Huron Signal, 1853-03-10, Page 7heti sag hied it. Ba pre/Md to -sacked. ei puma from ye*, who had sot M- illed chair aagagemeats to the Crown for leads. Hie did net Mob to oaths a from totting them whaling tot paid tip all thew Farthest ..a•y, bet wily those who were belied with their engagements. This bill is a great improvement apoe this old plata, gad will as dembt'be accepted by the coatry es a great boos, bat I am forted to makes I sbeaY have preferred to hev. MM the miai.try come down with a bill ietredeeing Uii vergal suffrage as the law of the Mad. Mr. Hartman spoke u favor of Uoisersal Suffrage, etatsn that it was a reform which the people of this country demaoded, and ole which the inter- ests of reform loudly called for. Although 1 observe that his speech is net reported by soy of the gentlemen charged with that important duty, (a complaint which we often have occasion to make, as the reporters care sot to chronicle the arguments of their political opponents.) I must confess that I thought much more of it, than of that of Mr. Hiaeks, whet he attempted to explain away tbe inoumenbk difficulties whack are suggested to the working of this or any similar. bill. The right to choose the representatives of the people, is a right which I emu -tire to belong, to every man, I would freely subscribe to the sentiment "taxation without representation is tyrao- .y;" and although in certain countries the interests of society demand some restric- tion, Caada is not that country. Univer- sal Suffrage and rote by ballot, are two necessary reforms, which I sincerely hope will woe be granted to the people. Mr. Brown when on his way down to Quebec, was met at Three Rivers, and charged with the presentation of a petition of 40 of the inhabitants against the kveying of a tax from the people of that place for the erection of a Cathedral. Mr. Po - tette the member for that place refused to take charge of it, affirming that at knot tire. -fourths of the names are counterfeits. Mr. Turcotte the tnem•uer for St. Maurice, supports Mr. Poktte, in his assertion. Some little opposition was evinced to the title thought mete Fief miens were Waste - is the smith. Cede was mist ...- INse 1•w .'reuse had limo made et Qense. TI. London •.4d'eetiaer ewes as sala.- sve eos•p'rasy hem bras dia.overed is Hee- wary Sad the tenni', wee eery ua.Naled. Aeure bid ordered 6,0o0 Striae to loam Lombardy m 94 bears. Heetilitl.. kayo hers rimmed 1.1.1.. Ter key end Mo.tesegro, bet not at.prt. ed k.twoe& Twk.y ed Austro. The Austria's srsioa W Cosstaatkmple nee been uesuceIs.fel. EW APPOINTMENTS Bac .rraav'. Orrice. Quaaac,tl fhb Feb. 1853. His Exuileucy the Governor G I has bees pleased to make the following appoint meets, via; Willing Murphy, of Brantford. Esquire. to be a Revenue lospeator for the county of Brent. Jobs Scott, of Berlin, Esq.. to be • Reve- n ue',pecter for the County of Water- loo. The Revd. Joshua H. 'Anton and Wm. Kiogiton E.g., to be asoetats Members of the Board of Trustees for eis enntend- mg the Grammer Schools m the United Counties of Northumberland sod Dur- ham. Herbert Mortimer, of the Ci y of Toron- to, Gentleman, to be • Notary Public, in that part of the Province called Upper Ca- nada. Erratum io the Gazette of ith Febru- • ry- Johs Fitzgerald, Eequire,•to be • Revesue Inspector for the County of ''Firth,' la - stead of "Brant-" PATENTS OF INVENTION. Buae*v or Aoarcet.Toaa, Qoeaac. 180 Feb. 1835. Hie Excellency the Governor. General has been pleased to grant Letters Patent of iaventro., for a period of Fourteen years, from the date thereof, to tn. followiag per - e ms, namely: George ('Stacy, of Montreal. for an "im- proved Spike Machine," -(dated t•th Jan- uary, 1853); William Alhchi., of the Village of Paris, for an "Improved Scythe Bolder" -(dated 261b January. 1833); George Ander, of the Village of Vienna. for "The Centnfueal and Centripetal Chute" -(doted 801 February, 1833); BURNING OF THE STEAMER JOHN NWASFY, AT NEW ORLEANS - THREE LIVES 1.08T. We have been enabled to obtain fail and auti.eat:c deuila of the lewdest,' coaoee• ted with the destruction of the fine Weim- er John Swassy. which was destroyed at our !eve. yesurday. The John Swasey commanded by Capt. receptioa of the petitine, but tbe Howl Owen, was from Yasin lover, on her way is lhie port, loaded with 1,699 bales of overruled, and the petition has been re- ceived and printed. Mr. Brown is about tbe worst man in the iIouse to whom such a petition cosld have been entrusted, -his well known antipathy to tbe Catholic re- eotton, sod baving on board twenty-four or twenty -sex passengers. The fire was first -discovered on her starboard side. near te the boilers. See wad then running down by the stock lading, to company wltb the steamer Rockaway. The alarm li renders his souses exceedingly uses of firm was immediately given, and Ile. g1on,gly Oldham, the pilot, with much presence of pieious. mod directed her course to Gretna. In The t'bn iverty bill came up for discus- ord.r to aeeomphah this msnQcvle the alma in Committee on Fridayeveoio last, Rockaway was beckoned to beck her eo• E irons; with wh:cfr request she complied, and elicited a moat interesting discussion and moreover launc ed ber y.-wl and took off two of the passengers of the John Sway• &e,. The bnroing boat fortunately struck the New Oaleans dock stem mod stern en, and this of rded a good opportunity for the pas.eegers to go oe shore. The pilot just before this lost control over heron account of the steering ropes burning, but had so exactly calculated her course that she made the intended point. He escaped by leaping overboard. During the first few moments after reaching the dock, the engines remained at work. The burstiog of the .'emm pope or some other portion of the m.ebieery stop pert their operation, and the currant imme- diately took her from oho r* About Hes time • colored cabin hos was leen to fall overboard and was drowned. The barber .leo made a leap for the dock •d becks his leg. After leaving the dock the boat floated down stream, her course governed entire- ly by the current. The chetah which op- held•the starboard guard parted, ■sed the cotton epee that .ids fell off. The b. at immediately keeled to the other aide, and drop,.ed the rematote( tonne. She then costumed on her way . abut else struck near Ibe foot of Bieoville street' The St. Chalks, the Anna, the Gipsy, the Storm. the Text's, the Post bo,, and the Pieta, ware alt in more or lose danger from her and from the burning cotton, which was swept tn,large bales under their wheel houses. Only the greatest ears and exer- uoo preserved them. At ooe time it was supposed the 9 vaysey would weep clear of them a,l, and sick wt:hoot further Injury. The return current of the bend, *Web is at its greatest force at this spot, caught her, however. and threatened to send her burning romaine drrectly amulet the val- uable bots we bays named. 1e this junc ture the Anna and tbe Piot. dropped Into the stream, aad from their position were enabled to deer clear of the Swasey.- Tbe Gipsy, in the hurry of getting •way ran 'moths Stnrm ■nri earned away the latter'. wheelhouse. The Poet Boy had steam .s, •.d 'seeped unecatbed, The 8l. Charles was lees fortunate. 8be had cot swan`` clear from the levee before ab. was wtreck:amidships by the the herniae bottom' set on fire neer her wbslboase.- Three of oar ety emcees Immediately cos- eneeced playing epos her, and she was flooded with water from buckets sod palls. At the Name imtmrt the Tease lying a little below, with steam en, was 5555 to be oe fire. The Games on both beets were speedily extinguished, however, the Texas only suffering the loin or her pilot hea..- The St. Charles was badly tejoted by bre sad water; was, indeed, completely cher. red through es the made exposed to the hsnag boat. The Rockaway caught 6n twice, bet euffered little or no damage. Tits damage to Ohm St. Charles we have beard estima- ted all the way from $1,000 to S8,0e0.- The Joke Sway.y was 'moored to the extent of of 11,000. avid perhaps mon.- Ws Wren bees usable to leers the perta- ..Iers of floe iesensoes, Only two of her ps..5ngen saved their igpge. Ooe of them !set a trust eetuni.g $1,185. Ti. engineer engeer of he beat ie sussing,d supposed to be drowned. ,HURON SIGNAL. Bsttaeotwatlattte Mortis 13011161,11. - mors. -0• Saturday nlbrnaMt wsa ttr- cejved at Lloyd's, Goss Liverpool, au ea- treordiaery soarise eweebtioe esperwueed by the Marisa on ber passage. from Liver-. pod to Caldera. Oa the trorel g of the I31b of October, the abip beteg 12 miles from the equator; is km. 27 W.,esumbkeg tow appeared t0 Were from the mom, which gradually Mersa -sod is mead till the apioar became deafesiag. 'Ph. ata rose is moss- tainous waves; the wind blowiag from all quarters the soatrol over the ship was lost, and ohs pitched sad rose frightfully, alt on board depipocting each moment to be -their last. This coatioued 15 Moues; the water tees gradually subsided, when sever- al vessels in sight at the commeseemeot of the coevulsios were foetid to have disap- peared. Shortly afterwards a quantity of wreck, a part of a acreeditearser, was pas - passed, so that some vessels and lives were lost. Rwrvaw or MAoaw.GoLosatr1DT.-The N. Y.'•Commercial Advertises' of S•tur . day, has the following: -"1 e learn from a credible source, that Madame GolJsehmidt has signified her determination to pay ano- ther profewioeal emit to this country.- 8be will slag at various places in Germany during the present year, and the lullowteg season will appear in opera at L.on'lon.- After which she wal come to the United Slates. sad give operas is all the princi- ple cities, remaining here probably two or three years. Ton IlsAaT or Ao•TaALI a. -It 11 per- haps not generally knnw5 that the+ only u eaofbabileile ground in Australia is that which skirts the ties comet, and is only some two er three hundred miles deep. - Beyond this, into tbe great heart of %be island stretches a dismal desert -first of mode drifted into high ridges and after this e deep champagne presenting a surface of impenetrable rock ! There are few rivers io the coaotrv-iodeed there are none that Jseerre the Dame. for few keep running the entire year. Most of these, strange to say, run inland ! And twitted of falling into .r. absord.d in toe thirsty desert among the burning sande! The improvable lands on the coast are, hew ever, bigbty producttoe of fruits and grams of every dere:hpuon; and the pasturage ie msg.t6esnl; -iotereatiog, because the members div not bore the House with those hour speeches. Iilr. Brows was the only Upper Ca.adiae who opposed the principle of the bill. Ilia principle argemeots appeared to be that it was similar to the bill introduced under the Draper Adteuristratmoo, that it was design- ed to break up the University, and distri- bute the foods amongst the various section atioely that it emu a moouseat to the • widstal the Hoe. Robert Baldwin, sad it was a perfect "derision." to place saeri- Iigious hands upon it, that he warned the Hon. Robert Baldwin was in Parlia- ntertt, and a bust of other het, genus omne. IIe was answered by Dr. Ralph, in a most able address which you will find fully reported in the Quebec Gazette. - The "old seas eloquent," slot the arrows of of sarcasm with unerring precision at modest George, swim obsoletely appeared te writhe under the castigation. He was followed in the tame strain by Mr. Lang - too the member for Peterborough, one of the most talented and influential men on the Boor of the House, who affirmed that the bon. member for Kent bad eridestly not read the question with that care which he dually_bestowed upon every question before the House. The Bin passed by a sweeping majority, only two voting against it, Mr. Brown sed Mr. Caucboo. The Represeatatiou Bill comes up this evening. 1.1 is hardly probable_tbat it will pass, but the Representation will be equalised. s. 41)is Morning's mail. Queue. March 7th. Lade emeiag the Mosireal Bridge &!I peeaad through Committee. Welton moved en address to Hie Es.. milledIty, to recommend to this Heves that a cwt ef moat' be greeted to isprovi the Lee/ Seals and Camilo* Rapids. an the Rivet O(Nwa, for the purpose of facilitat. leg the &recent of umber, defile, and saw lege, but withdrew it en a constitutional d' tree being ratted by Mr. Merin. Mr. asdgtey moved the first reading of the Bill to I.eorpnne the Msetrsal, By- tewo ea Ottawa Orand Railroed'Compant. and ler t euepwrion to relative thereto M rale. 64 and 68. ARRIVAL OP THR BALTIC. The ets.mehip Bailie arrived last eves- ; ng, with Liverpool Awaits February 93rd. 7'ke 4",we arrived at Liverpool 05 the Mydr Asp1 was weds at Vises*. OR the WM* its.. aeseew45s the Emmis, b .tis►_ king his with m getg..rd, ?be,aseeNs Igo be wrta.e�i► wee am HS�.ries, tell eras The ter wee t attend, tapered . Liverpool Urate Market bat. Most id. a flat Amer. noir 6d low.' • Ctrs, to or eiee 6i. 414re-o. l64'sp.i,11•11 aild es- Derebefel rimers prevailed .f eentempla lad nMlsse betw.o. Paagl.ed sed Pease.. •a v555s.iirpaioe 15 the Northers rerp, te --. +.v bad .. 6eeated Ste property IN seg.ehed 411555.. 11•4•wMr of Lombardy was steed Wook.dwee tbo N.e.tM wM the • frostier, ber stet - 141ss.d. ikaR tied Neo e.usp.d. 710 ajjmrb*ere 141144•11. mosey tldm- _____'TSW* ee141144ed„ and tempo at 61466 1M1it'kW beesosalukribvorltidd s. wl • y ea. Our tilers mud bo on the look -out for the sew heinous iatrodneed at Paris under U. twigs attire F.mpernr Napoleon. Or- sasestal ea•atosres have been made with •tripes is dame colors, reeni.g rowed the leg hebw Ile knee and plan shove. Oaly thi.k ofa fashioaabk yousg w is a pair of eorbverewe- The • diem later Examiner .taMi'that Mr. U.M..1 M. P. Me m the prom a peen- WM, Mulled w S.s.*t..n Hendred asd j isety-thee Miff Sig$Mea Heedred and I'rf':Ip::he5ai r 5 whist, we ad.rstaad, he treoee the origin of the lest Frisch war. tied sem. eammorisisos Warei h In! Stewart, Fwq, rht« ~ why t et ilia preens tows 4'1Btt * 60110.Itlq rep `�f asp ..a r- OODERICU, PORT HURON, SARIVIA AND DETROIT. taw The New Liss permer. Steamer X7'9 SAMUEL WARD. hod, Co's'ign, WILL consonance rearm( oo the apse. lag of •avigata.a and during the .asee., as follow.:-Leen•• Detrol for Coderich every Wednesday gaming, 511 9 u .Icer. Leave. Goiieri.h every Thursday sees• lag at 1 o'clock. Itrrsieg time 19 hours. For Freight or Passage •ppl► ea board or to Mr. E. H. MARLTON. GoJench, March 9U, 1b53. Scm*L&T FRvsa Raranr.-We publish- ed a year or two ago, say. the Baltimore Sew, a simple remedy for scarlet fever beteg tic other thee the rubbles of the Wirth thoroughly with fat bee •n. We have sine. at different times. received ae.urancee from different parte', wham the notice led to mske a trial of :t, of Cie en- tire' success of the experiment. Others are jest now sending us testimodtals o: the &stowable( and speedy cures recently wrought by it. We mention the matter that others may "go and do Iikeatse."- 'Sonae Deafa.-We learn that a very midden and unexpected death took place on the Township of Melaucthon, on Mnndav week. The Tewnshlp Conseil met on that day at tht Inn of Mr. John Bell, Cuoh- edlor, and alter the close of business* • n umber set down to dinner• Just •1 the close of the meal Mr. Jameq Wetton drop- ped hu knife and fork, and expired in km char. Mr. Wateon wag a healthy, bot aged men. and had cot previously • exhibi- tedtee least sign of sickneae. Mr. W. was tows clerk of Metaeeton, and father. in-law of Mr. Beecbsll,provisional Warden of the Coeaty of Grey. EacorntAoarc.r TO PIIITRIS Tbe New Hampshire Patriot. the,lead- ing Democratic paper at Coceord, tart the printing office of that paper has been the graduating school ofa guvennr, a Sen- ate! to Coegeese, several representatives to congress many Editors, some Ministers, and many other young men who have filled at various times numeroua re.poovi ble stations in the community. The fame may be said of many other printing offices in the county. The printing ofEee m a good school when properly improved; a bad one 'when perverted. These man who became distrnruabed by 'redo s- ting in thot printing o8ire, my el_ celled throngh does asp teation to buelnese and faithfulness in tbo dis- charge of all their duties. They gained n ot their pontioos by tending to 'asterism. Remember that boys ! A F1rILT Sena. -A gentleman deeply e ngaged in study, and a lady, pretend..g to anot, is perplexing him with her quee- uoosJ-Lady, (1n the drawling affectionate style) ; Me deah ! correctly speaking, what is a delimit t -Gentleman (short, sharp and rather erose) : Deott.t is deriv- ed from dent, French for teeth : dentist is a man wbo pulls teeth oat. Lady (after knitting once ironed ie order to give the gentleman tome to become immersed in his book again) : Ma deah ! you said this morning that Prof. Most, eras • greet lin- gual• le not linguist derived from the latin lingua, a tongue 1-Oeetlemaa (tartly) Yes. Lady : Well thea, is • liegnist a men wee pro la tongues out 1 -Gentleman (very decidedly) : No. madam; but i wish to heaven h• did ! Exit the lady In a huff MARKETS. GODeetCR, March 10, 1833, Flour from 15s to 16s 3d per bbl. Pall Wheat, to 3s to 3s 4d, per b Spring, 2s 10d to 3s per busbel. Oats, is id to is 3d., per 34 Lha. Pork, $-I} to $5, per hundred. Butter, 10d to 00d, per Ib. Toao.T0, March 8, 183 hour -Muller Extra superfine, per 20 a Il 3 -.-Farmer., • 196 Hie 189 Wheat -Fall per bushel, 60 Ibe 4 Spring, do. do 3 6 a 3 9 Oatmeal, per brl, 196 I1. 21 3 a 2 Oats, per beefed, 34 I1. 1 8 a 1 • Peas, per beetle', 60 Ibe 9 6 a 3 6. Potatoes, pm bushel, 1 8 a 2• Gram need, par bushel, 48 11. 7 6 Clover Seed, per barbel, 27 6 a 83 Hay, per toe, 88 a 7e. Pork, per 106 Ibe 25 a 2'16. Beef. per 100 Ibe *0 •' Bros, per ewt 41 6 a Hams, per tett 40 a 47 lord, pee Ib 0 6a66. A SS/O.V AGENCY. r1•IIE He neer tribes the 'meet forarsg the public that he b. s■ Once in Guderu:h ter the sole Lade. Cleared Farms, Ho...,, for the perp.e of gone, g•.eral 11en 1a Is(.'I.g eettlera• Deeds, Power of Attoreley, mid attaining"' of Wow. prepared tie tonne. rer.e'ss hung Wetness he Ir pay tart of Coamda, the Gomm Great Stunk will Imeer eery fulled Owes ier !bet purpose. Loiters meet be peat fed. G. M. TRU P. s-.Perlienle, etteetem p weeks/ Produce k Merv► Otey Market tlgttalsh (►1.t LAN AND GENERAL 1 50 CORDS good WOOD mooted for 111 Rub•. Apply to E. H. MARLTON, Gwderieh, Mareb 90i, 1853. •toll FARM PM BALs. The ..►.tabtic eerrs for sate w bemired egret .1 steeliest lead. 44 Wee elects ed seri well booed, with a 'pod leg bras an orchard beerier 1r.1t. Tum above laid ie stetted en 3,1Coecewtoe, let 144T..11 - ship of Wawaaoeh, sad owe hell mule from* 851..4 b -Gs.. -all the mese, will be ra- gweed dome. For particulars apply to the 315Pretr M lie prsYta.., Wawanoeb, 411 Aug , 1561. ate S'1'KA1120.-Came etc the eneloeers of the Subscriber, Lot No. 19, god con emcee, Tewalup of Stanley, about the middle of July last, • Rod two years old eomlag three, Heifer. The owner is re• gleamed to prove property prey expenses and ark• her away, ALEX. IIcCOWAN• Bualey, Feb. Nib, 1863. s6u8-4t ' EXAMINATION OF COMMdN SCHOOL TEACHERS. THE seat quarterly meeting of the Board of Public 'estrum' on for the United Courtlier, of Hnro. and Bruce, will be held at Gentles' Hotel, God.ich, on Wednesday the 16t11 day of Starch neat, at the boor of eleven o'clock, forenoon Cand'dates presenting themselves for ex- aminat,on an requ,red to produce certifi- cates of good moral chewier. D. 11. RITCHIE, Sec. B'a. P. 1. Goderieb, god March. 1835• .4n3-16 NOTICE. 1 ALEXANDER McINTIRE, do agree) to make over my right, 1i'le. and '!aim l of Notes seed Bonk accounts, to JAMES DONALDSON, be! m,iag to the firm of Alexander McIntire and June. Don stann• A. 31riNTIRE• Witnem-Davin C AaTILIO'i, Goderieb, Marsh 3rd, 1853. *6r6 t DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER- SHIP. THE pabhe are hereby .ottSel that the • Coportsership heretofore exiting be twee. JOHN k ROBERT DtNOGH,.as Innkeepers, is nee day d;eslred by mutual consent. All parts. indebted to the said firm are requested to settle their respective .ccounts with Jobn Dough, who will also pay all lia'tlites. JOHN DONOGH, ROBERT DONOGH. God.rieh, March, 9th, 1813. a6a6-6m 1 WAN i ED, 4 THOROUGH Bred Dern BULL, of from two to three years old, ani perms having ouch to dispose c may hud • podiums be addrnateg • site (poet Pad) to Mr. John Blake. Seeress, to the County of Huron Aericultusal gclety. Joh N BLAK, Sac',. Goderieb, March 9t1. 1853. v1106 (E The Hawilon Spectalor• give the abuse adverttsedent two tn.ho0•, and pend account 10 this Office. 10110,1AIL: (ROWS LkNDS DEIJ�TJIENT, Quaarc, i?I''sb-, 1a33. NOTICE is hereby gi•.1hat a WII site 1 (coatating of about ^ mese. of land) within tem Town Plot ,. utbampton, rn the Townebip of Sourer fn the County of B•uee, U. C., +ill heodd (or.*le, by the Resident Agent, ALrfhc\Ass Fequore, at Southampton, on to 50th of next s Up.et price £15031 fifth to be paid at rho time of Sale, ase remainder ,n four equal annual lair t. will ioterest.- The purchaser to g1 a�Saw-Mill wm;i:o nae year and • G ^Mill wilbin two years from the date and to give suffi-i. enc security forailment of these con dittoes. 'ply the Mills to he els. The wateritrttained be a 1 am, as shown by a Pla- to be exhibitel the Office of Ono Agents •6n6w8 Nd�q/�t GROCERY i rt�1s �• 71e � Sizpenee Lrfore tb slur' ✓ FIE Itribere beg lean to intimate to I th halms of Coderich and sur- round tory that they have opened 10 t'a floe, in Weal Street, ttird or r SicDose aIl' . Brock bedtime. do w,;�" will eon.tantly keep on hand ti alestios of Teas, Sugars, Wines. t oqa mnil Oroee►tee of every deeerip- 1 they We determined to rifler •1., west remunerating pricer, and by striet attention to business to *'e of pohlie patronage• EVERY k GOLD rHORP. h, Feb. 230, 1853. •61.5-1m non the the me F NOTICE. ral meeting of the Coderich Fire pane, will be held at Mr, Robert Iborne loo, at 7 o'clock, on Sarum ng 19th March next, to take into anon the propriety of memorialty,- Town Connell to liquidate a:1 close said Fire Cospiny, by these hand - r the Engine and all other property led with the Fire Company to the tion. perste having claims against the ch Fire Company will please band oto t1. Secretary, 00 or before the f the above meeting. By order. IORACE HORTON, Sec., G. F. C. rich, rob. 281h, 1853. LETT ST EA H SAW -.,II LL. E partnership hereto/oro swotting bEo twoen the undersigned, under SIM • tile. is this day diesolved be mutat eat. The bovines' will hereafter be netted by Robert Anderson in hie own sod on his own at -taunt. ROBERT ANDERSON. DANIEL McGREGOR, HENRY STEWART, JOHN THOMPSON. Mullett, Fel" 170i, 1883. The Bubeeriber hoe this day a.nmed or noire in the above busioeeet Mr• John hompms end Mr. Hoary Stewart. ROBERT ANDERSON. Adores. McKrlep, P. O. Hullett, Feb. fhb, 1803. itis -7t FAhM TO RENT. N the Msitlesd Cop -emote, Colborne. Lot 94, there is thinly acres cleared It as premises, there h•s been e.1, Mt rep taken .f shout Mime !tree, wulb good derailing Ileum. well watered by • omit. F.t perimeter* apply ti THOMAS Jl1fi.N8?O!1. Ida54 Id, 1668. I Mpblf IMPO iTANT. xOTICR. Tit. ;Rubrr(ber woold mete 1s the Inbsbm'at. sur Goderieb ad rieerowidiegp re.etry, thatlie has pereha the Nted 1et Tvude of Mr. 3..,. Case. . AnMMred y (month them that My Aver him with tumor patroller". meth aft 11.4. el BOOTS a' SHOES, on the shortest ammo; est be is deters e.d, by semi ettedIlltb be b..b.te, and beeping a g rrweb }) ea hoed, t• give the ps►'e gsmrai ' ties. Oat deer Wait of M. B. Ryes* Sri Co.'s Store. R(SBERT MrINTYRE. Sakti eh, Marcia sod, 1853. • ,...,.a.►.-`-w.--+:-.++`r a. •;#. O At - lobs NOTICE• CAME into the enclosure of the Sebeeri• bur, Lot No. 41, 11th Cone,uioa Township of GoJ•rlch, about Sha 1.1 o1 Novembe. Inst, a two year. old HEIFER, red and white, with .ho't burse. The owner o, requested to prove property M7 expeoaea and take ber,away• WILLIAM WISE. Gederich Township,3 Feb. 19th, 1333. ) T6.3.8t NOTICE. THE purchasers of land to the Township of 1Vawanoeh from the late WS( GARRETT, Etq„ of Kingston, are berc- br no 'Red. that William B. Garrett and Robert N. Garrett, to whom the said lads have boon u.igned, in the Partition of the Estate of the hard WIIham G •mung his Hells, will attend at Godrnchl on and after the first March nett. fur the purpose i of receiving ioatalmento due on said lands, tpd transacting other business in relation thereto. HORATIO N. GARRETT, Adiwinetrator to the l:9taie of the late WILLIAM GARRETT. Kingetoo,51b Feb., 1853. v6,3 Ise ONSUJ1PT10N.-Every bogy know is a battering disease. It C. romence, end promisee so ineidiewly, that tatore i one in aware of it; the i tags are a mase of ole.,., then a sudden exposure or change from heat to cold, produces as inban.rea• tion, and in a few dor • or seeks, It is said, he or she died of Con.umpuon. For all troubled with cough or lueg•compla,nt, we would refer to the adnertiPoment oe the outside of this paper of Judson's Chemical extraet cif "Cherry and Lung wort," which is raid to be a certain cure fur tbu awful disease. £25 Premium. THE Moatemeal Coined for tbe Tewnehip of Dian.,, is prepared to receive Plaits, aceompastee by Specifications and Estimate f -.r the tomato -in of a ilarbour at or near the Mouth of the Rorer 134vfield, and will Pei for the aporovad p'an, Ike., £25, H. C. no other will be paid for, plans. kc., to. be lo -'get with the Clerk at Bayfield, on or before the 23d day of Appil, neat en-ning. W. W. CONNOR, • Towooblp Clerk. February 7th, 1933. e6n3.4 TO TAE SETTLERS C'F TIIE HURON ''ILACT. . THE Caned. Company. let it be remrmhered. bare provided the best pomblr 1rhry to the said Settlers for the transaction of [Notate* with the, office ie Trrunin thr,a.h the Arista pf the Bank of Upper Canada, bather Goderlrh end Stratford, without charges to the mid set- 1.Go.i,.. „erich, Frit. 6th, 1831 •602tf NOTICE. THiS is to forbid any penhi or peroona purchasing a Note drawn by the Sub- HIS in faeoor of Alexander !lodging, bearing date 3rd December, 1853, and due the lot of January, me 1 have received no Taloa ler the same. DANIEL McHOUGAI.L. Township of Bruce, Feb. $th, 1833. 1 t6o3 GREAT BARGAINS. ELIGIBLE FREEHOLD ESTATES ! ! THE Subeertber webos to dispose of the follnwtng eplesdid E.tate" to Fee Sim- ple, on the most adventag•nus .terms ever before offered to the pub'e, vis.: Lot No. 3, Newgate Street, Town of Gwlerich, within 100 ,arde of Ibe Market Square, consorting of a quarter of an sere, and has on it a well built and eubataival Frame Hna•e, with good garden. lint No. 4, Newgate S:reet, with an ex- .ellent new Brick Howie, and Frame Stas ble. loll No. 6, Newgate Street, with a capi- tal Femme Work Shop, 18 ft. by 10, wh•ch sight, at • small expellee, be converted te- te • good 'coders'►. ALSO, one Town Int on the Heroes Road. and one on the M111 RoaJ, adjoining 8a.t Street. The *bete..i.ies will be sunlit tngether or separately, at the npti in of the rowehsr- •r, for the whole et which und,.putable Titles will be gyres. MARTIN McLENAN. Godsrtch, la. 110, 1833. •bn81 TO I•C11001. TEACHERS. WANTVD for the Town of G •oer;e a Meta Teacher, also a Female Tea ober.' holding • Brat class cert fiesta.1,.. Covent, Braid of E .menton. 1f applies tr have anent ooe or me$'t.r i. the Normal School, it would be a sec auedettn.. The Mala T.aemoat he a Protestant. *reseal Salary of .le Testier, Lt �'�'e ask, £63, but hl be inc:e.se* 0!rrbm .oiled. Apply it ay letter port pal to the B.aord of 8ebool Trnslee., Oodertch. - t.odna Time.. rind Ce.asiao Hawn give m 'ten, aro reerreeted to g. three sanies. to 112. shote. Goderieb, Stk Janosrv, 1839. anot9 A TRACHEA WANTED -For a Com - L1. sae 8ebe.l. la See,no, N. 0, .a Ne wwMp arTsat. eraith, oho boa • ,'entfeot* q.1Nabte. Apply C. L. VA comomrD, ) AVID DUNCAN, ; trr.en. VICTIM RAMSAY. y yoserFrille, cis to , 1043 46.1 INDIARUBB6R 8MOi8. ,QST Removed ! Case Mee.. s d. W•serre, by (40111.0tII6 k ROUT. O•.dorteh, rob. !r, 1368. .fist 250 t8EA11LESS BASS. for soh (.um Kw.) by CORDON k McKAY. Goderieb. Fob. tet, 11183. .6u1 A' BY-LAW 7b reuse 1.9 tray of Loan the stern rf Fsve thousand fire hundred pounds, and in'ere l puy«atie within ten years, far• ler creator. of a Bridge a,•rtnt the Inver Mau/and al ate Toon ,f Goderieb. �r rasaIt ie espedlesr to raise by way of Losa,ihe sumo of Flirt !boosted Ayr hedred posted. for the peonies* of defraying the expense of building a Wire Suspension Bridge over the R,e', Mm.tlasd at Gode- rich, ad it will respire the sum ..f Seven thuwaad thrce,bundred ad fifteen Pounds, to be raised as • 'peva' rare for the payment of such Lila• and the interest ibereol for the space of ten year@ from the math day of play next ensuing, until the mirth day of May in the year of our Lord mite thousand eight huodres. lied sixty two, both year. toe' mom. Awe waaaaas the emouat of the ratea- ble property wirhin the United Countea of Heron and Bruce amount. to bus - 1,54 end &evenly 8,s thousand. four hun- dred ad moiety one pouted. ihree'.htlheg• and one peony. asseeeed value for the year one thousand sight hundred and fifty -two - including the value of meowed rateable prep.rty within the Town of Godenc)-the a.emesed reel or capital value of the rate• bb property within the said Town being Seethe year one thousand eight hundred and filtytws, Oke sum of £96,700, and the .is••d vales of the rateable property moths the remaining pontos of the Gnaw, Ces.ues of Huron ad Bruce for the Darn* year being £674,791 3 1 -and it will re- quire the several rates ye the pound wee honed 1a the Schedule appended hereto sad forming part of this By Law, neon all the rateable r roperty within the (Jolted Coun use .forasaid. !Wart's, the lncorporalec Town of Godertcb, aa • special rate for the psrmeet of said catered and for the creation f a sinking fund for the paymeo.' of the orinelpal of such Loan, aceord:ng to the re ginrements of the 177th meenu• of the Aet Itch Vte. Chap. 81. A.0 wueawa the enamel of the Copo- rauon of the Tows of Godereb has by a resolution of Sha mud Corporation been ob• tuned, to the effect that the rateable pro- perty within the said Toon, will be taxed .n an equal pr•.poruon with the rest of the rateable property within the United Coun 'hes .f"rr.aid, during the rohtinu•ocs of this By -Law, or ,ltd the whole of nu; above .teauoead sum mod interest is fully satisfied and discharged. Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council of the United Counties u( Huron and Bruce. 1st. That it shall end may be lawlul for the Warden of the raid Vetted Counties to raise by way of Las, and set • rat. of in• te-est not exceeding six per cent per ss - new from ay permit, or person., body corperata or politic, who msy be wtilang to advance the same upon the credit of the Debentures hereinafter mentioned, a sum of money not exceeding 10 the whole, the cum o1" Five Thousand 6.e bundred pounds, and :0 cause the same to be paid into the hands of tea Treasurer u( the .surd United Coma. tie.. - end. And he it further enacted, That for affording evidence of tb. said Loss, and for securiag tt • payment thereof with ler tern', it shall be lawful for the Warden to cause or d,reet an, number of Deb.ntur.e, to be made, in soma of not less than Twen• ty-fire poled.. each, and not'exceeding to the whole, the rum of F ve *boomed five hundred pound., Wan, person or persons, body corporate or politic, shall agree to a • r advance nn the credit ofba I>ahe • t t o urea - which Debenture' shall be sealed with the seal of the utd Municipal Council, s'gned by the Warden and Treasurer reepeetively, and countenigoed by the Clerk of the said Conned, and made not in such manner and form and payable at such pennd• not ex- cecdirg ten years, as the Warden. shall t ink fit. 3rd. And be it further enae'el, That the interest on .ucb Debent urea .hall be made payable half yearly at the County Treasu- rer's Office in Goderich, sod tbo mum of Five hundred and fifty poin& being the tenth part of the said Five thousand five hundred pound* shall be made payable year- ly at the office of the said Cuooty Trueu rer in Goder,eh. 11h. And be it further enacted, That the Special rates enumerated in the Schedule appended to this By•Lew shall be faired levied and collected over and above and in sedition to all .cher ritn whatsoever in tech year for the payfnent of the .aid debt to be created by the maid Loan with the Interest therena, until the game shell be fully pelt and discharged, upon all the rate- ■ ble real and personal property within the 'ard Unireb,,Countle., including the incor- porated Tnwll of Goderieb. and upon the rateable prnp.rty within every Incorporated Town or V.ilage which obeli hereafter be tneopnrated within the Untied Com -lite - during the cnnhn,nnee of the said Loan, such and the proceeds of Seeds, rate so to be ratted levied sol eolleeted,ebell be applied solely to lie payment and saus(aetton of torch Debentnree, and the interest thereof until ouch Debentures and the interest thereof .hall be folly pard, satisfied and da• charged. 8th. And 6.11 further enacted, That the said gam .f Flee thuaeand five hundred power,. when so paid Into the hands of I.,. veld Treason'. shell be appropnsted to- ward• d.frsyieg the reponse of building the soot %Vire Nu.pen•ion Re hre. 6th. And belt forts er enacted. 'Mat this By -Law shall he is fore+ only and rake et from and after the sixth day of May n ext. Sekedrle of Special Rale. referred re i. this Ii ,-l..w. 310 el 1175 ofa pens, to the p. ed re 1113 re provide fee L'oso i 3118.1M., de 11154 d. 847 IlK of l l i.1 ds 1b35 de 1114 IBl.11173 M 1834 d„ ?ti of 11 73 M 1057 4o 74,1 1 9,0 of 1173 de II15'r, ile 715' 144 et 1173 de t y,19 136 of 1171 M 1860 124 41175 de Wei 111011171 - Ole 1187 NOTICE. i(e A, 349 .b LIB do 3,13 47313 Ta111 *hen ei a trim repo , o wrnpneerl $y -Law ye be tales nen •n,.wfrn- then y the Mu•.wlp•ity of t%r Gelled Oeeettea M Heti../ Bore •r r1. Hobos Hetet. re the roots ei l; ..1••r•M, ye the Cweety of Seto... swot ab. t)sW44 COM - Item nem of en the "orb dy of May, A. 11. 16111111. eastn s'eboel ma tM /sicca, at wNr e•r.e .54 plebe the tmwtreve el the MI re Worthy r.gosrod le ow*** taw potp,e* aI..,s s d. D 11. RtTCllll:. revery tis Y. r Cerlee Caere. u..efl Id reline,' 1663 •3-s MU13IC ESTABLISHMEN'!l BOUTS 81DJ! DUND.0 BT.. orraM Messrs. Ra rsml i Reseed. Forme*. Winona may 1. bad St 'LET MCRIC .f •wiry /eeprfptl.a.leelrestIeo Gas ail kid..( IM/romMos. Ica•, ase • .. pa be had 1• Toronto, Boston, or York. All krad..1 MUSICAJJ INRrRl:- MENTB, 1:.s • Paseo Furth 6uwo to a Fife. Btriag of all kinds. sad of superior qul!i - t1: to short, ererl'biag which can or mar be found in • will sod carefully s.lee:est Music Store. Tb. PIANOS are from the e.tahhrh - meats of the foll.twlag e.b►rslid make's, .11:Chickering, Stoddert and I)un'imam, ac kaowlydged to be its beat on this Oder 01 1. glob*. so are the MELODIA\S, ti.ano- last urrd by Pince Mi Co. Piaui,. end MeloJ;•n-m *old •o c',eo^, and on as favorable teruu a itee can be pre- cured in Turuutu, or from the maker. them- selves. HERMAN KORDES. London, January, 1851. ,'tn3-e n. NEW OOtUNf ESTABLISHMENT. FBARTER. Merchant T•uior, .u'J `° a •reapectluliy 10(010 the of Godericb and aurroued'ng country that ho has plat opined a sew Tailoring rslab- fishsaeat, one door north of Dr. Mcl►ou- sall's new Brick Ilo,ue, Market Sgiaro Coderich, where he has on hand a -pleu.lid •eaortmenl of Broad Ctotha, Caseimere. Tweeds, tlaunette, Whatnev Clotho, of differeat colour.. for Over Coats. A vat t.ty of Winter Vetting", late. kc 11,. is niers prepared to execute all Orders in the Tailoring Line, in the most Festoon - able style, and •t moderate chargee. Colhng Done nn the Mhorteet No. lee. ' Leaden, Pane tied New York Fashions received quarterly. HENRY BARTER Goderieb, Oct. 1211, 1834. 1,5.29 ONTARIO MARINE AND FiRE. INSURANCE COSTPA 1 T. l.curp,vratedity act of Pros,; l Parliament Capital -X100,000. IIEAD OFFICE AT HAMILTON. Daaacroas: Hugh C. Baker. Eeq. M. Merritt; rag.' M. W. &own., " J. F. Moore. Peter Carroll, " James (forborne, " D.C. Gine, " Chas A. 8adher, " James McIntyre, " E. C. Thome'', " Jame. Nlalhieson, " John Nilson, • " THE Subscriber having been appoiited • Agent at Gwlereh, for 112. ,h -.o .bigh I, respectable Company, ie prepared to effect Insurance at the molt reasonable rates upon Mouses, Shipping and Goode. TIIOMAS NICHOLLS, Agent. Coderich, 1311 dept., 1661. v5o31 To the Settlers of the Intron Tract. '11118, Cndereigned begs leave tn'give:no. lies to all those who mag ban any boe,ne,i to transect with the Canada Com- pany that mince the removal of their ogee from this town, he has determined to open an agency once here fur the benefits of th'.ee who may not troth to traieI to To- ronto to trammel. (heir business inperson. From bee thorough knowledza of the Cors paey's mode of transactr.g buefeeo1 (having beerieo bong employed in their. office) he feels con6deot that h• tan aid and c•e satisfaction to all those who mac require his service. Conveyancing, Land and General Agency Oce. also b fort of lands for sale kept, and • regtitry of them, wishing to p archa.e without change except where • sole 1e !rotted, when a moderate per mintage will be required. A 1.1••x. RoaRaTsot. Load Agent. 1ge• G,d.'tch, Jan, s.S, 1833. v6 -n 1 Orsi j,r. Ii7ecat AT the GODERICii MILL. WM. PiPER, Coderich, Jan 21,11, 1833. v5,,64 New Grocery AND PROVISION STORE. THE Stih.eriher wild re.peetfully in- form the Inha►rlant. of Coderich •n•I surrounding Country, that be has op'eoed to, the above line, two door* north of Doctor Mel/mirth's nevi Brick Hate*, Market Square. Gder:rh. Ili. stock ' inelode@ all kind. of GROCERIES, ennsi.ttng In out f Ten, TJ, eco, Yaiaiiaa, Cerre.li,Rpree•, ¢c. Also: -Apple. and Cider of the very lest kind. to them Prnvisioe l.1n. well b fennel Flnur, Oatmeal, Bitter, Egg., Ilam, B.e1, Por4. P,i•toe.. Oat*, kc. Being determined to keen *nee bra' anti_ ele@ of the beet (prattle, awl t. *ell eheip at the sant. time, he trusts to receive • share of m'''ane patronage. Farmer* and people tram the ein'ry would do well to tall, es he mends pnrehea- rng d•.rriptron of Produce, for wive,. he welt pay the /lichee* nos ret price. A chole a.mrtment of Whips to be sold sheep. 3011N ARTlItrr. Coderich, Nov. 30, ;seg, .5u1S SIIOW (',F STALLIONS AND BULLS. Tt1F, Agriceltnr•l :l..es19 of the r motif of Herne offer 11 thew pr*w.ee.e, 1' t prseninm £7 M., see.sd £5, leo the. Md and second heat SW Hwma., to 11 Mown on the N1.shet 110$011rn• (inJeneA, nn Tb,n.Jay the 21.4 e1 Apnt. 1883.' The Hnrrs thwarted erwrntome wool stop iw (hi Town n: U•d.rrth every 1141 day: sad ate.. .t 11. 8th C ceea.i.a, t:elbur.e. every fit day dense the .oa...o. flour .f Show, l4 o'clock. noon. Alen£N sill he gnee es' poOloliria to • thore•ga bred Ilk.ea ?tell. 4o merle motto, rhe meet'• nl the Priem iv Three j`esi.eta .off I be /oven In nit4er (britt -let 61 10e; 2.11 LI 6.; 3.1 Jit: to he a•ew. the *tit -.1 April- et. the Marhet tftweres, at the hoe of Id sleek, anon, The tene•etv'e'e. r -mg% bot QCRf1.Ut COW *ill be .•1.1 ne ohs ,t.y of the Keine thew, 9 e' -•'s b.er.drt wilt be gives epi. a (Grid es6.ssed este. xo•racr.. rHK 8rwiety ore to .ons Alti Ile. t.* rte year wrhewr rwte•w-t re .G7 pi' .^a r..ttit- troy w,rtwe the 2..".Ot ode gswerre...4 gime" •ten l seeeree to howrima d it,n...•h ,.r.4 ib,nw Ohl 1 4let.ria uta agrs N ! .s4 s rave. .1444011 2.1.1171, Rer'.e. 11. Y. A. 4• rano, ea'., Heel PrX., SA33. •