Huron Signal, 1853-03-10, Page 61.47.7iMeerwas;;
• ei"77
eannellardelealallelleelneleet""- _
wadi of illashien ft see leafy • awe day
meeders Isit the mused paw west Mime
AM* how Imedim. Illhe pommeled
sllent diewordiers s. 'true geed
Welb .seemed beat% sail spirit Me
eliefe esti meet el usury lie 010,41
bit peoperty topreared tee earn alatt
• • Maude' pregoey serramiel hes and
Med their Muted immerersomether. who
eillinmestely eessed=81 Wit* w"
• Imajmealer wooly years
1.11111 hie heOry
said the Rinse edheerned.
,..11811eh ems moisiketed egt
bill ea tie 'part ef die Frew&
Mr. MeKende sad Mr. Gmbh;
else opposed the bak but it svolielly paw
eed drawls Cemowitate by a meal stiouri-
tl •
To ei‘it Mr. Twang ietreireed • WI
to enlister Fos lifiesiicipality' of tie toasty
of Two Neenesiee 1. takesteek te the Ot-
tawa Greed Lattice Railroad Compaq le
the tenet of L10,000.
Mr. Stuart introduced a bill to authortw
an oddities to the Capital stock of doe
Quebec Bask.
Mr. Crawford introduced a bill to mend
sad extant as Act retain to the making,
ensietamieg, and using the canal intended to
be comoleted for coeneetiag the seaters of
Lake Ontario and the River Ottawa.
On mottos at Mr. Lugo(' the bill to
flitted the Provisions of Ille Railroad [Di-
on Act to certain breaches leading to the
Main Trunk line, was read a second time.
On motion of .Mr. Cartier, tlw bill for
constructing a Railroad Bridge over the
Si. Lawrence, at Montreal, was read a se-
cond time.
The Home went tato Committee of the
wbok on the Representation Bill, o. whiett
a discussion is going On as tbe report
QUPSIC, Marsh 111 •
Lam eight. after tbo reporter left, leVIIT,
iil bins were mimed is se 'Avowed stage.
Tbey were priocipally •f character.
Amos( them werli-tho Bill to iecolporese
the Flown of Chu its la Qmetort.
Mr. Bottom moved t bat the Bit for bet -
ter amens( to occupiers compessatius
for itapnavemest• made by them upon
ea serum cases, be sow reed • *mood
Kr. ill mks moved. in •msnJoient, that
Ma bill lie real a second lime this dilly aux
The anemdmeat was carried, after a Mute
dente -Yeas 43: Nue 14.
The kolow,og Bill. were read • aecond
time: To alter and amend certain prov.-
awes radiating to the Court of Eqoity
necessary (or Lower Canada, was read •
seeded lime, and referred to • seises corn
si.1101. Tbri veeoed reading of the Bid to
provide for the more scrod d,stribution of
hompeas in the Lower Courts of Common
Liw,ia Upper Canada, end for other pur-
Pb••• thifft,• etssweistl, was referred tia
Friday seat. To amend •be Act to rego-
late the enema. ol mum rights •f Leas
on sad Lames in Lower Cans& WW1 rest
• fleeced tnie • To septum sad amend the
Act to Ohm Nolarina to call meetings of
relatives Sal (*Ode, woo read a oecood
lien. To *sable tat Duce:ors of tbe Grant
Rorer Nevi/woe Compare!, to place tow
met Navigation under the control and
rareseguseat of 0. Provincial Government
ender mum cosditiosa.
Timeight Mr. Rotolo introduced a Bil!
to retard th• power of 'be Consumers'Gaa
Company of Tomato.
Col. Priece mewed that the attack c( the
Curreepo•leat of *ha "Un.ted Empoo-
e pos the Speaker of the House be declared
• breech of privilege of the llouee, non
that 14. corespoodeot in question be ex-
pelled frost the house, sad not be s'Ine.d
t enter the library of news room of the
bons*. The boa. member spAts at some
lesath5 support ni 0, motion.
rSoon replied. and treated the whole
autier as exceeologly fri•olene. To. de -
bete coatis -led up to the vine the ltrport
•r was tearing, a Les 0. motion was wah-
Quesec,2nd March.
Last night after the -Reporter left, the
'reeler of tbe day for the eidt of the Howie
being read and the Home called over, 9 Legislative assembly opened on that day.
The above eteatiored prodentatioe is as
Mitten •
lam &Soot, elielembasees rotor -
/ay wars caused by apurly, which, usable
te (Weis the mad it MIlla at, has retains
tro the most iehmitees imam toodisterb tie
quiet amuse is tie trajoymoym of hie w-
owing sad his mistimes of the carnival,
to injure dr trader amid the wartime ie
their prohts, and to excite miebreet is the
ands of the pubic. As comemeleat
this city, 1 am armed widt' elitist
power to paralyse the, attempts of that
party, aged to protect the peaceful crime
ie his amemmeets ea well as in tle .uv -
c111 of his peaking's ; therefore kit sot the
lambasted of hides yiekt to fear, but let
them cosine is the vigdeace and praise
ties of ibe authorities.
NEW VuRL, Mardi 1st.
The flum/m/r/t arrived this morning, io
a dense fog, with Liverpool dates to the
16th, and London dates to the 15th Feb-
There has been no quotable cbaage
Breadstuffs. Cotton has declined 1-16
to 1-18 and dull felling. Provisions on
No mportant political nese.
The weather in England was very cold
and there were severe frost.
Accounts from Milan represent the late
outbreak u a small affair. The leaders
have been hung.
1114101111e haulm. te thar erwik but Mem -
me • nig at twee esMiu1 bra from die
Mike e1 the some I Mean mid mew -
atria( Was their- • . The Gems..
meat hem howeverto simop,40/
the present the ',gine ommk. ad
they agne *a emsomilrXpletegroato t•
tolopt met electoral1r-,-,gh
lle max, March 4.
week buoyaocy has been lost, but holders
are firm.
M• it Irra.- Wheat and lour in moder-
ate cossurup'ive request, corn steady.
The Circulars quote Western Castel
flour at 26. a 26. 64; Philadelohia, Balti-
more sad O 27s a 27s 6d; sad prime
• • 24s.
le a 7s 6d.; Red and
Mizsdoils (Id a 7s 3J. Iodine Coro,
Yellow Tk1.1-2s 6d.
There has been a fair demand for better
descriptioos of beef, at scarcely former
rates--Isferior brawls at 2s lower.
Gardner b. Co., quote Prints Mess 97s
64.1 112s 6d; Ordinary 80s a 93.
Pork unchanged. Bacon in good de-
mand, and ratber easier, being held at 56
a 58. Cheese Ouch wanted.
Consols have advanced 99 a 99.
The bulk" in the Bank of Eugland has
&creased 330,000 pounds.
The &shop of Exeter, moved for the
correspoedesee `between the Cofosial Office
andCaeada, respecting the Clergy Re-
serves. Ordered.
A discussion on the state of relations
with France, was brought on on Friday
at 9.80- -
FINHE Perteerehip heretofore esietiot be
A nine GEORGe v JOHN COX. ie
the Huron Signal, lies this day hue dim
solved by mutest usual. All peruse in-
debted to 10. mid 0,. ere verneeted le
wile the same with George Cox, who will
also pay all Iiabilities'.
Cadence. Much tih, 1803.
Tbe Austrian Government had placed a night, by Mr. D'Israeli, and elicited from
military eordop on the frontiers of Switzer- the Government their belief in his assurance
of • peaceable satentioo.
The Navy Estimates were moved, to
the amount of £7,000,000 sterling..
•Tbe Church Convention were in Session
with a full attendance of Prelates and
Clergy. Addresses to the Queen were
presented, and Ecclesiastical affaire, princi-
pally by synodical jurisdiction, were dis-
cus-Tbed.Board of TraJe Returns how a sur-
plus of eiporte over the preceding year
or £2,900.000. Metals show an increase
members were found to be absent. IThr Emperor, who opened it in of one millioo, while cotton manufactures
land, and martial law of the most rigorous
character had been entorced
Tbe Queen Victoria steamer, while on
her passage front Liverpool to Dublin,
struck on a rock off Aowth in a snow storm
and sunk M 15 fathoms of water. She had
100 paesengete on board besides the crew.
About 50 souls perished.
Dates from Paris are to the 15th. The porno.,
show £15,000. Other exports all in -
.k discussion look place on the second his
speech decided (0reduce Ins army, to
creased eicept candles, cordage, cuttlery,
reading of the represeet.;.'ion bill, bet thei.
keep up a good understanding with foreign salt, refined sug-ar and woolen yarn.
debate was adjourned before a rote $va t
taken. On motion ot. mt. florin 10,., bill I powers, and to prove to the moat ineredu- There had been heavy falls of snow in
to appropinate certain uoexpended balances , loos th it when France expresses her inten- the North of England.
for the Scisool fund for Lower Canals, and j,,a to remain at peace she must be believ-
certain other sums out of the Jesuits Es. ed. ,ivong enough sol to be afraid.
tate, fund foe educational purposes in Low-
erCauada was read a Mt ond thee, to -night The army is to iv: itehiced 20,000. The
Mr. Terrill introduced* bill to incorporate
Lite Stanstead norapany Bask. Mr. San-
born moved in Committee of the whole
that it is expedient to empower school Com-
missioae-s in Lower Canada, on a petition
presented to them by a majority .1 rateiiay-
ers to slams such sums above the propor-
tion rated rime the whole municipality, as
shall be required to be obtained for school
perposes. That to maintain etficicat
Schools is the newly settled sections of
Lower Canada. it is expedient that the
money* received by every municipality
should be distributed equally among school
districts therein, instead of being apportion-
ed according to the under of scholars.
Mr. Mono supported the first resolutiou,
but opposed the serovid. After a dis-
cession the Committee roc and reported
Mr. Crawford introduced a bill granting
i charter to a Company to construct a
Railroad from Brockville to I'embroke,
to be tallied the Pembroke sal Ottawa
Mr. Pr3Wilnithdien bis resolution in fa- was introduced into the Lower House ea
70f of penny postage. the same evening. 'Pile object of the bill
Mr. Polette moved for „leave to intro-
duce a Bill to confirm certain prmeedings
of the Catholic inhabitants of the Parish of
the lmmacuiate Conception of the Iloly
Virgin at Three Rivers relative to the pro -
We hare received a copy of a bill intro-
duced by the Hon. Dr. Rolph, to mead
the law of Upper Canada with respect to
the solemnization and registration of Mar-
tiages. This bill is.much needed, and re-
gards marriage as it ought to be regarded,
by the law of the land, as a civil contract,
and leaves parties the privilege of satisfyieg
their religious views is such manner as may
be in aceordance with their peculiar tenets.
The bill aims a decided blow at intolerance
sad priesteraft but will be hailed as a great
boon by the friends of civil and religious
equality. Under the proposed act -Mar-
riage as i civil contract is to be valid in
law. The Marriage Contract may be re-
ceived from the contracting parties by asy
Minister, Priest, Pastor, Religious Teacher
recognised by any church or religious deno-
mination, or the Nlayor or any Aldermen of
any city or Town, a Judge of any Comity
Court, the Warden ol'any County Coueca,
or the Reere of a Township. The coo -
tract to be executed in duplicate and a re-
cord to be kept of suse by the receiving
person. Two witnesses are required to
the Contract and the officer receiving the
same is to sign a declaration that the identi-
ty of the parties thereto u known to him,
or satisfactorily vouched for, And that the
witness are also known to lam or satisfac-
torily vouched for. Contracts and records
of the same to be regularly transmitted to
We hen Masa inlised tie Carithee pre-
heat mod warm lee die amble week aml $
ley Were oar readers tie Ametima mime
which we take from the Bashi Piiiried
mid 7esiriesi. We have m &obi that
bath rejects will he carried out, and that
sash country wl bevy its owe
Gederick4 ead 'the other town' es Lake
Hero. are of *twee letterset,' ieterested is
these works, which we imps will aid now
be delayed.
Tbis Cartel 1. 1. be cesetreeted agreeable
te 10. Art of Congress aid toe low of
*chigoe ..acted oa the subject. The eat
aCoogreas rendes that 400 feet ia width
ed Om land raised by tli•Veital States on
tee tins seleeted for the Cue!, and 760,
000, urn bootee, shall be appropriat14
for the work. It preeerthee that the min-
imum else .1 10. Canal should sot be lime
thee 100 feet wide, 12, feet as depth, aad
dist the locks Oswald be at least 60 feet
wide, oat 250 '0.1 1. Ties work
mast be comoneemsd noble three years sad
completed within tee, sad the easel 1. to
be used by Mho Called States free frees
tolls Should the cost be more time the
760,000 acres them may be tolls charged
cia rustle pausing esti' the 1515 15 remiss-
erated. afterwards the tolls shall be grad-
uated oily to raise Neils to keep at is re-
pair. The Detroit Advertiser says :
According to this plan of cuoructioo
sew adopted by the commiesiosers, 10.
cane:. iocludiag the piers *1 10. upper end,
will be 5,291, feet in length, or 18 feet
lees than a mile. The width will be 100
feet, and its depth 13 feet. There will be
two locks at the lower end, which wit
have a lift of el feet. The difference en
level between the head and foot of the re. -
pads is at pretreat about 17 feel; and the
!Officers of Perth, be called "a compound
lift of the lock is calculated to meet the of cobblery, quackery and presumptive
extreme line awl fall of the waters in the
lakes. These locks will each be 330 feet
long and '70 feet wide. In their general
plea they will be similar to the to cks Low
eosetructed oa the enlarged portion& of
the New York and Erie Canal; only such I formed certainly a most absurd and bungled
changes aelac made aa their tocreseed size compound. The letter id the Galt Reporter
may tousle'. 1.1 01 right is tbe matter:and we find the
New foriferie, were said to be commit- , the County Registrar who is to file tbe emu
Capt. Meynene denies the authority of thels11, to forward,to the Provincial Registrar,
sul at Dublin. engaged in the Timber trade.1
address published ai Consul to the Hun- one of the duplicates of such marriage con-
tract and retain the other in hal office. --
Every person receiving a contract for Re-
gistry shall give to any person applying a
ted by A. . Dedricheon, late DanithCon- in his office, and who also is required 'Luau -
and produced a favorable feeling oil the Pristr.
speech was received yob ire"( enthustassei
the Then for its nativity towards Kos -
anti adreieisters a sharp rebuke to
Bourse. 1 suth.
A letter from Londou IS to tbe Milan in- FRANCE.
surrection says the number of lives lost can- Pei;:ioctS front Rheims bare been pre -
not have been much less than 100, and the seated to the Saiperor to go there and be
crowned. It is sari: limt while the Leets -
probability is it ie mach greater. The is -
lettere will surport.GovernZeei theY have
surgents were armed with nothing but stil- deterwuned to act ',dependently In arch-
lettos, but they nevertheless 'ehowed extra-
ordinary courage and daring sifter they
gained posession of the citadel and entered
ooe of the yards. They were soon taken
and fifty killed. In the meantime attempts
were made to erect b arricades, but the
slur of success tea, wanting that might
have caused a general rising. The whole
affair was soon entirely over.
On the 16th inst., in the House of Lords
the Bishop of Eiteter moved for paper% in
relation to the Clergy Reserves of Canada.
The motion was agreed to. The measure
was not to alter or interfere with the pre-
sent condition of Canada, with respect to
their Reserves: but to empower the Ca-
nadian Legislature to make such alterations
as they might thiuk beet.
party of their Fabrisee, to impose and levy It is announced that there wilt be no Cor-
so assesement upon the said Inhabitants and (her increase in the sea or fs'ress this
fur other pureoses therein mentioned. -
Meters. Mackenzie, Brown, D. Christie
opposed the bill, which led to a warm di, -
cession, which was going on as tbe Report-
er left.
Quesec, March 3, 1833.
Lest eip,ht, after the report left, the ITALY.
debate OM the Reproestation Bill contina TUC INSURRECTION AT MILAN.-Tbe
eJ. Paris .1lioniteue of Saturday Feb. 14, an -
Mr. Brown mired an arneedreent, That souneed.
the representatinn of the people in l'arlia- "Tbe Government has received by tele -
merit should be based oa pepulation, aad graphic dispatch, news from Milan of the
the 'amber of members of the llowie of 110th. Order wan entirely re-established
Assembly gradually enlarged; the progres- I there,"
sive harm'se of population npoe a freed ra- Thew brief announcement leaves•us only
tio of representation, aid without any re-Ithe duty of gathering up the eircummanees
geed to any separate hue between Upper of the outbreak as they are to be Cooed in
sad Lower Caserta. the Swiss and Italian journals.
The 'whoa was lost -Yew', 13; Nuys, The Gazette of the 7111,
57. after going the proclamation of Coast
. • The Representation Bill then read, amid Sires...Ado, relates the event; of the 6tli so
iew 1 cheers and clapping of Riad, Yeas, 30;'follow, :
Nays, 11. "Puhlic tranquility was disturbed yester-
litr. Mongeolis iatrodecal a bill to is- I day. The imbverove party, which easset
element* a Company Inc the porno allow peaceful citizen; to enjoy the moo-
eustrecusg a Railway Croon some pont on eget Outfaces of the carnival, must needs
the Geoegiaa Rey on Lake Hares, leech- sacrifice few victims to 4s revolutionary
dreg at the town el Peterbornti zh, Pert flops propewsitids. Yesterday, about 9 P. ad.,
and Bytowa, Otero to joie the Maim *Fmk some Arleen and soldiers were attack.ed.
Rind at Vaadraml. The authoritiee took the re/suite museeree;
01 Intim 01r. Sandi, an *dense to smug patrols moored the tows is every
the Government was orlired ruin; for a direction ; they will be tried by mertial.
S47 0( 0.7 commentate's which may Inv. law during the stage of siege. At the
bete edlressed to the Mennen of tree Le- anal time for fregeenting the theatres,
gistative Ceuta, os the subject of indent- trsaluility was sericieetly restored M g-
ait] to Members of that noose. low ot• their beteg oposed 10 10. poldie.-
Mit. Gene setredeeed bill tn arena We have te deplore tie death of several
am set to iseerrorate die Bar et UMW persons, both civil aed militare; ethers lure
Cass& hem weseded. It les bees attempted to
Mr. Beikley estroJneed anotber bill ea sedan genple the lower Awn try
the ewe itheet. owner and excitement of every kiad, bet
The Home has here &inning tie re- tie good seem of the popelettos rejeetot
pottiest Hepatic Eloeti m eArerimittee them provocations, mil not sely Oil the
efle the hear the report leaves. people retina vial, bat *bey spooky 000-
lemeed teelish attempt $$
Weser% deli March. eitt maileem. Ti. geverauseat heaving
Last right ailte tbe report heft, the and eat rime leder end pee einerity 10
Rows WON nee r.auneitteo .1 ,0. he reepeesed by melt Apron meseerm
Ilerwee hiller the medifieetitie trreemetmeee may regeits. Pater
the floury -Lem, awl 4 eras dieceleed trsesellIty hie sot hese estaled the
, • •
year, although the increase is expeese•fer
the nary for the present year will be £900,-
Tbe Morising firra/il says, that rein-
sures will be taken in the spring, to place
tbe western coast of England in a saffici-
eat state 01 defence.
A totter Ms appeared is the Galt Rs -
pored, sired "IL 11.Karp, the tieraderd
Gainer," is whisk we are mmewei .1 10.
basest motives for withholding ken ths
'abbe, the dimities of the and "Cabinet,"
Mich were seat tit es te pedant. Bet as
we ceemittered that or very lotited spate
sand he steepled with mateer kir more
eatertaisisti te our resign, aid that the
.1.4 .1 the writer was ad at equipoise,
died Ise tearer melt aa weight m &wittily
kijere the teepee toddy 4 oer jouraal, sad
was apperestly very slaadereus, aad more-
over as the writer did set coodemead to fa-
me es with his same, eves is coefideace, we
considered ourselves well warranted is
waiting for smoothie( better from him
which we amid Mien, hot, 14 the emu -
Mg week we received mother letter with-
out say sigaatere,mathematizing es is the
most indecent term. We of course, con-
sidered one -selves imitated, assumed our
Editorial dignity, aad parsed in coetempte-
ous silence, tine very temperate effusions
of our tedium' correspondent. In flet
we failed -to discover the real cause of his
accrimoey which appeared to have been
called forth by a few aparently Moment
and creditable remarks by ooe of our corres-
pondents upoa " Blunderbuss" is the
Prototype, whose attack upon the County
foppery." The remarks of Blunder-
buss" deserves all that our vcorrearindent
said of them and more if possible, they
The priest r the easel will be principally
through the reek .0.0 commences 500 " Stratford Cobbler" has as alias, viz: -
feet from the outside lies ofib. Bret cut- " R.11. Keays," and moreover that be is •
hag in Iali• Superter, and 'steed* to with- very important personage and as be himself
1. 601 feet of the upper lies of Ike "need - • -
loth, weer* it takes a sudden dip beneath says, "furnished the materials" for the sh-
am *oil, and it has sat yet been ascer-
tained whether it again come* sear eneegh
the surface to serve Le the foundatioe sif the
lower lock structure.
well be nine feet avid
The ge depth of this rock cutting
tomtits. - The
rock iii a red sand nose. in • bin linen sad
epee seams, will probably only retinas
shoot half as nisch blasting as rock of
the ammo kind. The whole amount of reek to undervalue any trade or protession, we
yards. hare been always in the habit of asking
what a man is not what be does. Neither
euttieg is calculated to be 113,903 cubic
This earth excavation wi.l be 106,903 cu. have we had any wish since the commence -
Bre y•rds.
The masoory required will be 14,131 cu. mens of the Perth County Oce contrower-
Tte usher required for the aiers wharf sy to interfere in the matter as we consider
lee yards -
and Inc t be lock fouedatio•e, oral be 151,710 it a perfectly local affair. Bot we have
The amount of pack required will IMMO concluded that as the officers have been
cub,c feet.
The iron Inc boluexclueiva of wbat will i selected from a large number 01 applicaots
and that the selection upon the whole was •
371,900 !eel hosed measure.
revived will reach IS tone.
b. """" for the lovhe aad heth eat«, good one, that the Strayoril Cobbler whose
will round eityeaminghte, and the smoust "bop. a _ars 0 h„, swinged
be &darned at Dtem Islaede, about employed himself in readier passively for
forty miles ilistast fross the Sault, at the
timher seceeeary to be seialocipke.A11!1:: dilate habits of which he w mild have es in -
the relapse of those officers, into the hear -
mouth of St. Mary's Pirir, will be imitable
for the conetructie• of the
thr they were formerly tbe vitt/ass. He
Ora. sum Lim.
lees Mare with
mg edemas, that Ca
PM this fared% 'Wed
the enema/
ud math meaty
WI egoist
mil bee •
epi•C gi
y itinile-
whisk Abe late
4 Cesium .0. 1'.
her masa el iaarmeed
sdAtiesal eemileve t.b., pen.
magas. Ile. Neatest mile ee she may be
looked /or here es the 17th RI 1410 smetast,
aecordiag to the western'.
etucbcc torrteponbctut
of tiy *omit iSiBrial.
Qualm, lg March.
The heiiame d the Howse Ms fairly
cesameaced, members hare got to work in
right earnest, lied all goes merry es mar-
riage bell. The peskiest of parties in the
Home, anti the relative strength appears
to be somewhit Wieder to when the House
adjourned. Contrary to tie predictions
t forth at that bine, little appears to have
s due Ly either party in the way of
more effective organizatioo. The opposi-
tion benches, which during the former part
of tbe seance presented a truly motley
group of heterogeneous opinions and princi-
ples, seem if possible shll more divided
A. the, prospects of any effective show of op-
position being presented to the Government
by the Cormervatires, are exceedingly small.
This may be owing to the,ohseacie of the
leaders of the porty, , who hare not arrived
in the city. Sir Allan MacNab is expect-
ed to -day, and may possibly bare arrived
at the time I write, to be present at Use
call of the house. I Lis arrival may posit-
bly alter the aspect of things somewhat.
It may be that the veteran Knight of gun-
durn will infuse a littk spirit tate his tardy
followers. We Mall see. For my own part
I should have no objections to see the regu-
surd discharged from that big .mouthed but lar opposition more effective m talent and
erring gun the Bluruierlmst. It no energy,as I firmly believe that a strong op -
wonder thee that the &gaily of our Cob- position, and well balanced parties, are the
bier was wounded when our correspoodeat best safeguards of our institutions, and tbe
stated that tbe charge of the said Blunder- best surety of reform.
buss was "cobblery." We have no desire Mr. Clapham the member for Megantic ,
moved a senee of Resolutions on Wednes-
day last, on tbe subject or Immigration alai
the appointment of an Emigrant Agent to
reside in the United Kingdom. The lion.
geoldeman made a very able speech on tie
subject in support of his resolutions. Th,
importance ot adopting some means or here-
by immigration might be more effectealty
increased, and the advantages which this
country offers to the emigrant cannot be
too highly estimated. Siete the discovery
of the gold fields of Aestralia we have a
want in the field, of no small character. -
Whether the emigrant would be doing
more wisely to emigrate to Australia than
Canada, is exceedingly peoblematical, sod
I have reason to believe that the impres.
Soo is now generally gaining ground 01
Great Bntain and on tile Coetineat, that
"all is not gold that glitters," that even the
prospect of amassing wealth in the modern
El Dorado, is but a poor offset to the terri-
ble privations which they have to erelore.
'Phere can be little doebt, out that such a
change of sentiment on the subject will
soon take place as must redound to our inter-
ests, tending as it will, to mike Canada the
great centre of attraction to the intending
emigrant. Tbe importance of tbe questioo,
I on happy to my is fully felt by the .Goc-
ernmeet, and the department over which
the Iloa. Malcolm Cameron, your worthy
member presides,' bas issued circulars to
the different Townships in Upper Canada,
requesting that sub information might be
commueicated, u, if circulated, would tend
to a more perfect understanding 'of the
question. During the debate Mr. Cosner-
toe mid that
eThe subject was doe of importance,
but there had been so many (adores from
emigrant agents, that the government would
require to be well advised by tbe House
before establishing one. Ile conceived
there was much reason in the arguments
toed by the boo. osember, and believed
they ought to induce em.gration. Tbe
Government had procured a lice of steam-
boats which they considered the beat means
of promoting emigration. The depart-
ment of which be was the head, had sent
circulars to different townships in Western
Canada, with a view of procui iag taforma-
hoc which they believed would promote
emigration That day be had received two
answers which stated that the parties who
sent them were now worth £2,000 and
£1,500 respectively ; while, when they
camato the County • few years ago, they
were sot worth a dollar. Sueb isforma-
tion as that duly authenticated, would be
erneoleletc,ted and distributed by lbe Goren -
Mr. Clapieui withdrew his revolether
with the understanding that 'tbe C.-ovens-
:it:nit would give early atteutioe to 10. set-
tioeTbeof 11M7se. Ilwinecnkts,iaot: crnest1701
the elective franchise mid to provide fer
the registratioe of voters. Ile seated do
hill had been reed a snood thee withog
opposition, lied 0. 414 set eepssi 2111 th".
' zees poker, te seem the 11041ac
7trs int wee wig IOW INP yid" tP7
17▪ 1be memmiamessilweikridlol:,4samoto gobstmereb7or.
The simmei deem, Vailksi
ors%c n t: le 06.-"Pliti. yerttil::".11171"6"."1.
meal slitree ft SA
% IMP P4rws"
isse. Mr limptelferitn sirieze
is thought that the y homeless so into the most bitter hatred, could base bet -
can be obtaiiied anywhere ie the lower pee -
certified copy of it, cr of the record there- insula from Mathieu to Saginaw, is shun-
t& duce.
No religious ceremou) is necessary, nor
is such prevented by the provisions of the
Act. Tbe publication of Buns aod Mar -
- -
might is that case have hed soother chance,
as the Government would certainly not
tolerate officers who were found to be inca-
prble of performing their duty. But if such
relapse, should not occur, would 0. 0. wil-
mg expenditure. Much speculation • Licenses are also rendered unneces- There is something paiofully distressing ling to forfeit bis chance ot office so that
s following are the forms of the in bearing even a declared enemychant his their reclamation might be perfect We
concerning the private audience giren by 1-ri1g-
f d b
the Emperor to -the Russian Minister.
Tbe poste is willing to accept the inter-
celsion of Austria in the Montenegro affair,
and the speedy cessation of hostilities is
looked for.
The elections have resulted in favor Of of be Township of
the Government, 260 out of 3(0 beinv_o• la the County ot
iliosen. t spinster (or widow as the case
• (Grocer), and
ITALY. may be),daughter of
Again quiet. Tbe Milan insurrection is of the town•'im of io the county of
have a mutual purpose of marriage
suppressed. Railetzky had issued aro- ofor tbe carrying out of which they are de-
clamation conkscatiog the property 0(10- sirous to enter into the Contract by Law
surgents. io that ease made and provided, severally
New' Your, March 3. declaring that there is no legal impediment
The Evening Mirror, has the following-. against it: Now these presents wdness
Instructions has been received here front i tbst the said A. 13. and C. D. have tbis day
Louis Napoleon, to contract for the im- I mutually agreed to enter into the relation
mediate construction, in New York, of a of man and wife from henceforth, according
Beet of War Steamers. It will be remem-‘te the laws of Upper Canada. In witness
bered a similar order was sent a few week.' whereof tbe said A. B. and C. D. have
ago to Scotland, but was thwarted by the hereunto test their bands in the presence of
awn requiem, aid we felt deeply affected by Dave 00* beard0 any par
Nlarria;,re Contrui end of the Declaration :
y the any a these gentlemen yet,and at all events'
70101 07 ANIMISTS/1Z CIATIACT• 1 the plaintive 'clir ofour contemporar
\Vhereas A.B., of • lathe CONitY ( Loya/ist, who gewith his latest breath, on ,
• - let him who is withont blemish cut the first
,), Is Cfstlsy last, bade a long farewell to 10.Amu.. In conclusion we shall always be
of in Upper Canada, bachelor, (.:7'
widower, as the case may be,) (Far
son of (Carpenter,) and C. D., objects i:f tie. Tbe deceased Lad scarce- glad to bear from correspondents, and if
leach would have their communications in-
ly passed the reeiidi3a of the third year of
i serted they most avoid libellous and acanthi -
his career, when, overetolte '-v,r the anxieties
loos matter and wad their real names.
of life, bis body worn , and erniloc:oted by 1
the harrowing cares resulting from the Fre- I
carious nature of his supplies, and suffering i TI1E REPRESENTATION BILL.
since his birth from the effects of an heredi- 1
tary disease, he calmly and peacefully e - ,
It wiil be seen by Telegraphic reports,
that this, the most important bill of tbe
pired. llis dissolution had long been tool:- '
session, bas passed the second reading by
ed forward to with considerable reeignation, 1
and his departure had been submissively an -11 /argil linii°611. 711 Tote being taken
there appeared yeas 58, nays 14, which
ticipated, both by friends and foes as an
ev„t that „„ soon tc, take piser, and ' secured more than the two-thirds majority
E. F., of in the County ot
British Goverament. ••
.ad G. II., of is the comity of
, and before J. K. Registrar (Judge
of the Court, or Minister of
the ease way be), of the County of
Signed •ed delivered l• 1
dupticate to the said 3.K. 1
---Oe Ttiesday, three veseels arrived in the
riverThames from Australia, swab the ex-
traordinary quantity of seven tone of Gold
oa board. One of the sMps, the 'Eagle, in th• presence of th• maid
that preeious metal ever known to arrive on
E. day 101 18 )
wee freighted with the largest amount of 1 E. F. and G. H.
is one vessel, viz., 150,000 ounces (up- 6.- 11.'
wards of six tons,) and of the value of
more than £600,000. Tbe 'Eagle,' also
made the moat rapid peerage on record,
having ilone the voyage from Melborne to
1, 3 K., of Om Comity of
hereby declare that the aeries Marriage Con
the Downs in 76 days. Tbe other ships1 tract was executed re my presence, and le
are the •Saphire: from Sydney, with 14,-110. Prosonett of 00 or'10.1400 E. F., sad
6011 ounces or. board, and the , 11. therein named. who attest the same
from Sydney, with 27,762 01Wires. The declare that the staid A A. B. arid C. D. are
illo4 Ilk, delivery thereat* me. 1 furthe r
'Maitland' also arrived a day oc two since, I k„„in(.r for) to
from Sydney with 14,326 ininces. Great ' se the peeress th -rein deeerileed, sod
however, es has been the wealth broeght Ito it 1. tn rive known fri e eatiefaeterly
over by the 'Eagle,' the ship 'Dido' is es- 'ruched) that there is .o legal ImOilimest
petted in a few days, which will far wpm to their wietrievonoil Onien. And I ',unbar
it, having on boor/ 240,000 nieces, ov declare that the identity of the parties t:
barn been eatiefecterly vooched
me(al.. The 'NePt1188: with 17.000 °es" to airet7etthet E. F.) one of Om tattoo's,' of
cis; the 'Airdromache: with 17,000 "0- tbe seed contract re personally know to MO,
cel; sol other .hip', with as eeleehle am teat betb a die 'viruses thereto are
freights, are pearly due. keens er aolnifol•toWly IhnIC10141l0 WO as
worthy of credit etrepeittlag tee matters
above &Astaire.
The New Represeatatioe Bill pared the et 10. Comity of
11oes• op Wedemoday eigiit by. vire ef THE SAULT SHIP CANAL.
5'i too more thee Ins respire ler a two -
shout tee too, mid tit hijf 04. the precious and .11 the feete seseetioned 111 the ahoy
thsnia vote. Tlin is tie greet meawave ef
the Season sod tie inanimatel weloPoro
ell seeted Ignites. Wit have bees m-
isruled by 4 the greet ariseeph
and rejoins the Am bees le eacessefel.
The reformers are ie the hjlieet spirits
about their wietm, obi well duty may ter
it hem hese a piettremei eeritule. The
Aries are emadesahly diep-tallea. Al
their Mad day dreamt loot ovaidied, sod
flet *Med J. of the Pettriet mew mere
t. leaseet 10s:tweet of' erimitittee,
the west of • Leader, mi their merit Mem
The eampleties of a ship easel to eii-
mate the ebstroctime imposed by the Seek
St. Weis te the hue seviga dee et the et -
teenive mem lake Superior by the
weans .4 no Lower Lakes, is • wetter d
great moweet te am' Commies, emeeielly as
we Mite 'vow seemed ter diem the meet (g-
reet route of Weeteni travel frees the
shems et the Athletic te the waters of Ha-
res mid which will be (Mewled ie.
ilideitely by the seasirestioe of die amel.
Bill was read a second time, the dreadful sufferings be bad latterly ea- required by law. The report informs us
that th! amid
.01.0 would fortunately relieve lam from
rain, was at length kiod. He eow rests eels a progressing, and we leave every
dived. Fortune though Mug implored in
from bis labors and his works will follow I prospect that the session will by no meas
Ia. shy his asbes rep„, in p„re i' be so unfruitful of good measures, as the
time he appeared before us as an enemy, would hays us to beh111.
present administration
And although occasiosally during his life- "emits of 11"
and we were compelled to tilt with bin',
yet as we knew the weakness of his coosti- L'The Toronto PaPera ire agitatiAg
so now, and shade in oblivion those frailties . the formatioa of • Ship Canal from the
tution we were merciful tbeo-we will be
waters of the Georgian Bay to those of
which some have magnified nit° defects.- Ontario, but the project appears to partake
We will bear wit nese to the unfortanate i s°11111ing oI the "tele 61 a wild gacala
labored de
zeal with which
of his brief and trouldous e er to up- , chase. The oppositios of the New York,
be den .g tbe whole
bold the shattered and decayed fabric of 1 Beffalo, Goderieh aod the Souk St. Marie
taleoted could support euch a .nass of lott - ' "'The 61 ""ral ea-
litossme• "'wen IPhesve.
mortal, be be ever so courageous and good cause for these Toros_
'Toryism in these Counties, but alas! what.
1 _
plained that Isis friends bad eel shone hint , teemed correspoodeets have been unavoid-
lieln anti corruption! The deceased manta -
that attesting they prontisedand is fic t there 10.7
ewairowedediceprom this week wlich we bope
is reason to fear that latterly they had eh-
weate4 themselves from hes sick cosrb, and
dropped 1,0* by one, leaving hies to die
dose. and 11 1. meowed that them war
oat me friend left to does his eyes lost that
he wee indebted fee the net *Gees doe to
departed '_14g, 1. 10. kambleas .14coa-
ti& reties degreasers.
el" The Rama Serveyors have Wee
eamplesieg the surrey auks Goderich .14
et the has. Mr. 1. K. Goodie( Wore -
wind his leterwettees, mod starts Moe&
stely to pore Mee the right 4 way.
1:7- We ere regeoeepil so inners ourrealer,
realer, that the Tatter* which me to isvit
hies delivered at tie Meelleeir's hesitate
thielvimoing, it postponed Ii Immerrowt
(Pray) tomes et 1 *'.Is*.
Neuron' Normeiroe, Lescrr, and
Americas Jeered of Medical
ewe, Ina woos to baseba.It is sated by
Ilene* Nelms, M. D4_and pekilebed
at Plattelnirgli N. Y. at the
oee dollar per ane. The week
its oisti voleme. It is well got,,
and enemies • very large amouat 01 eater -
whim of tie asset taleebto Iliad to
es' academes. Wo eardially riiesieseed
it to tbeir nodes.
rp. A Tee enoties ge to take piece se
Thereity mew( the 17th inst., ie the
Temparesse Rai, which has bees greeted
kr the weemsem lieverel speakers will
ollarees ths meetiai. The preemie mil
he MANI terwardi the ..,.0101 11 •
tenseeri Bow is emoritios with 10.
Wedgy."' Ilkshoiliet Church. 'Mimes
L. SA le be had st the Need Oise, owl
steatites dhow plum is the ireiefiberfieed.
-, 1 1
1 4