The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-12-20, Page 15Ig Sixscore perfect 100 in. SHOJIS yule e:).0ms The, reenits of the Christmas exaintoation$ at SHIMS show a keei competition among the students for lop marks in their classes and 78 of the lop marks recorded ,are over 90. Six students in the 22 clas- s S received top melts of 100, with three of them coming in the 10E typing class, where Joint Break, Philip Dzioba and ,Bob Loucks attained full marks. Bei) Micide, a 12-A student from, Ilensall, bawled in a per - feet mathematics paper and Wendy Vanderlaeu received 100 in two of her special com- mercial subjects, Several other •students re- ceived 99 in their subjeets, ns. sin the perfect mark by only 080. in several of the classes, dif- ferent names appear in almost all the subjects, The special commercial students and those in 10-A. had the most impressive records, with • only one o,f their top marks dropping below 90 percent. $hare honors Honors for attaining the high- est marks in the most, subjects were shared by three. students, who topped the lists in. six Pla- ces. Wendy Vanderlaan, special. commercial; Marlene Harness, 9F; and Doug Evans, 9G, The two girls are from Exeter, lowed close behind, topping five exams in their respective classes. Judy Tennant, Exeter, last year's editor of the ink Spot, topped her grade 13 mates in five subjects, while Janis Gulens, Dashwood, 12A, abd Joan MacNaughton, :Exe- ter. 9H, performed the same feat in their classes, The resnits show fthat the girls at SIIDUS easily out -dist- anced their male class mates, lopping 185.stibieets. while We boys placed firSt in only 78. The complete list for ,each •class i a owc• RADE 111) EC, Janet Jeekins, 40;L. Brian Christian, 37; la, Lynda Westeott, 78; G, Erie Finkhel. ner, 72; M, Paul Turnbull, 69; Se, Nut Turebull, 73; F', Don- ald; McCallum and Janet awl- kins, 65; 8, Paul `Pemba, 78; Joan Francis, Janet jen. kins and LYeda Westeotte 72; T, Joan iiiierjc1i, 89, oRApe 10A John Lack, 89; It, Doreen Jaekson, 96; 0; Celia Stock, 99; M, Tinie Vanderlaan, 98; Sc, Keith Hay and -Celia Stock, 96; Ag, K.eith, Hay, 94; L, Elaine ?owe and Marion Wal- ker, 97; F, Judy Finkbeiner, 97, GRAPE, 19B E, Marjorie alacPhee and Sandra Brown, 78; 1-1, Sandra Troyer 92; G. Margaret Johns, 91; M, Sandra Troyer, 81; Se, Robert, eleNaughton, 94.; Ag, .on Wright, 88; L, Sandra Troyer, 94; F, Mike D'Eon 95 GRADE 10C E, "Mary Ellen Thiel, 65; 1•1 Brenda Bocock, 91; C. Pam Systma, 90; 111, Dianne Shaw Payne, 92; T, Mary Ellen Thiel 77; Se, Rae Hunt, 89; Mary 97, E, Ted Sanders, 77; IL Fran- cesGRADE Skinner, 83; G, Prances while Doug is from RR 1 Cen- Skinner, 70; M. Phyllis Schade, tralia, 62; Se, Frances Skinner, 90; Three other students fol - 8, Dennis Lampert, 73; HE, .Barbara Main, 80; T, Veria Smith, 97. GRADE 10E E. Susan Doerr, 74; IT, Judy Lamport, 84; G, :Eddie Roel- oefs, 89; M, Shirley Jaques, 66; Sc, ,Jin) Smith, 83; Mar- tin Brown, 86; S, John Brock, 84; HE, Judy Lamport, 70; T, John Brock, Philip Dzioba and Bob Loucks, 100, GRADE 9A E, Ann Fairbairn, 87; H, :Bob SLorie and Ann Fairbairn, 95; 0, Hank. Gosar, 92; M, Iris Marshall, 99; Se, Bob Stoll', 94; Ag, Bryan Bay.nham and Keith Strang, 94; F. Brian Fortune and Iris Marshall, 95; BK, Iris , Marshall, 88; T, Iris Marshall, 96, GRADE 98 E„ludy Boulianne, 88; Michael Keay, 93; :Michael Ceay, 87; M, Carolyn Campbell, 5; Se, Jaquelene Sharpe, 88; kg, Gustave Unifies, 81; P, Indy Boulianne, 96; BK, Marg laist, 89; '1', Judy Boulianne and Marg Haig, 91. GRADE 9C E, Mary Corbett, 81; H, Mary Corbett, 98; G, Paul Mason, 91; M, Eric Rose, 91; Se, Paul Mason, 91; Ag, Paul Mason, 87; Mary Corbett, 86; F, Eric Rose, 93; S, Eric Rose, 91; HE, Jane Deltmer, 92, GRADE 9D E, Lana Keller, 82; 11, Lana Keller, 89; 0, Marion. Carscad- EC, :Ruth Anne Sehnert, 83; den, 82; M, Earl Reichert, 78; Present concert EL, Mynie Verkerk, 75; H, Hy- Sc, Lana .Keller, 84; Ag, Earl " .nie Verkerk, 96; M, George Reichert, 89; BK, Marion Cars - t public sciiL Godboll, and Sandra Jory, 80; cadden, 77; F, Auriot N00,11a11, oui Sc,Larry Weide, 94; L, Larry 91; S, Earl Reichert, 92; HE, „.1 Weido and Myrtle Verkerk, 94; Joan Rader, 87. The students of Mrs. Clifford Jory's grade eight class enter- Grant Schwartzentruber, 91; GRADE 9E tained their fellow mates in the S, Larry Weido, 98. E Sande k,8 ; classes of Mrs. Margaret Wein GRADE 118 dra Shock, 94; 0, Marilyn and Mi. Arthur Idle at a Christ- EC, Carol Allen, 79; EL, Ca. Johns, 89; M, Marilyn Johns, mas party at the Exeter public rot Allen and Fred Negryn, 76; 81; Se, Marilyn Johns, Sandra school, Monday, If, Carol .Allen, 93; M, Don Shock, 81; Ag, Douglas Stan - The evening was spent in Ferguson, 84; Sc, Bob Cuille. lake, 88; BK, Carolyn Eagle. playing games and other forms vier, 89; L, Wayne Ratz, 80; son and Marilyn Johns, 83; P, of recreation, Lunen was also F, Mary Anne Ducharme, 87, Valerie Jackson, 94; S, Jim served. GRADE 11C Kerslake, 92; HE, Carolyn The students will present EC, Margaret, Howey, 78; Eagleson, 85. their Christmas concert at the EL, Pauline Aquiline,. 72; 11, GRADE 9F school on Thursday afternoon Ada Plumb, 86; 0, Grace Al- 10, Marlene Harness, 79; and Friday morning, Each class len, 78; M, :Pauline Aquiline Marlene Harness, 87; G Mar - will present one number, and and Nile Greenlee, 68; Sc, .I.ene Harness, 83; M, Elaine the two performances are nec- Grace Allen and Pauline Mill. Green, 88; Sc, Marlene Harn- essary because all the students line, 88; L, Elaine Keys, 66; ess, 86; Ag, Jim Gingerich, 73; can not get into the gym at one F, Anne Denomme, 89; T, F Marlene Harness, 99; BK, Grace Allen, 91, Marlene Harness, 63; HE, Elaine Green, 87, GRADE 9G E, Doug Evans, 90; If, Doug Evans, 88; G, Doug Evans, 88; Mary Visscher, 86; Se, Doug Evans, 85; Ag, Doug Ev- ens, 86; F, Pat McCoy, 99; BK, Marlene 'Thompson, 76; S, Doug Evans, 89; HE, Mary • " New subdivision in Haytownship Another lakefront subdivision was approved by Hay townshipcouncil at its meeting Friday; • The registered plan was sub• milted by Victor Brisson and Leon Bedard for the lakeshor area of Mr. Bedard's :farm o the Bluewater:highway. Council approved a grant of $800 to the arena board toward operating costs for 1961. One third of this amount: will be billed Lo the village of Zurich. Further information he DE 12C sought from Engineer C. P. EC, Pat Cros•by, 68; EL, Pat Corbett, Lucan, in regard to his Crosby, 55; H, HeathermMcCon- recomendation that a branch neu, 66; G. Harry Moir, 68; of the Thiel drain be construct- Al, Ronald Grattan, 88; C, Al- ert west. to the Laidlaw pro-. perty, !an Thiel, 60; F, Pat Crosby, 78; Sc, Gerald Shantz, 83; HE, A grant of $20 was author- Heather McConnell, 93; BE; ized for the Dashwood public Bill Shaddick, 99; PE, Tom library, Earl and Pat Crosby, IL GRADE 11A Special features. for yule service ir st mas cantatas, plays and held both Sunday and Monday isshe er, 80, • Sunday School programs are morning at Trivitt Memorial GRADE 9H among the features of yule- Church, The Anglicans will else E, Joan MacNaughton. 68; tide services which will be continue their Christmas eve H, Joan MacNaughton, 0, G, presented by district churches progrern with carol singing at Joan MacNaughton, 80; M, He over the holiday seaSon. 11:15 :followed by a lflidinght len Dietrich, 96; Se'Joan A. Sunday School class at service. MacNaughton, 78; S, Stephen Main StS, UC will present a Laymen to speak M ck, 91; Ag, Cyril Corriv.eau, Christmas play for the con- 72; 1 -JE, Joan MacNaughton, our Llaymen: will peak at 89; BK, Helen Dietrich, 73. greption Sunday morning. The 1.1 , • specie'. zuna seivice will also feature a ay mgi; sey- ,' children's choir, vice in the Pentecostal Taber- q4i°16t*tigfl'4°44/*14i'°44i M‘*M.1 .11K*4. gr4 ***di nacle here, Carol singing will 9 4,•;4•..,,,....4•901 9.4 Th t Tim.P.PA4YPFAtf.f Pocember 11,41 Page 3 firtwoltetommovoitiovitogtimovormoom,T4-mminoroommttorgcormo • -t_aY your oc meny one, "The InsurArxe Mo&' PHONES: 24, 720 elerseogailteem eee.X•4•21•9•>• Christmas gift for Main St. UC Handsome $4,600 organ is the present which Main St. United. Church. has received this Christmas. Installed Wednesday, the cathedral. reed electric organ receives a tryout above by the church organist Mrs. Amiel Willert, being watched by the minister, Dr. R. S, Hiltz and his daughter Miriam. 11. will be dedicated in February in memory of the veterans of the 'world wars, as well as he Goodison Estate, Wesley Lamport and Mrs. H. 'Willis, each of which contributed $1,000 towards its purchase, The former organ, which .reqUired extensive repairs, has been dismantled but its components will be saved in case the congregation hopes to use it at a future date. —T -A photo srges ram* to river to get water for fires Following last week's fire at Grand Bend, councillor Emer- son Desjardine seggested to council: at their final meeting, Tuesday, that ramps be built at two or three locations along the river to enable the jeep to get easier access. The councillor pointed out A. E ward Neil Usborne native Albert Edward Neil, 56, Wel- lington St., Exeter, died in Beek Memorial Sanatorium, Byron, having been a patient, only a few hours. Acute pneu- monia was the cause of his death. ' He had been a resident of the community all his life, be- ing born in Usborne Township and moving with his family to Exeter, Following his marriage to Mary D. Cahill he lived in Usborne until moving to Ex- eter about ten years ago, Surviving besides his wife are one sister, Mrs, Charles (Flossie) Waghorn, Exeter; brothers, Harvey Neil, Mitchell; Chester Neil, Seaforth; Cecil Neil, Lune; George and Wes- ley Neil, Kirkton, and Gerald • L 1 Funeral services will he held at the Hoppet-Hockey ftmeral home on Friday, December 22 at 2 p.m. with interment in Exeter cemetery. Bearers will be Gerald Cor- nish, Gordon Beavers, W. G. Seldon, Graham Arthur, Wil- liam Church and Robert Mc- Clure, both of Seaforth. Special music at the Sunday also be featured, Service in James St. UC will The ' cantata, Y. Great include anthems byboth the Light", 'will be presented by junior and senior choirs, a duet the choir of Zinn ELM church by two high school ghee and Sunday morning at 10 a.m. In accompaehnent by both piano the evening, the Sunday School and organ, Christmas .progrent will be Both• the Christian :Reform. presented along with piettut, ed and Bethel Refer e d "The Prince of Peace' churches here will hold their A Christmas progitin will Sunday School Christmas con- also be presented by SS pupils eerts 1116 afternoon af ChriS1- at Zinn Lutheran' Church, Dash. Inas day, following services in Wood,. Sunday night. Commun. their respective Murtha imi will be held le the church .r9,•;"11, V9;0k,.),t'• • • s e•\,. 5: - that it was precarious driving board, a cheque was Issued in the jeep down to the river when the amount of $1,000.00. The it, had to he taken along the summer resort's dog catcher, river's bank. Ed Salter. 'Medford, was paid Ile suggested at least three $112.00 for 14 dogs he picked ramps be built and council de - IP since the last time he is- eided to. investigate the idea, sued a bill. AL the 'fleeting, held to piy Clerk Murray A. Des Jardins off many small outstanding was authorized to reply to a accounts and clean up business letter from Lawrence Blue, for the year, clerk -treasurer, telling the former operator of Murray A. De Jardins, report- the Chuckwagon that he was ed he expected the village to not entitled to any rebate on end the year with a slight sur- his transient trader's license. plus. He was advised that the ..)nly He reported that all loans way he could use up his bal- had been paid off to the Bank ante was to remain in busi- of Montreal, and there was still nes& $34,000 owing in lax arrears. in other business, council: One of the larger accounts Received formal application paid was $847,75 to the Grand from Grand Bend public school Bond and Area Chamber of board to issue debentures in Commerce. It was the final the amount of $40,000.00 for the payment for the group's annual new addition. Invitations have levy of one mill on the taxes, been sent to 14 investment The clerk was also authorized firms to bid on the debentures. to issue a cheque in the amount Set Monday, January 8 for of $50.00 10 the Grand Bend the inaugural meeting of the Legion to assist them with their 1962 council, and extended an annual children's Christmas invitation to the students of party, grades seven and eight at the Following a requisition from public. school to attend the the. Grand Bend public school 10:00 a.m. session ee.ree.ree&aaeaze.aeo7.,,,,oe.„7:tzae7.5).ezittoarsikaaie',e;eA-ehos-seemmeemelikeaeiskA teteVat4.• VfNs`'4* • ,e.'" aft this liesteet Time -let year we want to pause tor a moment say: Thank You for your patronage—and may you leave* Noe%appy Hotidayi MATHERS B AND STAFF PHONE 321 EXETER Martikretereeeleekelerag.ralte-etteerge-91e•MO-eilArMe-eetreeer-e41 4t• (May this Christmas Bring every happiness to all of ottr many friends... • \- 6.4. • , .1 ketee Quiet tOMMLItliOnS Will be Monday morning. reetvieetettevieetloW•90,4MkM4V4949M99g4r0LiVi9i9V9tgli g,PA9 9tc9911g9M4iVi Seasons Best Down the chimney goes jolly St. Nick, with a smile and a wave and a merry wish, And with Santa's arrival, It's time to say, "The season's best" to you, our good friends. Have a happy holiday! MEW .4 40‘1141100,ii'i g John. Webster. Your Priandly Maeoli ''' 0140.Nt 107W EXETER. , Plitind ID - Exefeit • 45 ' "-'16.4-cetkiitvasi,efeftftiftEKtititi•ititi-***00,wskitOtortt46%* "..` .:1*-0.***A-*TotTefoittOttfte*V7.totttotA totfidt*-0:4-itttrotii.*,,e,t, . t. •LV INUIT Out wish for you is that your holiday will be just blooming with lieppiness. And to you, too, our sincere thank t for your loyalpattOtiagd Ilia friendly good wilt Dinney Furniture AND FUNEMAL SERVICES ex` 'earreeee,-0:" 01-1411trY, Ar P,OXPPR/C$ ET • • Or II • . p a •ti 'tt 44A St's Christmas time again... and we take pleasure in wishing for you and your loved ones a very Joyous holiday,. 4 glowing with happiness.. packed with fun and festivity May the'many glad Mel -11011E5 of the season long endure. Marrimemcni atid 51aff Ontario Hydro EXETER AIM .OPPlet .'itieiltise*eierreteentittei•eareeirestretrigriatiterteriekereaet)e-oatittriatta,r1)t',.-"O'erehttititetitiwiiiKeieeeeteietefte,:nwe.e* • • • • V• •L j S 1i,t ..‘4,•.• • • • • ""' "` •••'•" — —