HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-01-05, Page 139 .1".0 eta 0,00, 12!.2.7 q)1061. Kror s”rf1:44',.. {to .1A'ned 1M142Iti$4, COMSt109. STEVE REEVES in LI ir AND THE BARBARIANS Tho Times,Mynco.t0,.44nyary Page .13 Happenings in "Just once, I'd like to collect the rent in ca.,shi" Clandeboye ladies elect new officers By MRS. J. H. PATON Mrs. Alvin Cunningham, Mr. CLANDEBOYE and n „ , - Aim Jim Cunningham, United Church ladies held """I'' Jean, 'Ma ri on a n d Ca the-rine with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur their meeting when Mrs. Wit- Cunningham. barn Darling was hostess. Airs. Mrs. Omar Cunningham and Rea Neil presided. Mrs. G. W. Sach gave a Christmas story ArSoltl iitrio,)folglati nl , 1‘1ca 1,,ru.an. main where she and her pus- and Mrs. of the lives of people in Ja- Mr. and Mrs, tiobert. Latta, band were missionaries. Mrs, Jimmie, Joanne and Donald Sach also accompanied for the sa‘.n.i toh :\Ail rrss.. LAamttear'ts Ipiatiiierinntas,n.Morf. Carols. Starting in 1962, the group of Freelt"' Air, and Mrs. Jim Beckett, women will be known as United, Kitchener, entertained the lot. Church Women, ter's family: Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Sach presided for the Clarence Millson and Mr. and election of officers. Honorary Mrs. Gerald Milison and Deb- president is Mrs. Sach; presi- !tie, also Air. and Mrs. Ralph. dent, Mrs. Wilmer Scott; vice- Matson and sons, of London, president, Mrs. George Sirnp- and their own family, Miss son; secretary, Mrs, Rupert Sandra Beckett, Mr. and Mrs. Williams: assistant, Mrs. Jim Donaldson; treasurer, Mrs, Ar• Bob Kingham and Mr. and Mrs, Al Haidyph, Kitchener, thur Hodgins; sunshine con. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Ryder and venors, Mrs. David Nestle and Murray Hodgson; pro- Carol, of London, with the gat-Airs.ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. gram and devotional convenor, Charlie Bison. Airs, Andy Tho.mspon, During the business session, Other visitors it was decided to continue the Mr. and Airs, Bill Walden of "Dime Plates" to help funds Chatham, Mr. and Airs, Car- for allocation. l.-le: Carter and Jimmie, Mr. The ladies will sponsor the ano Mrs. Douglas Carter, Lon- project of 32 subscriptions to don, on Sunday with Mr. and the United Church Observer Airs. Mervin Carter and Ian. and Missionary Monthly so that Alr. and Mrs. Jim S(gsworth, each family will receive a 'Juin and Mr. Alonzo Phillips copy. The birthday box is still were guests of Mr, and Mrs. to continue as usual. Harold Elson Sunday. Other Convenors to assist in pre- guests were Miss Marybelle paration for the communion iTibby) Wright, of London, and services are: January, Mrs. Air Duncan Ross, of Parkhill, Arthur Hodgins; April, Mrs. at;ti: Sigsworth au0 returned home Rea Neil; July, Mrs. Kermitw ,t,i ; 1 his parents after visiting Thompson, and October, AIrs. his aunt. and uncle at. Parkhill, Alex Macintosh, Air, and Mrs. Harry Hardy Assisting the. hostess were and Linda guests Satur- Mrs. Ralph Lynn and Mrs, were Kermit Thompson. cla,v evening with Mi7. and Mrs. Jim Sigsworth and Helen. The family of the late Mrs.Mr. and Mrs. Harry BassowCHURCH NEWS Rev. L. C. and Mrs. Harri- Ellen C. McLean wish to ex- and Miss Emma. Bassow of Zu- St. James son visited with Mr, and Airs. press their sincere thanks and rich, Mrs. Tillie `retreat]. of At St. James Church on Sun- Almer Hendric last Tuesday. appreciation for the many acts Dashwood and Mr, and Mrs. day, December 31, the .rector, Sapper Fred Bezzo and Mrs. of kindness, floral, tributes and Roy ?ask of Grand Bend with our relatives, friends and neigh- There's no need to pamper a messages of sympathy from air. and Mrs. Ford Miller on the Rev. E, 0. Lancaster, took BOZ40, Eisen, „Jeanette. Cliff, Sunday. mon, the Sunday School pupils spent the holidays with Mr, and man's shirt of "Terylene." It the service. Following the set- Leanne and Jeff, Camp Borden, manta Special thanks to the Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Racier gave many of the munbers that Airs. Charlie Bison here. is actually more rugged than and family with Mr. and Mrs. were used at their concert in alr. and Mrs. W. J. Lloyd, its cotton counterpart and hors during our sad bereave- Hopper-Hockey funeral home, Lloyd Rader and family. a carol service for the Con, London, visited Sunday evening should be tossed in the wash- United Church and the Order of Mr. and Mrs. Ttussel Tiernan gregation to enjoy. with Mrs. Emily Tomes. ing, machine along with the the Eastern ,Star. 5, and family and Mr. and Mrs. Flowers in the church were Mrs. Emily Tomes spent Mon- rest of the family's white clo- Rev, R. S. Hiltz, Main Street a ... a. with Air. and Mrs. George Tiernan and family in memory of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Tie- Charlie Lewis, given by their Paul Poole in Lucan. day evening as guests of Mrs. Bing i t 1 .1 This is the word from pee- Z. ..n:,:: ... ... ....... aaaasdait- a,.. samaaa man. daughter, Mrs. Bruce Joyce, plc who snot' know: the tech- Mr. William Gossman at- Lucan. Other mums were plat- Airs. E. Tomes had as guests boratories at MiLlhave.n, Ontiia nicians at the "Terylenc" la- tended the funeral of his nep- ed by Mrs. William Walker, Mrs. Katie Collins and • her rio, who have test-washed hum sister, Mrs. Robert. Hornell, of dreds of shirts. hew, Bud. Gossman, in Port Detroit, in memory of her Huron last Tuesday. His sister mother, the late Airs. Fred Kirkland Lake, Tuesday eve- However, to be sure that a predeceased him in Mexico 10 Simpson. ning. Mrs. Collins is returning Shirt will need no ironing after days previous. United Church with her sister for a visit there, washing, and washing, and will On Sunday, January 7, the remain sparkling white, ani WA and Guild New Year Holy Communion Al the meeting of the WA technicians have a few tips to offer, Before washing, heavily service will be held al 2:00 and Guild of St. James church TABERNACLE THE ANGLICAN p.m. here, for Which. Mrs. Wilfred Cun- soiled areas such as the collar PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF CANADA • • both churches of the Week of ning.harn was hostess at her and cuffs should be sprinkled dies in hospital Announcement, was made at home, Mrs. Andy Carter pre- with detergent and rubbed sago "The \\Tay to Christmas, ' shirt. Detergent rather than briskly, with the tail of the Male Street Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Mrs, Fred Rader, 75, the Lou'- Prayer to be held in. Lucan sided and presented the mes- Rev, Mel, W. Holmes, Pastor tiler Clara Kraft, died al. South beginning january 7. soap is recommended, If the Rev, Bren de Vries, Rector She said "Christmas never water is hard, as it is in most Huron Hospital, Exeter, Satur- Personal items 0:00 a..m,—CjCS Radio Robert Cameron, Organist day, Dec. 30 after a lengthy comes unless we conic to Christ- areas, soap ,sucts will leave a (1240 He.) illness,. Air. and Mrs. Roy Cunning` mac and the only way lo conic deposit that is difficult to Sueday, January 7, .1.962 ham, Allan, Glenn and Marie to Christmas is to have the budge. Message: "God Is Love" Beside her husband she is First Sunday After Epiphany spent Sunday with Mrs. elln- Christmas snirit in our hearts; Household bleach won't harm il:45 a.m.—Sunday School Hour survived by two sisters, Mrs. n i ngh am aa si s t e r, Mr. an d Ai n., 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 8:30 a.m.—Quiet Communion Lucinda Heywood, Exeter, Mrs, the spirit of Christmas is the "Terytenc" providing, of 7:30 p.m. 11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion' Dora Stadelhatier, London, and Williain.Pratt, Merlin. holy Spirit, We sometimes are course, it is rinsed out, The- one brother, EdmUnd of Dash- Mrs. Maurice Simpson is a tempted to forget this and rough rinsing of any garment Evangelistic Service wood. patient, in South Huron Hospi Make Chrisas a secular holi- — whether bleached or not — Powerful Preaching THE BETHEL Harry Hoffman funeral home Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Lewis washing. Otherwise, c I a I la es rowan:ea plc tapas ,,..„.„ KIRK KW Nursery and Sunday School a,............. Good Music - Lively Singing The body rested at, the T. tat entering on Tuesday. day; but ibis not a holiday, is as important as thorough it is a holy day." --- Friday, 8 p.in,—Boys and Girls REFORMED CHURCH until Tuesday noon then at visited their son•in-la.w and She told of the Christmas may look dingy, Crusaders and Christ's Taylor, Kathryn and Stephen, concluded "Let us appreciate should he removed from the EntirE US ' NOM RIIIARA Zion Lutheran Church where daughter' Mr. ancl Mrs, Orville carols and their history and If hand washed, the shirt Rev. R. Van Farowe, Minister services were conducted by Rev. Win, Gala. Interment was in Lucan on Sunday. Kathryn and understand what a wonder- water dripping wet. It should KOVACS • KUSH Ambassadors (Dutch) made in Dashwood Lutheran had a birthday on Saturday. fug heritage the carols arc to not be wrung foe creases may A Wecome Awaits You. At 10:30 aan,—Morning Service The Tabernacle , Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Peter- u s int erna ti ona lly nominationally," and intorde- form that might, be hard to 11;45 a,m,—Sunday School son, London, Mr. and. Mrs, Paul Mrs. Carter was assisted in remove. For the same reason a shirt should be taken from the Pall bearers were: Alvin and Peterson and family, Parkhill, ... JAMES STREET 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service Harold Rader, Ward Kraft, Ha- Air, and Mrs. , Andrew itracin• B. ta, washer before the spin cycle (English) cold Kraft, Lorne Klapp and cosh, Byron, Miss joan Peter- the devot io ns by Friday, Jan. 5, .8 p.m.—Week Ross Stadelbaner, son, Leamington, and Mr. Bruce The Guild mooting followed Rev, a wooden or plastic hanger — Lancaster and Mrs, Ed Flynn. starts, it can then be hung on UNITED CHURCH Rev, S. E. Lewis, MA., B.D. of Pram' Service Karr. Forest, with M r * and with the president, Mrs, Alan a metal one might r ti S t. Minister Mrs, Alex Macintosh and ram. I t ili presi d i ng, P l ana were dis, Smooth the collar and cuffs Mr, Lawrence Wein, A,W.C.M. CHRISTIAN. Whalen topics ily . on Sunday, cussed for ma ki ng money this and fasten the top button so Organist and Choirmaster REFORMED CHURCH '111r, Arnold Cunningham was year, that the shirt hangs straight — Continued from page 12 taken to St. Josephs Floapital An levitation to meet al the if the shirt IS I° he dried in All Departments spent last week with the. I-lords there. last week and is a patient meeting was accepted, through the cord Isle You The Beall 10:00 the neat an automatic dryer, it can go rn iunuft 10 A..11,1,—SUNDAY SCHOOL Rev. A. G. V.60 Eck, Minister washing litoWNVIIIIIIINO 'SOON I The Lyric Brines rectory. Leann, for a,111,—Dutch Service at Parkhill, mr, and mrs, ,1.. it. Nem, Ilodgins assisted the hostess in ('cell C8rt" and "Irs' Rae icnyacyle,.be fdplIckaeleupwiditliirkiltelgs sl-)lina-t * CIMARRON * FRIENDLY PERSUASION_ 2:15 p,m.—English Service Mr, Ray Parkinson is a pa- Ne w Year visitors 11 A,M.—Morning Service Sermoe: ""Stocktaking in Our 6:15 0,111,—Batla to God :Maur— tient at St. Al.arys Memorial Church" Hospital. . ping will be eliminated by the . TWO RODE TOGETHER * MORGAN THE CHLO (MO j<e,) Clare. andWilliam Alh‘riglit the social hoer. dryer before they have lime to Atithena by the Choir Mr. and .Mrs. Donald Pullen, and Miss Al, Cobleigh of Lucan set. * HONEYMOON MACHINE PIRATE with Mra, Harvey Riehl, Veneta In constant dollar or ,physical if washed this way, the and Bob, in Stratford. Other volume...terms canaoa ,s national product declined from gross shirt will be ready for wear- guests were Mr. and Mrs. 'Wil- ' Fred Logan and .Alyrita, Thorn- i ng without any ironing, If the 'LYRIC TREAT E VA' EXETER s$11 128.01 jillormennpita in 1r)56 le fabric is a blend of "Terylene" dale, on, Monday evening. . and cotton, even if it is bone Mi's. Emma Neale, of Dor- dry a !ouch-tip with a warm First 'Show 700 Setood Show 0:10 Matinee 240 p.M, cheater, with Ala'. arid Mr4. iron will sttffiee, COMING EVENTS a.-* Abner 1101thie., Airs. Robert Lewis. and Lor- raine and Wayne, of RR 2 Den. field, Mt, and Mrs, Ken Carter and Patricia, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carter, Stephen- and ;Kevin, 0150 ktra, Wesley liodc- son, of Thormiale. and Alt' Williani Riddell, of London, with gr. and A1rs. Andrew Carter. Air. mid Mrs, jack Ilewill with their son, Stanley, and family in ,Sarnia, Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Simp- son with Miss Sybil Stevenson ifi Alin Craig, JiAdtch and leans Niof Allowed 0.J..: BIRTHS.,,, CARPS QF .THANic, IN MEMORIAM,, "DAnn...4/1„, and m rs, coy 'We wish to thank all our ELoria,laO'dreTaTt sbleavnidngandmfeanthoerry, Bedard (nee Dell), -Ottawa, friends, neighbors and vela- announce the .birth. of their lives for the lovely ;gifts, William John. Elliott, Wile son, Paul Edward,. January flowers, .cords and. good wishes Passed away one ,year ago, 2-- a -birthday present Lou' received on the occasion of our January 6, 1961, mother—a 'brother for Ricky, fiftieth wedding anniversary, just when your life was Diane and Karen and grand.. You have helped to make this brightest, ,son for Air, and :Mrs. $inwari, one of the roost eventful (JAYS. Just best, your years were Dell, Denson, of our lives, ,-. Mr, and Airs, DRITRICH — Air, and Mrs. Archie ftyclonan. s" You were called from this Darold Deitricb, Zurich, Arc . :happy to .announce the birth The family of the late Leo "rld- °-1 s°"" .. :ird Sararas wish lovextend their Toi3OaviohgQiyneronifnePntiegia-old rest. oil his It son .•11t. South ttur°11 ill°s" heartfelt thanks :and .apprecia- --,,,tr A D it al, ,for 1962 — a lion for acts of kindness, Ines- J74. Shirleyiain anadndR osesi,Indreee roher for Kevin and Ran. sages of sympathy and lovely . dal, AIARRINAN — Mr .and 'Al, , floral .tribues received from •E1,14.0TT-111 loving memory ---, --'''..,". friends, relatives and neigh. of a dear son .and brother, Patrick Marvin " Jr " Cuinue; hors during the loss of a clear William John Elliott, NYll0 boye, announce the birth of husband, father, son, brother passed away one year ago. pital, London, December 28— at, St. Joseph's Hos' 'and nephew, Special thanks to a.v.I.JraontWYtea°1',s19w0eL a son Westlake Funeral time, Rev .1 1 a brother -for •Helen„loseph, suffer, watched you Amacher, pallbearers, flower t ' Mary Louise and Michael, 1?1_,,,rus_mr, and Airs, Leroy bearers, EUR .Ladies Aid and We saw you fade away. Deters, Stratford,announce all those who helped in any Our hearts were almost broken. the birth of a daughter, at way.—Mrs. Alvina Sararas, Mr, You fought so hard to stay, Stratford General Hospital, , , and Mrs. Jim Love, Mrs, Ade- Bet when we saw you sleeping, December 27 — .a . sister for line Sararas, Mr, and Mrs, Se peaceful, free from Pain, Norman and Wayne and Norman Sararas, Mr. Emanuel We could not wish you back granddaughter for •Mr• and a.se To Staffer so again. Sararas, Our hearts still ache with sad- Mrs. Fred Peters, Tiensall. I wish to thank my friends rolsToN — Mr. and Mrs. Clar- and relatives for cards, letters, ness And secret tears still flow; once 'Ruston (nee Parker), treats, visits and prayers while What it meant to lose you, Bill, Stratford, announce the birth I was a patient in St. Joseph's No .one will ever know, of a daughter et Stratford Hospital, London, and since re- —I, o v i n g 1 y remembered by General Hospital, December tunring home, Special thanks to Mother, Dad, sisters, brother 29—a . sister for Tommy and Dr. Scrimgeour and the neigh- and families, 5 4i granddaughter for Mrs, Eva hors who helped at my home in Parker, Hensall, any way. — Mrs. D e n n i s PARKER—In loving memory an O'Rourke. p a dear husband and father, William Parker, who passed DEATHS — Dear friends, for all the kind- away January 7, 1961. HATTER — Died at h er late flosses you have showered on We little thought when we woke residence, Exeter North, Miss me in so many ways during that morning Fanny Hatter, in her 85th my stay in Victoria Hospital, The sorrow that day would year; sister of Mrs. Mary please a c c e p t my grateful bring, Tread, London; Airs, Helen thanks and a wish for a New The call was sudden, the shock OConnell, New York; F re d , Year full of prosperity and severe, Aisle. Craig, and William, Ex- health,—James A, Paterson. 5e To part with one we loved so dear. eter, Service was held Mon- Mr. Wesley Dearing wishes day, January 1, with inter- to thank all those who remem- Loving and kind in all his ways, meat in Exeter cemetery. bored him with visits, cards, Upright and just till the end of Sc flowers and treats at Christmas his days. and during the past year, Sincere and kind in his heart CARDS OF THANKS — Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs, and mind, Eldon Heywood and staff of What a beautiful memory he left behind. Mrs. Rita Schenk from :Rita's the Heywood Nursing Home. Beauty Parlor, Credilon, and Your thoughtfulness has been —Always remembered by his baby Tammy Louise would like greatly appreciated. a wife Eva and family. 5c to say "thank you" to friends, The family of the late Abra- relations and clientele who sent „.-„..tWx.d&i::ingl42:1•:;:,iii.:L...! ham Desjardine wish to ex- cards and made inquiries. press their sincere thanks and This week in Special thanks to Dr. Gans and appreciation for the many acts staff of South Huron Hospital, of kindness, floral and spiritual 5 c tributes and messages of syn. Dashwood I wish to thank all my friends pathy from our friends, neigh- amid a relatives for the lovely hours and relatives during our By MRS. ERVIN RADER ifts, cards and treats received bereavement. Special thanks to over Christmas. They were the ladies of the CWL, Mt. asaValawas. laaaaaaa,aaaaasa greatly appreciated. — Isobel Carmel, the pallbearers, Rev. Snell. Sc Basil Glavin, Rev. .T, Kelly, — Continued from page 9 I wish to thank all those who Di., W. Scrimgeour and the Ervin Schade, Carol, Bill and so kindly remembered me with Hoffman Funeral Home, Dash- Jack. viists, cards, flowers and treats while a patient in St. .Joseph's wood. 5* Mrs. Elliott Bartliff, Susan, and Charles of Clinton and Hospital and since returning The family of the late Miss home, It was all very much Fanny Hatter wish to express friend of Ottawa with relatives, appreciated.—Mrs, L. Morlock, their sincere thanks to the Air, and Mrs. John Brintnell and family of Prescott, Mr. and 5 c many friends and neighbors Mrs. Howard Ford and family Mr, and Airs. Bill. Rowe wish for their kindnesses; also to of. Brampton through Christ- to thank all thosewhovisited , Rev. Robert Bissell, A.vontona mac and Mr. and Mrs. Jack sent cards, flowers and treats to the pallbearers; to those Gusso and family for New to Audrey while in Smith Huron who loaned cars and for the Years with Mr. and Mrs. Hil- Hospital, Special thanks to Dr. beauiful floral tributes. Sc ton Ford. J. C. Goddard and the nursing staff of the hospitAL 54, I wish to take this opportun- ity to sincerely thank all my former pupils at SS .#2 Hay who sent me the beatiful set of three-piece McBrine luggage this Christmas. As I cannot thank them all personally, it is my hope that all will see this "thank you" and know how truly grateful I am. — Anna Ellis. 5* ANNOUNCEMENTS atiy MRS. GLADWYN HOOPER Blanshard More and more people ENJOY THE MOVIES News of Elimville By MRS. RQS$ SKINNER Music by GRANT ED1GHOFFER'S MELODY MASTERS ""What's-his-name here claims don't take enough interest in him," Admission 7 r,5.. Sponsored by the Holy Name Society DANCE Mt. Carmel Fri., Jan. 5 LUNCH SERVED %...,TIXtit:.•,..,.‘,..wi.:;in!-..ae,•:;"tklitalcatattafalaNie101141.7"" M rs. F. Ra d er THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY — JAN. 4, Sr 6 GOLIATH AND THE BARBARIANS starring STEVE REEVES • co'starring VELD AWNS° and BRUCE CABOT • AN AMERICAN- INTERNATIONAL PICTURE IN COLORSCOPE will kill NAV Barbarians and they will call me Goliath" MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY—JAN, 5, 9, i\ Strang irs 'When We Meet te.itArhre WALTER MATTHAU VIRGINIA srlucE.KENrt SMITH HELEN GALLAGHER 54.04 t '. P.61.41), C,OPetete: EASTV4.04 SOLOS RESTRICTED 18 years and over The Heavens and Hells of Marital InfidelitY Guelph, spent the Weekend with Nursery and •Junior Cotigreg- ZION LUTHERAN Mr, and Mra Milne Millen, atiOn CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire, Mrs. A/010Mo, Dthcl Wire and Mrs, LINT Ai' g a- I) A S 1-1 IN 0 6 D tel Lindsay, Giaantoe were. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN rittstor Rev, William Gatz 'Tuesday ,evening guests with Mr. and Mrs, NOttrian TIOdgins, CHURCH 6:45 a,in.—Sunday Schoel Mr. and Mrs. Art; Abbott and Orgeeista Mrs W4 , tochrane 10:0o T).—niblo Class family were it' Glentrie on G 11:00 a.m.—Divine Service Tuesday visiting with Air, and 10:00 ant,—Sunday School - - - Mrs McIntyre, 11.:00 a.m.,--Worship Service. THAMES ROAD ,panics-, St, Marys, holidayed at the beginning of The Rev, John C, 13Oycit, MENNONITE CHURCH the week with Catherine Xigliro .8,A, 8.1),„ 6r Victoria, rl.c. 5. M, Saucier, Pastel' and the eernairider of the Week Catherine Spent at St, Marys MAIN STREET IM80 cin„--Worship Service with Janke. this a.to.,,....8toiday gdhodt am Mir, Howard Moho of 11.gtoll thifed thuith Of Canada Adult Bible Clasa Park, Michigan , spent a (eV Mitilstera Rev, R. S. Hilts No Evening Service This Week '40's during 164 week with tietfarilth Mrs„ A. Wilte Ale d Air, arid, s, WM. MOrley jr. and Sr. 10:69 a.tti,Sunday School :BAYitiELD BAPTIST 'Carol and Ability Foster 11:15 A.M.,41erning Worship CHURCH Spent a OW days clUring the Week with their grandmothera Inaugural Setteire et Drilled EUCIA E —The Xinpen East WI Churth Women POSlOrt Ivor Bodenhern :airs, Corbett, St, Marys. Otrien last week. Nlooaoo: v,A Vision a the 1:6:66 0,1n,,,Aible School iloWard Jelthann, la 0 ft al 6 fi, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dinkins, endive at SS Ala Tackersmillt, Putare," it:ne 64,-410hilly Worgbio !holidayed last week With Carol Luean, Mr. lion Squire and :Mr. Friday„lanitary, 12, 1962, St tint Mary Johnson, and Mrs, F, Squire acith Air. 8:30 p.m, Lucky lunch nrite, Nursery provided, 1::10 0,1u,—,Eveiling Services Debbie. Vern of Sunshine 14.8. arid MPS. Grafton Squire, nit 'Everyone welcome. Admission oiComo; and worship with us," Wed,, # psil.—PrayOr Sotvioo Red with Mr. and Mrs, Win, Wednesday, SQ`: 5:11e HOME A SCHOOL Association January memi ng will he held in the school Tuesday, .lanuarY 9, at 8:15 0,m, There will be a film Iron) the National Filen Library and a discussion. Evrryono wriroinc., Sc AUXILIARY—The regular meeting Of the Women's Auxil. tars to south will be held Tuesday, January It, at 2:30 p.tit., in tho, iary rooms, Arnie St. entrance. A cordial invitation is eXterided to anyone intereated, aC Saturday Night Dances Exeter Legion Memorial Hall D.„ii,g to 12 7S0 Pee Person New Year's guests were; Mr. and Airs. iferb Langford :Personal items. Tha.mes Road with Miss Vera of Grantor, Air. and Mrs, Ken- Mr. and Airs, Kenneth ucigg ,da and Air. Laverne Kellett, nett Langford and family with of Thornd.de 'visited .on 'Goes- Mr. Wm. Webber of Thames Mr and Mrs„ Ross Langford, day with Mr, and Airs. Win. Road with Mr- and Mrs—Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Carman ;Pinny .49.40Y. IP% Fmk 'ReutlY, Welsher. air, and Mrs. fioward 'Pyrrt., an d. family of. St. Marys, Mrs, lairklam, visited on Wednesday. Joan, Rrian And Maine with Garlic Thomson of St. Marys Mr, and 'Airs, Laurie Stephen Mr. and Mrs, Pert Lobb of with Air, and Airs. Lloyd and family of London visited Thomson. on Sunday with Mr- And Mrs. Clinton, Mr. And Mrs. Squire iferd. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Jones of Chas, •StOPhen, man and Anne, Messrs. Amos London, Mr , Herb HOPkin, Mr- and Mrs. Iirown, form an Ada HOW, Mrs. Arthur erly of Toronto, have Pia- Mr, and. Mrs, John lierfirnan and Herniae lindman. with flOphin, of Woodham, with Mr. chased the Elimville Store of E xeter. and Mrs, William G. Jones . from, Mr, .and Mrs, Alvin Fut; Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Johns Mr, Gib Ferris, of 'Rannoch, ton. Mr. and Airs,, .Fuiton and- and family, Mr. and Airs.. Al- Squire fierdmaa's house south Larry are now living at Mr. len Johns, Shirley and Mari- with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mos- of .Elimville for some time. lyn, Mr, Wm. Johns Sr. and sey. Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Baker Mrs. Galbraith with Air. And. and family, of Zion, with mr. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ronnie of Mrs. Jas, Grinney at Russel. and Mrs. Jack Thomson. fiensall visited on Saturday dale Hall. Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Tbae. evening with Mr. and • Airs. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin WA- WA:al. Routly, Mr, Gerald Ran- ner and family with Mr. and ker and family with. Mr. and Ile of Toronto spent the week- Mrs. Arthur. Ford of. Stephn, Mrs, Fred Pattison, St, Marys. . mr , and. Mrs. Kenne th p ark- end with thorn. Airs. Rannic Mr. and Airs. John Ridley and baby Joanne returned with Air. and Airs. John Willis inson and family with Mr. and home with hies on Sunday. Mr. Robert Faye of London of MEI...K.-et:lir Mrs. Jack Picket, St. Marys. Exeter. Mrs. Wm. Routly with Mr. and Mrs. Claire .Sisson ilawken, of Arkona. spent the holidays with his with Mr. and Airs. Alex Cm- Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Mr. and Mrs, Gladwyn Hoop- Ogrravnildlep"Ceanmtsp,berl,r. and Mrs. goMorf. ICIanrclktclAnirs, Chas Stephen with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Wet- Airs, and Mrs. Earl Coultis er and family with Mr. and and. Neil of Cannington. visited son of Kirkton, Mrs, Kenneth Faeey, Wellborn, G. last "1"1c with Air,and Airs, and i.rKaattn.idy aajffil'ilti'l. ACiro.YdandCoAorg Mr, and Mrs. William Harold. Kerslake and Airs. N. Jones and family, Airs, Lottie cou i ti a, Mr. and Mrs. Rohl:. Kerslake Wilson Morley of Exeter. Jones with Mr. and Mrs, Glad- Air, and Mrs. Ivan Webber w yl \ni r H. oao and r morarsN. e aAv l e Alex Year'spo besvoen, Master Barry Campbell of Ex- aIdad Cfaadsleilya,ndMr.faandicily,MArisr... Don- Air, of Dashwood, Miss Debbie and and Wayne of Weston, Mrs- eter visited on Wednesday with Mu, Archie Webber and lam- Fred Pattison, of St. Marys, ter, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Selvoe- Air. Marvin Hartwick, Eben- aAnird. 1,aanmdilyAirs. Lloyd Webber DY, Mr. Ronald Cornish of Exe- ezer, Air, and Mrs. Morley Mr, and Airs. F,Iwyn Kerslake der . and family of Dashwood, Mr. and. Mrs. Lyle Docking with Mr ' and family of Staffa visited on Waugh, of London, and family of Winchelsea with New Year's eve. and Airs. Leonard Thacker 'Howard 'Pyrn, lake, and Mrs. Harold Kers- Oil Tuesday with Mr. and Airs,. Rev, and. Mrs. Stewart Miner Air, and Mrs. Horace, Del- and family of Sarnia, Mr. Mel bridge, Bruce and Fred of Win- Glidden of Goderich with Mr. Chelsea, Mr, and Mrs. Russell Saturday. and. Mrs, Kenneth Langford on King, Wayne, Ruthanne and Eugene of Crediton visited on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones Bruce Cooper, 'Monday with Mr. and Mrs. of Glendale, Mr. Gib Ferris of Mr, and Mrs. John Minera, Rannoch with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Massey for Christmas. Joanne, Doug and Connie Iris- and family of Bryanston were airs, Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Hartwick Eric Carscadden of Exc- ited on Monday with Mr. and Tuesday evening guests of Air, let'. and Mrs, Jan Vos and and Mrs. William Jones. visited over the week- Sirathroy, Mr, and Airs. Archie Mr, and Mrs. Fred Fetch of efannid ilayvith relatives in Toronto. Cameron and Howard, of New Year's Day visitors Wat- ford, Mr. and Airs. Lawrence Grasby of Stratford with Mr. Air, and Mrs. Norman Ja- and Mrs. Claire Sisson Boxing dues,zioi) .31.1aisrsry Gwen aiid Lawson ,Sliirey of f Day. Mr. and Airs, Cecil ]Massey Woodham, Air, and Mrs, Win, with Mr, and Airs. Douglas Morley Jr., Janice and Rob- Schiestal of Teeswater for Box- Sant of Skinner, Whalen, Karen, Air. andoary a,Airs.nd inc Day, Air, and Mrs. Kenneth Park- 'Dianne of Centralia, Mr. and inson and family with Mrs, Mrs. Ross Skinner and fain- G eorge Dann of London for per, ily, Mr, and d d Airs, Harold Alvin Coo- Christmas. Ban Mr. and Mrs. George Carter and Carol, Mr. and Airs, Floyd celebrated their fiftieth wed- Cooper and Kathy with Air. cling anniversary on Wednesday, ‘a,tilicile Mbrasli,Don Parsons in Elim- December 27. Air, and Mrs, Mervin Dunn of Mr. Tennyson Johns and Airs. Isabelle Sugden of Zion, Helpful tips Hensel], Mr. and airs. Bill Johns. Harold Terry and Trim. 'I . f dy, Mr. Hans Gertscnkorn of Thames Road. Air, and Airs. onno-iron John Batten, Sharon, Helen and Ralph with Mr, and Airs. Le- wis Johns, Emerson and Di- anne, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Kellett Carolynn and Lawrence of .• Taaalaaar771.