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and district news
Phone BA 7.4255
.veterlnary office
The Lucan - Clandeboye Ex-
4iilorers held their seventh and
” eighth expedition Mon., Nov.
20 and 27 in the United Church
w "schoolreotrt, Continuing their
Exploration of the Community
a.gley visited the Hearn Dairy
on Nov. 20 where they saw how
the milk was pasteurized and
bottled and butter made.
The later meeting began with
craft which consisted of put-
ting names on leaves, This
was followed by plans for the
Christmas party with counsel,
ler Joyce Coursey in charge.
The worship service was taken
by Counsellor Rose Revington
after which a visit was made
to the veterinary home of Dr.
Lloyd Hall, returning to the
church for the closing.
United Church .bazaar
The WA :of the United Church
held their annual bazaar, tea
and bake sale Saturday after-
noon. An ideal day brought out
a,.good attendance,
Mrs. G. A. Bach opened the
festivities, and with the presi-
dent, Mrs. H. B. Langford,
welcomed the guests, Mrs.
,lack Lankin was in charge of
;.In the kitchen were Mrs.
George Thomson, president of
the Evening Auxiliary, assisted
by Mrs. A. E. Reilly, Mrs. Ivan
l 'earn and Miss Beta Chown,
while Mrs. George Carpenter,
lirs. Roger Beath and Mrs,
Ross McRoberts did the serv-
At the CGIT candy booth
were Margaret Sach, Judy
Cochrane, Betty .Ann Lewis,
Bobby* Cochrane, Daisy Cob-
leigh and Kathy Afathers, and
at the WA candy booth, Mrs.
Murray Hodgins and Mrs. Mel
—Mrs. Alex Young, Mrs. Ivan
Stanley and Mrs. Erle Young
find charge of the aprons and
duilts: Mrs. Sheridan Reving-
ton, Mrs. C. H. George and
Mrs. Will McFalls, the knitted
m,yods and fancy work; Mrs. G.
ET Nicholson and Mrs. George
Paul, the "This and That" and
Christmas corsages: Mrs, Don
Maguire and Mrs. Eldon Young,
the home produce, and Mrs. C.
H. Cantelon, Mrs. J. R. Mur-
ray and. Miss Doris Weir, the
home cooking; Misses Rose
Revington and Barbara Mar-
shall, the Christmas tree, and
Mrs, Cecil Robb, the WDM
supply quilt..
=CGIT chooses
new executive
Lucan's new CGIT leader,
Mrs. Murray Hodgins, was in
charge of the election of of-
ficers last Monday evening in
the United Church schoolroom.
President is Patricia Cob-
leigh; vice-president, Louise
Cochrane; secretary, Betty
*nn Lewis; treasurer, Marg-
aret Cobleigh.
"—With a perfect attendance of
10 out the meeting began with
-games under the direction of
Margaret Cobleigh and Betty
Ann Lewis.
During the business session
stewardship cards were hand-
ed out. The date for the an-
nuaI vesper service was set for
December 17.
"'"'It was decided to go carol
singing with the Explorers and
to take treats to shut - ins at
Christmas time. Louise Coch-
rane and Helen Sigsworth were
in -charge of the worship serv-
Silver wedding
Correspondent: Miss Line Abbott
. . . Elmer Mosurinjohn
Lion wins
Paris trip
For some time the members
of Lions Clubs from Zone 2N
which includes Lucan, Park-
hill, ilderton and Thorndale
have been selling tickets on .a
draw to send an official rep-
resentative to the Lions' Inter-
national convention to be held
in Nice, France, in June, 1962,
Friday night the draws were
made in the Lucan community
centre with the last naive
drawn to be the winner, Lu -
can's past president, Clare
Stanley, was MC for the eve-
Lucan's vice-president, Lion
Elmer Mosurinjohn was the
lucky winner,
Though the convention is
only scheduled to last three
days yet Mr, Mosurinjohn is
going to arrange to take his
holiday at that time to give
himself an opportunity of see-
ing as much of Europe as pos.
At the dinner meeting of the
Lucan Lions last Monday night
the Rev. Graham Lethbrid';e
was scheduled to speak on
"The World Refugee Prob-
lem" but, owing to illness, was
unable to be present. Rev, E.
0. Lancaster, Lucan's rector,
took over and gave a splendid
He - stressed the importance
of Canadians trying to under-
stand the problem of a New
Canadian attempting to make
a place for himself in Canada.
A two -minute silence was held
for Mr. William Haskett, a
past president and charter
A New Year's dance, to be
held in he community centre,
was planned for December 29.
The date of the annual turkey
bingo is December 6 to be held
in the Legion Hall. It was de-
cided to enter a float in the
Businessmen's Christmas pa-
rade Saturday, Dec. 9.
Hon. W, H, Stewart, Min-
ister of Agriculture, will be the
guest speaker at the next meet-
ing and the North London
Lions Club will be guests.
Miss Lina Abbott's group of
the Ladies' Guild catered for
the dinner.
of bingo winners
At the Legion Auxiliary .:bingo
in the Legion Hall. Thursday,
the Roy Peppers of Exeter
were right back in business
again, Mrs. Pepper won the $5
consolation prize and Mr. Pep-
per the full card consecutive
bingo prize as well as the
second bingo,
An Harlton, of Granton,
who shared the first line
"Share the Wealth" prize with
Miss Mary Young, of Bim, won
the first part and Mrs. Bernard
Avery, of Lucan, the second
part. The second line "Share
the Wealth" prize went to Bill
Neil, of Lucan, and the full
card was split between Mrs,
James Reader and Miss Mary
Young, both of Bier,
The only other split bingo
was shared by Ern Rummell,
of Lucan, and Mrs. Don Glan-
ville, of Crediton.
Solo winners were Airs, Rus-
sell Schroeder, of Centralia,
who won both the first and
third bingos; Mrs. Wilfred Jen-
son, of Parkhill; Karl Neil,' of
Lucan; Alr, B, Pascuzzo, Cred-
iton; Benny Kelly and Airs,
Richard Gledhill, both of Lu -
I00F euchre
Members of the Exeter Odd -
fellows and Rebekah lodges
held a euchre. in 'the lodge
rooms Thursday evening with
13 tables in play. Chairman for
the evening was Ray Cottle.
The prize for ladies' high was
won by Mrs. Philip Hern; for
gent's high, Harold Bell; low
score, Alfred Coates; lone
hands, Mrs, Ray Cottle , with
A turkey draw .was won by
Mrs. Cottle. The draw was in
charge of Garnet Hicks. The
proceeds were for the cancer.
polio and TB fund sponsorec' l
by the lodges. r. Hicks an-
nounced that a wheel chair, a
walker or crutches were avail-
able to anyone requiring same.
Well, after •their . • thrilling
overtime victory .against Exeter
last week, the Lucan•Ilderton
Combines appear to be on their
way to a great season. Next
week they will play host to the
Clinton RCAF Flyers and we
look forward to another fine
brand of hockey.
Our local minor teams also
seem to be on a winning way
with the midgets, bantams and
juveniles winning last week, so
it looks likeall our boys are
starting , to find the range a
libtle now.
Last • Wednesday was the
start of the pre-school skate
for parents and their . little ones
but the turnout was at, bit, dis-
appointing, so :I ask any .01 the
parents who wish to . teach their
children to skate to come next
Wednesday afternoon..from1:30
to 3:30 and have a little exer-
cise with the kids, •
There will be public skating
as usual next Saturday, night
and Sunday afternoon' .at the
regular times, also dancing as
usual from 9 to '12 every Satur-
day evening,
Friends honor couple
November 12 was a happy on golden wedding
for i r
occasion M. and
Thomas Emery of Alice St,,.
Lucan, when their daughter,
Mrs, Shirley Bandola ,of Lon -
:don, entertained in honor of
their 25th wedding anniversary.
-The 25 guests present were
from Callander, Centralia, Den-
field, Lucan and London.
`The evening was spent in
.Cards and dancing.
Saturday, Nov, 25 was a hap-
py occasion for Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Mitchell, of RR 3 Lucan,
when they held open house at
their home on Highway 23 to
their many friends and rela-
tives, in honor of their fiftieth
wedding: anniversary.
Festivities began with mass
at St, Patrick's Church, Bid-
RTSSDRIVE—Harvey Langford,
riecre.thry of the T,t%tatt Community 1Vlilio•r Athletic Ass n,
launches the chodohate bar drive by purchasing the first
t.vo bars from Anderson, captain of the Lucan
See 14/6:1 8, The drive, Which gets uncles~ way this Friday,
will raise money, to buy equipment for winter and
Summer sports "please be gelierousy r asks Billy ell be.
balf of his fellow canvassers, , .,.Wayne Culbert
+,,i�y.fa, °rr �re..,.*vw�: •1`x61, �s
dulph, Saturday morning. Rev.
Father William McGee, of
Pontiac, Mich., .celebrated the
mass and two grandsons, Lewis
Mitchell and Ronald Carrigan,
were the servers.A family dinner was held at
noon, followed by open house
from 2 to • 4 p.m. and from 7
to 9 p,m. Tea was oured' b
Mrs. Joseph Whelihan. y
Amon the many dinner
guests were Mrs. Ellen Wheli-
han, bridesmaid of 50 years
ago, and Father Frank Brick-
Mr, and Mrs. Mitchell have
nine children: Vernard, Eng-
land; Mrs. Gordon (Lauretta)
Carrigan, Leo and Harvey, of
Windsor; Mrs, S. J. (Bernice)
Walzak, of London; Mrs. W. E.
(Catharine) Walters, Grand
Bend; Clarence, Tom and Mrs.
Ivan (Marie) Ross, all of Bid-
dulph. They also have 29
Mr, Mitchell, son of the late
Mr. and Mrs, Patrick Mitchell,
and Mrs, Mitchell, the former
Veronica Whalen, daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. W. H..
Whalen, were married in St.
Patrick's Church by Father
Arnold, attended by the late
Mr. William Whalen and Miss
Ellen Mackey, the present Mrs,
Ellen. Whelihan:
For 43 years the couple lived
on the ,Mitchell homestead,
now occupied by their son,
xorn, Seven years agothey
moved to their present home;
one mile north.
_ . . .
When kidneysfeii to remove
eatable ,eide and wastes,
baekeehe-tired feelln,—
dlifuthed teat often nley
fellow. Dodd's Kidney PHI*
Atimulate kidneys to normal
'9, Yeti feel better, elven
b .et, Work better, eo
Fire scares
3y a strange coincidence,
both of Lucan's barbers, Mr,
J. W. Cochrane and Mr. Clar.
once Lewis, hacl occasion te.
call the fire departmentinside
a week and both, escaped with
practically no financial, loss,
About a week .ago, Mr. Louis
Lemieux, who has been living
above Mr. Cochrane's shop,
aeciuentally spilled some oil
on the floor when he went to
till his stove, Then when he
started his stove this ol1 caught
tire. His call for help brought
assistance and the fire was out
before the fire ,department ar.
Mr, Lewis keeps the ,oil for
his stove in a small building
at the rear of his shop. Mr,
Lewis, who lives in Granton,
was working late last Tuesday
night. Before going home about
Il, p,m., he went out to lock
up and found some grain bags,
which he had left on top of his
oil tank, had been set on fire
by someone, making the elev-
enth mysterious fire.
Fortunately he was able to
extinguish the flames before.
the fire department arrived.,
Lucan could have had an-
other big fire as there are
several frame buildings near
by, Mr. Lewis' barber shop is
next door to the Revington
Meat Market, the scene of
'four of Lucan's mysterious
CWL bake sale
On Saturday, Nov. 18 the
Catholic Women's League of
St. Patrick's church, Biddulph
held a successful bake sale in.
the Nuway Motors' showroom.
Mrs. Murray Hodgins of Lu -
can won the cushions and Miss
Carol Young, also of Lucan,
the beautifully decorated Christ-
mas cake,
Reeve 1 • council
UC couples
elects slate
,acclaimed to office
Nomination far the 'village :of
Lucan was held Friday. night
in the Legion Hall with Mr.
Austin Hodgins, .cler'k of the
Bicldu!ph council, presiding.
Ciaai•les Corbett end Ivan
Hearn were nominated fol.
reeve, H, B, 'Langford, Charles
Mrs, Gladys Reilly,
Joseph Hay,Ralph Lippert,
Robext Drennan for the coun-
cit, Clare Stanley, Sack heady
and Les Kennedy for the board
of education and Allan Scott
for hydro commission.
Since Mr Corbett declined to
stand for reeve and Joseph
Hay and Robert Drennan for
the council the remaining can-
didates went in by acclamation,
Following the election, Reeve
Ivan Hearn gave a resume of
the year's activities, the high-
lights of which were;
The locating of the provin-
cial police in Lucan and the
new village constable A. E.
The purchasing of the Porte
property as a municipal build-
ing, the plans for an apart
Coursey School euchre
Mrs, Wilson Hodgins and
Mrs, Harry Stokes were hos-
tesses for the five -table euchre
in the Coursey School Friday
High score prizes went to
Mrs, Tom Coursey and Tot -rimy
Ryan; lone hand prizes to
Kathleen Ryan and Mr, Eugene
Stokes, and low score prizes to
Lois O'Neil and Mr. Joe O'Neil.
The next game will be held
Friday, December 15 with Mrs.
Lawrence Hodgins and Mrs.
Charles Grose as hostesses.
1ltetlt upstairs and several .of-
fiees. on the ground. floor. With
tsthe rorageeveinunue thdeerivebasd;ement .and
The re -assessment of the •vil•-
lage and the latest report of
a population of 972,
"The sewer project is pro-
gressing favorably, but nothing
definite to report" se said.
As Jet no appointment has
been made for a clerk to re-
p ace the late Don. Chown.
Murray Hodgins, chairman
of the board of education, spoke
briefly on school problems and
the probable changes a new
area school would make in the
Lucan attendance,
e mee ng o le oup es
Clue of the United Church last
Wccinesday, officers were elect.,
ed for 19152.
Past presidents are Mr, llnd
Mrs. George Carpenter; press,
dents, Mr. and Mrs, Alden
Walker; vice presidents, Alr
and Mrs, Don Pettigrew; re-
cording secretaries, Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart McLellan; trea-
surers, Mr, and Mrs, J, W.
Lodger; welcoming and mem-
bership committee, Mr. and
Mrs. Ernie Ross.
The the}tie of the meeting
was "The Hope of a Warless
World", The worship service
was in charge of Mr, :and Mrs..
elllenuteuliti ilius ineteintruittirrietel nleIt11111,1111ten11111ei uinel,lllllllteenriimienturio,„,
Turkey Bingo
Wed., Dec. 6
8:00 p.m.
10 games for x1,00
Plus special games
Lions Request Your Support
III(nut l 11111 llltlln 111111111111,11111111,1111111111111111111111111,1/111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1
Mr• and 1►trs. Alden Wallser
reported on the Colborne Rally,.
which they and the Rev. .and
Mrs. 0. W. Sa cit .attended
During the -business sessi u.l
$10.was voted for the
r.en's LChriStMeS party and t -
dollars to Iva Stanley for toys
for tht* nursery,
Mr. and Airs, Dave Park and
Ai sled Mrs. i,,rnest Boss were
in charge of two amusing
games, :the "honeymoon Ra11y".
and the "Musical Parcel Un,
wrapp" Airs. , Lk
yer andingAirs, AlGclenW, Walkocer
were thep rizewinners for the
The December meeting, will
be held at Home of Mr,.
and Mrs, 1)onthe Pettigrew
Roast Beef
Ham Dinner
Sun., Dec. 3
Joe Hay, Proprietor
:::..�:.,,:..�szm�s�:,<.«::<•• .•'lam' firt
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A totally new Mercury size.
Afoot longer than compacts, a foot short-
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Its name From totallysnt new. Everything else is 1
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Meteor's wheelbase is a long 116y2 inches,
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Also new in a livery way are Meteor's new
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certain :tele illustrated are optional at extra cost.
as arrive
Meteor's beautiful new interior seats six
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Should be. The trunk is 31,6 cubic feet huge,
And this is also the quietest Meteor in
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In Meteor, chassis lubrications are up to
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Aluminized muffler lasts up to three times
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2 year or 30,000 nine -radiator coolant is
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Meteor's name is not new. But its size
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Custom, The totally new Mercury Meteor,
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Mercury—now In Canada's three most -wanted sizes!
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3 who needs and appreciates a big
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PHONE BA 74426