The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-11-30, Page 19Icer
• .•
andeboye c_ouple 72e.ratieh, on Wed*
bogga of CaInTh Dor'
Lucan an 'strict nevvs
den SpOnt the weekend With
" , , ,
Bantams evenChurch
• seo59n recgrd
By STEVE pAyi,s,
The Lucan Bantams haVe now
von their second game. Brian
liaskett fired two goals while
Tem Hardy, Larry Lewis, Dave
Lippert, Philip Lewis and Paul
young had lone •markers. The
Bantams ,new have a 0-g record
in the Shamrock League,
Carmichael mired for Ilder-
ton Stars were Haskett, Young
sand Larry Lewis.
Brian Haskell heads Lucian
in pals with 8 and Larry
Lewis; Bob Hickson, Paul
Young have 2 apiece,
Timely hint
Here is a timely hint to help
yotk with your Christmas list,
$end your :family or absent
friend a subscription to The I,
Exeter Times -Advocate. It will
save you how's of writing the
• latest local news. Ring Lucan's
correspondent, BA -7-425s for
particulars, Already two Lu-
canites have ordered subscrip.
tions, and gift cards will be
sent to their friends, signed
with their lime.
Personal items a
Mr, and Mrs. Austin Hocl- Q
gins, Mr, Eric Hodgins, Mr,
Wilson Hodgins and Mr. Bev '
1odgins were among those
who attended the Federation of
Agriculture dinner at Wesley
United Church, London Town-
ship, last Wednesday. Guest
speaker was Mr, Keith Riddell,
who gave an illustrated talk OP r
his trip to Europe.
Mrs, Ivy Coursoy is making 11
an extended visit with her sis- p
ter, Mrs. Russell Alit's, Paris,
The 12th annual clergy con-
ference for the Diocese of Bur -
Mushroom crPP
• go topic at Granton
Activities ,
. The president Mrs. Ciarene
Lewis ,conditeted the meetin
United Church
At the WMS meeting held
the church school room
Thursday a collection was tak
for the bookshelf in memo
o the late Mrs. J. lf Child
Mrs, Wes Hodgins and 1‘1
Sheridan Revington eonduct
the study and. M. Alex Youn
whose group convened the pr
gram, was assisted in the Wo
ship by Airs. Louis Kilmer,
Wiens were made for t,
ristmas meeting.
holds celebration p rents, Mr...and Airs. flarrY p. James
TitTles•Advocalet JOYPMber 39t 190 ;Papi1V
Jbis wife And, dalighters and her
By MRS, J. H. PAT9N spell on Sunday at bis rn Mrs. Almer Hendrie, Airs. At $t. 4010$ CbUrOh. the day."
CHURCH NEWS with Jesgs the .41/104 _Of MCA
may be preaant‘ tts .40 ..1)7
GLANDEBOYE where hiS. son foUncl 1m
a C)niar Culluingbanl, Mrs, tor tie ReV. g• O. Lancaster I.buted church,
Air, and Airs. Wilmer Scott Air. and Airs. Earl pawn, of :red q•Inningb-4111) M.' nil Cecil fools.' the collect beginning Stir n"ervi,ge
anniversary at their fern' aRernoon with Mr. arid Mrs. the bazaar At Oa United' ChtIrch 1 AS cenducte
Carter and Mrs Karl O'Neil
celebrated their 25th horne wedding London, visited °I1 4-11tIrsOal•Jainga ehnrch attended wili4 wy faithful ,p00)ja Sach, who took the text `0.
• up, we 'beseech thee, '14rd. by the pastor, the Rev, C1, ',W;
here on Saturday evening when &r. .'41,011. and family
e they entertained their family Mr. and mrs. Harman' p0wc in Lucan' on Salt -Inlay- • As his tiletne'
,thYsetf; blit in Me iS MP@
Israel, Thou hest destroYe
of the Granton WI held at the
June of Mis. Norman Hod -
"ins, Roll call was answere
On 14
by "A rural sound that appea
ry • to me."
Mrs. Andrew Knox spoke o
thetopic "Agriculture an
Canadian Industries,'"rhe pre
read' ident described the growing o
ri mushrooms in the Granton 1
The motto “gven
9' woodpecker owes its suecess
f- the fact that it uses its head'
Was reviewed by Mrs, Berth
Hansons, Reports on the Lon
don Area Convention were pre
seined by Mrs, Clarence Lewis B
eo and Mrs. Carnia Dann.
m Mrs, George Zavitz, Middle -
Is sex WI president, spoke on the t
es work of the district, Miss Avis
w Ilodgins played an instrumental 11
e, number,
A two-day copper - tooling
course will be held at 1110 a
homes of Mrs, Lewis and Mrs,
s- Dann November 27 and 28, 11
and relativ of 4 ete 11 This is a ver tim
101' 28
it,v3earea, nilialerrille0clineNoofve&-t; L'.1;tie jsitlocalygines,venotingi,o. Lou
v‘esst 0
es. x r. ed on the Paton
g help Old We -WAY cd,
tree the to be aroused -From Spiritual through Hosea, tried to show
11 1,11 \vest
to special service for Christ 'areal the way they were treat-
( -I bride's parents. the late MI' ronto, visited with her sister, coast and has been known to
Is and Mrs, Guy Harrison at bArlorStilerg. rIliiiii.. ATIoaPlurei:6 and her reacheatern ac:ITaicigal4s. otafilea:t9 isletchte:
Clandeboye, The Rev. J. J. and family here, She left the white pine, that grows to about
cill Cl3hraurvTli oPfafsietoiartecolf, 11,1bleeythillatv?ed latter part of ibe •week to spend 175 feet.
s- farmed in this community evOr sorne time with her daughter, . capada4s
f since. Mrs. llarold Weliwood and rink probably was the Vietoria I
first artifice! ice ..
0- The' have •one son, Jim, who family of Stratford. Rink in MOntreal, opened in
a is a stlident at the Western Mrs. Gerald Millson is a pa. the lt.380.5 and used for figure
o Ontario Agricultural school, tient, in Si. Joseph's Hospital skating. . 1)
And His church was Ins theme. ing Him- Later Hosea, freni
Re said "44 MA Sunday is the Market able 10 0117
the ,heginning of a new choral wdet and, take ber Weigt�
year let live more devout her home and children AO
Christian lives. As John's voice lead a new life.
proclaimed Christ's coming The ladies of the 1444
et our voices and Jives pro- Church plan to have a hel11
claim the saving, power •of baking sale on Saturday after.
Christ to mankind—so (hat the noon, Dec. .9 at the nu-iray
ease and good will that taine Motors in Lucan,
Centennial meeting
The centennial -conlmitt,
net in the .church .sehoolreo
ast Tuesday evening,_Repor
from the various committe
were received, and one no
naive added to the committe
hat of Mr, Wilbert Stanley,
Sunday service
"The Practice of the Chri
Ian Religion" was the then
f the pastor, Rev, G, W. Sieh
dclress at the It o'clock ser•
ce on Sunday, Being -visitatio
unday, a commissioning ser
ce was held. for the every pe
On visitation, Alter the ser
ce refreshments were serve
y the WA to those makin
he visitatioes,
Flowers in the -church war
n memory of the late Mr,'M
no Culbert, who during h
fe time was a faithful Ogre
Pentecostal Holiness Church
Ridgetown, five daughters: .1.7a4,.,0,01:0,,,,,rivolo.t..trohemv
Aliso craig, 'Misses Nancy of
a Mrs. Jack (Janet) Beaman.
London, Judy, Betty and
renda at home and three h
randehildren. ' &
They are active members of ;0
he United Church,
Other guests who enjoyed 11
le turkey and 'ham smorgas-
arcl meal were Mr, and Mrs, ie
Vigra' Leitch, Denfield, Air,
ncl Mrs, Jack Harrison, Ayl- h
ler, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gil- 17.
lour, Ridgeway, Mr, Fred. ;
larrison, Centralia, Air. Lloyd 5'
Igie, London, Air. and Mrs. 4/.
ack Knight, Kintore, Mr, and
irs. Merton Culbert, Mr, and ilt •.
irs, Le Roy Revington, Mr. g ....1. •• .i•
nd Mrs. Frank Hardy, Mr, e
nd Mrs, • Clarence Hardy, Mr, ti •
nd Mrs. Norman Hardy, MI%'e°4414-444*444.4**41414"'W*244.°44ja'44484i14'"44"."4"4s4)444)4'4$°'1WhIt4he41-
nd Mrs. Harold Hardy all of
ersonal items 5 n
Marie and Glen Cunningham, 5' .t( CANADIAN
iildreri of Mr. and Mks, Ttoy
unningham, returned home on 0. 4
uesday fr9m Victoria Hospital g :g
10 1-
,s Personal items
v• Air, Berney Welch had his .T
n mother, Mrs, Ann Welch, and A
v- sister, Mrs. Audrey Favell, of A
r- St. Catharines as guests for a a
v. few clays, taking home three. a
d :year-old Dale with them, On a
g Sunday Mrs, Welch went to St, a
Catharines to bring her small L
e son home.
y. Visitors with 'Air, and Mrs,
is Wes Hodgins included Mr, and el
h Mrs, Don Hodgins and family
of London on Friday and Air,
and Mrs, Sam Earle and fain- T
Owing to the Life Liner
ally on Saturday cumin
tore was no regular 'Pride
oung People's meeting. 0
aturclay, 20 YP members Me
the home of Aix', and Mrs
lay Lan Abbott for a -hay rid
arty around a country bloc
ily of Woodstock on Sunday, ,a
'5 Air, Sid Lewis, of Winnipeg,
g, was a weekend evest of Mr.
on was held last Tuesday, Wed- 11v
nesday and Thursday at 51,
Thomas and Aylmer. Rev. E. a
0, Lancaster attended and was C
those who appeared on p
ollowed by a 6 pan, buff
fter tonsillectomy operations
Mr. and Mrs. Bill DoWning,
aren and Joan, spent the 0, A
eekencl with Airs, Downing's D'' it •
. n AND you get :an .EXTRA 5% 13
arents, Mr. and Mrs, Abner' I, a .
endrie„ .. - , : -...j;.,*-etioi-enertate.t.n-Pet-semeentetrefteeniter-is:eito-Iii-Fis•e. - Mr, Arnold Arnold Cunningham is a
atient in South Huron Hos-
tat, Exeter, alter -suffering a '
fonder, • !II
Y and Airs, Calvin liaskett,
n, Mr.• Belford Nelson, of 01.
tawa, was a Tuesday overnight H
• guest of Mr. and Mrs. Murray
Hodgson of Clandeboye and a
K, Tuesday evening guest of Miss 1131
Line Abbott,
Mrs, E. R. PAL who un er-
Went surgery in St. jough.'s c
Hospital. Saturday, is making 0
satisfactory recovery.
Miss Carole Parker of Her-
riston, a member of the Wall- °
adeberg 1 -IS staff, was a Sun-
day visitor of her grandpar- 7%
enta, Aix', and Mrs. Thomas
.Miss Flo Chown of the St.
Thomas -Elgin Hospital ,was a
weekend guest. of her sister,
Miss Reta Chown,
Airs, Warner McRoberts of
the Dresden HS staff spent last Al
weekend at her home here, id
Air, and Airs,. Dwight Hen- in
derson and family spent last h
Sunday in Bothwell, guests of on
Mr. and Airs. James Hender. ar
son and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon a
in the hymns, Airs, Hugh Birtch
neh, 'before returning to Lir
an for the rally service at th
Miss June Graham of To
onto, who brought a -carloa
six with her, was :the guo
peaker. Miss Graham is. th
ge Liner president for 01
term, Another highlight of the
evening was a -skit entitled,
"This train, I'm bound for
unday services
The WA of the church, with
rs. Rufus Thompson as pres.
ant, had charge of. the morn
g service. Airs. J. A. Gra
am was the speaker, speakin
"Lively Stones". Mrs, How -
d Currie read the scripture
nd Mrs, ClaYton Abbott led
7 ,
: Among the large attendance i
- last Wednesday for the funeral personal items
services of the late Mr, Myron '
Mr, Mitchell Haskell has re-
d 1
t, ACurtlibmerrt cuwiebroer t 1021fs Winnipeg,biotlicr, Aalnrd. f e w
turned home after spending a
days 1
e sop Mr, Douglas Culbert of with his son-in-law . 't
, -Scarborough, also Dr. and Mrs. and daughter, Mr. and -.Mrs. 1
' Arthur Hillyer of Oakville and 'Tank Cummins and fainilY' af 1
Mr, and Mr, Charles Morgan Toronto, •
of Windsor, The Rev. E. • M, Mr. and Airs. Huib Ttininea itt
Cook of Lucan, a former Unit- and family of London were Bun- ,t
ed Church pastor, assisted in day guests of Mr, and Mrs. w
the service. Austin Hodgins. . $
-Mrs. Eileen. Currie has ae- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Morris, of r
cepted a position as demonstra- Chatham, were weekend guests
tor for home plastics -for the of Mr. and Mrs. jack Murdy. 3i'6
township of Biddulph and mi.- The Lucan Public School will :.
rounding territory. hold its annual. Christmas con-
cert Friday, Dec. 22 at the iff
Community Memorial Centre. V
Ing the prices of old and new The last immunization clinic w
propane stoves with the idea for the present, will be held at i
of purchasing rather. than rent- the public schaol, Friday, Dec. g
ing one., . • 1.
' .Owing- to.: -Christmas coining Mrs. Dan Lewis, of Ailsa h;
oli -111e-I•ignlareDecember • date :Crait.' haS 'returned 'home after 'I?
6f Meeting it •:was decided to spending a few days With her
hold the next'meeting Wed., brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
Dec: 27, President Mrs.' Joe and Mrs. Gordon Ranting.
O'Neil, presided,
Mrs. Lloyd Cook and small read a poem, Mrs. Ed, Antler'
son David were T h u r s d a Y sang a self accompanied solo,
guests of Mrs. Cooks mother, Mrs. Jack Eizenga',. AirGify...
-.firers. William-liaskett. -• • ton Abbott and Mi sa Lorraine
Colds and flu aro prevalent Graham sang a trio nuniber
in the village. .-: and Mrs. Don Gardiner -and
Miss Jean Stanley, of To- Mrs, Meine Eizenga led in
, g . . 5
Wilbert Stanley. nOn was in charge of the eve- i A
After lying eight months in nine service speaking on the ..i a.
a hospital bed in her home different types of. hearts. Paul il
of Air. and Airs, Ted Bridger, . , .
was taken back to St, Joseph's Rngucan Church •
Hospital November 17 to have Flowers in the church were 1 l Come in Anci Meet The New PrOprietor
react was a weekend nest prayer
with her parents, mr, and mrs. pastel. Rev, E. A. Gag,.
a,shwood Locker
here, Linda Bridger, daughter Graham sang a solo,
her long cast removed and a 111 memory of. thelate.: Mr, 1:
small one ptd on. The doctors Myron Culbert,
Lound her back in satisfactory Six more prayer books Were is, HUGH BOYLE
condition but kept her in the dedicated for church use, E,, •
hospital until Sunday as she The junior congregaiion, ant -
had to learn to walk again, ing for an attendance of. 60,,
Mrs, Harvey iiedgins, who met with disappointment 6Wing.
underwent her fourth operation to whole families being sick
in St. Joseph's Hespital Fri- with the flu.
day, came through it suctess-
fully and is making satIsfac-
tory recovery. Plans were finalized for the'
After spending a few days bazaar, bake sale ,and tea al
with her son-in-law and daugh- the meeting of the Ladies'
ter, Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Guild last Monclay evening.
Smout of London, Mrs, Wes It was voted to. donate .$100
Atkinson returned home on Sun- to the Guild rectory fund -,-.1n.
day. quiries are to be made regard.
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