HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-01-27, Page 1t '4 vwU44we4r is Pruned ,} Published scary 3Y Ghia k JOHN • Oliver Weis t9,.its, }' BG2k Fad job Pr*isi g es Dealnese mid irp psh. alit21=1, falai .7w " J f1iI7 pw advpll014,,or Twelse aad idea Psp . MA t}sg.a;.psstf$Ioa of the Dear. 1161 paper d+ssoaaaassi iota af.Mra are PYritktet Wells tba publiaMas OW* it their ee►VMVe to du a0. Ary mdiwidbai to the tt7 hoes* responsible fur sir subscribers, shall re- ceive a sersali copy ci All letters ad rd eased to the Ethical plust.be pot} d, or they tetU act be takes otit of hie pat bare. rental mf Adeertisteg.--tis lines tad itstdw,dw{ ieder6oa, 40 9 4 ( the Preavediess s eft Each subsequent bmeraien, 0 0 74 Co404154•214.1iwas, path limas,lid at Gods- fr :ilsu 1inep 4114 epder,frst i iser.,Q 3 4 ! rich, ow the Mak day of Deee mer,1852. Each subsegeqret insertion, 0 0 10 Armen f n ,Arst m. per line, 0 0 4 Each sabsegwent insertion, 0 0 1 81' A liberal discount made to those *by eAlvertaka by the tsar- I,drert$1 f epts without written inMrlK,r Woos wolf be inserted until forbid, aria !barged sceordiitgly ; and no tdrer;isemeut dissontinuod unpaid for at Ute time of with- drswaI. wla by the COMM .( the pub- s'bt'a9. t4 8Y1LLINGO/ ►eanoa. { VOLO n TRU OKRA Itoi$1BLt GOOD TO TUI ORSATIST POWHIBLE ltb1 , TY OF HURON, (C. W.) 'FiNfiteNp,AY, JANUARY 27, , • UR. P. A. Mc DOUGALL ( ! A N be consulted at all boon, at .Mr. Le' 7brrea Hoarding New* &wmrrfythe British Heset.) S I Goderich. Aprii t9tb, 1852. •5 . 4 • 1Jul .t 41 • t •1J fff Si , 't iRA LEWIS, BARRISTRit, SOLICITOR, Ate. W.t o - street, Goderricb. Juno 1818. 2.1325 DANIEL GORDON, ARINETMAIL Ell. Throe door. Fast. J the Canada C.opauy's odic., West_ slreal, Goderich. August 27th, 1649. 4va510 DANIEL IIOME L17.ARS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Cuareysa-' ver, Solicitor to G►aw.owv, ke. hue bee o0ca es formorl) is tltnlford. Stratford, 2od Jan. 1550. 2vo49 J. DENISON, 'CIVIL fENOINEER, die. GODERICH, C. W. Aug. 2itb, 18511. rarest JOANJ. E. LINTON, j'%OTARY PUBLIC, Commissioohr Q.H., .14 ad Consoyanc. , Stratford. V ILLIASI REED, HOUSE AND a1G,N PAINTER, tic. Lighthouse -street, Oedencb, October 84, 1848. 2,1038 - HURON HOTEL, $Y JAMME8 GENTLER*, Goderich.. Attentive Liostlers always on hand. tlodench, Bap'. 18, 1150. s3 -c30 hTRACUAN AND BROTHER. Barrister and Atomic* of Lav, 4c,. Gnaaaicw C. W. TOIINt9TRACHAN Bvrri.ter and Attor. • oey at Law, Notary Public sad.Coovey- anco r. A LE!fANDER WOOD 8'rRACHAN, a Artorsey at Law, Solicitor in Chan: cetry,Conveyancer. God.rieb, 17th November, 1851. WILLIAM HODGINS, ARCHITECT k CIVIL ENGINEER Office 27, Dai dao Street, LONDON, C. W. August;tit►, 1867!. .base "HORACE HORTON, [Marks-agearr, Goderich, J ANGET for the Proviecial Mutual and Oeeeraf itnorance OMes, Torooto,— Ako Agent for the 84. Lawrence County Mutual, U denaborg, New York. Local Agent for Samuel Moul.on'a Old Rochester Itaerseey, July 1850. 21 A. NASILYTII. FARB!ONAOLE 'TAILOR, one door Wens of Wali Gnoe'n 81.,., West Strut Godrtricp, • ' Feb. 19, 1859. ,5-x4 'MOM AS NICHOLLS, BROKER, AND GENERAL. AGENT. 1 clover •Jae' Oetarie Marine d- Fire In- smrantie Co. NOTARY PUMLI q ACCOUNTANT AND CUNV1itiYANCJma. COSIMIBMONERIN Q. B. Ito INSURANCE .fisted on Honeys, Slap - pima and Goo. 1l iisde of Defd. correctly drawn, and Bomb. mid AEcbewt. adjusted. Otte emu 'the Treasury, Gelder reh. July 22, 1852. v5e21 11 7 i !', YA1 1111071,1.9 IPE S?'Iiri1T, GODEFICd, Oleo! Ms Msikat 6gowr) BY Rs. ,10 N & ROBT. DOZ OG11. 1 001) AceoraftWumem for Th.yet4va,k. es/ 7 ao altnunit.a.l.b.t all liasss, to take chirp ,•f TOAD; Goderich, Dee. 6, 1840. 43—if W 9NINGTQN Fmuicrai ttantl (J.n 0.11 ry1 M oe Co., Camat. $1,`yOO,OOw• PA A tf ofluMR H I t the Counties of'EWIIII fl 'Throa, eagmmel7, I Mf` • t# 11 • R'sTA•iAil", Har r Msp AIM b. a`r-•-u1pa1S Gus MOs telt ro Ice '1 tie essi Cotntcu. Room, Gogsstor, j • • f.'00 December, 1852. The Cowl)' Muis1 ;pal Council mot this day purawnt to a requiStioo of the Wudes, and a public advertisement to that elect. ra>.sswr. WILLIAM CHALK, Esq., Warden, is ih. Chair. Messrs. WALLACH.' HAMILTON; MITCHELL, OIBVJJNOB, OODRLAY, HILL, MILLER, LAMB, Messrs. C Oi% OLL ADAIR, CORBETT, 11111iTH Me430AY, HAYS. HOLMES. The four Ibfowing doelineats were referred to a CommiWS to be appointed. 1 Letter, Copy of By -Low sad otber doesmoota. 2 O>piaioo of By -Lw o, A, for rabisg £116,000. 3 Copy ofC lig ipa! Lona Fund Act. 4 Letter from Mr. Lta-liestos sr Warts. On a Ballot being taken for ;(__Md. to ISMS the above four docutneots were referred, it was 4.elamed to coaaiet of ;Aiesars. Smith, Holmes, Waster illy aad Iiys• 5 Letter from Cooley Trearaermlti otherdocaa.mis, were referred to a Committee to be appon5.d. Oa a Ballot beieg taken for the appoietaeet et the above -Committee, it was declared to consist of Messrs. Hays, Doig, Cole, Miller and IloIines. 6 Letter from County Sobeitor accompanied by a number of other deeeleuls were referred to the Fiume Committee. 7 Letter from John Wilsos, Req., Barrister, to Cosaty Clerk, ordered to be filed. 8 Mored by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Corbett, That the Cosacil adjourn til] tea o'clock to•tnorrow—carried. WILLIAM CHALK, Warden, Huron, Perth and Brace. Couscit Room, GODSIUCU, 21st December, 1852. The Casal met. • PRESENT : The Wards' is the Chair. Messrs. WALLACE, IIAitIILTON, GOURLAY, HILL, GIBBING., 1)01 G, COLE, ADAIR, Meese. SMiTH. McGOEY, HOLLIES, MITCHELL, MILLER, LAMB, RYAN. CORBETT. The minutes of yesterday were read over and approved of, when the following accounts and letters were referred to the Fi- raaee Committee. 9 Letter and account from the Sheriff. 10 Account of William Hyslop, certified by the Sheriff. II do from Commercial Advertiser, Buffalo. 12 Jo Edward Dinsley, sudden breach, certified by Mr. Gibomgs. 13 Account of Elisha Morton, do do Mr. Chalk. 14 do Thos Bayle, do do Mr. Hill. A 14 do John Maloney, do do do 15 do William Moore, do do Mr. Gourley. 11 Letter and account from Mr. Rath. 17 Letter from Clerk of the Peace, Order of Quarter Ses- moss, and account. 18 Account, John Hicks, sudden breach, certified by Mr. Hill. 19 Letter from Mr. Perceval to Warden and Council. 20 Letter from Coutraetors of Maitland Bridge. 21 Letter from John Galt, Esq., to Warden (left over from last souk's.) 22 Letter from Robert Gibbons, Esq., to Warden. 23 Account, Jolt& Portt, suddeu breach, certified by Mears. Ryan and Corbett. 24 Account, Willies Watso., madden breach, certified by Mr. Smiths. 25 Account, -William Moore, do do Mr. Smith. 26 do Robert Bain and Thos. Reid, mlddea breach, certified by Mr. Smith. 27 Aeeeost, James Gibson, sadden breach, certified by Mr. Ryas. 28 de Joon Clark, do do Mr. Holmes. 29 do Wm. Edmond, do de db 30 do Robert Arhison, do do be 81 do James Campbell, do do Mr. Hamilton. *2',. Letter rad aceou t from Gaiety Solicitor aceomp•aied hy a amber of doeameats eon.ected with the emitted for the Maitland Sespeosioa 33 Mored by Mr. }Laibmsitoo, nmond Mr. W That a Committee of Five be appointed ai hawse-- Oo 8 Hdiet beieg taken, the Committee wssdeelared to coo& of Messrs. Hamittee, Wallace, Cok, Hal and Smith. 34 Notice of motion by Mr. Wallace, That to -morrow 1 introduce a motion for the purpose of erecting a Curt Homo suitable offices in Goderitb for the use of the Comity Olisava Huron aid Bruce. 35 Certificate by Mr. Adair, that the Bridge mimeo River Thames at St. Marys ie aew finished. 36 Notice of motto. by Mr. Cathect, That to -ser e 1 ,i4 move that u addide.al maser twisty -sem pinnies be grail - 'ed for the Bridge across the Laura 8s.ble, on towa line between Biidslpb W McGlIWMy. 17 Latter from the Clerk -of Hs Peace, Order of Qearter Sesgass, sad prosema.ent of Geared Airy, ordered to he filed. TheCos.ed adjotwartri111HALKoWm . LIA.4i Hero., Pr* s 1 Brae. -sr , That of a '+t, ch', a Court a, and a /seamier et Cuttaty Offices, inclu for the w of the B.mutvk saes. rhe topes' d; ng pot to eau&d_£2000, and the Plus submitted 'meeting of Coastal oa the fowrth Momday lo January nest—the approved Pies ody to be paid for. The above was referred to the 41 Moved by Mr. Mitchell, Messrs. Smith aad Wallace, ford os Railway business, be alto also a cessedcrtltios for tidbit 42 Moret y Dr. Cok, • • r. Holmes, That the Wanks sad , their travelling expenses to B,dafo sad T esilq i consideration for their time, and that this sad the dot • referred t. the Finance Committee— earned- 43 Byrd, of the • 'appointed to report ea doea- mem4 eoaaeobi with •" tion of the County of Perth from Herat and QOM.. sue roe . road and referred to • Commit- tee of the W4ale—the MHO hCoaneil from the County of Perth wilbirawiag from the CotutiiBonrd—Mr. Holmes in the chair. The mport waspish road, eaYM the Committee rose to report prgtoa sad sot Leave to sit a .11. The Committee r,M, and the Warder tommsd the eliair--nui leave greeted to sit Again. 'as The Report was seri submitted and referred to of the Wboia-rA r. Maines is the chair. Os the Report beelt rasa, the 1st part was adopted, when it was mored t Us tee rise, report progress, and ask kayo to xis again. The Committee rose, sad the Warden resumed the chair— leave' granted to alt again. The Council adjourned for en hour. 'WILLIAM CHALK, Warden, . Hume, Perth and Brace. .srearly, That went to Braut- g expenses, and 2 o'clock, P. M., 22sd December, 1852. The Gouncil met pareaant to adjournment— the Warden in the chair, and the same portico preset as in the forenoon. The Council went into Committee of the whole on the report eossected with tbe sparatio* of the Counties, Mr. Holmes in the chair. The Report was 'submitted aod read, when it was adopted without an ameadaaot. The Committee rose and the Wasdes resumed the chair, when the report was again submitted sad adopted. The meab.n from the Gouaty of Perth resumed their assts at tba Board. 44 Moved by Mr. Holmes, seconded by Mr. ILays, That the sow offered to the County of Perth by the Counties of Hama aid Brace shall he null apd void if the said Coubty of Perth be not separated m the 1st day of January, 1853—carried. 45 Moved y Mr. Bays, seconded by Mr. Ryas, That the Warden is hereby authorised to eater Tato a Bonet on the part of United Comities in accordasaa with She terms of the Report of Ooamp/eee sod to great a.c.rtidca$e of tie same—carried. 46 Resdirt of the Committee c. Railways was received aad read, what the Cotmeil went into Committee of the whole on the alae—bar. hays k the chair. On the Report being read, it was 'doted wit hot aa anaesddusmt. Csllfgittee roue laud the Warden resumed the chair, when Lha Report etappiatiodmitiottad and adopted. Mr. Ryan pre - seated a------pirld.m tgltsoent between Thomas Richardson, and l8. Iitistsrs of McGdlirray and Biddulpb for the improve - meat of dimalridge over the River Sauble between McGillivray and Biditlpirwhea it was 47_, wed by Mr. Ryserwiaanded by Mr. Corbett, That the allli'titsifi`snua of toasty -urea pupas be granted for the re- erectio8 at Ili Bridge acress.11t. Peale Saab's ea the Town -line between 161164b std Ilbat limy, The above memorandum and agrw rr to die liaises Committee. The G n to ais a o'clock to -morrow morning. WILLIAM CHALK, Warden, Huron, Perth and Bruce. The Council met. Tb. Wardca is the chair. Mum. H AALLLACR LAME, OOIJRLAY, M14LIi*. gIuuw S, DOIO. SMITH, MITCHELL. . COW CH. Room, Gon lira December, 11 PRIIINT "'i" est' Ivor s,•! le l 'q'.a twrgrltr time tOissell met. Cot:stir.ROA, Goosaism, 22nd Desessimr, 1 OIL t*tIT!5T t TM Wards is the Quer. ft4i4• one ITCH A , i t IJDAtte u' `eU11,18LAY, • .'i.INOSi ir ADMIN. ODRurl', CYAN. CH, Messoe. RYAN, ADAIR, PENTLAND, CORBETT, COLE, HAYS, ItOLMI S, HAMILTON. re sad over aad appproved ef. Committee was received, to a ittee of tbe whole. The Warden til .1". issuab is chair. ..l' os. 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19, 20, 47,' *sed 42 were adopted, when tbe ilia Warden resumed the chair. The Re - and adopted. Dr. Cade, seconded by Mr. Hill, That able mum of Tee pounds in addition 1e4i5 present R ,} for his trouble and loss of time in stimul- i( these Comities in conneiionJwith the Buf- ord by 11Godeneb Railroad—ea. ried. Mr. Wallets, seconded by a1,t. Mitchell, That ha allowed to bring in his account for sudden Meat having received his notice oftbe Council steins • PMti.d pre enter two aecouots for aas e breaches, one heihsael(tmd lbs othlir titer by . 1).flisoa, which were 51 sievelsed b'f Ms Notion be +' ` emelt of ibovItar • dell. by Mr. \\'aIl ee,That tun of Canada praying that Feed Act u is contained in Misting to Comity Cowards, krait airy By -Law that they steel of different and that the place there- eempusiag the Comity pre - each of the Towasiip dr say By -Law, lima the ratios .1 inch By -Law abet .Lei-^•esrrMd• ♦e int taselig of the toasty Int Imola most at the Court 14, , iirwlsra sad SMwhdders ef read asp siyMi, Nd as *in to lbw Secretary e( tba Cars; , That Mat L'AYOWL Sr Lola .a pleas that 11181. Lon is the star of rho •s Lore is 11.0 sasses of Dope to the bopetul, et etre.`; Lave is the shower to the thirst The rich reward to want and The staff to the uttering steps' The l.unusplece to time's dull page, 'there'.Iu.e to the soued ot wares; in the cleric' which broods o' grow. Breves; There's love ata"rhe ivy Where the twidtertmg bat lows cover, And start at the .load of bell, Tho' len i. Its richribretJ.. A dear old souad which, year M Rang sorrow or joy to the b bli99 a There's love is t;t. ramie' putt. That bathes the dfsm.l helm* a Tbu' soma bevy Her 1 bel. For—NCO, H.aveol for Creations sew from ata R.biwg richly (sects. tr '- -• Glsdieg rho long lost past Malting begs with' ere Brigbt'aing the track of Bobeneg joy sad sheering Deleting to sadaes. kind r There's love in the cooling re .`r ere, And loved is the perfume 8 ere. There's lora in the lowly warns, Ten.'. love in the roubles trees; Love rules supreme botow, shat.. ; The one grand mamspri.g of Lbs lova. SAIIUIL 8aw.o s 1s, Toronto University, Dec. Al, 9812. x: BOYS TO MEND. A writer its the ' Household Words,' with these words as a telt, furnishes (84 following account of one of England's re- formatory School for boys : Umbrellas to mend, and chairs to mend, and clocks to mend, are called in our streets daily. Who shall comet op the numbers of thousand of ehildrif to mead is and about those same attests, whose voice of ignorance ids atoerl'ps the voice of wisdom once did, sails aa• stile regarded; who go to pieces lor th4 limit of meadisg sod die unrepaired! It is more than EDAM years sane there was established's' EAM a society whoa object was to divert3eblldrea from the paths of crime. We shwa. that the young craw sisal is born lister the most pitiable cir- cumstances. Ooi1 , ty-two received is o44 year at Red All, for esampte, twenty -aa - res were orpbaas, either by the death or transportation of their parents, or being born like brutes, and bred in isodose of any home. Nineteen were fatherless,. and of these almost all bad step -fathers; twelve wet e motherless, and most of these were furnished with step-motbers,igaarant, brutal and jealous. ()sly twenty -fur had both parents living; and of those say how maoy had received pinata! Evert the most anxious of peer must be absent for some tee WIN daily wort, while the child's school - when be has been seat to scbod--tae` " eupy but six hours in the day. The are the child's play -ground. If leer* so much danger to the best among the c dren of the very poor, bow is it with bon in sq,ulor,ignoraece,and vicet •is it with the wretched uotaug4t. forced to calculate for the climates of existence, and to or diet , The number of boys now at Rai ill is little pxae a buadred, and the number acres on the farm is a huotfredand thirte The boys vary In age from ten or elute eighteen, add dray vary also in the .n which they lave been admitted. of the youagest are cbildtes who have • sentenced to transportation, and use mended by the directors of prison+ as more fit to be ki.dly than harshly punished. These ail- ed to £fay. Others are boys who, having. pueisheient by law, are seat b' rents In receive corrective ,,,• parents paying a part of the red on their behalf. T moved st the discream' o Others are boys who se lire ettirpstios of various hover• of e • is their ewe desire Thea• my reasor dist reties. Others, are bye have reeei•ee e ►eon a:ahead 'Ma of tosememNd lbf r. f 4 w the ata moos is eyes poet. Here are s under the burning sun ex- tremely bi_Jth their long forks tossing up the hey. i this the hottest day, cut grass may, appose, be dried in half an I+otratl bet 1 root venture an opinion, lest I f•o even by this very little boy of toil. 11eis a new -comer from prises Ind. ' Ise Dever• made bay W doe plaice 1' ' No W . i NOIe P it* '441 'notwild Miry, the school and the s • st pltial the better of the fc }: gt lies; learsed in the street; a req `_ie e.hool. some tree Blearing, aad there• ' ipd fence nude boys. - .Y: R; h lents, tltsWork n a i{► , i*$.yeie•t. There is aome- thing . 11- re for sae's labor. A boy who 'sway several times, is planting a -.the ground—assisted by a working with great eaer- rkable of most of the boys decidedly with a will, aad muster cheering to behold. , passing the pond at which bud hours for baba', we of grass, in which some eller owing. To become a mower, tate with honors in the farm moNew y to saeerd them versa d ILll1 tlf e :-5- t *CORK* *Icy; cowsheds, pig - In one put Milt to eoolain dor- - leif, ucomt dttioa aad Anthem, a new ag built. All such g1.i sg to those boys will be valuable— be emigrants—some is bricks and mortar. hen sad school room rural hall serves and sample chapel in aim roads morning a 8uaday heron a bly attentive 'and fieldstontaie- a stale, that 'declines to Stay be. In Rah . That is the work young iaboren).— e got over stiles, -.ynd tbeo, aid or ages of priso.t•. ud lbs fat4•lking Out it --under the who have too often sti4r the gutter of ami£•• -wide, rich woodland pros., 1. fir' - is t racist of his .Pq will oak avisit to soot MO,- 11iu sacsuP for months" pay 1.- nsolbaneest in ce tog dow to Se. Lieut Red Hit N. When o&.beyond tL fine an, 'the fifth class, t is so 'hermits of ao. litary confiscatefor s short ume,xcon- paaie,t anuli gentle7adnooitiou. Esuny eues that demanditatila4iate care, Wei. cord of the week's misdeeds Li kept, sad misdeeds remain to be accounted 18., Saturday in every week; whoa, lifter d" the awards are made. While waitiag for the denser -tiara, we visit the nota who are locked vp in,ope- rate cells, for a few boar+ of reflection.— One of them u an Irish lad of sisteeu years or older, who,.after a a quarrel on the pre- vious night, decamped front the establish- ment, and was recovered with a coat in his possession that did not belong to lana. The coat be declared obstinately that be had' picked urs, and no laud Of rsasooing would make bier tell another tale. Wi iogrea, for some initutewer41041mofieteStilti1 sod though ka was one of the nest' hopeless boys to the establishment, be spoke hiedly Ms absence --of the chaplain, and re - et aired the good feelioa at Red lid1.-- He would like it, be said, if there were ad about three doses boys,'.bo imbed bin because be was Irish. That was his vire/. of the case. Ile was an orphan; who had been thirteen or foettee■ years away from /reload. H4 relatives were an uncle and *ant in Liverpool, about whose octopi - dons he seemed uowilliio to be commus tire. Tuere is &solber boy coe$sed for gene- cal idleoess,and lying .11 alo.g--sad very like an idle bpv iedeed--asleep .s tie sod floor, with.16 held at the door like a Seat. He is young ---about tea—ud NIA sl' les age: We have sees that bead, ie pease., ahoy a time. A halloo, Iowet•ijR, ewer - hanging, beetle-browed, beery beat. . confused pea a itthat will look t w8tti' hatcher than at other eyes. As the chepiaia tarp -it up towse 81 by the sire, aad says a word or two sfseedewlssu lraae., there is -o hope isl1►- Va i1M1.011R NL, tha▪ a i8.. ' ..1 raight w ji. a 'mist- ed fest. Tos 81tg the dpi%ahyy acs letieb this bead bar got itself aid society, we • would rather advise with we pod Gleed' - De. C000lly, that with the qter sew - mu : r 1 soon, aid at half -peat twelve 'se; so we trots the fields, and ks, again, to fed the dining white the boys who are leav- en blfore us, sat gamble 1 over ons another as the at work shop, be pocketed a repute is brought 1¢ carpenter to whoa Ism now, as be stood os I green leaves werkitigtt smith's .bop, !Maks et lion that was too £nab bad dome very wa1 n o reason to complain thoegbt very well of bright idea that it handl. full .of esra cerkseross, hoot 'pooches, and ws f rtill, said—umwitiimg as a perceived ear seen kaifbt mad frocs *4..nt it pia the o chi• ok•, y..u: ever 111 ppl.hatt tail •, 1.. • ,•, w/to create•e a out, .t be e8' .r bay says gtla.i - - diasg,eseept t •„ice MI fat1o.iar coefrdencerIred in hi- = warm y ton «•,• e h'ro'ore 8-, sty 'u' 1 ave, Ileo. eoolem in, h•stn; br•,Ii n his can thea tad there to n et.lulinri and amps',,. bye eats •y s c.resr 1n • traversalno of d 541p+uon, dmt'r l Na 1 to :Nor? an r Nn re:urm; 111.1 hiving pail his .•.11,.s.e.tea ' .aJ 183 _ •, were :,eirasr, •01 bo ,o .5 .!J .cogpta.l, t.eoil- sgbltre of ., b n y hi • nn ling .1 .y was As .4.1, as l great p,INretr.,«• e friends ni Tem- n,.J. (05 it• eel.: ,r 01011. 1 1 Ih..e4 ties.. ye”' by the et mowe,urot In the now, travell- 1 ..h.wie, n, : t5•s til:e(U f.aa• .n•.tbgr start has h^en of the courtship on'y ►sec4-'1 ti.. is lr'. step an the nett oi- tont, front whoa AAO hal teem,-- ewis.% mtrked tore* •• ('0•1', three or font date b -•fore the bridal rear•, new war d V• 8,s wee, h,wewer. es.eereerte IW+ e in a nr•i war et Ins oa I .ch rad; et* '•rote) to Lsada' too Bu• hoe. sad 0i No sites gest .1.1 sl 44r t' -sus slot r b• t Ieys hot t.s.n- .'y t'»rai•ed 1 have not rho .rice.• d..1 se ealling the sea'c i awed. - 1 t Lha letter mos malts; rm.. w•s 011i or Ilion tom eco Isle •• 1A. perce.dia m•ght, ant wee dsrlstssel eery •, iv nn .n m•nin ne• the pro1.n..l we.Wine.dy• see heseg oak••.. veal .ost ass I., 1,R bndegreare'e be I•..ds was owed ►. fere 00 hint there. A .1•wa time pH.. be 1.N M. r at,; yet 1 p.lct t•t go let.. ole rwnlel: 8.4,lend r r•.I i of q•wt•s if so? is the ar•eoaa w4•4 M 11500• 1't'"' ried tactto,ro't•g TAW se. r-a:aLrwr•s ung frien.I•, sot ta.ir inr•ie stitieilwittP umlauts 1., es 1 am **nit to j.hlag. •Ms,fht tbat,bo :eel oo segaset«. Oat Noon a orH,e11 ore awe ata.rt gw p.wnwwing ISutw belie stoma sot pro. ewpte. awl 114 p Mrm,.v.4. 'he n w►M, «w:l, b, ee.ersd tet ree•ttewl.wd.m4, • Thews •e ares oho carnet rni« for you 104d ems M artern.d» Mr. h •.t, goer ea.rnple t. . Lbs es.'Mry sew.' that serve rte la.b west. tsnthrephie coastibetien ne.l *8aisya Mor as. b.. s. nANa1PMt." 1e w•w1I.—Tb.n '. • O t C' he Nplssh'I.•) bet Sri "es ab Mr ► einy:e( lb'. n'e IeN I R•a I y 4n... svd e. ate N tele ea lbw (ids avemensly over trim Wsakf..t r.w,.w." Ee Igwabd to theme t trawl la bre II...l'Ii. M. fewp•r.d; i'*.'y meti. 1 the soot% .. i* 6. iais, 8, lis, s'S4* as•- ,nter•..pss'.iloo b eby:1•e.c«1,.,. whiI. AAO rw.awwv se erww- j env. A *smite belt wool al ten w,. tl,4..,e ,' gsalesiw r,S-elion, wills As owl- .,,.r • 1 . n..•iwiry 4 tyre of a s.k-t. etc : *story of thnu..sst4 who biro i •naafi 4101 111104 s.'I.g. f.4, M+ be Io1.04 by •vc•s. 1n 0•44soroff.S. te'wN •11.l •w•e'e'4 • Paw.pws'..IoMas• raves i dererrn.M Mill !atom,. of env I ag,Ni.•s .uses wig s f too •• ..G etlm••w ror • ti, • i t fi 1