HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-12-07, Page 18NEP 18 The Tines -Advocate, December 7, 19E11
Crediton EULB group
install new officers
The Boys and Giris Fellowaip of the EUB church met on
Friday afternoon, December 1
fpr their annual Christmas
A short business meeting was
held and the officers for 1963
were installed.
President is Juay Smith;
vice -president, Gwen Fink-
beiner; secretary, Douglas
Finkbeiner; asst secretary,
John Fahner: treasurer. Bill
Batt librarian, Linda Baugh,
The mothers served supper
after which Rev, A Al. Schlen-
ker showed two films followed
by exchange of gifts,
Teen Town
The Crediton Teen Town was
held on Friday, Dec. 1 with a
good attendance. Chaperones
were Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Hodge and Air. and Mrs. Ken
There will not he a dance
owing, to bingo in the hall this
Friday night.
Paper drive is success
The Leader Group Committee
and leaders of the Crediton
Wolf Cub Pack are grateful
for the success of the recent
paper drive.
A. bottle drive is coming up
january 6. 1962. Please save
all depositable bottles.
Paper will again be collect.
ed the latter part of January.
The Cub pack is still looking
for new members. All boys
between the ages of 8 and 11,
residents of Stephen township,
are eligible. Meetings are held
in the community centre every
Friday evening at 6.3fl,
Wedding anniversary
Relatives and friends gather-
ed at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Cliff Brock Saturday eve-
ning to help them celebrate
their wedding anniversary.
The surprise party consisted
of Mr. and Airs, Robert Lynett,
Whalen boy
wins award
Grant Hodgins attended
Awards night at Wingham on
Friday evening for 4-H mem-
bers of Huron county. Grant
was presented with the "Gold-
en Senator Trophy" for show-
manship in beef at Seaforth
Fair. Gerald Wallis accompa-
nied Grant.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Corbin Pearson
and family, Kintore, were Sun-
day evening guests with Mr,
and Mrs. Grafton Squire,
Miss Barbara Gibberd, Miss
Rose Betchel and Mrs. Joyce
Hughes, London, were Saturday
visitors with Mrs, Harry Klahre,
Mr. and. Mrs, Gerald Hern
and family, Zion, and Mr. and
Mrs. McCleod Mills and family
were Saturday evening guests
with Mr, and Mrs. William Mor-
-ley Jr, The gathering honored
several birthdays.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Squire
were guests at the Times -Ad-
vocate banquet in Exeter on
Saturday evening at the Towne
Country Restaurant.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stephens
and Gayle, Anderson, visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Milne Pullen.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster,
Exeter, were recent visitors
With Mr, and Mrs. Ray Parkin-
Son -
Mrs. Norman Hodgins and
Mrs. Percy Hodgins attended a
copper tooling •short course
*sponsored by the Women's in-
-Stitute, Granton, on Monday
nd Tuesday of last week at
the home of Mrs. Clarence
Lewis, Granton.
-.Sue Ann and Paul Squire
spent the weekend in St. Marys
•with their aunt, Mrs. Mac
:,--Gordon Hodgins has accept-
ed a. position at Northern Elec.
tric, London, and commenced
duties on Monday morning,
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Squire
Were Wednesday evening guests
with Mr, and Mrs, Clarence
Knight, Exter.
Mr, and Mrs. Ray Parkin-
son and Wayne visited on Sun-
day with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne
Grbse, Devizes,
Miss 'McClean, London, was
a Sunday visitor with Mr, and
Mrs. Alex Baillie.
Mr, and Mrs, Peter Goud-
sWard and Joey, London, visit-
ed on Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Laverne Morley.
Mrs. Florence Johns and Mr,
Meltzer Herbert, Exeter, were
Friday visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Cleve Pullman,
Mr. and Mrs, Steve :Fields,
Lindon, were recent visitors
With Mr, and Mrs. Gordon
Joh ns on .
Mr. and Mrs. J. Finkbeiner
and girls were in Listowel on
Sunday visiting relatives,
I Sunday And
Evening, Service i
-0Pett this Sunday. Wed=
tresday afternoon and dur.
itig the evening through.
ottt the week.
Snell Bros.
Don lills, Mr. and Airs. W. S.
Broek. London, Mr. and Mrs.
Lea O'Reilly. London, Air. and
Mrs. Sherwood Brock, Mr. and
Airs Lloyd Hern, Exeter, Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan Brock and fain-
ily, Winchelsca. Mr. and Mrs.
GoldGlenn and family. Brins-
ley, Mr. and Airs. Clarence
Hawkins, Anderson.
Mr. and Mts. Brook received
many useful gifts. The evening
was spent in playIng euchre
after :vhich lunch was served
bv the ladies
Funeral of Royal Gaiser
The funeral of the late Royal
Gaiser w as held on Wednesday
afternoon at the T. Harry Hoff-
man funeral home. Dashwood
with Rev. A. M. Schlenker and
Rev. B. E. Seebach of Hanover
officiating. Mr. Harry Hoff-
man rendered two solos.
The pallbearers were Don and
Jack Geiser of Dashwood, Ed
Yearley of Windsor, Ken Woods
of London, Dr. Frederick Mor -
lock of Waterloo and J. Peter-
son of Denfield.
Those who attended from a
distance were Miss Pearl Gais-
er of Toledo, Ohio, Dr, F. Mon
lock •of Waterloo, Air. and Mrs.
Ed 1,'earley of Windsor, Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Woods of Lon-
don, Mr. and Mrs, H. Jones,
Mr, and Mrs, Jaques of Hen -
sail, Mr. and Mrs, D. Parker
of Stella, Mr, and Mrs. W.
McEwen of Ailsa Craig, Mr.
and Mrs, J. Peterson of Den-
Interment was in. Crediton
ceinetery. Lunch was served
by the Ladies' Aid of the EUB
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs, Ross Haugh
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Lambie and family of
Hensall spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Finkbeiner,
Mr, and Mrs, Ted Insley,
Karen and Murray, of Wood-
ham, spent Sunday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr, and Airs, Nelson Schenk,
Mrs. M. Clark and Mrs, L.
Oesch visited with Mr. and
Mrs. B, Faber and Mrs. Oesch
returned to her home at Blake,
The Chrstmas meeting of the
LadiesAid and WSWS of the
EUB church will be held on
Thursday evening at 8.15, the
roll call being answered by
giving fruit, jelly or jam for
South Huron Hospital, Exeter.
Mrs. M. Feist and Mrs. Lorne
Preszcator attended the T -A
banquet last Saturday evening
at Towne and Country, Exeter.
Mr. Lloyd Hey and Lorne
Voigt spent a few days in De-
troit over the weekend,
Miss Sandra Finkbeiner, of
Aylmer spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Finkbeiner and family.
Mr, Matt England of Hensall
visited with his children in
town on Sunday and attended
morning worship.
Mr, and Mrs. Alf Tilley cele-
brated their 34th wedding an-
niversary on Sunday at the
home of their daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Don Jory at Exeter.
Those attending were Mr. 'and
Mrs. Harry Crocker of Lam-
beth and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Tilley and family of Exeter,
Mr. Howard Beaver, of Ham-
ilton, spent the weekend with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Beaver,
Mr. Francis Clark expected
to get home from the hospital
last weekend but wasn't so
good so has to stay a while
Mr. Bert Pascuzzo has had a
Kernohan home built on his
lot he purchased some years
ago on Main street and expects
to move in as soon as it's fin-
Freddie Brock and Allan
Browning were two of the paper
boys who attended the game
between Detroit Red Wings and
Toronto Maple Leafs at De-
troit on Sunday, guests of the
London Free Press.
Visitors with Mrs. William
Roeszler on Sunday were Mr.
and Airs. Richard Lucas and
Mel England of St, Thomas,
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Roeszler
of London and Mr. and Mrs.
Don Bell and son of EXeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fink.
beiner are spending a few days
with Mr, and Mrs. Eugene
.Finkbeiner in Barrie.
Mr. Emerson Reoszler and
friend of London called on
friends in town. on Friday,
Wiring And Installationt
Phoriii 328W
Rain hurts
onion crop
Frequent sliewers when bar-
v.esting onions— Dina seta.
h a. v e considerably damaged
storage outlook.
Picking .corn at the, °Haig
Farm an the Alollard line, just
completed, required the .aid of
:Diesel caterpillar and 'tractors.
Increased development ,of
contract farming in the field
of processing crops is the latest
threat to operators of -the vari-
ous Ontario fruit and vege-
table marketing hoards.
Personal items
Mr. and Airs. Gerald .Jarnie-
sett,. of Sarnia, visited relatives
last Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Davis,
of Forest, visited Mr. and Airs.
Oscar: Nordstrom last Sunday,
Mrs. Remie van Pra.et and.
daughters and Airs. William
Davidson visited in London last
Mr. and Mrs. William. Nord-
strom and Ren Wendell were
guests of Mr. and Airs. Wit.'
liana Davidson last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, William :Zettle,
newlyweds, were entertained
at a :presentation and dance at
the Klondkye school last Fri-
day evening, iviiich was well
attended. Each brought a mis-
cellaneous gift. Lunch was
Bible drive
nets $800
The local executive of the Ca-
nadian Bible Society, Exeter
branch, are pleased to report
that the sum of $800 has been
contributed by the town of Exe-
ter and the surrounding areas
to the work of the Society to
December 1 this year,
Anyone who has been inad-
vertantly missed in the canvas
may still contribute by placing
their donation in an envelope
and placing it on the collection
plate of any of the churches.
It will find its way to George
Tinney, treasurer of the fund.
The executive are grateful for
the generosity of the citizens of
the area,
It eV. Francis McCarroll
A Georgetown priest, speak-
ing to local CFM groups at Hu-
ron Park Monday night, con-
demned the emphasis on mate-
rialism in modern society which
has led to a decline in moral
Rev, Francis MeCarroll, FM,
Cap„ criticized the popular at-
titude which demands that edu-
cation primarily must provide
children with the skills to ac-
cumulate wealth. He felt the
schools' major concern should
be to develop well -adjusted ci-
tizens able to make significant
contributions to the common
Rev. McCarroll urged the par-
ents to encourage their children
to consider vocations offered in
the church. He also stressed
the need for greater family
The speaker was introduced
by Rev. G. E. Grant, RC padre
at RCAF Station Centralia.
CFM stands for Christian Fam-
ily Movement.
• 4,
• M45M7'.,..*::,
Dashwood groups. Fete couple e- -
Mann And thoy were Pre.1
s Med with an electrie toaster
enIQY yule dinners at Biddulphreply,
, ' Personal items
The Ladies Aid of the Evan-
gelical UB church held their
Woodrow Macke dinner Friday
evening Dec. 1 with 68 present,
Group 3 with Mrs, Harry Hoff-
man convener served a turkey
Members of the entertainment,
committee were Mrs. Harold
Kellerman, Mrs, J. AL Tieman,
and Mrs, Howard KlumPli-
Guest speaker Was Miss Lot.-
na Taylor of London who showed
Pictures of her kip to lndia,
The Holy Land, and The Mid -
Ole East.
Bev. and Mrs, M. J, James
sang a duet with Mrs. James
'accompanying them on the pia,
no accordion. Mrs. Howard
Klumpp conducted a sing song.
Choir Supper
The annual choir supper of
Zion Lutheran church was held
Friday, Dec, 1, with 33 pre-
sent. Grotto 2 of the Ladies Aid
with Mrs, Ken Keller convener
served a turkey dinner,
Following supper bunco was
played. 'Winners were Albert
Miller and Helen Nadiger; con-
solation winners were Chas,
Martene and Margaret Salmon.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs, James Corn -
ford and family, London, visited
over the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. William Gossman,
The junior choir of Zion Lu-
theran church will present a
Christmas cantata, 0, Come Let
Us Adore Him." Sun. Dec, 19
at 7;30 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader at-
tended the Exeter Times -Advo-
cate family banquet at the
Phone 156 Grand Bend
011111111111111 llllll 111111111111111111111111111111111111, lllll
P§P,O, • ll *
'164'"IPP:4 , ""'"0.7474,4Vgav,•:i.o.,;i
aBniftECKER- K1/14 97 Elec. DRILL
Exceptional Savings on Famous Black and Decker Quality
Compact, lightweight, full powered! Just the drill for' almost any job
....in metal, plastic or wood!
Powerful universal air-cooled motor of 2,000 r.p.m, is industrially listed! Beautiful
baked enamel hammertone finish on rugged, die-cast alloy housing. Comfortable
pistol grip and trigger with special. lock switch; Jacobs geared chuck. Complete with
5 -ft. cord and 3 -wire ground circuit plug and chuck key. Guaranteed.
um Portable
Towne and Country restaurant,
Exeter, an Saturday evening.
Sunday visitors with IVir, and
Airs. Wm. .i -laugh wei•c, Mr,
and Mrs, Carl Echmeir and
Paul, Miss Ellen Gilbert, and
Mr. Jerry Wien all, of Strat-
ford; Air. and Airs, Courtney
Burmeister and Alt', and Mrs.
Elmer Rader and family,
Miss Rose Marie Anderson is
a patient in South linron, Hos,
pita!, Exeter,
Miss Sheila Graee Maier,
Youngest daughter of Mr. and
Mrse. Carl Maier, had her ton-
sils removed Saturday in South
:Huron Hospital, Exeter.
On Friday OYaniag Mr. En
}licks and Airs. Priscilla Mack
of Exeter were guests of Mr,
and Mrs. Jack Blair. Later in
the evening they were greatly
surprised when the immediate
friends anti neighbors gathered
in their honor.
Mr. Ilielcs has. alwaYs lived
in the neighborhood and Mrs,
Mack for several years. A SQ-
cial time was spent followed
with lunch served by the
During the evening, an ad-
dress Was read by Mr. Mer -
Joan andl3dan Pym , of
spent Sunday with
their uncle and aunt, Alr, and
Mrs. Sam Skinner.
Mr. and Mrs. AL H. Elston
attended the T.A. banquet held
in Exeter on Saturday oventng.
After viewing the day's
r its h g a, the tempgrarnentat
nqvieaetreSS complained
the chief cameraman, "Yon're
not photographing my best
"How can I" he snapped.
"You're • alwaya aitOngon it."
seal orsteissievolvs'orsissysifttopwAs listissisevisia'sirgerine !eiseittiostfsti
-.:.COIRATIE-• •
rChristmas •
;toono, .A.gilttoggc „. .
•i••••••••• •
No -Short
Hydro.Approved — Weatherproof
Wiring, New Safety Sockets
are made in Canada!
Place under the eaves, around front door
for welcome cheer, add a festive note to
windows, dress up shrubs, trees. New extra -
length set with latest safety wiring circuit
of weatherproof cord, sockets are built by
Canadian craftsmen. 15 big colored pre-
tested bulbs burn independently; add-on
connector, spring clips for
easier free, house front trim-
ming. For 110-120 volt cir-
cuits. Complete
• 1147
Fully approved, weather -tested set at an unusually low price.
Generous length of wiring with cord, add-on connector plug;
outdoor type bakelite sockets are equipped with spring clips.
Each coloured bulb burn independently.
Extra Bulbs
each .14
Set $1.69
--- I
S -Light Indoor Tree Light Set
bulbs operate in series, Spring
A %....,,ofgo
— The colored 7 -Light indoor Multiple Lighting Set — Lights
clips on bulb
operate independently. Larger brightly color -
sockets. With cord, plug. For 110-120add-on connetor. Set
as above 'put with ,15 lights 9 t,
Ext ,a Bulbs—For above, assorted colors, 22
ed bulbs. Spring clips, cord, plug, 1.59
volt cireuits. Set.
15 -Light Indoor Multiple Lighting Set 31
Pac age of 5 Extra Bulbs for above. Pkg. of 5 .45
With Exclusive Stara
Whistles through wood, sh
amazing speed and accura
scroll notches and makes
for inside cuts, Air Alcorn ke
visible. Gets into hard to re
DC motor: 3,000 cutting str
1•.4 4 4 t * * - *
'Deduct Extr
0,74* if
• '
• N.\
NO. .. -
Outdoor Floodlight —Weatherproof socket, 6-
ft. cord, plug, Complete with clear 3 70
As above but with rad, blue, green or 4 29
yellow bulbs. Complete ,.. .. .
Indoor Es:tension Cord — with cap, tri -plug.
6-fL „,. .59; 9 -ft. .79; 15 -ft, — .98
bulb and ground spike •
•,< ..„,e -_,.,,.._•..V';2.. I
,,,, •••4
t 1
'1., ., . - • , ., .,'''‘)0../ %
Christmas Tree Stand Big 17' leg spread,
holds trees up to 3" diem, Bright green and
red sturdy steel, Water container to keep
tree fresh. Easy to set up
Deluxe Tree tinkle Larger size with added
features Bright nickel, chrome trim With
Outdoor Extension Cord — Heavy-chaty, 2 special slots for the tree lights °
SHINY SILVER LEAD•FOIL ------"--'"*-- 3.29
wire. 1.0-11, ....— '''' - .97 25 -ft. „, 1.95 (not included) .
R RIG—HT SILViR.TONE GARLANDS 12.ft lgth. e) r 18/•ft [gin, A ... SNOW 10 7 Y 1 .
P II litin.. aerosol bomb, .79
FLASHER itetet 'guts win'liii 44
200 strands .23 450 strands A c
24'. long 24" long ...P.. o
I" cliam o A ..0 11/2" dim. .4.., . ....................
STENCILS ..., 20 assorted ,.,.,,,.13
OligierONAtt402410********* . •
Phone 461 Milton Robbins & Son Ltd.
**OM -.00‘00.0%.4111***oa**.vr,otiveco0.1e4rotemit*tigt4t1(kivittieo****04kilittisittftiottiAtilkkinktiftttoiftwvii-mivocaftkittimitiattil4ittttittikelm.441iegi***(seitkirft01.1014.0.141.cintit!*