HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-11-30, Page 171,L
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The following is the ;report
on sewerage and sewage dia.
nasal for the town or Exeter,
prepared by Engineer 13, M.
Ross, Gederich, for the Qnta.
rle Water Resources Commis-
sion. It is prefaced by prelimi.
remarks contained in •a
letter to the commisison which
accompanied the Sebmissitiri.
We have indicated in our re-
port a staged program for the
CaliStrealell of sewerage fecili-
ties and sewae, treatment
We recommend the trained -
late construction of Stage 1
and the subsequent construe.
tion or Stages 11 and III as
soon thereafter as practicable.
We believe that the construc-
tion of the component parts .of
Stage I will Provide for
Lio ahatenlent In the Ansahle
River and other Watersheds Of
the Town of 1.:elNeter.,
The construction of Stages 11
IMO III will complete the mat-
ter ef providing sanitary sew-
,ers and sewage treatment fa.
cilities for •the Ton of Exeter.
We have prpvidcd in our esti.
mate ie Stage 1 for the con-
struction or certain lateral
sewers on the east and west
sides or Main Street, These
Sewers principally serve the
commercial and heavily builtUp areas of the town.
We have provided that these
sewers be plaped in easements
at the rear of the lots in order
that there might be some say.
legs in initial capital costs and
in, convenience to the residents,
Moreover, we find that all of
the Seigle tanks in the arca are
In the rear yards and therefore
the connection problem would
rnoye difficult if the sewers
were constructed in the street.
There is admittedly a prob-
lem in securing easements and
in rehabilitation after construc-
tion but we believe this is
more than offset by the other
adVantegeS recited Abeve.
Stage 1
As indicated in Eshibit, 11
accompanying this r e p o r t,
Stage I utilizes on a temporary
basis the existing trunk sewer
on William Street, force main
on John Street and the John
Street Pimping Station,
In Stage 1 we recommend
the construction of a trunk
sanitary sewer and leterceptor
from the existing John Street
P em ping Station southerly
along Marlborough Street to
Anne Street; thence eesterlY
along Anne Street te Main
Street •(London Amid); thence
southeasterly aereSS London
Road to an easement in private
property in Registered Plan 20
to •a point approximately 100
feet (100') east of Main Street;
thence southerly and parallel
with London Road in an ease.
merit to Huron Street; thence
easterly on lieren Street to
Edward Street, together with
all necessary manholes, inter-
cepter chambers, etc,
We farther recommend the
construction of an interceptor
sewer along Mill Road from
Andrew Street to William Street
together with all necessary
manholes, interceptor cham-
bers, etc.
We also reccommend the
construction of An interceptor
Stage. 1 ,Estimated cost 4207;2.6540
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ev.ei a ong a street mimed- Street to the pernpleg statip
ialely north of and approxi- ProPReed in Stage I at the in -
mately parallel with the Ad- tersection of Mill Read and
sable River from William William Street.
Street together with a sewage We further recommend the
ejector station, fore mAie, construction of a trunk sewer
and interceptor chambers, on Marlborough Street from
We also recommend the cOn- Gidley Street to the John
struction of a SeWage PuMPing Street Pumping Statien.
station at William •Street and We Also recommend the C011 -
'Read t with Sewage ferce, main :from the .facilities at the .site of „Iota
nu oge ier struction or additional pumping
said pumping station southerly Street pumping Station to -
and westerly along an ease. gaiter with the construction of,
ment to a sewage oxidation a force main on Aleriborough
Pend in Farm Lot 24, Conces- Street from the John Street
sion 2, in the 'rewnship. of Pumping Station 1,0 Gidley
Stephen, complete with all Street.
ancillary works, We ale9 recommend the on,
We further recommend the struction of a trunk sewer on
construction of lateral sanitary Edward Street from Huron
sewers to Serve the commerc. Street to James Street; thence
ial and heavily populated area easterly on the easterly exten.
on the east and west sides of sion of James Street from Ed -
lig 9n ward Street to a proposed new
Main Street I •11;
Huron Street, The said sewers
rom We t t
street in a pending subdivision
of part of existing Registered
Plan 20; thence northerly on
the said proposed new street
to John Street; thence easterly
on John Street to the southerly
production of Pryde Boulevard;
thence northerly along the last
mentioned production and along
Fryde Boulevard from John
Street to Sanders Street.
We further recommend the
installation of an additional
pumping unit in the pumping
Station referred to in Stage 1
at the intersection of Mill
Road and William Street,
We also recommend the con-
struction of an additional oxid-
ation pond to accommodate the
additional flow, complete in-
cluding all ancillary works,
are to he constructed in ease,
ments on private properties on
the east and west Odes of
Main Street and are to include
all necessary manholes and
ancillary works.
We recommend that all of the
above works ascribed to Stage
1 be constructed immediately,
Stage 2
We recommend the eonstruc-
tion of a trunk sewer on Marl-
borough Street from Gidley
Street to Nelson Street to-
gether with a trunk sewer on
Nelson Street from Marlbor-
ough Street to Carling Street
together with a trunk sewer on
the northerly extension of Car-
ling Street from Nelson Street
to an easement on the westerly
extension of Church Street;
thence cin the last mentioned
casement to William Street and
thence northerly on William
Stage 3
We recommend the complete
servicing of the Town of Ex-
eter with lateral sanitary sew -
Stage 1- Cost Estimate
Trunk Sewers, Pumping Stations, Forte Mains and Sewage
Disposal Facilities
The estimated cost of constructing trunk sewers, pump-
ing, stations, force mains and sewage disposal facilities complete
with all ancillary works as referred to in Stage I hereof is
$200,705.00 made up as follows:
2,320 lin. ft. 15" sewer, furnished and laid complete
@ $4,80 per lin. ft. $ 11,136,00
1,730 lin, ft. 12" sewer, furnished and laid complete
@ $4,00 per lin. ft. 6,920.00
1,560 lin. ft. 10" sewer, furnished and laid complete
@ $3,50 per lin, ft. 5,460.00
23 standard manholes constructed complete
$350,00 each 8,050.00
2 interceptor chambers constructed complete
(a $1,000.00 each , ,,, 44.4444 2,000.00
Breaking and replacing pavements, granular
backfill in streets, etc, 9,000.00
Tunnelling under highway 3,000.00
Sewage ejector station and force main across
Ausable River complete .. 4**t•F 6,000.00
Sewage pumping station complete including
pumphouse, pumpwell, comminutor, pumps,
motors, valves, piping controls and
telemetering 36,060.00
3,500 lin. ft. 14" dia. sewage force main
furnished and laid complete
$7.00 per lin, ft. • ... 24,500.00
60 lin, ft. casing pipe under railway
furnished and laid complete
@ $30.00 per lin, ft. 1,800.00
100 acres of land Cie $200.00 per acre $ 20,000,00
Clearing and grubbing site ......... . 2,000.00
45,000 cu. yds. excavation @ .400 per cu, yd. 18,000.00
Fencing complete
Sodding interior bank of pond
Valves, piping and overflow structure
DraM to Ausable River
Access road to site
Easements and rights-ef-way
Total for construction $174,526.00
15% for incidentals and contingencies . 26,179.00
TOTAL ESTIMATE . $200,705.00
Our estimate of the cost of constructing a sanitary
lateral sewer in an easement east of Main Street from •Welling-
ton Street to the north limit ot Lot 147, Registered Plan 20 and
also in an easement on the east side of Main Street from
the northerly limit of Lot 143, to the southerly limit of Lot 31
according to Registered Plan 20 together with a lateral sanitary
sewer in an easement on the west side of Main Street from
Wellington Street to the north limit of Lot 169 registered Plan
20 and in an easement on the west side of Main Street from
the northerly limit of Lot 172 to Huron Street is $66,660.00 made
up as follows:
5,730 lin. ft. 10" asbestos cement sewer furnished
and laid complete at $5,50 per lin ft, .$ 31,515.00
250 lin. ft. 8" asbestos cement sewer furnished
and laid complete @ $4.00 per 1M. ft.
27 manholes constructed complete @ $350.00 each
Making connections to private drains
Breaking and replacing pavements, walks
and fences........3,000.00
Granular backfill in roadways, lanes, alleys
and parking areas 2,000.00
Restoring lawns, gardens, trees and shrubbery ..... 6,000,00200000
Securing easements and rights-of-way
'Total for Construction . . $ 57,965.00
15% for incidentals and contingenciet 8,695.00
TOTAL ESTIMATE ..,...„.. ... ........... .$ 66,660.00
Stage 2 - Cost Estimate.
Our estimate of the cost Of constructing the trunk
sewers, inodifications te the pumping stations, force mains and
Additional sewage treatment facilities including all ancillary
works in 'Stage It is $115,046.00 made tip as follows:
4,200 lin, ft, 18" sewer furnished and laid complete
ee at $5,50 per lin, ft. . ..... $ 23,100.00
2,210 lin, ft. 12" sewer furnished and laid Complete
@ $4,00 per lin, ft. • 8,840,00
1,200 lin, ft. 10" sewer furnished and laid comPlele
@ $3,50 per lin, ft. 4,200.00
22 manholes constructed complete @, $350.00 each 1,700.00
13reakiee and replacing pavements, granular
backlit' on streets, etc. . 7,000,00
Modifications to John Street Pumphoute:
New pump and motor ihcluding controls
1,200 lin, ft, 12" diii, Ante main furnished and
installed Complete in; $6.00 per lin, It.
Modifications to Main Pumping Station:
New Pump and motor including controls .
New comminutor and motor inclUding controls 4,500,06
Addithinai Oxidation Pond:
Clearing and grubbing site , .....
45,000 et, yds. excavation @ .400 per et), yd. 1,000.00
:Fencing ,complete, 4'
ValVea, piping and overflow structure 18:000000.:(1000
Total for construction
for incidentals and Conthigandida
. 15,005,00
TOTAL EST1MAT1 $115,040.00
Ebe TillICS-Achteeate4 .N9Iffil9ber .30/ 1961 Pagel it
ners provide a, separated
syeteM Of sewers and to. isolate
storm water and ground water
run-off from the sanitary sys-
tern. We recommend that suit.
able senitary sewers be cell-
etrected on of the streets as
shown on the accompanying
plans ineluding all necessary
manholes And Ancillary works.
Lagoon site
'rhe property required for a
swage oxidation pend or a
sewage lagoon is situated in
lot 24, Concession 2 in the
township of Stephen. The mini-
mum area required for the la-
goon site is 50 acres, but it is
envisaged that the requirement
would have a detrimental ef.
fect on the remaining lands of
the farm inasmuch as the far.
neer will have part of his in-
come taken away and also that
there is required sufficient
space between the pond and
the adjacent properties to en-
sure immunity from odor etc.
We recommend, therefore,
the acquisition of the whole
farm situated in Lot 24, Con-
cession 2 in the Township of
Stephen for the purpose of the
oxidation pond or sewage la-
There is required an ease-
ment for a sewer along the
northerly extension of Carling
Street for a width of 66 feet ex.
tending from the north limit of
Nelson Street to the westerly
production of the northerly
limit of Church Street.
There is also required for a
sewer and force main a 66 foot
wide casein -lent extending from
the westerly end of Church
Street westerly along the west-
erly production of Church St. to
Lot 24, Con, 2 in the Town-
ship of Stephen, This easement
woulct cross the Canadian Na-
tional Railway right-ofway and
necessary arrangements must
be made for obtaining appro-
val with that company
Easements are also required
across the properties fronting
on the east and west sides of
Main Street from Wellington
Street to Huron Street, These
easements should, be 30 feet in
width if possible with a mini-
mum being 20 feet where it is
absolutely impossible to ob.
tain 30 feet. The easements re-
quired extend over the rear
portions of Lots 1049 to 1060 in-
clusive, 11,P, 20, Lots 157 to 148
inclusive, R.P, 20, Lots 119 to
143 inclusive, R.P. 20 and Lots
31 and 32, R.P. 20 all on the
East side of Main Street.
Tbe RAeernePtS recmrpa
the west side of Main Street
extend ever Lets 172 to 201. In*
elusive, R.P. 20, Lots 154 1,0
168 inclusive, R.P. 20 and 144
562 to 571 inplusive, R.P. 0.
I1 is impossible at this tie
to define the eXa0t position Pf
the easements required for
Sewers on the east and west
sides of Main Street, We have
made a visual inspection of the
area and find it is passible to
lay a sewer along the rear of
the Main " red properties,
flowever, 1' exact location
wiIl be rlf,pelctl>nt upon the lo,
cation ( buildings, utilities
etc., and we recommend that
an Ontario land surveyor he
employed to prepare a detailed
survey, plan and the necessary
descriptions for the easements,
There may be also an ease-
ment required across -the Au,
sahle River and the river flats.
We do not know who owns this
property, whether the Same is
publicly owned land or Private,
ly owned, If sante were pri-
vately own -ed th' _e would be,
required an easement across
the Ausable River flats extendrng -
fRrooamd. Main Street south-
v..esterly across the river to
MillAs we mentioned above there
will be required a permit to
cross the Canadian National
Railway right-of-way in Farm
Lot 24, Concession 1 where the
proposed easement crosses the
said. right-of-way. In addition,
it is necessary to obtain per-
mission from the Department;
of Highways of Ontario in the
form of permits to cross the
highway at two locations name-
ly, Mill Road and Anne Street,
We have estimated the cost
of legal fes, surveys and ac-
1510-'ionu,gorov etnlyti ea dee aups eams lenilnot:s at,
(1) Legal fees . $3,000.00'
fees and
plans .3,500.00
(3) 'Purchase of ease-
ments . 1,000.00
Total cost of acquiring
easements ... $7,500.00
In addition to the above we
estimate the cost of acquiring
the oxidation pond to be
620,000.00 being 100 acres of
land at $200.00 per acre.
We have provided for all of
the above costs in our esti-
mates for Stage I.
We have not provided for any
easements or costs in connec-
tion with Stages II or III but
it must be pointed out that,
these costs would be negligible
inasmuch as it is not proposed
here to construct any sewer or
force mains on any private
land or right-of-way at this
Stage 3 Cost Estimate
Our estimate of the cost of constructing sanitary lateral
sewers complete including all appurtenances and ancillary
works, including private service connections to serve all of the
remaining streets in the Town of Exeter is $317,750.00 made up
as follows:
28,000 lin. ft. 3" diameter sewer furnished and
laid complete (w $2.50 per lin. ft. . . .$ 70,000.00
27,600 lin, ft. 10" diameter sewer furnished and
laid complete fa: $3.00 per lin, ft. .
185 manholes constructed complete at 5300.00 each 82;800.00
800 private service connections constructed complete.
replacing pavements, roadways,
and granular backfill , . 20,000,00
Total for construction . 5276,300.00
151 for incidentals and contingencies 41,450.00 •
Estimated grants, subsidies
Winter works subsidy
Since the timing of the construction of the work is
subject to variation we have not calculated any possible sub-
sidies available under the winter works incentive program for
the proposed projects. It can be recognized, however, that there
Is a possibility or some significant saving being made under the
winter works incentive program if it is possible to take ad-
vantage of the grant through proper timing of the work.
Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation Grant under Bill C42
We have calculated the possible grants which may be
obtained through financing the work under Bill C42 as ad-
ministered by the Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation.
It is to be noted here that we have calculated this grant only
for part of Stage I since the subsequent stages would net
necessarily be eligible inasmuch as it is not known whether
they would be constructed before Mardi 31st, 1963, the present
dead -line for receiving grants or relief from payment of 25%
of the obligation to Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation,
We have not calculated any grant for the part of Stage
I comprising the construction of lateral sewers since it is
our understanding that the grant and loan facilities of the
Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation are not available for
'Metal sewers but rather are available only for trunk sewers,
interceptor sewers anal sewage treatment facilities.
Our estimate of the amount of grant available under
Bill CA2 is 533,457.00. This grant is calculated on the basis of
A Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation loan of 2/3 of $200,"
705.00 or $133,810.00 of which 25t7i would be written oft by the
Crown Corporation namely 533,457.00.
Estimated annual charges
We have calculated the estimated annual charges both
for the debenture payable to Central Mortgage & Housing Cor-
poration at the rate of 513*"; for 30 years and for the balance
of the mollies which we assume would be financed by the
Ontario Water Resources Commission at the flannel rates
charged at the present time by the commission, We calculate
the total Annual charges to be 526,262,00 made up as follows:
(1) C,M, & li.0 debenture charges IV'
for SO years on $100,353.00 $ 6,810.00
(ii) 0.W,R,C, charges on balance of rest of Stage 1
(866,895.00 566,660.00 - $133,555,00)
(A) Interest w679.06
(b) Sinking fend 2,071.00
(e) Reserve fund a4e,, 1,002.00
Total 0,W,B.C. charges
Mil Operating costs
)a) Power $2,800.00
(b) Chemicals & miscellaneous 800,00
(d) Texts and insuralice 500.00
(e) Salaries end administration 4,000.00
Total operating costs
, We estimate that the lifetinie of tho work Is 35 years,
Wo recOmmellti that the. :period of repayment be tot
there Man 30 years.
All 6( whieh is respdetrully sabmitted.
Consollin0 tugineetSi .Constxlibig Engieeer.
WINDSOIIT Ontario, GODERIC110 Ontario.