Huron Signal, 1853-01-27, Page 2wee reef wee clue railed tails havy,aad coact till t •a • Mallet res rt Mail lbs. sdimast uq-- -.•attied, $D Lid hmeiag. However, It SF, wind smart t, huhu sail et a P. , Amble noted the tamale sad stewed top-grjlaat nils. TSM waist/ west bul'w uu Ir P. M.; salad .p all Made to *etas 'Oat baited tber sar- mes op, rad *(grin pb •.d spank the gals ad* isersadag, whoa the seal wast t• per., alms • ge dews f Part& end Brace. To err: 11, for eke United Co b and Bruce, and to m ovate, reel as well Doak. Cie younger debtor, at the the of twenty all t ./ tM tM rd wit n th•Nat• real ee limed Doak, bs Meeenarv, statore d r, aloft the peeper. • r. Y. _ r4.,. Mr. Wks.1 Jhered. •M,•is of mink int a - A p oboe Mlim b 65•7 7 wit h RjMe 11prt jsiat coq The chairman aid that imposed to dal kis a Mr. Jame. __i lir. Mod NW* clatters of emu Itiaslro 13,isois snot w the prwvat he lltrul.w4A oik► Peolheeed rgued• in terf*f tis . vet & dead yew ea- comp.aye .anises et e employ. wssld .est Carl were 1 Lo Asa aegi& periabb scs•h8 Was theatre, bssbs sp the r.11.wtag msepeosesay tm lkwtsar Goa by lrethee.lifimwjwlbis, W • M. : Arm Btetsaa.-. lRsssflttldl .l Aledaar (craft wat,i eel,* Swaim ia religious rel visa Per !714,44 spinosa. Unlit* Mia, however, Lord Ab- Mnd al. a 4ses n' at haat orthodox; fob' be Ise aha M las• ways eoatma.d to hefoat to the rhumb of rritle.t hos iottsfatbera sod of his eoaatry, the Praa- b terias Kirk of Soothed. Is the midst #ad s( its late troubles, he as b cam. mown pose, se histories! date,, .us tlet • wore natty rroossArado. Bet W bill, • 'bine h•ta.M* width (. lift of lbs Rum the t ase: IaW ices.) iesa e Carrion' estaifmiDwt *bite b rib which Coedthh ace tithe m•maibih e1 fa ebseb zee use Owing the discoing d tea 4144" 441 • smears, Lord Abad..., borrow, kis M .ee8at.•esprp.td My aim - berm N. sesi low .vbosrapd a bops that Ws ?,..Mss, wiea larger Thera of dsty ipso to kin and la M wtil sot a t.diteraet to the eases of t..edaaimtu:ai referee. Arid both dewed *shoe q esaly ea the sadaaisatieti 'Ades' t&' Bit, be assif.N.d s ltV0ila fres these w isel eviow Church opinions with whittle lardy eoes.cted with him are dimply • thew freely with Lord Abet- tor, it /mid be injustice bo violist's osier whom it is ahem, mg • Jobs _ Serena* Cablest reboot w srtG+fa, sad trial air J Dtee of Names,* lir. Syiq, a ter a hi. aims M tbwir Isadore s of ipselcr capmstty NM+rr road Jos- yet ibass...,ptmw1. it posed fief 165 count fowl sa•eu.. d aweigh bate joined his, hlMsse• red the Cabinet L. Mass. Lord emu me meal r'ea bot k • read eh i1. Ari! tel) rcbden just sow a gsnnad f a. Lordship's esteem's.** sad . respesla etereati.s ■.d .,portant. Mamas Iwber.h mat, toes, ban their apprebea.uss,--for .f their port' • Tru of Aherdees has certainly sot ee past. The tramline Mate is • ever, his lorsbsp Ms of late Mese, ja or, the other herd, vw,ge.1ive •d .ap•rtaties. Aad is this Mats got sad doebt the best poiey Liberals eat y adopt is to eland by their Sao.' tad ha to the at+s6sei with. polities short of e•Mdasf1d - progrrs*—ibs•kfvl, however, for $bat, owe ':N whensoever it may come. *I hap. at i POLICY O? rRYERDEEN MI- p'« sub of aosess. • ef nasal polities, Wasobipliot N shot Lir 1110 -41111111010. idesesif I7. A 1t The Lemke Aft; drool* processift iolkowiss Premier.isr a towardss the weer , j Seel Abot4to ir pert b • aa .assiew *.,- . ewe Welpisia ill rnirsik r 15 sf ar bs sac fore..+ , a I res wan a telt i is le ntsam, Ile, .spsst elms ie !s erW tbo shies of N.111 f ae a p.pr.ti., a1 graft a t tl lliertr] .r tl. Eat of Lborbde teiaieeiwsty cru them.eivfa t sthr al w etttd I.p.rtsen •-i— hew i a. -_ met til sed dttbier.h blare way mttw•s tee rish- e Lerd I Lire I suit bast the wee be wheel poetise lb bac b••a elaneeg._ebst d mrd sabtbter.d CZ=It is M popsr the' al w af• wt be throats& " 11nat tis `elaarerire of sieabra, .f •40.• Posh wdd. M---• iPoPor . •dam.. 1,ipY tresesmerc. "'• owe- mast •(p.rss sliesfisae soder v q ter Err w we bass erred se mesh iappi- s (s ewes TWOS b b b till =tea. s - I hsps the beer b be, Ceetlese , times 1, Lord Ab.rise f apt, Yah — and ebedkst serval, a.sf00a1eeta a wbe •eY sopa- J. RUSSELL. iA, tUrsrei sway. H. hes sban " ClearerMes. Dee ri 1852: .Nlf i ... the wake deers pow- 1 Y , '"' time b• sou Bat mere t,, On'tCIAL UCOQNITloN oV AD 1•. ireare! >tensarsa of. pore ANC** 111RtAL OPINION. pftgresoti >r as tie e1a1 W direct a psis? t "Pan""T i diet lean of Seel b the Ar nam a of its e+ia,---sac a of bedew topped !r[.iel .vebt k erns el M . y f --s bthert* n- .m adrift r i.pwera tied b4 is of ala a sataas's i iieanl the slam of pewee o *Mas NFwq sod i- sd04' w. •Ws- y y.1s'y fte w{ aha UshiaM !`are web• j, to lib clad wadti, eft whim slew • gams *es armed 1.5515. d mw.— , Iriiabr cis fesai enter its from rot aaMr yoga bb45anr they were o._ Elio welfare. N.sertbeie., Lard lv admitted to . Merle s* wiww5. The jM skews N craft disease re- ossa•••• saws• cher Mrieg M ties t Works tint W is ort &`ricer is tV is RAW sisMMe rindof the all Mist rep the as4 les Y grMfabil NUM mews as some 1t th4privilege Mir i porters. (mow droned 84. Buesat ry/ tis owe atelee d wear law right W M.. Howe% sin ether W fin Me- tres. moa the Whig -Maw with tM Wafts .f ' I. Lord Aberdeen --ter the Brat tlaabe Liberalism trey merely c.. ra - Lid Ye tow of thew now sooesistes, ud veswt s/ perry to.— first tM.y b&es M 4 e pleas nmpsls~'mtg;y. y s tit trial tier iho t the seamed w amp tempae.h5 er for Ihie parp<s..— • a two more slowly eke an disposed to moms Ibea; bet they .ea autism s. their arehase ie the yea d pabtk Is la sac mesh that .ie - ave. "sift ie tell Melia se lem.bedy Nem is legislative mesuree. ARRIVAL OF THE EUROPA. Harsh.; Jemmy el, 1065. The reward steamship lrreps arrived' at bee *bag at 7 e'eleek Nis an.d5g.- 8b loft Liverpool es the eth, mai . binge we meek's inter sorsa tM thrsa b pose♦ g.ey sad hoar fledla& TM M.4sr. m- imed est es the SA sod the Arrtar es the et had pat O w a. se Noes impor- tant- Cortes eashaag'A *meet for Mo- blM, 81. doers. asrMtere base Dewed le sprats, sad the coal setae of the week bat q 61.005 beton. activity in the beeaistefmark.t, wh• ►s. chsraterised the edemas from Limp's' for emu u.* peat, has waved, ted prime hate • Web. Mg tsndssey. TM Uveas.e pat jack to Caws*, .ia.id..bty da.spd• Q I. ,.let Jemmy. Thera was ea aspletries last sight b sw.N'e Malar, Mt se pewee 55riettoly is- psred. The sank, it le sails bad her wee hem; •M the dear hobs( eat of the wt •ed of lb bedding isle We street wee Wm .at. • Naar TOM. StetJe.eery, less. The-Pbo ms i 1Lies 1a eembei M ties hap. Abe left Lieaelwl es tw.b.r !0, sad eat NteQesss.tem, sad ems their w the Stet; we A -sot eharelers bee whether owe Wisp awythi t leer yarn the Sew Os P Siti ihrIMW, std M. trill be here le uSny tW Wiest. Te ems gasman ties et a Bridle .coir the t Elvetr. at IN. phw, army die te be advertised for et semi. Allerallo , this ewMar ansae elNor isel M pelt the vests sisal sa fast w pdkle, a eby trs sasioas to ears the hath*ysrabes below for glass ',the retest yew.* til• COUNTIE! COUNCIL. Tbs Comilla' Creamy est st die Cort Scott, at the Coed; Gesi, Gained* oa Meadal, January lint, Hell, pe assts N Statute 12 Vic. sop. 81. William Chalk, Eq., Wards, h the .hair. Tbs fo8owi %gpsd..ra protested certificates frees their ..poetise Tows Cleric., of basing bees elected Tsws- rsevs.,ad bari.f toles the nses.sry smite a. awl : Robs t Da,iasee,llaq.. Asidett'i Jobs Aidoaaoa, Esq., Bidddph4 W.. Yeast, Esq.. Colleens; W.. Welke% K•q., Tows of Goi.riebt Jobs Hdmes, Eq., Godorich Township; Jaws Gibbiegs, Fre,. Hallett sed Monim W. Fraasr,Eq,, Kiscsrdise; Fm•.i. Weber, Esq., Dope- y Retro, Kiocarth..; Patrick Fle.gss, Eq., Tows Reeve, McGillivray; Robert Hays, Esq., McKillop mad Grey; Aadsser Wacker, Esq., Stpbes; Nihau M Wool„ Esq., Beasley; W. Chalk, Esq., Tucker - smith; Thomas Lamb, Esq., Umbers, tied Chas Gine, Esq., W.wasasb. A committee was appoi•bd to esa.iae nits the documents *Omitted by the ate - rel Tows Reeves, sad to report epee the some, comistisg of Meows. Hays, Leek, Hol..., W.lace and Gibbia`s. 1t was moved by Mfr Holmes, tad a- vailed by Mr L•reb,'That William Cbsck, Esq., be Warden for the wrest year— carried. It was mored by Mr Fraser, mulled by Mr Gtbbiags, That the Coun- cil do adjourn to the British Esclasge Hotel, to mitt at aise o'clock, to-*oertw morning. Mored i. a.eadmeat by Mr Wallace, sad ascended by AIr flays, That the Combed do adjoora (ill aloe o'clock to- morrow morning, to meet at the Huns Hotel. There voted for the ameadm.at 11—moth.• 3, so the nmendseet was car- ried. Os T.eaday the Coady ague mat. Moses Johnson, Eaq., presented his certi- ficate u Tows Reeve for Hay. The Warden preasated he oath of slier as such, which was ordered to be Met. The report of the committee appointed to ea - amine the certifcaties of Uri several Tows Reeves was thea brntglit forward, upon the cassiderstioa of which all were allowed to take their sat with tbseic.ptisa el Fran- cis Walker, Esq., Deputy Reeve, is whose HURON SIGNAL. y o. a with. Act had mot tea A large number of commaicatias sad accounts were suhmitted to the Caned, and amoag other notions the following _ were presented:—lt/oved Yr Wallace, se; Usti ribe batt day or two our harbor has Bonded by Mr Lamb, That the Wards. bees very ops. and free from fee, is fact he iostrscted to Petition the Gover•er and u late as last Saturday a Regatta or boat Council to issue a pWclamation autbonsiog race took place, the frail craft leaving the the Counters Court! W .pant. the 'Town - harbor and venturing a considerable dis- ships of Greenock and Brut from the taace oat on the lake. The weather tow Township of Kiseardiae, aid make such appears to he a.smsg a wore blusterous ether alterations u M may sett 6t for the ammeter, but the s•asos is esafderably eosrenince, and sore effectual carryiq advanced, sad we questio..reek, whether oat of the provisi.ss of kg Mtuieapd apes the whole, there is any port upon the Corpor.tion Act is the Comity of Bruce, ad. - lakes, which would present better opport.- oat of the t sited Comities of Hutu ad situ for winter navigation thea Goderich. Brsee—earTied. 1. cowectios with 16e Railroad, we hare Moved by Mr. Wallace, acceded by so doubt .tam vessels of wbetastial cos- Mr. G r,is, That the abject of bolding a straetios might be iivipted for sloe, and Court House, lila over from 1»t melting so.etima for tea meths is tbs year, and be brought before the Fame Committee s. there is a clear coat ad deep water oat- —carried. Tbs Mow* gest/emu were side of the harbor, aha. a mock km i1e- appei1d to farm a Fiume Committee, ger of accident than at may ether ports Masra. Gini•, Wailes, Ftasagaa, lily. which *some. sod prejsdae. have viewed aid Hoboes, sad Messrs. Woods sad Fra- nnie heavily. Whatever eery may ser wan .R•rwsrds added. e gent i. other garters, we book forward The Rud lad Bridge Cosa.ittee was with plestst astieipatioes N the profit. •ppoistd to consist of Meares. Young, whisk the Tees ad Comtism peered/ Wallace, Flanagan, Hays and Frear. Tbs will reap trsm the immesa' sad almost ea - Committee selected to take eta sos.idera- iatsrra4tsd twryiag trade mewed busy ties the erect** of a Gert Room, mad our INime peoities, the oarastages of Comity Oiees, comprised Messrs. Hay., which t/ bogie M he *rasped by the Fraser, tad Hoboes. ,Tbs Cassettes. 'Awe why Y sear* or e.e.trsetdou. were still Naha% I.t. tat .toeing, t that we are eft able this week M prow* to mer readers the ultimate attics taiw y the Cowed typos the way sporWt qw- tioas'abstitted. siace lbs Resolatioa .1 1688 -woe AA mese Mynd es Liberate eir Wllltu Ian. a P aiir who is mots uasatlllsr ottle Malsrtorth mews* the is4ss.e.. which Church - Eiud. Jwawa'. Dake ,•f yb sw M H, Wel . Mr. Haw. a e •a to the bast of .ors es.moaptee. Woke ace mist, 11* ie a melees round whieb the ailsi ing Lil.kals biding intoner app.i.t- a1mtMa tis Win peewee the claim of . .ambg Ike te empi•y.s.t is theawe. et the state ori lsaLIy rice(.i- ad: Bet Wl. Monies is required to show the vaporware of tide .evo.est.— WMp tis weU s Coaarnlivee take their pri iaa ..d rates of aati.a is • `rest .••neo fres inane..erely. The ad. rafted Liberals el whom Sir Williams Mel sower* ie a e•.pl., w more is thin hab- it d tttsU.g the valve of mowers, by w- ars awl the sasderd of utility. A Calk- ast Mkai•tee avowedly of llis wheel of Ohio, fee eerelti • But one bawler baa { ys mesa seat fellow. 81r William . req be. •l.itled t,.. a ',onetime that w;welitassd priaei pla are favoured h1 • Mom / liters . semi ori of tale; p.hti, say p..'114l shoe—that regard must hsesadelh M phi M tie ts dst.miaing tM rashes sf esHoed pokey. The meet Asa of i Wibuua Mslaworth to tits COMBO t - m»wi.g s.esada•cy of ettseal opinions .r fanny t►add• Vtt rro s..! a or i iew' ergot Armee at Brat sight appes►s.— bTyyWeir seem mrwithesed ptrsipieew e la reality eat.vtansed sway Who dot to weber thee, Wet testy Awed /meted dews fres. as sets Mwseiser. • tar Wee a pa1seer of ps is admitted b1. Cebi- fhti•them may be arra. MMM adheresla of &dvu. sew Weis tis mete fed beaming .f their d dap The nest gilt Ar y Whams'41 - _ie add.. Mr ate r ti'at s. this 1-W. Om's- • mal vale. Wee with the les L1..r S4 bin t M beim M plsswnt set dbs mai weep roe of prey .y lel /N (mere may ash Mar with ford ffitiserif my lila Aar Ike beset me t meat pis sebreet yes alums primmest. se es i. sediewed Tee yr* Thai twee Caldwell. etassft yesterday leeks Ia. than &best tree tbwaiad pas seeker• Idea. W. A.Orebam of Beath Care:iaa, delivered • very *sweating .peach Wore a ver] crowded aedtsneo et the M.trspoti• 'as Halt, lest eight, ender the &septetm el the New York H,eterieai Society—esbjsel, the Bettih Wailers of North Carona.. The parties se.e.rmed i. the. Art U.iea of New York were arrested yesterday, es a charge .( fraud on the public. w•. *awe ikor RidMsl." elf Meatless! M -.eras for sMptb/ or frus ifortastioupo et the great" that limo anew &dress hew to owe WNW ef 44. *heir one - tool - r w sorra i y pri.dplee w• We ldebta1 mainly—we lobed 1' .eg)t fay moldy Obs lamest wipe- ..! Thi following seam. from Lord Joh. I bl• that► ad y. bags &bed Rowell to bis tweets, on amen of- ores the by weir ',sapper. fee throws tb. few, p•hcy eat elradlaaca md•er of thew pft- the. ar .1 bbs Admin" t- hoose* bis liub te peewees read- " To the Electors /I tie f ' , Luisa :menses them fee sot wttb •Igsf lase t Gslirt.srse,--Havieg . by rarely mimed is • They appear y N my veto to Um overthrow of • to hen agreed le s N /Mi.e,— d.- Intiom et Lord Derby, I hare e R &eh has bee l threw est roamed Mey Iely le .mkt, rete• celled s,wa NAM se rtes ref his feare te Sewerage, i. the (enmities of • sew , wtert N.pidd;'te °oho to gift to dm ccoserry the MI Nivea- y!e try. I hers felt it ket#b•st eyes too, •sac•. ter • tepee of a 'lbw., policy, to Wale IM rude set fr yie Ie elan 1 taillhlelee. idlaresd - 1e o tin edged Olt .Igoe msnms which f rMbls►smm1, lags emitted ed gee to firs N Nat win h tcrepdd ease seder Whet . Many A ss4.se, Ops wb.ss upright labile 1.s•. sed a i(hiswed Harem I plass the ' i - 'os release. Illy ser Y l*i041N ts..at. se • k"" I have fide si...JV W mina Mr F mw &demises i itremok b alb Me e i `emistrss sense. it met, 1 e aril OA i aril WA. as i,', 1' et oto et ee the L • .. B X_, "NW 5 81• • MORTGAGES with and witboet Dow- er. Also, Deeds with sad out Dower, and Division Court Blanks --- for sale at this Of1ci. January 27th, 1853, THURSDAY. JAN. 27. 1853. GODE13ICR HARBOR. BUFFALO AND GODERICH RAILROAD. Is order is tams dsgrse to satisfy the esquires of tart invade relative to the Reltey. We ewe %Imo Emu that every proprieties r bier mho 1► AAA the w- tim tttsek with the !fest pese;is We fusee Now age .had tb tfe free hr tea beer ed a the road heel bods per- sbttrrd s Enghed, W nosey feridra m- issal .f the pees he1ag lodged teas, this baa will err*. at the speklg elf the sari - ad L a far eestde a pert et the will es is wwbile weer. The pot- pie sf Ilene bays andlse lose fir vamp ate dot ill upper to emi,o, the " wh t; " d the pewee or SW great ter bath(, bet ash fgassopity sash aid mad isel. pew molt it fa:b iteii slyer- sed lyersod se memo ibis ehls sere v_ set pores AWen be TOWN COUNCIL. A mutat of the Tows Ceased wso ho11 es Saturday the 22.1 ant. Truest W wnbip aerteatha usakyMayor, mad Cesot1ai Member acid Wafts'. ' f9eory, Bo•tb, The minks of hot _.sties worn rod eel approved. 'The Mayer thee stated ter the sewing .flet he W hen • verbal two- aseeis.daa with Mr. Streams, who spud to Imam (ba btgsl adviser ed the Chews* srst al *lb weer* es ree . atm Cmrais, C.upasy, ole•.. pritt 11i-' .- tai ia, 41r >f$O phi asease• A Myst wet alien mad Awe *- Streabas, abide/ set. awe seem d► Tests Chem *Odd Selo is ep'W csse•dpw ?sr eh Aaiewie Wm,s w brtaieh it sprinted last al se ,Asa 1si hew .ode eft l' a".o" 1. cess par . Tsera • til duo IN 81, Nes. 1118 r the h 4' 4 by es ti