ins tP1TAt, $L OO( OPKINS, Counties he Lel: oti.rr 11,00 v moot reatark..-,le 1s the gime(• a lau•ls sold at fro • For taL:ng good caro of con all the derk ort of tL+ •erufieatinn, ltnan( from ilia algkt. •happy choice o(.n.J+, anI the deli. a7• And w.k!ng ma np with the besotifol light, l of a served rnuueal rat. Neer has the g i Gn(i:•h 1•ai7nnJr, e.w-^t in some 1•w US keep n.e !rum 'mightiness ail Ike long o+y. { aonet of the ofd 7n►te ,gen meds to ser• Vr Dear F'•:bier, who taught 1.11'• ehtll•en t• such melody, never h'+ the to .•i rah o.1 Fiero em^loes of love, a -d t`•e nage t:,gwmai• Au •oge; •ooked Jaws from heaven and rre,tioa o1 (tney, born rrpres•ed I* la• •m.led, lan1!'a w an simple, so easy, 'n ntl•.r.l. 2-•...." est cot t " angel t a3 haul:(a! {,ilia R^okh is the work next to 1As \ivied cw and l.t,ed Songs 1n proof of I tna \t oil's. a poet ,t f _ ouch •• P ..e • TLe name of kloore. the 1).'et, ' •• Tarso u,ig'n hese wn!trn • The execution of the work a exqut• te.-- '• l lrwx I:uh{ Ward,- sad will rennin 3;1110110 ; Such e'uren, of verofie.ttan• eoch ieoder- rtrxta. .1.b, edified p.t•t died : nose of womanly love, an'1 fr 49 ,94 of pis triotic':,love•t.r. A•aeriot na of Water 97, 1850. DR. HYNDM May 1!161. yenta MR. JOEIN MACARA. BARRISTER, solicitor is Cheoeery, Attorney -at -Lew, Conveyancer, kc. Ike. Oelre : Ontario Building', King -St. epponte 'V (Bove Bank. aid the Bank of British North Amerlea. HA*/LTot. 4 10 Ma. T. N. MOLESWORTH, OIVILENGINE;BR and Pro, lomat Land V Sorveyor, Oodencb. April S0, 1851. •4011 JAMES WOODS, AUCTIONEER, is prepared to attend Public Sales la any pit of the United C.eattes, en moderate *erste. Stratford, May 11160. ,4-.14 SAW MILL & PARK LOT FOR SALE. ►vas above Mill and 1,ot are sitnatn ea are North side of Kiscardtl 0 !!tree,, n the fast twpre• tag ♦Nla(s .f Pewsusgon. Ter particulars appl] M MA11TAt • P.stessgore, 14th No,. 1,61. tail • anis ions on n ed (poet paid) to Ayr P. 0.. North them tnen, C. W.. will be promptly attended to. April 1, 1851. •5nlO 6S Report of the Committee appointed to report on lloa a and Bndges,was received, read, and referred to a Committee of the whole -Mr. Girvin in the Chair, on No. 23 being read it was moved to be struck out -carried. No. 26 adopted. Mr.Ii aaa g an wasmored L ad it 6 ' beim,. rey 69 (h, No. 39 PETER BUCHHANAN. TAILOR. NEXT door to 11, B. O'Connbr'm 51015, CI h ad sod repaired, and rut 'leg done on the shor- test notice, and most bt,.rai tonna. December 3rd, 1851. , •4n49 section of the act 13as^ 93 Meted Ly Mr. \Wallace secnn.leil by lir. Lamb, Tbat a By-law be framed. and advertised three months for the purpose of borrowio d Fist 'Ihwsand Five Ilundied pounds, and that the Got ernor be ap ,'!fed to for liberty to reetract the cud debt, bei, for the purpose o1' budding a Su-hit:mi ni Bridge ever the Maitland. is of r u-1 auu•tal i•stalmra seconded by 31r. Walker. That so soon as the contractor for 1't he ;:rove Loan to Ire Is sen ern .q rebuilding the Sable Bridge furnishes the warder' or County • 1530 with interest payable In *0 yearly at sac per cent -carried. Clerk with a certificate from 0.e Reeves who let the job, that I yJ Movedil* sOlresI Ta. Girton, error:;!' a by .tl: • 'i °'::;. t ..at he receive a debenture for his money. On Ole 0014.3 bein- taken Mrs. Slack be by y8mnted f)tK:e keeper ter th• 1'nuetr nut: es in 0o tete above moony and Report, there voted for the motion 7, the room of Mr. Burton, and that :dr. lion. t, !;e visa;:• 1 tiles si forh motion. e t w. se awn mos gone i o castingent byyte m favor of tars b.en sulten.Je•i, a:,.1 is that ed In leave on the .7th day et the 000tion. It was aLre mored in atoead.rot )1r. llulmer' 1'e.47 nest --carded. seeoreded by Mr. Gtbbings, 'I hat until it is certified to the 'alis- 47 Moeil be Ur. \I'noJs, ucncdrd by al r. \Was are, That faction of the Council that sari'. 111 1ge a built according to con- 9 f r o mu, tt do`s s l •'t a• fratn- traet, no money order br granted for this Bridge. On the yeas and nays being taken oa Ube above, the ameedinent was carried t of two The Committee rose an m - {Vest 4tretet, G.oder.rh. of rs m e the (.fern be poi 1. 1' nr P r e r ;'t ,•q, {r list year, and Ln noble friend, t.nni ulu'ae lure whine, am. ••1 am as ere Larml fog I14=4o At4no duan; tar: h a:-- "• I s• recti J. Reese:1,.;r' ab:j to a (•!site cspresse(i nt blind mei 8 •rce f ins le' [hero steno not:iia • more n !:::c t!r_ l U'ra..tl. cosy a' )• r. I are f• Meld unseert a:ao by the de -eased, contented t, prel•a•. for 1. knits Rookh. by a majority till the first mouday in )lar: i d c chair nLcu C.1XL1:, \`•ase h a, i pnblicatr0w wow ( hi. o u,eon e `V ,rad foods 1 f.ult on wMchf cot most rexdrnh dwr' I~ t!i.t J the Warden ..L th liur••o and Bruce. papers. in or p I th. (.oat is ton sa;nst•'eua, toe lights 01 he Report was again submitted and adopted, ss amended. I A 70 Moved by , r. mes',yon Eimer,1). tau i wsro r w•s• -a ,rel.. • Nen nett F I wi'h the most brrtlisnt ere,tron•: a w..rk Uy MlY data." Iw•vs mink•,! to encs, sucA FARM FO11 SALE. LOT No' bp. ie the Matitand Cowes • *ion of the Tow.SMp of Oedortch, eoetalsose I$7 acres of lb* hest Mod, of which 60 are cleared sail well termed, silos atm/ on the bank* of the River Msrtlaod, Thera w an ex - s miles from (;edeneh. *silent House •nil to assist the faint".t of cite deported restos. • males lour which dusts. 1109 .141 th•y ' ra mem .yrs hair alreaJ) eaehan6 end 11"6""*" of a tau general letting of discontent presaus lk:uue,ho.f !hear County Clerk. j t►senis,erd,andhyc beta.arorably r•.m /re(ranc0 wh/rh o.rrp• w.0 th• Counties against what appears to be w e: ottani and dispropor- _ 1, { 1_ eke per+•: the b•*•k•, rIleed, cen•u- the• were ner,nt so Aet tehl. 3•., the cot: others ma tie for the Province, aadministration of c Icy in Gist a art with "-' ► ks f tb' s nems he ca• tlesdAed ilio ton coni itis dt•p14. e: } tNer• ui t department 1 1 ' Mit. t 1 t al cr sr• 0.:•• Ipr.+m( which h o• to b t rpor \I 11 I ',yowled by \1r it,at 1' That 1T i i'F;rll' i 1 • 4.01-0.• al”'" t r i m o this premises, • t e D ase p at •n Orchard of the ehn'cest fruits, *e- : t'in t..r woe n .. t .. stn -• clue nnks tr• other Cnttnucs in the of te 1 and eapec 1 y in brat (here j D. A P 1' 1 i ) \ . aste:aen( sf a prtsca pd' 1 ie r ere O en r 'oat. w',:, at 4 n•h n; its p M s — pror bilitb the Clerk Jury the Peace presides; end souring t teem is a CS* Milli ap• s•'mr_" on one spate, e probability of a New law bei.Ij introduced during the present .s ret pet -fleeted f eh The jun• of to An,t•L Is 1:11'.hat wo ► session of Parlament. end as there laa beets a -convocation of the fro n its coot nes f yell different Clerk* of the Peace for the Provoke.- hell at 'Foronto larelr--it is but justice that the tan payers of these Co ties should be protected agarost',any.ndue charges, and also an mal act of Justice (nwsrd' the Public character of the Clerk of the Peace that tine above be examined into. Bereaved that a Com- mittee of three be appoiated to make any enquirie% that may be necessary between this tune, and the nett tatting of Council, and report t1er8n e -carried. 1 in a ballot being taken, the. Comindtee was declared to consist of Meows. Hoboes, \VaIlace and Woods. 71 Moved by Mr. tiny', eeronled by Mr. tabbists, That the several officers in these Gaited''nunttes he reg to give sorb informatics" ea easy be demanded in reference to Ills last mto- tios, sod that stay be to their pnwer to afford, either Irl ttsrdmd dneumwta hie otherwise -carried. That 72 lllo•ed by Mr. Hay. ,eroded by Mr. C,bbiags, tea flnnt0, Uat• leered from the Noratry to Vp" Ibis Cassell ieatrwettM Tre•,nnr atattoray eseaeyttpaa agse- led States. For term apply to the Sows covets petard by the magistrates, sable melt neemas N u scriber T R ATTEMBURY, • billy Itwtioced eotstca within the sregistratei eritititeta.. teem a. British Exchange HN.t, , magistrates, sad M eases where them Is any &aft w lis wind, M k ion -thee C...neil are .envied that rove n•tticu, the pauh' tion ria:der. bol a ft -w retracts - : vela, w.• are ptrmiele.l,be *Veil )41 tutun- sr m . • et) wth rh• •sm• Wight e' r sad fancy which 4r0 the true ►- ,n rty •f 1 /;I'J:CF 1•n s \\'e Iwotes+to or.r a0 sur, cot 1iThe,. ,a • hll•nt w:Tin 11. \\ a will t''.4 n.. 06• "ten**. whit. a tpuee tie uw'te'+ir •,f iia {" t. ' •rt r sore. . ,r , re eller von tie visits of 01 ret! •rs Iy gi'l'tt a .w 1 er•••w. "i.4 0!rn,-.:!i^r 1Sa elf et to sot tn.1 Of l%sec ('r •trrAel c Ser fat sen rnic^rer tau vett ex bob serf clic aft erd Tutenrrr:ts• etc art, L:im t itis,;rslrky It is los i wl.,•h a sung o isle s •01 4,r 'reduced. i('sat 1.'01(1 J, l'as'teli al,tak% of ilio 1 Rwe0'1100 • Ino 'nab t prolene'. sr .terse., 1-lirrsrs. Wallace, iamb. Ilsyat CHalIACTCR Or a 00154;• it .t •treA w•th the •terser nen m •r. dead Mem'rcri of plowsCommittee; is tat chair. t! po'san+'..1w 1 foul 1,0 .o'►y !rad l:ibaiugs Aad ildmcs. John It/hoes, i;q.; Teri..e a Week duri.XJais miosis life, ex- os-elrid lks ntr:.rl, rept tilling iris absence ro .\nerrcx and ` t mid, tat •r tate oar 7m•pon ^f pr•pow., Your .-4 lease t rep rt cs..mm.d the vsenl documents +•S i Ice, in Int, he wrote w letter In Ins malher. • it e s •r to to pstetI't f!els•• i' ver! rIT mit:e.l, 1 lease to roprt.- , wrestieu yet n•s •Man ow deter►t .a \u. 1 gCerb,icate of for 'Cowns!up Clerk of 'Te.:ketsriilh I( he Lad nnt6ina clic 4, tell ►sect these t.d.dl.wneriVC*. J •4 tr J arwntteo of t oaf a grist. 'state letters e.mv•ye the repeated 1 wo Lis dew ,tedorse aaJ attach:neat• Ili, ex- P1i:,- it all more et•Owl•s, Ito lits rugs •r• presto., of lea', ',Inc... however Movie, . pru•ed 05 t m tenon J n•a ‘V••1 V'•Mva IM. ant. sad d. f soled tee.• A•••14 andhoweverreit!, thin core L, my e.ljaw- Jdmm"'• xons et 1.ali..'. tw ' 1 * 1 .i.:...,.le thin taus wa a est jaw- 'ever kayo 90011 wr.stN, far I.•.. patrt..••tl !A of h a mid. dew front •heart miss but they ss ,et host b, a:t•,we 'vial. LOrel* 1 w, tiled to be correct. 2 Certificate of the Township Clerk p( Ile Ilulph we feel t3 be ew'r'(. 3 Cettifrcatc of the 'T'.,wn!Lip Clerk of Ianrar'me Mike. 1 'seta• to the el.etioa of 1'rana;( \Walker as Jc,wt4yin h-tsfth• holt for *lout we da not consider to ba carrrci. e( 1 = ntmr. of Ilre•' eo.010 d by fame. tintpoilt by Au. worm, „ f re' •r a nil". kw+t..h • 1.044 If iacarJiae w ail e•rliii.•J to h• *Arse copy an Ibe Reeve I y hJuseb iIJrrt an'l frtelrol I•r, ni •aid CosesP.tttt! Ilia iheee'pv an 1 continue to recon to his 111de¢r the ss- 1 cheer late, re r am bay rAr Steele w►••A .or Ila t J lief ser -i y leets end olaeih o1 'i°!M 7 y -Tin; tip r r .. t .(ties . Ir a.,a'st Mr) -words ems 11 erueeaabea 1• ardiae ' ' .est s cateet mgrs we tb'vc.rx can.,vt sec:aa:ntaJ fent• Ood.rkb M .IMwed 40 take opt 18U Jew sry, i OA. 41111640 advaetage n Mb.s takes of the magistrates or itoeves,as ed ems o((sle "shed es i- 1