HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-12-14, Page 10Page 10 Ti. Times-Advocate4 Pect4Mber 14, 1961
• I?,
e %en's Curling race
a year, has given indications
that he has no intention of re-
lintmishing his trophy as he Oharlie Shane 15-13111 Allison 6 pia
moved into top spot this week,
The dairyman moved his
one udes on in
ursday, December '21, lea
Bob alerington S—LIIrie linen 6 ear
tion services held at the Imperial Hotel, Friday. Other
members of the executive include: Maudie IVIacdonald,
secretary; Eric Mcllroy,honorary president; Don Robert-
son, treasurer, and Dr, E. A. MelVlaster, vice-president.
Allen Westeott 7—Clare Cann 4 clo az towns
Oliff Brinthell 9—Carman Cann 1 eat
Charlie Smith 16—llon Graham ,
AieLaurshlin bins 11
fall by
wayside: C of C official
Directors of the group are;
Cam Chapman, Griff Thomas,
Jack Hood, Roy Flear, W. F.
B. MacLaren, Clayt 'Anthers,
John Young and Harold Klopp.
During the meeting at the
imperial Hotel, President
Wasmann presented a gavel
to Eric Mcllroy, organizer of
the C ot C, in appreciation for
his untiring efforts and contri-
Mr. and Mrs. John Macdons
ald were also presented with
gifts for their efforts by Dr.
Dr. D. R. Warren, speaking not everyone had the ability or
at the installation night of the the opportunity to hold office or
Grand Bend and Area Chain- be a leader, biit pointed out that
ber of Commerce, Friday, told everyone's se -vice was appre-
the members "it is the Mai- eiable to his community.
vidual who comprises the great "We must be more of a doer
asset of any community." than a talker," he said. "We
Warren, president of the Sar-
nia C of C, said it was the
individuals of the community
who will bring about the ac-
complishments of that commu-
"lf your C of C does anything
it will be by their own efforts
in a true democratic atmos-
phere," he said, By MRS. ERVIN RADER
• "We have material wealth and DASHWOOD
abundance in this country," he The junior choir of Zion Lu•
said, "but don't measure all by theran church had a successful
tlils." Our greatness lies in the evening Sunday when they pre -
spirit of the people, their abi- sented their Christmas cantata
lity to live with others and their which was the Christmas story
respect for human life and dig• in word and song, With the pro-
nity." eeeds they will purchase a rec-
He pointed out that material ord player for the church.
things make life comfortable,
The directors of Dashwood
but things of the spirit made
WI, Mrs. Otto Willert, Mrs. Er -
life a success. "It depends on
what we think of our fellow nest Koehler, and Mrs. Addison
man — what we will accom-
Tieman were in charge of the
plish," he said,
meeting for December.
The ladies who had taken the
Sites problem short course, "Focuspon Fin -
Dr. Warren said that a major ishes" were present and mod -
problem facing the country was elled their dresses as well as
determining the method which presenting the skit they did at
should be employed in our ef- Summary Day held at Clinton.
forts to continue our prosperity Eleven ladies completed the
and survive in our present course and the leaders were,
state. Mrs. John Rader and Mrs. Eben
"Not survive, literally," he Weigand.
said, "but in a business sense." Donations were made to the
Stressing the fact that action Children's Aid at Goderich and
had to be taken immediately, the local Christmas fund for
he said that never in history the children.
has 'competition been so keen. Euchre was enjoyed with
"We must explore and use our Mrs. Charles Snell, high, and
natural resources," he said. Mrs. Emma Biesenthal, low.
"H we fail to apply ourselves, Personal items
we may not survive," Mrs. Emma Biesenthal of
He pointed out that many Windthorst, Sask., is spending
communities have fallen by the some time with her daughters,
wayside because of their atti- Mrs. Rudolph Miller and Mrs.
tude in taking the country for Melvin Stade.
granted and allowing them- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stormes
selves to become "fat, affluent of St. Thomas spent Sunday
and lazy." with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tie -
"We must begin on the local man and Lynda.
level" he stated. "Grand Bend Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Howe of
is where you can make the London spent Sunday with Mr.
greatest contribution to your and Mrs. Ervin Rader and
country." family.
He pointed out that time and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weber
ability were our main resour- and girls of Burgessville spent
ces and that everyone could Sunday with Mrs. Dan Weber
contribute. "Willingness is the and Thelma.
determining factor," he said. Ervin Rader spent sometime
The Sarnia doctor noted that in Michigan last week accorn-
lelessgaveiveesrea- Nio.w,iesi*ArisIsreaNie.v.o.vpaesti,o.e.egai.eiee.oliusguNe.si•
Choir sings
yule contata
must be willigg to stand and
be counted and have the cour-
age to stand by our convic-
"We must overcome apathy
and indifference to fulfill the
privilege that is ours in this
country," the stated.
Needs developing
Dr, Warren told the C of C
members that Ontario received
about 75 percent of the tourist
money coming into Canada, and
pointed out that a large share
of this came to the Grand Bend
and Sarnia area.
"However," he said, "we
must develop iL"
He stated that the tourist bu-
siness required the least amount
of capital expenditure for a mu-
nicipality, pointing out that the
tourists did not require schools
for their children, or did not re-
quire many other provisions
such as snow plowing.
"But they are citizens and
let's not get this short-sighted
attitude and milk these people
and give them very little in re-
turn, he said. "Let us do some
serious thinking about these
Dr. Warren was introduced by
Griff Thomas and thanked by
W. F. B. MacLaren, directors
of the Grand Bend C of C.
He was accompanied from
Sarnia by his wile, Mr. and
Mrs, Bill Bennett and Mr. and
Mrs. H. G. "Scoop" MacLean.
Bennett is the manager of the
Sarnia C of C and MacLean is
the managing editor of the Sar-
nia Observer.
James Dalton, retiring reeve
of Grand Bend, and warden of
Lambton county, installed the
new officers of the Chamber of
Commerce. They include; Eric
Mcllroy, honorary president;
Ory Wass -mann, president; Dr.
A. E. McMaster, vice-presi-
dent; Don Robertson, secretary
and Maudie Macdonald, secre-
periled by several men of the
Zurich district.
Mrs, Ervin Rader, Ruthanne,
and Mrs. Lloyd Howe visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Wellwood
Gill at Grand Bend Sunday af-
Mrs, Ed. Wi1lert is a patient
in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
don, where she is undergoing
.0aNamAioNia.fibisiimwit veaire5 vee riss);
Look what happens
when you give her a
New Hoover
Three neat new features make the world's most wanted cleaner even
better! Powedui stlel on gels all the dirt and gets it fast. The Constellation
actually floats on air to end lugging or lifting. Other famous features are
iouble-stretch hose, easily -removed dirt bag and new improved rug -and -
rear 710721C,, It's made by flocwer s you know it's dependable. And it's
beautiful too, with attractive styling in beige and pearl white.
The all-new Constellation 881 will make the ideal Christmas girt— or
snake your own pre -holiday cleaning a breeze. See it soon.
as low as
Give her a
. , V ot, 41, :41
4 4,
itAiitlifistSit*itttititittOtteltititd. StiKtio*AtiOttititr ---- St*
Ce nt r Cilia groups join
to observe Chr!sh, as
The members .of the Woman's
Association and the Missionary
Society held a eombined Christ-
mas meeting in the schoolroom
of the ehur.cb. on Tuesday eve-
ning of last Week. Mrs. George
Hepburn presided and was as-
sisted in the devotions by Mrs,
L. Morgan,
Numbers on the program
were a piano trio by Lynda,
Kathy and Judy Whittington
reading, Mrs, Huxtable; AC.
cordion solo, Jim Neil; a Christ -
Inas story, Mrs, Hepburn; ve-
nt trio, Mrs, Harold Light-
foot, Mrs. Lorne Hicks and
Mrs. Orville Langford; reading,
Mrs. E. Powe; a piano medley,
Mrs, Lorne Hieks.
A Christmas service waS.,pre-
sented by several ladies with
Mrs. Earl Heist as leader, and
readers Mrs, Percy Noels, Mrs.
D. M. Guest, scripture reading,
Mrs. George Dunn. impersonat-
ing Vision, Faith, Joy, Wnr-
ship, Gifts and Dreams were
Mrs. W. Elliott, Mrs, R. Shoe
bottom, Mrs, A. Essery, Mrs.
O. Squire, Mrs, A. Smith and
Mrs. F. Hicks. The reading
parts were interspersed with
singing and a duet was sung
by Mrs. Osborne and Mrs,
Stutchbury, Mrs, Kenneth Hod-
gins was the pianist.
Mrs. George ;Hicks added the
artistic touch to the meeting
with the arrangement of a man-
ger scene in a candle -lit setting,
a miniature decorated tree, a
Christmas centrepiece, and a
typical winter scene with the
ever Popular snowman. Colored
lights formed the background,
The members of the two
groups not taking part on the
program were the hostesses.
Officers elected
A short program was pre-
sented on Monday evening when
the ladies of the church met to
organize the new group, "The
United Church Women."
Decorations arranged by Mrs.
• , •
Kenneth Greb and Mrs.
Guest made an attractive set-
ting for the new beginning in
the swirl( a the women of the
Mrs. Earl HAW was in the
chair and was assisted in the
worship service .by MrSi
Langford and Rev. D. JsL Quest,
Readings were given by Mrs.
Jack Essery and Mrs. frank
Hicks,A vocal duet was sting
by Mrs, Osborne and Mrs.
Stutelibury. Mrs, Lorne Hicks
Played a medley of familiar
Rev, Gest in addressing the
ladies on the subject "The
House of Christmas" pointed
out that Christmas is a house
of giving because it commem-
orates the greatest gift ever
given in the birth of Christ.
"Christians all over the world
are closely united, especially at
Christmas in the singing of the
Christmas hymns" said Mr,
Mrs. W. R. Essery was ap-
pointed secretary for the eve-
ning, Rev. Guest conducted a
questionnaire 9n the new group.
The date set for the monthly
meeting of the new group was
the evening of the third Thurs-
day, January 18 will be the
date of the first meeting. Mrs.
Earl Heist Presented the nomi-
nating committee's slate of of-
President is Mrs. Ross Mc -
Falls; vice-presidents, Mrs, El-
mer Powe, Mrs, Percy Noels;
recording secretary, Mrs, Frank
Hicks; assistant secretary, Mrs.
0. Langford; corresponding
secretary, Mrs. W. R. Essery;
treasurer, Mrs. Jack Essery;
Christian Citizenship, M r s .
Lorne Hicks; Comm uni t, y
Friendship, Mrs. Sam Skinner;
Christian and Missionary Edu-
nation, Mrs. Arthur Mt:Fells;
music, Mrs. .A1Vin. Essery;
ratvre and eennittlnieatien.
W. Elliott;. finance, Mrs. Earl
Heist; .mans.e, mrs. R.litair:
membership, irs. 0. Itangfordi
social, WS, K. Greb; steward-
ship, Mrs. W. IL Essery;
grant, los, Murray Elliott; sup-
ply, Mrs. George Dunn; flow-
ers, Mrs„ Q. Hicks, Mrs. K.
liedgins; press :reporter, Mrs..
Organize, vitalize and spirit-
nalize were used by Mr, Guest
As the key words pointing IA the
"No license, lady?" growled
the traffic cop. "Don't you
know you can't drive without
"That explains everything,"
said she. "I thought it was be-
cause I was nervous and near-
sighted that 1 hit two cars and
ran into a fire hydrant."
success el the new organization.
The annual Christmas Sunday
ISiceibdooln ege01:stechingfrilpot mWQ1-11 tbn:
ehureh on Thursday* evening,,
Dee. 14. The COW will present lip
their vesper Service m the
church on Sunday evening, Dee.
Personal items '
Mr, and Mrs. :Frank Mar -
,shall of Blyth. Mr, and Mrs.
,Frank Hicks and family Were
Saturday pests with IVIr. and
Mrs, George Hicks.
.„/; •/-
the Holidays are #0,t complete
thout this fest/ ir
vit //- • 4rmi/j/ /tea t
40•Alvamm•MIMM• 1.mt ..•.T.010••••••••••••It *.r j•PI /OW ........rwisImma.11•11111•1•••••
Sprinkle it with nutmeg • • • serve in
party glasses. Family and friends will
enjoy this delicious dairy drink.
Order a few quarts now for holiday
Exeter Dairy
Phone 331
Features ofthe new
Ford cal: -
The room, the ride,
the performance
and finish of a fine
car are all yours 111114.11191'i
in the new Ford
Fairlanc. it brings
you automotive
advances you could
not buy two years ago in any car at any
price - . . yet it's priced right down
among the compacts!
Four torque boxes ate built into the
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These help greatly to absorb vibrations
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shocks from the wheels before they gel
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the same thing, but.in the new Fajrlane
you have this third a bsorbing agent for a
new level of smooth, quiet quality.
An exclusive new casting process has
created a completely new V-8 that coin -
bines the strength of iron with the light-
ness of aluminum. As -a. result, the
Challenger V-8, the newest from the
world's V-8 leader, brings you smoother,
quieter, more economical performance.
The Fairlane Six is actually more eco-
nomical than many of the compacts.
Fairlape features full-size interiors, with
big car roominess for six people. Posture -
perfect front seats are generously foam
padded. The wide selection of fabrics,
appointments and optional power equip -
trent adds to your driving pleasure.
Spring and fall,—that's all! Ford's
famous built -to -take -care -of -itself fea-
tures bring you twice -a -year maintenance
. 6,000 miles on some items, 30,000
miles on the rest. You go up to 30,000
miles between chassis lubrications . .
up to 6,000 miles between oil changes.
There's a 30,000 mile or two-year radi-
ator coolant, Brakes adjust themselves
—automatically for the life of the linings.
Mufflers are double -wrapped and alu-
minized to triple their life. All vital
underbody parts are specially processed
to resist rust and corrosion—even the
body panels beneath the doors are gal-
vanized, Its Diamond -Lustre finish never
needs polishing. Ford Dealers give a
12 -month or 12,000 mile warranty,
whichever comes first.
See the new Ford Fairlonc now!
crick features illtnirOled IVO optional al extra cost.
Larry Snider Motors
Ford • Monarch • Falcon - Ford and Falcon Trucks
'60 CHEV IMPALA, 2 -door hardtop, V-8 •.. ..... .... $2,300
'60 METEOR, 6 -cylinder sedan, radio „.„„...,...„„...... .1,900
'59 FORD 6 -cylinder, 2 -door —,„„„,„„, .... . ..... 1,650
'59 CI -TEV, 6 -cylinder, 2 -door ..... rorrir.r.tUrr MomIrrrairrrrorr.,40.1,41r.... 1,500
'57 FORD V43, 4 -door Ranch Wragort eviVa11.V.Vi "e•ILITIVIVVVIVFV*4,111,01-6 1,295
'58 IVIETEOR, V-8, sedan
'57 PLYMOUTII, V-8, sedan, driven very carefully .... 1,200
'56 FORD, 2 -door, automatic, lady,drivert • ,..„ 1,000
'56 MONARCH, 2 -door hardtop, nice one ......... . ... 1,000
'56 MEV, V-8, sedan, automatic, clean ....... . . 1,000
'56 :FORD, V -S, sedan, stolen radio if we cab find 1,000
'56 METEOR, 6 -cylinder, 2 -door ...... „ ....... .......... ,...„„ 1,000
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55 PActoutn SEDAN
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'54 FARGO i, -TON 650
'52 FORD PICKUP 150 •
'50 MASSEI' "30"
rrrrOltrs,r0 ............... r .............. ..... r
MASSE' 101 JUNIOR ... . .....•............ ..... ........
LIFT 8t. DRAG PLOWS, 2 and 3:furrow
rrem $50 up