The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-12-07, Page 31 . . naiialticeinplantseesthwatintivboelnefaferretderipni; exPerience al ;Norwell District, Jones, Normen 131 1 • It should also be emphasized Hig,11 School, •Palmerston, and Hay, Lorne 213 those students who are likelY 1-141 11°1 been te'aPliing Year .• ttttttt r • . , , • • " • • " — •. Inspector clarifies new HS program A clarification Of the proPosed that the Grade 9 pregain for options lo be offered by the Changes to be made in ;the Arts and fi,ience, fiesmesa and high spilt:lots in this area and seCondary school prograM be. Commerce, and Engineering, the .11,0W ,00111110Site 11091 111 41imiing in September, 1994, has TeehnelogY and Trades will Clinton is the reSPonsibliitY of b—mprovided by Inspeetor G. consist largely of obligatory the seponclary school authori. aci„, (op in a statement to subjects common to all three ties, The Times -Advocate, branches Optional subjects at The foregoing is a brief out. Mr. Goman repently attended the Grade 9 level will take im line of the reorganization of A` (.' iference ef insPeeters at approximately 90,1, of the stuthe. secondary scnoot nrograin which the promised ebangea dein' time. as ProPosed by the minister. were outlined by ciePartMeni nve-Year cenraes in all three it is andeiPated that brecheres officials, ,,:(,.,,.„,,. streams will ,PrePare students for ieterestcd parents will be Mr, Mires stAloonnt fol for admission to university. available early lo the new ions's; • R ed for those students who dUthough pupils promoted to plan to go into employment at Grade 9 ot the end of the cur- the end of Grade 12, These rent school year will be asked courses will be different in na, pHDHS board to indicate which ef the three Lure from the five-year pro. branches they Propese to lot- gram, not a "watered-down" —Oontinued trum page 1 'Joy , this 4eeisien ivil1 not he iersion, but graduates from 'Alias EilZaheth, MeTavish, of final and students Will be per.' this four -Year program will net Will°Wdale, has been hired Inr "No, I don't know 'It's Four O'Clock in the Nforning'—how does it go?" * ;* ifours,year courses will be ef.. year milted to transfer at the end be eligible for Grade 13. the next term, of Grade 9 without le year Departinental authorities AISQ 'She has had two Years' ection results Hensall FOR REEVE • it • • to leave school at the age of because she just, d • ensa 16, It is my und a E . ispute the Vocational Arcisvtiasnociryingctoiri-t shtirowpeirin tvei4selli, English and CMIU./11.1ed from page 1 Institute intends to include in DHS. your statements," didn't have a chance to refute this two -Year course occuPa- The board decided to sell by tional training for those pupils tender the garage bent by the •Part of the advertisement in the elementary schools grade 12 boys. Shop instructor, d'riarged that Hay had never re- whose academic records are Ken Ottewell, informed the calved permission to make a below that required for promo. board that it was now coin - new subdivision, survey for a tile drain. in his tion to Grade 9 in the regular pleted except for painting. way, Such pupils will be "trans- The 14' x 22' structure was were right there the ferred" to the occupational built entirely by the boys aed die we discussed it with the training course, engineers and approved the sur- the door frame and mince of the Clinton Collegiate vocational guidance at Sli- vey,!' Hay contended. Campbell ',the decision on courses and were donated by the Dashwood windows Planing Mills. . verified Hay's statement,. FOR COUNCIL Knight, Harold 247 Henderson, John 237 Noakes, Mrs. M. 228 Baker, John, 215 f Schwalm, Gordon 179 Clement, William 150 La vender„John 118 0 Lenaghan, Clarence .„,, 103 ° Sangster, James .. „,.. 102 7, 77: 7.7 7,7,1 Macbeth' 'Tem t sh Deco b 7 I pes ova ready 961 Pate 3 at Stratford in '62 ...peare have ,been set 'Four plays—three QC U1P111 ;)1(iiiwr e?Slicl,kinod)s170.neitedvs'il icnon for the tenth season of the 'Fw''entlicivr4nin tnilfajitzg*eht nani/gra„ ain Stratford SbalosPeareAn Festi• Avon theatre, details to be val which will open here on flounced at later date. j",11"leichle.1 Laegliam, the Feall. It) SUSPqnged" Mr' La The Film Festival, howev yaps Artistic director. annowle. 114.01 and the Roard Of GQ V ed recently that f,AiacbeoLig nors are in agreement, tl "The Tempest," and "The until such time as the fi Taluiug. of the Shrew" have 411-0,WilgS can match the sea he enosen ,I,0 opell on con. SO; bY the drama a in that order, Additionally, very important aspect of Eas nd 20, tRile vooeusitgliainit:is:sn, ,I:uantasnls804,riallye9music at il•rauaenrws, te j.hlhoeepyfentshould rae dinond Bergerac" will join the roper. to resume showings in SP otoflit•eheonsetalisdo,Vn.30 for the balance Allure year," Mr, Langha theinrc.omLpaanngyhasnivillabiseQliesaalddedt,hbaytt 5S7A,F FA BOY HONORED Christopher Plummer wim las RIVesred at the Festival 1960 anEvirigiltheAo'QurtISItsa'ndint'agfisat'udel'se as Mercutio in "Romeo and .Juliet." and as phial), tile at OAC, Guelph, at a banqu Bastard, in Jehm„ At. held. at the college last wee though no casting has yet been Mr. Norris revolved a scho of donejeit alestoei.pe‘ic,itiencl laiavte rxibaeteilyi rnrs.hittisP prrstacyaedaerm: iacndproafimcieendc nuyears‘iv0111 Shteraiti•e?urnditsedfifrosit• 1°11°1 aecemPaele° the awar this special 101,11 season cele- bration. FETE NEWLY WEDS The 1962 season will extend on saturday evening. neigh or 15 weeks — the longest Yet hors gathered in ebivareed undertaken by the Festival, and Mrs Milton stearnnn, when new attendances and box ne week more than in 1961 Mr. Vince Bencsik read an pflnincewr)ec June 18 1w8eia•et 8sept..0131. and sediedeliensosn and were pli;:eseanntedd Nwlirus, onsist mainly of matinees for tlelr aPP a cinthesrelicalamtiPocnr., pillow slips 1 onclude on September 29, Tie Mal two weeks will, as in 1991,and rnoney. Mr. Sleamon spoke for holiday time Mrs. PONY Noele, BR Crediton, won her family's. algt supply of holiday fowl at the Lion binge Nov. 22, She ear - the rloct home ItirkeY and a an ch'14'iike"C. amPtlells had a good nirigOn, too. Gerald Campbell, er: er. town, wen a turkey and a eon- iat im nd• nd be he ble me m solation box of checolateS; ;Dirs. Ken C'ampbeli, town, didn't gtweMto rasbn.oyxPeta°suwl°1111)'h4ciatbnadle'etaollo,k111111:: Park, won chicken and chocolates in two successive hingees. Mrs. Nan Ovelen, of t°Lwengliownonroacilatubrekr7leatndthecaa Mary handle this bingo and crowd of the season of 141. the girls attracted the top ELECTORS OF HENSALL Turkey winners were t, Elsie ast PMeranellpa°1en,a111d/rsjil"Naorrcirn:12.1r:y, 1:myonsidilacye'reeetlielacntlicosn7 re- tsM S. Ross SIdnfler, WS, Bard* tateing me to the council k, Mrs. Betty Brown Huron Park; J.. and Leonard Sararas, Dash- I shall emir serve y al C winners were Ray YOUN1,00idliken LO the best of my 4. Smith, Gerald Willis, Mrs. ability. Kostendt, Mrs. John Cowen, Mrs, Whitney Coates, Mrs, Roy Pepper, Frank Triebner, Mrs, JOHN HENDERSON Robert. Wragg, Mrs, Walter Webber, Dabhwood; Mrs. At. here Seott, K k n. , * Peeper, Huron 4,-"argt Mrs. Lloyd 4gg,leson, DaShWOOtt: Mrs. 14argaret Fisher, HOMO PArk. Consolation Prizes Went tO Mrs. A. Easton, Larry Brird. nen, Mrs. Wayne SYlvesterF Chatham; Mrs. Theresa Bran- non, Dashwood; 'Mrs. IL 4$ Davies, Huron Park. • Thank You Henderson replied that he had s McGillivray 0,ver • heard the discussion. ewerage plan project", Mr. °Unwell said in don't think we got anything a letter to the board, "the boys Township "Pm quite pleased with the out of the village for the subdi- — Continued from page 1 not ha ve received otherwise", vision, anyway," Hay said, He Goderich, this is the first sew- FOR REEVE tekieted 'out that, he and HarOid erage project I e has Planned. The board also authorized the rental of a dictaphone for Hall Thom. gained .experience they would dilthron had paid $1,000 for Ilowever, he associated himself the sPecial commercial depart - 1 Ward the cost of the road. water and nearly $200.00 to- with C. G. Thissell Armstrong, ment for the winter months I, eonsultin en • 7 No. ...... ..,,,,,,,. 28 23 No, 2 • • 31 mnie Noakes commented who have hacl considerable ex, sot, a cost of $1,2.50 per month, that' the taxes on the LW° now perience in the field. In addi. The board members aPPoint- houses on the Subdivision would repay the town within one year for any expenditures. "If we can't work together as a,Community, it's too bad," she Said. "But, when the reeve is fighing us, what can we do?" Council accepted the clerk's resignation with regret and authorized him to advertise for a new man. "I know I'm speak. mg for the council when I say 11,0 are very, very sorry," Mrs, Noakes told Campbell. Invite press to attend Earlier in the meeting, John Lavender presented a motion that was passed unanimously to extend an invitation to both the Hensall Observer arid The Exe. ter Times -Advocate to cover the council meetings and give Lha electorate -a first hand re. port on council activities ra. ther than second hand and hearsay reports. ."Seme of these second hand stories scare you to death," La- vender stated. "I don't know At how they get started." Consider action Clerk Campbell pointed out tliat several persons werein ar- rears in their trailer fees and many businesses had not paid their business taxes as yet. He reported that one trailer owner was now one year in ar- rears and asked council what action they wished him to take. He was asked to contact the solicitor to see what action could be taken and report to council at- their next meeting. Council turned down a re- quest front the Henson PUC for the installation of 12 new flu- orescent lights on the main street, until the PUC submitted an estimate of the cost, they expect council to pay eeteefteetresiemtAiiirewevretereavetteesectimeivienretistese pit for it, they should have a rep- resentative here to explain it to us," Lorne Hay said. "It bounds like a good thing, but don't want to be a part of it without knowing what. it. is going to cost." Reeve Henderson said he would get the figures and pre- sent them at the next' council meeting. No. 3 60.10 ..... 48 y mon county council are No. 4 28 tion, Mr. macNaughton as- Larry Snider, Roy Morenz and — 5 No, • 52 surd council that the OWRC Ken Johns. MI three are pre. engineers have checked the sently and given it serving en the SHDHS o. N 6 plan their aPPro- board. 78 vaL No. 7 Mr, MacNaughton, whotill Li I • Totals 346 reources commisison, was able Mrs. Russell. Redden will be Majorit• y for Hall to provide council with consid- spending some time visiting in erable information regarding London. the experience of other muni- Mr, Robert lieildfong is a pa- cipalities in regard to sewer- tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon - age. don, recently served 011 the inter TOWN TOP1C$ 1 11.14 01,61,7cittenstem Emil:A.0, Inc., World righManed "Frankly, Misaypool, 1 get the feeling you're only biding your time here." Ernie Davis reported that all the :streets that needed it had - been graded. .He told council that the town tractor was in a bad state of repair and that the furnace in the town hall needed attention. Councillor Minnie Noakes commented that a new tractor Itquid have to be considered for next year, and suggested that Davis get the necessary repairs made for the furnace. In other business, council: Learned that fire chief, By - eon Kyle and building inspector, Dave Sangster had inspected the Queensway Nursing Home and found the fire stairs in ode - ciliate condition and the fire ha- zards low. They recommended more extinguishing equipment toe the home. „Received the resignation of Bill Mickle from his. post on the Community Parks Board. Donated $10,00 to the War Memorial Children's Hospital, Learned that the barn on the property of Mrs. Elliot's pro. perty had been torn down fol. lowing her request "to do what yoti. think is best." To the electors of • - - vray .1 wish to express my sincere thanks for your support. at the polls on ArObday, May I take this 9P.Por" tuitity to wish all of you the Season's Greeting. T.HOMAS HALL C• 1 10 28 24 15 24 170 . 176 Grand- Bend FOR REEVE Cochrane, William 137 Sturdevant, William 208 FOR COUNCIL Webb, Stewart ' 308 DesJardine, Emerson 284 Grottier, Roland 231 Deters, Earl 248 Plumb, Frank 57 'ihftasAMMS5tafit,MOMMIMUM,tr: To the Electors of HENSALL May 1 at this time thank those of you who gave me your support on our elec- tion of December 4, May I at this 'time wish each and every one of you a merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. John Lavender tairellt0MMOITteensrMtreWallttft•IWZIIZMOttt-MtetRIZ!Vr secondary school. students, The festival will also include Education means developing an expanded music season, the mind, not stuffing the again under the .directorship of • Glenn Gould, Leonard: Rose and InertinrY• 1.‘ ./k A Bluebird Diamond Rings Bulova & Gruen Watches Costume Jewelry China * Silverware 5. B. TAYLOR "A Good Place to do your Christmas Shopping" re, PHONE 426-W MAIN $T, W. H. 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