HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-12-07, Page 7PN THE SPOT REC NEWS By .DON "BOOM" .PRAVETT Director of 13....per..eat.j9rt Square ;lancing vricley „night square dancing at the public school lies been divided into two ,age grouPS. The first green, to take he floor et 7:90 p.m, range in age from 9 to. II. The older group 12 and over, dance from 8;30 to 9:30 p.m. By dividing them into two genes, it gives the older chil- dren a chalice to learn seine of the more advanced square dances. We commend Max harness and Norm Whiting on the job they're doing with the young- sters, If anyone else would like to lend a hand Friday eve- nings, your assistance certain- ly will be welcome, Just drop up to the public school at 7:30 p.m. Two sets of square dancers entertained at the Senior Citi- zens' Club Tuesday evening. Max and Norm would like to continue taking the youngsters out to, perform for clubs throughout the district, so if your particular club or group is interested, call Norm, Max or myself. Something could certainly be lined up. 4 More Skating . llegistrationa for the Figure -...4-9...Ung Club have reached 40. The executive would like to see another 10 or so register before too long. Lessons have been going for two weeks now under instructor Arthur Bourke of Stratford, The '61-'62 figure skating ex- ecutive is pleased with the per- sonal directions Mr, Bourke is giving to each youngster. They feel the participants are get- ting full value for their money. By the way, if you haven't registered yet, you may clo so any Saturday afternoon at the Exeter Arena between the hours of 4.6 p.m, while the lessons are on. The local club is presently planning for its annual figure skating carnival which takes place near the end of March. Guest artists may be brought in to give the show variety. More about this later on, Teen Town Dance Hold onto your hats, gang! He's coming back again. Yes, Dick McFarlane will be back in town to entertain the local teen town group on De- cember 15 at the Exeter Arena. Dance time is 8:30 p.m. The arena should be a busy spot that night a3 the Exeter Mo- hawks tangle with RCAF Clin- ton in a scheduled Intermediate "B" hockey game. However, the more going on, the merrier for everyone! President Marg Howey tells 's that Mr. McFarlane will ,ie a large variety of prizes give out on Dec. 15 and plans to teach the group the "Twist". What is the twist, (lid you say? Well you've got me! It's something I'd like to see too! All kidding aside, it should be a big night for the local teen town group. The local young- sters have several "big" sur- prises lined up. So, plan to at- tend the Dick McFarlane show on the 15th of December, Physical fitness The outlook for physical fit- ness classes for both menand women is better all the time. We have had several inquiries into the prospects of such classes and are pleased with the results. If enthusiasm keeps up, 1 don't see why we can't run a "solid" physical. fitness pro- gram in Exeter. Most of us need it too! If you are interested in tak- ing the classes, please phone us at. 437 or 693-M so that we may get your name for the records. 11 enough names come in, the course should swing in- to action after the new year. What a way to start 1962! Basketball league The Exeter Recreational Basketball League made its de- but in the SHDHS gymnasium last Thursday evening. From all reports, things went over with a "bang"! Everyone who thought they were in hap, found they weren't. However, everyone on the four squads did learn something, They know every brand of liniment on the shelf. They're trying R all to fix up those creeking jointa. Have fun gang! Next Thursday, the four -team loop goes at it again with the first game slated for 7:00 p.m. The nightcap starts at 8:00. Minor hockey Mohawks won ' their third consecutive game in Pee Wee House League action Saturday morning when they downed Canadiens 5-0. In other con- tests, the Red Wings dumped the Rangers 6-2 witilp the Maple Leafs turned the tables on the Hawks by count. Peter Lawson Paced the MO- 11411ikS to their third will With two goals and, two assists. APO Durand, p(illg _Beavers and Barry Baynham added the others, Billy Hooper assisted on Lawson's first goal, Leader and Ricky Weber were the Red Wing "bet -shots" in a 6-2 romp over the Rangers: Loader triggered four of the six goals and set pp two othere while Weber .blinked the light twice and collected three as- sists. Brian McLaren and Larry Haugh shared the Rangers' scoring. Glenn Stires turned the "hat - trick" against the Hawks m the Alaple Leaf victory, Marvin Bowers added two more while David Hearn scored once, Hearn, Stires and Barry South- cott each collected an assist throughout the contest, Frank DeVries and Weber scored an unassisted goal each for the Hawks: Bantam action In Wednesday night Bantam League action, the Red Wings edged the Phantoms 4-2, Black Hawks took the nightcap 4-3 from the Bomarcs. Juvenile Games Cushman's romped to a de- cisive 1-1-6 victory over How- ard's in Monday night Juvenile House League action. Lanky Bev Hirtzel paced the winners with three goals. Don Wright and Gary Par- sons added two apiece while Bob McDont.ld, Larry Brint- nell, Mike Cushman and David Dale scored once each. Jimmy Smith was a going concern for Howard's entry with four goals. Gary Overholt triggered the other two. Your library By MRS. JMS Your librarian tells us that books on Christmas are being used. extensively at tint time. Christmas in Canada Mrs. Mary Barber, the first county librarian in Ontario, and of the London Library and Mies Flora McPherson of the English Department of .the Uni- versity of Western Ontario have collaberated•in writing "Christ- mas in Canada" telling of early Christmas days in Canada. Descendents of the early set- tlers in Southwestern Ontario, both writers were interested in research and in the way old traditions merge in a new country and as a result we have this book. Christmas in Canada has been celebrated in an endless vari- ety of ways, often in defiance of hardship and loneliness. Here in this book is a -portrait of the Canadian 'Christmas past aridpresent, from sea to sea showing how the festival of Christmas in our land has been kept, determined by dif- ferences of customs and of circumstance, Christmas With Ed Sullivan This was a new book writ- ten for last Christmas and men- tioned in this column but a book everyone would enjoy. "As the years went by, I discovered Christmas is a day that must be shared with oth- ers" writes Ed Sullivan in the introduction to this book in which he shares his own Christ- mas memories and those of many of his celebrated friends in holiday legends and tales. Host to 35,000,000 people every Sunday night Ed Sullivan opens the book with his ow,,n. story "A Journey through. many Christmases" which recounts from his boyhood through his rise to fame the holiday sea. - sons he remembers all over the world. They include per- sonal stories he has told his family and close friends at Christmas and had always wanted to write down and put together into a book Added to his own memories are the favorite recollections of many of his famous friends in- cluding Jack Benny, BingCros- b3i, Dinah Shore, Helen. Hayes; Perry Como, Moss Hart, Clark Gable and others. Also woven through this il- lustrated .volume are Christ- mas stories by .Pearl Buck, James Hilton, Dorothy Fisher and ()then.. This is a book We Want to read each. Christmas time As it is filled with the spirit and joy of •Cheittniat,. ,111111. !Hill in m1'111'11.11 ion ttttt seninir lei tit 1 int RADIATOR SPECIALISTS Wc Ripply and repair radiators and cores for all types of cars, trucks, tractors and conimercial vehicles. EXPERTS IN CARBURETOR, GENERATOR AND MAGNET() SERVICE, AS WELL AS GENERAL REPAIRS LICENSED. MECHANIC North -End 13-441 PHONE 1096 EXETER LI players top scorers The classy Lncan-Ilderten Combine, scoring goals at All average slightly ever 11 per game, are completely dominat- ing the Big. Eight seeing race, according' le statisties released by Pon cravat this week. Mumbers of the Combines' nest, two lines hold down the top six spots, while a pair of their defensemen also find themselves in the top ten. Ptaying Path Max O'Neil and manager liarry Wraith head the list with identical records of nine goals and nine assists for IS points, - Tom Collings and Steve Stor- ey are right behind their team- B.B rec loop opens with lopsided scores Tbe Exeter Iteereational Bas. !cabal! loop opened in the South Huron gymn.asi lt TherSdaY, with the PeriPatetie Pedagogues and the Znrich Hustlers recording lop -sided wins. In the opener, George' Wright hooped 27 points to pace the teachers to a decisive 52-27 win over the SeArlet, Raiders, The husky guard sanli 10 shots from the floor and tossed in seven nore paints from the free throw „line. Ron Ileinirick added eight points for the P-Pand Lyle Little contributed six, as all of the seven -man team bit the score sheet. Ron Needham and Felix Boo- g,emans hooped six points each for the Scarlet Raiders, who • °Ported the season without the services of two of their regu- lar team members All six of their members also made the seoresbeet, Plenty of hustle The Zurich Hustlers, using a two -platoon system with their ten men, had no difficulty out. rino. circa in 1954 by the dr running die,„„..Tei.-4/ ion partment, Our society had lod lit- been accepting and placht problem and handicapped cid m- ciren from Toronto, and o •ed success in this field encourag in the Toronto society to wo en further with us and lat out -lucked local squad, hut they try branch out to other societies Spectators aro welcomed to attend all gaineS, 'The legend is. T. M. (Trivia Memorial Angels) P.P. (Peri- patetic Pod agogue s) S. R. (Scarlet Raiders. Z,H. (Zurich Bustlers), EXETCR nee, LEAD1Jg PASKETrIALL SCHEPU1-E, November %E. S•114 T.M. %E. Zki December 7 S.It, vs. T.M.; Zi.f. vs, 0.P, 14-1'. V. vs. T,m,; ZH v$. 21- NI.) 0 aEls 30-8.1t. %E. P.P.: v$. Ja ovary T.m, vs. lid 17.r, vs. ZFL 11-T.M. Is, P.P.; 5.11. vs, 18---P.P, vs, S.n.; Z1-1 21- %Li ts. P.P.; S.11., vs, '1'.14. February .1- Z11 •%s. sit.; j'. 1'. vs. TX, %E. 1'.M.; vE. P.P. 15-T. 81. vE. 5.11.1 RP. %s, 41-1 P,P.; S.B, vs. Zit Crediton drops fifth S -M game Crediton dropped their fifth game in six outings in the South Middlesex Hockey League, Thursday, when they came out on the short end of a 7-6 count with Richards -Wil- cox. It was the highest scoring out -put of the season for the SHARES SCORING HONORSail copitin't stop the London entry's Cites recent work spirited attack. . . . Harry Wraith mates with 17 points, whilua Stu O'Neil and Don Fletche'‘,1 each have 15. Stu O'Neil is th4 league's top scorer with goals to his credit, whid Storey's 13 assists are the in that department. Only other player near tiled Combines is Seaforth managirst Bob Beuttenniiller. The lanQat centre picked up five points '„f„'" Clinton, Sunday, to run 918 total to 14. 'rhe scoring leadership is sed '.et, follows: er, BIG EIGHT TOP TEN SCORERS vas C; 4 the -.Niax O'Neil (L-1) 9 9 ter Harry wraith (L-1) q "When we moved to the ne courthouse, probation was a accomplished fact and we wer relieved of our investigatto rissey, Paul Cronyn, Bob Hen - reports which had taken mue'dcrson and Al Gledhill posted time and planning The Chil singles. Welfare Act was amended . Terry Wade, an ever -hustling winger, picked up two of the Crediton goals, while Bob Mot', HOFFMAN 111111111•11.1111111minimnimmum County col Ambulance inadequafi An architect will be engagel to investigate the possibility 0 adding a wing to Huron Countt court house. i Tom comes (L -T) 7 10 4 13 rs. If such a plan is not feasibld Steve Storey (L -J.) stu O'Neil (L-I)ln 5 it, the architect will be asked ti Doe meteher (L-11 :Bob .13euttenmiller (S) ••••• 6 8 - 8 7 M, prepare sketches of a nmi building for the county, te Terry treagins n_,-..0 4 4tey Doug Smith (M) A 4 ,,,„. alleviate overcrowding in the Don Urbshott (11) present court house, , tne Bob Morrissey (E) " _ County council already haS )w.. an option on land, owned by thd There are about 21,000 bii,ork town of Goderich, at the cor' persons in Canada, the gre;1Y' ners of South, Britannia, an majority of whom have lo t° Picton Sts. The price of th their sight in adult life; therfrl" land is $7,500. are about in a recorded vote, 'Monday' about 1,000 pupils, betwee the ages of seven and 20, ifi- council unanimously favore the country's six schools le building either a wing or lie% the blind. as office, rather than rentin rk office space. le In pronosP,r1 art ec,-,..,b,.pmdas 'ellt-eAt4 -M Service DASHWOOD 3 Ambulances 2 Stationed at Dashwood 1 at Grand Bend Drivers holders of St. Johns' Ambulance Certificates Properly Equipped ALSO PORTABLE OXYGEN Phone Dashwood 70W or Grand Bend 20W Topics Irem Mt. Carmel Personal itomP. Miss Helen Sullivan RN, at .Sarnia, .spent the !weekend with Jr parents, Mr. and Mrs. !pAt Miss Patricia Carey, of Lea - dee, spent four .daysthis week with her parents, Mr. .and Mrs. Joseph Carey, Mrs. GUS Morrissey is visit - The Times-Achrecate, Pecember 7, 190, Page I log for a few .daYs. in Str.at. ford with ',her' piece, ¥iss aldinc harness. Mr. !and, tytrs, 8111 'attgrson bay.e...retnmpft ,nprno- from their wedding trip. to Montreal And spent a• few days with the lat- ter's father, Mr. Joseph Piet, rich before returning la their new bore in Fort .Francis. The High School. students of Our Lady of Mt. ,Camel school attended a 17C S !meeting in.. Sarnia last Sunday,. Miss Madeleine Glavin, of Port 14,amihton, spent the week; end here and gise visited Jet .45ter,, clgre, Marys. Mr, Abraham D.osjardine very lJ at his home for 410! past „CoUple- •gt •weolcs. Mrs. Nora .O'Brien, ai don, spent Thursday last big with Mr. and Mrs. jaek 44, 19l011745PY.. Miss Sheila llowl.andshas aPi. cepted a position Mr. and Mrs. T. 111.ecarthr, of Teronte, spent the'weekenii with Mr, and Mrs, Michael' Ryan and family. See, Feel and Hear the Difference! •Ar Take Our New '62 Simca '5' SHOWDOWN DRIVE! There are 5 big differences between the sensational new Simca '5' and other good economy cars, Differences so dramatic that people are buying Simca '5' in preference to cars cost- ing hundreds of dollars more! Hard to believe? Sure. But a 5 - minute Showdown Drive will convince you: Come in and drive a new Simca '5' just 5 minutes over any route you choose, The big differences in smooth- ness, quietness, comfort, safety and luxury will make you forget ail your old ideas about economy cars before you've driven 5 miles! So before you decide, see, feel, hear the difference in Simca, You'll marvel that so much car can cost so little! SIMCA '5' . . . The Economy Car That Skimps Only On Gasl TAKE IT FOR A SHOWDOWN DRIVE TODAY Exeter Motor Sales Phone 200 FRED DOBBS, Prop. Nights 762-W or 763-M FURNITURE DASHWOOD DEC. 17 LAST DAY TO POST YOUR CHRISTMAS MAIL FOR LOCAL DELIVERY Post out-of-town mall on time, too. This year -send it FIRST CLASS MAIL , .. gets prefer- ential, red -carpet treatment right up to the front door. Consult your Post Office leaflet for mailing deadlines. Christmat wishes mean so Muth more when they arrive -before Christmas KRUG 3 -PIECE TWO ONLY BRAEMORE FRENCH PROVINCIAL Bedroom Suite 1 Chesterfield Suites 1 2-P'ceChesterfield Reg. $275. Now $219. j Reg. $199. Now $139. j Reg. $299. KITCHEN and DINETTE SETS - 69 Up REAL REDUCTIONS ON Sklar Floater CHAIRS AND OCCASIONAL CHAIRS • COFFEE TABLES , • END TABLES STEP TABLES Now $239. Stainless steel set of china and glassware given away free with each set! COMBINATION Step -Stool a nd Ironing Board AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Only $15.50 1111111111111=111111111111111111110111. AEI= IRON AGE DINETTE SUITE WITH GLASS TOP REG. $185 FOR $149 HOOVER VACUUM CLEANERS and FLOOR POLISHERS 3 -Piece Bedroom Suites Priced from $108. up -- TOYS - TOYS - TOYS ' TOYS 4111•1•11111111111111111111111 5 -Piece Colonial Living Room Suite Reg. 249. for $199. 111111111111111 BARGAIN TABLE 20%o OFF SPRING -FILLED Mattresses - $29. up LAMP SHADES - 100 EACH 3 MIRRORS - 50g EACH SCATTER MATS - 500 EACH WALNUT FOOT STOOL $1.49 FIRST COME - FIRST SERVED! Used Chesterfields $15 to $30. On Alt Magazine Racks, Hassocks, Lamps, Smoke Stands, etc, etc. Bed Springs - $15. up Limited Quality TABLE LAMPS - $2.49 UP FLOOR LAMPS - $7.99 UP OCCASIONAL CHAIRS - $9,99 BEDROOM CHAIRS - $4.99 1 CORNER TABLE $7,49 . Easy Automatic Washers and Dryers We Have a Complete Selection of Smaller Articles FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Drop in and see our complete selection Kroehler, Krug and Chesley Furniture of For The Children JUVENILE TABLE and CHAIR SETS (Wood and Chrome) JUVENILE CHROME ROCK ERS HIGH CHAIRS EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY CRIB MATTRESSES CRIB BUMPERS CARRIAGE PADS PLAYPENS - PLAYPEN PADS Drop in and see our good selection! Tiernan's Furniture bASHWOOD •