HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-12-14, Page 5Page 5 December 14, 1961. ensall and district ;news. CORRESPONDENTS. Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone 5 Mrs, Archie MacGregor, Phone 56 Ladles help Treat children at Legion party school fund Christmas gifts were handed The United Church Evening mit to, 70 children. of the Le- gion ori and Auxiliary at the an - Auxiliary held its Christmas neat Christmas children's party meeting Monday evening with held in the Legion Hall Sunday the husbands as special guests. afternoon, Santa Claus, assist airs, Ron Mock presided and ed by Mrs, William Smile and welcomed the members and: Don Havens distributed the guests. gifts,sonof During the .business period parols Awas g sung and Christmas several $300 was donated to the new cartoons. shown in charge of Sunday School building fund; President Jim Clark. $20,00towards cost of mailing In charge of purchasing the bales, a project .0f the Woman,s, gifts were Mrs, William Snare, Misisonary Society, and $5,00 Mrs, W. J, Cameron and Mrs, to the Guides and Brownies, Mary Taylor, This is an an- Mrs. J. Corneit and Mrs, W. nual project of the Legion and were ere appointed to look after the Mission Band for January, Mrs. Ross Forrest submitted the visiting report, and Mrs. Dave Kyle, the pro- visional committee report. Mrs. Robert Cook was in charge of the devotion, with Christmas used as the theme, She was assisted by Mrs. How- ard Scene and Mrs. Don Joynt, Miss Mary Goodwin and Mrs. Pearl Passmore ore c ontributed a vocal duet with. Mrs. Currie Winlaw at the piano. Rev. C. Winla*, guest spea- ker, spoke on "Christmas An- gels" and Mr. Trevor Wilson, gave a commentary and showed pictures of his European trip taken last summer. Mrs. Mock extended courtesy remarks, Auxiliary, Christmas cake draw Winners of the Hensall Kin- ette Christmas cakes in a draw at Crest Hardware Satur- day night were Mrs, D, J. Mc- Kelvie, of Essex, a former member of the club, and Mrs. Charles Farquhar of Hensall. It, J. Drysdale made the draw. The cakes were made by Mrs, William Mickle and Mrs, Ross Jinks, This is a yearly project of the club with pro- ceeds for service work. Rev, Ross D. MacDonald will appear on the program "Think On These Things" on CKNX-TV, Wingham, Wednes- day, December 20, at 11:05 a.m. Hensall personals The Sunday School scholars of Carmel Presbyterian Church will present their annual Christ- mas program in the church. schoolroom this Sunday eve- ning, December 17: In a draw at Brown's IGA Saturday night, Mrs. Lloyd Cooper of Kippen was the win- ner of $20.00 worth of groceries, and Mrs. James Drummond of Kippen won the doll, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fuss and family spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Jim ' Fuss at Alliston and also visited with relatives in Toronto. Mr. Leonard Noakes, presi- dent of Clinton branch of In- stitute of Power Engineers,, at- tended the Canadian. Power Show in Toronto this week, 1 Pupils of grade 5 and 6 of Hensall Public School held a white elephant sale at the school Friday afternoon and realized $6.50, which will be forwarded to the Children's Aid at Goderich. Auctioneers were Ruth Smale, Pauline Bell, Ar- lene Chipchase. Mrs. Mary Haugh is the teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Robin- son, of Bath, visited Mrs. Hugh MeMurtrie and friends for a couple of weeks. Mr. and IMrs, John Soldan, Pat and Mike, of Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman, Rob- ert, William and James, Dash- wood, attended the Dulong. Spellman wedding at St. Mary RC church, Tillsonburg, Sat- urday, Dec, 9. Mr. and Mrs. Alex MoMurt- rie, of Toronto, spent• a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John McMurtrie and Mrs. Hugh Mc- Murtrie. Mrs: S. Rannie was the win- ner of $25.00 worth of groceries in a draw at Al's Supersave Market Saturday night. Mrs. Grace Harpole left this week to spend the winter months with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Peacock and family at Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Morris- sey and Rickey, of Parkhill, were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. George Parker. Miss Florence Petty is a pa- tient in Clinton Hospital, , George Messing of London, Your library Continued from page 4 Arthur Meighen, Mackenzie King and others. He is at his best when writing of the war years possibly because of his own experiences. Seven Rivers of Canada Hugh MacLennan is the au- thor of "Seven Rivers of Can- ada" which had its beginning in art assignment given hien by Ralph Allen for Maclean's magazine and some of the material in it first appeared in Maclean's: He set out, to study the great river systems of Canada read- ing their histories and explor- ing then} at they exist today, He writes about the Mackenzie, the St. Lawrence, the Ottawa, (he Red, the Saskatchewan, the Fraser and the St. John, He writes " To .know the seV- en rivers of Canada is to know Canada for much of the grow- ing nation's character and ex- perience is bound up in them. The famous St: Lawrence is still, as always, a vital artery of commerce bttt more than that, its story fa the very, main stream of.Canadian . history, and so with the other great rivers." Mr. MacLennan teaches two courses in the English Depart- ment of McGill University, lie has published five novels and three books of essays, • and fre- tdiently writes fol` Maclean's, SaturdayH Holidays Night and lids y was the winner of the Christ- mas cakes in a draw at the Es- so Service Station on Highway 4, operated by Mr. Elmer John- ston. Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Smith, Danny,' Debbie, and Douglas, spent the weekend visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Petzke of New ,Hamburg. Fete bride at Kippen• By MRS. NORMAN LONG KIPPEN• Kippen United Church was nicely decorated on Wednes- day evening as friends and neighbors met to honor Kath- ryn Anderson on her approach- ing marriage on Dec. 16. The program was chaired by Mrs. John Sinclair and included Christmas carols with Mrs. Ross Broadfoot at the piano; reading, "What is a husband" by Mrs. Hugh Hendrick; con- tests by Mrs. Alex Townsend and Gwyn Jones; piano solo by Mrs. Ross Broadfoot. Kathryn was invited to sit on a chair on the platform and an address was read by Miss Marie Sinclair and Wendy Jones presented the gifts, Miss Marion Turner and Mrs. Alex Townsend assisting. Kathryn thanked everyone for the gifts and invited all to her home to see her trousseau. After lunch all went to the Anderson home, The trousseau was shown by Miss Marie Sinclair and Mrs. Alex Townsend, WMS remembers sick The December meeting of the Woman's Missionary So• ciety of Kippen United Church was held Tuesday afternoon, Dec, 5. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Harold Jones took charge of the meeting, also of the worship period for which the theme was "Three Wise Men". Mrs. Bert Faber read scripture, Reports on the sessions of sectional convention held at Whalen United Church were given by Mrs. Bert Faber and Mrs. Emerson Kyle. The host- esses were Mrs. Archie Par- sons and Mrs. William Bell. it was decided that Christmas boxes be sent to the shut-ins, Rev. A. H, Johnston showed a film "'I'he Other Wise Mali:'. Mrs, Howard Finkbeiner ex- pressed courtesy remarks.. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mac- Lean and Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Hay of Hensall attended the funeral of Mrs. Robert Norris, sister of Mrs. MacLean, at Lon- don, on Friday, - Little Diane MacKay. daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth MacKay who developed pneu- monia was taken last week to Clinton Public Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Frecl Rown- tree, Weston, visited a .few days with his sister and brother -in- law, Mi'. and Mrs. Norman Long. The 1{ippen church choir, as- sisted by Brucefield chow, are presenting a Christmas story cantata "While Shepherds Watched" on Sunday, . Dec. 17 at 6.. p,m, in St. Andrew's church. Ac KA CHR When kidney! felt to remove excess acids and Wdetea, hat kocba tired fee1lf5'" dish:rbea cos! 'Olin follow. Dodd's Kidney,Pllle stlmuiate kidneys to !MOM •ay, Yeu WI better, a eti better, Work batter.- 80 Santa here Saturday The annual Christmas party for the children of the village and .community will be held this Saturday, December 16 at 2 p,m, Santa Claus will be _pre sent to distribute treats to the children, after which films will be shown in the town hall. The party is sponsored by the 1-iensall businessmen who also sponsor free skating every Sat- urday afternoon in the arena, Personal items , ,�,- .� •,ate ,�_. , . ,;, ., :: .Kiri'tt+ :s to aid needy farily. Mrs Jim Hyde was hostess for the Iiinette Christmas meet. ing on 'i'uesday, ,evening with president Mrs. Williaon. Cies meet in The chair. - - Phe group plan. ,to buy .clothes and toys for Christmas• .for a. needy family in the area. Mrs. .Clement 'TOO a letter from their adopted Italian child. The report on •the sale of tickets on Christmas cakes was. favorable, Prospective mem- her Mrs. John Baker was Pres. ent. The raffle was won by Mrs. Ross. Jinks. Circ a hears Christmas .message. Arnold Circle Evening Aux- iliary .of Carmel Church met Monday evening with Mrs, Gor don Schwalm presiding. Mrs. Harold Bonthron and Mrs. 11, ship pe Mrs. Stewart Bell introduced Rev. R. D, IiacDonald, who. delivered :an inspiring .Christ- nies message, He was .thanked .by Mrs, Gerald Bell, An invitation was accepted to attend •the candlelight vesper service of the CGIT Sunday evening, December 24. Mrs, Gordon "Schwalm, Mrs, Mr, Charles male of the Stewart Bell, Mrs, John Skea, University. of Western Ontario,and Mrs, J. E, mitts en were spent the weekend with his Par' appointed a curch ee to fie, p conte the church for Christ. 50 encs, Mr, and Mrs, Laird Mia• mas Sunday, TJie committee s, kle, Bob and Ann,will ,Heating, lighting and toilet Miss Nancy Lanvin, Dublin, Deceberdecorate nn Wednesday, facilities no doubt are, much and Miss Jean Turner, Varna, better in the new schoolthan spent last week practise teach- Personal. litems in the old one -room ones, but ing in No, 1 Tuckersmith, Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Baker I think ratepayers should be Laurabelle Reichert is the tea• and daughter visited with Mrs, sure of all the • angles, and cher. Baker's parents, Mr, .and Mrs. especially the transportation Miss Geraldine Parker, of Nelson Pfaff, at Brucefield. one, before they vote in favor London, spent the weekend with Miss Mary Dixon, of Exeter, of graded schools." her parents,Mr, and Mrs.- liar- was a recent visitor with Mr. A MOTHER* old Parker, and Mrs. A. Orr, *Name available on request 'i#, w?iilim N .,Ei'SS?!ogioigi gito tist1, 't tlti�ji ftw+S 4i•GdY iegr i7movgr:.,' t i't ? iec:fii Variety of crimps tor sends A greater variety of crimes than fist ai has sent a :total _of 121 prisoners to liur0n county jail during the first 10 months; of 1961. It was reported by 'ailer R. W. Bell to county council recently. Qf the 135 crimes outlined by Mr. Bell, at least half .of them: involved liquor. Thirty-four re- sulted from traffic violations, Here's the jailer's list to Oc- tober 31: Wounding 2 impaired .driving Keep for sale .. ,,................" False pretences Intoxicated Drive while prohibited Unlawful have beef --- Default ...-Default .of appearance Enter with intent• Cause disturbance .. P'assession of stolen goods 19 2 15 3 16 5 14. 8 1 5 4 Letters. Continued front Page 4 of five .or six hate to leave home early and do not get home until nearly five o'clock at night, making a very long day for beginners. "Most of the buses are over- loaded, carrying 75 to 80 on buses which should seat 45 or #os4 >!e /hoe /0 6t/y...e/Wigift/il Models FRIGIDAIRE FRIGIDAIRE FACTORY IS CLOSED BY STRIKE BUT WE STiLL HAVE MODELS LEFT WHICH WE ARE CLEARING AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES FOR YEAR-END, Don't drive miles away for bargains — Come to Hensall for Discount Prices at Home! rv, Save Over $200 ON THESE CUSTOM IMPERIAL MODELS WCIC-61 WASHER, REGULAR $479.95 DDIC-61 DRYER, REGULAR. $329.95 $809.90 Both For Only '579 Plus your Old Washer y'r„si7e.ostos•p +.,,,...N.,e,h •t7a.,..v, .. F? anes'he 4)t.5%..�!'ra- •I7ra•14.a,ii }k or.• • •AEsA f ,,, ,, , 3c Refund on Every Dollar Cash A :ir if Purchase Good in Our Toy Dept buil esti ettectarti canes l•ar404;et aetd• ilor �` d tai o? t5•e xt va4t l feAt aafir ?is• tt?4Atis•tKt3 oNtl iVii Drysdale Crest Hardware Phortie 11 Hensall cs i•ttMeilgr t s o ll*ofl k el;ri'a S`i el;4•c ietIti•rM ts•e*trt'5•Stti i•ettti•t!?!Gs sits 01:t:ociMai,ei•eftC1t! tM Unlawfully obtain liquor permit Leave scene of accident ..,. Careless driving Drunk driving Non support Bigamy Common assault Supply minors ., .... Contribute to juvenile delinquency Beer ether than residence Break, enter, theft Take vehicle without owner's consent Incest Wilful damage Counterfeit money ,,,„,..,, Car theft Trespass a 2 1 4 3 3 4. 1. 1 1 2 1 2 1 135 AN IDEAL IST PERkSONALiZED LABELS htiladreds of uses for iaun1Hned labels , 4 letters, envelopes, books, records, eotoi, Slides, ete, 300, :FOR ,$1,75 Times -Advocate s l*P e"4 it?il !!!? c+ ev i•t t•a!at �? Ndttassr;d• at eelle04r'elelO r Meet ra s Sim 3s ti i l s Wonderland of Fool. FROZEN FOODS—Highliner Brand Ocean Ib, pkg. Perch Fillets 35` PRODUCE. Florida White No. 1 96's GRAPEFRUIT 10 r” 45 Tropic Beauty No. 1 CELLO TOMATOES Ontario No, 1" ONTARIO POTATOES California Red No. 1 EMPEROR GRAPES BAKING SUPPLIES Supreme 6 -oz. pkg. WALNUT HALVES ...... 45p Aylmer Cut 8 -oz, pkg. MIXED FRUIT 259 Australian Sultana RAISINS, 2 -Ib, pk Dromedary DATES, 1 -lb. 399 Maraschino 16 -oz. CHERRIES 599 g. 539. Coffee Beans SUPER $AVE 2 -LB, BAGS GREEN LABEL ., $1.35 YELLOW LABEL ,... • $1.19 Allen's Drinks Orange, Grape, Pinapple' Grapefruit, Apple 3 20.OZ. TINS 794: Salad Dressing 32.oz. MIRACLE WHIP 59e VICK'S VAPO-RUB Reg. 64c, SPECIAL. 49c STRIPE DENTAL CREAM Reg. 65c, SPECIAL 499 14.0z. -Ter: White Swan, Colored or White Serviettes 3 The Tea 25 -Foot Roll Les. PKGS. Go OAns 75c Saran Wrap 374 Libby's Grapefruit Sweetened Juice 48 -oz. TIN Garden Patch 14 -ounce tins. Kernel Coen 3 Luncheon Meat Karn 12-0z. TIN 4 Rose Sweet Mixed Pickles Crisco Shortening Maple Leaf Mincemeat ncemeat Crushed or Sliced Pineapple 16 -ounce jar 3 -pound titi , 99 28'ou:-cz tirr• 20.ounce tin Spare Ribs Pot Roasts Side Pork Chicken Loaf Le. I nLt.Cn Le' Ft<C5(1 Le. HENSALL